
Why a badly audible interlocutor in the phone android phone. Why me badly hears the interlocutor by phone - reasons and repairs. Disable automatic network definition

Many familiar friends, friends with the same problem with Skype, were addressed to me: they were very badly audible to interlocutors on the other side, as whether problems with the microphone. To help asked mostly happy owners of laptops, on which the microphone is built. Since such situations were familiar to me, I easily eliminated the fault. So I decided to write this article. Below I will tell you how to step by step and eliminate the problem when badly audible in skype.

First of all, you need to check the volume of your microphone. It is done very simple - each user Skype in contacts have a test number ECHO / SOUND TEST SERVICE,

it is necessary to call it after the sound signal to test the microphone, saying one or more proposals. After you hear yourself and understand whether you can be heard. If you heard okay - loudly, clearly, it is clear, then the problem is clearly on the other side (who are you calling). Then advise your interlocutors to check the columns or headphones. If you heard yourself very bad, then below the instructions for you!

Check the microphone volume directly in the Skype program. Let's open Skype, select "Tools" - "Settings",

Here we are interested in the "Sound Setup" section, we remove the bird from the "Allow automatic microphone tuning" item here and drag the microphone level slider to the maximum,

After that, we will make a test call to ECHO / SOUND TEST SERVICE To check the volume of the microphone. If you are still poorly audible, we move on to the settings of the microphone of the operating system. I will show on the example of Windows 10, but it will also fit the winners of the seventh version and the eighth. We turn to the control panel,

Select the section "Sound",

Another window will open, where we need to choose "levels".

As can be seen on the screen below, the microphone levels are almost at a minimum,

Correct it. We set the microphone level to the maximum, and the strengthening somewhere on the middle,

Click OK. Now we go again in Skype and call again on ECHO / SOUND TEST SERVICE For dough. I hear well, then the problem is eliminated, with which I congratulate! By the way, if you do not know, read the appropriate article. If heard itself very loud and at the same time, the microphone level must be slightly reduced. However, experiment as you like, if only you would have a good to hear the interlocutor.

Also see the instructions in the video format:

I will try to prompt the basic principles of the sound setting in the engineering menu.

On the same phones, but with a different firmware version, the engineering menu can be somewhat different. Describe the example of the iPhone H6 engineering menu.

We enter the engineering menu by entering the appropriate code. For example, for some models of phones * # 9646633

We go to the audio menu. Three modes are used in the audio settings:
- Normal mode - the main mode of use of the phone
- Loudspeaker mode - speakerphone mode
- Headphone mode - headset mode

Choose, sound in what mode it strains us. For example, we do not like the microphone sensitivity in "normal mode". We go to the "Normal Mode" menu - "Microphone". We observe the menu items "Volume 0" - "Volume 1" - "Volume 2" - "Volume 3" - "Volume 4" - "Volume 5" - "Volume 6". Data The menu items define the microphone signal level at various settings for the overall volume of the phone, the one that, if necessary, is adjusted by the phone's volume swing. Now changing the values \u200b\u200bin each of the 7 items, you can configure the phone for yourself. The basic principle is "the higher the speaker volume - the lower the sensitivity of the microphone" (if there is noise in the street - above the speaker volume to hear the interlocutor and below the microphone sensitivity, to reduce the transfer of external noise, and on the contrary - in a quiet room, with a quiet speaker sound, You can increase the sensitivity of the microphone, to not raise the voice). The minimum value of the specified parameters is 0, the maximum is 255.
Those. Install Type Settings:
Volume 0 - 255
Volume 1 - 235
Volume 2 - 215
Volume 3 - 205
Volume 4 - 195
Volume 5 - 185
Volume 6 - 175

These are not specific values. This is a principle. Specific values \u200b\u200bmay depend on the characteristics of your microphone.
The parameter values \u200b\u200bare selected by the volume swing.
Then "install".
Excessive sensitivity of the microphone leads the effect of echo when the interlocutor hears himself.

Similar to the microphone adjusts the volume of other audio devices:
Speech - level of speaker in talk mode
Keyboard tone - signal volume when you press keys
Melody - Volume of the call signal
Sound - Volume TV and FM

Similarly to the normal mode - values \u200b\u200bare set for the loudspeaker mode and headphone regime.

