
Motive emergency number. How to call an ambulance from the mobile phone. Calling emergency services at the MTS cellular operator

Various situations can occur in life - injuries, accidents, sudden complications of health that require an immediate emergence call.

If earlier everyone knew the standard number "03" on which it was possible to call through a stationary phone, now with the advent of mobile cases in a different way.

From a mobile phone to dial 03, it is impossible, the operator simply says that the number is appropriate. The same applies to other emergency services.

For this reason, it is worth knowing how to correctly call an ambulance with the help of a cell phone.

Today, call an ambulance from a cell phone using number 03 You can not, this is due to the fact that mobile operators do not support numbers of two digits.

A long time in Russia introduced a united rescue service. It is easy to reach it, it is enough to dial a short number 112.

This combination of numbers is supported by various mobile operators and urban phones.

When typing this number, the possibility is available for dialing to the operator, which connects to the nearby rescuer service.

It is worth noting! Call into a single rescue service at 112, when there is no SIM card in the phone or it is blocked. At the same time, the call will be answered.

The number of the unified rescue service is valid on the territory of Russia and in other countries of the world, which are included in the European Union. You can call it almost from anywhere in the world.

When calling an emergency service, it is necessary to answer the dispatcher's questions and report the necessary information.

  • After connecting to the dispatcher, it is required to report what happened to the victim that it worries him to describe the symptoms of his condition.
  • If the patient needs the help of a psychiatrist or narcologist, then it should be said about it.
  • It is worth remembering that sometimes the dispatcher can recommend the provision of paid medical services, for example, to remove the symptoms of the hangover or for detoxification.
  • In severe cases, you can use qualified advice on how to provide the first assistance to the victim.
  • The caller must specify their full initials and contact information.
  • If the doctor is called at the place of residence, it is worth reporting the surname of the victim, as well as his year of birth.
  • When a doctor is called to the house, it is worth clearly indicate the address of the victim, the house number, staircase, apartment, also be sure to say what code from the input lock or tell about the rules of the call on the intercom.

Calls from different mobile operators

Any emergency situation is capable of a person to catch surprise.

A sudden accident, an attack of pain, injury, drop, complication of the disease - all these problems can occur at all, but only there is no time to search for the nearest telephone machine.

Now everyone has a cell phone from which you can call an ambulance. Various mobile operators have their own numbers of this service that everyone needs to know.

They are not very complex, but they must be remembered:

Operator Ambulance number
MTS MTS subscribers will simply call the urgent service. Before the standard number - 03, you need to add a number 1, which means to call the number 103.

This also applies to other services everywhere in front of the standard two-digit numbers.

Beeline The challenge of the ambulance with the biline is also carried out as with MTS. In front of the standard number 03, a unit is added.

This means that if he suddenly needed an ambulance, then Beeline subscribers should be recruited from cellular 103

Megaphone But from MegaFon, the ambulance call is carried out at another combination of numbers - 030. After a known number 03, 0 more is added. This requirement refers to the numbers of other services
Tele 2 The Mobile Communications Company of Tele2 turned out to be the most inventive, it offers its subscribers at once three emergency call numbers.

In order to call this service, the tele2 subscriber must remember the following combinations - 03 *, 030, 103

Motive With the motive, the challenge is quickly carried out by adding to a combination of numbers 03 numbers 9 in front. This means that you need to recruit 903. The same applies to other services

How to call from a city phone?

If you need to call an ambulance or adult to the house, then it is required to be recruited from the city phone correctly.

Previously, to call to this service, it was necessary to type 03 on the phone and immediately there was a connection to the ambulance operator.

Important! Now the numbers of ambulance and other emergency services in Moscow and other cities of Russia have changed a little.

In different cities, the number set is the same. It usually consists of three digits - 103. The same applies to other services: Fire Service - 101, Police - 102, Gas Service - 104.

In different cities of Russia in ambulance, you can call according to the standard number 103.

The following is a list of cities that use a single set number:

  • Volgograd.
  • Krasnoyarsk.
  • Novosibirsk.
  • Saratov.
  • Omsk.
  • Voronezh.
  • Moscow.
  • St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg).
  • Chelyabinsk.
  • Krasnodar.
  • Barnaul.
  • Tyumen.
  • Bryansk.
  • Izhevsk.
  • Samara.
  • Penza.
  • Makhachkala.
  • Lower.
  • Irkutsk.
  • Tula.
  • Yaroslavl.
  • Ryazan.
  • Kirov.
  • Ulyanovsk.
  • Kazan.
  • Yekaterinburg.
  • Permian.
  • Cherepovets.
  • Tolyatti.
  • Vladimir.
  • Izhevsk.
  • Lipetsk.
  • Cheboksary.
  • Samara.
  • Novgorod.
  • Kaluga.
  • Rostov-on-Don.
  • Kaliningrad.

For all cities in Russia, the ambulance number is standard - 103. You can also dial number 112 and the dispatcher will immediately redirect the call to the nearby emergency service department.

The main thing is necessary to study in advance how to correct the doctor that you need to talk when a call.

From the mobile phone, the emergency call can be made by number 112, also each operator has its own numbers that may differ from the standard combination.

