
How to quickly raise money. The fastest legal way to make money. Why you can and should make money on the Internet

Home Money 25 ways to make money quickly


Hello, friends!

Today we will look for an answer to a very actual question- where to make money?

The money issue has always bothered many residents of our country, to be honest, the majority of our population, not only the Russian Federation, but also the former republics of the Union live below the poverty line, on the brink of survival. Therefore, the situation of a shortage of banknotes is extremely acute.

Wherever you work and no matter how much you earn, you are probably familiar with the situation when you suddenly ran out of money. And there are still two weeks before the paycheck ...

Borrow from colleagues? They are in the same position with friends - I don't want to mix friendship with money. Get a loan from the bank, but the amount is ridiculous or the credit history is spoiled. Go to the office of express loans, but they have crazy interest ...

Time Out found 25 ways quickly with a minimum of knowledge and effort.



Since asking neighbors to “keep an eye on the dacha” is completely ineffective, homeowners often need people to do it for a fee. However, there will be no time to lie in a sun lounger somewhere on Nikolina Gora - you will have to carry out minor repairs or take out the garbage. The ability to use e-mail is one of the prerequisites. The owners, who live in the house permanently, are more willing to hire married couples: then the workers, of course, will also need to clean, do laundry and cook. The salary ranges from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. ( It takes longer to look for such a job through agencies (, but if your resume is accepted, it's easier. But to participate in the competition for the post of caretaker of the tropical island of Hamilton with a salary of about 500,000 rubles. you will not make it in time - the winner has already been announced.


Scan a photo, draw in graphic editor popular cartoon character or come up with a funny slogan. Remember - large advertising companies won't bother with less than 25 ( copies. If you insist on "exclusive", you have a direct road to in Tsaritsyno. There your picture will be printed on one T-shirt, but it will only cost 200 rubles. (compare with 30 p. when printing 50 pieces on The most reliable way to sell products is on the Internet (ru_black_market). To make it even easier, upload your drawing to or and set a price.


Anyone who has a digital SLR with a sufficiently long lens (for some reason it always makes an impression on customers) and a confident voice who needs to utter the obligatory sayings about “cheese” and “birdie” can enroll in wedding photographers. In addition to the fee (10,000 rubles. Your potential competitors in specialized communities ask for the session. See the usluga community, foto_for_sale, etc.), wedding photographers are driven to Poklonka and Vorobyovy Gory, watered and fed at the festive table. At best, an ordinary chronicle of what is happening instead is required (“And this is Aunt Ella dancing to Verka Serduchka”), at worst - a full-fledged album with romantic vignettes. And we warn you: for this work you will need not only a good eye, nerves of steel and a strong liver, but most importantly - inexhaustible reserves of philanthropy.


Fortunately for photography enthusiasts who are wary of other people's family holidays, there are other ways to sell their talent. In the same online forums and communities (foto_for_sale) you can meet people who want to give their wife (mother, boss) a VIP gift - a photo session. Usually they are very demanding on the results, so they have to show not only skill, but also imagination. Some of the photographic studios available for rent (ru_studio, - 1 hour from 300 rubles) provide photographic equipment, smoke and snow machines, and opportunities for aqua photography. Those who work in daylight will not hurt a good knowledge of the city (look for shooting locations on the website - this is in case the customers do not agree to the banal Tsaritsyno or Chistye Prudy. Alternatively, you can try to sell live, fashion and celebrity photos on the paparazzi LiveJournal community, or upload photos (of any content) to Shutterstock Every time a foreign designer or bild editor who has paid for the service downloads your picture, you are enriched by 25 cents.


At an interview, potential sex divas, employers, without a shadow of a smile, offer to talk about personal experience group sex and write an essay on a similar topic. If you dislike invasions of your privacy and rely on own strength, know that organizing your own erotic video chat is as easy as shelling pears. The initial investment in the studio equipment is minimal: a webcam (500 rubles) and a dedicated Internet channel. You will also have to improve your English (the main client comes from abroad) and purchase a small arsenal of sex toys. And you can ask your dorm roommate or just an IT specialist you know to set up your equipment and make a minimal promo.


Recruitment agencies in the field home service require specialized education and recommendations from previous employers (for example, Parents, frightened by the yellow press ("Mary Poppins turned out to be a professional gunner!"), Can ask potential Freken Bock to bring a certificate from the KVD and a diploma of medical education. The disadvantages of babysitting include increased labor intensity: the tax for a nanny without a diploma does not exceed 150 rubles / hour, and in an hour the average child manages to get up, oh, how much. You can search directly for suggestions in the babysitter_msk community. By the way, it became much easier to find a job in nannies during the crisis - many young mothers went to work after their husbands had their wages cut.


There are a lot of people who are interested in ads with a proposal to decrypt something (see paparazzi,, The cost is determined by the quality of the recording (noise, diction defects) and urgency. Organizations dealing with decryption ( ask from 15 rubles. per minute of recording or 40 p. for 1800 signs and discourage customers from contacting individuals. But such offices are not exchanged for trifles: notes up to 20 minutes are automatically sent to freelancers.


Tutoring has helped more than one generation of classics to make ends meet. You can search for clients through friends or post a questionnaire with data on the Web (,, Practicing teachers are willingly added to the database, students and graduates are expected to be interviewed. You can bypass the intermediaries in the ru_lessons and ru_repetitor LJ communities. Prices for English and Russian, mathematics and lessons for younger students range from 400 to 1200 rubles. per academic hour. Chemistry and biology are generally cheaper. In any case, you will most likely be expected to receive detailed instructions from the ward on the exam.


How to dispose of the tickets that have fallen on your head for the premiere of "Napoleon Kaput!" Find someone who needs them and make money. It is better to sell free tickets (even travel cards) on Internet forums ( One of our TV colleagues has secured a tangible increase in his salary by selling partner badges, which are given to him for his work. Sell ​​a couple of tickets for the KVN quarterfinals for 1000 rubles. each one is possible without any problems. You just need to place an ad on the Web in advance, so as not to hang around in front of the entrance, risking not finding a buyer.


Clients network services dating - women who are convinced that the only reliable way to make money is to get married, and as far from home as possible. Aunties who are not confident enough in their abilities and knowledge of a foreign language use sites like The work of operator-translators on such resources is reminiscent of taking care of a Tamagotchi and requires appropriate skills. Your responsibilities will include persistent calls to the girls in charge, demanding photos from them and bombarding the men registered on the site with profiles, letters, emoticons and photographs, for viewing which the man pays with the portal in American currency. The operator's salary directly depends on the number of letters exchanged between his wards. Please note that the job involves severe fines for trying to make life easier for yourself (for example, sending a playful letter with identical text on behalf of eighteen girls in charge at once), for dismissive attitude towards clients (dismissal - after two letters left unanswered), in short, for not being attentive enough attitude to the fate of Russian women.


This activity is ideal for people with a high civic consciousness and those who were not taught in childhood that it is not good to sneak. You can search for vacancies on, or leave a resume at an agency, for example You will be instructed in detail, armed with a dictaphone, photo or even video camera and sent “on reconnaissance”. On site, you will need to disguise yourself as an ordinary visitor, talk to the staff, buy or eat something, and then immediately fill out and send a questionnaire. Sometimes it is necessary to evaluate the loyalty of employees literally for food or for a modest payment: 200-250 rubles. in one visit.


In addition to still lifes with pumpkins, students of art departments constantly require living people, who are hired by special full-scale departments. A sitter, or a demonstrator of plastic poses, will face heavy physical activity: academic studies require up to 4 hours of immobility from the model. And in private workshops, where teachers prepare future painters and sculptors for the entrance competition, in addition to numb arms and legs, you can really earn a cold. On average, for 8 academic hours, you can get 1000 rubles. Visit for an updated list of job offers, as well as an amazing gallery of acting sitters (gothic lolitas and altruistic athletes).


Despite the fact that Russian cinema is back in the ass, in Moscow they shoot something all the time, mostly VGIK short films and TV shows. Shooting often requires (see communities vgik.ru_moviemaker, etc.) photographers who would record the process (from 1000 rubles per day), administrators (from 15,000 rubles per month), make-up artists, pastiers, lighting technicians, etc. e. The Mosfilm website ( regularly announces courses for operators or sound engineers' assistants. They teach free of charge and to the fullest extent, but employment there, at the studio, is practically guaranteed. And if you have any ideas about viral advertising of films, write to - a competition is organized there, and the author of the best project is promised a substantial fee. Another option is to offer your apartment for filming. Both neglected communal apartments and Stalinist mansions with stucco molding are in demand. Sometimes on the Internet (paparazzi, etc.) you can find announcements of this kind: “Urgent! To shoot a video, you need to throw out the refrigerator (ours) from your balcony. Then we will remove everything. For anxiety - 1000 rubles. " Well, how to refuse creative people?


