
Step by step overclocking Haswell on the bus. Theory and practice of overclocking Intel Skylake processors over the BCLK bus. Enhance the power supply of the nucleus

It so happened that for unlikely twenty years of the IT, I never had to deal with overclocking - others somehow were all interests. However, selecting the configuration for the next new one (although now far from a new one) computer, for some reason I stopped at an open factor Intel processor - I5-2500K. Why did I do so, now I will not remember, perhaps, it was also assumed to understand the old age years, what is this overclocking. And somehow in the evening, when there was nothing to do, I realized that the moment came, and deepened in the study of the question, and the next evening applied the studied in practice. What I'm going to report.

Theory of overclocking

Overclocking issues were interested in humanity all the time from the moment the computer technique came to the masses. The main drivers of overclocking - the spirit of competition, excitement, the desire to achieve the best results than others. Well, its main object is in any other processors that are subjected to inhuman loads for the sake of obtaining these very results. There are two main ways to overclock the processor. The first is an increase in the frequency of the BCLK clock generator, which through multipliers determines the frequency of operation of the processor, memory, tires and bridges. This option is in principle universal, however, has many nuances and restrictions related to a specific processor and motherboard, so that your experiments do not led to the end of the computer, it is necessary to carefully understand everything. The second way is to change the processor multiplier, the very, to which the BCLK is multiplied to get the operating frequency. This path is much safer (only the mode of operation of the processor is subject to change, and not the entire system) and easier (for acceleration, there is essentially one parameter), however, there is one thing: the multiplier must be unlocked (allowed to change) the processor manufacturer.
Intel's initial processors had an open factor, however, in the 90s of the last century, after a series of scandals associated with displacing processors with unscrupulous suppliers, when slow processors accelerated and sold at a price faster, the company blocked the multiplier. Since then, the unlocked multiplier met only in the top models "for enthusiasts", which, naturally, was not suiced. The situation has fundamentally changed with the advent of the Intel Core processors (Sandy Bridge) - there were models with a unlocked multiplier for a mass consumer who received the index K. Initially, the cost of K and non-single processor differed quite significantly, but now it practically No (for example, the difference between Core i5 3570 and Core i5 3570K today is 150 rubles).

So, Intel herself opened the road for "home", quick and demanding high qualifications, overclocking. Sin does not take advantage of this opportunity, and I began my experiments. As a test bench, as I said, once again my long-suffering home computer was performed, to the word to say, absolutely for overclocking is not prepared, rather, on the contrary, which has embarrassed from considerations of economy and silentness.


According to the specification, I5-2500K works on multipliers from 16 to 56. With standard parameters and use Speedstep, we have 16x in simple and 34x under load. Now launch the process. "Home" acceleration has become such a home that can now be produced directly from Windows without entering the BIOS. But we still have everydays for the beginning of Oldfagi - only BIOS, only hardcore! However, there will be no special hardcore - there we will need only one parameter; In the BIOS of my motherboard ASUS P8Z68-V LX, it is called CPU Ratio and is located in the CPU Power Management menu. To overclock the processor above the standard values, you will also need to enable the TURBO MODE option (it does not apply to Intel Turbo Boost, which, on the contrary, is recommended to turn off).
The first acceleration was tiny, up to 36x, in order to marry my entry into the ranks of overclockers. However, the fanfar did not follow, and nothing happened at all, in addition to the frequency in the CPU monitor. The temperature also remained unchanged. The next level is 40x, a significant figure, even recently, such a result (when the "bus" is accelerated), the grandmaster was considered. The height was taken without the slightest effort and without changing the voltage on the processor. But the temperature, unfortunately, crawled up and at 100% load reached 68 degrees. You can not do anything, the cooling system installed on the computer showed itself completely unsuitable for overclocking.

Step Three. 44X, that is, 1 GHz increase. Making a face with brick, I launched a computer. "Well, no, enough," he replied and flew into a blue screen. You need to increase the processor supply voltage. I raised immediately to 1.4 V to enough. Now I decided to act through the GUI in Windows. In the AI \u200b\u200bSuite Motherboard, the AI \u200b\u200bSuite Maternity is responsible for the TURBO V EVO component. For your work, this program uses the TPU controller (Turbov Processing Unit) on the motherboard. The TPU module is so intellectual that he can, without the participation of a person, dispersed the system to the highest possible parameters. Thus, the acceleration technology, from the point of view of the kettle, has reached its highest point when it is enough to press one button to "make everything to be hurt".
It was not possible to test the 4.4 GHz mode to test, since after a few seconds after starting the full load, the temperature rose to the maximum permissible, and I was forced to interrupt the experiment. However, I have no doubt that with normal cooling, the work of the processor would be stable - this is convinced of this numerous experiments of other users. If we speak specifically about i5-2500k, then up to 4.5 GHz processors work absolutely in all, the result of 5 GHz is quite common, and the most overwhelmed reached 5.2 GHz. We emphasize that we are talking about stable operation with a large (test or real) load. Thus, we are dealing with more than 50% increase in frequency with minimal material and mental costs.

Results and conclusions

As expected, the results of computing tests crawled linearly up with increasing frequency. For example, I chose an integer "chess" test CPU Queen. As we can see, with the maximum acceleration, our processor "moved" not only the extremal i7 first generation, but also the server Xeon (although initially inferior to both).

Someone is probably wondering what happened to the Windows performance index? Almost nothing, it increased only one tenth, from 7.5 to 7.6. However, you should not forget that for Windows 7, the maximum index value is 7.9, so the big jump occurs and could not.

Now let's try to answer the question, to whom you need this acceleration - except directly, overclockers? However, they responded to us: first of all - lovers of computer games. Experiments showed that the power of the processor at standard frequencies is not enough for "washing" top video cards, especially if there are several of them, and with increasing frequency to a certain limit, the performance in games is also growing. Saturation occurs, by the way, on our "home" 4-4.5 GHz, it is at this frequency that the processor ceases to be a "bottleneck" of the entire system. In addition, the extensive Gigarents will definitely welcome people dealing with heavy media content, well, and, of course, respected fans of distributed computing. I note that all categories of citizens will have to threaten to monitor the temperature of the processors and their cooling system - otherwise the light "pshik" and the smoke is provided.


The information is further relevant for E5450 and X5470 primarily on P45 (at the P43 ceiling in 420 via the tire, other chipsets are worse).

Remember that frequency growth gives an exponential growth of T ° with an increase in the degradation of components.

And most importantly: I do everything at your own risk!

Preliminary preparation

  • To begin with, creating a recovery point in Windows.
  • Before acceleration, it is advisable to think about cooling knots: CPU, socket, bridges, mosfets (you can check with your finger - if it is withstanding 10-15 seconds, it means that the temperature is within the rate of the reserve).
  • Fracting info in terms / settings (for each vendor, items may differ, but the essence of the same) by type of this.
  • We select the planks with the same timings for two-channel (1-3; 2-4), ideally all the planks from one vendor with the same timings.
  • It is advisable to pull the battery with Matplast, to make it easier to reset the settings when rewriting.

