
The central button does not work on the Samsung Galaxy S4. The central button does not work on the Samsung Galaxy S4 on the main button Galaxy S4

The Galaxy S4 does not work the central button - what to do? Try to restart your device, but if it does not help, then it should be wider and determine what the problem lies.

Why usually a central button does not work on Galaxy C4

There are a number of ordinary factors that cause such a breakdown:

  • chip sequins;
  • water fell into the device;
  • the button is smelted due to mechanical damage.

But there are also cases when the central button does not function due to software failures. In this situation, it is necessary to diagnose the gadget, to determine the faulty items, after which it is to replace them and reconfigure the phone. Of course, perform such actions yourself without special equipment will not work. In this regard, Samsung users turn into reliable service centers.

Repair of the central button SAMSUNG GALAXY S4

If your Galaxy S4 has a central button does not react when you press it, then perhaps the problem is serious. In any case, it will be better to contact service center LP Pro, where the best high-class specialists are collected.

Thanks to many years of experience and skills, as well as most modern equipment and advanced technologies, all work on the return of life to your device are performed on the very high level. In our work, we rely on acquired knowledge and use only original spare parts in which all 100 are confident.

We guarantee fast and high-quality elimination of any malfunction. If your gadget can be fixed, then LP Pro employees will cope with this.

It has incredibly many possibilities. You don't even guess about many of them. We present you a collection of advice, hidden possibilities, subtleties and receptions, so that you can get something more from one of the best smartphones - Galaxy S4.

Disconnect S Voice on Galaxy S4 for a faster HOME button response.

You know, you are talking about it or not, but double pressing the HOME key calls S Voice, and has a built-in delay. So if you press it once to return to main screen, then there will be a small pause, as the phone will wait for you to press the second time. If you disable dual clicking to call S Voice, you can quickly get to the main screen. Just go to S VOICE, press the Menu key, then "Settings", and uncheck the "Open using the Home key" checkbox.

Slide contacts to make a call or send a message.

When you are in contacts, instead of pressing the contact and select an action, you can simply slip your finger to the left to make a call or right to send a message. The best thing in this is that you can change your solution: If you start sliding to the right to call someone, then you understand that a person is busy, you just slide back to the left, and you will receive a window to send a message. It does not depend on the speed of slip, so if you are slightly slow, you can "hang" in the middle of slip, think that what option you want to choose, then continue to slide into the direction you want.

Use the Hidden Galaxy S4 settings.

This can be done using a super-project called Note 2 Hidden Settings. Yes, it is created for the device Galaxy Note. 2, but also works on many samsung devices. It simply installs user interface On top of hidden CSC files, so you can change them with ease. Just so that it worked, you need to get root access. You can do a lot of things, for example, change the opposite sounds that the S4 publishes when the camera is not available and much more. There is no warranty that this application will work on any device, so do not ask us to fix it, just because it does not work for you.

DIY Wireless charging for Galaxy S4.

Listen! Do not spend a whole condition for the official Samsung wireless charging DIY for Galaxy S4! You can make it yourself! There is nothing complicated in this. You just need to buy Qi and paste it under your S4 cover. All this will cost you $ 25 and add hand to your smartphone. Look below the video from Hackintech, and you will see what you need and how easy it is to do your wireless charging.

Use the infrared port to control your TV.

This is an old function that most people still do not use. Simply install the Watchon application, select your country and service provider, add the widget in the quick access menu or even on the lock screen, and you can manage the TV, console or DVR using your smartphone. You will be able to track your favorite shows, set reminders and even get the offers of the show that may be interesting to you. This feature is definitely underestimated.

Take photos and manage the alarm clock using voice.

One of the possibilities of voice control from Samsung, which is often forgotten, is the ability to make a photo or control alarm clock using voice commands. Everyone remembers that you can control incoming calls or Chaton Samsung, but you can pronounce "Syyr" to make a photo. This is a great opportunity to avoid shaking the camera when you make selfie. Also, simply by saying "I am sung", lying on the pillow, you can stop this hellish alarm clock. Of course, in the same way you can manage music. Just go to "Settings" and you will see the button " Voice control" By clicking on it once, you will open a lot of opportunities for voice control.

