
How to increase FPS using programs. How to enlarge FPS in computer games. Removing unnecessary programs

Each gamer want to see a smooth and beautiful picture during the game. For this, many users are ready to squeeze all juices from their computers. However, with manual acceleration of the system, it can be seriously harmful. In order to minimize the possibility of harming, and at the same time increase the frame rate in games, there are many different programs.

In addition to increasing the performance of the system itself, these programs are able to disable excess processes that occupy computer resources.

Product Razer and Iobit Companies is a good tool to increase computer performance in various games. Among the functions of the program, you can select the complete diagnostics and debugging of the system, as well as disabling unnecessary processes when you start the game.


This program was developed by professionals from AMD and allows you to safely disperse the processor produced by this company. AMD OVERDRIVE has enormous features for setting all the processor characteristics. In addition, the program allows you to track how the system responds to the changes made.


The principle of operation of the program is to make some changes to the settings of the operating system to redistribute the priority of various processes. These changes, according to the developer's assurances, should increase FPS in games.

Recently, I decided to engage in writing articles not for general development, but to choose topics based on the popularity of questions asked me. Today's article will be particularly interesting for gamers, so that if you are a lover of computer games, do not pass by and read the article to the end.

Today I will tell you the main reasons for the FPS fall in games, how to deal with it and how to increase the FPS so that the pleasure from the game is maximum.

How to boost FPS?

Before I start telling directly about the reasons for the fall of FPS and how to increase it, I will tell you that generally mean these magical three letters. I am sure there are those for whom this information will be useful.

The abbreviation "FPS" as "Frame Per Second" is decrypted. In Russian it sounds like a personnel frequency. That is, the number of frames per unit of time, namely per second. Speaking with simple words, the Frame Per Second number is an indication of which frequency changes on the screen in one second. If the FPS is high, the game works smoothly, the lags do not bother you. In addition, the indicator, the smoothness of online games is greatly affected by ping. What it is and with what it is eating you can find out in this.

Change of frames per unit time will depend on the three components of the computer or laptop, on which the game is running. The FPS affects the number of RAM, power and type of video card and processor.

Also, your monitor may also affect the FPS frequency, since it is, a kind of personnel limiter. For example, you use the monitor, the update frequency of which is 75 Hz. This immediately suggests that above 75 FPS performance does not make sense. Despite the fact that 100 FPSs can be written in games, in fact you will see a maximum of 75 frames per second, on a 75 hertz monitor. All possible ways to enlarge FPS see below.

Enhance FPS through the video card settings

Before entering directly to the video card settings, it is necessary to find out what kind of type it is. Today they are only two: an integrated video card and discrete.

Integrated is called such a video card that is in the motherboard. There are no video card with the poet of its own processor. Such a vidyuha will be content with the resources of RAM and processor. To date, almost all motherboards are equipped with such a video card. If you have an Intel graph, you can not read further, you will not help anything. But, playing one torment with this kind of map, I will say to you honestly. The only exception is powerful laptops in which "serious" video cards are installed.

Discrete is called video cards that are installed separately in the slot on the motherboard. They also have their own processor and RAM. If you want to play powerful modern games, then do it without a powerful discrete card will not work.

In order to squeeze all the silenks from your computer, you must install the last versions drivers. It is also necessary to set maximum performance. To do this, you need to go to the video card settings.

To date, for equipping computers, you can see video cards from the brands "NVIDIA" and "ATI (Radeon). And today I will tell you exactly about them so that you can easily increase the FPS in online games.

In order to proceed to the video card settings, regardless of the brand, go to the "Start" menu and open the "Control Panel". Here you need to find a tab with the "NVIDIA" or "ATI (Radeon) icon. Next, the setup procedure for each video card will be different.

NVIDIA video card settings

If you open the settings of the video card from NVIDIA, you will immediately see two main tabs, namely: 3D control and image adjustment. Now you need will be "image adjustment", go to it.

In the picture above, you can see the "Performance" parameter. You will need to pull the Runner to the right. Do not scare that the images of the "NVIDIA" logo will deteriorate. So it should be. Just now, you put the quality of the image in the priority of the video card, but productivity.

But, in order to enhance the FPS even more, you need to go to the advanced settings that are in the 3D Control tab. Here you will need to disable some parameters that interfere with the increase in the FPS.

If the result is not impressed after the procedure performed, but on the contrary - everything will become worse, then all settings can be returned back by pressing the "Restore" button. But, the high probability that the FPS becomes much higher. And we are not only about Single online games, but also about multiplayer, such as "World of Tanks".

ATI Video Card Settings (Radeon)

If you have a video card from ATI (Radeon), then you need to click on any empty place on the desktop on any empty place on the desktop. In the window that appears, you will see the item "AMD Catalyst Control Center". Perhaps you will have another name. Everything will depend on the video card model.

