
Oscilloscope prefix to PC. USB oscilloscope Instrustar ISDS210B as a prefix to a PC. Homemade variants of modern oscilloscope consoles

Digital Oscilloscope v3.0 is a popular radio amateur program that will turn your computer into a virtual oscilloscope

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Today on the site we will look at a simple amusement programtransformed home computer in oscilloscope.

There are two ways to transform a personal computer in oscilloscope. You can buy or make a prefix that connect to a PC. The prefix will be ADC, software-managed. And on the PC to install the appropriate program. But this is a cost way. The second method - without cost, in any PC there is already a ADC and DAC - sound card. Using it can be converted into a simple computer low-frequency oscilloscope, Only installing software, well, you will have to solder a simple input divider. There are no such programs. Today we will look at one of them - Digital Oscilloscope v3.0..

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After starting the program, a window appears on the screen very similar to the usual oscilloscope. Line input is used to supply a signal sound card. The input is usually needed a signal no more than 0.5-1 volts, otherwise the restriction occurs, so you need to discharge the input divider by a simple scheme, as shown in Figure 2.

KD522 diodes are needed to protect the audio card entry from too much signal. After connecting the circuit and the input signal, you need to turn on the oscilloscope. To do this, press the Run field with the mouse and select the Start or press the triangle in the second top of the window. The oscilloscope will show the signal. The lower right corner of the screen will display the frequency and period of the signal. But the voltage shown by the oscilloscope may not correspond to reality. When establishing the input divider, you must try to set the division coefficient so that the magnitude of the voltage shown on the screen is as real as possible.

Appointment of controls. Time / Div - time / division; Trigger - synchronization; Calib - level; Volt / Div - voltage / division. And one more advantage of this program is an oscilloscope memory - work can be stopped, and the oscillogram will remain on the screen that you can save in the PC memory or print.

Nowadays, the use of various measuring devices built on the basis of interaction with a personal computer is quite a lot. A significant advantage of their use is the ability to save the values \u200b\u200bobtained quite large in the device's memory, followed by their analysis.

Digital USB Oscilloscope from computerwhose description we give in this article is one of the variants of such measuring instruments radio amateur. It can be applied as an oscilloscope and device recording electrical signals in rAM and on hDD Computer.

The scheme is not complicated and contains a minimum of components, as a result of which it was possible to achieve a good compact device.

The main characteristics of the USB oscilloscope:

  • ADC: 12 discharges.
  • Temporary scan (oscilloscope): 3 ... 10 ms / division.
  • A temporary scale (recorder): 1 ... 50 seconds / sample.
  • Sensitivity (without divider): 0.3 volt / division.
  • Synchronization: external, internal.
  • Data recording (format): ASCII, text.
  • Maximum input resistance: 1 IOM parallel to capacity 30 PF.

Description of the operation of the oscilloscope from the computer

To exchange data, between the USB oscilloscope and personal computer, the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface is applied. This interface Future Technology Devices FT232BM (DD2) Future Technology Devices microcircuits function. It is an interface converter. The FT232BM microcircuit may function both in direct bitbang bits control (when using the D2xx driver) and in the virtual COM port mode (when using the VCP driver).

The role of ADC is applied integral microcircuit AD7495 (DD3) firms Analog Devices. This is nothing more than an analog-to-digital converter with 12 discharges, with an internal source of reference voltage and serial interface.

The AD7495 chip also has a frequency synthesizer that determines how the speed will be exchanged between FT232BM and AD7495. To create the necessary data exchange protocol, uSB program The oscilloscope fills the output buffer of the USB by the individual values \u200b\u200bof the bits for SCLK and CS signals as shown in the following figure:

Measuring one cycle is determined by a series of nine hundred and sixty conversion transformations. The FT232BM chip with a frequency determined by the built-in frequency synthesizer sends SCLK and CS electrical signals parallel to the transformation data transformation through the SDATA line. The period of the 1st full conversion of the FT232BM ADP, which sets the sampling rate, corresponds to the duration of the sending period 34 of the data bytes, issued by the DD2 chip (16 data bits + pulse line CS). Since the speed of FT232BM data transmission is due to the frequency of the internal frequency synthesizer, then to modify the sweep values, you just need to change the FT232BM microcircuit frequency synthesizer values.