Procedure overclocking

  1. Disconnect all whistles-overlooking: energy saving, virtualization, Spread Spectrum, Speedstep, Halt State (fixes the multiplier).
  2. PCIE at 101.
  3. Tire in 405.
  4. In DRAM, select the lowest frequency (Dram-FSB 1: 1 depends on the mother, but it seems to have no problems with P43 and P45, there are no problems about other information).
  5. I don't touch the voltage yet (the logic of the mother should choose it herself).
  6. F10 -\u003e Yes.

OS, it means, well, if not, lower the bus up to 400 (E5450 stepping C0 has noticed such a feature: if the bus is lower, then there is no stability, the Windows is blurred in a blue screen, etc., right up to ~ 365mhz, possibly For memory, because I have different barns from different vendors).

We put RealTemp with TJMAX 85 ° setting for all E / x54xx, Aid to monitor theft. Test T ° of all components with your finger.

Run a stability test in Aida (they say, only FPU is enough) and after 20 minutes, in parallel, start the SUPERPI test to 32m (permanently monitor T ° with a finger and all!) - If there is no error, then excellent! If there is, it means, the neplate is not like tension. Prime95 is the best stability test (for successful 30 min. Passing, you have to significantly increase the voltage, which is poured into high t °), but redundant to the typical use of the computer even in games.

  1. Google (burly) your mother + CPU in acceleration.
  2. To put the utility for overclocking from the vendor of the mother (or any other), and to make the selection of parameters with increasing the tire. (I used ASRock OC Tuner for my P45DE, but it is a little lying.) How the acceleration ceiling is found, lowered the CPU frequency to 100-200 MHz, transfer the settings to the BIOS, load, test, and monitor T °.

The acceleration of the Beki is not only a high frequency of the CPU, but also the stable operation of all nodes in the acceleration, so they drive and memory (with a decrease in timings, raising voltage, etc. For memory there is enough Superpi test for memory).)

As they say: insert like, subscribe to anal!

I hope the experienced HW-Anon will addition / correct.

zeono-gavno-2ch / hw-kun

Last year's updating of the processor microarchitecture represented by Intel Skylake did not bring any surprises in terms of productivity of desktop solutions, and we have already received the already familiar 5-10% superiority over the past generation. But with the announcement of overclocker models, a very curious moment was seen: and not only the unlocked multiplier received, but also the ability to change the frequency of the base clock generator without losing stability. This fact presented the hope of enthusiasts for the revival of mass acceleration of processors, originally not focused on an overclocking audience. But the miracle did not happen, and Intel blocked such an opportunity in ordinary models. Fortunately, this restriction was only at the program level, and in mid-December, technical ribbons of technical resources fill out that the dispersal of the Socket LGA1151 platform models without the "K" index. This fact was repeatedly confirmed at our practical acquaintance with the new hardware platform, which you can independently make sure the pages of our resource.

But at your requests, we again decided to return to a very interesting topic of overclocking Intel Skylake processors, devoting her separate material. Let us try to summarize all the accumulated information and give practical recommendations to optimize the system parameters. And the most important thing is to answer if there are practical value in this, which is especially important, given the most favorable economic situation in the country. All experiments will be carried out on the example of the model. This processor is kindly granted by our partner - online store where it is possible and buy About $ 380.

A bit of history

What is overclocking or overclocking? Under this concept, you should understand the set of methods that allow you to work with computer components at frequencies that are higher than factory. The main goal of acceleration is to obtain a maximum of productivity from the existing "iron". Now this occupation can be called trivial. Any user can freely buy a suitable motherboard, a processor with a unlocked multiplier and a couple of clicks to disperse it. There is no feeling of excitement and satisfaction from the work done. But it was not always.

At the dawn of its origin, they were engaged exclusively well-prepared techi, using a soldering iron, jumpers and other hardware modifications. In short, then the entire optimization process is reduced to an increase in the processor clock frequency, which is the product of two parameters - multiplier and base frequency. And since in most cases it is impossible to change the multiplier, then you have to operate with tire values. This became possible due to the fact that the models of the same series differ only in the frequency. That is, after making a batch of processors, a number of tests pass on the worst results of which it is marked. So we get some models with a clock frequency, for example, 300 MHz, and others - 700 MHz. But not all copies are so unsuccessful. For example, they can deliberately slow down due to the need to expand the range of the line, so if you have the necessary knowledge, this annoying injustice can be corrected. At the same time, we obtain the performance of the older model at a minimum of costs. Isn't it beautiful?

In particular, it is possible to recall 1998 and popular Intel Celeron 300 and Intel Celeron 333 processors 333. At the recommended price of $ 150 and $ 192, respectively, in acceleration, they gave Obo 669 to the Intel Pentium II 450. Yes, in this case, the risk increases the equipment, but it was in the past and occurred through poor cooling, imperfect methods of protection and the inability of the user himself on time to stay on the achieved. Now progress has reached such a level that you can hardly "burn" the processor.

A truly gold era overclocking can be considered the output of the first generation of Intel Core processors under Socket LGA775 in 2006. The acceleration itself has become much more convenient. To do this, it was enough to configure the necessary parameters in the BIOS of the motherboard or simply take advantage of special utilities under the OS. The letters of enthusiasts were the younger models of Intel Pentium E5xxx and Intel Core 2 Duo E7xxx, which in skillful hands managed their more expensive fellow Intel Core 2 Duo E8xxx or even Intel Core 2 Quad. By the way, even now some Intel Core 2 Quad models and their server analogs Intel Xeon work in the system blocks of users. Due to the presence of four physical cores and good acceleration potential, they allow you to build an entry-level playing system (according to modern standards).

In the same period, overclocking becomes really a massive phenomenon, and not just a way to save money. It turns into a sports discipline due to the popular HWBOT resource. The essence of the competition is simple - to get the maximum result in benchmarks (3DMark, PCMark, Cinebench, Super PI and so on) and fix it using the validation process. At the same time, top-end components and extreme cooling methods (phase transition system, liquid nitrogen and dry ice) are used. This provision of things contributed to the manufacturers of "iron", which began to actively produce products specifically designed for overclocking. But such a detriment lasted not very long. Realizing that overclocking becomes very popular, Intel decided to earn it on it.

The latest easily accelerating processors (by bus) are models for Socket LGA1156 (Intel Nehalem microarchitecture), which they saw the light in the distance. Subsequent solutions have lost such an opportunity (starting with the Intel Sandy Bridge microarchitecture for Socket LGA1155), since the reference frequency of the processor (BCLK) has become rigidly related to all CPU nodes (processor cores, the low-level cache, integrated graphics core, ring bus, controller Memory, PCI Express and DMI tires). Therefore, even a minor change (above 104-107 MHz) led to unstable operation of the system.

For enthusiasts, the manufacturer has prepared two overclocker models: and. Processors received unlocked multipliers by which the clock frequency is formed. But also the price of these solutions in comparison with ordinary versions has also increased. That is, you want to overclock - pay more. The pass to the world of overclocking became available only for wealthy users and lost its original meaning.

Yes, you can recall the available dual-core (Socket LGA1150, Intel Haswell microarchitecture) with a unlocked multiplier, but this is a single case.

