
Where to sell your phone. Additional services in pawnshops. Be prepared to distinguish the original from the fake

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Conversation should be conducted in such a way that the interlocutors of enemies are made friends, and not friends with enemies.


But everyone can learn to work with people, only you need to work a lot on yourself. Learning and perseverance enable us to "work miracles." Let's try to isolate the most important for success.

1. To meet the client fully armed

“I don’t have to work around the clock,” you say. But getting ready for work before you start is completely normal. After all, teachers prepare in advance for lessons, and do not start leafing through the textbook after they enter the classroom. Actors rehearse roles, and do not go on stage with a cheat sheet in hand. So you should be prepared for work.

2. Study products and prices for similar goods in other firms

Firstly, you must replenish the assortment if you see that some product is in demand, but you do not have it. Second, you will be prepared to discuss financial issues.

Your prices should not be higher than those of others, and if they are higher, then be sure to explain to the customer why this is due to: a longer service life, additional functions("GPS is built into the mobile phones we sell, you will not need to buy a separate navigator for your car").

3. Forever forget the saying "you will not deceive - you will not sell"

Moreover, the client has now gone informed - before meeting with you, he had already sat on the Internet, and discussed the issue with friends, and looked in or called a couple of other companies. In any case, you can deceive the customer once, the second time he will not come to you.

Anyone who wants to have a permanent clientele - trades honestly (while remembering the proverb: "Tell the truth, only the truth, but do not tell the truth out of place!" - do not give out unnecessary information unnecessarily!).

4. The client does not have to wait

Taxi, private trader, garbage truck - but you must be there ten minutes before the meeting in order to have time to look around, check that your appearance okay, and enter the office minute by minute.

The same applies to order fulfillment - have a board or calendar on your wall, where next to each date it will be noted when to remind customers that the goods will be shipped to them tomorrow. And if they promised "tomorrow morning" - it should be so.

The storekeeper's booze, transport problems, technical reasons of the customer do not concern. Accuracy is not just a courtesy of kings. This is the first thing to learn when wondering how to learn how to sell properly.

5. Don't be lost!

All the time that you are not in the office, you must have a mobile phone in working order (check in advance that it is charged). In the office - telephone, fax, Email(it is possible to receive notifications about the arrival of incoming letters).

It should be easy for the customer to contact you. And if you also remember (yourself or with the help of the list on the table) what customer's name is - this will help to activate contacts.

6. Trade "with a hike"

At the oriental bazaar, they always weigh as much as the buyer asked for, and add a little more from themselves ("with a hike"). You should always have some not too formal additions ready for the client - offer him a free instruction on the use of the product, present a calendar with the company logo.

In short, do something beyond what is supposed to be done. Are you not indifferent to the customer? And you to him too! Seeing that you are working from the heart, he will enjoy the purchase, recommend you to other people, and he will come back to you next time. No familiarity, but be friendly.

7. Make a good impression!

You should always be in good spirits and in good shape. It is always easier for a fit, healthy, energetic salesperson to achieve results. There are no trifles here - everything is according to Chekhov: "And the face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts."

Comparing, for example, two approximately identical dental clinics, with equal prices, quality and range of services, a person will make a choice in favor of the one where the staff is more pleasant, polite, erudite.

8. Remember that working with a group is always easier than working with a single customer.

Remember, at Gilyarovsky's: "One village peasant to go into a shop and buy it is difficult to persuade. And I will persuade the crowd to swim in the ice-hole in winter!" When acquaintances, family members or even just other visitors are nearby, it is more difficult for the client to refuse the deal than in private.

If it is possible to organize meetings with groups of clients, be sure to do so. This approach is good for retail sales. Using this technique, any salesperson will quickly understand how to sell correctly.

9. Not a day without a new customer!

10. A negative result is also a result

Of course, in order to understand how to sell correctly, you need to gain experience, which usually consists of a large number negative results... Yes, it’s unpleasant when the deal breaks down - but it makes it possible to understand what exactly went wrong for you.

After analyzing the reasons for the failure, you change your tactics - and next time everything will be fine. You need to believe in yourself, work on yourself - and success will come.

