
How to make money on domain names. Earnings on domains, another way of earning online. Positioning and Promotion

On the Internet there are many effective ways to make money, one of them is - earnings on domains. This method includes the acquisition and resale of site addresses. Despite the simplicity, this method remains extremely profitable. What is the earnings on domains and reviews about this form of income in our article.

Earnings on domain names are divided into the following ways:

  • Domaining. This method is to create your own domain name, for further resale. The domaining remains the easiest view of earnings from all on the Internet, however, for successful activities, you need to have a vision of the potential of the acquired name.
  • CyberskVotting. To implement this occupation, it is necessary to find a specific popular brand, to create an address under it and resell.
  • Reselling. Providing intermediary services between recorders and registering.
  • Intercept. In this case, it is necessary to track popular projects. If they have the deadline for registration, you need to buy them out and resell more.
  • Parkovka. This method is to receive profits with already existing domain names that are waiting for resale. To do this, just create one page with advertisements. When visiting the site, the owner will receive a definite profit.
  • Rental. To do this, you must purchase a domain name and give it to use for rent.

If you have any domain name, which is not used at that moment, then it can be easily earned with parking. This type of activity is the most simple as possible, since the owner will not have to apply any effort to extract profits.

What needs to be done to profit:

  • On the Internet there are various parking and advertising services on sites. You need to choose one of them and register there.
  • After that, you need to change the available DNS on the DNS specified in the service. After that, there will be a binding of your address to this service.
  • Now you have a different advertisement with which you can earn money.

Parking services:

  • "Parked.Ru" - the Russian site is extremely easy to manage.
  • "ParkingNet.Ru" - Russian-speaking service with a convenient design. Here you can park, both your domain and a ready site.
  • "" - Ukrainian service for parking domain names.
  • "" is the largest English-language service.

How much can you earn in parquet?

The profits will be directly dependent on the selected category of advertising, as well as the number of domains that you will use for parking. So, for one click on the advertising link you can get from 10 cents to several dollars. On average, professional "parkers" says that they receive several hundred dollars a month from one address.

Also do not forget that you need to pay up to 10 dollars per year.

Earnings at the auction of antique domains - the whole truth

On the Internet there was not so long ago a new way of earning, based on the auction of antique domains. The essence of the presented method is that domains have a certain registration date, which sooner or later ends. If the owner does not extend the term, then his domain can be redeeming and earned on resale.

However, this method is fraudulent for the following reasons:

  • The domain belongs to the registrar and after the expiration of the duration, he is returning to the registrar, and, therefore, it will not be available in an open sale.
  • At the auction, domains with very high attendance indicators are sold, therefore, no one threw such names, as they regularly bring big profits to their owners.
  • The cost of domains at auction is much lower than those on which they can be sold in reality.

Having considered the above reasons, it becomes clear that this method was developed by fraudsters, and, therefore, it is profitable only for them. Therefore, before trying to buy and start earnings on antique domains, you should study real reviews on this issue in order not to lose money and do not get into the blacklist.

Is it possible to make money on the sale of domains?

Sale of domain names is a profitable occupation, but in our time to come up and take a good name rather not simple, since almost all domains are already busy.

A good way of earning is cybercurrent, which lies in tracking already created and popular domain names.

As you know, the domain is not given to the site owner for continuous use, and it is forced every year to pay a certain fee for him. However, as a result of various reasons, the site owner may forget about it and lose the name of his site.

At this moment, cyberskvoters redeem the liberated name and resell it for greater cost.

Of the ways of easy earnings on the Internet on the domains are simple and fast for profitability. Includes the purchase and sale of domain names. Nowadays, there are already a large number of people who are on these operations.


On the importance and value of domain names

There is no need for too much technical knowledge and skills to register a domain, a little originality and fantasy to create a name for a domain that is not yet on the Internet. In addition, such a domain should be created with not just the original title, but also to be popular among users.