However, with the output of the sixth generation Intel Core, the situation has changed, and now it is possible to overclock the processors that are not related to the K-series, although it is actively welcome the manufacturer of the CPU. This is more detailed in the next section of our article.

Acceleration of Intel Skylake processors without index "K" in theory

In Intel Skylake processors, engineers highlighted the PCI Express bus and chipset to a separate domain, the frequency of which remains fixed, regardless of the changes of the BCLK.

The base frequency remains rigidly connected only with the internal CPU nodes: processor kernels, the latter-level cache, the built-in graphics core, ring bus and memory controller. Fortunately, the latter work perfectly at elevated frequencies. That is, in a new platform, you can accelerate not only manipulations with a multiplier, but also by increasing BCLK.

This was confirmed at first acquaintance with overclocker models. But for some reason, Intel blocked the possibility of overclocking in conventional processors, and even minor changes in the base bus were not crowned with success. The technology was called "Bclk Governor". But, as already written above, the restriction is not hardware, and it is "treated" at the program level. To do this, it is enough to update the microcode of the motherboard.

The results were not forced to wait long. Overcloker under the nickname "Dhenzjhen" dispersed the Intel Core i3-6320 processor with a blocked multiplier from the nominal 3.9 GHz to 4,955 GHz . To do this, he used the SUPERMICRO C7H170-M motherboard with a special version of the BIOS. Soon and other manufacturers have released updated BIOS versions, but only for motherboards on the flagship chipset. Decisions on, and remained deprived, although, apparently, there should be no obstacles to this. Most likely, manufacturers decided to spur sales only more expensive models, and sorry. It is noteworthy that only ASRock has placed special versions of the microcode on the official website. The rest of the vendors - Asus, Biostar, Gigabyte, EVGA and MSI - distribute them through overclocker forums, fearing the negative reaction of Intel. As it turned out, for this there were reasons. And soon the company is unwilling to allow the overclocking of the usual processors of the Intel Skylake line. Despite this, still on the network you can safely find the necessary versions of BIOS, which continue to appear with corrections and additions. So here is full order.

But not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance. And during the acceleration of non-error processors on the bus, a number of nuances and restrictions arise:

  • Energy-saving technologies are stopped, and the processor always functions at the maximum frequency at the limit supply voltage. Intel TURBO BOOST technology also becomes inactive.
  • Monitoring the temperature of the processor nuclei begins to issue incorrect data.
  • There is a shutdown of an integrated graphics core processor.
  • The speed of execution of AVX / AVX2 instructions is reduced several times.

However, it is not necessary to get upset prematurely. Experienced overclockers and so recommended to disable all additional technologies: Intel Turbo Boost, Intel Enhanced SpeedStep and energy-saving C-STATES states, since any multiplier and voltage fluctuations can negatively affect the stability of the system in acceleration. Temperature monitoring can be performed by the processor packaging sensor (CPU Package), for example, using the Hwinfo utility. Disabling the built-in video, few people will upset, because most overclockers have a discrete video card.

The only really unpleasant moment is the drop in the speed of execution of AVX / AVX2 instructions. And it is very strange, given that overclocker models are deprived of this shortage and perfectly accelerate on the tire. But in essence, they do not differ from the usual, except for the unlocked multiplier and a little more frequency. It can be assumed that this is a program restriction. Basically AVX / AVX2 are used in application programs, such as video encoding, 3D modeling and some graphic editors. Most of the daily programs, including games, practically do not use AVX instructions. You can consider the GRID AutoSport and Dirt Showdown, but as practice shows, there is nothing critical in it. It is enough to recall the processor that is generally deprived of the support of vector instructions, but it does not prevent its owners to play modern games.

Preparation for acceleration by BCLK

As you could already understand from the above, absolutely all Intel Skylake generation processors are suitable for overclocking the bus: from Intel Celeron to Intel Core i7. But the greatest practical interest is the younger models of each line, since with the minimum pricing, it makes it easy to overtake and even bypass at the level of performance of more expensive senior fellow. This can be selected in the reviews and . For clarity, we give a list of the most interesting models for overclocking in the form of a consolidated table:

Model name

Number of nuclei / streams

Basic / dynamic frequency, MHz


But besides the suitable processor, you will need the motherboard on the Intel Z170 chipset. In our case, there are three of them as many as ASUS Z170-P. What is so done for? Let us try to find out if we can get a worthy overclocking on available boards or still need specialized solutions. Yes, and we will overclock the most simple processor - Intel Core i7-6700. If the boards cope with it, then with some Intel Core i3 and suppressed. Before starting experiments, you need to find the necessary BIOS for your motherboard and flash it. To do this, we looked at the HWBOT to the appropriate forum section.

Now you can go directly to the preparatory settings.

  • For a start, we go to the UEFI BIOS and in the "Advanced \\ CPU Configuration" section of the "Boot Performance Mode" option in the "Turbo Performance" value, and in the "CPU Power Management Configuration" section, turn off the "Intel Turbo Boost", "Intel Enhanced SpeedStep" and energy-saving C-STATES states, choosing the value "disabled".
  • Next, go to the "Extreme Tweaker" or "AI Tweaker" section (depending on the manufacturer of the name of the names, can be different) and translate the "AI Overclock Tuner" option to MANUAL mode. In this case, we will receive full access to the change in all parameters at your own discretion.
  • Follow the maximum multiplier of all processor cores in the 1-Core Ratio Limit paragraph.
  • In order for the RAM does not restrave during acceleration, using the DRAM FREQUENCY item, set its frequency to a few items below the nominal, as its frequency will grow when changing the tire.

On all the Maternal BIOS settings, you can take a look at the video below:

Configuring BIOS ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger to overclock Intel Core i7-6700

Setting up BIOS ASUS Z170-P D3 for overclocking Intel Core i7-6700

Setting up BIOS ASUS Z170-P to overclock Intel Core i7-6700

Now you can proceed directly to the acceleration of the Intel Skylake Non-K processor. The process itself is quite simple and comes down to increasing the tire frequency (BCLK Frequency) and a gradual increase in voltage supplied to the processor (CPU Core Voltage Override).

How to choose the frequency? Recall that the processor frequency is calculated by the formula:

CPU FREQ \u003d CPU Ratio × CPU Cores Base Freq

Suppose we want our Intel Core i7-6700 with the multiplier "X34" at a frequency of 4400 MHz. To do this, we divide 4,400/34 and get BCLK equal to 129 MHz. The same rule is also valid for other processors. For convenience, we give the value of BCLK to achieve typical frequencies of 4500 - 4700 MHz for previously reviewed processors:

Model name

BCLK frequency, MHz


Clock frequency, MHz

Intel Pentium G4400.

Intel Core i3-6100.

Intel Core i3-6300

Intel Core i5-6400.

Intel Core i7-6700.

It is necessary to monitor the temperature and check the stability of the system after overclocking.

