
TeamViewer 11 5 minutes. Remove the restriction on the work of TeamViewer. Alternative solution solution

Apparently, the Russian passion for freebies is stitched from us from birth. We are always trying to snatch something nahalava. But this is especially manifested with digital content. We are not accustomed to buying programs, games, movies, books, and if you have to do it, then just from hopelessness.

I will not make the righteous from myself, sin himself like. For example, within the framework of the few "shabras" for 1s, I am very convenient to do everything at a distance than dragging to the other end of the city. In addition, you often contact both the readers of this blog and familiar, who need to simply "store" Windows and programs.

Time Out TeamViewer

Although Istrums for remote administration quite a lot and some of them are even free, but there are strong products whose functionality stands above free analog. Yes, program, but personally, I do not really like it. However free tool aMMYadmin. Excellent copes with your main task and even makes more than you can expect from it. In addition, it is free only for personal purposes. Her license does not imply use for commercial purposes.

Favorite in Helpdess

Employment called Aeroadmin.was honestly soda from his famous foreign counterpart TeamViewer.. She is even no longer like a tymvoyer, although how many times did not try to work through Aeroadmin, all the time, besides the mothers in her address, my interlocutor could not hear. Infinite brakes, different glitches, etc. Family personally, I beat off the desire to work with this program. And right if it was completely free, but no, although Aeroadmin.even allows us to use for commercial purposes, but the number of working hours per month and the number of connected computers is limited. And hello to the Timwerwer, as this is applied from him. To be honest, if you are an alone or at all you need some kind of program and set up, but you are afraid to be caught by the "valiant" UBEPOV, then Aeroadmin can help in such a situation, but my personally, my impression from working with it is negative.

Find Ten Differences from TeamViewer

And honestly, usually a static address is used in the offices and you can safely connect to the workplace as rDP.and vNC.protocol. But in the case of home computers or jobs, the cashier of any "serious" trading program for remote access to P2P is simply the most optimal and least labor method.

In addition, for some reason everyone is heard soon as it comes to remote access. In 2015, I generally saw the decision when the admin merged several hotels on a VPN channel using ... Team Viewer. Of course, this is his right and his decision, although as for me - it is very rawful and non-optimal. But the fact that Tim View is applied literally for everything already talks about some kind of monopolization of the market of such programs.

But all would be nothing, but only Team Viewer is free for home users. to corporative clients You will have to upset, but it is not surprising. Business, a priori, must be money and for it, while ordinary users rarely buy corporate software. And here TeamViewer., Vigilantly follows the legitimacy of use. If you are often connected to various computers, then Team Viewer will first report that it has "suspicion of commercial use", and then the picture will be "pleased with you" that your session is limited for 5 minutes.

Now we will look at how can you remove the limit on the useTeamViewer..

Note that this is not a way of hacking. This is just a way to remove the restriction. In fact, it is almost the same as the installation of the TEAM Viewer version on new system. Surely you tried to reinstall this program and found that it does not help and Tim Wayer continues to report that it will work for 5 minutes and will be closed. Fortunately, this attack is solved with just a few steps:

  1. It is important to understand that we are "fabulous" by your ID, which is assigned when installing Team Viewer. All the events that we will conduct, just will be aimed at changing it and the server would know about it. So, first, we will need to change the MAC address of our network adapter through which we go online. I remind you that it can be done in Network Management Center and common access where you need to choose Change adapter settingsand open our network adapter. Now click on the "Properties" button<

The following window needs to select "Set up".

Now in the "Advanced" tab, you need to choose Network.ADDRESSto which you need to enter an arbitrary 12 digit number of type as I have in the screenshot.

Change MAC

  1. After you pressed OK, proceed to the second step - change VOLUMEID The section on which TeamViewer is installed. For these purposes, you can use the VolumeID V2.1 brand v2.1. Download and unpack the program in the disk space. Try not to call the catalog of Cyrillic names. This Console program. On the example, I unpacked it on the E disc in the utils catalog. Run the command prompt with administrator rights and specify the command vol.

It will display the serial number of the volume, which you just need to change with VOLUMEID. For example, I have this program on the E disk in the utils directory and to start the program and changing the volume number I will do this:

E: \\ Utils \\ Volumeid.exe C: 2E63-C015

You can by this principle to change your volume number to the one that is more like.