Before the consciousness of the domain, marketing research is carried out on the Internet and find out what and how popular. After the direct creation of the domain is required to sell on the market exchange on the Internet.

Sale and purchase of domain names are successful making money on the Internet, which is equal to real estate operations - investing in future profit. For you will be an amazing fact that a good domain will cost as much as the apartment.

To build a serious chain, you need to buy domains constantly.
The number of domains in the portfolio is the ability to earn more.

Why domains are beneficial?

Domain spaces and territory on the Internet are comparable to land plots that are exhibited for sale in pieces.

Domains on each territory similar to the property with land - every day decrease in quantity. Naturally, new zones and square are created, but the domain names in the old territories are much higher.

For example, in several years ago there were no free domains that had four-letter combinations in the title. The ownership of such a domain V.Com was an advantage, and their price in the secondary market was much risen.

If you register a domain today with a more or less relevant and harmonious name, then tomorrow will be more expensive. Consider the causes of such events:

  • if the domain territory ended the free place to register new domains;
  • in this zone, there is no way to create the same domain;
  • more loyalty get higher domains;
  • if there is at least some one site under the domain, then, in any case, its traffic will be zero, and thus you can calculate profitability involving parking (domain parking) or placement of contextual advertising;
  • if under the roof domain site or project with the current target audience, then the cost of such a domain is increased at times.

The delusion that domain names are sold only harmful, it is not. Repeated cases when domains with names of type MARKETINGToday are not the shortest option, but bought 1.5 million dollars.

Active Internet owners (they do not include online businessmen and Internet specialists) register several pieces of domains, often this number comes to several dozen.

They act from the principle "perhaps", and turn out to be right. Domains can be entered into a partner business as a investment, a fee, can be given to friends and acquaintances, on the platform you can open new projects, and they are also sold well.

Even if the value of one domain per year is $ 10-15, and you have such 20 domains, then in 10 years spend 3000 dollars to maintain service. If everyone competently placed parking, then in this case the income will exceed the cost of an order.

And if you collect one to sell at least a few thousand dollars, then the superior will block all the waste, and nothing will have to do.

Why domains overlap?

Sites and domains are the top 1 of goods that is bought and sold without effort. Some owners are exempt from unnecessary things - unsuccessful projects, other webmasters - buy and receive profits from them.

But there are such cases when the user bought a domain, created a semblance of a site and safely forgotten due to everyday affairs, or decided to return to an unfinished matter later and again sclerosis and interest in other cases took over. In this case, the end of the domain registration period may occur. But immediately it will not disappear and regards it again will not work.

The disappearance of the domain name is laborious and includes several stages, each subsequent of which is more complicated by the previous one.

First, the domain name parking phase is started. Files are deleted from the domain territory. As a result, it turns out that the resources that are on the domain are terminated, and parking pages appear in their place. Thus, this picture appears in front of the reference catalog.

In a situation with forgotten or abandoned domains, there is the concept of "delaying registration", which lasts 40 days. This happens if the domain is not updated until the end of the validity period. All the time for these 40 days the domain is located on the commercial page of the parking lot. Such a temporary page and shows the state of the domain name, namely, that its validity period has already expired. And all sorts of resources or messages that relate to the domain cease to function.

The owner is notified of such a situation through an informative letter to a personal mail, under which a bottom domain name is registered. It is indicated that it is still the last chance to update the domain for 40 days. Otherwise, after the expiration of this period, the domain will be removed from the base.
In such cases, experienced users arrange a hunt for such a forgotten thing.

They are convinced that the domain of this level is profitable and will bring much more profit than will be spent on the purchase and promotion. The main indicator of the website of the website is the site quality index. Yandex assigns this indicator and consists of the following components:

  • the number of external references to this site;
  • proximity of sites on topics that refer to it;
  • the number and quality of articles (not exactly);
  • traffic level from search, and other sources;
  • authority, quality and reputation of these sites.

