
OpenOffice Calc Formats. What is the CALC file extension? Saving table editor documents

The spreadsheet is a rectangular matrix consisting of cells, each of which has its own number.

Program LibreOffice Calc. Designed to work with data tables, mostly numeric.
Creating workers books
Window LibreOffice Calc.

The LibreOffice Calc work window is represented in Fig. one.

Fig. 1. Work window LibreOffice Calc

The default LibreOffice Calc program is called "Unnamed 1". Consists of several sheets (default - 3) with standard extension ODS.. At the request of the user, the number of sheets can be increased.
The working sheet consists of rows and columns. The columns are numbered from A to AMG, and the lines from 1 to 1048576. The cell addresses are formed from the column number and the line number (for example, A1). Appeal to cells are made at their addresses.
Operations with sheets:

  • rename - double-click on the name of the sheet on its shortcut or "rename" the context menu of the shortcut;
  • deleting - "Edit" → "Sheet" menu → "Delete sheet" or "Delete" the context menu of the shortcut;
  • moving or copying - "Edit" → "Sheet" menu → "Move / copy a sheet" or the corresponding tab of the shortcut menu. To copy, you need to check the Copy checkbox in the "Move / Copy Sheet" window;
  • adding - Click on the sheet shortcut, before which the new sheet is inserted, in the context menu of the label to select the item "Add sheets" (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2. Insert List dialog box
In this dialog box, we specify the position, the name of the sheet, the number and click the "OK" button. You can also call the "Insert Sheet" dialog box through the "Insert" menu → "Sheet".
If the book consists of a large number of sheets and all shortcuts are not visible, then you should use the arrows located on the left of the labels.
Selection of cells and ranges (+ arrows or left mouse button; - Different areas). All cells of the string or column can be highlighted by clicking on the line header or column. To highlight the work sheet in the current book, you need to click on the sheet label. To select all the working sheet cells, you need to click on the allocation button of the entire sheet (rectangle at the intersection of the headers of the rows and columns) or press the keyboard key.
Entering data to work leaf
In the cells of the working sheet there may be text, constants and formulas. Text data cannot be performed by mathematical calculations. By default, numeric data is aligned on the right edge, and the text on the left. If the name of the category is not in width, then the right cell (if it is not empty) overlaps the following. The column width can be changed using the "Format" → "Column" → "Width" menu (you can use the "Optimal Width" command) or manually by dragging the boundaries in the column header rows. If the data is typed, but not yet entered, then the corrections can be made directly in the cell and in the formula string.
After the data is entered, you need to go to edit mode to correct. To do this, you need to double click on the desired cell. Insert the cursor appears in the cell. After editing is completed, entering new data must be confirmed by pressing the key. Pressing cancels the fixes made.
Data types.
The type defines the amount of memory allocated for data and possible operations with them. We describe the main types of LibreOffice Calc.
Whole numbers- These are numbers that are shared without a balance per unit: 4; -235. Numbers scored in parentheses are treated as negative.
Valid numberor how else is it called Total number- This is any positive number, negative number or zero. For example, 24.45 (separator - comma).
Drobi.: 7/8; 4/123.
To enter percentage after the number, the% symbol is recruited. If the number entered is a monetary value, rub in the end. (rubles).
If the numerical constant entered is not included in the width cell, it is displayed on the screen in the form ####. In this case, the column width must be increased.
date and time. Entering the date, for example, September 21, 2011, you can spend by typing on the keyboard 21/09/11.
Entering time is performed in the form of 13:21 or 14:15:00.
Formulas. All formulas in LibreOffice Calc must begin with the symbol = . To fix the input formula is displayed in the cell and in the formula string. After pressing the key in the cell, the value calculated by the formula will appear, and the input row will be cleaned.
When calculating the value of the formula, first of all, expressions inside the round brackets are calculated. If there are no brackets, the execution of operations is as follows:

  • the values \u200b\u200bof the functions are calculated;
  • the exercise operation (sign operation ^);
  • multiplication and division operations (operations of operation *, /);
  • operations of addition and subtraction (Signs of operation +, -).