The data taken by a personal computer, after certain processing (zoom change, zero adjustment), are displayed on the monitor screen in graphical form.

The signal under study enters the XS2 connector. Operational amplifier OP747 is designed to match input signals with the rest of the USB circuit of the oscilloscope.

On modules DA1.2 and DA1.3, a shift circuit of a two-polar input signal into the zone of positive voltage was constructed. Since the internal source of the reference voltage of the DD3 chip has a 2.5 volt voltage, then without the use of divisors, the coverage of input voltages is -1.25 .. + 1.25 V.

To have the ability to explore signals having a negative polarity, with actually unipolar nutrition From the USB connector (A), a DD1 voltage converter was used, which for powering OP747 produces a negative polarity voltage. To protect against the interference of the analogue of the oscilloscope, the components R5, L1, L2, C3, C7-C11 are applied.

To display information on the computer monitor screen, the USCPoE program is designed. With this program, it is possible to visually evaluate the value of the signal under study, as well as its shape as an oscillogram.

To control the oscilloscope, the MS / DIV buttons are designed. In the program, you can save an oscillogram and data to a file using the corresponding menu items. For virtual inclusion and shutdown of the oscilloscope, the POWER ON / OFF buttons are used. When disconnecting the oscilloscope scheme from the computer, the USCPOE program is automatically translated into OFF mode.

In recording mode electrical signal (Recorder), the program creates text filewhose name can be set on the next way: File-\u003e Choice Data File. Initially the Data.txt file is formed. Further files can be imported into other applications (Excel, Mathcad) for further processing.

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USB Oscilloscope PV6501 is designed to create a radio amateur workplace, adjuster, developer based on a personal computer or laptop.

Detailed description

In addition to the oscilloscope, the prefix works in the generator and frequency mode.


  • High sampling frequency. Allows you to reliably display a signal up to 20 MHz.
  • Complete sense of work with a conventional analog oscilloscope. Instant response to user actions. Fast set and display samples.
  • Intuitive understandable interface. Simple and logical control. You do not even have to read the instruction - in order to start working with PV6501 for the first time one look at the screen.
  • Built-in generator up to 10 MHz. It is convenient to use for the removal of the frequency response.
  • Accurate frequency meter. 7 significant digits are displayed.
  • Comfortable installation. The program can be accommodated anywhere, even run from a CD. Installation is not upgraded system registry, the system is installed only standard driver USB.
  • Galvanized. Your laptop is protected from the measured circuit. Noise from the power supply of the computer will not interfere with measurements.
  • Dimensions: 165 x 80 x 30 mm
  • Weight: 150 g


  • Oscilloscope PV6501
  • CD (contains a program, drivers and instructions).
  • USB-AB cable 1.8 m.


  • Oscilloscope
    • Marker measurements, auto measurement of signal parameters, signal scaling (time magnifier), recording an oscillograms to a file (in graphical or text form).
    • Mode of registration of emissions (glitch) and suppressing the effect of the imposition of the PEAK Detect spectra.
    • Open / closed entry mode. (For correct measurements with closed entrance The value of the constant component must be from -20 to +20 V.)
  • Synchronization
    • Internal and external synchronization.
    • On the front / slice of the input signal.
    • Waiting (launching sweep when performing synchronization conditions). Automatic (the start of the sweep is performed automatically regardless of the synchronization condition). Possible once or multiple scanning.
  • Generator
    • Work based on direct digital frequency synthesis (DDS).
    • The frequency swing mode is synchronously with an oscilloscope scan (GCC).
  • Electronic counting frequency meter
    • The principle of operation is based on the simultaneous measurement of frequency and signal period at the time interval of 1 sec.