Here everything is proportionate: better sites for all indicators receive high X.

It is characteristic and indicative elements in determining economic profitability and potential in the future and authority in the present among the Russian-speaking population of the Internet.

On Russian links of references, the price of trade facility directly proportionally depends on the number of X and other indicators: than them are more, the higher the cost of the reference in the article than the quality site - the higher the cost of the press release.
The advantages of buying a domain with indicators are the following:

  • you have the opportunity in a short time to make the site monetization from the very beginning of the domain existence;
  • the presence of this indicator allows you to exchange links and participate in the system of trafficking links;
  • if the site on a quality domain, then advertisers will go with orders for posting information on the page of your newly created project;
  • also, the presence of "puzomers" of domains, frees from the need to spin the site from scratch and increase the indicator, since in some zones the process of increasing costly, since there is a competition and high prices for links.

It is believed that the purchase of a domain is equal to speculative traits. Pubdoch or resale of a domain name as blackmail - bought at a wholesale price, sold at a price, above the retail. But even such fractions are beneficial to both parties for sale.
But, despite the advantages of buying a liberated domain, it is necessary to take into account the availability of nuances:

  • there is a need to hold indicators at the level on which this indicator was when buying a domain name;
  • the main thing is to be able to choose domains;
  • 85% of the liberated domains at auctions do not provide values.

How much can you make money on domains?

There are several ways to use domains for earnings, and one of them is parking. If you have a group of domains and not all of them are used and functioning on a complete, then it is better to give preference to parking, rather than leave a domain without a case. So although you can pay regular expenses without much effort: registration, extension, hosting, and if you're lucky, then also get extra income.

But not all domains will be the best option for parking. There are 3 types of domain names for successful parking:

  • domain names must consist of keywords;
  • must be the names of generally accepted and frequently used phrases;
  • must be similar to the erroneous (seer) name of the well-known network resources.

Income from the domain parking directly depends on the number of visitors. But in this case you should not watch only on ordinary traffic, you can take the number of domains.

Now we consider income from Parking: Statistics shows that for 1000 unique users of users, the domain owner can earn about $ 10. As Mi we see, the income is insignificant, but it is better than nothing.
The owners of domains can also replenish (and in non-discontinued cases) their wallet due to Internet user errors.

They may not properly write the name of the search engine such as Google or Yandex, can forget to put a point after a triple "double" may be mistaken with the name even the most famous Microsoft company. The domain owners enjoy this incredible traffic and earn quite decent money, since the cost of such domains can range from $ 15,000 to several million dollars.

If until the last moment earned only on advertising, then rather, your income is equal to several dollars with a well-designed domain. But if seriously thought about the sale of a domain name, then it proportionally depends on the consonance and needs of customers.

Also, you should not focus only on the domestic market, on foreign buyers you also need to put a sight, because in RuNet, for example, the cost of one advertising transition from the domain varies from 2.5 to 5 cents, the cost of the indicator in European countries reaches 0.1 -0.2 dollars. And it turns out that the average price of the domain is 3-5 thousand dollars. So do not negotiate!

You can also rent a domain. If you are confident that the name of the domain belongs to popular, catchy and original, then it will be able to receive rent for rent on average 200 euros per month. But there are such cases when the name of the domain sounds like a "best car" from French and brings the owner of 150 euros per day, the Dutch domain brings a happy webmaster of 15,000 euros per month.

Top 4 proven domain auctions


This is the top 1 auction that sells free level domains of the 3rd level, as well as domains .su. Additionally, the master registers for new owners.

Of the advantages note:

  • big choice;
  • relatively low prices;
  • the administration checks the released names;
  • registration.


Regg service has been selling domain names for sites, after checking the compliance of published information with real data and traffic sources.
The purchase application is drawn up by the following way:

  • The client is registered on the auction site.
  • The appropriate option is selected from the list.
  • A button "Buy" is pressed.
  • Application is filled with personal information.
  • A DNS server is selected and indicated in the appropriate form.
  • Purchase on details provided by the Company's administration.