As operands, the formula may contain numbers, links (cell addresses), functions.
Examples of formulas: \u003d 4 * 8 ^ 4-12; B2 + SIN (1,576).
The value of the formula depends on the contents of the cells to indicate the references, and it changes when the contents of these cells change.
For view the values \u200b\u200bof the arguments of the formula On the work sheet, you must double-click the left mouse button on the cell with the formula. In this case, the arguments in the formula and the corresponding values \u200b\u200bon the work sheet are highlighted in the same color (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3. View the values \u200b\u200bof the formula arguments
Operations of one level are performed from left to right. In addition to these operations in arithmetic expressions, communication operations are used:
: range;
; an association;
! Crossing.
To combine texts, a sign & (ampersant) is used.
Function - This is a predetermined formula. The function has the name and arguments enclosed in parentheses. Arguments are separated from each other with a symbol ";". Other functions can be used as arguments (if they work with the same data type), constants, cell addresses and cell ranges.
The range is a group of cells forming a rectangle. The range is denoted by the cell in the left upper corner Rectangle and cells in the lower right corner of the rectangle. For example, the designation C5: F9 describes the range of cells on the intersection of rows with numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and columns C, D, E, F.
For example, SUM (A3; E1: E4) - this feature has two arguments. The first A3, the second - E1: E4. Summed numbers in cells A3, E1, E2, E3, E4.
Panel formulasafter the choices "Function" (sign " = »On the formula panel) contains the following items: the incident list of the last functions used, the" Function Wizard "button, the" Cancel "button, the" Apply "button and the input string (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Panel formulas
Enter formulas.Formulas can be entered in several ways: with the help of icons, input from the keyboard, or both methods at the same time.
1. Click the cell in which you want to insert the formula.
2. Click the Function icon (sign " = ") On the formula panel. An equal sign will appear in the input row, and now you can enter the formula. The formula can be entered using the "Masters of Functions", select necessary operators From the incident list and commissioning from the keyboard.
3. After entering the desired values, press the key or "Accept" button to insert the result in the current cell. If you want to clear the input string, press the key or the Cancel button.
You can enter the values \u200b\u200band formulas directly into the cells, even if the input cursor is not visible. All formulas should begin with the sign of equality.
Also, to start the input of the formula, you can press the "+" or "-" key on the numeric keypad. NumLock Mode must be in the on position. For example, here, press the following keys: +50 - 8.
The result is displayed in the cell. 42. The cell contains formula \u003d + 50-8.
A set of functions using the "Masters of Functions".Button " Master of Functions " The toolbar has the view f. ( x. ) .
Built-in functions allow you to simply and quickly perform the necessary calculations. LibreOffice Calc has more than 350 functions. In the case when none of the built-in features is suitable for solving the task, the user has the ability to create its own (user) function.
For ease of use, the functions are grouped by category: database; date Time; financial; information; brain teaser; mathematical; arrays; statistical; spreadsheets; text; Additional.
Pressing on this button, starts the work wizard. You can choose the function from the category you need. For example, to calculate the hyperbolic arquosine number, select the E41 cell, press the "Master of Functions" button, select the category "mathematical", the function "ACOSH". With the right side of the dialog box, a description is described in this function (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Dialog box "Master of Functions"
To use this feature, you must click the "Next" button or double-click on the "ACOSH" function in the left side of the dialog box. You can also manually register in the input bar for the sample formula shown after the name of the function on the right side of the dialog box.
After pressing the "Next" or double click on the "Acosh" function, the dialog box will take the following form (Fig. 6)

Fig. 6. Selection of the ACOSH function
In this window, you can enter a number from the keyboard in the "Number" field. From above indicates what value can this number be taken. When you click on the "Select" button, the input row appears (Fig. 7), to which you can enter the cell name, which contains a number to calculate (the cell can also be selected directly on the work sheet by the left mouse button).

Fig. 7. Choice of Number
After selecting the required cell, you must click on the button
At the same time, we return to our dialog box, where the result is already displayed (Fig. 8)

Fig. 8. "Function Master" after selecting a cell containing a number
In the "Structure" tab, the "Master of Function" shows us the structure of this operation, the degree of nesting (Fig. 9)