If you want the help to come in time, it is better to first learn its number for your mobile operator.

Useful video

The banality and simplicity of this reason "on the face" - many people simply do not have the slightest idea how to call an ambulance, police or firefighters from a mobile phone.

Calling emergency services through a single short number

Literally recently, the general number "112" was valid in the country, which dialing which can be able to instantly call one or another service. By making a call, you will call:

  1. Salvation service.
  2. Police.
  3. Skouring.
  4. Gas service.

"112" today is a single number for all Ukrainian emergency services. The privilege of these numbers is that it has the opportunity to call from different Ukrainian operators. You can easily cause emergency services (ambulance, gas workers, police, firefighters) from your mobile phone, and it will not matter this operator Life, Kyivstar or water. How to call to the ambulance directly read further.

How to call an ambulance from Mobile Ukraine 2019?

To date, to quickly get through and get help, people resort to the use of these numbers. All submitted calls can be carried out with stationary operators and mobile.

Do you know what you need to voiced by making an emergency call?

Of course, to cause emergency service to happen some unforeseen incident, which caused stress. When it happens, even the most elementary things are involuntarily flying out of the head. The state of the panic ends with the fact that the operator has to contact some incomprehensible inadvertent explanations on elevated colors. Thus, people lose their precious time in which they need so much. How do you need to communicate on the phone in such cases and what is priority to say the operator?

  • The first thing to be done is to try to formulate what you scored an emergency room. If, for example, the ambulance is not needed, then try to know if a person had some diseases or ailments in the past, when for the last time he was treated, at what point his state began to worsen and other similar nuances.
  • If you called the fire or police, on the same principle, we mark what happened. After that, you always need to specify the exact address, right up to the floor and entrance number, intercom code, etc.
  • When the dialogue is already approaching the end, do not forget to call the correct contact phone number and address. Even if a person confuses something and it will be difficult to find it, you will be called back to the number from which the challenge was made to clarify all the details.

How to speed up the challenge of ambulance or police from a mobile device?

There is nothing surprising and supernatural in that when a person deliberately makes a call to the help service, he expects that on his complaint or a request will react as quickly as possible, and that the assistance arrives in fact instantly.

However, due to the fact that for all assistance services there is one number, initially the dispatcher is responsible for the call, in turn, engaged in redirecting information directly to the separation of a particular area, etc.

Based on this, it is possible to conclude that the call to the call is so quickly as possible, you need to immediately call the office of urban services that belong to your area.

Oddly enough, but many do not know how to call an ambulance from mobile in Ukraine in 2018. Everything is quite simple. To do this, you will need to click "0", after - the code of the city long-distance communication in which you are, and a suitable short number. "1" you do not need to enter. This makes it possible in the list of cases significantly affect the acceleration of response to the incoming call.

What if the call number from the mobile does not work?

There are such situations when typing one of the numbers is not possible to establish a connection or the dispatcher simply does not react. How, in this case, call the ambulance and other instances from the mobile?

If when you type the number of your interest, it is impossible to get through, which completely collapses all your hopes, then it makes sense to gain one of the above-mentioned existing district numbers. In your phone book, it is very desirable that there are such numbers, so take care of this in advance.

In addition, it should be remembered in any case that even private health organizations that provide services in the field of security are the base of short numbers using people in critical cases.

Other short numbers to call from mobile phone

Obviously, short numbers do not end. There are many others by which people easily call free from their gadget.

It may so be that based on the current incident, people may need not only such knowledge as to gain police, firefighters or ambulance from mobile. Just for this, and have developed other short numbers by making a call to which you can consult in detail with highly qualified specialists. Below we offer you a list of these numbers:

Question answer


Thanks to this article now you know how to call an ambulance and other emergency services from a mobile phone of any telecom operators (Kyivstar, Life, Vodafone) in such a way that you will be helped quickly and efficiently. Use all the information received in order to quickly solve unpredictable situations, it is better to make these short numbers in the contacts of your mobile phone.

How to call an ambulance with MTS - the information that every citizen should own. Safety of life and health value are always in priority in a conscious citizen, but when the well-being is bad or there is a trouble, it is very important to promptly provide first aid. And it is from how quickly a medical advice will be provided, life is often dependent. In any case, in emergency situations it often covers panic, we forget all the numbers and do not know what to do. But the call code of a medical care must be brought to automatism so that a person can react under any circumstances.

The undented ambulance number is 103. In terms of tariffing such calls, we note that in emergency services of law enforcement agencies, firefighters, medical or emergency gas service to make free of charge with free of charge from any operator.

Calls to emergency assistance:

Call an ambulance with MTS from mobile:

  • free for the subscriber with MegaFon, Beeline, Yota;
  • perhaps only 103;
  • really, even if on the account of the minus balance.

During a set of 103, it is clearly and without panic, you need to call the problem with which you encountered your name and location. If you do not know addresses, pay attention to local landmarks.

Attention! Two-digit combinations that were before (01, 02, 03, 04) as of 2020 no longer function! On them you will not cause physicians.