In each of the items (speech, melody, etc.) there is the last item "16 Level Setting". It has 2 parameters: max Analog Gain and Step. This is to set the 16-speed audio player volume in the appropriate mode (normal, headphones, etc.)
Max Analog Gain is the maximum volume of the audio player. Step is a step of reducing the volume (from the maximum) when you click on the "swing". Thus, if for example max Analog Gain \u003d 160, STEP \u003d 10, then the volume will be changed from the maximum (160) to zero. If Max Analog Gain \u003d 160, STEP \u003d 5, then the volume will be from 160 to 80.
These parameters are duplicated in all items (speech, melody, etc.), it is enough to install in some one point.
P.S. Not noticeed by their effect on the volume of the video player (although there is also a 16-speed regulation)

Often users of Sony Xperia's smartphones are unhappy with the quality of hearingness during contact with contact, and this situation occurs in the reverse order. In this article, we will consider all possible problems of hearing during communication. In most cases, the question can be solved at the program level without much effort, free and avoiding appeals to the repair centers.

The reasons will be considered in the sequence of the frequency that the owners of smartphones are faced.

The first reason. Software improvement sound quality.

There are a couple of functions, the essence of which in improving sound quality, in fact not on all smartphones they are adequately implemented. The functions of these "improved subscriber's voice" and "noise reduction." If your contact is concerned about the fact that your voice is heard inadequately and this concerns not only one person, try to make the simplest actions on the disconnection of these functions. To do this, just enter the call settings and deactivate them. Consider only that your smartphone may require a reboot after the proceeded operations.

The second reason. Not audible interlocutor due to network type

Network settings failure. This is not a frequent occasion, but, as you simply check it out, make the following: Go to the following items: Settings -\u003e Mobile Network -\u003e Type of Network -\u003e Torch in WCDMA / GSM. We overload the device, in this case, it is desirable with the removal of the battery (with a technical capabilities, after turning off I remove)

Third reason. Google OK.

The rapid function of the Android (in practice - no more than a toy, and even harmful because of the bugs in the work, which may affect many programs). This thing sometimes leads to the inability to hear the contact. Disable the "Voice Search" feature in Google services, settings are standard and intuitive.

Fourth reason. Serious failed by

From this point on, we go to the extreme ways to solve the problem when you do not hear or poorly audible interlocutor. And perhaps, for you at this stage there will be relevant appeal to a special service center -, but if you still want to figure out yourself, read on.

Hard Reset or "Hard Reset Smartphone to Factory Settings". Important moment - with this procedure, remember that all data (except for those on the map) will be erased, so be sure to make a preliminary backup of contacts, correspondence and other necessary information. We will not describe this procedure in detail, because there is a lot of information on this topic in the network and it is easily accessible.

Fifth reason. Technique failed

Your earphone or speaker failed. The most sad and expensive, since the only opportunity to resolve this situation is the appeal to the service center, where qualified specialists can help you. It is not recommended to try to repair independently repairs, in the absence of experience, no video lesson will be able to secure you from applying a device for even more damage.

As you can see, attracting masters to solve the issue - not so necessarily, you can spend some diagnostics yourself without spending extra money. But keep in mind that all the actions that you will spend on your smartphone will take place exclusively under your own responsibility.

What to do if the interlocutor hears me badly on the phone? If the device is on warranty, then you can simply contact the service center where you will repair or replace the corresponding parts. And if the warranty, unfortunately, has already expired? Then you should try to independently determine what the cause of this defect is: in software failure or in a hardware fault?

Why does the interlocutor do not hear me on the android phone?

It is possible to find out the cause of the problem quite quickly, simply by connecting the headset. If you then make a call on the speakerphone and the interlocutor will hear you - then the microphone built into the phone is damaged, and the device must be attributed to the service center to replace the part. At times helps the usual reboot of the smartphone.

Sometimes a consequence of the fact that the interlocutor does not hear you on the phone, there is a systematic failure that can be used to fix it yourself without referring to the specialists. In this case, you should enroll as follows:

  • Go to " Settings»
  • Find " Memory and backup»

  • Create a backup by connecting the memory card, or use the cloud storage, you can also save a copy using a computer via USB port
  • Produce " Reset to factory settings»

Measure radical, but if the device worked normally in its pure form before you began to install programs, it means that the problem is in the installed software. This turns out to be enough to eliminate the reason that the interlocutor hears me badly by phone.

If you apply this method, save all the information that is stored on the device, since it will be deleted during reset. Please note that all photos, video, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications will disappear, so do not neglect the backup. Some smartphone models have built-in utilities to save the backup in cloud service manufacturers. Read more about it in the article.

