
Contact the system administrator. The solution to the problem "The operation is canceled due to restrictions operating on the computer. Refer to the system administrator Operation canceled due to lack

June 17, 2014 17478

If when you try to open the program, go to the registry or even refer to the control panel. The computer response always sounds the same: "The operation is canceled due to the restrictions operating for the computer. Contact your network administrator, then it is necessary to urgently do a cleaning computer from viruses and their traces.

We treat a computer from infection with the following methods:

Get rid of viruses and malicious software;

First step

Check your computer for viruses with, for example. Neutralize malware by: We delete, treat, renaming, etc.

Second Step

After eliminating the reason, the problem overnight does not decide: the discs and programs will still be unavailable.

Therefore, we open and do the following:

At the end of the analysis, a list of problems will fall in which we are interested in the following items:

BLOCKED REGISTRY EDITOR, which indicates the registry lock;

BLOCKED TASK MANAGER - a task manager is blocked;

Windows Explorer - Closing Windows IS Blocked - WINDOVS conductor is blocked;

My Computer - Administration Menu Item Is Blocked - "My Computer" is blocked;

Command Line Interface (cmd.exe) is blocked - command line does not work.

By the name of problems, it becomes immediately clear that the state of the computer is due to the pathogenic work of the viruses that drove the Dr Web. To restore the working status of the computer and its programs, you must put the ticks in front of the items below and click the "Fix Selected Issues" button.

After troubleshooting, information on the performance will appear on the screen. Click "OK".

Third Step

Now that the registry editor works again, launch it. To do this, go to the "Start" and click "Run". For versions windows systems Vista and Windows 7, 8 Press the keyboard key "Windows" + R.

In the program dialog box, we prescribe "regedit" and click "OK".

According to the system tree, we go to "Explorer":

A window should appear on the screen with such a list in the right part of it.

The operation is canceled due to restrictions acting on this computer Win 10 - which means an error, what options for eliminating? This message may be displayed when different situations - Start the control panel, command line consoles, Regedit utilities.

Let's start with the consideration of factors leading to such negative consequences in the operating wINDOVS system 7 8 10.

By the way, the text in the window can have a different formulation - the administrator has banned the registry editing, the operation is canceled due to restrictions operating for PCs. But the essence is the same.

Almost every time this case is recommended to contact the admin, which is responsible for all troubles. In fact, the error occurs even when interfering with the installed software. It can make adjustments in critically important parameters Systems.

Think, maybe the defect began to manifest itself after installing a certain software, optimizers? Their deletion can correct the error. But if it is not possible to find the reason, it is worth reading the following instructions.

"Operation canceled due to restrictions on a computer" - how to fix?

The very first and most importantly, without which the implementation of further steps is impossible, you need to log in to the system under the administrator account. You can get the maximum access level using listed here methods.

Method number 1 - use the editor of local group policies

Works in all versions of Microsoft OS, except Home (home) and Starter (basic). If you have such an OS, we advise you to go to the second solution.

  • Call the "Run" console window by pressing the Win + R keys;
  • In the line I enter the command:

  • After 5-10 seconds to boot the built-in windows utility Pay attention to the left side of the folder list. Open the "user configuration", then "admin templates", and inside find "all parameters" and click on the left mouse button:

  • We translate a look at the right side where a large list of items appeared. Names are displayed in alphabetical order. But you will have to spend some time to search for the necessary objects - "Prohibit access to the control panel ...", etc. (See the syringe below):

  • If on the contrary, the "Enabled" status is specified, you need to double-click the Open options window, select the "Disabled" option and save the changes made:

In the same way, we do with other detected forbarms Win 7 | Win 10.

  • The operation is canceled due to the restrictions operating for the computer - elimination of errors in the registry
  • Suddenly the previous approach is irrelevant for your versions of WindowsSo it will have to go more confusing through.
  • Call the "Run" window using the Win + R combination;
  • We enter the command:

  • On the left you will see a list of directories, go along the way:

  • On the right we find the nocontrolpanel key, we produce the key value to the "1" (enabled) value (disabled):

If you have invested subfolders in the "Explorer" folder, for example, DisallowRun (Ban Start), then you should view the existing keys to the right. They may contain links of exe-file applications whose opening provokes an error "Operation is canceled due to restrictions acting on this computer." Just delete unnecessary records, restart the PC.

Suddenly there are doubts - it is better to ask a question in the comments, ask Google / Yandex.

This article shows actions with which you can prohibit access to the control panel and the application " Windows settings»In the Windows 10 operating system

If necessary, you can prohibit users access to the control panel and application "Windows Settings" using the Local Group Policy Editor (GPedit.msc) or using the System Registry Editor.

How to prohibit access to the control panel and application parameters in the Local Group Policy Editor (GPedit.msc)

This method is suitable for windows users Editors professional or corporate.

In the window that opens, the Local Editor group Policy Sequentially deploy the following list items:

User Configuration ➯ Administrative Templates ➯ Control Panel
Next, on the right side of the window, double-click the policy with the name

In the window Disable access to the control panel and computer parameters, set the switch from the position is not specified in the Position Enabled and click OK.

To change the changes to restart the computer. To do without restarting the computer, in the command open on behalf of the administrator:

Now when trying to start the classic control panel, you will see a window with a message:

When you try to open the application options, it will simply not start and you will not see any messages.