Let us dwell in more detail on the permissible values \u200b\u200bof voltages and temperatures. Experienced overclockers are considered safe for everyday use of the threshold of 1.4-1,45 V., given the best thermal interface under the heat dissipation cover of the processor, we would recommend the values \u200b\u200bcloser to 1.4 V. If you plan to accelerate the RAM, then you need to pay Attention for another three important parameters:

  • CPU VCCIO Voltage (VCCIO) - voltage on the memory controller built into the processor. It is recommended not to exceed 1.10 V.
  • CPU System Agent Voltage (VCCSA) - voltage on the system agent and other controllers built into the processor. It is recommended not to exceed 1.20 V.
  • DRAM Voltage (VDRAM) - supply voltage on RAM modules. Conditionally safe can be considered values \u200b\u200bup to 1.4 V.

For more detailed familiarization with the capabilities of each option, we suggest visit our.

Now regarding temperature. If Intel indicates T Case \u003d 71 ° C, this means that the maximum permissible temperature in the integrated heat distributor (IHS) of the processor, which can be measured only by an external sensor, reaches 71 ° C. The mechanism of the skipping clock (trottling) is included when 100 ° C is reached according to the data of the internal nuclear sensors. Therefore, roughly speaking, the indicator T Case at 71 ° C can be considered equivalent to 100 ° C internal nuclear sensors.

Overclocking and testing

For experiments, the following equipment list was used:


Intel Core i7-6700 (Socket LGA1151, 4.0 GHz, L3 8 MB)


ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger (Intel Z170, Socket LGA1151, DDR4, ATX)

ASUS Z170-P (Intel Z170, Socket LGA1151, DDR4, ATX)

ASUS Z170-P D3 (Intel Z170, Socket LGA1151, DDR3, ATX)


2 x 8 GB DDR4-2400 HYPERX FURY HX424C15FBK2 / 16

2 x 8 GB DDR3L-1600 HYPERX FURY HX316LC10FBK2 / 16

Video card

ASUS GeForce GTX 980 Matrix Platinum (4 GB GDDR5)


Seagate Enterprise Capacity 3.5 HDD V4 (ST6000NM0024), 6 TB, SATA 6 Gb / s

Power Supply


Philips Brilliance 240p4qpyns.

Video capture device

Avermedia Live Gamer Portable

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit

Intel Core i7-6700 test processor has "Batch Code" L542B978 - 96000, which carries information about the place, date and batch of manufacture. In our case, he was produced on October 42, 2015 (between October 12 and 18) in Malaysia with a number of 96,000.

Acceleration was carried out on Asus Maximus VIII Ranger, Asus Z170-P D3, ASUS Z170-P in three modes:

  • Without raising tension.
  • Intermediate overclocking with a small voltage raising for stable operation at a frequency of 4400 MHz.
  • Maximum stable overclocking.

The voltage is 1.095 volts in the BIOS (according to the monitoring data of 1.104 V) is taken for nominal, since the board independently exhibited it at maximum load in fully automatic mode. Verification of stability We carried out the passage of the benchmark and 15 minutes of stress test in RealBench 2.41. This time is quite enough to determine stability. In this case, the heating was one of the highest, which in real terms of use is unlikely to achieve. By the way, the classic stress tests of the LINPACK or PRIME95 type are not suitable for this role, since they actively use AVX instructions, which, when overclocking, non-error processors slow down and cannot recreate the maximum load. Monitoring was carried out by Hwinfo and CPU-Z utilities.

The first to battle was the ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger game with excellent overclocking capabilities. At voltage 1. , 104 In and manually lifting the reference frequency up to 121 MHz, the speed of Intel Core i7-6700 managed to reach 4113.86 MHz, which constitutes an increase in 21% relative to the nominal.

At the same time, the power consumption of the system increased slightly: from 51 W in a simple (all energy-saving technologies) and 223 W during stress load to 61 W and 230 W, respectively, are activated. The maximum temperature under stressing load did not rise above 51˚C.

At the ASUS Z170-P D3 it turned out to achieve 4107.23 MHz with the same 1 , 104 V and BCLK value equal to 121 MHz.

Energy consumption increased from 48 W and 223 W to 62 W and 230 W, respectively. The maximum temperature did not rise above the value of 53˚C.

ASUS Z170-P has submitted a slightly lower processor frequency, namely 4060.70 MHz at a voltage 1 , 104 B and the value of BCLK 119.5 MHz.

In this mode of operation, energy consumption has increased from 48 W and 225 W to 59 W and 230 W, respectively. The temperature did not rise above 52˚C.

To speed up the Intel Core i7-6700 to the frequency of 4400 MHz on ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger, it was required to raise the base frequency to 129.5 MHz, and the voltage to 1.215 V, although, judging by the testimony of utilities, it reached 1.232 V. The frequency increase was 29 , 4% relative to the nominal.

Energy indicators were 64 W in a simple and 240 W in the load - still quite modest values. The temperature is kept in the range of 60-64 ˚C.

For stable operation of Intel Core i7-6700 per 4400 MHz on ASUS Z170-P D3, it was necessary to set a slightly higher voltage - 1.230 V (according to monitoring data - up to 1.248 V).

Energy consumption was at the level of 63 W and 249 W, respectively, and temperatures - at 70˚C.

At the ASUS Z170-P for 4400 MHz it was required to raise a voltage of 1.215 V (according to monitoring data - up to 1.232 V).

In this case, power consumption was 63 W and 265 W in simple and load, respectively. The maximum temperature did not rise above 63˚C.

Go to the most interesting part - the maximum overclocking.

The ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger managed to achieve the frequency of 4708.22 MHz with an increase in BCLK to 138.5 MHz. As a result, we received 38% of the rated frequency. At the same time, the voltage was increased to 1.415 V (1.472 V according to monitoring data), and to compensate for its awards in the BIOS settings, the Load Line Calibration (LLC) parameter was set to "Level -6".

In this case, the power consumption of the processor increased to 74 W and 322 W in simple and load, respectively, and he himself warmed under stress load to 98˚C.

The maximum stable frequency on ASUS Z170-P D3 was 4523 MHz when picked up a support frequency to 133 MHz. The increase was 33% relative to the nominal. To do this, it was necessary to raise the supply voltage to 1.415 V (1.408 V according to the monitoring data) and set the value for "LLC" the value "Level -5".

In this mode, power consumption has increased to 71 W and 310 W, respectively. Under stress load, the temperature did not exceed 85˚C.

On ASUS Z170-P, we forced the processor to work steadily at 4691 MHz at BCLK 138 MHz. At the same time it was necessary to raise the voltage up to 1,415 V, and to put "LLC" in "Level -6".

In this mode, power consumption was 73 W and 325 W, respectively, and the temperature in the peak of the load reached 96˚C.

For a visual assessment of the received overclock results, we propose to look at the consolidated table:


Overclocking Intel Core i7-6700

Processor frequency, MHz

BCLK frequency, MHz

CPU voltage, in

Power consumption of the whole system simple / load, W

Maximum temperature, C

Analyzing the results of overclocking Intel Core i7-6700, one can boldly state that all tested motherboards coped with the task. True, someone is better, and someone is a little worse. If you want to get uncompromising overclocking, then the ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger level solution may well give it. In this case, all thanks to the reinforced 10-phase digital nutritional subsystem, which perfectly copes with their direct responsibilities with any type of load and at the highest voltages, without a hint of drawdowns. The fee is clearly a large margin of safety for extreme overclocking. However, it is possible to recommend similar ASUS Z170-P or ASUS Z170-P D3 similar to economy users. For example, the specified boards have a 7-phase digital power system, good cooling and extensive setup options. That is, everything you need to get a decent acceleration. The main thing to take care of the good cooling system. But it is also worth understanding that overclocking is a lottery. It is not a fact that your processor can repeat the achieved indicators. Fortunately, all those who visited in the laboratory of Intel Skylake's laboratory conquered a 4.6 GHz mark. So, on the other hand, you can take more and more than our.

