
Adding information to the express Google Chrome panel: visualization of bookmarks. Google Toolbar plugin for Internet Explorer browser Why delete Google search panel

In this lesson, I will show how to add express Panel for Google Chrome.

In the last lesson, we talked about how to make export and import bookmarks in Google Chrome browser. Now, as promised, I will tell you how to add to the Google Chrome browser express panel with visual bookmarks. Consider two ways.

Express Panel from Yandex

After you have moved to the site in the extension search engine, you clog the search query "Visual Bookmarks" and select the "Extension" type. In the results you will have an expansion from Yandex. It is him that we need to install. To install, you must click on the "FREE" button.

After that, you will join the new window in which you want to click on the "Add" button.

The message will jump out that the extension is successfully established.

Now when you run a browser or open a new tab, you will have visual bookmarks.

Now let's go and see which settings have an express panel from Yandex. To do this, click on the link in the lower right corner. Before you open a list with settings where you can select the number of bookmarks that display the ability to change the background of the express panel.

If you click on the "Other Parameters" button, you can configure the view of the headers, the search string, an additional bookmark panel and agree with sending anonymous statistics on the work of expansion to Yandex.

If you look after the bookmarks that have already been added, you can see the latest sites you visit. Thus, Yandex filled the emptiness that would have formed if there was not a single bookmark. Therefore, for a start, we need to learn how to delete bookmarks. To do this, hover the mouse over the bookmark you want to delete, and click on the cross, which appeared in the upper right corner of the bookmark. After confirm the deletion of the bookmark.

Now there is an emptiness that you can fill in a new one at the site of the bookmark. To do this, just hover the mouse cursor and you have a button to add a bookmark.

Pressing the button, you will see several fields that you just need to fill. The first field for the address of the site in which you can simply start entering the site and the extension itself will tell you the further link and the name for the future bookmark. At the end, you just need to click on the "Save" button. All, tab added.

Also, you can adjust the data that you started when adding a bookmark. To do this, hover the mouse over the bookmark you want to edit and simply click the gear icon.

Well, at the end it is worth saying that you can change bookmarks with each other. To do this, simply clamp the left mouse button and drag to another place.

Expansion Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2

It can be installed in exactly the same way. We enter a request to search and press the Install button.

Now let's open a new empty tab. You will have a greeting that you can or skip, or click "Continue" to familiarize yourself with all the functions of the addition.

After viewing the presentation, you will be asked to register, which is not necessary, so you can safely click on the "Continue outside the account" link.

When you first open the panel, it looks like this.

In order to add a bookmark click on the icon with a plus. Next in the fields enter the address of the site and the name of the bookmark. Low below, you can add your own sketch of the visual bookmark. At the end, click "Save".

After saving, you will have a new tab. By right-clicking on it, you can open it, edit, delete or update the sketch. Nearby will be a special icon through which you can add another bookmark. In this way, you can add a large number of visual tabs.

Now let's look at a special icon that appeared on the panel in the upper right corner. With it, you can customize the panel. To do this, follow the link "Options".

There are a huge set of options, the setting of which should not be difficult. If you have created an account and entered into it, then you can create backup copies of the saved bookmarks so that in which one can restore them at any time.

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Google WebMaster Tools - What is it?

Webmaster Google is a site toolbar to promote sites.

Google webmasters tools are a great assistant in promoting the site as part of this search service. The system leads the statistics of user requests, notifies the owner of the Web resource on critical errors and problems on the site.

More video on our channel - Learn Internet Marketing with Semantica

Google Webmaster Tools are designed for website owners and promoting other people's web projects. This is a set of useful services that allow you to solve the following tasks:

  • analyze search traffic;
  • detect scanning errors;
  • identify problems with indexing pages;
  • transmit SiteMap files robot;
  • check the functionality of the robots.txt file;
  • forcibly indexing pages (quota 500 pieces per month);
  • detect security problems;
  • view site as Googlebot.

Customize Google Webmaster

To use Google tools, you need to have a Gmail mailbox. It can be registered. Upon completion of the procedure, go to tempener Panel Google . You can then add a website to Google a webmaster, after which the system will propose to confirm access rights in two ways:

  1. download text file with code and place it in the root folder of the site;
  2. add Metacheg to Main page code (useful if there is no access via FTP).

After confirmation, the Tools of Webmaster Google becomes available. At first, the system collects statistics, so information about the status of indexing and search queries will be inaccessible.

How to add Sitemap to Google Webmaster

Sitemap (Sitemap) is a XML document, which contains a list of addresses of all site pages. It helps the search robot faster index the Internet resource. Using Google Webmaster tools , You can handle the Google site map in manual mode. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  • create Sitemap with one of the special services;
  • download the map to the root folder of the site;
  • open tools for Google webmasters;
  • go to the "Scan" tab \u003e\u003e Sitemap files;
  • press the "Adding / Check Sitemap" key;
  • specify the site map address.

