
How the computer processes information. Types of information processed by computer (Number, symbolic, graphic, sound) Computer processes the most different information

Case on the exam.
Professor. How does the transformer work?
Student. U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U ...

We have long been accustomed to personal. We include them and work, strictly speaking, not a little thinking about how they are arranged and how they work. All this is due to the fact that the developers of PC and software to them have learned how to create reliable products that do not give us a reason once again think about the computer or serving its programs.

Nevertheless, probably, the blog readers are not sensitive to learn about the principles of computer and software. This will be devoted to a series of articles that are published in the heading "how PC works".

How PC works: Part 1. Information processing

Computer for automating information processing processes. It works appropriately to have all the possibilities for successfully fulfilling its destination.

In order to process information in the computer, it is necessary to do the following basic operations:

enter information to computer:

This operation is needed in order for the computer to be processing. Without the possibility of entering information into the computer, it becomes like a thing in itself.

store entered information in computer:

Obviously, if you enable you to enter information into a computer, you need to be able to keep this information in it, and then use in the processing process.

processing entered information:

Here it is necessary to understand that defined processing algorithms are needed to process the information entered information, otherwise it cannot be about how to process. The computer must be equipped with such algorithms and should be able to apply them to the information entered in order to "correctly" convert it to the output.

store processed information,

As well as with the storage of entered information, the results of its operation must be stored in the computer, the results of the processing of input data so that in the future they could be used.

display information from a computer:

This operation allows you to display information processing results in a PC user-friendly. It is clear that this operation makes it possible to use the results of information processing on a computer, otherwise these processing results would remain inside the computer, which would make their receipt completely meaningless.

The most important skill of the computer is the processing of information, since its beauty is just that it can transform information. The entire device of the computer is due to the requirement of information processing as soon as possible, the fastest way.

Under the processing of information on the computer, you can understand any actions that convert information from one state to another. Accordingly, the computer has a special device called, which is intended solely for extremely fast data processing, speeds that reach billion of operations per second.


The processor required processor receives (takes) from - from a device intended for temporary storage both input and output. In the same place, there is also a place for storing intermediate data generated during information processing. Thus, the processor as receiving data from RAM and writes the processed data into RAM.


Finally, to enter and output data to the computer connected, which allow you to enter information to be processed, and output the results of this processing.

External Winchester, External DVD Device, Flash Drive, Keyboard, Mouse

The processor and RAM work with equally high speed. As mentioned above, the speed of information processing can be many millions and billions of operations per second. No external input and output device can operate at such speeds.

Therefore, to connect them to the computer provides special i / O devices controllers. Their task is to coordinate the high speed of the processor and RAM with relatively low input and output rates.

These controllers are divided into specialized to which only special devices can be connected, and universal. An example of a specialized controller device is, for example, a video card, which is designed to connect to a monitor computer.

Universal means suitable for many purposes performing a variety of functions. Let's remember the computer - a universal machine for working with information in a variety of human activities. !! Information Processing Information Transfer Storage Information

Science Informatics is studying all sorts of ways to transfer, storing and processing information. Let us remember the data call the most diverse information presented in the form suitable for computer processing. The computer processes data on specified programs. !!

PC Hardware Basic Devices System Block Monitor Keyboard Advanced Devices Devices for Input Device Output Device Device Device Minimum Required Kit For User Operation Expands PC PC Computer Features Computer (calculator) - Electronic information for working with information

The main thing in the computer is a system unit that includes a processor, RAM, hard disk, power supply and other components. How the computer is arranged ProcessorProcessor Long term memory Memory (Hard disk) Long-term memory Memory (Hard disk) RAM MEMORY Power supply other components

NGMD (Winchester) NGMD CD and DVD-ROM CD and DVD-RW Flash Memory Removable Disks Memory Card Memory Card and Processing Incoming Summer Long-term RAM (RAM - RAM) Permanent Memory (ROM - ROM) Cache memory Processing processor Memory consists of Cells of the same size (1 byte \u003d 8 bits). Each memory cell has its own unique address.

The most important study of all sorts of ways to transfer, storing and processing information is engaged in the science of informatics. Store, process and transmit information to a person helps the computer universal machine for working with information. The computer hardware is distinguished by entering, processing, storing and output information. Information input devices are keyboard, mouse, scanner, microphone, etc. Information processing device processor. Information storage devices RAM, external memory on hard drives. Information output devices monitor, printer, acoustic speakers.