Fig. 9. Tab "Structure"
Press the button. The result of the operation of this function is written to the E41 cell (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. The result of the function of the function
LibreOffice Calc can work with both individual cells and data arrays.
LibreOffice Calc distinguish between two types of cell addressing: absolute and relative. Both types can be applied in the same link and create a mixed link.
Relative reference Perceived by the program as an indication of the route to the addressed cell from the cell containing the formula. When copying the formula, the relative links will be changed in such a way that the route is preserved. Relative links are used in the default CALC.
Absolute Link Specifies the absolute coordinates of the cell. When copying the formula, the absolute link to the cell will not change. The absolute link is set by specifying the dollar symbol before the line number and column, for example $ A $ 1.
The mixed link is a combination of absolute and relative links when for a string and column are used. different methods Addressing, for example $ A4, B $ 3. When copying the formula, the absolute part of the reference does not change.
Set the link, when entering the formula, you can directly enter the keyboard or the method of instructions (clicking the mouse on the desired cell).
Often in the formulas it is necessary to set references to the range of cells. To specify the range of CALC, uses three address operators:
the range operator (colon): The link addresses all the cells located between the two specified cells, for example, \u003d SUM (A1: B2) - returns the amount of the values \u200b\u200bof the cells A1, A2, B1 and B2;
operator of the range of ranges (semicolon): Reference covers the cells of the specified individual ranges, for example, \u003d SUM (A3; E1: E4) - Returns the sum of the cells A3, E1, E2, E3, E4;
range intersection operator ( exclamation point): Reference covers cells included in each of the specified ranges, for example, \u003d SUM (B2: D2! C1: D3) - returns the amount of C2 and D2 cells.
Creating a series
The input diagram of the same value or formula into part of the column or string:
1. Enter the value or formula into the cell and press;
2. Set the mouse pointer on the cell fill marker and stretch in the desired direction when the left key is pressed.
Cell filling marker - Little rectangle in the lower right corner of the cell:

Input scheme numeric values According to regression:
1. Insert two first elements of progression into two neighboring cells;
2. Select these cells;
3. Set the mouse pointer on the marker of filling the selected cells and stretch in the desired direction when the left mouse button is pressed.

Data stored in cells can be displayed in one of several formats. Select the data representation format and the cell format can be in the Cell Format dialog box (Fig. 11). You can call it by pressing a key combination, select the "Cell ..." item in the "Format" menu, or the "cell format ..." menu after pressing the right mouse button on the cell (call the context menu).
Formatting includes the following items:
- installation of the format of numbers;
- selection of fonts;
- drawing frames;
- filling the cells with color and pattern;
- data alignment;
- Data protection.

Fig. 11. Dialog box "Cell format"
The "Cell Format" window contains several tabs, go between which you can, climb the mouse over the bookmark label. Short description tabs:
Numbers - Allows you to select one of the ways of submitting data to refine it (right). For example, for a numeric format, you can specify the number of semicolons. In this case, a sample of the selected data representation is displayed in the field on the right.
Font - The tab manages the selection of the font (style, drawing, size, language).
Effects font - Allows you to set color, undershooting, underscore, relief, contour, font shadow.
Alignment - The tab allows you to control the method of placing the text in the cell, turning the text in the cell, the transfer of words in the cell.
Frame - The tab allows you to create a framing around the cells using the boundaries of different style and thickness.
Background - The tab manages the color of the pouring cells.
Cell protection - The Tab manages the protection of cells from changes.

Error values \u200b\u200bfor calculations by formulas

Error value

Error code

Explanation of the error

The column is too narrow to display the full contents of the cell. To solve this problem, increase the column width or use the "Format" menu → "Column" → "Optimal width".

The operator or argument is not permissible.

The calculation led to overflow a certain range of values.

The formula within the cell returns a value that does not correspond to the definition of the formula or the functions used. This error may also mean that the cell referenced by the formula contains text, not a number.

Formula within the cell uses non-existent links.

The identifier cannot be appreciated: there is no allowable link, there is no valid domain name, no column / string, no macro, incorrect decimal separator, no supplement found.

Posted division by 0.

Tracking interconnection of cells.
In large tables it is difficult to determine which cells are used to calculate on complex formulas, or in the formulas of which cells this cell takes part.
LibreOffice Calc makes it possible to use a visual graphic connection between cells. Cells that are used for calculations according to the formula are called "influencing cells". Cells, in the formulas of which an active cell is used are called "dependent cells".
To trace the affective and dependent cells, you can use the "Service" menu command → "Dependencies". Menu this service Presented in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12. Menu "Dependencies"
Influencing cells.Using this feature, connections between the current cell containing the formula, and the cells used in this formula are displayed. For example, the operation of the addition of two cells (A1I A3). The result of the addition (formula "\u003d A1 + A3") is recorded in the C2 cell. To view cells affecting C2, select this cell and use the "Influencing Cells" service. At the same time, LibreOffice Calc with the arrow will indicate the cells affecting the C2 cell (Fig. 13)