With full data reset, all information stored on the device (photos, video, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications) will be deleted. Before resetting data, be sure to create a backup - instruction.

What if the interlocutor hears me on the phone?

To troubleshoot microphone problems, try cleaning your phone using a program that is available in the Play Market. Tuber Cleener Safely Clears the smartphone from unnecessary files and programs that slow down the device and eliminate the settings errors. Run the application and the utility will control the work

Today I turned to the problem: "When talking, I am poorly audible in Skype, the problem with the microphone?". Previously, I already faced a similar problem, so I easily eliminated the fault and helped a person.

Immediately want to warn! Never believe people, if you are told that they are badly audible when talking in Skype, the problem does not always arise on the side of the "talking", maybe the problem at the other end of communication.

First, check the microphone volume level by calling the test number in Skype, it looks like this in the contact list:

After you talk with yourself, you will hear, really has a problem or it is not. If you hear yourself well, then the problem is on the other side of the conversation (possibly with headphones or speakers), if you hear yourself bad, read on ...

The next step, you need to check in the Skype settings of the microphone volume, for this open Skype, go to the menu " Instruments“–“Settings“–“Sound setting"And check the volume slider level. By default, the "Automatic Setup" canken, you can remove it, set the level to the maximum and make a test call once again.

If it does not help, go to the next item - check the sound settings in the Windows system. To do this, open " Control Panel" (on the menu " Start") And find a button there" Sound

Open this item and go to the tab " Record

click on the microphone twice (on which the green tick hangs) and go into the deposit " Levels

A fairly common situation, when during a conversation on a mobile one, one of the interlocutors does not hear another, which makes you nervous both sides, especially if you need to inform important information.

When a collision with a similar problem, many people write off their gadgets and think about buying a new one, but this is an erroneous action. Basically, when the phone does not hear the interlocutor, eliminate the breakdown is easy, it all depends on the source of the fault. About what methods to use and will be discussed in this article.

Close up sensor finger

When you use the touch mobile phone and do not hear the interlocutor, then the problem can be in an unintentional turning off the ear microphone. In modern smartphones, especially the initial price category, it can sometimes not work the approximation sensor, causing a lot of inconvenience. Try when you talk simply attach a hand to the approximation sensor (close the terminal chamber unit entirely) and tap on the microphone icon.

Adjust the volume

The easiest method is to try to add a sound level using hardware keys located on the gadget housing. Only after that move to other options.

Network overloaded

It often happens because of the network interruptions, for example, due to bad weather conditions or other radio domains. Call those. Supports your operator to ask why such a bad cellular communication in your location. If the consultant says that this problem does not come from them, then try to remove the SIM card, and then insert into place and repeat the call.

Ask to call back

In the case when the subscriber is still not heard, there is another way to restore sound - it is necessary that your interlocutor himself calls himself, and you raised the phone. This can work if the reason lies not in mechanical, but in software damage.

Sometimes, you can simply not see and disable the microphone upon call. This is especially true for modern Android and iOS devices. Turn on the microphone back and in 90% of cases it will fix the situation. If it does not help, you need to reboot the device and repeat the call.

Clean the speaker

Extreme option, but sometimes it works. Take a cotton wand with alcohol moistened and gently wipe the speaker of the smartphone. Those, the most accumulated dust and dirt fall out of the sound slots.

technical issues

All of the above tips do not always help, since the cause of the lack of volume can be mechanical. We will list damage under which the microphone stops working:

  • Inside the dynamics there is a magnetic coil, the coils of which are connected to the contacts on the board. One of these turns can break through, which will lead to the failure of the part.
  • There are telephone models where the speaker is connected to the board through the loop. Such a wire is able to simply break or tear away from the connector.
  • It is possible to rub the tracks on the chip, which is responsible for supplying the power to the microphone and speaker.
  • To convert and transmit sounds in the design of the device there is a special chip, it can also burn or mechanically damaged after a strong impact.
  • The volume button is also not eternal and often breaks at the time of the sound off.

To conduct an independent repair of such elements is real, but only if you have relevant knowledge. In other situations, it is better to feature mobile phones to a service center to restore the microphone performance.

Reset settings to factory

If the manipulation was noted earlier, you did, but still a badly audible interlocutor on the phone, you can return the cellular to the factory options, as the software is sometimes able to fail. This procedure is performed using the Settings menu in the Restore and Reset tab. Depending on the modification and brand of the telephone, this item may be called otherwise. Go to the "Restore and Reset" item, click "Resetting the settings to factory."

