
What is better than NET or the Russian Federation. What domain is better: com, ru or rf. What are domain zones exist

If you run business and want to make it profitable, without a high-quality selling web resource you just do not do. After you have come up with an excellent domain name for your site, and it came to check-in in the domain zone, you need to choose a suitable of dozens of proposed. In the event that you do not know what the difference between, cOM.KZ. and is better for your web resource - .ru., BlIb or .com., Is there any distinction between all domain zones in general, this article will be extremely useful for you.

1. What does the "domain zone" and the domain of the first, second and third level "mean?

Surely you have repeatedly come across the concept of the "domain of the first (second, third) level." To make it easier to explain what it means, consider an example: - This is a second level domain, where the domain of the first level (and this is the domain zone) is the ending after the point - com.. When adding another word (for example, The third level domain (subdomain) is obtained. By the same principle, the fourth level domains are formed (for example,, however, they are extremely rare.

2. What are domain zones?

The domain zone determines the ownership of the second (third, fourth) level to the country or the nature of the site. In this regard, allocate:

International domain zones (.info, .com, .com, .biz, etc.)

  • .com. - General Domain (COMMON). Was originally intended for commercial (commercial) organizations, but did not have appropriate restrictions and eventually lost its purpose;
  • .net - As a rule, it is chosen by organizations providing network services;
  • BlIb - Previously, its analogue was a (before the purpose has lost its purpose). Today, the Sitetes of Bizz choose any commercial organizations;
  • .info. - suitable for reference and information portals, blogs and home pages;
  • .org. - Designed for sites of non-profit organizations.

Thematic domain zones (.tv, .fm, etc.)

Their choice is due to the thematic orientation of the web resource:

  • .tv - Designed for television channels, television broadcasts, etc.;
  • .fm. - in this zone it is customary to register the web resources of radio stations;
  • .travel. - Designed for companies working in the field of tourism.

Stick a simple rule: Register the domain in its appropriate appointment with the thematic zone. For example, if you create an information portal, choose zone .info., and for the site of a commercial organization excellent option will be BlIb.

Regional and subregional domain zones (.ru, .by, .de, etc. - indicate belonging to the country,, - to the region) :

  • .ru, .rf - Russia;
  • .ua.- Ukraine;
  • .by. - Belarus;
  • .kz.- Kazakhstan;
  • .de - Germany;
  • .fr. - France;
  • .su. - (Soviet Union) - the countries of the former USSR (today it is mainly used by the CIS and Baltic States).
  • .eu.- European Union;
  • Moscow;
  • - St. Petersburg.

If the site will attend mainly people from Belarus or the organization leads activities in this country, then the best option for the web resource address will be Want to emphasize the belonging to a specific city, for example, St. Petersburg - register in For a company whose activities are focused on people from Russia, the zone is an excellent choice. Doubt whether to register in the domain zone. RF? Be sure to read our article on this topic.

Regional thematic domain zones

  • can be used when creating sites educational institutions Russia;
  • - ("PP" - "Private Person" or "Private Page") - Great for personal pages and blogs;
  • - It is an analogue of the Ukrainian, refers to the general purpose category and is not limited to special requirements.

3. Is it possible to choose any domain zone?

In general, yes. However, when choosing it is worth considering that one level domains are required to register compliance with the stated topics, others are available for everyone. Therefore, register the site is better in the zone that will help users understand what the resource is about.

4. International or regional domain of the first level?

To solve this issue, follow simple rule: If the audience or the activities of your company are not limited to one country, you can register a domain in the international zone, for example .biz. In the event that you want to submit a project to the population of your state, it is better to use the zone of your country, for

5. How to choose a domain for the site of a narrow-controlled subject?

When creating a site of a narrow-directional subject, for example, in gardening, you can search for a suitable domain zone on the Internet. Make it very simple. Dial in search engine keywords ("Gardening") and see which first level domains have sites on the first two pages.

We hope that in this article you found all the answers to your questions on this topic. If you are the owner of the free site on the site and it has the kind vashsite.Syt. We recommend that you buy a second-level domain that will make your resource in the eyes of potential customers more representative.

Create a website on a 5-minute website, select a suitable domain and promote your business online!

When going to open your own resource, you need to pick up a suitable domain for it. Of course, today "vocational guidance" of domains is largely leveled, and the overwhelming majority of them have open registration. Nevertheless, the accounting of their initial specification will improve the position of its company on the network and to organize its search promotion better.

If we talk about commercial domain zones, then its national domains "daughters" remains an indisputable leader of registration (in Ukraine - COM UA). However, relatively recently, has a competitor - .CO (respectively, in Ukraine - CO UA) But who is better -. Let's try to figure it out in this matter. - youth and prospects

Domain CO UA - Ukrainian domain zone of second level. It is a common zone. Suitable for the site of commercial organizations.

Prefix.Co indicates "Colombian" origin, i.e. At the very beginning of the path, it was the national zone of Columbia. However, it was originally positioned as an alternative to

On the territory of is also an alternative for COM UA. The domain zone with free design.