When the tax inspector pinned Shopaholic heroine Becky Bloomwood against the wall, she did it simply: arranged a sale for her Gucci and Prada. Nobody bothers you to do this either: put up clothes, books, equipment or jewelry for auction on the Internet ( You set a price, and those who wish will outbid each other's rates. Just stipulate whether you are ready to send the goods or are looking for buyers only in Moscow. In addition to auctions, there are a lot of organized trade places on the Web. Clothes and tweets can be sold in the baraholka community, antiquities - in antikvariat, photographic equipment - in photobaraholka, in quest_book - books (including wholesale), old and valuable books - in ru_bukinist, stamps - in philately.


Many expensive managers complain that they do not have enough free time for their favorite activities. Firstly, now they will have more time, and secondly, it was necessary to start hobbies that would be free to monetize if something happened. Now you are laughing, and, unlike golf and equestrian sports fans, those who were fond of beading or a soft toy at school can now at the very least make ends meet. Author's postcards, beads made of felt or natural materials and unusual homemade products are reluctantly, but still accepted in stores like Novodel and Two Friends. Both this and more exotic types of handmade such as homemade soap (see ru_soap) or daguerreotypes printed on metal plates (guide at can be offered in the same "flea market", the vse_na_prodazhu community, handmade_ru and many others.


If you regularly track updates on sites that publish new vacancies (, etc.), you can have time to participate in some kind of research or survey. As a rule, such ads are published with the mark "urgent" and offer, for example, to express the opinion of the target audience about a new series. You are shown a movie, and then you answer the questionnaire (1000 rubles). Sometimes getting into the target audience is quite difficult: you have to be young parents or a user of a certain brand of TV or washing machine - then, by filling out a questionnaire in a couple of hours, you can earn up to 1,500 rubles.


In fact, a good alternative to mental work (if you can call mental work 8 hours of sitting in LJ). Anyone who has gone to massage at least somewhat regularly knows how useful and costly it is. A good massage therapist can afford a much more relaxed schedule than the average office worker, without losing anything financially. Our friend Manar, formerly a manager, and now a professional manual operator, radically changed his field of activity. To begin with, he needed to undergo training (Institute of Restorative Medicine, 15,500 rubles for a basic course,, after which he immediately got a job at a sports center (one session from 1500 to 4000 rubles). One could stop at this, but Manar decided to receive, in addition to his economic, also a medical education - a state diploma increases the value of a massage therapist, although it is not required if you work privately. In addition, in the same place where you took the basic course (,, etc.), you can learn baby massage, acupuncture and cosmetology.

Selling your own kidney or bone marrow, kidding, ready great amount people in need of money. For an organ they demand an average of 60,000 euros and a full prepayment. Even if you are now thinking about what can be done with this money, we strongly advise you against it: nothing will work legally and safely. But donating sperm or eggs is another matter. Clinics dealing with reproductive programs (for example, willingly pay (of course, after appropriate research) for men about 2000 rubles. for one "procedure", and for women - already 25,000 rubles. But if you don't have your child over a year old yet, the doctors will ask you to come back later.


Almost every resident of the capital, if you look well, will find an autograph of some celebrity: a book by Grishkovets with wishes for a good mood or a sweeping signature of Mickey Rourke on the Wrestler poster. With so many presentations, press conferences, premieres and apartment buildings that take place in Moscow, one desire is enough to assemble a collection. Another thing is retroautographs and rarities. About 30-40 years ago, people specially sent postcards to the actors of the capital's theaters so that they would at least write something back to them, and most importantly, put their last name at the end. Now they are put up for auction at prices ranging from 500 to 1000 rubles. (, but the real rarities - the autograph of Viktor Tsoi or Yuri Gagarin - are estimated at several thousand dollars.


Even if you actively keep an online diary, you probably do not make money from it, rightly believing that this is your personal territory, where there is no place for capitalism. Nevertheless, just know that you can register your blog on a special service (, from where you will be sent a list of offers from advertisers. After agreeing on monetary compensation, make a note with the assessment (or mention) of the product or service and get your money. The average price for a start is 1000 rubles. per post, but may pay less. Be warned: you may have to rewrite the record several times until the customer is completely satisfied.


Another way to get in touch with the latest networking technologies is to breathe life into unnecessary Internet forums. It is not necessary to understand the proposed topic (for example, in car tuning), the main thing is to construct sentences grammatically correctly. Posts of 100 characters or more are paid for, an average of 5 cents each. In the same way, you can fill other people's blogs and sites with messages. You can search for such offers on freelance services:,, etc. or specialized resources like, but it seems to us that this job is suitable only for teenage robots.


Judging by how popular TV projects like "You're funny!" or "Quality Mark" (remember?), many want to make themselves laugh for the sake of fame and money. In this case, you can do without intermediaries - sing, play the guitar or violin, tell a funny story. On the Old Arbat, dozens of tourists always hang around the performers of bearded jokes. Work on the repertoire: it will hardly be possible to outstrip the string ensemble from the passage near Manezhka on the move. Good old Russian rock, as well as demobilized songs and chanson are popular only among the marginalized. Try to sing retro or something of your own. If it turns out as mentally as Michalna's, we ourselves will come to listen to you.


Near the metro station "Chistye Prudy" you could often meet a granny with an inscription on a cardboard box "I will give you directions." We checked - my grandmother knows the city, but she takes little money. If you are well versed in the capital, you can do the same - or make it harder for yourself. Share your knowledge of unofficial Moscow: come up with a route based solely on the new architecture, or show tourists from a safe distance the places where informals spend their time. Judging by the number of those wishing to participate in the excursions (so far free) of Moskultprog (moskultprog in LiveJournal) and, the demand for them is now several times higher than the supply.


Recycling points are working! Unnecessary magazines and newspapers can be carried, for example, to 6th Monetchikovsky lane. For 1 kg give 90 kopecks. or 1 p. 5 kopecks if it is cardboard. True, if you bring a ton or two with you, they can write out an invoice and ask to come in 5-10 days - there are not always large sums. Glass containers are accepted in Novogireevo on Svobodny Prospekt from 10 kopecks. up to 1 p. per bottle; aluminum cans - 15 kopecks each. It is better to sell metals in bulk: buyers will take out a pile of pieces of iron more than a ton by themselves. For 1 kg of copper they pay 76 rubles, for each kilogram of a brass radiator - 46 rubles. They can buy molybdenum, nickel or tungsten, if necessary, help to dismantle the object. It remains only to look at the abandoned air defense point - and go ahead.


If you are a complete slacker and you are reluctant to do any of the above, just continue not to work. But let this become a conscious attitude: get your drawing paper and an airbrush from the mezzanine, blow off the dust from your Holga, tie your most ridiculous tie. Draw, take pictures, keep a diary - the main thing is to spread more noise around your work. Attack famous bloggers on LiveJournal. Grab the gallerists' buttons at the opening days and tell them about the hard lot of the contemporary artist. Ask for a private party and do something disgusting there. Shoot everything and post it on Youtube. You will see - easy fame can be easily converted into easy money. Just be careful: public loafers are everywhere pursued by human envy, telephone bullies and evil but talented scoffers on the Internet.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Questions about how to make money while sitting at home (working on the Internet) or even doing a certain type of activity offline are often asked on the Internet.

In this article, we will look at four main ways making money, which is well described in his books by the American entrepreneur and business coach Robert Kiyosaki, we classify it for adults and schoolchildren, we will remove the dark veil over moneymaking on our own website.

How you can make money according to R. Kiyosaki

Conventionally, all methods of obtaining money can be divided into four large categories, presenting them as the Cash Flow Quadrant, first described in detail by Robert Kiyosaki in the books of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series.

The Quadrant, as we can see, has two sides from the horizontal section: Left (where sectors P and C are located), Right (with sectors B and I). According to statistics, on the left side, most of the world's population earns - 80-90%, but they are all representatives of the middle class or even the poor. The biggest money is earned workers on the right side - they are only 10-20 percent. All modern oligarchs, millionaires, billionaires and the richest people on the planet are also located here.