A company in which you can buy a domain and register it, is webnames. Here is a group of advantages:

  • The service serves 500,000 names.
  • Names are recorded in the national and international zone.
  • Free DNS support.
  • Provides customers with a number of additional services.


Many people in finding a domain for the site give the advantage of the godaddy - auction with a large number and summit.

Of the features, customers say:

  • prices;
  • continuous update of lists;
  • registration of the liberated domain;
  • additional services.

In conclusion, the domain business, if you can call it, not only profitable, but also refers to a democratic mind, because they can even be engaged in schoolchildren and pensioners who realized that Internet expanses are a great place to get real money!
Evaluation of the method -

Why such an assessment?

Newbies are simply no power to create a domain business. For him, the necessary small technical skills, plus the budget for the purchase of the first hundreds of domains, as well as the sales channel - forums, where advertisements are placed on finding domain names for different types of projects.

Almost everyone who is associated with work on the Internet sooner or later the question arises "Where can I buy a website with income at a bargain price and on excellent conditions?" It is not surprising, because in our time the worldwide web on websites and domain names are actively earning.

We offer you a whole auction sites! We will tell where and how to buy a ready-made site inexpensive. Also consider which domain exchange is the most optimal. Here and now you will find everything about where you can buy or sell a domain name and is it worth doing at all. With our help, you quickly understand what exchange of sites with income is best suited for you. Before starting to understand the purchase / sale of domain names and sites, consider the causes of action.

To whom and why you need the sale of ready-made sites or domains

The first and, probably, the only reason for which people are interested in where you can sell the site with income is the rapid profit that can be obtained in the same minute. Actually, buyers themselves seek to earn money using sites. The latter are counting on a long-term income that a purchased splashing site can bring. The resources we plan to consider perfectly fit and those who want to know how to sell the site on the Internet in Ukraine, Russia, Belarusian or Kazakhstan.

Several popular and simple portals

How much can you sell the site or buy a site with Titz and PR? What exchange of domain names is considered the most reliable? We will begin to answer these questions gradually and from the most simple exchange sites with income. They provide an excellent opportunity to buy a ready-made website with good attendance in Ukraine, Russia and in fact throughout the CIS.

So, buy or sell the site bringing profits you can on such resources:

  1. - a popular multifunctional analyzer of the Internet resources that will help you easily and quickly, without any problems sell the site without a domain. On this resource you can analyze the internal and external indicators of the site. The resource works on the Internet for more than 10 years. Over the years, the site has developed and provided its customers weight more opportunities. Today you can sell the site quickly in Kazakhstan or Russia, as well as buy an online site in Ukraine just a few clicks.
  2. - This resource will help you buy a turnkey site. Anyone who wants to sell a resource in Belarus or DPRogih CIS countries can also contact here for help. Resource allows you to buy a website cheaply and in the most short time. Among other things, there is a large assortment of additional features.
  3. - here you will find a wide selection of sites and domains of various subjects. The resource will allow you to buy a promotion site, and the domain name exchange will give you the opportunity to purchase the most optimal option.

We looked at one of the well-known, but not the best resources where you can buy or sell a domain name or buy a website cheap in Kazakhstan and throughout the CIS. Sale of ready-made sites or domain names is not a simple task. It is important to find a proven and reliable resource that will tell you what and how to do. In addition to the above options, there are 2 more proven and reliable resources - Telderi and Flippa. Each of these resources are worthy of separate attention and I decided to specifically leave them for later, since these resources are knocked out of the total number and provide advanced services. It is important to note that both resources are popular and confident in many experienced users. Therefore, we will pay these resources much more attention and try to consider all the strong and not very sides.

Telderi - Auction sites and domain names

The first and most important thing you need to know about this exchange of domains and sites - it is the development of one of the most famous companies Mirafox. Now those who want to sell the site will not have any problems. Telderi provides excellent opportunities for both sides and quite convenient functionality.