Registration conditions here are simple:

  1. minimum number of characters for registration name - 1 symbol;
  2. the maximum number of characters for registration is 63 characters;
  3. registration time - 5 minutes from the moment of submission and payment of applications;
  4. registration period - 1 year. Maximum time Extensions - 2 years.

Domain services are open legal and individuals. The domain has no restrictions and special requirements when registering a domain name.

In the DRS system in order to perform operations associated with, exclusively contact CUNICs. In this case, contacts here must contain truthful information, the corresponding information provided during the registration of the name.

The main advantages are three factors:

  1. relative domain youth. Those. There is a great freedom to select an unoccupied domain name;
  2. the minimum name of the name is 1 symbol ( - 3 characters), which opens more variations to compile interesting combinations with the domain name;
  3. visual and verbal consonance of

So has all the deposit to join the cohort of leaders among the Ukrainian national second-level domains by the number of registered names. - solidity and status also represents a domain zone of the second level. This is a public domain,

COM.UA is the largest Ukrainian domain. It registered today with over 300 thousand domain names. Initially, the zone was planned only for companies, but now it is open to everyone. has several undeniable strengths:

  1. register a name can not only citizens of Ukraine, but also its residents; is suitable for presenting a business of any format on the network;
  2. has long ago and has the image of the easiest and memorable domain;
  3. the status of the largest domain zone in Ukraine.

Among the is worth noting a higher price of registration and extension, as well as a sufficient load of the domain zone, so the variability of domain names here is small and a suitable name can already be registered.

As you can see, and and have its advantages with the same ranking level by search engines. On the is the youth and latitude of choosing the original domain name, on the - fame and easy accession.

Therefore, we see two relative to the equivalent candidate, each of which will find a numerous target audience. But a small advantage is still worth in mind its greatest prevalence and recognition in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet.

Please tell me what the difference between the RU domains from domains com, net, org, etc.
I want to take myself domain name, but I do not know which zone to take. I am afraid for the fact that Com, Net, Org, etc. "Do not ru" Domains will be unavoidable for some particular part of users ... Are there problems when using COM, NET, ORG? Are there any definite rules when choosing a zone?
I would be grateful to any advice.
Thank you.

Onnix x:
The difference is only in the title. accepted all over the world to use for international companies, .NET for networks related to networks ,.org for international organizations (often non-commercial), but in fact, all this means nothing - there is no restrictions on anything ...

The domain name is primarily a marketing question. If your company is called "trouble" and works on russian The market, the user will expect to find you at, even less true, but strange if he finds you on But how it is in lately Fashionable, is already not climbing into any gate ...

I intervene in the discussion - if a certain Internet project is also designed for foreigners, and for Russians - does the domain name meaning? Those. Is it preferable in this or from the point of view of marketing anyway?

Domains "COM" reluctantly indexed domestic search engines. This is important if the site is oriented on Russian (CIS) customers, customers, partners. It is also quite normal to practice when the site in Russian is in the zone "RU", and calculated on the bourgeois - in the "COM" zone.

Vasily M. [dossier]

But I also wonder, and who opens such zones and taxit them, how is the .biz, .info, etc. exotic? Should I register in these zones?

And one more important moment:. .bbiz are not exotic. BIZ is created as an alternative A.Info is not less "standard", although created, relatively recently.

If you count not bourgeois - then the domain in is needed definite. Marketing studies show that the attitude at least in the Germans to firms, with a, to put it mildly not very positive.

By the way, from my experience: I'm doing an Open Source project and under it register domains for the project saago and based on it based on the service (it is possible that even free at all), so I registered: 6 names in with different writing words (There, unfortunately, ambiguous during Spelling) + one in Zonakh.NET I.ORG is possible and possibly registered.

We released a new book "Content Marketing in social networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand. "

The main question when choosing is its subject and target audience. It so happened that, focusing on Russia, there is no need to register, no matter how global and solid it seemed. Conversely - the manufacturer of steep 3D printing machines that realizes them around the world, it is unlikely to want his foreign potential customers to suffer from [RF]. The rest is the nuances. About them and talk.

Top-level domains are divided into two groups: territorial language (UK, RU, RF) and thematic (info, biz, mil). Such a division is very conditional, because no one can prevent you from writing about animal breeding on your own website (this is, by the word, South Georgia and the South Senvichye Islands) or about the policy on

: Great and terrible

There is an opinion that the domain [ com.] Received its name from COMMON (general). In general, the idea was in a cut from Commercial, but the zone was so everyone fell in love, which began to be used almost everywhere, and commerce went to Biz.

Dotcom (or Dotcom - transcribed [ com.]) Used mainly in order to indicate that the site is not tied to a specific territory. They register large companies, promoted startups, popular services, online shopping and other wishing to show that their good is sold for everyone.

And indeed all the thematic top-level domains, it is easier to transfer between registrars or sell to another person. They are not tied to the legislation of a particular country and such a process costs without filing paper piping into the office of the responsible office.

