
Write a message to the friend request. How to add to friends VKontakte. How to write a message on VK if the user has limited the range of senders

Program settings:
  1. If the checkbox is checked, then when the program is minimized to the tray, the program will show notifications about the program's actions in the lower right corner
  2. When the program performs actions, it checks whether any actions have already been taken to this user, if there is no checkmark, it will only check the list of the function used (i.e. if the program wants to like it, then it only checks the list of users to whom it has already been assigned like), if the checkbox is checked, the program will check all the lists (i.e. if the program wants to like it, then it will check if there are any likes, friend requests, comments sent, messages sent by this user, if any, then will go to the next user, this will not be set)
  3. save selected settings

Adding accounts:

  1. Write here the login of the account you want to add
  2. Write here the password for the account you want to add
  3. Click this button to add an account
  4. If you have several accounts, logins and passwords are saved in text file, then you can quickly add them, the data should be written in text form in the format login: password each pair in new line... Click the "Add from file" button and select a text file with data


  1. Enables / disables the "like" function
  2. The number of likes that will be delivered to one user (if the photo + post mode is selected, then this amount will be put on both the photo and the post) if the user has fewer photos or posts than you have chosen, then the maximum possible number will be delivered
  3. Mode: photo - puts on the last avatars of the user, post - puts on the last posts on the user's wall, photo + post - puts both on the avatars and on the wall
  4. The interval between likes (the interval is approximate, the program changes it + - 20 sec so as not to get fired up as works)
  5. Query string, similar to in the browser, where you enter the first or last name for the search
  6. Sorts users: by registration date - searches first for users who have recently registered, by popularity - searches for popular users first (with large quantity subscribers)
  7. Select the country where you want to search for users
  8. Select the city where you want to search for users
  9. Select the gender of users
  10. Minimum age
  11. Maximum age
  12. Marital status of users
  13. Interests - searches for users who have the chosen selected in their interests. Write interests separated by commas without spaces, the program will select one of them in turn
  14. The group in which the users are members, enter the group ID (open any group, if the link is then 43415607, if then open any post on the wall of this group https: // _60523) or several commas separated without spaces, the program will search in turn from these groups. Attention! do not use both interests and groups at the same time, if you use both, then the circle of users is narrowed because the chance that the user is in the group and has a very small interest that you indicated
  15. Searches only for users who are online right now
  16. Searches for users who have a photo on their avatar
  17. Saves the specified settings
  18. if the checkbox is checked, then when saving the settings, the program will save these settings to all accounts in the program, if not, then only to the selected one


Adding messages

  1. Adds a new message (add several messages, the program chooses one at random). The window for adding a message opens.
  2. List of added messages
  3. Displays the selected message in step 2
  4. Modifies the message selected in step 2
  5. Deletes the message selected in step 2
  6. Inserts * username * into the text of the message, when sending the message * username * is replaced with the name of the user to whom it is sent
  7. The message to be sent
  8. Attached files to the message in the format photo222565581_387217455 up to 10 pieces separated by commas without spaces. Open up desired file in the browser 2Fphotos222565581 the required format is highlighted in red
  9. Adds a new message


Comments (1)


  1. Off - the function is disabled, One record - updates one record specified in clauses 4 and 5 with an interval of clause 3 (a great way to notify friends and subscribers about a new proposal), Repost from the group - when new entry group item 2, the program repost to the user page (great function for promoting groups)
  2. ID of the group with which to repost at point 1 - Repost from the group
  3. Record update interval
  4. The message that will be published in step 1 - one entry
  5. Attached files, which will be, together with the message of item 4, up to 10 pieces separated by commas without spaces
  6. saves settings
  7. if the checkbox is checked, these settings will be saved for all accounts in the program

account settings

  1. The message and attached files that will be sent, be sure to add * username * to the message so that the message is unique
  2. If necessary, specify the country
  3. If necessary, specify the city, the program will send a message to friends, only from this city
  4. Messages - will send a message to all friends in the LAN, Messages only online - will send to friends who are on this moment online now, To the wall - will send a message to the wall to all friends who have this option open, To the wall online only - Will send a message to the wall to friends who are online at the moment and who has this option (some users add messages to the wall closed by privacy settings)
  5. starts sending messages

  1. User search criteria
  2. Finds users by specified criteria
  3. How many users were found
  4. Saves users to a table (you can search several times by different criteria and then save everything to a file)

As you know, in social network On VKontakte, the user is endowed with sufficiently large rights and with his page he can do a lot. For example, if he wants, he can close messages from those users who are not his friends. The question arises - how, then, to write a message to this user?

The easiest way is to apply as a friend. The point is that during the application you have the option to add a message. Yes, you will be included in the list of subscribers to this person, but he will receive your message.