  1. Well, now it remains to remove the record of ID TeamViewer from the registry.

a) In Windows X86, for TeamViewer version [x], start regedit.exe, go to the HKLM \\ Software \\ TeamViewer \\ Version [x] section and delete the ClientID attribute (DWORD type) attribute.

b) for Windows X64, you need to remove the ClientID attribute from another section of the HKLM \\ Software \\ Wow6432Node \\ Wow6432Node \\ TeamViewer \\ Version [x]

Now reboot the computer and when you start TeamViewer, you will see that the program now has another ID and it will still be able to work for a long time without restrictions. The described algorithm will still work for a long time, then it will be supplemented if necessary (I really love this program).

Reset restrictions for Mac OS

TeamViewer is a program portable for all popular operating systems. But the principles of using this program are the same. However, if you have Mac and you encountered the problem of the five-minute use of TeamViewer, you need to do as follows:

  1. Close fully TeamViewer.
  2. Download I have a shift script ID TeamViwer (the script is written in Python, who wants to study it themselves). Download this script can.
  3. Now you need the terminal. Surely the script downloads in your home directory. Now open the terminal and type the command:
Sudo Python ./

After pressing "Enter" and the script testing will need to be rebooted. After rebooting, you will see that on your poppy a tymvuver changed my ID and now they can again use any restrictions for some time.

Simple ways to confuse ID Team Viewer for Windows

The described method, though while working, but it hurts it is troublesome.

In addition, there is a simpler way. You can use the special utility for changing ID Team Viewer.

Download, copy to the folder where TeamViewer is set, run on behalf of the administrator, we note free, press Start. After completion of TeamViewer restarts with the new ID. This is the easiest way to shoot down the ID for Tim Vewor under Windows. Later add a way to shoot down id for Linux.

TeamViewer is a very popular software that allows using one PC, remotely manage and work on another computer. It is very convenient. For example, a person has any problems. He asks for help from a friend. A friend is far and can not come. It will be enough to establish this program on both companies so that the assistant is able to remotely solve the tasks.

The program is in demand, however, sometimes a very unpleasant situation occurs - incomprehensible time limits appear, which leads to a cloudy compound every five minutes.

Why is this happening

The time limit when working in this application occurs in cases where the program decides that it is used for commercial purposes.

Of course, the easiest way to buy a license and forget about such a situation forever. But not all people have the opportunity to pay money, especially if it is planned to be a very rare application of this product.

Another important point - before connecting two computers, you need to make sure that both of them use a free version of the program. If a licensed version is installed on one of them, the program will automatically begin to determine as the second - intended for commercial use. The result - the same problem arises.

Fortunately, there are ways to perform bypass restrictions.

The fastest and simple technique

So how to remove the limit of 5 minutes in TeamViewer?

In fact, everything can be solved very quickly:

Widget from Socialmart.
  • Completely exit this software;
  • At the same time, click on the "wines" and "r", to drive "REGEDIT" to go to the system registry;
  • In the branch, find the following line: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Radar \\ HeapleakDection \\ DiagnoseApplications \\ TeamViewer.exe;
  • On the right side of the screen, click on the "LastDetectionTime" parameter. Change its value to "0", instead of what will be indicated there.

Alternative solution solution

The second way implies more complex actions. Therefore, it is recommended to try only when the above technique did not bring the necessary outcome - yes, and this, unfortunately, happens. What you need to implement:

  • Get out of the software;
  • By clicking on "Ctrl", "Alt" and "Del", start the task manager. Go to the "Processes" tab;
  • Carefully view the list and complete the work of those applications that in one way or another are associated with the work of Timviewer;
  • Via the "Start" button to go to the "Control Panel", then in "Programs and Components". Find our product and fully uninstall it from the hard disk;
  • Click "Win" and "R". Drink "% appdata%", naturally, without quotes;
  • In a new window, find the same name to the same name and also get rid of it;
  • Using the same combination of two buttons, again go to the "Run" string in which you want to use the Regedit command;
  • Get out again with the suggested list and remove everything from it, indicating belonging to TeamViewer;
  • Find and deactivate a similar folder, even if it is completely empty, in Program Files.

This is only a preparatory stage. Next - requires changing the so-called Mac ADRESS.

TeamViewer is provided free of charge for personal, non-commercial use, and most of our users comply with the rules by purchasing a license in the case of TEAMViewer for commercial purposes.

However, we also took steps to ensure the impossibility of using our software without a relevant license for commercial activities, which is illegal.

