
What is HDD Regenerator Monitor. HDD REGENERATOR: How to use the program to restore the hard disk. What indicates indicators

Despite the fact that flash memory is rapidly cheaper, and every year there are increasingly affordable and spacious SSDs (solid-state drives), it is the drives on rigid magnetic discs that are still standing on most devices. This is all known "hard" or HDD, which are famous for their accessibility and large volumes. Often in SSD computers are used only as a system disk, in order to speed up the download and operation of the OS. Well, the basic information we still store on HDD. And sometimes the integrity of these carriers can be questioned.

The presence of broken sectors and technical damage reduces the efficiency of the hard disk, up to the full loss of information on it. In the event that we are talking about work, such losses can be extremely painful. So it is better to do not bring and contain your hard disk in a state of perfect performance. Especially since today it can be done at the software level.

2 Benefits

At the moment, the utility is supported by all versions of Windows, ranging from XP and ending 10. The file system is also not important for it. At the same time, it is possible to work both directly from the OS and from the loading flash drive or CD.

Unlike many other similar programs, the HDD REGENERATOR is very easy to master, as it has an intuitive interface. In this case, the process can be completed halfway and always resume from any place.

3 Minor deficiency

The greater the volume of the hard drive, the longer the program will work. With a large number of damaged sectors, the recovery speed will not please you. So, in general, it is better to just leave the program to work and engage in other affairs.

4 Main features of the program

  • Get full information about the current state of your disk. Temperature, fragmentation and other data are available in real time. In this case, the program can constantly monitor the state of HDD and notify the user about minimal changes;
  • The program can scan the Winchester for the location of the damaged sectors and automatically correct the problems.

Important! The program can be launched not only from under the operating system, but also from the boot disk or flash drive. This allows not only to use it for different computers, but also to restore strongly damaged hard drives that can no longer ensure full-fledged computer operation.

5 Create a bootable flash drive / disk

Consider the issue of creating a loading flash drive. With the open window of the program in the Recovery Point, we select that we will create a bootable flash drive or CD. After that, the utility will give us a list of all connected drives, among which is chosen by the one that is planning to make the boot. Next, formatting, destroying all the information on the flash drive, after which the program itself is written there.

6 Starting a program from under Windows

The easiest way that does not involve a reboot of the computer. After opening the program, click on the same "Restore" item, after which the window will be released with a list of all hard drives used in the system. You only need to choose the desired one, and then click the "Start of the Process".

Important! If at the time of starting the program on the disk are working applications, then it will be notified. To continue all the programs and processes from this HDD will need to close.

Next appears a DOS window with white text on a black background. Choose a second option with full scanning and recovery of damaged sectors. You can choose and without recovery, which will be available in the second window. But it is better to click the first SCAN and REPAIR version. Finally, a third window appears in which you can select scan from the very beginning (1), continued if the process has been launched earlier (2), or select the range of verified sectors manually (3).

Select the first item and the process starts, after which it remains only to wait for its completion, or to interrupt by pressing the ESC key. In this case, a list with possible further actions will be released:

  1. Continue Process - the scanning process continues;
  2. Show Statistics - If we want to see the statistics;
  3. Change Start / End Sectors - If we want to choose or change the initial and end sectors;
  4. Change Mode - if we want to change the scan mode;
  5. Exit Program - If we want to close the program.

If you wanted to check the statistics, then in it the red letter "b", the damaged sectors will be displayed, and the letter "R" is restored.

7 How to run from the boot flash drive

Before applying this method, you need to go to the BIOS and set the boot parameters so that the disk or flash drive be loaded first before HDD. These actions are familiar to all those who previously installed the operating system.

8 What you need to know about the regeneration of the disk surface

In the first window, under the third number you will be offered Regenerate All Sectors in a Range (Even If Not Bad). This means that the program using its reclamation capabilities will restore all sectors, including intact. It is important to celebrate two nuances:

  • Before starting the process, you must keep all the important data, as they will be erased. So if there is at least partial access to the disk, then try to pull out everything you need from it;
  • The process is very long and can take tens of hours. So if the volume of the disk is large, or a lot of damage, it is recommended to choose other modes of operation.

HDD REGENERATOR is designed to restore sectors that work incorrectly. The developers assure that the program copes even with severe cases with a probability of more than 50%.

Principle of operation HDD Regenerator

The program generates and alternately sends high and low level signals to the damaged hard disk sector. Thereby creating the reclining of the disk. Most often it helps restore sectors, because they become non-working due to improper disk magnetization.

When using the program, system files and user folders are not affected. Thus, the information that is on the drive is restored is not injured.

How to work in hdd regenerator

To get started, you need to download the program. It does not require material tools - the HDD Regenerator extends absolutely free.
In the downloaded archive there is a "Read ME" file, which must be used as an instruction for installing the program. Here is the patch and crack.

After installation on the desktop, the HDD Regenerator icon will appear.

Run the program by pressing the icon.

A program window will appear on the screen, where you are offered to start scanning hard disk or disk.

Go right away to the recovery process: Press the "Regeneration" button in the top tab of the tabs, and then in the drop-down list - "Run the process under Windows".

In the next window, choose a hard drive for recovery. It is visualized by numeric characteristics: capacity and number of sectors.
Click on the "Start" button, which is in the middle of the active window.