Alternative communication methods

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is an alternative dialing in the rescue service - 112 for mobile and urban. This is an analogue of an emergency rescue site 911, which also actively functions. Calls to such numbers are available even from the phone without SIM card, and from a locked card. Specialists of the line 112, in turn, will already connect you with the appropriate special service to solve the problem.

Note that in the Russian Federation, false challenges of the Subscribers are punishable. So, for a deliberately untrouded call to the urgent impairment will pay a fine of from 1 thousand to 1.5 thousand rubles. Besides. Hooligan will be sent for 100 hours of correctional work. As statistics shows, 4 false call is falling for each hundred in Russia.

A ambulance call from MTS mobile phone is possible around the clock and anywhere in the subscriber. The only requirement is the minimum level of the cellular network.

Cellular communication is developing rapidly, more and more people refuse stationary wire phones, moving to mobile communication devices. Mobile phone is the most common means of communication. In an emergency, he can save life. But, if you need to call "ambulance" from a mobile phone, do not count on a two-digit number 03 learned from childhood 03. Currently, mobile communication with emergency assistance services is carried out according to three-digit numbers.

This publication will tell you how to call an ambulance with a cell phone, how to dial the number at various cellular operators: MTS, MegaFon, Tele2, U-Tel, Beeline, Motive and Skylink.

How to call an ambulance from a cellular rescue service: number 112

Now the challenge of ambulance from a mobile phone is not possible, because GSM standards are not supported. In Russia, there is a single rescue service, to call which you can by typing the number "112". It is supported by both cellular operators and urban phones. The combination of numbers 112 makes it possible to quickly reach the operator, which, in turn, redirect the call to the rescuers nearby the affected territory.

And if the phone does not have SIM card or does it block on the SIM card? What to do then? You do not know how to dial the ambulance number? Everything is very simple, score 112. - You will answer! This is a very big plus of a single rescue service. This number is valid not only in the territory of the Russian Federation: regardless of the place of registration and residence of the Subscriber, it is also valid in all countries belonging to the European Union.

Calling emergency services from cellular operators

I give full number of emergency services of leading cellular operators taken from official sources.

Ambulance Phone Number: how to call an ambulance from a cellular / mobile phone

Calling emergency services at the MTS cellular operator

  • 101 - rescue service.
  • 102 - Police.
  • 103 - Ambulance.
  • 104 - Gas service.

Telephone Emergency Beeline

  • 101 - Fire Protection.
  • 102 - Police.
  • 103 - Ambulance.
  • 104 - emergency gas service.

Phones Call Emergency Services Operator Cell Communication MegaFon

  • 010 - Calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Fire Protection.
  • 020 - Police call.
  • 030 - Calling ambulance.
  • 040 - challenge emergency gas service.

Rules for a set of emergency telephones from the television operator2

The body has 2 rooms may be different depending on the service region.

  • 01 * or 010 or 101 - Salvation Service, Fire Protection Service.
  • 02 * or 020 or 102 - Police service, Antiterror service.
  • 03 * or 030 or 103 - emergency medical service.
  • 04 * or 040 or 104 - Gas network emergency service.

Remember that calls to these rooms are free.

In a shock situation, when an emergency challenge is needed in the scene, if you forgot how to properly dial the number from your cellular operator, memorize one single number 112 - Phone of a single rescue service. When a call, the answering machine will tell you voice instructions for further action.

You will need to type an extension number:

  • 1 - fireman,
  • 2 - Police,
  • 3 - ambulance,
  • 4 - Gas.

After that you will be redirected to the relevant service.

Telephone numbers to call "ambulance" from mobile: directly call

A quick way to call the "ambulance" from the mobile - a call directly, by numbers, different for each operator. In order not to get confused, have these numbers are always at hand, save them in the phone.

Call "ambulance" by numbers, depending on the cellular operator, as follows:

  1. MegaFon, MTS, U-Tel and tele2 - dial 030;
  2. Beeline - Call 003;
  3. Motive and Skylink - score 903.

Whether the challenge is possible from a cell phone at zero balance

Constantly follow the score of the mobile phone is unrealistic, and the funds end unexpectedly. How to call the rescue service at zero or negative balance? Often, how quickly the doctor comes, the life of a person depends. If you are in the tragic situation or next to a person who is bad, boldly score numbers 1-1-2 and follow the tips of the dispatcher or system. Call for all operators who are registered in Russia, free. Failure to comply with the law is punishable with rigid administrative measures.

You can call the emergency service 112 and if there is no funds on the account, the sim card is lost or blocked. With a minimum network, type 911 combination, and then in the answering system, select item 3, after which you connect to the operator. Single telephone emergency rescue is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. After reaching the physicians, explain the current situation clearly, exactly indicate your location, so that the urgent brigade is faster in the essence of the problem.

After conversation, the doctor must report that the call is accepted and specify the time of handling. If a medical worker refuses to accept applications, for example, due to the age of a person, or for another reason, then feel safely calling the police, since the paramedic falls under 124 tbsp. Criminal Code. Unwise of helping the patient entails the corresponding punishment of the medical worker.

Video: how to dial an ambulance from a cell phone

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