Consider the two left sectors - what are these people doing who want to earn their living:

  1. The first - "P" - is employed people: those who get a job under an employment contract and receive a salary. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that employment is the easiest way to earn money, because, firstly, the maximum responsibility lies not with the employee, but with the manager, and secondly, you need to follow the instructions given from “above”, there is no need for your own reflection. success in this sector, you need to get a prestigious education, be a professional in your field. Do not assume that the earnings in position "P" are small: top managers in large companies receive a lot of money, so there are definitely certain prospects.
  2. "WITH" - self-sufficiency in work... This includes people who find work themselves, as well as freelancers and small entrepreneurs (for example). Small businesses are all kinds of companies with fewer than 500 employees.

    "C" cannot be considered a job as you do not need to be hired by anyone, but this activity cannot be regarded as a business either. Although, in our modern Russian realities, we are used to calling even small entrepreneurs who may not have employees at all businessmen, this is not true from the American point of view.

    Self-sufficiency in work is the most risky undertaking, according to Robert Kiyosaki, because the responsibility that a representative of this sector takes on is too high in accordance with the level of income and opening prospects.

General conclusion on the two sectors of the left side quadrant - they can bring good money (even millions) and at the same time there are options to make money sitting at home. However, attempts to seriously get rich through these directions are unreasonable for several reasons.

  1. First, people on the left side of the quadrant pay most taxes, while true businessmen or investors receive a lot of benefits from the government.
  2. Second, people on the left side work to get money, and in the case of the right side, the representatives of the “B” and “I” sectors make money work for themselves. The difference in income turns out to be obvious.

If you ask yourself, for example, how right now earn 100 rubles, or how to make money quickly - the left side will open up great opportunities for you, if you want more, for example, you are looking for a method by which you can earn a million and more - you need to go to the right side.

Consider now the two right-hand sectors from the earnings options quadrant:

  1. Sector "B" - entrepreneurs employing over 500 people. They have big business and serious earnings in their hands.
  2. Sector "I" - investors who get rich only due to the circulation of capital (own or borrowed). Another important point: if employees spend their time to get money, then big entrepreneurs use other people's time, investors often they do not invest their own capital, but borrowed money - the money of other people (VDL and DDL according to Kiyosaki).

If you are asking yourself what to do to make money, and not small, but more, your first step is reading relevant literature... The best authors who will change your worldview and help you move from the left side of the quadrant to the right - R. Kiyosaki, N. Hill ("Think and Grow Rich"), R. Gage (Why are you stupid, sick, poor, and how to become smart, healthy and rich), B. Tracy and others.

Assets and liabilities - where are earnings, and where are continuous losses

Where to make a lot of money? Everywhere. In any area. You just need to learn to distinguish liabilities from assets and buy assets, then activities in almost every area will turn into gold mine... So what's the difference? Assets Is a specific object that allows you to earn. A liability is a similar object that brings expenses instead of income.

The reason for the dire financial situation of most people is the inability to distinguish between assets and liabilities.

Here are some examples:

  1. The house you are in live(most people consider their home their most important asset) - a liability, because it does not bring you any income, but requires payment of receipts for utilities, repair costs and more. Note that the point is not to leave home, but to simply learn to distinguish between a liability and an asset (we will return to this point below).
  2. The house you rent for rent- an asset if the amount exceeds the sum of utility bills and property taxes.
  3. Children- liabilities. It is very important for parents to understand this, since the main reason for the breakup of most young families is financial problems after the birth of their first child. A child is a liability that requires costs, and income does not always allow this liability to pay off.
  4. Bank account can be both a liability and an asset. If you get 5 percent per annum on your account, and inflation is 7 percent, you lose 2 percent of your capital annually. If the income is greater than inflation, the account can be considered classified as an asset (similarly, if you keep your capital not in foreign currency, but, for example, in precious metals, which are weakly subject to depreciation).

Your own home and children are what a huge number of people dream about. The thesis “These are liabilities” does not mean that you should stop striving for these values, it only encourages you to think: can existing assets provide the content of these liabilities? If not, purchasing them will make you bankrupt and deeply unhappy.

How can you make money? On assets... Think about what assets you are able to acquire (buy or create) and start translating ideas into reality.

Those people are mistaken for whom the purchase of an asset seems to be an unusually expensive investment: placing an article on earlier is also the creation of an asset. It will not bring a lot of money at all, but you can create it in half an hour. If you place them, there will be more assets, earnings, respectively, will increase.

The same can be said about (you first invest in attracting referrals, and then “skim the cream off” in the form of passive income). this is also the acquisition of assets, because in the long term it will begin to generate income with the proper approach. In general, I am a supporter of creating assets, and not plugging holes in the budget with one-time work for my uncle.

How to make money on the Internet for schoolchildren and adults

The theoretical answers to the questions "How to make money" given above should have formed in you the correct idea of ​​a successful laying of a financial foundation. Now let's turn to practice - how can you make money online, is it possible, for example, earn 100 rubles right now- after reading this article? Yes, absolutely.

Where to raise money

First you need to get used to the Internet in general - to understand how and what functions here (read about this in the article ""). Acquaintance fits perfectly into the framework of the so-called simple freelance:

  1. - pay mainly for installing applications (programs, games). Examples:,.
  2. - monetary compensation is paid for the time you spent (examples: Questionnaire, Myiyo, EM)
  3. - writing small texts (examples:,,)
  4. B - likes, reposts, subscriptions and similar actions performed for money (examples:, CashBox, Smmok)
  5. On - leave a review or comment about a service, product and the like, having received payment in return (examples:,
  6. - for those who like solving puzzles (captchas). It’s boring, but you don’t need to think.
  7. - a service from Yandex with very good reviews. The tasks that need to be completed there are available to anyone (from schoolchildren to pensioners).
  8. Is generally a background system that hangs as an application in your browser.
  9. - mostly pay simply to visit their sites. A little, but you don't need to do anything either. Examples:,.

You can register on the site from each category right now and try your hand. It is most realistic to earn one hundred rubles in a few hours on text exchanges, however, you will need knowledge of the Russian language and command of the word. But using everything together, you can get much more significant amounts.

Many people, coming to the Internet, stop at this stage - they are satisfied with a small salary and moving forward creates fear and anxiety. In fact, you should not be afraid to go forward.

Of course, as an opportunity to make money on maternity leave or a simple freelance (the methods of which were just described above) may be enough, but for those seeking serious money, it is definitely not enough. So let's talk about it.

How to start earning more

  1. Next stage - . For a start, you can look for work, for example, or exhibit. It may be that you have to take courses in a certain direction or simply prove that you are a highly qualified specialist in your field, for example, you can write gorgeous texts on popular topics, have good programming skills, and so on. The payment, respectively, will be ten to twenty times higher than in the case of a regular freelance.

    For example, on text exchanges, the average cost of a thousand characters of an article is 15-20 rubles, while the UTMagazine trading portal (a division of United Traders) paid $ 2 per 1000 characters for filling the dictionary of economic terms (the minimum rate for a writer; since April, the administration suspended work in this direction).

    If you are looking to make money at home, professional freelancing is a great solution. It will provide you with not a penny earnings, but very good incomes, will allow you to fulfill the dream of many people on the Internet - to earn a million and more.

  2. The next component is or. Robert Kiyosaki wrote: “Wealth is just an idea”, the site, in principle, is exactly the idea - the set of texts is a generalization of thoughts on various issues. If you decide to create a website, you need to be prepared for the following:
    1. Invest to your project: pay for domain and hosting, promotion (approximately 2,000 - 3,000 per month will be enough at the first stages), purchase of texts, if you do not plan to write on your own;
    2. Devote to the site time(several hours a day for content filling, optimization, internal work);
    3. Work no profit for a certain time (I don’t want to scare in advance, but something tangible began to peck at me only, probably after a couple of years, and before that everything was based on sheer enthusiasm, well, and also on the fact that I had the main offline work ).
    Source of income - visitors, which are not recruited immediately. For at least several months you will have to invest in your project and not get any return at all (this often becomes the reason for the blog to be "thrown" by inexperienced novice web projectors).
  3. We will describe the main ways to make money on a blog below, and now we will mention the next possible stage - trading on the currency exchange... Its advantage is the ability to receive huge amounts of money in a short period of time, the disadvantage is that start-up capital is required.

    Pay per clicks beneficial when there is a large conversion on the site. For example, if the project is about buying real estate and themed banners are placed on it, then the percentage of clicks will be high. If credits are advertised on a cooking blog, hardly anyone will click. Attendance, of course, also plays a role: the more people view the pages, the more income.

    You can also create your own website for this business(blog, group or public in social network), to establish himself as a specialist and thus get the world's best customers - hot. They will only want advice or other services from you and no one else. It really works. Take a look at some blogs and you will realize that they are created for this purpose only.