Many of us periodically wonder who to sell old phone... Selling relatively inexpensive mobile technology always entails a waste of time, effort and energy. You can sell your phone on the classifieds website. But, for this you need to post an ad, write a description, take photos of the phone and put them back in the ad. On average, it takes 20 minutes or more. Next, you need to expect a number of calls. Potential buyers will be interested in the state of the model, technical characteristics... In the modern world, it is not advisable to spend so much time and effort on communicating with people in order to sell a mobile phone. This is especially true of cases when you need to sell a BU phone. low cost(in the budget or medium price segment).

Buying phones is a fast and profitable service

Before writing in the ad: "Selling a mobile phone", you should pay attention to the current service for the purchase of mobile devices. Our company specializes in the urgent issue of cash in exchange for devices. Please note that phones are purchased at market prices with a small commission. This will allow you to receive the estimated amount of funds in your hands within 10 minutes.

This service is beneficial for those who want to save personal time and immediately hand over a mobile device in the office for a certain amount.

    How does the purchase take place:

    You visit the office (you can inform the manager about the model and condition of the device in advance in order to get an approximate range of the buyout price).

    Before your eyes, a review and verification of the phone's performance is carried out, after which the specialist evaluates it according to the established criteria.

    You agree by receiving the specified amount from the cash register with a check.

On this moment You can sell a phone in Moscow on our service in good condition.

Appraiser visit service

Repurchase of BU phones can be carried out at home, which will save time. To do this, you need to contact the manager, accurately describe the gadget, name all of it technical specifications and, if possible, send a photo through one of the messengers. This will immediately clarify the range of the buyout price. With the consent, the courier (he is also a redemption specialist) leaves for the specified address... Within the Moscow Ring Road, this service is free of charge. If you need to travel further, the exact cost of delivery of money is negotiated separately.

There is a minimum appraisal limit on exit redemption mobile device... You can sell a phone right from home at a price of 20 thousand rubles. This is true for all mid-range and premium smartphones. price segment... Even if the ransom is carried out at the office of the company, it is necessary to provide a passport to prove the age of majority. Our organization works completely legally, therefore, a prerequisite is the conclusion of an agreement between the client and the contractor.

What affects the price of the device

Often when handing over mobile gadgets, people are not informed about all the factors of the assessment. The same phone model, model year, color and condition may cost differently. It depends on a few things. First, the state of the screen. If the phone was carried with protective film or glass, this is immediately noticeable by the state of the front of the display. Even a small scratch can reduce the potential cost by a few percent. In addition, the speed of work is estimated operating system... Slow execution of commands by the sensor may indicate a large number"Garbage" in the system, which will require additional flashing.

If no significant flaws were found and the gadget works stably, then up to 85-90% of the market price is offered. Market value is the average price of a device for which it can be sold through an ad site. The difference between the sale price through the same Avito and the sale of our company can be as little as one hundred or two hundred rubles. Is the waste of time, effort and energy worth the money? For many, it is really easier for one - one and a half hours to hand over the device to our masters and get money under the contract. Please note that flagships (Samsung, Sony and others) lose the least in price.

We buy both high-quality monoblocks and smartphones of any price segment. Too cheap phone models that were released from 7 to 10 years ago remain in question. Older models are not accepted for purchase.

When we get an idea to purchase new phone or a tablet, the question always arises, what to do with the old one? There is an ancient tradition in our families when a used device passes from parents to children (a cool career for a device from an office stole to turn into a school washer). Someone, succumbing to sentiments, prefers to leave the old device at home, and according to the custom of fairy dragons, like an unfortunate princess locks the device in some "dungeon" (desk drawer or mezzanine), finally depriving him of his connection with the world, rearranging the sim -card into a new device. And there is another scenario: sell the old phone, add the accumulated money and buy a new one. Let's talk about this. There are two options: to sell yourself or hand over the "old man" to a pawnshop. Although the second option is quick, in the first case you will get much more money.

Preparation for sale

The first step is to decide how much you are ready to give your device for and how much a potential buyer will want to pay you. This will be influenced by two factors: the number of similar offers on the market and the condition of your device. To do this, you need to look through all the offers (city shops and sites with advertisements for sale) with the same type of devices in your region and determine the average price.

