
Installing tweaks on iOS without jailbreak. Extensify improves iOS apps without jailbreak. Installing tweaks using ifile

If you installed the electra jailbreak on your device for iOS 11 - iOS 11.1.2, but do not know how to install tweaks without Cydia, we will help you.

Below you will find step-by-step instructions About how to install jailbreak tweaks on the iPhone and iPad with iOS 11 - iOS 11.1.2.


  • You need to install the jailbreak to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch using the ELECTRA Jailbreak tool for iOS 11 - iOS 11.1.2. Nothing will work if you install Liberios jailbreak. Electra contains Substitute - Cydia alternative to install jailbreak applications and tweaks. If you need help with installing, read our.
  • Download the FilzaesCaped IPA file of this link .
  • If you still have not installed Cydia Impactor to your computer, download the program from here . Cydia Impactor is available for MacOS, Windows, Linux (32 and 64 bits).
  • Download Zipapp Free app App Store. by of this link . You can also use any other similar application.

Step 1: Load FilzaesCaped IPA.on the device through Cydia Impactor

Connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to a computer using a Lightning cable.

Run Cydia Impactor. The program must detect your device. Take the FILZAESCAPED IPA file downloaded earlier in the program window. Enter your Apple ID and password and wait until the download process is completed.

After that, check if the FILZAESCAPED file is loaded to your device.

If in the process you will encounter an error "Provision.cpp: 168", read our article about what to do in this case.

Step 2: Download the desired jailbreak tweak

List of jailbreak applications and twists compatible with iOS 11 - iOS 11.1.2, you will find.

Go to the site from your device Cydiaupdates.. com. And find the topic you like.

Download the theme or tweak file, and then open it in the Zipapp Free application. When the application suggest unzipped the file to the same folder, click " Yes».

Step 3: Install jailbreaktweak

In the Zipapp Free application, select the extracted folder with the extension .Deb. Select the file "Data.LZMA" and unzip it. There should be a new folder.

Run FilzaesCaped, select Apps Manager, scroll down and select Zipapp Free.

Then go to the / Zipapp Free / Documents / Imported Files / / Data / Library / MobileSubstrate / DynamicLibraries and Hold Dylib and select "Copy".

Return to the / bootstrap / library / sbinject folder, and insert copied DylIB into it.

Do the same with other tweak files. In most cases, they must be established successfully.

In some cases, the tweaks are harder. You will need to copy the rest of the content.

In these cases, follow the instructions below. In the example, we used Cylinder tweak, adding an animation to the application icons when scrolling the home screen pages.

Go to / importedfiles / tweakname / data / library via FilzaesCaped.

Open the "PreferenceEBundles" folder. Copy the ".bundle" folder.

Go to / bootstrap / library / preferencebundles and insert ".bundle" to the "PreferenceBundles" folder.

Troubleshooting in / zipapp Free / Documents / Data / Library and go to the "PreferenceLoader / Preferences" folder in the extracted folder .Deb.

Copy the ".plist" folder.

Go to / Bootstrap / library / PreferenceEloader / Preferences and copy the PLIST file.

Return to / importedFiles / Tweakname / Data / Library. Copy the folder "Cylinder".

Insert the entire folder in / Library, and not / bootstrap / library.

Step 4: Restart the device and restart the jailbreak

After that, you need to restart your device and re-install the Electra jailbreak. After that, the installed tweak should start working. You can also do a response, but it does not work in all cases.

Video instruction

Is their download straight from the online store repository Cydia. However, not everyone knows alternative method Installation of Deb extensions from the store (Saurik). Of course, you can install tweaks on a hacked iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch..

In contact with

Why then then you need another way, you ask. But why. For example, if there is no permanent access to Wi-Fi network or the application itself Cydia refuses to start or works incorrectly.

The reason may be even closer, in Cydia The repository is not added, in which the tweak applies for free, and the cured version of the extension in the deb form has long been "walking" on the Internet.

Everything installation packages Twigs have an extension " .deb.", Only such and no other files can be set in this method. Please note that sometimes extensions are soldered into the archive and before installing them must be unzipped. So, to install a Deb package with PCs will need any file manager or . Both programs are free and available both for Windows and for OS X. Downloaded on the Internet * .deb tweak file is enough to transfer to the folder Cydia-Instalation or CydiaAppinstall (depending on the file manager). It is not necessary to search for it, each of the programs contains a separate link for this path in the access menu file System. Just in case, I will still say that the path to this folder is as follows :.
In this folder you can copy several necessary Deb packets. Please note that some tweaks are installed along with dependencies (other tweaks), work without which they will not. Sometimes the authors of the distribution of DEB files apply them to distribution or save in one archive, all of them must be installed along with the extension. After copying, it is enough to restart the iDeysh, when the TVC device is turned on. There are cases when a tweak works not entirely correctly, it is enough to make a response to solve any accessible way.
The second way to install Deb packets allows you to do without a computer. In this case, you must have a set file manager on the device. By the way, this application is a bright example of a Deb application with large quantity Installation dependencies.
Enough in Safari to click on the link to download a DEB file and the browser will suggest open it in iFILE. Pressing on tweak, you will see a pop-up menu with the function " Set» (« Install"), It is responsible for installing expansion. After downloading, it is enough to make sure that in the last string of the text displayed will be "O". This line notifies errors when installing tweak. In the event of an error you can do differently: Copy the Deb file on the way / VAR / ROOT / Media / Cydia / Autoinstalland restart the Ideev.