    Suppose, if you are a lawyer, you can start with free answers to questions from Internet users, then set a fixed cost of consultation, for example, from 800 rubles per hour or more. If you have proven that you are professionals, people will strive to communicate with you, even if you have to pay money for it.

    The advantage of making money online through consultations: you do not need to learn practically anything new, you feel like a fish in water, still working in your field. You can devote time to consulting when it is convenient for you, there is no fixed schedule.

    At first you won't get millions, but if you want to make money sitting at home, then this direction will be the best. And if everything is developed correctly, then it will be possible to constantly recruit new groups for training and "raise" already very serious sums.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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How to make money if you don't want to work for "Karl's dad"? The answer is obvious: you need to look for such earnings of money, which will consist in working for yourself. Yes, your own business is a brilliant way of earning money, where you are your own producer and your own director. But it is not easy to open your own business today, since almost all niches of profitable areas of the domestic economy are occupied by private business. This article will tell you in detail how you can make money in the difficult conditions of the modern economy, how to start your own business and get a lot of money to implement a business idea.

Idea # 1: Renting a quadrocopter (multicopter)!

Quadrocopters today are becoming more and more interesting for various areas of human life. They can be used to capture fantastic panoramas in high definition. They are also relevant for real estate photography. IN recent times more and more actively began to use quadcopters for shooting celebrations (weddings, anniversaries). It is not difficult to calculate the cost of renting this unit. You need to proceed from the initial cost of the quadcopter and the price of the purchased equipment required to record the survey.

The average market price of the aircraft, which is described in the article, is 20-30 thousand rubles, about 5-10 thousand rubles will have to be spent on additional equipment. Shooting with a quadcopter today costs from 5,000 to 10,000 thousand rubles (the cost is influenced by the region where the video is filmed with the device).

Due to the fact that such a service in Russia as renting a quadrocopter has not yet gained mass distribution, you will practically have no competitors. This means that you will be able to “recoup” the investments in the first two or three months. Good advertising and good videos posted on the Internet will help you recruit customers who want to rent your quadcopter.

The DJI Phantom 2 Pro drone is popular for shooting low-budget projects. The camera of the apparatus and directly the quadrocopter itself is controlled by one person.

And if your goal is not just to make money, but to get a lot of money, start renting a multicopter. If you have one, start renting it out today. If you do not have your own multicopter, purchasing it will be a profitable investment that will quickly pay off. The average cost of a professional copter with the necessary set of video equipment is 350,000 rubles. The more expensive the aerial photography apparatus, the higher the cost of renting it.

Renting a multicopter means:

  • delivery of equipment to the place where the equipment will be rented;
  • professional work of the pilot and operator;

The team of the operator and the mechanic operating the vehicle will provide the client with the specific flash drives and batteries required for the two-hour aerial survey.

For understanding, let's give examples in numbers:

  • the cost of renting a copter with a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera, a gyro-stabilized platform, a 14mm F2.5 lens and an ND filter is 35,000 rubles per shift;
  • the cost of an octocopter with a gyro-stabilized platform for cameras weighing more than 2 kg is 70,000 rubles per shift;
  • price budget quadcopter DJI Phantom 2 Pro is 20,000 rubles per shift.

Thus, renting a quadrocopter / multicopter will become a profitable business, and will answer the painful question for many: how to make money?

Idea # 2: A contract with the manufacturer of “smart” clothes-thermometer BabyGlow!

All caring parents are worried about the health of their baby, but since the child is still very tiny, it is often impossible to see the first signs of his illness. And for many mothers, they are very important in order to start treatment on time and prevent further progression of the disease.

The British company "BabyGlow" has offered the world a revolutionary novelty - baby clothes that change color when the child's body temperature rises above 37 degrees Celsius. The development of this product took a long time, the production of such clothing in technological plan... However, the demand abroad for such clothing exceeded all the manufacturer's expectations.

This children's clothing is produced by the manufacturer in three colors: green, pink and blue. When the baby's body temperature rises above normal, the clothes turn white. Outwardly, such clothes are no different from ordinary vests. You can wash it in washing machine with standard modes for children's clothing. After washing, it does not lose its properties. Today the cost of such a product within the UK is £ 20 per kit.

While foreigners happily use baby thermometer clothes from the manufacturer "BabyGlow", we Russians do not even know about its existence. But, you see, this problem can be solved. And the way to solve it will reveal this idea. How can you make money selling unique baby thermometer clothes? Just! And so, we begin cooperation with the manufacturer, accompanied by wholesale purchases (note: it is wholesale purchases that will be beneficial for us, since such clothes will be bought cheaply and sold expensively in Russia).

To establish sales of this product in Russia, we contact the official dealer through the website or look for other web resources of this official representative. There is a great guarantee that it will be possible to establish business cooperation, since now the BabyGlow company is actively looking for distributors in the world children's clothing market. Signing a contract with "BabyGlow" "is a chance to become the pioneer of sales in Russia of a new unique type of children's clothing. This business idea is guaranteed to be profitable. Don't be afraid to bring it to life. Having established stable cooperation, you will understand how you can make money on sales unique product, which no one has heard of in our country yet.

You can sell such a product through various "mommy's" projects (offer a product on sites such as Avito, BabyBlog, etc.). The implementation of this business idea will allow you to get a lot of money.

Idea number 3: Opening a shop for organic village products!

Now in the era of flourishing genetic engineering, it is very difficult to find organic fruits and vegetables grown without chemical additives and harmful fertilizers on store shelves. Although there are shops claiming to sell organic farm products, for example, in Moscow. But in fact, it turns out that the vegetable and fruit products they sell are purchased abroad and grown in a standard way using transgenic engineering technologies.

Our idea is to open a store that will sell exclusively farm products that have passed strict quality control. We will control the content of pesticides and harmful additives ourselves. To do this, you can arm yourself with a nitrate meter and a device for determining genetically modified organisms. If a nitrate meter can be bought in any specialized store, then it will be more difficult to buy a device for determining the presence of GMOs. This unit is new Russian market, which was developed and patented by scientists of the laboratory of bioengineering of the Altai state university... After the purchase this equipment, with the help of which each product of our bio - organic store will be tested, advertising stickers with laboratory testing indicators can be glued on each product that hits the counter of your store. The indicators will prove the absence of GMOs, nitrates and pesticides in fruits and vegetables.

It will not be difficult to find suppliers of products. If you are going to open a store in a metropolis (and this will be the best place), visit suburban villages and offer the grandmothers who grow country products in their garden a profitable trade cooperation. When the profit from such a business becomes stable, the question of how to make money for you will lose its urgency.

Idea number 4: How can you make money by creating a creative studio for making handmade crafts to order?

To start making money in this area, you need to remember about your needlework skills. Maybe you know how to knit toys, or create cool figurines, maybe you are fond of beading? And so, you rent a room, put up your work for sale, which at the same time will be your advertisement. When sales start to grow, you can invite people to your studio to learn your craft. Those who wish will watch how you create another masterpiece and pay money for it. When you see the interest of customers in your business, you will understand how you can make good money for a living.

Idea number 5: Know how to establish business contacts - start direct sales and get quick money!

Now in all cities there are many firms and organizations whose purpose is to expand the marketing of goods. Usually, such companies have a team of full-time sales managers, but no one will refuse to cooperate with freelance sales managers. This type of earnings will certainly be effective, but it is imperative to draw up a cooperation agreement with the employer, where the amount of commission will be spelled out. You will receive them for a well-advertised product that will subsequently be purchased. Finding such vacancies today is not difficult - they are found on almost all employment sites. This view remote work allows you to receive a salary of 15,000 rubles per month and above (it all depends on the level of the company you have chosen and on its geographic location).

How To Make Money Online?

The best option is binary options trading!

Probably you have already heard a lot about binary options, but still do not know how to make money on them? I will answer right away - it is very simple, more than real, but one caveat - without preparation, there is a high probability of losing money! However, I still consider this option - the best way make big money fast on the internet!

In this article, it will not be possible to fully disclose the topic of making money on BO in full, since this is a reason for a separate series of articles, but detailed instructions, where to start with the joy of ladies.

Step 1. Register with a binary options broker! To start trading, you need to decide which broker to work with. The choice is huge, but I recommend for beginners to register at this link >>>

This platform has proven itself well, has a good reputation, a certificate, which is important! But the main advantage is that the minimum deposit is only $ 10! While other brokers have this amount of about $ 250! Beginners shouldn't start trading with such large amounts! But $ 10 is enough to start earning!

Step 2. Learning and choosing a trading strategy!

Be sure to read this material before you start working: TOP - 100 best strategies for trading + training material!