The method described above prohibits access to the control panel and application options only for the current account. If you want to prohibit access to the control panel and application options for other users, leaving access included for your account and without leaving it, then read the article you will learn how to do it.

How to prohibit access to the control panel and application parameters in the registry editor (REGEDIT.EXE)

This method is suitable for all editions. operating system Windows. Before making any changes to the registry, it is recommended or exporting the registry key directly in which changes will be made.

Open the registry editor, for this, press the + R key combination, in the window that opens, enter the REGEDIT command and press the key. ENTER

To prohibit access to the control panel and application options for the user under the user you entered the system, in the registry editor, go to the next way:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Policies \\ Explorer
If you want to prohibit access to the control panel and application options for all users this computer, then go to the next way:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Policies \\ Explorer
Right-click on the section Explorer. And in the context menu that appears, select

Create\u003e DWORD Parameter (32 bits). NOCONLPANEL NOCONLPANEL

Changes come into force immediately, and now when trying to start a classic control panel, you will also see a window with a message:

The operation is canceled due to restrictions acting on this computer. Talk to system administrator.

Also when trying to open the application options, it will simply do not start and you will not see any messages.

To date, in almost all operating systems of the Windows family, when performing an access attempt, let's say, a message type "Operation is canceled due to the restrictions operating for a computer" is often encountered to the system register or group policy reactor.

It is necessary to consider in more detail, for what reason there is a similar situation, and what are the methods of combating it.

When is it often found this warning?

With a detailed consideration of the problem, it is necessary to note the two most common options for developing events:

Operation is interrupted due to restrictions that are superimposed on the computer administrator;
Problems arise due to the impact of viruses and malicious programs.

Although there are other reasons for errors, but it is worth staying in the most common points and consider the method of correcting this situation.

Possible explanation of the error

As a rule, both options can be noted, have a place to be. In the first case, do not have to perform anything complicated. If access to certain functions or elements of the operating system is actually blocked specifically by the terminal administrator or network administrator, everything is clear. It will be necessary to refer to them to remove the restrictions. In this case, there is nothing terrible. However, when the user on his terminal is the administrator himself, as well as if no one, besides him, is not registered in the system, the emergence of a report on the canceled access at the reason for the restrictions that exist for a computer has a minimum perplexity. What to do in this case?

Why did this happen? This is due to the intervention in the work of the virus system. As you know, today they have become particularly selective than before. Thus, the viruses are attacked not the entire system, but only some of its elements. As a result, the user faces partial loss of administrative rights. Although, and with this you can fight. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to fulfill it. It is necessary to consider ways to make your own computer in a normal state.

Correction Method: Check for Malicious Files

For example, you can consider the following situation: the operation of access to specific services or system elements is canceled as a result of the restrictions on the computer. Often this refers to the launch of the system registry or other services. First, some powerful antivirus should be applied. Although, you can use regular softwarewhich is installed in the system. However, if it has already missed a malicious file, it is difficult to give a guarantee that even with a detailed scan with the most recent versions The database signatures will give a positive result. It is advisable to use independent programs. Kaspersky Virus cope with such tasks Removal Tool. and Dr. Web Cure IT! Although other utilities are also suitable.

Using AVZ.

It is worth noting if the system is issued a message that the operation is canceled due to the restrictions existing for the computer, it is worthwhile to access the required components. For this purpose is quite interesting. aVZ program. It needs to select a troubleshooting wizard called Troubleshooting Wizard. You should call from the main menu "File" and run scanning. As a rule, at the end of the process in the results it will be noted that five main services are blocked. K belongs as follows:

System registry;
"My Computer" section from the admin menu;
"Task Manager";
command line.

Thus, depending on the degree of influence of the virus, the list may include other services, such as "control panel". Then it is worth highlighting all the items that have encountered and click on the correction button.

Removing system registry elements

To the notification "Operation canceled due to the restrictions currently operating for a computer ..." was not displayed again, it is not necessary to stop "treatment" prematurely computer system. After all the actions made earlier, it will be necessary to perform another operation. You need to go to the editor using the REGEDIT command, which is entered in the "Run" menu or in command line. Next, you need to refer to the hotkey_local_machine section, and in the Software subsection, gradually go down the tree until the Explorer occurs.

On the right side of the window, you can see the NOVIEWONDRIVE record. It should be removed immediately. To make such an operation, it is worth highlighting the inscription and click on the DEL button. As a result, the system will issue a security prevention that will be marked with a yellow triangle with exclamation familiar. In this case, there is nothing terrible. You will need to click on the "OK" key, close the editor and reboot the system. Then you can be sure that the limitations are removed. After that, there is the ability to apply the group policy editor, but it only duplicates the records in system RegistryWith which it is much easier to work.

In the end it is worth noting that although the method of correcting such non-identity situations to some people may seem too much, however, this most effective methods are precisely this method. True, there are also such users who try to download from the "left" sites of registration files (.reg) intended for automatic correction. Also, some people are trying to use automated programs. It is worth noting that this, as a rule, does not bring a serious result, since in the machine the utilities have a selective action. In addition, they are able to expose the virus attack when booting to a computer terminal.

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