Information about the information about the computer you are interested in the computer universal program controlled device for processing information processor device designed to calculate, processing information and managing the computer's work RAM information in this memory only during computer work hard disk is used for long-term storage of the keyboard information to enter information By pressing the monitor keys, the device's visual display device Mouse device for quickly moving across the screen and select the desired information printer device for printing information on paper data information presented in the form suitable for computer processing hardware Set of all computer devices Questions and tasks ?? 15 p. 14

Find and cross out the "unnecessary" device in each group. Questions and tasks ?? Breast Developer Joystick Printer Monitor Breaker Joystick Printer Monitor Scanner Keyboard Monitor Microphone Scanner Keyboard Monitor Microphone Keyboard Mouse Scanner Acoustic Speakers Keyboard Mouse Scanner Acoustic Speakers Printer Monitor Scanner Headphones Printer Monitor Scanner Headphones Check 17 pp. 15

So we have already met the computer ... But I did not understand the main thing - how exactly does he work? What language communicates with a person? How can it be understood and handle so much different information - text, pictures, sounds?

A person succeeds just - we don't even think about how our brain is coping with all these types of information. But the computer is not a person. No eye, he has no ears, there is no brain - in the familiar value of this word. Think, the computer cannot argue. So, it is necessary to somehow translate all the information that we "feed" our computer to our understandable language.

And only one language understands the computer - digital! And in his alphabet there are no letters - some numbers - no wonder the computer language is also called "digital". And the numbers are a bit - only two: 0 and 1.

Good alphabet, what to say! Such even the first grader will learn per second ... Yes, only Mala - a lot of words make up of her "letters"?

Little. But for the computer - quite enough. "The words" these, unlike the human language, are the same in length, in each of them - exactly eight characters. And these "words" look like this:
10101000 10001111 10000110

Such an invoice system is called "binary" - precisely because it is based on only two figures. But thanks to her, it can be described by anything: every binary "word" may indicate not only the numbers, but also the letters ...

Here in the endless series of these "words" and turns all the information that enters the computer. And it is in this form that it is stored and processed - and then, when it is necessary for a person, turns into the usual sounds, letters, pictures ...

Why was this, not the most convenient and practical "alphabet" was chosen? The reason is simple: after all, all information in the computer is transferred by electric shock - just like blood spreads oxygen throughout our body. And what is the easiest way to force the current to transmit information? Either give him access to some important site, or not. If there is a signal - we get a unit. There is no current - understandable, before us zero. If we wanted to lay a larger number of signals into the computer alphabet, we would have to do more complex operations with electric shock - for example, constantly changing the voltage. And so everything is convenient and just - either there is a signal, or it is not!

Of course, binary numbers sometimes seem bulky - for example, the number 254 in the binary system looks like this:

But it only seems. And here you are very simple, but impressive focus for your friends. What do you think you can show with your fingers? Do you think there are ten? But I did not guessed: in a binary system with the help of ten fingers you can show 1024 numbers - any number from 0 to 1023!
0 on binary language is 0000000000
1023 – 1111111111

It is easy to guess that the binary "zero" will correspond to the bent finger, and the united-dismissed!

Similarly, you can prove that the number 4 and 100 is the same thing. And this is true - if the number 4 belongs to our, decimal system, and 100 - to binary.

Almost every house has a computer and not even one, but a few. But few understand how the computer processes the information and understands us. If you have recently finished school or still learn, then the informatics lessons probably passed this topic, but the more older generation of this certainly does not know and does not even think about what "speaks" with a computer in the number of numbers in a binary calculus system.

All digital information is transmitted in bits. Bit - This is a unit of information that the computer understands. All that we do on the computer is translated into a special binary codewhich consists of 0 and 1. If there is a signal, then this is 1, if there is no signal, then this is 0. This is not numbers for a computer, and signals. There is a signal, no signal. Any digit computer understands in its binary system.