To trade profitably, preparation is required! It won't take much time, but knowledge will appear!

Many people start trading hoping only for luck - I agree, it's tempting! But practice shows that this factor is not stable!

It will not be amiss to watch a video about trading binary options! Bintrader has its own YouTube channel, where strategies, trading rules and many nuances of binary options are discussed in detail. Come, subscribe >>> Bintrader Channel and see anyone!

Simple binary options trading by signals! Profit for beginners!

Step 3. Replenishment of the deposit and start trading!

When you have knowledge, you can start trading!

Top up your personal account in your account and feel free to start! If you have read the training material, then within 1 minute after the start, your investment will increase to 80%!

Idea number 6: How To Make Money Online Contests?

Competitions today are often organized by blogs and Vkontakte groups. All online contests can be divided into:

  • subscriber contests;
  • crossword contests;
  • puzzle contests;
  • contests of riddles, etc.

The specificity of monetary rewards in each competition is different. But usually the minimum payment for participation is 50 rubles or more. The participant of the competition will be required to be active and have free time.

Such earnings can be called an interesting entertainment, as a result of which the participant is awarded with cash prizes. The only disadvantage of such earnings is the likelihood (albeit small) of losing the competition. But these risks can be practically reduced to zero by studying the helpful tips that we will describe below.

The principle of making money on contests!

How to make money by participating in contests? It's simple: to start making money on this type of entertainment, you should search the search engine for contests by request: "Competition of TOP commentators", "Competition best subscriber"," Competition of commentators ". On Vkontakte, you can find contests that recruit participants using the hashtag #contest. You can also find interesting paid contests on the portal, where announcements of each contest are posted. When familiarizing yourself with the proposals, be sure to look at the date of the competition - it often happens that the competition has already passed, and the invitation to participate in it is still hanging on the Internet. If you have found a competition in which you would like to participate - propose your candidacy to the event organizer by contacting him through feedback... Prizes, as mentioned above, are different. Half of the contests award the winners as follows: first place - 250 rubles; 2nd place - 150 rubles, 3rd place - 100 rubles.

When you have decided on the choice of a specific competition where you will take part, carefully study the requirements and rules. Study well the information given by the initiator of the competition. In the process of taking part in the competition, strictly follow the rules of the competition. Do not try to invent something to outwit someone. This is fraught with elimination from the Internet competition.

Tips on how to behave correctly to win online competition and get quick money!

  1. Before you start participating in the competition, arrange for yourself several auto-trainings to develop mindfulness, increase the speed of reaction and quick wits (there are such auto-trainings on the Internet). Remember: a competitor's inattention is a flaw that can lead to losses.
  2. If you decide to take part in the contest of likes, reposts, subscribers or decide to take part in online surveys, you can download to your Personal Computer special programs(you can also use special sites) that will help you get the maximum value (i.e. the maximum number of reposts, likes or votes in the survey).
  3. Always study the behavioral line of competitors: find out how many comments the leaders have already, how many of them were the winner of the competition, for example, last month. This analysis will help you understand how many comments you need to leave in order to receive a cash prize. Divide that number by thirty days and you will see how many comments you should write per day.

And one more nuance: most often the initiator of the competition pays the prize to the winner on his mobile phone replenishing the balance. However, it is possible to arrange for the cash prize to be provided to you in an electronic wallet.

If you show diligence, perseverance and will constantly look for Internet contests to participate, you can get quick money every month in the amount of 10,000-15,000 rubles.

Idea number 7: How To Make Money Online Selling Products From Overseas?

Everyone knows that many foreign goods that come to Russia are sold with a markup much higher than in the countries where they are produced. Therefore, some advanced and risky Russians buy goods on online auctions such as eBay and Aliexpress. But, the percentage of such buyers is very low, as many are afraid to take risks when buying goods from an unverified seller abroad. In addition, many do not make purchases on these resources because they are far from international payment systems, they do not know English and will not be able to contact the seller to discuss possible delivery nuances. Below we will describe in detail how to make money purchasing goods from abroad. To understand the essence of this business idea, first let's look at the stages of registration and ordering of goods at the eBay auction and on the largest trading platform "Aliexpress".

Step-by-step instructions for registering on Ebay and ordering goods!

Step 1- we register e-mail.

Step 2- we register an electronic wallet of web money (when registering, we enter only real data), we receive a formal certificate. We put about 200 rubles in the nearest terminal on the wallet. We will need them to create a card and future payment for goods on eBay.

Step 3- when the registration is completed, we go to the site, where virtual payment cards with immediate release are registered. We receive a virtual card.

Step 4- go to the main page of the eBay website of the United States of America. At the top, on the left side of the site, where the inscription "Sign in or register" is located, select "register". After waiting for the page to finally load, fill out the registration form, indicating your exact personal data. If you have already registered, just log in with your username and password. An important note: the data of the registration form are filled in only in letters written in Latin (this also applies to those users of the site, in front of whom the Russified eBay site has opened).

Step 5- to confirm the previously set registration data and as confirmation of the user agreement with the site's privacy policy, press the "Submit" button. Now you have the status of a full-fledged user of the resource, which will allow you to view products and get acquainted with the profiles of other members. But to use all the options of the site, registration alone is not enough. You also need to link a payment card or your personal account in the banking system, indicating also the address to which the delivery of purchases of this store should come. You can use the PayPal account as an option (by the way, PayPal is a "daughter" of eBay, through which about 99% of all payments of the eBay auction site pass). Hooray! From now on, you have the opportunity to make purchases without any restrictions.

When shopping, always take your seller's credibility seriously. Use this useful tool, how detailed seller appraisal on eBay (Detailed Seller Ratings). This will allow you to weed out scammers.

Step-by-step registration procedure on the Aliexpress trading platform and features of ordering goods!

Where to get money to start your own business? This is the problem that 95% of aspiring entrepreneurs face! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to get start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Some people think that the process of ordering and buying goods on Aliexpress is easier than on eBay. To agree or disprove this opinion, we will deal with all the step-by-step nuances of trade cooperation with the Aliexpress trading platform.

Step 1- registration. To make a purchase on this site, registration is not at all necessary, but desirable, since it opens up a lot of resources to the user of the resource additional opportunities... The registration procedure on Aliexpress is easier than on eBay. To register, we fill in the empty fields of the form provided to us in Latin. The data must correspond to reality. After filling in all the fields, including the captcha symbols, press the button »Create My Account «.

Step 2 - when registration is completed, fill in the delivery address. Your coordinates for the delivery of the goods will be saved in your account and on subsequent orders of the goods, the seller will send you the package to the address specified in the profile.

Step 3- the site "Aliexpress" allows the buyer and the seller to correspond with each other. This is convenient, since during personal correspondence you can ask the seller for a discount, ask about the quality of the product and its features.

Step 4- using the filter of selection, you can sort out wholesale buyers from retail. You can check the seller's reliability different ways... One of the simplest is the indicator of the number of goods sold (if the seller has a lot of goods sold, it means that the quality of his products is proper and he can be trusted).

Step 5- we send the product we like to the basket and place an order on the website. Payment can be made in different ways. Among Russian citizens, the most popular are two methods - payment with VISA, Mastercard or payment through a web wallet of such payment systems as Yandex.Money or Webmoney. Press the "Play Now" button and proceed to payment. By the way, bargaining is best when the product is already in the basket, but payment has not yet been made.

Step 6- we make the payment (when the payment from the card is made, the processing time may take 24 hours).

Step 7- when the order is processed and sent, the buyer is given a tracking number, by which you can safely track the parcel. If this is a purchase of a Chinese thing, then the parcel that first got to China Mail can be tracked through After some time, the parcel that crossed the Russian border can be tracked on Russian sites.

And so, a cheap product from a foreign site came to us. Now we turn to the discussion of the most interesting nuance: how to make money on its resale? In fact, everything is simple - you take a photo of this product from the Internet, create an ad on Avito and resell it for 20.50 or 70 percent higher than its original value. The price in Russia for goods purchased abroad should be set at the average market price. When your first product is purchased from you, you can think about starting bulk purchases on eBay or Aliexpress. In the future, it will be possible to create your own online store, where foreign goods will be displayed. By the way, a reasonable step would be to accept orders from customers of the store for the purchase of goods on order.

Idea number 8: How to make money from watching short videos?

This type of earnings, again, requires perseverance and daily perseverance. Of course, you won't be able to earn a lot of money by watching short videos, but you are guaranteed a stable average income. And so all you need to do is to register for free by creating an account on the portal, which hosts thousands of videos for viewing. It is very simple to withdraw your hard-earned money - you can make a withdrawal even every day, but one of the prerequisites that must be observed is the presence of a formal passport in the Webmoney system. Your profitability will directly depend on the time spent on work.