  • Oscilloscope:
    • maximum discretization frequency 100 MHz
    • the discharge of the ADC 8 bits
    • 20 MHz vertical rejection amplifier bandwidth
    • input resistance 1 Mom
    • input Capacity 20 PF
    • maximum allowable input voltage (the amount of constant and variable components) 150 V
    • open / closed entry mode For correct measurements with a closed input, the value of the constant component should be from -20 to +20 V.
    • memory amount 8000 samples
    • vertical deviation coefficients 50 mV / cases ... 2 V / DI. (6 calibrated values \u200b\u200bin increments of 1-2-5)
    • the sweep coefficients horizontally 50 ns / cases ... 2 C / cases. (24 calibrated values \u200b\u200bin increments of 1-2-5). On the scans 100 ms / case ... 2 s / deed. Continuous cyclic mode (without a dead zone) with continuous visualization.
    • input Resistance to Entry External Synchronization 1 Mom
    • input Capacity 20 PF
    • the level of response to the input of external synchronization of 1.3 V (Schmitt trigger with thresholds 1.0 V and 1.6 V)
    • maximum allowable voltage at the input of external synchronization (the amount of constant and variable components) 150 V
  • Synchronization:
    • customizable level ± 4 divisions
    • customized pre-election length 0 ... 9 divisions
    • customized noise cancellation level during synchronization (hysteresis) 0 cases ... 2 cases
    • customizable front / cut number causing inchurization 1 ... 255
  • Generator:
    • range of generated frequencies 0.1 Hz ... 10 MHz
    • 100 MHz sampling frequency
    • dAC 9 bits
    • battery Battery Battery 40 Bit
    • frequency setting step 5 significant discharges (but not less than 0.1 Hz)
    • pulse generator mode with arbitrary duty in the range of 10 ns ... 1 s
    • the adjustment range of the amplitude is 1 in ... 4 V (value from peak to peak: the output signal of the generator has a constant component \u003d 1/2 values \u200b\u200bfrom peak to peak.)
    • adjustment step 8 mV
    • output resistance 50 ohms
  • Electronic counting frequency meter:
    • the range of measured frequencies from an input of oscilloscope 2 Hz ... 30 MHz, from entering external synchronization to 250 MHz
    • sensitivity from the input of the oscilloscope of at least 20 mV,
    • from the entrance of the external synchronization - the Schmitt trigger with the thresholds of 1.0 V and 1.6 V
    • when working from an input of an oscilloscope, the frequency meter operates in terms of synchronization, while setting the noise cancellation level (hysteresis) 0 cases ... 2 cases, X - coefficient of deviation vertical oscilloscope
    • digit 7 significant digits

Operating conditions

  • The maximum voltage at the inlet of the oscilloscope and the external synchronization + -150 V. The ambient air temperature is +10 .. + 30 ° C. Relative humidity no more than 75% at 20 ° C.

Minimum computer requirements:

  • Pentium i - 166 MHz, 64 RAM, Win 98, USB_1.1, 5 V, 500 MA.

