
What can be made from HDD. Vacuum cleaner from the old hard disk of the computer. What do next

In this publication, consider what you can make using an unnecessary old hard disk.

Neodymium magnets in the computer

First you need to unscrew several screws that are attached to the parts of the case. Under the lid we see a neodymium magnet. In hard drives, very powerful magnets are used that are capable of lifting weight 1300 times more of their own.

On all modern drives there are always two limiters of the magnetic head unit and, respectively, 2 neodymium magnets. To remove the 2 magnet, you need to unscrew another screw and remove it along with the holder or unscrew the block of magnetic heads, and then pushing the screwdriver.

The use of neodymium magnets is almost limitless. For clamps and locks, toys and entertainment, cleaning motor and transmission oil, searching for treasures and lost iron objects under water, manufacture of engines and generators, restoring the magnetic properties of other magnets and much more.

Mini emery from hard disk

To do this, you first need to transfer the size of the disk to the sandpaper, it is convenient to do with a circulation. You should use a shallow grain sandpaper to do not particularly overload the engine. So, cut out the outer diameter with scissors and the inner stationery knife.

Printed sandpaper where you can with glue. But in order to do not wait for the drying of the glue for a long time and so that it can be easily changed with sandpaper, you can use two-way scotch.

Newspaper is ready. We connect it to the connector from the computer unit and use it. With its small dimensions, such an empty machine is quite powerful. Its power is enough for sharpening screwdrivers, pencils, chisels and curly cutting knives.

How to eliminate pc noise

Often old computer cases are very noisy. One of the reasons for this problem is the direct fastening of the hard disk to the PC housing. When reading information, the disk develops huge speeds and, accordingly, a small vibration appears, which is transmitted to the entire computer case. A small factory defect, bad soldering or not twisted to the end of the cable in the case of the case will always remind you of it.

To eliminate this problem, we will need only cut 4 rubber strips. It can be old cycling chambers, blown baby balls or a piece of silicone car rug. We screw the ribbons to the hard disk and secure it to a new place just below the DVD-ROM or even instead.

In general, the excellent result is obtained, since all vibrations are absorbed by rubber bands. Also, this device can be called antishok. If you are inappropriately hit by a PC foot, it will not affect the hard disk.

Read, why not hurry to throw out an old hard drive. How to secure data stored on such disk if the disc is still possible to restore. The development of electronic technologies does not stand still, and the development of new computer devices and their components occupies the first line here. Stationary personal computers, laptops, netbooks, smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks - this is not a complete list of devices that we use, and it grows steadily and expands. The widest application received personal computers used as to solve production or office tasks and for personal use.

The essence of the problem

The main advantage of computers is their high data processing speed, improved performance compared to other devices, as well as the ability to store and instantly process a huge data array. Not the last role in achieving the peak of popularity of personal computers play internal devices for storing user information - hard drives "HDD".

The use of modern materials and technologies allows you to create hard disks of a large container at a sufficiently low of their final value. Already no one will surprise a hard disk with a capacity in "10 TB", "12 TB" and even "16 TB".

Relatively recently, solid use solid-state drives "SSD". Made by microcircuit-based technology, drives "SSD" Use flash memory to store information. Thanks to this approach, solid-state drives have a smaller size, weight and significantly higher download speed and information processing, compared with standard hard drives. However, they are inferior at the expense of a few times higher prices and much less wear resistance.

It is not surprising that users decide to replace outdated hard drive versions with new data storage devices, more modern and high-speed.

However, no matter how attractive the use of a hard disk is attractive for storing basic user data, there are objective reasons to use other information storage facilities. To date, a large number of external disks and "USB" Flash drives. Additionally, thanks to the ability to gain access from any place, a wide popularity is acquired by a variety of cloud data warehousing on the Internet.

One of the important reasons for replacing the old hard disk is a high likelihood of the latter. Very often the average duration of uninterrupted disk operation "HDD" It is five to six years. And when the disk service life comes to an end, a number of characters appear signing about it. In more detail about the possible signs of failure of your hard disk, we were described in our early article: "Five signs that the service life of your hard disk comes to an end, and what to do with it now?" .

Or your hard drive has already come into disrepair, and you tuned to throw it as unnecessary. But do not rush to take hasty decisions. And in this case, your disc is still a certain value, even if you checked it and restore information from it is not possible. Read our article about the possible use of old disks in any state.

The disc is still well works!

Not every hard disk is bad just because it is old. As we wrote above, there are various reasons for replacing the hard disk, one of which is an insufficient amount of the disk capacity. You can continue to use the old hard disk together with the new one, after following reinstalling on a new operating system disk, and all important data moved to it. Your old drive can still serve you for a long time. And if you do not plan to use it to store important information or creating a backup copy of your data, then you have nothing to fear.

By the way, you need to make sure that you did not find explicit features of the hard disk malfunction. You may need to run some disk service tools that can predict and prevent a potentially possible hard disk failure.

While the old hard drive works well, you have no reason to get rid of it!

Perhaps your disk is spoiled not to the end!

So, do you think your old hard disk is completely faulty after the failure occurred? If you have data stored on such a disk, and you want to restore them, then you should perform full disk diagnostics and check whether it is possible to fix it before fully getting rid of it. Maybe the situation is not critical and to restore the data will be possible. If your hard disk shows certain signs of life, then try to immediately create a backup copy of your data. The correct step will always always back up the data, regardless of the status and age of the hard disk. Then you can be confident in the safety of your information. If the hard drive simply did not upload the operating system installed on it, and the rest works fine, you will probably be able to copy the data using relatively simple methods. For example, with "Linux Live CD / USB"which helps restore the data and performance of the main operating system after a failure.