At the end, we propose to take a look at the results of RealBench V.2.41 at the maximum frequency of Intel Core i7-6700

Places were distributed according to the obtained maximum processor frequency: ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger, ASUS Z170-P and ASUS Z170-P D3. On average, performance gains amounted to about 24% relative to the nominal.

Energy consumption

Intel Core i7-6700 missed us pleasantly pleased us, but let's estimate how much energy consumption has increased after such optimization. To do this, we use the results obtained on the ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger motherboard.

Looking at the schedule, it can be noted that while the voltage on the processor remains unchanged, the growth of power consumption is linearly with increasing frequency. But only we significantly raise the voltage on the processor, as there is a sharp jump in consumption. As a result, the energy consumption of Intel Core i7-6700 in maximum acceleration increased by 100 W in comparison with the face value. Such is the fee for increasing productivity. This should be taken into account when conducting experiments and take care of a high-quality power supply.

Analysis of practical acceleration benefits

Let's imagine that you want to collect a mid-price computer. What is better to choose? The processor is simpler and components for acceleration or immediately the processor is more powerful, and the components of the cheaper. Let's try to figure out.


Intel Core i3-6100 Tray - $ 127 (3175 UAH)

Intel Core i5-6400 Box - $ 199 (4986 UAH.)


DeepCoolgammaxx 300 - $ 23 (584 UAH.)

Power Supply

total amount

$ 349 (8712 UAH.)

$ 345 (8612 UAH.)

As you can see, the assembly turned out to be almost the same in price. But thanks to overclocking up to 4.5 - 4.7 GHz Intel Core i3-6100 bypassing Intel Core i5-6400 by 3-5% percent depending on the type of load. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that 3-5% includes not only game applications, as well as specialized (rendering, mathematically calculations, coding, and so on). But if you take a computer exclusively for games, then the overclocked Intel Core i3-6100 can give the FPS comparable to the configuration on the Intel Core i5-6600 operating in the par. In addition, no one bothers you still save on the power supply and motherboard. In the first case, it all depends on the appetites of your video card, and in the second - from the necessary functionality and loyalty to one or another manufacturer. In this case, the profit can be much more significant.

What is the situation in a higher price range? Let's take a look at such an assembly.


Intel Core i5-6400 Tray - $ 192 (4785 UAH.)

Intel Core i5-6600 Box - $ 239 (5969 UAH.)


ASUS Z170-P - $ 141 (3518 UAH.)

MSI B150M Mortar - $ 96 (2400 UAH.)

Zalman CNPS10X Performa - $ 34 (855 UAH.)

Power Supply

AEROCOOL KCAS-600 - $ 58 (1455 UAH.)

AEROCOOL KCAS-500 - $ 50 (1257 UAH.)

total amount

$ 425 (10609 UAH.)

$ 385 (9610 UAH.)

As a result, we get 10% more expensive and 5% slower on the Intel Core i5-6400 in comparison with Intel Core i5-6600. But if you dispersed Intel Core i5-6400, then it is already bypassing the older fellow by 10-15% and even approaches much more expensive Intel Core i7-6700 ($ 369 or 9207 UAH.). This can be verified for the example of testing. In this case, overclocking is fully justified, especially if you initially looked to the side. The difference in price between them is $ 71 (1772 UAH.). And the saved money can be reported to a more productive video card or send to other needs.

For a couple of words, let's say about Intel Core i7-6700. The difference between it and the Intel Core i7-6700K is about $ 31 (778 UAH), but both of them are perfectly accelerated. Special economy is unlikely to succeed, but as always - the choice is yours.


Summing up the material, we have two news for you: good and bad. Let's start with bad. If you are working with specialized programs, such as video coding, 3D modeling, and the like that use AVX / AVX2-instructions, then the acceleration of non-error processors Intel Skylake is contraindicated. All because, in this case, the rate of execution of these most instructions is reduced and, as a result, there is a drop in overall performance. If you still need to get more productivity, and you plan to overclock the processor, the choice remains only between Intelcorei5 - 6600K and Intel Core i7-6700K.

Now good news. In all other cases, it is not only possible to overclock, but also necessary - especially in game assemblies. The same Intel Core i3-6100 in acceleration can issue comparable performance with full-fledged 4-nuclear fourths operating in the par. And the youngest Intel Core i5-6400 not only bypasses the senior fellow on the line, but it can even get closer to the Intel Core i7-6700. At the same time, for a worthy overclocking (most Intel Skylake processors easily take 4,5-4.6 GHz), it is not necessary to buy an expensive top motherboard, but you can do the available models. The main thing to take care of good cooling and high-quality power supply.

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Extremes even before liquid nitrogen it comes to, but this is not our way

Discharge your processor or video card, probably tried very many lovers of video games. However, despite the fact that this procedure has long ceased to be too complicated and dangerous, it is worth competent to it. Last time we told you aboutsecure overclocking video card And now we will touch on the topic of processors.

Note: In this material we consider only work with processors not older than five years. It is possible to burn a modern processor, if you try to overclock it more than 30%, with a lifting of voltage more than 25%, without having highly efficient cooling (enthusiasts sometimes use liquid nitrogen instead of coolers). If you act within reasonable limits, then in the extreme case, overclocking will simply be automatically dropped after rebooting.

Suitable processors and expediency of overclocking

Typically, the processor acceleration is engaged in one of three significant reasons:

1. The processor does not cope with modern non-challenges (installation and render of video, modeling, transcoding, work with large data volumes, etc.).

2. The processor does not show itself in demanding game processor (Battlefield 1, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Company of Heroes 2, Dishonored 2, Mafia 3, Crysis 3, etc.).

3. The processor does not open the video card (read more about this case.).

We are interested in mostly the last two reasons, as in both of them, the processor acceleration will increase the amount of FPS in games. And this is exactly what you need to any geimer.

However, there is a couple of cases when there is no sense to accelerate the "stone":

1. If your processor is more than five years old.

2. If your processor has less than four streams (like dual-core Core i3) or four full-fledged cores (Core i5, i7, AMD FX-4300 or higher).

3. If your video card refers to the most budget models (GeForce GT 710, etc.) or in general is a graphical core embedded in the processor.

It turns out that at the end of 2016, the CPU-overclocking is placed in processors not lower than AMD FX-4300 or Core i3 and quite productive video cards. After all, only then something worthwhile in the form of an additional dozen other in favorite "shootouts" and strategies will come out of the entire ventiy.

Stage First: Preparation for processor acceleration

And now proceed.