This is one of the best sites where you can sell a website with income or buy a ready-made resource inexpensive. Exchange provides the ability to safe transactions, which gives warranties to both buyers and sellers. For the entire life of the resource, more than 20 thousand transactions were carried out. Each of them was accompanied by Tenderry representatives. Now buy or sell a profit-making site can be safe and guaranteed. Tenderry collaborates with proven domain recorders, which also allows you to guarantee a positive success of the transaction.

Under this link.

Telderi's exchange offers the opportunity to assess the cost of its site, without prior registration. For this you need to go through this link.

For all those who wish to buy a turnkey site or the Telderi domain name provides:

  • unique guarantees of the rapid renewal of the domain or site;
  • a huge selection of various thematic resources for purchase;
  • you get the detailed product information.

Those who want to sell a website or domain also receive a number of advantages:

  • now you can easily and quickly attract the largest number of buyers;
  • successful transaction guaranteed;
  • auction sites allows you to sell the site without a domain or with it.

Domain Name Exchange Each participant of the transaction guarantees 100% result:

Telderi specialists, if necessary, provide a complete consultation and will tell for how much you can sell the site and how to do it safely.

Flippa - sale and purchase of English-speaking resources

If you need to buy a ready-made site with good attendance, but English, I don't have to look for a long time. Flippa is considered popular, proven, reliable and professional resource today. This is one of the best range of domain names and sites in English-speaking expanses. Here is a large range of resources, which allows you to find the most suitable option.

Among the advantages can be distinguished by the fact that the sale of the site with income here is carried out with its full description. At the resource in the "Card" you can view all important information: attendance, income level, sources, various additional information. All data is served in convenient graphs.

Sign up or just to see what the Telderi Exchange represents themof this link

We want to separately note and excellent search functional when buying a site online. Now you can set all the necessary parameters, so you can quickly buy a site with TIC and PR. In general, Flippa is literally indispensable for the study of new trends and popular topics, especially in English-speaking expanses.

Buy or sell the site bringing profits: Is it worth doing this?

Why so popular auction sites? Who needs the Exchange of Domains? Decision to buy a promotion site will help you get excellent passive income. Start earning on the Internet resources is not so easy. Any thematic portal must be brought to mind, develop. He will require you a maximum of attention as a small child. But it is not always possible to devote enough time for the risk of resource. That is why the sale of ready-made sites is popular.

We have already talked about where you can buy a website with income, and now consider why this solution is the most optimal and profitable.

In general, we can allocate 2 main advantages from the purchase of a turnkey site:

  1. First of all, it is important that you can start immediately make a profit from your acquisition. Buy the finished site is inexpensive quite real. Such resources are literally immediately starting to bring first profits and in a short time fully pay for themselves. You do not have to spend strength and money for the promotion of the portal. You can buy a ready-made website with good attendance, which guarantees rapid income.
  2. You significantly save time and strength. Exchange sites exchange with income allows you to purchase a ready-made resource on the necessary topic.

Among the advantages you can select the moment that you can immediately create a full-fledged mesh of sites. Developing every resource separately, you will spend a lot of time. Taking advantage of the stock exchanges you can quickly buy an online site.

With the help of the same exchange of domain names and portals, you can sell the site quickly. Creators of Internet resources over time learn to effectively earn money on their knowledge. Where can I sell the website with income we considered higher. Of the advantages of this event, you can allocate the speed of the process and the possibility of trading. If we are talking about the auctions of resources, you can evaluate and expose the initial cost of the portal, and everyone will be able to participate in the auction. So you get the opportunity to raise the initial cost of the site. If you want to sell the site, you will soon be registered on thematic resources, study them and add your lots.

What you need to know and how to buy a website cheap

We suggest you also familiarize yourself with the short online resource purchase guide. About how to sell the site on the Internet can easily read on the stock exchanges, but this is what to take into account when buying is not so easy to find.