: how to please all

About the domain zone [ ru] You have nothing to say:

  1. popular and tested by time - enters the top 10 of all zones by the number of sites and in the top 5 among geographical;
  1. suitable for any subject - there are no restrictions on site accommodation, except for violating Russian legislation;
  1. ideal at the Russian Century - [ ru] Most internet users are known as the identifier of Russian content, and even the element of the symbol of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

There are a number of situations when you still have to use Dotcom instead of a well-minded "point":

  • You do not want to compile and apply, messing with the scannes of the passport with any need to change the contact details of the domain.
  • You want a simple shuttle between. Suppose a person registered the domain does not respond to the phone and SMS, and the extension period practically approached the end. Without this person, extend [ ru] It will not work, and you most likely lose the platform.
  • You are afraid of the judicial system Russian Federation And you think that your site is separated at the request of the local court. [ com.] It is not in the jurisdiction of Russian authorities, so solve themselves

[RF]: take off and fall

Drinking in myths

  • Robots love [ com.]

Robots like optimization. It will not work out to go to the top on a golden chariot with a standard [ com.]. Google declares that for them search engine There is no difference between different top-level domains - with other things being equal, they are all ranked equally.

  • Need to be trend: [ com.] - not fashionable and no one needs

Yes, you need to be fashionable, but Dotcom is like a triple costume - it does not come out of fashion. Appears great amount New zones and opening old. For example, the recent boom of projects on [ co.], which chose 93% of startups from 2013 to 2014. And for 2015, the number of sites of the High-Tech companies on [ co.] Masted a little more than 450. At the same time, the share of dotcomms is still huge - from 2010 to 2015, more than 20 thousand new companies were chosen - 81% of the number of all zones. If you do not talk about anything, here is the data of the research company Domaintools:

You can not look at the colors of the chart - it is needed for the visual representation of the dominance of dotcomms on the Internet.

  • [rF] moves worse / better than [ ru]

If you observe a few simple rules, the process of promoting the Cyrillic domain becomes the same as any other. You can read about these rules.


National domain indicating the language and geographical affiliation of content, attracts the user with its relevance. Go on [ ru] or [ rF], the Russian will know that the information obtained can be applied to it.

On the other hand, [ com.] More solid, and adding subdomains to it creates some kind of "your / ours" framework, showing that information is suitable for a person of a particular geographical area.

There is a third party - legal. You can talk about it a lot: how to choose the right registrar, how the regulations for registration in the Russian-language domain zone are interpreted, anonymous registration or provision of personal data ... But we are about SEO.

The correctly selected domain name of the resource is the first step towards success, especially if we are talking About commercial projects. The main thing is that the name responds to the objectives and objectives of the Creator, did not violate the law, was easily memorable and easily reproducible. Ideally, when reading the address, the domain name should be associated with a specific Internet resource and report the minimum information about its content. When registering a domain name, you must specify the domain zone in which it will be registered, or the top level domain. Visually, it is determined in the address of the Internet resource by a combination of letters after the last point. Russian website owners often prefer domains in RU or COM zones, as they are universal and relevant content and resource tasks.

Domain com - One of the first total top-level domains, which appeared in 1985. Initially, registration in this domain was assumed for the sites of the commercial or internet pages belonging to commercial organizations of various spheres.

Domain Ru - First National Verification Domain, designed to register domain names of the Russian Federation. Appeared in 1994.

There are no restrictions on the territorial and national sign when registering a domain name in the COM zone. Anyone can pay the registrar services and register a second level domain (domain name). There is no restrictions on the field of activity today in the COM zone either, so it does not contain characteristics for most resources in the naming of this domain. However, many companies prefer the COM zone, beating a combination of letters (or transcription). The RU zone registers the resources of any subject, there are also no restrictions on the national and territorial sign. However, traditionally the RU domain indicates the affiliation of the resource of the Russian Federation.

The domain registration procedure in the COM zone seems easier than the domain in the RU zone. The owner's passport scan is not required, the provision of personal data is required. To register in the RU zone, you must provide the scan of a document certifying the personality. In addition, the Domain of the RU assumes the compliance of the domain name by the legislation of the Russian Federation, that is, the names recognized by the extremist calls or obscene expressions containing extremist calls or obscene expressions, for example, will not be allowed.

An essential criterion when choosing a top level domain can be considered the estimated resource tasks. If work is planned at the international level, then the COM domain is preferable to national domains the international community (first of all business) considers not respectable. If it is planned to cover a predominantly Russian audience, then the choice must fall on the RU domain. Search engines Runet when issuing search results on requests prefer primarily the sites of this domain zone, indexing them several times faster. Thus, an increase in traffic flow occurs.

The cost of registration in the COM and RU domains depends on the company-recorder, so it is better to look here at the tariffs of the company-recorder with which you are going to work.

Conclusions Site

  1. Top level domain com - international.
  2. Upper level domain RU - National.
  3. The domain name registration procedure in the COM zone does not require personal data and identity cards.
  4. The RU domain preferences Russian search engines.

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