0 - 0 (zero)

1 - 1 (one)

2 - 10 (one-zero) (one second category)

3 - 11 (one-one)

4 - 100 (one-zero zero) (one third category

5 - 101 (one-zero-one)

6 - 110 (one-one-zero)

7 - 111 (one one-one)

8 - 1000 (one-zero-zero-zero) (one fourth-time unit)

9 - 1001 (one-zero zero one)

10 - 1010 (one-zero-one-zero)

If you want to understand the language of the computer, you need to explore binary system calculus.

Zeros and units in the computer are called bita , and groups of eight bits called byte .

You can write a number from 0 to 255 into one byte.

In two bytes you can write a number from 0 to 65535.

In three bytes, you can write a number from 0 to 16 million.

For example,

number 2000 \u003d 00000111 11010000

it is written in two bytes, 8 bits in each.

With numbers more or less understandable, but how does the computer understand the text?

Any letters computer translates into numbers. By turning the letter to the number, the computer turns the number into signals and records them, as well as the numbers - the bits from which bytes are collected:

A - 192 - 11000000

B - 193 - 11000001

In - 194 - 11000010

G - 195 - 11000011

Complete table of codes of the Russian alphabet ASCII

Pressing the keyboard key you give a computer signal in a binary calculus system (each key corresponds to your code). He understands it and with the help of a special program translates this signal into a symbol clear for us and displays it to the monitor. Roughly speaking, it turns out that the keyboard serves as a translator between us and a computer.

The same thing happens with graphic information. In order to save the picture and work with it on the computer, it must be turned into signals, i.e. digitize . For this purpose, you can use or a digital camera or video camera.

Each point has its own code:

Black Point: 0, 0, 0;

White Point: 255, 255, 255;

Brown: 153, 102, 51;

And so on. Each color is its cipher (color code).

matching colors of them hexneman
RGB components

Russian name

In english

Code / Code.

Snow-white Snow


Ghostly white Ghostwhite.


White-antique Antique White.


Cream Cream


Peach Peachpuff


White-Nawajaho Navajo White.


Silk tint Cornsilk.


Ivory Ivory.


Citric Lemon Chiffon.


Seashell Seashell.


Honey Honeydew.


Azure Azure.


Pale-lilac Lavender


Blue with red sweat Lavender blush.


Dull pink Misty Rose.


White White (*)


The black Black (*)


Dull gray Dim Gray.


Blue-gray Slate Gray.


Griffino-gray Light Slate Gray.


Grey Gray.


Light gray Light Gray.


Gray neutral Medium Gray.


Dark grey Dark Gray.


Midnight blue Midnight Blue


Dark blue Navy (*), Dark Blue


Cornflower Cornflower.


Griffino blue Slate Blue.


Blonde Light Slate Blue.


Blue royal ROYAL BLUE.


Blue Blue


Heavenly blue Sky Blue


Heavenly Blue Light Light Sky Blue


Blue with steel
Steel Blue.


Blue with steel
Light Steel Blue


Light blue Light Blue


Blue with Pookhov
Powder Blue


Pale-turquoise Pale Turquoise.


Turquoise Turquoise.


Greenish blue Cyan (*)


Light cyan. Light Cyan.


Dark Cyan Dark Cyan.


Serious blue Cadet Blue


Aquamarine Aquamarine


Aquamarine Seagreen.


light coloured
Light Seagreen.


Pale green Pale Green.


Spring green Spring Green.


Green lawn Lawn Green.


Green Green (*)


Medium-green MEDIUM GREEN.


Dark green Dark Green.


Greenish yellow Chartreuse


Green-yellow Green Yellow


Lemon Green Lime Green.


Yellow-green Yellow Green.


Green forestry Forest Green.


Khaki Forest Green.


Pale golden Pale Goldenrod.


Light yellow golden Light Goldenrod Yellow


Light yellow Light Yellow


Yellow Yellow (*)


Dark yellow Dark Yellow


Gold GOLD.


Light golden Light Goldenrod.


Golden Goldenrod.


Yellowish Burly Wood.


Pink-brown ROSY BROWN.


Brown leather Saddle Brown.


Ocher Sienna.


Beige Beige


Wheat Wheat.


Redhead-brown Tan.


Chocolate Chocolate.


Brick FireBric


Brown Brown.


Somon. Salmon.


Somon Light Salmon.