TeamViewer includes various methods of anonymous detection of the facts of using software in a commercial environment. If you regularly use TeamViewer in a similar environment, you will see a warning that most likely appeared before you visited this page.

What is meant by commercial use?

In fact, commercial use implies all areas where money or services appear. It basically covers those situations in which you usually use for TeamViewer to work.

Examples of commercial use:

  • Assisting or support to customers and colleagues
  • Assisting enterprises or organizations, even free
  • Connecting to a PC or Server Your Companies from Home Office

Examples of non-commercial use:

  • Assistance or support to friends and relatives
  • Connect to the home personnel computer

We ask you to familiarize yourself with our definition of personal use.

What to do with pop-up warnings?

Pop-ups are created automatically and can only be disconnected after binding the corresponding TEAMViewer license to your device or account.

There may be cases when TeamViewer incorrectly recognizes commercial use and limits the connection, even if you do not violate the license terms. In such cases, you need to contact us through whether to describe the use of TeamViewer and report TeamViewer ID. If TeamViewer is used in accordance with the license terms, we will unlock software.

When working with the TeamViewer program (13 and earlier versions), the user may encounter a sudden message to the end of the test period and exceeding the limit of working with the program. A similar message usually appears when choosing a commercial version of the product that requires its paid activation. Consider how to remove the restriction of 5 minutes in TeamViewer 13, and which toolkit will help us in this.

As you know, the TeamViewer program is designed to work on a remote computer, performing various technical operations on it, exchange with it files, video intercourse, and so on.

The program assumes two versions of its use:

  • Free version (Non-commercial use mode). Designed for home use and connecting to a small amount of PC;
  • Paid (commercial) version. The number of connected PCs and the duration of sessions is unlimited.

The free version of the product has a hidden toolkit for checking the conditions for its use. In particular, if the user works with a large number of connected machines, often on a regular basis, then such verification utilities may consider such use commercial. In this case, the program issues a product about the use of a product for commercial purposes, as a result of which a free session is limited to 5 minutes, and subsequent sessions can be implemented only after a certain time.

Some negligent users when installing the program immediately choose the commercial version of the product, after which the corresponding restrictions are surprised. And the need to remove the restriction of five minutes in TeamViewer 13.

TeamViewer ID - Main Product Identifier

The user-chosen during installation version of the program is attached to the "TeamViewer ID" - the unique identification number of the user PC. When installing the program and the first connection with the network, it receives its own unique ID number containing, including information about the "TeamViewer" version on this PC. When changing the status of the program with a free commercial structure, the ID automatically changes, and remove it from the PC to return to the free version will be quite difficult.

Custom ID in the program Timvuiver

TeamViewer ID is generated based on several unique attributes, the most important of which may be:

  • MAC address of your network card;
  • Volumeid disk section;
  • Dates for creating a folder Program Files.

To return to the free version of the program, you should think about changing all three listed attributes.

How to remove time limit in TeamViewer 13

Before proceeding to the consideration of methods that allow you to remove a 5-minute limit in TeamViewer 13 warning that none of them have 100% efficiency. This is due to the peculiarities of the work of the TeamViewer program which is quite individually suited to each PC. Therefore, even if the following tips helped many users, then this does not mean that they will work in your case.

We will also warn that since the following is the tips on changing the MAC address of the network card and the VOLUMEID disk, then such programs as "1C Accounting" can lose the license installed on them. Please take into account this when performing the operations presented below.

So, we turn to the consideration of the existing solutions that solve the problem "Timvyer turns off after 5 minutes" on your PC.

Reset the ID standard by

The functionality of the TeamViewer program has a tool for resetting already existing ID for your PC.

  1. To do this, click on the "Start" button.
  2. Find in the list of TeamViewer programs, and in the list of subroutines to select the program "Reset ClientID" (if available).
  3. Your ID will be reset, and you will be able to re-enjoy it with a free version until the program again does not send something.

Use a special program

You can also use the program " Tvtools_alterid", Which can be downloaded from Yandex.Disc. (Users from Ukraine to access the file must be enabled VPN). The procedure for working with it is as follows:

  1. Copy the program in the TeamViewer program directory (usually Program Files \\ TeamViewer).
  2. Run this program, select "Trial" mode, and click on "Start".
  3. Your ID will be changed.