After that, you should assess the condition and completeness of your device (usually it takes from 5 to 15 minutes, it takes longer to read and write about it). Here, every little thing will go to your equipment! So here's the list:

1. Availability of store packaging with documents for the device. This item is one of the most important and accounts for approximately 30-40% of the resale price. So this is the main and only evidence of the non-criminal origin of your device.
The price will be positively affected by the fact that your device is still on warranty service store. If the device is a "newcomer" (bought and brought from another city, country), then there is a reason to visit (you can just call) the service center of your city and to clarify whether there is any hope that repair services (even if they are paid) will be provided if necessary. This will help to reduce the degree of "worries" of a potential buyer, usually aimed at "knocking down" the price.

2. Stored completeness: instructions, Charger, flash card, spare panels, etc. In general, everything that was in the box when you unpacked it for the first time. If something is missing, then there is a reason to either find a replacement for the "losses" (you can buy inexpensive Chinese components), or proportionally reduce your price, because the buyer will have to buy the missing item at his own expense.

3. Covers, replaceable housings, additional batteries, more capacious and high-speed flash drives. Each owner of the device is gradually settling in with this good, if he values ​​personal comfort. There is no point in protecting and storing these gizmos if they are not universal and do not fit your future device. Either include them in the price, or the famous "gift".
Remember that the future buyer will not be able to fully appreciate your efforts to decorate the phone with rhinestones and personal stickers, so it is better to remove them. If your creative nature constantly requires an exit and often leaves traces on the phone case, then spare panels or covers on the surface of which you can show your talents can be an ideal option. They are easy to remove and replace if necessary.

4. Some owners sell a phone with a number. This aspect will be able to attract customers' attention if: a) the number is beautiful, b) some rare and very pleasant tariff is assigned to it, or c) the operator gives bonuses every month. If the number is really nice and solid - this is a huge plus for your phone, determine the price yourself based on the market value. And if this is a promotional or bonus number / tariff, then call it the famous phrase “as a gift”.

5. The presence of "battle" scratches, "manic" scuffs, "tragic" chips and cracks on the body of your device, as well as orgy holes designed for charging connectors and headphones can only reduce the cost of your phone.

Check out how you can change the situation. Carefully open and dry the inside of the case, blow out the connectors, in general, remove the dust of the times and do not show the future buyer what color your pet's coat is. In especially tragic cases, there is a reason to completely replace the body of the device in the service center, if the replacement costs are more than covered by the profit from the sale. In lighter situations, you can do with polishing the case - this will return some of the former gloss, hide minor and frivolous scratches. There is no need to spend money on polish, you can use an existing regular polish for furniture or a car (transparent waxes in the composition and manual way processing). Sometimes they change the film on the screen: 45-47% of your phone's surface covered with new plastic will make it look more neat. The main thing at this stage is to remember that all your investments should not exceed 200 rubles. (1000 tenge), otherwise it will become an economically unprofitable enterprise.

Well, externally and complete, the phone is ready for sale. Now there is a reason to prepare him for the "presentation". You understand that the buyer will not only look at the case, but also want to check the functionality of the product. Therefore, here's what you should pay attention to:

6. "Reset" the phone to factory settings, delete all personal information, I think the future owner will be superfluous to find out that your Google account [email protected] or [email protected] having learned along the way phone numbers all your friends.

7. Custom and firmware will only attract a teenage audience - this is not a bad thing, but this part of the audience does not have money large quantities, so get ready for a whimsical bargaining for every penny. Among the adult audience, there are more chances of successful resale with standard skins and OS. But high-quality wallpapers, launchers / themes are a big plus, although it does not play a special role, it will help to form a positive impression on the buyer of your product.

8. Bring all installed software up to date. Install latest versions programs for communication and surfing the Internet, update navigation program and a program for reading books (there is a reason to download a couple of masterpieces).
You can please your future buyer with modern and high-quality games. Remember that during your presentation it is better to show a bright, colorful and fast loading application. waiting for a minute (or even two) to load a certain level (in your opinion, the most luxurious toy) is comparable to a failure.
To test / demonstrate the capabilities of the audio / video part of the device, upload a video or movie in excellent quality so that the buyer can appreciate it. Also, "as a gift" you can present the lucky one with a dozen new films.