First you need to check the current processor frequencies and compare them with factory:

1. download CPU-Z program,

2. Install and run

3. Look at the Core Speed \u200b\u200bCount.

There will be the current frequency of the processor. Now open Google and enter the exact name of the model in the search string (it is specified in the Name column). Find the clock frequency in the characteristics and compare with the one that was in the Core Speed \u200b\u200bcolumn. If the frequency in CPU-Z is higher, then your processor is already dispersed (it happens if you buy a computer from the hands). In this case, you will need to make a reset (about it below). If the processor is not overclocked, the frequencies will either coincide, or in the program, the indicator will be significantly less (economical mode, which is turned off when overclocking).

Now you need measure the amount of FPS in one of the graphic benchmarks:

1. download and run the HEAVEN BENCHMARK program;

2. Press the Run button in the window that appears;

3. After the beautiful video detection appears, press the F9 button to start the performance test;

4. After the end end, click the Save button and write down the results at any convenient place (for example, directly to the desktop) called "before the CPU.html".

For reliability need to run one of the demanding games for the processor: Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crysis 3, Dishonored 2, Company of Heroes 2 or Battlefield 1. Ideally - all of the above. To measure the FPS in them you can use the utility RIVA TUNER STATISTICS SERVER or the corresponding function in the program Bandicam. Play about 5 minutes each of the games (the main thing is not inside the premises, where the load on the system is always significantly lower) and write down the average frame rates.

Now restart your computer And go to the BIOS. It needs to find a section with the name like Advanced Frequency Settings or CPU Performance (different manufacturers of motherboards are distinguished). In this section, all information about the current state of the processor should be displayed: Temperature, frequency, voltage, and so on. Write them down everything on a piece of paper and go to the second stage.

Stage Second-A: Processor acceleration by factor

Click to enlarge

The first type of overclocking. On modern processors, it is not always available, because for this you need a unlocked multiplier (hence the name). The latter is found only in some "stones" models from AMD and in Intel processors (Core i5-6600k, i7-6700k, etc.).

If this is your case, then:

1. Go to the BIOS;

2. Find a section with processor frequencies and a parameter with the name like CPU Multiplier or CPU Clock Ratio (this is the most factor; if it is blocked, then go to the chapter "Overclocking of the processor over the tire");

3. Record the current multiplier value on a piece of paper;

4. Add to it percentage of 25-30 (not units);

5. Save the changes and restart the computer (Apply Changes and Exit in the BIOS main menu);

6. If problems arose after the restart, then go to the BIOS again and increase the processor voltage (CPU Voltage or CPU Vcore) by 0.100-0.175 (for example, from 1.100 to 1,200-1.275);

7. If step 6 does not help, then go to the BIOS and reduce the percent factor of 5;

8. Repeat step 7 until the problem stops;

9. If the operating system is loaded and freezing (or blue screen) after launching any demanding game does not occur, then go to the BIOS again and reduce the processor voltage by 0.025 (to reduce its power consumption);

10. Repeat step 9 until problems start, and then return to the previous voltage value;

11. Go to the "Testing of Processor Testing".

Stage SECOND-B: acceleration of the processor over the tire

Click to enlarge

Acceleration via bus is available for any processor. They should only be engaged only if the multiplier of your "stone" is blocked, since this method is considered to be more dangerous. However, in fact, you only need to take care of the frequency of RAM, which will increase in parallel.

The algorithm of action here is the following:

1. Go to the BIOS;

2. Find a section with the Tire Frequency Settings (BCLK Frequency, Host Clock Value, etc.) and RAM frequency (Memory Frequency, Dram Frequency, etc.);

3. Record the current frequency value on the piece of paper;

4. Reduce the frequency of RAM percentage by 25-30;

5. Add 25-30 megahertz tire frequency;

6. Save the changes and restart the computer (Apply Changes and Exit in the BIOS main menu);

7. If problems arose after the reboot, go to the BIOS again and increase the processor voltage (CPU Voltage or CPU Vcore) by 0.100-0.175 (for example, from 1.100 to 1,200-1.275);

8. If step 7 did not help, then go to the BIOS and reduce the methuggers bus frequency by 5;

9. Repeat step 8 until the problem stops;

10. If the operating system is loaded and freezing (or blue screen) after launching any demanding game does not occur, then go to the BIOS and reduce the processor voltage to 0.025 (to reduce its power consumption);

11. Repeat step 10 until problems start, and then return to the previous voltage value;

12. Go to the "Testing of Processor Testing".

Stage Third: processor acceleration test

It remains only to test benefit from overclocking. Swipe the Heaven Benchmark test and play the same games that they were in the first stage. Compare FPS indicators - if they have risen at least 10 points, then you can consider overclocking successful.

* * *

The processor acceleration is very useful for any gamer lesson. And the computer will become launched, and the user is more expensive. However, everything is done with the mind. Highly outdated "iron" meaning to disperse any no - all the same, new games will not work well on it (and if old do not go, then why do you still use it?). Trying to increase productivity more than 20-30 percent without expensive and highly efficient cooling - naive.

You can share your impressive results of overclocking (and you need!) In the comments below.

Come on to play steep blockbusters like Dishonored 2, "Witcher 3", GTA 5 or Total War: Warhammer on our main site Games go without acceleration and on any PC!

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Iron Experiment: Overclocking Intel Core i5-6400 and Core i3-6300T processors

Under the pressure of Intel, the overclocking of Core's central processors has become extremely prerogative of wealthy users. Want more megahertz, lacks speed? Buy the most expensive chip in the ruler, and with him and the matplant of the corresponding level! With the release of 14 nanometer Skylakes it seemed that the "hut" turned to us before. Crossing, studying the loophole on the acceleration of non-supercker chips Intel Core of the sixth generation.

It is not necessary to surprise this provision of affairs. Starting from the second generation of Core processors (Sandy Bridge), in the Core i5 and Core i7 series there are two or three flagship processors equipped with a unlocked multiplier. These chips have a distinctive overclocking symbolism - Literature "K" in the title. Acceleration of such models is reduced to a simple increase in the multiplication coefficient. The legendary Core i5-2500K, released in 2011, calmly accelerated to 5 GHz using the cooling air system. The rest of the models are those that without a unlocked multiplier, they remained without overclocking at all. Acceleration over the Intel bus has blocked.

With the output of the third generation Core, the situation has deteriorated. Instead of solders used in Sandy Bridge, Intel began to add a very mediocre quality thermal quality under the cover cover of the IVY BRIDGE processor cover. As a result, a general decrease in overclocking potential and increased cooling requirements were added to frankly kutsuch the list of overclocking models with an unlocked factor. Enthusiasts again remembered the scalping. Modern solutions - Haswell, Broadwell and Skylake - adopted all the anti-fackers "chips". That's how we live.

Today, on International Overclocking Day, I will tell you in detail how to get around the ban on the acceleration of Skylake processors without a unlocked multiplier. And what is needed for this.