In the window that opens, namely in the settings, you need to mark the item "Standard View". After that, settings for games will be available.

We go to them and find the section "Image Quality" and "Performance in Games".

At first, open the "Performance" section. Here you will need to remove the checkbox from the standard settings and move the slider to the side of the maximum performance. That is, we carry out the same settings as in the example of "NVIDIA".

Now it is necessary to open the section regarding smoothing. In this section, you will need to remove the flags from the application settings and morphological filtering. I will not tell you about the work of these filters, I will not, I will say only one thing that they affect the performance of the video card very much. After that, you will need to start the filter called "Standart" and move the slider to the mark in 2x.

Find the "Smoothing Method" tab. In it you will need to move the slider to the maximum performance mark.

Now it's time to move to the "Anisotropic Filtering" section. You cannot forget about this parameter, as it is most important, with an increase in FPS. At this point you have the opportunity to evaluate how the image quality has changed after disconnecting some parameters. Uncheck the checkbox and pull the slider left. Everything, the settings are completed, you can go out. But, do not forget to save all changes, otherwise the procedure will have to be repeated.

Also, conducting settings in ATI (Radeon), you will see the "Extended Presentation" tab. In it, you will find the "3D Settings" section. In this section, you need to configure the parameters for all games or configure a single, specific application. In order to increase the FPS in this way, you must set the settings in this way:


  • Smoothing Mode: Redefine Application Settings
  • Sample smoothing: 2x
  • Filter: "Standard"
  • Smoothing method: multiple sample
  • Morphological filtering: Off

Texture filtering

  • Anisotropic filtering mode: redefine application settings
  • Anisotropic filtering level: 2x
  • Quality Filtering Textures: Performance
  • Optimization of the surface format: incl.

Personnel frequency management

  • wait for vertical update: always off
  • OpenLG Triple Bufferization: Off.
  • Tessellation
  • Tessellation mode: Optimized AMD
  • Maximum tessellation level: Optimized AMD.

Change settings in games

Not only the video card settings affect the increase in the FPS. Also, its high level can be achieved through changing the settings of the game itself. To understand in more detail, consider changing the game settings on the example of "World of Tanks". Total graphics settings look like this:

In the "Extensions" tab, you will find the basic settings that you will need to enhance the FPS.

The basic value for an increase in the FPS will have screen expansion and smoothing. If the iron of your computer is not particularly powerful, then I recommend putting a minimum resolution, in which the image in the games will not be distorted. Also in extended settings I advise you to completely remove the shadows. Oddly enough, but they consume quite a lot of video cards. If you distort the "Quality texture" slider to the minimum value, then during the game you will watch "soap model classes". That is why I advise you to sacrifice the "quantity of vegetation" and "the quality of effects".

Remember that the main perpetrators of the low FPS are shadows, effects, the number of parts and the quality of water obstacles. If you put these parameters to a minimum, you will make a favor to your video card and unload it. But, there are sad consequences - you will be waiting for a gloomy gray picture.

We increase the FPS through the Windows settings

In addition to the video card settings and the game itself, Windows settings will also affect the FPS level. The operating system consumes quite a lot of resources. In order for performance in games to make above, you must complete some processes. Most of the resources are taken by antiviruses, programs for downloading torrent files, as well as various types of communication applications, such as Skype.

In addition, the performance of the operating system is influenced by productivity in games. To disable them, you need to go to the control panel and select "All Panel Elements". Here you can find such an item "Members of Means and Performance". After that, you will be available "Visual Effect Settings". The main task in this section, hold the settings so that the speed is guaranteed. Check the corresponding item, after clicking Apply and Okay.

Also on performance will affect the purity of the iron itself. Therefore, do not forget about such an important moment as the cleaning of the computer. Dust must be cleaned, at least once a month. Then your PC will definitely start working faster, you will notice the performance of FPS. Here is the playlist to optimize your computer to increase FPS!

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Some people doubt that the difference between 60-90-120 and even 300 FPS is not significant. And there are those who will say 24 frames per second this limit, and all this marketing moves about the FPS above.

What is FPS?

Frames Per Second - Translated from English - frames per second, for example, a TV broadcast a picture from 24 FPS, this is the maximum possible number of frames that can catch the human eye, which means that more than 24 fps does not make sense in games? - Not quite, the problem is that FPS in games is constantly jumping, let's say, in CS: go, if your model looks into the wall, FPS can be 60, and if turning to other players, then he will see up to 30, and if yet You will shoot a spray at the same time with someone, then seek up to 20. Simply put, for a comfortable game, the minimum FPS should not fall below 30.

What affects FPS?

The power of the central processor, the video card and the RAM. After speaking, the more powerful computer, the higher the FPS.On if everyone had powerful computers, then this article would not be beneficial, and so, then let's go to the improvement of FPS.