Propets for Osciral - HP-9060

  • The fact is that it hurts a pleasant and beautiful toy. Now instead of laptops - netbooks went (ASUS on the vernelone is cheaper than $ 250 and less weight (1 kg) and size (9 inches)). The netbook is also reference, and you can quickly go to the Internet if that. It feeds on batteries. And the consoles are full (the leading PICO manufacturer is the most expensive). They are also voltmeters and spectrum analyzers. Some cheap models come with open source sources to software on the Pascal or C and can be changed to your taste interface (menu, color rays, automation). Assortment Pico.
  • I think that the device must be an instrument and not a place of entertainment and there are many flaws from these missiles.
  • Let the device be the device, but with you the entire listed fleet of instruments do not drain, and not only the park - separate devices too, and some simply not for pocket. So such a portable "probing laboratory" except the mentioned friend is very promising. Each berry is your time;)
  • Instruments from Pico - damn, really dear. By parameters are not bad. For example, I do not show any special requirements from such a "grafting" of special requirements, I would not interfere with me (I have almost always a laptop with me), but not for such prices as Pico. You can, of course, look at E-Bay ...
  • on ebay.
  • Anyway, versatility is the reverse side of the specialization. I had a similar thing for sample. Despite the small size of my MaxMedia (photo in the section Talk to a free topic-about Ivan Tsarevich and toad) I did not seem to use a similar device convenient. But taste and color, as they say ...
  • Let's then, like steep experts, we will measure separate current devices, voltage (separately constant and variables), resistance. :)
  • Do not twist and bring to the absurd. The size of any multimeter is not commensurate with the place occupied on the table offered. Add here the possible burning in the laptop by the soldering iron of something (good, if not screen). Everyone thinks, then I'm careful, nothing can be buried that only others do. The cost of this + the cost of the laptop (not all of the house has enough space) pulls on a good digital storage oscilloscope. I repeat-I tried the Aktakaki cracker and I did not like it all. And when you grow up to any serious tasks, you may simply have to measure the values \u200b\u200bof your specialized devices.
  • Joke is not blundering. Okay, I will not joke if you react so much. Give better numbers. "A good digital storage oscilloscope" is very expensive (like a car). I mean not a stole device. All I wrote I meant infidelid. Give prices with links (at least on a bad digital oscilloscope). I am curious to see your calculations. I do not agree. While I agree only with your argument about the burning soldering iron. The spectrum analyzers with which I worked with the carts and cost 50-100,000 $. I never buy such a thing. Yes, and keep at home I won't want it. I look from private practice, not a company that can afford a lot of things.
  • It depends on, of course, what to imply under the word is not bad - everything depends on the task. And depending on which car to keep in mind. For me not bad decision It turned out to be 25mgcx2kanal UNIT-T 14000rub. 100mgc2kanal already 30000 rubles. Summer prices last year. Maybe these devices will not satisfy you, do not know your tasks, but I can confidently predict that even for $ 30000, a pretty car (which will ride more than to break) not to purchase this amount. Aktakak has similar devices-watched by sending an elix. For research of UPS, MCU, TV nodes on CRT quite very much. If your tasks go for this circle-alas. GKC cost much very, high-precision appliances. But these must be used at work. Or, if his work is organized and it successfully brings profitable, to put the damn toad, no matter how much the device is worth it. For it is needed for making money in a private manner. Although here we argue about tastes-buy your own comfort-experience share.
  • Once again it emphasizes that these consoles are not only an oscilloscope, but also a bunch of other devices, including, as a rule, the spectrum analyzer. So if you consider money, then you need to add the cost of several devices, and not just an oscilloscope. About prices, apparently, we are useless to discuss - from the country depends greatly. A car that will still be worn to ride for several years I can also buy for $ 1000 and even cheaper. I am my 14-year-old Byuche, still quite on the go, was forced to give out 500 to $ 4 years ago as it was no longer worth even then. The car is a lot of consumer goods necessary and therefore it is cheap, oscilloscope and TP is a professional device - limited demand and therefore costs expensive.
  • Judging by the parameters - this device, more similar to the radio amateur. The price is true, quite professional ... Do not also forget about the software. Some experience of communicating with similar devices allows me to say that, as a rule, software is also made at the amateur level. Unfortunately ...: (God forbid, so that this device is exactly the exception ...
  • Here is this grazing yes to adapt to the handheld.
  • And I will probably order a similar device (I will look after the parameters) on E-Bay. Pure for "home workshop", when designing your devices and nothing more. I will then unsubscribe ...
  • Vadzz, read here
  • Here is a more solid office and, accordingly, more expensive than the Unit-T mentioned by me. For $ 1000, you can buy precisely the driving car, and not normal (i.e. replacement only supplies Both liquids), although the measure of one's own and depends on external influences (life) on the control system (brain). The spectrum analyzer has never been required, since I dealt with tasks that are not related to the need for this kind of device. The swinging frequency generator (in the spacious "acheometer") used 1 time in life. For what purposes, you, Slavar1, use the spectrum analyzer?
  • Leas, you wrote that "but I can confidently predict that even for $ 30000rub (which will ride more than to break) for this amount not to purchase." I answered this. Spectrum Analyzers We mainly used to remove frequency characteristics Piezodators who were hundreds of varieties in different frequency ranges (from infrasound frequencies up to 15 kHz). Chage in infra. For the home by a radio amateur, he can, of course, can come in handy - only for those who constantly rivets amplifiers and filters, but can be useful when dealing with an interference.
  • There is a frequency meter and cursor dimensions in modern tsyfzcospyl. That's what I wanted to emphasize. The rest is everything. And I already wrote that the dispute on this is a dispute about the taste of oysters, but I already ate them! I did not like it, here Vaddz if I get-sharing your impressions.
  • Hello! I specialize in the repair of automotive alarms operating at a frequency of 433 megahertz, I need to see the encoding and the process of modulation, to remember and reproduce these signals. The presence of a generator, frequency meter, voltmeter and an oscilloscope - must for me! What device do you recommend? And this device would have enough processing rates, etc. I'd like to know specific model and price!: EEK:
  • The oscilloscope of the multimeter frequency meter can be replaced here this .... with the generator will be more difficult if you really want to generate complex signals for 433mgz ...