Chronology of events

In the summer of 2015, the line of modern 14-nanometer chips Skylake came out. This time Intel began with top models, and therefore the overclocker Core i5-6600k and Core i7-6700K were first for sale. Processors received not only unlocked multiplier, but also the possibility of overclocking by increasing the frequency of the BCLK clock generator (overclocking over the tire). I immaculately delighted this fact, since I assigned such an opportunity to all the rest (I didn't get it on sale) Skylake's "stones. I was happy for a long time: soon it became clear that the bus accelerates exclusively Core i5-6600k and Core i7-6700k. And only on boards with Z170 Express logic.

In December 2015, Philippine Enthusiast Dhenzjhen dispersed the Core i3-6320 processor to 4680 MHz. For this, overclocker increased the BCLK of the Supermicro C7H170-M motherboard to 120 MHz. A little later, another processor, Core i3-6100, dispersed to 6104 MHz with liquid nitrogen, increasing the tire frequency to 165 MHz. It turned out that Supermicro engineers walked around the blocking. A little later, the rest of the manufacturers were tightened: Asrock, Asus, Biostar, Evga, Gigabyte and MSI. Listed companies presented special firmware for a variety of motherboards.

The first rule of an overclocking club: not talking about an overclock club . At first, ASRock said in all over the acceleration of non-erotic Skylake. A whole marketing technology appeared by the name of Sky OC: Update the BIOS, activate this feature, accelerate the processor over the bus. Paphos was neuroran. Other manufacturers were modest. For example, on the ASUS website you will not find the necessary firmware for the Matthew Z170 Express. Bios are transferred to overclockers from the forum. Thus, asus does not sink, all questions about enthusiasts. Asrock eventually forced to refuse to support the SKY OC function. There is no more in new firmware. Information on other brands at the time of writing the article has not been received, but I do not exclude the scenario in which Intel "Prž." and other brands. All this leads to certain thoughts. First, the "overclocker revolution" arranged manufacturers of Mattlat. They are easy to understand: In 2015, sales of technological textolite fell on average by 20%, and the return to the sources of overclocking is a good way to push the user to the transition to a new platform. Secondly, Intel is principled. Chipmeaker said: Only Core i5-6600K is accelerated with Core i7-6700K - and the point. Fat.

Economic expediency

Overcloking makes the life of the poor paint. Initially, the iron began to accelerate exclusively for the sake of benefits. The chain is simplified, but: take a cheap processor, increase productivity to the level of a more expensive representative, rejoice in the resulting result and your own resource. Now, I repeat, Intel turned overclocks to an additional bonus for those who initially do not save.

For example, I will not go far. Look at the main competitor Intel - AMD. "Red" has a line of processors FX. Each model is equipped with a unlocked multiplier. As a result, anyone can buy some FX-8320E (10 000 rubles) and the moon of the index finger to turn it into FX-8370 (17,000 rubles), and even in the FX-9370 (19,000 rubles. ). And the decent part of the hybrid APU is equipped with a unlocked multiplier. In terms of loyalty to enthusiasts, there are no complaints to the AMD, their position is worthy of praise.

However, everything is clear with "red". The ability to overclock everything without exception FX chips is another trump card in the fight against Intel, which has long asked the bar on the market of central processors. I do not see the point of disclosing the ethical side of this issue. The article is not about it. It is just a fact: overclocking saves money. Another example is the assembly of directly the system unit on the LGA1151 platform. Suppose that the cheapest quader, Core i5-6400, turns away to the frequencies, knowingly exceeding the speed of the older model Core i5-6600. To do this, we need better cooling and more expensive fee on the Z170 Express chipset. Even in this case, we either save, or we get great performance for the same money, or even that immediately. It sounds tempting, right? Unfortunately, the acceleration of non-erotic Skylake is characterized by several limiting factors. Talk about them further.

Overwater Stones Methodology

I have already said about the first factor. To overclock the non-Chip Skylake, the fee is required exclusively on the Z170 Express chipset. Restriction formal, embedded either Intel or manufacturers of motherboards. It is very simple to prove it, because the first successes on the acceleration of non-erotic chips turned out using Supermicro C7H170-M, built on the H170 Express logic.

A complete list of motherboards is easy to find on the Internet. I will give a list of the most affordable models from ASRock, Asus, Gigabyte and MSI. Buying more expensive fees to overclock the non-verbal Skylake see no point. It is lost so zealously promoted by me the effect of savings. Yes, and the assemblies in which Matptiles are more expensive than processors, look very strange.

To overclock the bus, a special version of the BIOS is required. First, reflash, then we are engaged in overclocking. In hyperlinks - archives with BIOSs for all Mattakes from leading manufacturers.

Motherboards supporting the acceleration of the Skylake processors without a unlocked multiplier

ASRock (Download BIOS) ASUS (Download BIOS) Gigabyte (Download BIOS) MSI (Download BIOS)
  • Z170 pro4;
  • Z170 pro4s;
  • Z170 pro4d3;
  • Z170 gaming k4;
  • Z170 Gaming K4D3.
  • Z170m - e d3;
  • Z170-p d3;
  • Z170m-plus;
  • Z170-p;
  • Z170-k;
  • Z170 Pro Gaming;
  • Z170-e;
  • Z170-a.
  • GA-Z170-HD3;
  • GA-Z170XP-SLI;
  • GA-Z170X-UD3;
  • GA-Z170M-D3H;
  • GA-Z170-D3H;
  • GA-Z170-Gaming K3;
  • GA-Z170-HD3P.
  • Z170A Tomahawk;
  • Z170 Krait Gaming;
  • Z170-a pro;
  • Z170A PC Mate;
  • Z170A-G43 Plus;
  • Z170A SLI Plus;
  • Z170m Mortar.

But my gentleman's set:

The only way to overclock the non-erotic Skylake is to increase the frequency of the BCLK clock generator (tires). The resulting frequency of the central processor depends on the product of the tire and the multiplication coefficient. Chips in one line are divided by speed. Someone has a multiplier, someone has less. To overclock Core i5-6400 to 4500 MHz, you will have to increase the bus frequency to 4500/27 \u003d 167 MHz. In order for at such a speed, Core i5-6600 earned, it will be necessary to raise Bclk to 4500/33 \u003d 136 MHz. In the second case, the probability of conquest of the coveted 4.5 GHz is much higher.

Acceleration of Skylake processors in the BCLK frequency (tire)

Bclk frequency \\ processor multiplier
100 MHz
110 MHz
120 MHz
130 MHz
150 MHz
170 MHz

Acceleration is always a lottery. With non-self-king chips, two factors affect the final result: the potential of both the chip itself and the motherboard. Since the release of the LGA1151 platform, the test laboratory got acquainted with several Z170 devices. Each fee behaved in different ways. I managed to disperse ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme up to 360 MHz over the bus, and MSI Z170A Gaming M7 - up to 158 MHz.

The experiment was carried out above the Core i5-6400 and Core i3-6300T processors (Review). I did not search for light paths, since both models work on very low multipliers. Interestingly overclocking the quader. According to statistics, this model is very well accelerated, but, as we have already found out, a certain margin of durability is required and from the motherboard. On the other hand, in comparison with the default 2.7 GHz Overlook, even up to 4 GHz will give a tangible productivity gain. What we need.