We want to warn you if there are some significant information, photos, audio recordings or stock footage in your smartphone, you first raise everything you need for an external drive. Thus, after resetting the settings, you can easily return the entire content to the machine and continue to use it.

The bad news is that if it does not help, the Android firmware will be needed, which is written just below.

Important! Do not forget your accounts (Google, Viber, Skype, Mail, etc.), after reset, they will also be deleted, so remember in advance and write out all the logins and passwords from them.

Serious reasons

An even more radical method of recovery of hearing speakers is a flashing of the gadget, because problems can begin due to the OS software failure. To make such an operation, there are many sites where you yourself find the instructions and the necessary utilities for your model of the smartphone.

True, it is important to deal here in the intricacies of computer wisdom at least at the average level. Otherwise, this malfunction will be able to eliminate almost any specialist for the service for repairing cellular. Bring the gadget and tell me: "With a conversation, I wonderfully hear, but I do not". Then the master will know where to start diagnostics.

Ask a question to a virtual expert

If you have any questions, ask them to a virtual expert, the bot will help you find a malfunction and tell me what to do. You can talk to him about life or just chat, it will be interesting and informative!

Enter the question in the field and press ENTER or send.


First of all, it is necessary to correctly and as accurately define the cause of the fault, using all the methods from this article. Since in most cases you can return the phone to full performance, without applying special efforts. If the device is under warranty, then do not bother, and immediately carry it into the service center.


What to do if the interlocutor hears me badly on the phone? If the device is on warranty, then you can simply contact the service center where you will repair or replace the corresponding parts. And if the warranty, unfortunately, has already expired? Then you should try to independently determine what the cause of this defect is: in software failure or in a hardware fault?

Why does the interlocutor do not hear me on the android phone?

It is possible to find out the cause of the problem quite quickly, simply by connecting the headset. If you then make a call on the speakerphone and the interlocutor will hear you - then the microphone built into the phone is damaged, and the device must be attributed to the service center to replace the part. At times helps the usual reboot of the smartphone.

Sometimes a consequence of the fact that the interlocutor does not hear you on the phone, there is a systematic failure that can be used to fix it yourself without referring to the specialists. In this case, you should enroll as follows:

  • Go to " Settings»
  • Find " Memory and backup»

  • Create a backup by connecting the memory card, or use the cloud storage, you can also save a copy using a computer via USB port
  • Produce " Reset to factory settings»

Measure radical, but if the device worked normally in its pure form before you began to install programs, it means that the problem is in the installed software. This turns out to be enough to eliminate the reason that the interlocutor hears me badly by phone.

If you apply this method, save all the information that is stored on the device, since it will be deleted during reset. Please note that all photos, video, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications will disappear, so do not neglect the backup. Some smartphone models have built-in utilities to save the backup in cloud service manufacturers. Read more about it in the article.

With full data reset, all information stored on the device (photos, video, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications) will be deleted. Before resetting data, be sure to create a backup - instruction.

What if the interlocutor hears me on the phone?

To troubleshoot microphone problems, try cleaning your phone using a program that is available in the Play Market. Tuber Cleener Safely Clears the smartphone from unnecessary files and programs that slow down the device and eliminate the settings errors. Run the application and the utility will control the operation of the system files of the smartphone.

  • Download and install the program on the device
  • Run " Accelerate»

  • Turn on Cleener Tuber
  • Getting rid of garbage clogging system

Clear the smartphone from files that lead to software malfunctions, you can use the built-in utility, if so is on your phone. To use this feature you need:

  • Go to " Safety»
  • Then choose " Optimize»

  • Select files that are optimized.
  • Purify clean

With the call, the interlocutor does not hear me - cardinal measures

Well, the last option is to reflash the phone. It is most likely not to be independently without a certain skill, if you do not have sufficient experience or never engaged in flashing. Better contact the service center, there will make specialists there faster and safer for a smartphone. If you decide to change the software yourself, you should go to the phone manufacturer's website to download the firmware and pour into the device. But, daring to such a step, be sure to create and save the backup how to do this is described above.

We intentionally do not give tips like "take toothpick and independently clean the microphone hole from the accumulated dirt or dust", as it is easy to damage the microphone, pushing it. After that, the replacement is possible only in the service center. If the interlocutor hears badly by phone, take advantage of our advice.

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