At the beginning of this month, one of the creators of the informal store of IOS-applications Cydia said that the jailbreak time was held. This news is extremely upset of many users, as they used the jailbreak not so much for free installation. paid applicationsHow much for customization and advanced system settings. It turns out that in order to install tweaks, emulators and other applications prohibited in the App Store, you do not need a jailbreak. Using new applications, users can install the desired programs on devices from iOS 10 and iOS 11 without any problems.

A program about which is speaking is called Cyrus Installer. It is an application store like Cydia. With it, you can install different emulators such as GBA4IOS and PPSSPP, tweaks, programs for watching video and listening to music, modified applications to the gadget with iOS 10 or iOS 11. social networks Like Snapchat ++ and Spotify ++ and so on. All applications are divided into relevant categories.

Install Cyrus Installer on the iOS device is extremely simple. On the official website of the project, you must click on the "Install Cyrus" button or go to the bottom of the page and scan the QR code. After that, you will need to register with the service and set the corresponding profile. If everything is done correctly, the Cyrus Installer icon will appear on the desktop, from which you can already install different applications.

We remind you that such actions you make a risk. Applications in Cyrus Installer do not pass such moderation as in the official App Store, so you can become a victim of fraudsters.

Some setting tweaks on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad does not cause any problems, but this situation is not all! Some still do not know that tweaks can not even run Cydia! Now we will tell you all the popular ways to install tweaks! Perhaps some recognize a lot of new things, and some will fix the studied!

We will start with the theory, let's start.

.deb. - Expansion of the files of the "binary" packages for distribution and installation software In the Debian project, and others using the DDPKG Package Management System. DEB. This is part of the word Debian., in turn, formed from words Debra. - The name of the girlfriend (subsequently - wives, now - the former) founder of Debian Jan Murdok and IAN. From his own name.

Maybe many users have met such files in Linux and its varieties. But we do not have Linux, but IOS. Therefore, we can say like this:

.deb. - these are packages, including programs, tweaks and other improvements for mobile operating system iOS.

Now let's go to practice.

Installing twists from Cydia.

This method is the first and easiest. Use only Cydia. For all operations, we will need the Internet.

  1. From which you want to download tweak.
  2. In the search we enter the desired tweak name.
  3. After you found the desired tweak, click on it and on the page that opens, press the button " install«

Installing tweaks using iFunBox.

Need: PC with the program of the iFunBox + .deb package of tweak itself.

Even if you have a dozen repositories, they do not guarantee you the presence of tweak you need. It is easiest to climb into the network and get the necessary .Deb package on some kind of forum! But what to do after you have already downloaded .Deb package? It does not install it as a simple application through iTunes!

  1. Run the iFunBox program

We see two areas:

  1. Folder tree
  2. Miniatures selected selected devices.

We want to install a tweak on iPod Touch. It is connected by the cord, but also in our Wi-Fi network is the iPad, with which we can also work! But now we need an iPod.

Click on it in the folder tree, click on the section "Installing Cydia applications".

As you can see, we have no.deb packages in the queue for installation. We transfer there from any place the installer of the tweak you need. You can also click on the "Copy from PC" button. A standard conductor will open, where you will need to find your.deb file on a PC.

After you transferred to this section of the TV! Restart the device.

After rebooting the tweak will already be installed on your device and ready to work.

Note: "Some tweaks work in the" bundle ". After the device is turned on, go to Cydia, select the installed tweak and click on " Reinstall", Perhaps the right tweaks themselves are confined!"

Installing tweaks using ifile.

You can set the.deb package without having a PC, but having an IFILE device (program from Cydia).

Installing tweaks in the form .Deb packets looks like this:

  1. Download.deb Package to your device, you can do it through any browser by clicking opening in Ifile, after opening this file in the browser.
  2. After clicking "open in IFILE", you will be transferred to the program.
  3. Click on .deb package.
  4. You will have a menu with a selection of actions, click Install.
  5. Installation will begin.
  6. Just in case, we recommend reloading the device.
  7. Ready!

We told you about the main ways to install tweak, of course, mostly you will install tweaks from Cydia - it will be the right solution!

We hope that in the future the installation of tweaks will not cause you any problems, but on the contrary, only positive emotions will deliver, not difficulty.

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