The third limiting factor is to disconnect the energy-saving functions of non-erotic Skylake. For successful overclocking, you will need to deactivate the following functions: Intel Speedstep, CPU C STATES and TURBO BOOST (Turbo Mode). Below is a screenshot of the BIOS Mattakes ASUS Z170-Pro Gaming. These three functions are disconnected in the Advanced / CPU Configuration / CPU Management Configuration branch. Without them, the central processor will always work at the maximum frequency at a given voltage. Nothing wrong with that. Skylake is characterized by high energy efficiency and are not warm as much as the same Haswell, for example.

Fourth Limit - Turns off the temperature core temperature sensors. Follow the thermal state of the crystal is possible only by the only available parameter of the CPU Package. This temperature of the area under the heat dissipation cover, the chip kernel is heated in approximately the same value, but there are exceptions.

Floweries met, it's time to talk about berries. There are two serious limiting factors at acceleration. The first one: overclock over the bus leads to a disconnection of the built-in graphics core. Windows is elementary not loaded. If the system uses a discrete video card, then, how to say, the loss is small. In all other cases, the acceleration of non-erotic Skylake will have to forget.

The second serious limiting factor is to reduce the speed of the AVX / AVX2 instruction. Take FPU Tests Benchmarck Aida64. The execution of Mandel and Julia patterns significantly slowed down on an overclocked processor. And in the VP8 test, the increase turned out to be some kind of non-serious. Therefore, the performance of the software that ensures the AVX / AVX2 instruction can be reduced. What are these applications? Vector system teams use video encoders, 3D modeling programs, some photo edits and even computer games (Grid 2).

The presence of six limiting factors, especially those that affect the overall performance of the system, frankly upset. All of them are software, implemented specifically, because the same Core i5-6400 is no different from the overclocking Core i5-6600K. The output suggests itself: sticks in the wheels of enthusiasts are inserted in order to reduce the pool of those who wish to raise several hundred megahertz as much as possible to raise their skylake-chip, and, consequently, save on the purchase of a more expensive and fast processor model.

Overclocking test samples

Armed with the knowledge gained, proceed to the illegitimate acceleration of Core i3-6300t and Core i5-6400. Turning off the TURBO Boost, Speedstep and C STATES functions. Next, I set for all the processor cores a multiplier corresponding to the rated frequency of the processor. Core i5-6400 - X27, at Core i3-6300t - x33. All, you can increase the speed of the clock generator. The stand used a classic DDR4-2133 RAM with CL15 delays. I did not overclock it, so when lifting the frequency of the tire, the effective frequency of RAM was regulated by a decrease in the divider (DRAM FREQUENCY function in the BIOS Matthew ASUS).

Core i3-6300T was very mediocre in acceleration, which only confirms said earlier: Overclocking is always a lottery! The chip frequency was able to enlarge from 3.3 GHz to 4.29 GHz. Nearly 1 GHz, or by 30%. "MEDY", because everything comes to comparison. The Core i5-6400 frequency increased from 2.70 GHz before, keep me seven, 4.94 GHz - almost 83%! On the Internet, full validations, when the youngest 4-nuclear Skylake successfully accelerated to 4.7 / 4.8 GHz. So such a result is a pattern. To obtain 4.29 GHz for Core i3-6300t, it was necessary to raise the frequency of the clock generator to only 130 MHz, and the Vcore voltage - up to 1.4 V. With such an overclock, the absolute majority of Mattheat on the Z170 Express chipset will cope. But the overclocking Core i5-6400 to 4.94 GHz will become a serious test, because you have to raise the bus to 183 MHz. The voltage is slightly larger - 1.42 V. I note that in both cases we are talking about stable frequencies, at such speeds processors operate 24/7.


Test stand:

  • CPU:Intel Core i5-6600k, Core i5-6400, Core i3-6300T
  • Processor cooler: Corsair H110iGT.
  • Motherboard: ASUSZ170Pro.Gaming.
  • Video card: AMD.Radeon.R9Nano, 4 GBHBM.
  • RAM:DDR4-2133 (15-15-15-36), 2x 8 GB
  • Storage device:Ocz Vertex 3, 360 GB
  • Power Supply: Corsair.HX850.i, 850 W
  • Periphery: Samsung u28d590d. , Roccat Arvo, Roccat Savu
  • Operating system: Windows 10 x64

I will start with studying the performance of the overclocked Core i5-6400 and Core i3-6300T in the cache test and AIDA64 memory. The main output is the built-in controller during the overtakes "not suffered." The speed of operations with RAM with increasing processor frequency has only increased.

The overclocking paradigm is that the model with a unlocked multiplier is Core i5-6600K - dispersed to a more modest indicator of 4.7 GHz. This is the potential of the processor that has fallen into my hands. It is not surprising that in applications that do not use AVX / AVX2 commands, the overclocking Core i5-6400 turned out to be faster than the overclocked Core i5-6600K. And this is when the difference in price of ~ 6000 rubles.

The most visual example is Cinebench R15. In this benchmark, the overclocked Core i5-6400 was ahead of Core i5-6600K by 5%. If you compare the junior 4-kernel with yourself before overclock and after, the performance of the chip increased by 47.5%. Core i3-6300T by adding one gigaretz accelerated by 32.4%, respectively.

And here is the first bell. Acceleration accelerated the processing of 3D graphics in Blender, but the increase was disproportionately increasing the clock frequency. Core i5-6400 faster than 33.5% itself, and Core i3-6300T is only 12.5%. Overclocking Core i5-6600K won: an increase in frequency by 32% accelerated rendering by 22%. But Core i5-6400 in OC-mode worked for 240 MHz faster.

And yet there is a sense from overclocking.

A noticeable decline is precisely a decrease, and not a decrease in the increase - the performance of non-erotic Skylake is observed Luxmark 2.0 and X265 Benchmark. In the first application, the Core i5-6400 acceleration by 83% led to a decrease in points by 15%. Core i3-6300T the result is still sadder: the ray tracing slowed 40%.

In X265 Benchmark, there is similar, but not such a sad picture. The Core i3-6300T after an overclock slowed down by 12.5%, Core i5-6400, on the contrary, accelerated by 19.7%, but still lagged behind the overclocked Core i5-6600K by 24.6%.

It is important to remember that overclocking is always a lottery. I got very vigorous Core i5-6400, which eventually accelerated better than a specially developed Core i5-6600K. I can not guarantee that other users will be able to repeat such a result. In principle, up to 4-4.2 GHz Core i5-6400 is being revealed for sure. This is also a very decent result. The main thing is that Matplata managed to take 4200/27 \u003d 155.5 MHz over the bus.

Core i3-6300T - bad "exhibit" for overclocking at home. The whole salt of this chip is in a very low TDP. That's the potential of him so-so. It is better to disperse obviously faster Core i3-6100 / 6300 models. Here, it certainly will turn out to conquer the mark of 4.5-4.7 GHz.

Hypothesis put forward: AMD is not in that position, in 2016, at least somehow infringe the rights of enthusiasts. Consequently, a good part of ZEN chips, if their frequency potential is at the height, will receive a unlocked multiplier. If hot competition will spare between manufacturers again, Intel will make concessions including overclocking lovers. Perhaps forgotten in the distance 2011 Golden Era Overclocking will return.

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