Orange Orange


Coral Coral


Coral light Light Coral


Orange-red Orange Red


Red Red (*)


Dark red Dark Red


Warm pink Hot Pink


Pink PINK.


Light pink Light Pink


Red-purple pale Pale Violet Red


Dark burgundy MAROON (*)


Red-purple Violet Red


Magenta Magenta (*)


Fuchsin dark Dark Magenta.


Purple Violet.


Dark violet Plum.


Orchil Orchid


Violet blue Blue Violet.


Purple Purple.


If each color is transmitted with three bytes, you can encrypt more than 16 million colors.

The sound and video information is also digitized, and translated into bits and bytes. For this serves.

So the computer understands us and processes all information. The whole world around consists of numbers and signals.

Chapter 1. Computer Functions

The structure and functions of the computer, if we consider them at the highest level of abstraction, are essentially fairly simple.

In the most general sense of such functions, only four:

Data processing;

Data storage;

Moving data;


In fig. 1.1 Presents the basic functions that computer performs.

Operating environment (sources and data receivers)

Fig. 1.1. Basic functions of the computer

Computer, naturally, first of all obliged process data , which can take a variety of forms, and the range of operations performed by their processing can also be very wide. However, as will be shown below, all variety of operations can be reduced to a few basic types or processing methods.

Significant place occupies the function data storage . Even if the computer processes data on the go, i.e. As they arrive from the external environment, the result is also immediately sent to the recipient, the computer must have the ability, at least temporarily, to store intermediate results and fragments of the data that is currently being processed. Thus, the computer must perform the data storage function at least for a short time. But in most cases this is not enough. The computer most often requires the execution of a long-term storage function that can be processed or updated as needed.

The computer should also have the ability move the data , And in both directions, i.e. Receive primary data from the external environment and send the results of processing to external subscribers. The environment in which the "computer lives" consists of devices playing or the role of data sources, or the role of information receivers. The process of moving data between the computer and the external environment is customary to be called the process. i / O. , and devices included in the operating environment - peripherals devices (or I / O devices). When the data is transmitted for a long distance, i.e. Data exchange is made with remote devices, this process is customary called. data transfer .

And finally, all these three functions must be performed in a certain sequence, i.e. Computer requires another function control . Ultimately, the control function, mostly falls on the shoulders of the one who supplies the computer to the command sequence - programs. In the same computer, the control function is reduced to the distribution of resources and the "conducting" by performing other functions during the execution of commands specified by the program.

At this, the most general, analysis level, many operations performed in the computer can be divided into a limited number of species. In fig. 1.2 schematically shows four main types of operations.

Fig. 1.2. The main types of operations in the computer:

a - moving data from one subscriber to another;

b - data storage; B, G - data conversion.

The computer can work as a device for moving data from one subscriber to another (Fig. 1.2, a) , Moreover, the data is transmitted without changing the meaning of the information contained in them.

The second option - the computer functions as a storage device (Fig. 1.2,6), providing circulation of information in both directions between peripheral devices and storage facilities (i.e., data is written to a computer or read from the computer).

The last two options include the processing (transformation) of the data - the transformed data is either extracted from the repository, and the results are sent there (Fig. 1.2, B), or the data comes from the external environment, and the results are sent to the repository (Fig.1.2, g ).

The above reasoning may seem too abstract, generalized so much that there is no practical application. But this is not so - even at the top level of abstraction, it would be possible to differentiate its functions in more detail.

The ability to adjoint computer configuration under the list of functions performed are very limited. The main reason is the computer by its very nature oriented to perform a wide variety of tasks, and therefore almost all of its specialization is manifested at the programming stage, and not at the design stage.

In fig. 1.3 In general, the computer is represented in his relationship with the outside world. The computer is an object that can interact in some way with the external medium with respect to it, which can be divided into two groups - links with local peripheral equipment and communication for data transmission for a large distance. In future, attention will mainly focus on the internal structure of the computer.

Fig. 1.3. Computer as an element of the information environment

In fig. 1.4 In general, the internal structure of the computer is presented.

Fig. 1.4. Internal structure of the computer

The main components of the computer structure:

cPU- Manages the functioning of the entire system and performs information processing functions.

rAM - Stores the programs and all the information necessary for their exof.

i / O devices - Move data between the computer and the outside world.

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