Fig. 13. Influencing cells
Remove arrows to affecting cells.Removes one level of arrows to the affecting cells inserted with the "Influencing Cells" command.
Dependent cells.This command holds the arrows to the active cell on the formulas depending on the values \u200b\u200bin the active cell. We use the previous example, but now select the A1 cell and see that the C2 cell depends on the cell A1 (Fig. 14)

Fig. 14. Dependent cells
Remove arrows to addicted cells.Deletes one level of arrows to the addicted cells inserted using the Dependent Cells command.
Delete all arrows.Removes all the addiction arrows contained in the spreadsheet.
Error source.This command holds arrows to all influencing cells that cause an error in the selected cell.
Observe incorrect data.When you call this command, all cells on a sheet containing values \u200b\u200bthat do not comply with the rules of verification are marked.
Update arrows.This command calls to re-generate all the arrows on the sheet, taking into account the change in the formulas since the last alignment of dependencies.
Update automatically.Automatic update of all dependencies on the sheet with each change in the formula.
Fill mode.With this command, the fill mode is activated. Mouse cursor turns into special symbolAnd they can click any cell to view dependencies from affecting cells. To exit this mode, press the key or click the Fill Mode command in the context menu.
Association of Cells -to combine two or more cells, it is necessary to select cells and click the button on the "Formatting" panel "Combine and Center Cells" or use the "Format" menu → "Combine Cells". Also, these operators can be used when splitting the cells.

Creating diagrams
LibreOffice allows you to graphically submit data in the form of a diagram for a visual comparison of data series and viewing their trends. Charts can be inserted into spreadsheets, text documents, drawings and presentations.
Charts in LibreOffice Calc are created using the "Master of Charts". Before it is activated, it is desirable to highlight the data that will be used in the diagram, although this can be done in the process of building a chart.
The selected area should contain cells with the name of the rows and columns that will be used as the names of categories and text of the legend. To build a diagram, you can use the data in non-measure areas. Data series can be added to the source table, in addition, the table itself can be placed in the diagram area. "Master of Chart" is called from the main menu using the "Insert" → "Chart" command (Fig. 15) or the button on the toolbar.

Fig. 15. "Master Charts"

Working with the "Master of Charts" requires consistent execution of four steps:
1. Select type and type of diagrams (histogram, line, circular, area, lines, XY diagram, bubble, mesh, stock, columns and lines).
2. Specifying the data range to be displayed in the diagram, and the choice of data orientation (in the strings or columns of the table defined data series); preview Charts.
3. Configure data ranges for each row.
4. Registration of the chart: Adding a legend, the name of the diagram and the axes, applying markup.

Editing diagrams
After creating a diagram, it can be changed. Changes relate to both the type of diagrams and its individual elements. Spectrum of editing features:
1. Click the diagram to change the properties of objects: size and position on the current page; Alignment, test transfer, external borders, etc.
2. To go to the diagram editing mode, double-click the following mouse button: Data Data Values \u200b\u200b(for Diagrams with Own Data); Type of chart, axis, headlines, walls, mesh, etc.
3. Double-click the diagram element in the diagram editing mode: to change the scale, type, colors and other parameters double-click the axis.
Double-click the data point to select and change the data to which the point relates.
Select a number of data, click it, and then double-click the data point to change the properties of this point (for example, one value on the histogram).
Double-click the legend to choose and change it. Click, and then double-click the character in the selected legend to change the corresponding data series.
To change properties, double-click any other diagram element or click the item and open the "Format" menu.
4. To exit the current edit mode, click Outside the diagram.
Also to highlight the chart elements, you can use the "Formatting diagrams" toolbar, which appears after double clicking on the diagram (Fig. 16)

Fig. 16. Toolbar "Formatting Charts"
Using this panel, you can select the elements of charts in the falling list, view the format of the selected item ("Selection format" button and make the necessary changes. Also on this panel are the following buttons:

View of the panel


Type of diagram

Show / Hide horizontal grid

Show / hide legend

Scale of texts

Automatic markup

To add items to the diagram, you must use the "Insert" menu (Fig. 17) and select the desired item (you must first select the diagram by double clicking the left mouse button).