Working with an ad

The most tedious moment, tk. all you can do at this stage is to wait patiently and actively offer your product.

Take one (!) Photo of your device, it should show: the front of the device, the box / packaging and the sales kit (charger, cords, etc.). There is no need to arrange a photo session, your phone is not a porn actress, will anyone have a desire to scroll through 20 photos and reach the moment when back cover removed and the battery removed. Try to make the minimum of your home / work interior fit into the frame with your phone. Moreover, you do not need to take a photo with the cat.

Place an ad for the sale on the classifieds site, in social networks, describe in detail all the advantages of your product, try to keep within 5-7 lines, because a person looks through dozens of ads (attention is already occupied with a mass of small details), and is not looking for a work of art to read before bedtime. Write with restraint, without emotions and personal influence, try to avoid the words: "URGENT !!!" and "ALMOST FREE !!!" When communicating with people according to your ad, beware of all sorts of rogues and shmyts, but, in any case, communicate extremely politely and with restraint.

Moment of sale

When a real client appears, make an appointment and decide on the place where you will conduct the transaction. It is better to immediately abandon all "at home", "around the corner", "behind the garages", tk. Your goal is to get your money, not concussion or penetration. The most the best option there will be a place in the area of ​​your residence (you are not going to pay transportation costs), open / s good overview and "under the gun" of CCTV cameras or even under the watchful eye of the external security of the facility. It is better to schedule a time close to lunchtime or by the time when all employed people return from work, but also during daylight hours!

Let your loved ones or friends know that you are going to a meeting about the sale, as well as the contact details of your potential buyer, just in case. Arrange with a friend or family member to insure you. When you come up and see that there is only one buyer, then ask your friend to wait on the sidelines (about 5-10 meters), there is no need to irritate the client. But if the buyer also decided to insure himself against a possible “divorce” on your part (yes, yes, he is also afraid) and came with friends, then “stomp” to a meeting with your friendly company.

During the "presentation" try to make sure that the client has only one item in his hands: either a box with a set, or just a phone. Moreover, nothing should fall into the hands of the "friends" of the buyer, there are options when they replace devices and refuse to sell. Therefore, manage the so-called "presentation" yourself, seize the whole initiative. Show the documents for the device, but give it back after you receive the money.

It remains to wish you successful completion of the negotiations, a good deal and a lot of positive emotions from your future acquisition. Hope you find the tips helpful.

You can read how to buy a new phone correctly

A smartphone is a kind of pocket computer. In addition to the fact that you can call, take pictures or access the Internet from it, it is possible to perform a huge number of tasks using various applications.

Advice from a successful smartphone seller. And in order to successfully sell phones, you need to know their properties and capabilities (). Before demonstrating a product, our salesperson prepared it. I studied the available applications, music, video, and if something was missing, then I downloaded it. During the presentation, all that remained was to demonstrate the capabilities of the smartphone when working with these applications, when playing music or playing video.

Another example

To the salon cellular an elderly woman came in, wanting to buy a phone. She intended to buy one of the simple, push-button models. Smartphones were incomprehensible to her, complicated and, in the opinion of the visitor, completely useless. And then the seller demonstrated the capabilities of a smartphone - he installed the Skype application, with the help of which they contacted the grandson of the customer, who lives abroad. The woman was simply delighted - she was able not only to communicate, but even to see her beloved grandson, whom she could see no more than once a year before. The seller demonstrated an opportunity, the value of which was high enough, the buyer bought the product.

Demonstration of phone capabilities

As a simplified version, this is a demonstration of the capabilities of smartphones on your personal gadget. How can you do different tasks- find out the weather forecast, current news, detailed navigation with route planning, opportunities digital television and other things, other things, other things.

In particular, there are many people who use smartphones, but use them only as ordinary dialers (for example, they donated a phone). When choosing tariff plan for a sim card, you can also demonstrate the capabilities mobile internet and sell a tariff with a monthly fee, but that's a different topic.

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