Install TeamViewer Extension for Google Chrome

Alternatively, you can try the addition for the TeamViewer browser installed on the chrome browser. The latter does not have temporary restrictions on its functionality, and can be recommended as an alternative to the stationary version of the product.

Complex change ID.

The following method is to change the manual by the above-described Mac, VolumeID attributes and dates of the Program Files directory, which will make rid of the problem in the TeamViewer 13 restrictions in 5 minutes. Perform the following:

  1. Close the "TeamViewer" program;
  2. Stop all the "TeamViewer" processes in the Task Manager. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del, select "Task Manager", go to the Process tab, find and stop there all the processes of the TeamViewer program;
  3. Uninstall the "TeamViewer" with a PC using a specialized uninstallar software (Uninstall Tool, Iobit Uninstaller, etc.) which, when deleting, also deletes all the records of the program being removed from the system registry;
  4. % APPDATA% And in the opened directory, delete the TeamViewer folder;
  5. Tap Win + R again, enter there % temp% , and in the opened directory completely delete all its contents. Also delete the contents of the Windows folder temp. on the system disk;
  6. Click on Win + R, enter there regedit. and click Enter. Delete the registry folder:

Now open the command line from the admin, write the path to one of the specified files corresponding to your OS. Put the space, specify the letter of the variable partition, put the colon, then the space and the eight-digit code ID to which you want to change the current your Volume ID.

It may look something like this:

C: \\ download \\ volumeid64.exe from: 2456-4568

C: \\ download is a folder where 2 VolumeID files are unpacked.

C: - variable section;

2456-4568 - New eight-digit section

Click Enter to start the command, and then restart your PC.

Reinstall the latest version of the TeamViewer program


Iniquitable ways to remove 5 minutes in TeamViewer 13, are the use of special software, as well as changing the ID by changing the MAC address and Volume ID. The implementation of these operations will allow you to reset the commercial use of TeamViewer 13 on your PC, and again enjoy the free features of the non-commercial use of the program.

In contact with

Today we will analyze the situation when commercial use is detected in TeamViewer, and find a way to remove this obstacle. If we need to check the actions on a remote computer, to conduct a video conference or transfer any files, we install yourself the TeamViewer program. This software is becoming increasingly popular among advanced users, since it makes it easy to solve the above objectives.

TeamViewer - Free Software, but only if we use it for personal purposes. If we wish to lead with this application, commercial activities, then you need to buy a license. But recently, even by applying TeamViewer for personal purposes, many users have encountered such a problem as a program stop within 5 minutes after launching a message about the possible incorrect use of software "Commercial Use".

Warning of possible commercial use TeamViewer

As already written above, TeamViewer issues a warning to the user that after 5 minutes the work will be discontinued. At the same time, we know exactly that they did not use the program for commercial purposes. This problem arises not all that it is impossible to explain. And our task today is to help those users who have already encountered this problem, but not able to allow it on their own, and to whom this program is necessary for further work.

What is the commercial use of TeamViewer

Let us see for a start to understand what is hidden for the wording "Commercial Use of TeamViewer". It may be the following situations when we use a program for organizing work activities:

  1. We provide support and assistance to your employees and customers.
  2. We make a connection to the server or a computer of an employer organization from home PC.
  3. We help various organizations and enterprises, even free of charge.

In these cases, we must acquire a license to use TeamViewer to avoid the consequences in the form of a program stop due to the organization of commercial activities.

Limit 5 minutes

If we help and provide support to close people or connect to your home PC, it is called the use of a program for personal purposes and does not entail any consequences. Of course, there may be different failures, and it will discuss how to avoid "5 minutes' restrictions."

What you need to do to avoid restrictions

Need to remember what it is not necessary to do to avoid restrictions in the use of TeamViewer. We are talking about the right choice of PCs that we connect. If we set a connection to the device on which the Licensed version of TeamViewer is installed, then the program can automatically begin to "suspect" in the commercial use of software. In this case, we "catch" the most "limit of 5 minutes." But, if we are confident that we use the application only to solve personal tasks, and we do not plan to organize commercial activities with it, we read below and try to immediately correct the problem.

How to remove commercial use TeamViewer

If it did not work out restrictions because of suspicion of commercial use TeamViewer, we do the following. The actions algorithm is simple, but requires a careful approach to accidentally not delete anything superfluous from the computer and spend everything as correct as possible. So what needs to be done to remove the limit of the use of the TeamViewer program.

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