Open Touchwiz for Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Although android Update 5.0 Lollipop will be released, presumably, in mid-2015, there is no reason for which you cannot get lollipop before. If you do not have root access, there are many available APK files and applications, including Nova Launcher, which your phone has many of android features 5.0. If you have root access, for sure, in the near future you will be able to download the informal version of the updated Android.

Use the home screen slider.

Did you know that you do not need to go on glass to switch between screens? Right above the icon of the required application on home screen There is an indicator that shows on which screen you are in relation to the main one. Instead of running from the screen to the screen, you can simply slide your finger on this indicator and quickly run through different home screens. You do not even need to keep your finger at the bottom (although you can), just slide with your finger on the indicator and you will see numbered screens for quick switching.

Quick access to applications from the lock screen.

Select important applications to which you want to access directly from the lock screen. There may be not only the camera, but also others, for example, telephone, messages, Google Search, and internet.

Get more from your camera.

You knew that you can add the camera icon on the lock screen and connect your samsung Camera with a smartphone? To install the camera icon on the lock screen, go to "Settings", "My Device", "Lock Screen", click on the lock screen widgets and select your favorite applications or camera, then select the chamber.

Now, to enable the camera, you just just slide to the left on the lock screen. To attach yours digital Camera to S4, download appendix Samsung Smart Camera and you can use Remote ViewFinder, Autoshare and MobileLink right from your smartphone. The best thing in this is that when you use your digital camera, the application automatically connects it with your phone.

Quick access to rapid settings.

Want to check the quick settings in one movement? It's not a problem! All you need is to pull two fingers down the status bar, and voila! Here you will see many settings, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, Smart Pause or Smart Scroll. To change the list fast parametersClick on the pencil icon in the upper right corner.

Forget about clicking on each letter on the keyboard when you enter e-mail or sending a text message / SMS. All you need is to set the TRACE-TO-Type function on the keyboard, and efficiency when working with the keyboard WMG takes off to heaven. To activate this feature, turn on the keyboard, click on the "Kolesiko" icon and select "Continuous input".

Install the adaptive display.

You remember how the old generation of color displays on mobile phones It began to wash the colors as soon as you went to the light? Fortunately, the technology stepped far forward, especially with regard to displays. On sunny days, we advise you to set the adaptive display feature, so you can continue to work with your device even under direct sunlight. Go to "Settings"\u003e "My Device"\u003e "Screen Settings"\u003e "Adaptive Display". Finish, you can go to the light!

Connect the pop-up keyboard.

Stay like David Copperfield, make your virtual keyboard To become floating. For those who are used to working on Galaxy S4 under multisazing conditions, the pop-up keyboard will add convenience and maneuverance. All you need is to open a virtual keyboard, press and delay the settings button on the keyboard and check the checkbox to the "pop-up keyboard" checkbox.

Extend the life of the Galaxy S4 battery by installing the Wi-Fi timer.

One of the shortcomings of modern smartphones produced except without the option of kitchen sink, this is a battery charge, or rather, its lack. When you have already played with functions and enjoy games, make a warning about low battery charge. Do you want to have the ability to automatically connect / disable Wi-Fi to extend the life of the battery? Just go to "Settings"\u003e Wi-Fi\u003e "Menu"\u003e "Advanced"\u003e Set the time frame Wi-Fi timer.

Use the secret loader.

Some network providers do not block loaders operating systemAnd you can easily install any custom ROM. But at & t (SGH-i337) and Verizon (SGH-i545), the operating system bootloader is locked. Some time ago, one talented person named Dan Rosenberg is everything is quite difficult, but if it is interested in you, welcome to Dan's website, there you will get all the information about how you can cope with it.