If you have reason to suspect that you have bad sectors and damaged data on your hard disk, then you can try to use a professional tool such as "HETMAN PARTITION RECOVERY" , To restore your data.

The disc can be more useful!

Are you really sure that you no longer want to use your old hard drive? If it is still working fine, there are many different and useful ways to use it for its intended purpose.

There are various options for using your old disk. For example, think about setting up RAID Systems. RAID - This is a backup array of low-cost disks, which allows you to use a spare hard drive to create mirror data from another disk.

Alternatively, you can configure the second operating system on it and use it in conjunction on one personal computer. The old hard disk gives you the opportunity to work on another operating system, without exposing the main hard drive at risk.

Or turn it into your own media center. This is not a complete list of possible options for using an old working hard disk. Depending on your needs, you can independently determine the further purpose of your disk.

The disk contains personal information!

You can simply sell or give (donate) your old disk in case of its inseparable. Maybe it does not bother you, but you need to know that your old disk contains a variety of personal information. And even if you do not plan to look for it, it can do someone else. Some attackers can search for your preserved information to use it in their personal careful purposes. You formatted your old hard drive and confident that it is impossible to access your stored data. But, this is not the case, your data is still on the disk, and can be restored back by special software.

You must understand that such a feature of the file system "Windows". With the usual deletion of the file or disk formatting, the system does not actually delete information, and marks this place as free for further record and use! The only way to make sure that the attackers will not be able to restore your personal files, is to overwrite them many times.

If the realization that someone can access your files makes you nervous and worry, then you will have to study the ways to fully clean your hard disk memory to forever delete confidential data. However, such methods are not one hundred percent guarantee of protecting your personal data from recovery and access to them to third parties.

If the software cannot access your hard disk anymore, you can always physically destroy it to prevent any data recovery.

The disk must be recycled!

If your old hard drive is no longer functions and cannot be used for other purposes, it must be recycled!

Electronics contains various types of precious materials in which the extraction of which was spent a huge amount of energy, possibly contamination of the territory and significant damage to the environment was applied. If you refuse to process and extract from electronic devices of such materials, then their mining will increase environmental, social and economic damage every year.

To date, environmental protection and recycling of materials comes out, in importance, in the first place. Therefore, it is not appropriate to be scattered by expensive materials. You can also contribute to the preservation of natural resources by reducing their consumption and reduce the number of waste generated by you. The last statement means that you must take care of the recycling of your faulty hard disk.

Conclusion: Old and broken hard drives are not automatically useless

Regardless of whether your old hard drive is still working or not, it represents a certain value. You can still restore your data from it, use it for your own needs, sell or give your disc, or processing company can extract rare metals from it. In any case, the old hard disk can benefit. And the worst thing you can do with your disk is to break it and just throw away.

And what did you do with your old hard disk? Or maybe you have other ways to use it? Please share with us with your ideas and tips in the comments to expand options for using such disks.

The things that have failed are not always trash. You just need to come up with how to replace their purpose and use in a new way. For example, an old hard drive. At first glance, it is a spent material to be disposed of. But, if you look at, you can find many creative ideas for its further use.


If you close, ultimately can get desktop clock resembling classic mechanics. You need to spend at all this beauty quite a bit. In addition to the hard disk, you need to stock up with screws, scolding, superclaim and thermopystole. You will also need a drill, drill. The hard disk disassembled, the entire element is removed from it.

In order for the product not only functional, but also beautiful, surround the LED plate. The strip of the LED tape is attached to the wall of the chamber with the help of super glue.


In order to make a grinding machine, you need to take scolding and sandpaper. The method of manufacture is really very simple. All unnecessary components represented by magnets are removed from the disks. This is done using a screwdriver. After the disk is removed, and the circle is cut in its size.

Important! Power is not provided by the usual outlet. You need a power supply. In order for it to start without motherboard, it is necessary to cut off the copper wire and stick it into the connector, connect with the black and green wire.

At the end, the sandpaper is glued to the disk, fixed and connects to the power supply.

Portable drive

A portable drive is elementary from the hard disk. For this, the container is taken and the hard drive is placed in it. For design, more than 2.5 inches, you will need to buy a power adapter.

A working hard disk can be used as a cloud server. To do this, a union-platform computer and the skill of even a beginner IT officer are required. Ultimately, a device will be obtained that will provide access to all computer data from gadgets connected to one Wi-Fi router.

In hard drives there is an element called a neodymium magnet. It is quite large, so you can attract many different things to yourself. With it, you can create a stand that will keep knives in the air. To do this, you will have to take the bar, magnet, glue and simple tools by dumping and knife.

Wind bells

One of the pretty things that can be created from the disk is the bell on the door. Before that, you can take discs, housing, the usual mounting ring made of metal, as well as cord. All this is connected to each other, and it will be a real work of art.

Secret safe

In standard small-sized apartments, there is not enough space in order to establish a secret safe for jewelry or money. But such a useful thing can be made with your own hands from the old hard disk. From its body it is necessary to extract the components, and then attach a lid with a small bolt to the corner. The container will be opened by turning.

For this device, in addition to the hard disk, it is necessary to take a basin, make a hole in it, stock cover from tin, the most core, knitting knitting. First you need to do three holes in the disk on the cover. Further, the bicycle spokes are soldered with the resulting device, and from the bank is made like a box. The cover is connected to the design, the middle is removed from it. In the hole you can fall asleep fuel. All this is put in the basin and sugar falls asleep. At the end, the alcohol is ignited and the disk is turned on.


If you want to surprise your acquaintances in an interesting and unusual chamber of giant sizes, you can use an old rigid disk. First, it is necessary to remove the fastening screws with the disk and the lid. Next, the USB splitter is selected, suitable in size. It is attached to the place of the central disk, and the connection is lubricated by the superclaim. In the end there is a flash drive and a lid is going.

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