Fig. 17. Menu "Insert"
"Headers" - You can add or change the title name, subtitle, the name of the x, y, z axes, additional axes. To move the item, you must select it and drag to the right place. Also, the selected header can be removed using the Legend key. The legend displays the signatures from the first row or column or from the range that was specified in the Data Series dialog box. If the diagram does not contain signatures, text in the form will be displayed in the form "Line 1, line 2 ..." or "Column A, column B ..." in accordance with the number of row or the letter of the diagram data column. Introduce the text directly impossible; It is generated automatically based on the name of the cell range. Using the "Insert" → "Legend" menu, it is possible to change its location or hide. Laying "Axis". It makes it possible to make the missing axis in the chart. The grid - ensures the insertion of the grid to the diagram that improves perception. The removal of the grid lines is ensured by the removal of the corresponding flags. The formatting of the diagram area is reduced to a change in the form (frame and fill) (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18. Dialog box "Diagram"

Control of the volume form of diagrams. To control the volume form of diagrams, LibreOffice Calc provides the ability to change the viewing view of the diagram by changing the three special parameters: perspective, appearance and lighting (Fig. 19)

Fig. 19. Three-dimensional view
This feature is laid in the "Format" command → "Three-dimensional image".
Sorting lists and ranges
LibreOffice Calc presents various types of data sorting. You can sort rows or columns in an increasing go of the descending order (text data - in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order). In addition, LibreOffice Calc allows you to create your own sort order. The Sort dialog box (Fig. 20) is called using the "Data" menu → "Sort". In this case, the columns, strings or simply data that must be sorted is predefined.

Fig. 20. Dialog box "Sort"
You can also sort the data using the buttons on the Toolbar "Standard"

Applying filters to analyze lists. Filters allow you to place the results of requests for criteria into a separate table, which can be used for further processing. Filter the list means to hide the list lines with the exception of those that satisfy specified conditions Selection.
Using autofiltra. Before using the autofilter, you must select data (there may be the entire line of headers) to be filtered. Menu "Data" → "Filter" → "Auto Filter". Each LibreOffice Calc column header will install an autofilter in the form of an arrow button. As a result of the work of the Autofilter LibreOffice Calc displays filtered lines.
Using a standard filter. It is also very convenient to use a standard filter that makes it possible to use a variety of criteria associated with logical functions And or or. Calling a standard filter - "Data" menu → "Filter" → "Standard Filter" (Fig. 21)

Fig. 21. Dialog box "Standard Filter"
The standard filter can also be used with an applied autofilter.

Using an extended filter (Data "→" Filter "→" Advanced Filter "). Select a named area or enter the range of cells containing the filter conditions you want to use.
Forms of data. When performing tasks characteristic of databases, such as search, sorting, summing up, LibreOffice Calc automatically examines the table as a database. When viewing, modifying, deleting a record in the database, as well as when searching for entries certain criterion It is convenient to use data forms. When accessing the "Data" command → "Form" LibreOffice Calc reads data and creates a dialog box of the data form (Fig. 22).

Fig. 22. Data form dialog box
In the form of data on the screen, one entry is displayed, it is possible to view the next records and create a new one. When entering or changing data in the fields of this window, the contents of the corresponding database cells change (after entering new data, you must press the key).
Selection of the parameter.In the case of selecting the parameter, we are talking On the simple form of data analysis of the type "what if", that is, it is necessary to choose such an argument value in which the function takes the specified value. In particular, the function of the selection can be used to find the root of a nonlinear equation. The value of the target cell is the result of calculating the formula. This formula is directly or indirectly referred to one or more influencing cells. The selection function changes the value of the influenge cell so as to obtain a specified value in the target cell. The affecting cell itself may also contain a formula.
To apply the parameter selection function, you must select the cell with the target value and select the "Service" → "Selection of the parameter" command (Fig. 23).

Fig. 23. Dialog box "Selection of the parameter"

Target cell - in a cell with the formula, enter a link to a cell containing the formula. It contains a reference to the current cell. In the case shown in Fig. 12, the target cell contains the formula for the construction of the square. Click another cell on the sheet to apply the link to it to the text field.
Target value- This indicates the value you want to get as a new result. Suppose we need to find out what number it is necessary to build a square to get a value of 121. Accordingly, we enter as the target value "121".
By changing the cell - here specifies a link to a cell containing the value that you want to configure to select the value.
After entering the settings, click "OK" and LibreOffice Calc offers us an option to replace the cell (Fig. 24). The result of our actions is the number 11.

  • On the results of monitoring the section "Appeal of citizens" (OMS on the list)
  • Calc is a free tabular processor. office package OpenOffice..

    The closest commercial analogue of Calc can be considered an Excel tabular processor. According to its Calc interface, it is similar to earlier versions of Excel, namely from Excel 2003. Despite the fact that Calc applies to free basedgiven to your table editor functional features Not inferior to its commercial analogue. Due to the similarity of the interface of both tabular processors, the transition from one office application to another occurs without special labor and time costs. However, it should be noted that each of the products have its own characteristics. In particular, this is a different writing of functions. In Calc, all functions are written by Latin.