The website is one of the web portals where you can make money by watching short videos. The principle of all sites is the same - earn on views, enter the code - "captcha" of four digits, get money. If you want to increase your earnings - invite new members, register them using your referral link. For this, the site administration pays a certain percentage.

The second popular portal is This is making money from internet surveys. Payment for this type of work is $ 3-4 per hour. Average duration one video is 30-60 seconds. Free internet polls that can be completed are posted under the "consumer service" link. There is one more nuance of how to make money on such a service - to invite at least a hundred more people to register on this site - under such conditions, the amount of earnings will double or even triple.

Idea number 9: How to make money on a popular websiteYouTube?

The third portal where making money from watching videos will be the easiest and at the same time the most profitable is making money on the well-known site “”. To start making money on this Internet resource, you need to go through several stages:

  1. To edit and shoot an interesting video of your own, which should be interesting for many people. The most common genre of such videos is the process of passing the game (litplay). But reviews of popular products are also popular. To do this, it is enough to buy a newfangled product and discuss all its nuances in front of the camera. If you don't want to spend money on buying something, you can make money by creating your own video tutorials on a topic that you know well. If you succeed in creating an entertaining video thanks to a good sense of humor, consider that you are "in five minutes a millionaire", because people spend a lot of time searching the network for entertaining videos that uplift. and from a conventional video camera. Professional photographic equipment is not at all required here. A fascinating plot is important here. If it is really interesting, people will watch it, send links to your video to friends, etc. You can process the video using programs such as SonyVegas. Adobe premiere Pro, Camtasia Studio. Special professional programs will help to remove unnecessary frames, edit and cut video, as well as add music and exciting effects.
  2. Add your video to the channel. You need to do this using the "Add Video" button, while the video is being downloaded, fill in the empty fields in the form offered to you.
  1. We are promoting the channel. This is necessary in order to have a large number of views and subscribers. How to make money by increasing the number of subscribers? Everything is simple - we start using the help of special sites and programs similar to the "Wtope" program. You will also need:
  • attract people from the search - you can do this by working on the name, which should be sharpened for certain keywords;
  • promote your video through social networks by posting it on your page in your group and in other groups;
  • negotiate with channels equivalent to yours on mutual PR.

Idea number 10: Take bright photos - secure yourself making money on this!

This type of earnings is easy, interesting and profitable. The essence of making money is as follows: you register on a resource (for example, in the Look My Trips service), upload photos of interesting sights that you visited during your vacation to the site. Publish them.

Payment will be made for the growing user rating. The amount of earnings is also affected by the "likes" from other users of the project. In addition, an interesting picture you have taken can be sent to your friends via social networks - this procedure is also paid. But the rating of a photo depends not only on the "likes" of other users. It can also be increased if the photo is sent for review. After the photo is approved by the moderators of the portal, the user will be awarded additional points to his rating.

Thanks to the referral program, which also operates on the Look My Trips service, you can always invite friends to the project.

You don't have to worry about the demand for your photo masterpieces. Your bright original photos will be in demand, since many sites and printing houses agree to buy exclusive illustrations from photo hosting sites for any money. To take good photos that you can make money on, you do not need to have a super-powerful camera. An ordinary digital camera will be enough, the settings of which allow you to set different parameters of photosensitivity, exposure, white balance ... on all trips. Such a side job will not provide stability, but one-time good payments can please the amateur of photography.

Idea number 11: Making money on the options exchange - how to make money and be good at it?

This business idea of ​​good earnings does not require absolutely nothing from a person except perseverance and diligence. It's about how to make money on the options exchange. To start trading on it, education, age, previous work experience does not matter. A beginner just has to want to learn how to make money. Before you start learning how to trade on the options exchange, get acquainted with the important instruction for beginners, which will help you gain a foothold in a new profitable business without getting your own "bumps".

Step-by-step instructions that reveal the secret of making good money on the options exchange!

Step 1: get acquainted with the offers of companies that offer access to the trading market. Such companies are called brokers. All of them have good advertising, but in reality - many of them turn out to be scammers. To avoid this, register on the exchange with a trusted broker (for example, Utrader).

Step 2: study the tutorial that will be offered to you by the exchange. It will help you learn not only the basics of a new business for you, but also succeed in trading on the options exchange in the short term.

Step 3: pay attention to learning the strategy. Many newcomers who come to the exchange without a strategy immediately lose money, after which they give up on making money through the options exchange.

Step 4: you must be motivated. In the capacity of which there will be examples of people who have succeeded in this matter. After studying the stories of successful traders, you will understand that even professional traders have a series of failures, which you need to take calmly and remember: the black stripe always turns into white.

Step 5- this is a choice that a beginner must make: either he will continue to learn the theoretical foundations or will immediately begin practical training in options trading.

A checklist of basic stock exchange concepts a beginner should know!

Getting on the options exchange, an inexperienced trader may be intimidated by a host of unfamiliar terms. To prevent this from happening, you should study them in advance. Next we will give short list the meanings of the most common terms on the options exchange.

Trader- exchange trader. Previously, the concept of a trader was synonymous with the concept of a speculator. Today, a trader is a broad concept that is applicable both to those who trade on the stock exchange and to those who work on the Forex exchange.

Financial exchanges - these are multiple markets where money acts as an asset, as well as financial instruments such as securities. Virtual financial exchanges allow you to earn money without leaving your own home.

Option Is a popular financial instrument among traders. In the context of an online options exchange, this concept refers to the trader's bet. When buying an option, a trader puts money on the rise or fall of the price. If there is a win - the trader gets a specific profit, if there is a loss - the bet goes into the hands of the broker.

Assets- this is the object on which traders place their bets. Their number is constantly changing. Whereas in the recent past, traders only traded stocks, commodities and currencies, today the asset category has been replenished with index indicators and futures.

Strategy- this is a list of certain rules, adhering to which the work on the exchange will be successful.

Candle- a graphical fragment, which is mainly found on the Forex exchange, but the "candlestick" can also be found on the online charts of options brokers. A candlestick on a chart is a vertical rectangle with two distinct lines at the top and bottom of the rectangle. Its upper and lower boundaries show how the asset value has changed in a particular period.

Idea number 12: How to ensure yourself earn money by entering captcha?

This method of earning is extremely simple, since it is earnings without any investment. In this case, the profit will go to your balance instantly. To do this, you will need a keyboard and connected to global network computer (or laptop, tablet). The meaning of captcha image input is that there are many images of different complexity that cannot be read automatically by robots. Therefore, webmasters are looking for people to whom they are willing to pay for the correct recognition of alphabetic or digital fragments. Are you interested in the question: how to make money by entering pictures? So:

  • you register on the site, indicate your web wallet number.
  • get acquainted with the pictures, which you will recognize. For each correct input of characters, you will receive money in the amount of 1 to 10 kopecks.

Thus, working hard, you can get 30-40 rubles per hour (it will still depend on the level of server load). If a lot of pictures come to the server for captcha recognition, and there are few employees on the network, the rate for captcha recognition grows.

Payment for work on the web wallet occurs almost instantly. An alternative to payments to an electronic wallet can be payments that go to the smartphone's balance.

The minimum withdrawal amount is only 15 rubles.

The captcha recognition service transfers funds to a wallet or phone without collection fees, so there are no losses: you get the monetary reward that you were able to earn.

Idea number 13: earn money by remotely performing the work of a call center operator!

This idea will be of interest to a fairly wide segment of those who want to make money. Both female students and young mothers on maternity leave and women housewives will be able to work at home as a call center operator. To work, you need a computer and an Internet connection.

The job is to answer questions from website buyers online. Before applying for such a job, you need to study the subject of the site and the features of the goods / services sold on it.

Idea # 14: Become a Skype teacher or consultant - get some quick money!

This type of earnings will be of interest to those who have experience in the field of language translation, who are engaged in teaching various school and college disciplines. Also, a lawyer or accountant can become a Skype consultant. You can offer teaching / translation / consulting services via Skype by posting your ad, for example, on Avito or other similar sites. Skype teaching can also be done by those who can play the button accordion, piano, metallophone or Japanese folk instruments.

Idea number 15: How to make money from the comfort of your home, on the voice acting of phrases?