After pressing the "Start" button, you can jump out the window in which information about the use of the disk using programs running on the computer. To continue the process, you must close these programs or processes. If you see the window, as shown below, you must click the "Retry" button.

Another message variation is shown below. In this case, click "OK".

After that, a window characteristic of DOS should appear on the screen.

It is invited four options for further action with hard drive:

1 Performance of disk diagnostics and its further recovery.

2 Perform only diagnostics with the output of the results at the end.

3 Perform the restoration of the specific sectors of the hard drive.

In the next window, we specify which sector the analysis should be started.

After selecting the program will scan hard disk. At the end of the process, a window will appear on the screen, where you can see: the number of damaged sectors, the number of corrected and sectors that are not subject to recovery.

As you can see, the recovery process using the HDD Regenerator program takes a little time and does not require special knowledge from the user. With a small weight program, which is only 8.8 MB, it is quite successfully coping with its work.

Unfortunately, nothing is forever, including hard disks of computers. Over time, they may be subject to such a negative phenomenon, as a demagnetization, which contributes to the emergence of broken sectors, and therefore loss of working capacity. If there are such problems, restore the hard drive of the computer in 60% of cases, according to the developers, the HDD Regenerator utility will help. In addition, it is capable of creating bootable flash drives, and perform some other actions. Detailed instructions for working with HDD Regenerator will be provided below.

Consider the algorithms for the implementation of the main tasks that can be implemented using HDD REGENERATOR.

Testing S.M.A.R.T.

Before you start restoring a hard disk, you need to make sure that the fault lies in it, and not in some other element of the system. For these purposes, it is best to use S.M.A.R.T. technology, which is one of the most reliable solid disk self-diagnostics systems. Take advantage of this tool allows the HDD Regenerator utility.

Hard disk restoration

Now let's consider the procedure for restoring the damaged hard disk of the computer.

Creating a loading flash drive

Among other things, the HDD Regenerator application can create a bootable flash drive or a disk with which you can, for example, install Windows to a computer.

Creating a boot disk

Similarly, a boot disk is created.

As we see, despite the presence of a number of additional features, the HDD Regenerator program is quite easy to use. Its interface is so intuitive that even the lack of Russian is not a big inconvenience.

We will tell you about a simple way to restore damaged sectors using the HDD Regenerator program from under Windows 10 and previous versions.

This version of the HDD REGENERATOR can restore damaged sectors. (Bad blocks) From under Windows of any version and bit. The program makes it possible to work with multiple hard drives at the same time, as well as with portable USB disks.

Restore hard disk using HDD Regenerator

Attention: Disks that need to be restored, connect only after booting the Windows operating system and do not use them while the program is running.

The first thing to do is HDD Regenerator, run the program on behalf of the administrator and by clicking on the Regeneration menu, select from the "Start Process Under Windows" list (Run from under Windows)

If the program prompts to switch to "IDE MODE" and will restart, press the "NO" button, since your Windows system may not start in the IDE mode.

Then a new window will appear with the HDD Regenerator text menu. Using the numeric keys, make a choice of necessary actions. Select 2. "Normal Scan" and press "ENTER"

In the next window, we offer to choose the program mode of operation. We are interested in "Scan and Repair" (Scan and Restore).To do this, select paragraph 1 and click "ENTER".

In the next window, choose "Start Sector 0" (start scanning from the very beginning of the disk) Press 1, and then "ENTER".

After the actions made, the scanning and recovery process will start. Red letter " B. »Damaged sectors, green letter" R. »Restored sectors will be marked, and the white letter" D "sectors with reading or writing delay.

After scanning, you will be shown a window with the results of the work: the number of damaged and restored sectors, as well as sectors with delays.

Important: P observe the uninterrupted nutrition of the computer on which you will restore the data.

The HDD Regenerator program greatly restores the damaged sectors on hard drives, but we strongly recommend that you keep all the valuable information from the restored hard disk and do not use it in the future, since it may fail at any time.

The official website of the program is located.


HDD Regenerator is a software product created to work with hard drives, namely the restoration of their damaged sectors.

This program has the ability to work with hard drives both in the Windows operating system and from under the operating system. Running the program on any personal computer, the first thing that she will be offered to create its copies on the boot flash drive, or on the boot disk.

And so open the "Regeneration" menu item and select "Run the process under Windows". In the window that will appear, we need to choose the hard drive with which we will work.

Before starting work, you need to close all active programs, their work can restrict access to the disk and block the work of the HDD Regenerator itself.

If you all have done correctly, the DOS window will open in which four operations will be offered to choose from:
To diagnose and recover damaged hard disk sectors;
To diagnose and upon completion show only their results;
Carry out the regeneration of damaged sectors, pre-specifying with which and at what point;
Show statistics (if the program cannot conduct diagnostics)

To save time, it is recommended to use the second item (for this, between square brackets with the word "Choice", we enter the sequence digit of the menu item and click "input") to learn in which location is placed damaged sectors.

This is done in order to choose the next step from which the points on a kotro point (range with damaged sectors) to carry out recovery. Indicating it, click also "ENTER"

After the recovery process is completed, the program will show us information about the work carried out and its results.

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