Google Webmaster Toolbar will notify you about how the file is loaded. If problems are identified during the processing of the document, then you will learn how to eliminate them (for example, it may be necessary to adjust the incorrectly composed Robots.txt file).

We look at how googleBot.

This is a useful function of the Google Webmaster, which allows you to see your site "Eyes of the Robot". This makes it possible to identify and correct code errors. To activate the option, you need to go to the Google webmaster tools, open the Scan tab \u003e\u003e "View as GoogleBot". In the address bar, you should start the URL of the desired page, and then press the "Get and Display" key.

Changing on the line "Request for Display", you can visually evaluate how the site page sees the usual visitor, and how it perceives the Google robot. Also, the Google toolbar will display a list of resources (scripts, style tables, frames), which the robot could not count.

HTML Optimization in Google Webmaster Tuls

Through the Google webmaster panel, you can track optimization problems. To do this, you will need to go to the section "Search view" \u003e\u003e "HTML Optimization". The system will indicate the following problems:

  • long or repeating metaoisania;
  • missing headlines;
  • short tags title;
  • non-informative headlines;
  • the presence of non-indexed content.

Competently using Google's capabilities for webmasters, you can improve the position of your site without financial costs.

Google is one of the most popular and convenient search engines, which are increasingly preferred users. But this is also a huge company that develops various services and applications for the most comfortable and pleasant use of the Internet features. One of the first developments (after searching, directory and, of course, AdWords) was the Google Toolbar.

The program was created and was proposed for installation in the most popular at that time (2000) it was convenient to users, because there was no embedded search in IE, and it was beneficial to the creators, since it was a great way to promote a new addition. Since then, much time has passed and, naturally, there have been significant changes in the panel.

Among the most popular components that contain the Google toolbar, you can call the built-in search on the site page, automatic translation of content, prompts incorrectly entered addresses, checking spelling, and others. These tools are really useful and significantly facilitate the work of the user. Over time, some of them were built into IE. In general, this browser was the only one in which the search from Google was not by default. That is why Google Toolbar was an essential addition to him.

Some are interested, is there such a Google toolbar for Opera. No, the special version was developed (in addition to IE) only for Firefox, but its development stopped back in 2011. In addition, today the company fully supports and promotes Chrome, which, according to the results of the studies, is the most popular. In this regard, Google at the moment is simply supported in the working mode, but not updated.

Now all the Google Toolbar functions are built into Chrome. If you use this browser, then all the necessary tools in it are. However, if you still decided to install the Google toolbar in IE, it is worth reading it with its capabilities. This is what it includes:

  1. Live search - inserting the word, you see tips in the form of the most popular queries (starting with the appropriate letters), which are looking for users. Thus, you do not need to fully write the word / phrase.
  2. which can be opened from any computer (saved in your account).
  3. Translation (hovering mouse or automatic page).
  4. Check spelling - errors are highlighted in red, and when you hover the cursor, the correct option is shown.
  5. Autocomplete - eliminates the need to enter the name, login, phone number, and so on.
  6. Button "+1" - allows you to share useful and interesting information with friends.
  7. Google+ alerts (when a new message arrives, the corresponding button is highlighted in red).
  8. Settings that allow you to edit the Google toolbar (remove or add tools, inscriptions on buttons, etc.).

In general, this addition is quite comfortable and useful. However, today many use Chrome browser, which already contains all these settings. And secondly, the minimalistic design of other services is not very combined with such a panel, which looks pretty cumbersome, not very modern and, it happens, inhibits work.

Due to the express panel, the user gets quick access to those sites that he visits most often. All options are equipped with all browsers today. However, they are not developed in all of them.

Features of the panel for Google Chrome

The express panel in Google Chrome has some limitations. Under the search bar, only eight tiles with miniatures of web pages created based on your visits are located (the more likely they visited, the higher the probability that the site will appear there). Add tiles at the expense of the browser tools will not work - you have to install extensions.

Another minus of the express panel in Google - it disappears if you delete the visiting history.

Express Panel Replacement

You can save pages in the bookmarks panel, so it can be considered a kind of alternative. The advantage is that here you have the right to choose what will be shown, but what is not. How to enable it?

1. Close menu by clicking on the icon with three stripes, and select "Settings".

2. In the "Appearance" block, mark the "Always show bookmark panel" item. Now, an additional string will appear under the navigation bar in which the reference savers you save will appear.

3. Add address, go to the site and click on the icon in the form of a star. Put the "Bookmarks panel" parameter in the drop-down menu. The tab will immediately be added to the upper part of the browser.

The number of bookmarks is unlimited. Since not all bookmarks can fit in the string, only eight bookmarks will be visible. You will need to click on the arrow located on the right on the line to open the entire list of saved pages.

Yandex browser panel

Those who are used to getting freedom of action will choose this particular option for Google Chrome. Extension is available in the browser store. How to go there?

1. In the address: Chrome: // Extensions /.

2. To the end of the page and click on the inscription "More Extensions". You will get into the catalog.

3. Include in the store expansion "Visual bookmarks". It is necessary that the "Yandex elements".

4. Apply to "Install".

After successful installation, restart the browser and after opening you will see that the new express panel can already be used. It is logical that the search line will not google, but Yandex.