Anyone who has a more or less intelligible beautiful voice can cope with such work. So let's figure out how to make money on phrases scoring? It's simple: your customers via Skype or e-mail send assignments for the voice acting of phrases / videos / erotic stories. You watch the script of the video, train and record the dubbing of the video with your own voice. Payment to the speaker's electronic wallet is received based on the result of the actual work performed. The cost of voice-over work is different - depending on the level of complexity, on the type of project and on the level of its significance. For example, voice acting for erotic stories costs an average of 50 rubles per 1000 characters. Regular literary texts are cheaper.

Who might need your services?

You will be surprised, but many companies need voiceover services today. They need good voice acting to create:

  • advertising audio clips;
  • audio lessons, training professional courses, specialized trainings, scientific presentations;
  • fiction, for recording audiobooks, audio stories and children's stories (in this case, mother's kind voices are ideal);
  • voiceover recording (Voise Over), which is often needed to process videos that need accompanying comments;

Also, voiceover is needed to accompany various computer games and for recording automatic answering machine messages, recording audio greetings, and recording voice greetings.

How to organize money making on your voice?

How can you make money? We will tell you the course of your step-by-step actions.

2. Active search for clients. This can be done on freelance exchanges, where there is a section "Audio recording". When the first satisfied customers of your services appear, ask them to write good reviews about you. This will help you in the future to work independently, submitting numerous applications to various sites where remote announcers are required.

3. Start adding your demo material to the basic sites with voice recordings. By the way, these sites will help you study the pricing policy for voice-over services, "peep" what is the professionalism of competing voice-overs and find out the type of equipment used by competitors.

4. We are constantly working on our professionalism: we train our voice, raising the level of our own professionalism, we read theoretical material how to become a professional announcer, we study the "tricks" of career growth in this direction.

Does the profession of an announcer have certain perspectives?

Oddly enough - yes! With the advent of experience and good reviews in your portfolio, your earnings will increase significantly, and regular customers will also appear. On some business card sites that offer voiceover services, you can see that half an hour of a trained voiceover costs $ 10 or more. This work is easy, interesting and uncomplicated, it will give an answer to a question of concern to many: how to make money on the Internet.

Idea number 16: How to make a profit on the sale of sites?

This type of business is gaining momentum today. The description of doing business presented below will help you to master it and bring it to such a level that you can make good money on it. It will tell you how to make money. And so, before you start reselling sites, you should find an exchange that you can trust. According to independent estimates, today one of the leading exchanges that can be trusted is Telderi.

You can resell sites with different incomes, you can start by selling inexpensive sites with a yield of 4,000 to 10,000 per month. When you gain experience and understand the specifics of such a business, you can start working with expensive sites. By the way, having familiarized yourself with the Telderi exchange, you can make sure that there are buyers for every product (even if the site costs more than a million rubles, there will always be a buyer for it).

This type of earnings is suitable for those who know how to create working sites and who know how to speculate well. If you know how to optimize and work with the content of the site, you can make a blog website, gradually fill it with interesting author's content, correctly publish the author's content for the existing requests of the user audience and post links to your site to actively increase the amount of link mass, as well as for increasing positions in popular search engines today. Six months later, you can put on such a site contextual advertising and keep track of income. If the income is very good and has exceeded all your expectations - earn on it yourself. If the income is average and you do not want to deal with the optimization and development of this site anymore, put it up for sale. By the way, if you think that only low-profit sites are put up for sale, this is a delusion. Sometimes sites are put up for sale due to force majeure situations. Now you know how to make money online reselling sites.

Rules for those who want to make a lot of money!

Remember the saying: "luck loves the brave?" Practice shows that this saying is true. But, in addition to courage, there are a number of rules, following which, success will not leave you, and making money on your own profitable business will be tangible.

Now that you have found the answer to the question of how to make money, you can safely begin to implement any of the ideas described in the article. Don't sit around and start making money tomorrow. Go for it!

Money plays a big role in the life of every person. First, they are essential for life, as they are used to pay for all purchases. Money is a universal measure of value. They express the price of any product and make calculations. In addition, for some people, money is a measure of success in life, and some even make receiving funds their main goal in life. Therefore, almost every person at least once thought about how to earn enough money.

Set yourself a specific goal and go towards it

The first thing to do to make enough money is to set a goal for yourself. A valid target must meet the following criteria:
    Be inspiring. The desire to make money should inspire, therefore, you need to choose such an amount of earnings that will motivate, to which a person will strive. If the amount is too small, then you will not have to try hard to get it, which means that it will not inspire and motivate. If the amount is too large, then the opposite problem will arise - the person will not believe in it and make efforts to obtain the target amount of income. Be limited in time. You should not set yourself a goal with an indefinite period of achievement. You need to set a specific deadline for achieving it, otherwise there is always the opportunity to postpone your work a little and postpone the receipt of the target amount of income. In this case, a specific goal means that you can check its achievement. Be achievable. When setting your own goal, you need to believe that it can be achieved and understand the resources that will be required for this, as well as have them available. The process of achieving a goal can be measured, to assess how close a person is to it.

Professions where you can make a lot of money

Currently, the highest paid professions are:
    Risk management specialists. Their task is to determine the possible risks of the organization (events that can lead to a deterioration in the financial result of the company) and to develop measures to neutralize them. This profession has appeared relatively recently, so there are still few such specialists, which explains their high salaries. information technologies... This industry is actively developing, therefore, specialists in it are constantly required, and high demand determines the high incomes of people employed in this area. Engineers in the field of nano and biotechnology. These industries are recognized as one of the priority sectors in the state, therefore, significant funds are invested in them. This also leads to an increase in the demand for employees who have work skills or professional knowledge in the field of nanotechnology or biomedicine. Specialists in the field of architecture. Skilled architects are highly valued. Construction and changing the appearance of buildings, their restoration, everything requires the development of projects, and therefore there is a need for architects, economists and lawyers. Despite the fact that there are a lot of such specialists, those of them who are highly qualified are in demand and have a stable good income.

Which is better, work in a profession or do business

The main advantage of the profession is stability and certainty. If a person has achieved a certain success, he will be in demand, which means that he will receive a stable income. In addition, such a specialist has the opportunity to choose. With a unique specialization, he can decide where to work and under what conditions. At the same time, a career in the profession requires constant self-development, which requires constant efforts. As for business, its main advantage is freedom and the ability to earn without restrictions (the salary of a specialist still depends on the capabilities and desires of the owner). At the same time, business is a significant responsibility, it is necessary to provide profit not only for yourself, but also for your subordinates. In addition, own business does not provide stability at the initial stage. Until your business reaches a certain level, there is a possibility of falling income and even bankruptcy.

How to make money out of thin air

There are several types of business that allow you to generate income without much investment and significant effort:
    Intermediary services. Each person has acquaintances, so you can earn money by selling what some have in abundance and others lack. In addition, you can become a representative of an organization and distribute its products or services among acquaintances and friends. The scheme is very similar to intermediary services. For bringing a client to a company, a person receives a certain reward. Thus, you just need to maintain regular communication and get paid for it. Work and business on the Internet. This area is becoming more and more popular. There are various opportunities for obtaining a stable income from writing texts to website development and programming. If you have a skill or skill, you can make money on it by helping others develop it through video courses or developing instructions.

There are three categories of people who make significant amounts of money:
    The first is a variety of unique specialists who have the skills that are in demand. For example, risk managers, architects, programmers, and so on. In principle, qualified employees are required in any industry and everywhere they are ready to pay high wages. A skilled plumber may well earn more than an unskilled economist. The second group is entrepreneurs. They risk their savings, time and other resources, but they make substantial profits. For success in entrepreneurial activity, you need to guess the scope of your activity and organize high-quality performance of services. The third group - those who know how to manage other people's and their own money. These are specialists in the field of financial markets. They know how to recognize trends, navigate the flow and information and make the right decisions on the areas of money investment. As a result of this work, they receive substantial profits.

Big money by honest labor - myth or reality

In the modern world, it is quite possible to earn a significant amount of money by honest work. First, the external environment is constantly changing and new opportunities are opening up. Quite recently, only a few could work in the financial market, but today everyone can take a course, master the necessary skills and start making money on it. The situation is similar with the Internet. Today, everyone can earn additional income by offering their services on the Internet. In addition, people themselves have learned to change. The secret of success is the ability to quickly learn something new, master the required skills. The time for stability is over. The more dynamically a person changes and adapts to the external environment, the more successful he is, which means that he has an increased chance of receiving additional reward.