    Consider Calc in more detail. This section will describe the basics of work with the table editor of the office package. OpenOffice..

    Check Calc.

    Currently new version is version 3.4.1. To check for updates, you need to sequentially select Help / Check availability of updates ...

    If the update is not needed, a window will appear with an appropriate inscription.

    Saving table editor documents

    Despite the fact that Calc files are automatically saved with a certain periodicity, experience shows that sometimes it is not enough. Therefore, it is advisable to save the file manually.

    1. By clicking on the toolbar icon depicting a floppy disk. If the icon is not active, then the document did not make changes to maintain.

    If the file has recently been created, then when you first save the user will be offered to select a folder for storing a file. It should be borne in mind that the "native" extension for the Calc file is an ODT extension. It means that early versions Excel will not be able to open the Calc file, which may make it difficult to use by other users from which Excel is installed. To avoid this problem, it is advisable to save all Calc files in the XLS extension format. This format Allows you to view it both in Excel and in other applications.

    In turn, it should be noted that the OpenOffice table editor can freely open any types. microsoft files Office Excel. However, with complex paperwork in the table editor OpenOffice. When saving files in excel format Some of the design items may not be saved in the Excel extension file.

    Workbook Calc.

    When creating a document in Salc, three sheets are automatically created in the workbook, which are called sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3. Pressing the mouse cursor on the names of the sheets can be moved from one sheet of working book to another. In Calc, you can create several sheets within one working book. You can also change the color of the label with the names of the sheets, rename, delete and copy sheets within a single file, as well as copy the sheets of the working book from other files of the OpenOffice tabular editor.

    If there is a pretty workbook in the workbook a large number of Sheets, they will not all be displayed in the appropriate line. To switch between working sheets of a tabular editor OpenOffice.You must use the arrow button.

    To change the sequence of sheets of the working book tableware processor, It is necessary to bring the mouse cursor to the tab of the corresponding working sheet, press the left mouse button and holding it down, move the sheet in the row to the required place.

    Renaming sheet sheet Calc.

    To rename a sheet of working book of a table processor OpenOffice., It is necessary to bring the mouse cursor to the required tab and click the right mouse button. In the commands that appears, select "Rename ...". As a result of the operations done, a dialog box appears in which the current work sheet name will be specified. It must be entered into the string with the current name of the new working sheet name and click "OK". Now the sheet has been assigned a new name.

    It should be borne in mind that the name of the working sheet of the OpenOffice table editor can be rather long and its length is limited only by the size of the visible part of the working window. If the sheet name is too long, it will not be fully displayed, and at the end of the name three points appear. The length of the name can be adjusted by numing the mouse cursor next to the name of the workbook before the appearance of the cross. If you press the left mouse button and hold it pressed, you can adjust the length of the name moving the mouse over the left or right.

    In the OpenOffice hostname of the working sheet of the tabular editor, you can see two two ways.

    First, bring the mouse cursor to the tab with the name of the working sheet. Thin string with the full name will appear next to the tab.

    Secondly, to sequentially select "Help / What is it?". After performing this operation, a question mark appears next to the cursor. If the mouse cursor is brought to the tab with the name sheet, then the full name of the working sheet will appear next to the rectangle.

    When the names match, a warning about the inadmissibility of this name will appear.

    Changing the color of the working book Calc.

    IN OpenOffice. Each of the workbook sheets labels, which are located at the bottom of the working sheet of the table editor, you can assign your color. By default, all sheets Calc white color labels. Changing the color of the label allows you to simplify work with a document with large quantity Work sheets. To change the color of the shortcut, you need to hover the mouse cursor to the tab with the name of the working sheet of the table editor and click the right mouse button. In the list of commands that appears, select the "Label color" item. After the dialog box appears with the examples of colors, select the desired color. After performing this operation, the color of the label will automatically change. It should be noted that if you work in this sheet, the color of the label is not visible. It is visible only when the workbook sheet is not active.

    Adding sheets of the workbook

    IN OpenOffice. When creating documents in a tabular processor By default, three working sheets are created. To start working in a specific sheet, you must click on the mouse cursor to the tab named the corresponding sheet. In addition to deleting and copying, adding work sheets is also standard and frequently used operation when working with a tabular processor.

    Consider in more detail the process of creating / adding sheets of the working book in the table processor OpenOffice..