The tab of the tabs can be customized. For this, just need to click on the "Settings" button, which is located on the right.

Select the required number of bookmarks. It can be reduced or enlarged - it all depends on your desire. The maximum number of cells is 48. You can also decide on the background image of the browser's initial page: select from available options or download your own. Put the box to the left of the "Display Bookmarks panel", if necessary.

If you want to delete the bookmark, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the cell with a miniature site.

Help from Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2

This is a worthy alternative to the Yandex express panel, but already from another developer. It can also be installed through an online extension store.

1. Go to the extension store in the method specified above.

2. Watch the Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2 to the search string to quickly find the addition among numerous applications.

3.Click on "free" or "install".

4. As a confirmation required extension, you need to confirm, click on "Add". Then a notification will appear after some time that Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2 has been added.

5. The following notification will pop up with the new tab:

6.Clote to "continue" to familiarize yourself with the options or "skip greeting." You can register with the service, but it is optional.

7. The quick access panel has the following form:

The user still has to create its own taskbar.

8.To add page, click on the plus and write the address. Next, click on "Save".

In this express panel to delete the bookmark you need to click on the location of the right mouse button and select "Delete" in the context menu.

To remove the entire table with the windows, you need to enter the list of extensions and simply disable the addition of Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2 by moving to the "Off".

IOS7 new TAB Page: Imitation iOS

Here, instead of cells with the image of the page, widgets appear - imitation of the iOS system. The application offers its set of widgets with services. For the most part, English-speaking resources are located on the panel, therefore it is an extension for Google Chrome.

You can remove the site widget at the expense of it. Only here you need to use not a finger, but the left mouse key. A cross pops up, an icon that will mean deletion. Simple dragging can be changed by places.

More advantage of advantages:

  • Virtual desktops, where the icons of the elected sites are distributed on topics.
  • Static labels at the bottom of the window. They do not turn into the transition from one desktop to another. Among the assigned to have a Google site. Here you retain the most visited pages. Nevertheless, they can be changed.

How can I configure? To change the appearance of the express panel, go to the SETTINGS section (gear icon in the lower right corner).

In the window, you can put the desired background, add a bookmark (for this you need to enter the address). Import settings is also possible.

One of the disadvantages is the unsuccessful picture of the widget. This is due to the fact that the extension can not always find the picture for the icon.

What if the panel disappeared?

Sometimes users complain that the panel with visual bookmarks disappeared. What is this happening?

Options Two: Either this is a failure of the extension itself, or you went to another Google account, under which the extension is not installed. For a start, go to the account that was supplemented. If the account was not changed, then delete the extension and install it again. The problem must be solved.

Each user has the right to make an express panel in its Google Chrome. In particular, for this use various extensions. The result is a beautiful and convenient program interface.

Hello everyone recently put an avast antivirus, well, he turned out to be gluchny, alone shoals, then with the process, then with, in general hembel is still the same. But can only have

So. You put Avast, well, or the other software, and together with him there is also this panel from Google. Nothing terrible in it is simply annoying a little that it is put so sideways. It is needed so that such a way to make our search on the Internet best. But in fact, it is often a stupid.

Without this panel, of course, you can do, especially since it is installed only in Internet Explorer, which is not so much people use.

When installing software, it is better to look at a little more attentively at all sorts of ticks. That's when I put Avast, I did not notice this tick:

Well, it is understandable. They specifically make it such that it is difficult to notice. If you go to the Internet Explorer properties, then on the program tab, click on the supervision of superstructures, which in the tool list there is a Google Toolbar panel (there is some kind of Helper):

There it is possible to disable it by the way - just click on it and then turn off the button. But I think that it is better to delete it, if you don't need it. But first see how it looks at all. So I open the Internet Explorer and here it is sitting at the top:

The panel has such menus, so click on the search:

But this menu will be if you press the button additionally:

That is, you see, there is still something useful can be found

If you click on the last button, you will see such a menu in which there is even a setup item:

It became interesting, and what kind of settings it was, in general, I discovered them and stuck a little, for them are decently like a panel:

So you can dig in them, can find interesting for yourself. As for me, this can be this Google Toolbar panel and would be useful, but only it is for Internet Explorer. Even I do not use it. Not that this is a bad browser, no. Just got used to Mozille

How to delete Google Toolbar from a computer completely?

Well, we decided to delete, then I understand you, apparently this panel you did not like and did not please. Then I agree. It is necessary to delete everything that is superfluous from the computer so that there are less unnecessary programs.

To delete, open the start and click on the control panel:

In this pile there are icons and launch the programs and components:

Then we find this Google Toolbar program for Internet Explorer and click on it right-click, then choose Delete:

All, then this panel will be deleted quickly and the Internet Explorer browser will open with the page where they will be written so and Syak tell us why you deleted this panel:

Here you can specify, but you can close the window and that's it. This is a trifle in any case 06/14/2016

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