Check out the main and priority rules:

  1. Special attention is paid to the study of website attendance. Even if you have excellent statistics in front of you, from where it comes to traffic. Its most of them should be from search engines. There are a lot of services that allow.
  2. Remember the simple rule that the full cost of business is established at the calculation of its annual income. Sometimes there are exceptions.
  3. Blitz-price is not always a reason to agree. Actively take part in the auction. This will save money, but get a good resource.
  4. Strive to buy a site with TIC and PR indicators (what it is). Although these indicators now almost do not affect the site (especially PR), but their presence shows that the site is not "naked" and he has some kind of story in the reference profile.
  5. Do not forget that the sellers will certainly push the indicators of the profitability of the resource. Automatically can minus 10-20% of the indicated indicators. Check out the income from the contextual advertising exchange.
  6. Carefully check the links to this site. Quality of links, their dynamics, anchor sheet, outgoing links is everything is very important in the long run, which would not get under and.
  7. Check out the costs of expenses. If you buy an information resource on which there are many articles, ask the contacts of the person who writes them.

We tried to answer as much as possible where you can buy or sell a domain name and site on favorable terms. Also provided basic information for the right choice. Everything else depends solely from you. For how much you can sell the site to you (as a seller) will help determine on stock exchanges.

We tried to immediately reveal the topic of buying sites on the Internet, allotting only the most important points. If ideas arose, wishes or comments - write in the comments.

04/07/2018 at 16:18.

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I have long wanted to write an article on this topic and tell us how to make money on the sale of domains. I will not say that this way of earning is lightweight, for successful implementation you need to have a mixture and be able to logically think.

What is domain

If you are new to earnings on the Internet and have not come across such a thing as a domain, I will tell you more detail.

Domain - if briefly, this is the name of the Internet resource (site). You can watch it in the address bar of the browser, for example, I have a domain site:

Before people create a site, they definitely register the domain (the name of the future site). As a rule, the domain should display the subject of the site, be beautiful and memorable.

How to make money on domains

People who understand the whole importance of Internet projects are ready to spread big money for the domains that they need.

Example: You want to make a site on the topic "Business" and you want your site to be called, but this domain has already taken another person.

At this point, you start to invent another domain, but this sang you in the soul and sounds solid and looks beautiful.

What to do?

There is a way out, you can contact a person who owns this domain and try to buy it out. The price of the domain will depend on the quality and company or a person who wants to buy it.

Let's imagine, you are the owner of the domain and the representative of the company Coca-Cola is associated with you and asks if you can sell this domain. The price of the domain in the region of 300 rubles per year, but the company representative suggested you 3 million rubles, will you refuse? I think no!

Thus, the domain resale occurs.

Methods of earnings on domains

Registration of new domains

This is the easiest and at the same time the most profitable way to earn money on domains. His essence is to register new domains, which will cost expensive in the future.

Example: You heard that some new products will appear soon, some kind of new brand will enter the market. Imagine that these are new cigarettes, you need to know the name of these cigarettes and register domains with this name in all possible zones.

Such examples may be a bunch, you can register domains for anything movies, brands, products and more.

When this brand is gaining momentum, this company will need an official website, they will check the availability of domains and, accordingly, if the company is serious, it will contact you and will try to buy a domain.

And now not a lot of statistics, below I will give you information about the most successful deals on this method of earnings:

The most expensive bought domains in the Russian Internet

✔SMS.RU - was purchased by $ 550,000

✔ - purchase price amounted to $ 90,000

✔ - $ 80,600

✔ - $ 50,000

You can also register short domains consisting of 2-3 characters, such domains are difficult to find, but you can still. In the future, you can also sell for good money, short and sonorous domains are well appreciated.

Sale of old domains

For this method of earnings, you need to know what TIC and PR are.