    To create B. new sheet, you need to hover the mouse cursor to the tab of any existing sheet and click the right mouse button. In the command list that appears, you must select the item "Add sheets ...". Selecting this item will call the "Insert Sheet" dialog box.

    This dialog box configures:

    1. Location of the working sheet among the sheets of the working book

    2. Number of sheets created

    3. Communication of the copied / added sheet with a list from another file

    Consider each of the above table processor functions in more detail.

    1. Location of working sheet. The definition of a list of sheet in the OpenOffice CALC workbook cannot be considered as the main function when adding sheets. This paragraph is only determined where the tab with a new sheet will be: before or after the current sheet. The choice can be done by noting the corresponding item in the "Position" section.

    2. The number of added sheets. It is indicated by the number of sheets added. If only one sheet is added, then you can immediately assign a name by writing it in the appropriate line. If two sheets and more are added, then the string in which you can make the name of the sheet, becomes inactive. All added sheets are assigned numbers in order of priority.

    For example, in a file in which there are three working sheets with sequence numbers sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3, we bring the cursor to the sheet1 and press the right mouse button. In the command list that appears, select "Add sheets ...". Next, in the dialog box, select the position "in front of the current sheet", set the number 2 in the "Number of sheets" item and click OK. As a result, two sheets of sheet4 and sheet 5 were created, which are located in front of the "Sheet 1" tab.

    3. To copy the sheet, which is located in another table processor file, you must mark the "File" item in the Insert Sheet dialog box. To synchronize the added sheet with the original working sheet, you must additionally check the box in the "Communication file" item. Now, with any changes in the basic sheet, they will be displayed in the added sheet. This feature It will be discussed in more detail in the "Related Workbook Sheets" item.

    Now we consider it in more detail just adding / copying a working sheet from another table processor file, that is, copying a sheet without synchronization. To copy the sheet, in the "Insert Sheet" dialog box, select the "File" item. Next, click the "Overview ..." button and in the "Paste" window that appears, select original file Tabular processor, that is, the file from which sheets will be copied. After selecting the basic file in the window, a list of sheets appears from which you need to select a copied sheet. Since the check mark was not set in the connection with the file, then there will be a simple copy of the working sheets file.

    For example, you need to add a table about the dynamics of the international reserves of the Russian Federation, which is located in a sheet of 1 file "Example 1". To do this, select the source file, press the "OK" button. On a white field, which is located next to the item "From the File", in the list that appears, select "Sheet 1". After making the specified actions, the sheet with the table is copied. He was assigned the name "Sheet 1_2".

    Framing or creation of table borders in the OpenOffice Table Processor

    The technology of creating a table in the OpenOffice table processor is no different from the technology of creating tables in the popular Excel commercial application. To create a table, you must first set the borders of the table, which is solved by using the Framing tool. When you call this tool, you must click on the toolbar on the icon, which is depicted in the form of a square defined line.

    When you click on this icon, the toolbar will appear using which the boundaries of the cells are set.

    In total, a table of OpenOffice Calc is represented by twelve different species Frames:

    1. No border

    2. Left border

    3. Right border

    4. External vertical boundaries

    5. Upper border

    6. Lower border

    7. External horizontal boundaries

    8. External borders

    9. Horizontal borders

    10. Horizontal boundaries with an outer boundary

    11. Vertical borders with an external border

    12. All borders

    Let us consider in more detail two types of frames that are most commonly used when creating a table in the OpenOffice Table Processor: "All borders" and "without boundaries". The "all bounds" tool when selecting any area on the work sheet framed each cell of the black line area. The framing tool "Without borders", on the contrary, removes all lines in the selected area.

    In the OpenOffice Calc Table processor, there is also a more interesting, "advanced" tool with which you can create not only the table boundaries, but also to set the thickness of the table lines, color and type of lines, and add the shadow effect to the table.

    To use these additional settings, It is necessary on the work sheet to dedicated the mouse cursor and click the right button. In the command list that appears, select "Format cells ...". In the Cell Format dialog box, you must select the Frame tab. With this tab, the position of the lines is determined, that is, their borders, line style, lines thickness, lines color, indents from the content, shadow style and shadow color.

    Consider the application of some of the previously presented tools in more detail.

    1. Holding the left mouse button, select multiple cells.

    2. Click on the toolbar on the "Border" icon to open the Frame Toolbar.

    3. Click the mouse on the icon in the lower right corner of the Frame dialog box. As a result of this operation, the selected area is located on the work sheet of the table processor OpenOffice. There will be external and internal boundaries, that is, a table will be built.