How to work less and earn more

1. The first advice that can be given in this situation is to work comfortably. This implies not only the external side (having a comfortable workplace), but also internal feelings (for example, the work should be liked). You can also work remotely. This allows you to form a convenient work schedule for yourself and independently choose the orders to fulfill. 2. The second tip is to use modern time management techniques. First of all, you should just see how your day works. Surely there are many actions that will turn out to be useless, unnecessary. In theory, they are called time stealers. By getting rid of them, learning to concentrate on work, you can significantly increase its efficiency. 3. The third recommendation is to use modern technical solutions. Currently, there are many different ways to make work easier, ranging from various devices, and ending with programs. This allows you to significantly increase your own productivity, and therefore, reduce the time to complete the work while maintaining cost.

The amount of earnings on the Internet is limited only by your own time and desire. The fact is that working on the Internet requires enough high level self-discipline. There is always a temptation to relax, to devote less time to work, because you still cannot fire a person. Therefore, many at first take an interested approach to work, start well, do a good job, get the first income, but then, when no one asks, they relax and incomes fall. Thus, in order to receive serious income from working on the Internet, certain recommendations should be followed:
    Work daily; Comply with the undertaken obligations; Set specific goals for the desired amount of income.

How to make money work for you

First What needs to be done to solve this problem is to set a specific goal of how much money you would like to earn. This allows you to motivate yourself daily for certain actions and deeds. Second step- maintain a budget. This is a very important tool as it shows where the money is actually going. Once you start keeping track of income and expenses, many are surprised how much money is spent on entertainment and other areas that you can refuse. The result is usually savings. Third step, in addition to the formation of directions for generating income, it is necessary to save some of the funds and develop your own investment principles. It can be deposits in a bank, in securities, or just savings for the purchase of something important and significant. Thus, it is not difficult to make a lot of money. You need to see the goal, understand the way to generate income and learn how to manage them.

Where does the first million begin?

Dear colleagues! With you webmaster Alexander and the "Anatomy of Business" project. Today we will talk about how you can make money quickly. I get asked this question almost every day. Often, people who are just starting to make money on the Internet and are just looking at this business are afraid to invest heavily in the development of their resources. Today I will give you the 7 most effective ways how to quickly make money using one way or another the World Wide Web. I want to note right away that I will not talk about any nonsense such as Forex, lottery, earnings on "clicks", etc. The conversation will focus on real ways of earning money that I or my acquaintance entrepreneurs who have achieved great results in business have used. By the way, at the moment in connection with the expansion, I am looking for partners.

Why did I choose this title: "Where does the first million begin?" It's simple. If we look at the stories of great entrepreneurs, we will see that most of them started with small, penny earnings. But they all had one feature: they worked for themselves! I believe that you will be the next Steve Jobs or Henry Ford and make your first $ 1,000,000. And before that happens, here are some interesting ideas on how to make money quickly and put together start-up capital to launch your business idea.

TOP 7 ways to make money fast

Method 1. Online store based on "VKontakte"

Method 2. Avito: 25 thousand rubles. per month on message boards

I personally used this method of earning extra money. It's that simple!

  1. We are going to the nearest wholesale depot. We look at what products are sold there. If we do not find anything suitable, then the necessary goods can be ordered from China as a last resort.
  2. We come home and find pictures of these products on the Internet.
  3. We register on the Avito.Ru website.
  4. We place at least 30 advertisements and come up with a selling text for each one.

In this way, I additionally earned 25,000 rubles. per month.

If for some reason you are afraid to go to the wholesale depot or fear that this method will not work, just take a closer look around. Many of us have a bunch of rubbish at home that has been idle for years. But this rubbish can turn into "real" money, if it is well described on the site, coming up with a creative approach to creating an ad.

Method 3. Molotok.Ru: how my partner started earning 30,000 rubles at the auction. per month

We all know the American Ebay auction, but few have heard of its Russian counterpart - the Molotok.Ru auction. I want to tell you about my partner Sergei Golovchenko, who for several years made a living by buying Soviet antiques from neighbors and selling them through this auction. Considering that in the United States the Ebay auction has become the main source of income for many, it can be assumed that this stage will soon come in Russia too. The market is not yet oversaturated, so each of us has the opportunity to board this train and earn our first capital.

Method 4. Used car photographer: how my employee earned 20,000 rubles. per month, working two days a week

I talked about this business idea in detail in the article, but I can't help but mention it again. This idea of ​​earning extra money is so simple that even a child can handle it. Here's what to do.

  1. We buy several of the most popular newspapers at the kiosk.
  2. We are looking for the most unsuccessfully composed ads (without photos).
  3. We call these advertisements and offer their compilers - our potential clients - the following services:
    1. photo session of their car. We take some high quality photos. A simple "DSLR" or a fancy "soap dish" will do;
    2. creating a selling text for an ad;
    3. posting photos and selling text on all major Internet sites such as Avito, Hand to Hand, etc.

Why does this technology work? Let's imagine who our client is. As a rule, this is a man between the ages of 40 and 60, who has never logged on to the Internet in his life. There are still many such people, which gives us excellent opportunities for additional income. My employee took about 400 rubles for one photo session. To earn 20,000 rubles. per month, you need to "process" 50 cars per month. If we work only on weekends, then, assuming that there are 8 days off in a month, we get that to get this amount, it is enough to photograph 50/8 = 6.25 cars per day. My colleague said that 6 cars can be photographed in 3 hours.

Method 5. How to earn 1000 rubles. on a rainy day

Now let's think about it. Leaving in the morning, and seeing a clear sky, will you take an umbrella with you? I’m sure not. This is how I thought, and thousands of other people who stood in the subway, were nervous, were late for work, but did not want to get wet. But seriously, you can benefit from any situation, you can make money even on rainy weather. How much do you think the simplest Chinese umbrella costs? Do not know? And I'll say, something like one dollar. Yes, this is an umbrella for several times, it is cheap, not of high quality, has a rather poor appearance, but those who are late for work do not care what color, style, or where it is produced.

What prevents you from buying a batch of such umbrellas, wait for a good rain and go to the nearest metro. Bought for a dollar, sold for two. As a result, there is a 100% mark-up, and in 10 minutes you can earn a good increase in your scholarship, pension or salary.
The question arises, why doesn't anyone do this? After all, the investment is minimal, labor costs are also practically zero, what is wrong? Maybe the whole point is that you need to wait for such a moment and no one wants to risk it? Or maybe you live far from the metro and are afraid not to be in time until the rain stops?

Everything is much simpler. Many consider this occupation too small for them, so if they were given a million euros, then they would start the scheme, then they would start a large business, which has no analogues in the world. The bottom line is that any business needs to start small. Starting with large investments, do not forget about the risk of losing all your capital. Business is a game where money is at stake

Method 6. How to earn 50,000 rubles. on freight transportation without investment?

So, we come to one of the most interesting ways to build a "fast" business - without investment. This idea came to me somewhere a couple of years ago, when I was just starting to do business. But I didn't have enough time to implement it, and as a result, I told my listeners about this way of making money at trainings and master classes. This is what it is.

  1. In every city there are truck stops, where the Gazelle uncles usually gather. We need them! We approach such guys with a tempting offer: “Let me provide you with clients, and you will transfer a percentage from each client to me”. Of course, the joyful uncle will say: "Come on!" I think you will agree on the share of the commission yourself. As a rule, its size is discussed with each individual.
  2. We come home and start posting freight announcements on all message boards and thematic forums.
  3. When a client called us on the phone, we bring the driver and the customer together.
  4. We meet with the driver and collect our share of the reward.

Alternatively, you can rent a Gazelle with a driver. At the moment, the cost of such services is 18,000 rubles. per month plus payment of gasoline costs. But I recommend doing this only when you already have a stable stream of customers.

Once I met an acquaintance of mine, and he said that he started a business according to this scheme and thus earns more than 50,000 rubles. per month.

Method 7. Copywriting: how to make $ 1,000 per month writing articles.

Many people think that making money on the Internet is very difficult. I will tell you how one of my employees makes $ 1,000 a month over the Internet using copywriting. Alexander Koraluk lives in Kiev. He started copywriting a couple of years ago.

What is copywriting? This is writing articles for websites. There are thousands of Internet resources that are constantly in need of new content. Typically, 1000 characters cost around $ 2. In one day, a copywriter can write up to 20,000 characters. The total is $ 40 per day. If you work seven days a week and at full capacity, then you can earn up to $ 1,200 per month. The question arises, where to get customers? There are so-called article exchanges, such as ADVEGO, etc., where you can always find a large number of customers. I talked in more detail about this way of making money in the article.

As we can see, there are a lot of ways to build a business without investment. The main thing is to learn to look wider. Do not think that it takes a lot of investment to start your business. Almost any small business can start from scratch; the main thing is your desire.

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