It is no secret that novice radio amateurs do not always have an expensive measuring equipment at hand. For example, an oscilloscope, which even in the Chinese market, the cheapest model costs about several thousand.
Oscilloscope is needed to repair various schemes, checking the amplifier distortion, sound equipment settings, etc. Very often, the low-frequency oscilloscope is used when diagnosing sensors in the car.
In this number, the simplest oscilloscope made from your personal computer will help you. No, your computer does not have to disassemble and refine. You will need only to solder the console - divider, and connect it to a PC through the audio entrance. And to display the signal to install a special software. Here for a couple of tens of minutes you will have your own oscilloscope, which may well be consolidated to analyze signals. By the way, you can use not only a stationary PC, but also a laptop or netbook.
Of course, such an oscilloscope with a large stretch is comparable to a real device, as it has a small frequency range, but the thing in the farm is very useful to see the output of the amplifier, various pulsations of power supplies and TP.

Scheme consoles

Agree that the scheme is incredible simple and will not require a lot of time for its assembly. This divider is a limiter that protects the sound card of your computer from a dangerous voltage, which you can accidentally fall on the entrance. The divider can be 1, by 10 and 100. The sensitivity of the entire circuit is adjusted by the variable resistor. Confix K. linear entrance PC sound card.

Collect the prefix

You can take boxing from batteries like me or another plastic case.


The oscilloscope program will visualize the signal filed to the audio card input. I will offer you for downloading two options:
1) Simple program Without installation with the Russian interface, download.

(Dropping: 9899)

2) And the second with the installation, it can be downloaded -.

What to use - choose to you. Take and install both, and choose there.
If you already have a microphone installed, then after installing and starting the program, the sound waves can already be observed that enter the microphone. It means everything is OK.
To the console, no drivers will need no longer.
We connect the prefix to the linear or microphone input of the sound card and use on health.

If you have never had experience in working with an oscilloscope, I sincerely recommend that you repeat this homemade and work with such a virtual device. The experience is very valuable and interesting.

In amateur practice, it is quite often the need to control the signal in places where there is no place for the tool and instruments. In these cases, it is necessary to use the devices that have small sizes, possess many functions and are convenient for frequent movements. It would be indispensable to be a compact digital oscilloscope with autonomous nutrition. In this case, the laptop combination and the oscilloscope prefix may turn out to be the most successful solution.

Consider the manufacturer of digital oscilloscopes-consoles to personal computer Production Hantek-Electronic.

DSO2150 Oscilloscope

DS02150 is a two-channel digital USB oscilloscope. It has small dimensions of 187x100x33 mm, 60 MHz bandwidth with a real-time sampling frequency 150 MS / S and a capacity capacity of 10 ... 512 Kb. When using two channels, the sample frequency is reduced by 2 times. The discharge of the ADC (vertical resolution) of 8 bits. This is the usual bittyness of both many consoles to computers and autonomous oscilloscopes. The minimum amplitude of the signal is 10 mV for division. At the same time, the voltage at the input of the console should never exceed 35 V.

The advantage of the oscilloscope of the prefixes DS02150 is the possibility of measurements with subsequent mathematical processing of signals. In the oscilloscope of the DSO2150 there are capabilities of cursor measurements and 23 types of automatic measurements (measuring VP-P, VMAX, VMIN, VMEAN, VRMS, VAMP, VHIGH, VMEAN, POSITIVEOVERSHOOT, NEGATIVEOVERSHOOT, the average cycle value, RMS cycle, period, frequency, positive impetus width , the width of the negative impulse, the rise time (10% ~ 90%), the recess time (10% ~ 90%), the working cycle).

The oscilloscope of the DS02150 prefix can be used for a very wide range of measurements, in particular, in the design and maintenance of radio-electronic equipment, in the fields of telecommunications and communication, in production computer equipment, in the diagnosis of motor vehicles at maintenance stations and many others in which it is necessary to test and evaluate the transient processes.