First smart phone? Try Easy Mode on your Galaxy S4.

Let's look truth in the eyes, we all have to start with something. If Galaxy S4 is your first smartphone, then you may be confused when you first take it in your hands. Do not call a 12-year-old nephew, so that he explains how to use it. Especially for this, Samsung installed on its Easy Mode devices.

To enable this mode, you just need to go to "Settings"\u003e Then in the Device section, go to the Main Screen Mode tab, there you can select the current mode or Easy Mode.

Easy Mode has a simplified user interface (which can be configured to itself), larger icons, and simply provides, more intuitive, and understandable medium for a novice user.

Use Galaxy S4 in gloves.

To be honest, this is one of my favorite functions, however, by default on S4 it is turned off. Since I live in climatic conditions, in which you often have to wear gloves, you always have to shoot gloves if I want to use a smartphone ... or you need to buy special gloves.

To enable this feature, go to the "Settings"\u003e in the "Device" section go to the "Display"\u003e tab\u003e and put a tank opposite the "High Sensitivity Touch" inscription.

After switching on, you can control the smartphone in gloves. Important note: in thin gloves it is more convenient to work, but we managed to control the smartphone and in thick ski gloves.

Adaptive audio adjustment.

Another interesting feature of Galaxy S4 is the possibility of adaptive sound setting. This is especially useful feature For people who have problems with hearing, or for those who just want to set up the sound as convenient as possible for themselves.

To enable the adaptive sound setup feature, go to "Settings"\u003e "Sound"\u003e \u200b\u200band go over the "Adaptive Sound Setup" tab, followed by the instructions that will appear on the screen. When the sound setup is completed, you must notice the changes, but you can estimate the settings best, you can using a smartphone with headphones.

I found that if I left my phone somewhere, I constantly want to check if I had notifications that I missed. It makes me take a phone, unlock it, look at the screen and put it back. If I sit at the computer and typing (or busy something else), then I will constantly check your phone. I know. I need help.

S4 has interesting functionwhich makes your phone vibrate when you take it in hand if there are important missed notifications. If you took it, and nothing happened, there is nothing to check!

To enable this feature, you need to go to "Settings", then, in the "Device" section, go through the "Movements and gestures" tab, "Movement" and put a tick opposite the inscriptions smart alerts. Indeed, the smart feature necessary for such as me.

Let S4 choose your best photo.

If your S4 is activated by the Best Photo mode, the camera will make only 8 shots, and then suggest the best of them, in its opinion. This is a very necessary and convenient shooting mode if you need to make a group photo or capture the moving object, such as a child or an animal.

To set this mode, you need to open the camera application, and then click the mode selection button, and select the Best Photo option from the list. If you are not satisfied with the choice best photo.Who made your smartphone, you can always view the 7 left pictures and choose the best in your opinion.

There are many cool features cameras Galaxy S4, many of which you will not use constantly, but one day they will be useful to you.

Did you use any of these techniques? Maybe you know any other?

Surely each user wants to get a maximum of functions and the maximum speed of its smartphone and it is quite logical, because the top premium apparatus Samsung Galaxy S4 is not cheap and accordingly should work without glitches. But not always our desires coincide with reality. We will tell this series of publications about various "chips" capable of significantly accelerating your Galaxy C4.

Accelerate the "Home" button

Try right now to press this wonderful button and then scroll through a pair of pages on the desktop (Of course if you have TouchWiz), now click on the "Home" button, you will see how you will replace you on the first page of the interface, but it will happen with a small delay. Yes, it is not so significant, but it is!

And the fault of this app S Voice, which runs when double-clicking on this button. So what needs to be done? All right - disable the launch of this application with this button. And how will I be without s VOICE, because it is a convenient application? - you ask. I am sure that they do not use everything, so you can turn off, but if you really need it, you can add a shortcut to the desktop and run S Voice if necessary. Pay attention to the screenshots below and understand how to quickly do it.

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