This is done in the following way. Go to the user page and click on the "Add to friends" button.

You will see a small fill box. Write your message in it and click on the "Send" button.

The second option, if the first for some reason does not suit you, is to write a message to the friend of this user who has a personal account. You can write to him about your intentions, and this friend will already tell the user what you want from him. Yes, it’s not the best option, but it’s better than nothing.

The third option is to find groups or publics in which given user writes messages. In this case, you can ask him a question that interests you. Another thing is that the user in these communities does not unsubscribe.

How to write VKontakte messages if you are blacklisted?

If the user has brought you in, you will not have the opportunity to write to him, you will not even go to his page. Here's what you'll see:

At best, it will be possible to contact him through friends. Or personally, if you know this person.

To avoid intrusive SPAM messages and communication with unwanted users, the VKontakte social network allows a person to close access to personal correspondence with him, limiting the circle of people who can write to him, for example, only to friends or to friends and their friends. It is important and convenient function, which should be present in every social network, but it can lead to some difficulties. If a user who is not your friend urgently needs to contact you, and you have such restrictions, he may have difficulties with this. However, they are easy enough to overcome, and within the framework of this article we will consider how to write to a person in VK if his personal is closed.

Table of contents:

Send a message along with a friend request

No user can turn off the ability to add themselves as friends, and this can be used if you need to send a message to a person. In order for your message to be sent along with the friendship request, you need to do the following:

When the user then sees your friend request, they will display it along with this message.

Note: This method not the most effective, since not all users regularly check the list of friend requests, often doing it every few days, weeks or months, which may cause your urgent message to be read by the addressee out of time.

Contact user via notifications

Another way to contact the user is to send them a notification. You can do this from any group or from your personal page, just mention the user in the message as follows:

The person whose ID was used in the message will receive a notification. By clicking on it, he will be able to read the message that was sent.

Contact the user through group dialogs

Perhaps the best way to contact a user is to use group dialogs. It is necessary that one of your mutual friends create a dialogue in which they would add both of you, after which you can correspond with each other.

If you need to contact a person whose personal account is closed, and you do not know any of his friends, you can try to find a friend of his who has private messages open. Contact such a friend and describe the situation to him. Ask him to add to your dialogue the person with whom you need to talk.

Despite the fact that it is most likely to get in touch with a person in this way, since VKontakte users regularly check their messages, this method is still very complicated and requires the ability to negotiate with strangers who will unite you with the addressee in one dialogue.

Send a message with a gift

Another way to connect with a stranger is to send them a message along with a gift. This will require:

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to contact the user if his private messages are closed. If you urgently need to "reach out" to a person, you can use all the above options.

The first million users have already received the opportunity to rate new system adding to friends on the social network VKontakte. I bring to your attention 7 main advantages of this system:

1. From now on you can see all the applications you have sent to add friends, as well as text messages that you attached to them.
2. From now on you will be able to cancel the applications you sent to add to friends.
3. From now on you will see who removed you from their friends list.
4. From now on, you are offered the opportunity to hide the people to whose updates you decided to subscribe.
5. You will no longer be bored with repeated friend requests after you once canceled the request.
6. The pages will now have only one link - "Add to friends", which will also subscribe you to the page of the person you are interested in.
7. Popular people no longer need to convert the growing number of friends added to subscribers. Friendship applications are subscribers.

The emergence of a new system

A year and a half ago, the developers of Vkontakte introduced a service that made it possible to subscribe to updates on the page of users of interest to you. This system helped famous people acquire hundreds of thousands of subscribers. However, the system was far from perfect. On the one hand, the "Subscribe to updates" button was unclaimed in 99% of cases, and often only confused users who had just started using the social network. On the other hand, even in the case of celebrity pages, most of the network members continued to click on both links, just in case. Which, as it is not difficult to guess, led to some confusion, which Vkontakte developers have begun to eliminate from today.

On all personal Vkontakte pages, there is only one button left - "Add to friends". From now on, when sending a request for adding to friends, users will automatically subscribe to updates of the member of the social network they are interested in. If you want to hide the fact of this subscription from other users, you can use the settings on the Privacy tab ("Who can be seen in the list of my friends and requests").

At the time of publication of this news, the updated system of adding to Vkontakte friends is available only to a part of the network participants, and within a few days it will become publicly available.

When the deployment of the updated system to all 150 million VKontakte personal pages is completed, the developers planned to continue improving the Vkontakte Friends service. Network members who sent you a friend request will be sorted according to the number of friends you have in common. This approach will allow even the most popular personalities to quickly find among the crowd of their fans those with whom they know personally. In addition to all this, Vkontakte algorithms have learned to recommend to their users the pages of celebrities that are interesting to them, as well as top bloggers. These algorithms will be activated this month.

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