Brief specifications DSO2150:

  • USB bandwidth of the USB oscilloscope of 60 MHz.
  • 2 channels, an additional channel of external synchronization.
  • Real-time sampling frequency 150 ms / s.
  • Resolution 8 Bit.
  • Capacity of memory 10 ... 64k.
  • An arbitrarily adjustable pre-registration mode / post-beanis 0% ~ 100%.
  • Magician Magazine, Testing on a mask.
  • Cursor measurements.
  • 23 types of automatic measurements.
  • Fourier spectrum analyzer, 4 types of mathematical operations, Lissuzh.
  • Automatic installation of optimal sweep mode and synchronization.
  • USB USB USB 2.0 Oscilloscope Interface additional food not required.
  • Saving Data, Formats: BMP, JPG, Excel, Saving the instrument settings.
  • Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista.
  • Dimensions: 187x100x33 mm.

DSO5200A Oscilloscope

DSO5200A is a two-channel digital USB oscilloscope. It has the same small dimensions (187x 100 × 33 mm) as DS02150, but 200 MHz bandwidth with a sample frequency in real
Time 250 MSD / C and capacity capacity 10 ... 512 Kb. When using two channels, the sample frequency is reduced by 2 times. The discharge of the ADC (vertical resolution) 9 bits. The amount of efficient bit depends on the frequency of the signal. In the current software (version 6 and 7) The signal is scaled up to 8 bits, so all the advantages of 9 bits cannot be used. The manufacturer promises to solve this problem in the next version. The minimum amplitude of the signal is 10 mV for division. At the same time, the voltage at the input of the console should never exceed 35 V.

The advantage of the oscilloscope of the DSO5200A prefix is \u200b\u200bthe ability to measure and mathematical signal processing. In the DS05200A oscilloscope there are capabilities of cursor measurements and 23 types of automatic measurements (measuring VP-P, VAMAX, VMIN, VMEAN, VRMS, VAMP, VHIGH, VMEAN, POSITIVEOVERSHOOT, NEGATIVEOVERSHOOT, the average cycle value, RMS cycle, period, frequency, positive pulse width , the width of the negative impulse, the rise time (10% ~ 90%), the recess time (10% ~ 90%), the working cycle).

Fourier spectrum analyzer, mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and saving signals in formats: TXT, JPG, BMP, MS Excel / Word.

DS05200A Oscilloscope can be used for a very wide range of measurements, in particular when developing and maintaining radio-electronic equipment, in telecommunications and communication areas, in the manufacture of computer equipment, in the diagnosis of vehicles at maintenance stations and many others in which it is necessary to test and evaluate what is happening Transient processes.

Brief specifications DS05200A:

  • 200 MHz bandwidth, 2 channels, an additional external synchronization channel.
  • USB 2.0 interface, does not require external power supply.
  • Suitable for use with portable computers.
  • Dimensions (mm): 190 (length) x 100 (width) x 35 (height).
  • High performance, discretization frequency 250 MHz (250 MSD / C) in real time, equivalent sampling frequency up to 50 GHz, 200 MHz bandwidth.
  • OS: Windows98, WindowsMe, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista.
  • 23 Measurement functions, self-test.
  • Average signal form, intensity, inverting, emulation of electronic phosphor, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, X-y schedule.
  • Saving a signal to the following formats: Text, JPG / BMP, MS Excel / Wordfile.
  • Multiple devices can be connected to one computers.
  • Support LabViewVBVCDelphic ++ Builder.

Oscilloscope-prefix DSO3064 Kit I

DSO3064 Kit I is a four-channel digital USB oscilloscope.

Brief uSB characteristics-cillograph DSO3064 Kit I:

  • The bandwidth is 60 MHz.
  • Number of channels 4.
  • Specialization frequency 200 MSD / s.
  • Memory on the channel 10 to 16 M.
  • Maximum input voltage 400 V (DC + AC PEAK).
  • Frequency meter.

Car diagnostics:

  • ignition (primary and secondary windings);
  • nozzles and fuel pumps;
  • starter and battery charging schemes;
  • LAMBDA-probe, air flow sensor, detonation sensor, incandescent candle sensor, turbine timer.
  • CAN tires, Lin and FlexRay tires.
  • Interfaces: USB and optionally available LAN, WiFi.
  • Power supply: from 8 to 36 V.
  • Software compatible with operating systems: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.

All these advantages are high speed, small dimensions, ease of use and low cost, allow you to say that the oscilloscopes-consoles-prefixes of the DSO production of Hantekelectronic is a decent alternative to traditional digital storage oscilloscopes.

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