TIC - thematic citation index. Assigns to Yandex to each domain and what it is greater the better for the site. The more other domains refer to your domain, the more your Titz will be.

PR is a similar situation, only under the search system Google.

The more these indicators, the more expensive will cost a domain. You can buy such domains on a special exchange and to resemble in the same place, kinda you perform the role of the punch, only not with the machines, but with domains.

Exchange of sites and domains -

Buying acting domains

For example, you liked some kind of domain and you would like to buy it, but there are no big money for this. You can copy the domain and go to a wonderful resource with this service, you can make an automatic site analysis and find out how long the domain is extended:

As you can see, renting my domain will end in 5 months and if I forget it to extend it or just won't want, then the domain will go to the free sale and you can buy it at a standard price.

This method is very painstaking, I advise you to follow immediately for several hundreds of domains, then your chances will increase. And of course it will be necessary to not forget about the date of the end of the domain rental, you can record this information in a text document so as not to forget.

Renting domains

There are such cases when a person lacks money to buy a specific domain. You can offer him an alternative and pass the domain for rent with monthly payment. Thus, you can establish passive income.

How much can you make money on the sale of domains

This is of course the question that worries everyone who begins to do this. But it is difficult to assume it is difficult, it all depends on your smell. You can sell one single domain and provide these money all your life.

But you can also spend several thousand in empty and not selling one domain.

I have already given examples of selling domains in the Russian Internet, now I will tell you about the transactions that passed in the overseas Internet. Prices for domains abroad are very different from ours:

Domains sold in foreign online

✔ - Domain was sold for $ 9,999,950

✔ - sale price $ 7,500,000

So the question is how much you can earn, it is very difficult to answer.

So here you have food for thinking, you can learn the overseas market, as the price of domains is much higher there.

One of the options for earning the Internet is a domain business. Investments in the purchase of domain names can give excellent returns. Number of sites increases every year. At the same time, any owner wants to have a beautiful and memorable name. Demand in the domain market is very high, and there are not so many good sentences. Where there is a demand, you can always earn. How to do it?

Earnings on the Internet: sale of domains

Some domain names cost millions of dollars. Owners of companies are ready to spend considerable money to buy a suitable domain. Use it to get your own income.

The primary and secondary domain market are distinguished. The main share of the Investor of the Domain Names (Domainer) is coming from sales on the primary market. Here the final buyer (end-user) is the future owner of the site. Sales in the secondary market are carried out between temporary buyers. The domain name can be resold several times until one of the investors decide to go with him to the primary market.

You can build your earnings on domains by working on the primary or secondary market. By the way, in the secondary market it is preferable to buy domain names from other investors. Sales are best implemented in the market primary. So you can earn more.

Rules for the organization of domain business

Domain investors and end buyers are not the only market participants. There are still cyberscovers - people who register the domains of famous companies that have been in some reasons in free access. Cyberskvotters offer the purchase of the domains received by the companies that they previously belonged, or their competitors. The leader comes a proposal to buy a domain.

The company can pay for a domain name or go to court. As a rule, legal proceedings on such issues continue for a long time. Often, owners of companies are more profitable to give money for a domain than to pay lawyers.

In order to organize a good earnings on the sale of domains, it is necessary to observe a number of rules.

1. Before buying domains, it is necessary to correctly appreciate their importance and value in the market. Domain names in the RU and COM zone are greater popularity. Other zones look less attractive, so when working with them you are risks.

2. Cheap domains should not be purchased. The more expensive the domain name, the higher the chances of resale. Evaluate the quality of the domain using special services before making a deal.

3. It is rare to earn money on the purchase of free domains and their further sale. The valuable domains are not enough in free access. To earn money on the sale of domains, you need to use the secondary market where you can buy in demand domain names for the purpose of resale.

Investing in the domains can be long-term. You must be prepared for delaying income. Domain business is designed to perspect. For beginners, it will serve as an additional source of income.

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