    Now change the color and thickness of the table lines, as well as add the effect of the shade to the table. To do this, call the "Cell format" dialog box, performing the following steps: select the source table using the mouse, go to the table the mouse cursor and press the right mouse button. In the command list that appears, select "Cell Format". And further, in the dialog box, set the settings, as indicated in the figure, then click "OK". As a result, the source table will change the thickness of the lines, the color of the lines, and the shadow will be added.

    In connection with the service in the army, I have not written new articles about LibreOffice for a long time and here a few hours of my last in the autumn season, I decided to spend on writing a new material, the topic for which was found by itself.

    The skill of possession of the computer was useful in the army and one of my daily tasks is to compile an analysis of the incidence of personnel, which looks like this:

    Particularly delve into the data is not necessary. My task comes down to interrupting the numbers in the columns "San. San", "Hospital", "Isolator", "Trend". With the first three columns, nothing to do, but the column "Trend" always strains me, because requires handmade. Therefore, I decided to automate it.

    A little retreat from the essence of the story, I have to work in MS Excel, but in libreoffice problems and ways to solve them are the same.

    So, in the column "Trend" I am dealing with two numbers. The first number is the difference between the column "in just the previous period" and "total", and in brackets is the same value, but in percent. If the number of patients has not changed per day, then the "no change" phrase is written.

    What can be done with this?
    1. First, I divided the column "Trend" into two columns and recorded a simple formula in the first column, which deducts data from the "total" and "in just the previous period". Here the first problem arises if the number is negative, the minus sign is written automatically, but this is a plus sign - no.

    2. In the second column, the percentage is automatically calculated. There is a problem with a sign plus and in the recording of numbers itself, that is, they must be in brackets.

    3. The third problem is that if the number of patients has not changed, then the recording "without changes" then need to be inspired manually.

    All problems are solved with the help of dialogue "Format cells". Right-click on the cell and choose the item "Format cells". In the dialog that opens, select the "Numbers" tab.

    At the bottom there is a field "Format Code", in it for the first column I entered the following code:
    [<0]"+"0;[>0] "-" 0; "without"

    For the second column, the code looks like this:
    [<0]" (+"0,00" %)";[>0] "(-" 0.00 "%)"; "change"

    As a result, received such a result:

    Now everything is considered automatically and recorded in the format you need. Unfortunately, there is no time for further clarification and copying information. About mysterious codes that I entered you can read here - My goal was to show specific example Applications.

    Of course, it would be possible to shoot a little more and realize this functional a little different way, but my tasks are solved, and there is no time for the rest.

    I will explain only what moment. What are such codes are set for. Cells can be either a numeric or text format. If you take and write in the cell any word, it will have a text format and if we try to add this cell to another, we will get an error. Therefore, in my case, the number 0 was only visually presented in the form of "no change" text. If you add this cell to the number, then we will get the same result as if we added 0.

    If you are looking for a program to create spreadsheets, you need to download for free OpenOffice Calc.. It is a qualitative analogue of the famous Excel, but the installation and work in Kalk is absolutely free.

    The utility is easy to use and all of its functionality you can master in minutes.

    Features Open Office Kalk

    By installing this program to your computer, you will receive the following features:

    Interface Open Office Kalk

    Running for the first time OpenOffice Org Calc, you will immediately notice the obvious similarity with the OpenOffice Excel Kalk.
    Our analogue, and the famous Excel, the main menu items are similar. The format of table cells, fill and the types of their framing are also similar to Excel. But there are some differences: in Kalk interface is not such a sticky, when taking a cursor to a cell, in Kalk you will see the cursor icon, whereas in Excel - plus.

    Work in the program Kalk Package Open Office

    The program is a component and separately does not apply. To start working in the program, you need to download Open Office Kalk to the computer, set this component.
    After that you can work in the program and perform the following actions:

    • To create a document, click the file, then create and select the spreadsheet. Another way how to make a table in open office - use the Ctrl + N key combination. Now you can fill the table by entering text, numbers or functions.
    • To open the file, click the file, click on Open and select the document you want.
    • In order to save the document, click the file, select Save or use Ctrl + S. combination.
    • To print a document, click the file, select Print or Ctrl + P.

    Open Office Kalk will allow you to calculate, analyze data, build forecasts, graphs and charts, organize data. The program is best alternative Excel and at the same time completely free.

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