FPS comparison

Monitors are ELT and LCD (LCD), other types of monitors will not consider, as they are practically not common.
CRT monitors - based on the electron beam tube - such massive animals, with a lot of weight and large area of \u200b\u200bvacuuming from behind. LCD, respectively, liquid crystal, thin and cute.
The advantages of the ELT monitors are that with all its bulkness, they are able to produce more FPS (100-120). Also, they do not have the concept of "response time", so strongly affecting the picture quality in the LCD monitor.
The advantages of the LCD monitors are obvious, but there are also their cons. One of them is the maximum FPS value in such monitors is not higher than 60-75. There are monitors and with large FPS, but their price will surprise you. The second minus is a different response time (the time that the monitor pixel spends to move from the active (white) to inactive (black) and back to active (white)). The more the response time, the more fluid it will look like a dynamically changing picture on the monitor.

Give all the in-game graphics settings to a minimum

Although this item is obvious to many players, there are still personalities complaining about low performance of the game, while having the highest graphics settings in the game.

Allow the caching of the game world in RAM

Using this command "loads the objects of the game world in RAM, eliminating the processor from the need to do it in the middle of the game.

Turn on multi-core processing

The inclusion of multi-core processing (multicore rendering) on \u200b\u200bsystems with 2 and more nuclei will give a significant performance gain. You can enable multi-core processing in the graphics settings in CS: GO.

Load the graphics settings of your video card

For NVIDIA video cards, you need to go to the "NVIDIA control panel" (usually click right-click on the desktop) and in the "Adjust image settings" tab, move the slider to the "Performance" state.

The video card is one of the basic firm, on which the FPS depends.
Now I will show how to configure the NVIDIA video card.

To begin with, we understand the power supply:

Control Panel - Power Supply - Setting in Sleeping Mode - Change Additional Power Parameters - PCI Express - Communication State Power Management - Value: Off.

  • Next, open the NVIDIA control panel, and in the "3D Parameters" list, select "Manage 3D Parameters", select Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and specify these settings:
  • Anizatrop filtering: Off
  • Vertical Synchropulse: Off
  • Shading background lighting: off
  • Maximum number of pre-trained personnel: 4
  • Stream optimization: on (if multiple processors)
  • Power control mode: Preferred Mode Maximum Performance
  • Smoothing - Gamma Correction: Off
  • Smoothing - Transparency: Off
  • Triple buffering: off
  • Filtering Textures - Anizatrop Single Optimization: Off
  • Filtering Textures - Quality: High Performance
  • Filtering Textures - Negative Deviation UD: Binding
  • Filtering Textures - Trilinear Optimization: Off

Disconnect antivirus and background programs

Almost all anti-virus systems and many programs operating in the background cause an increased load on the processor, thereby lowering the FPS in the game. It is recommended to cut out programs like browsers (Chrome, Firefox) and temporarily disable antivirus, to increase the performance of the game.

Setting up the game via the command line

CL_SHOWFPS 1 - Shows FPS in the game
-novid - removes the negro at the beginning of the game
-High - Specifies CS high priority
-Freq 60 - Monitor Update Frequency
-Tickrate 128 - Tikreit
-Dxlevel 81 - Version DX
-NoaAfonts - cleansing smoothing from fonts
-Heapsize - Insert the number for your video card
512MB \u003d 393216.
1GB \u003d 786432.
1,5GB \u003d 1179648.
2GB \u003d 1572864.
4 GB \u003d 3145728

You can also help with me how and me the outbreak of one FPS_MAX command (and number, any)

System speed

At this stage, everything is simple. Go to "My Computer", then "Properties", "Add. Paramerts of the System", "Speed", below "Paramert" and choose the Count "Provide the best speed"


Permission is better to put small. The higher the resolution, the lower FPS.

Increase FPS using the config in the COP

1. First, download this file: - - / is1pcukmzvu8v - I copy the link two dash. Without them, Steam removes the link.
2. Remove
4. We are looking for Steam / SteamApps / COMMON / SOUNTER-STRIKE GLOBAL OFFENSIVE / CSGO / CFG / VIDEO.TXT

In this file we make the following changes:

"Setting.cpu_level" "0"
"Setting.gpu_level" "0"
"Setting.mat_antialias" "0"
"Setting.mat_aaquality" "0"
"Setting.mat_triplebuffered" "0"
"Setting.mat_grain_scale_override" "1"
"Setting.gpu_mem_level" "0"
"Setting.mem_level" "0"
"Setting.mat_queue_mode" "0"
"Setting.csm_quality_level" "0"
"Setting.mat_software_aa_strength" "0"
"Setting.mat_motion_blur_enabled" "0"
"Setting.fullscreen" "1"
"SETTING.DEFAULTRES" "Do not change"
"Setting.defaultResheight" "Do not change"
"Setting.nowindowborder" "0"

Video lesson: Unlock CPU, raising FPS

First of all, it is a cybersport game to become a winner need to have a good performance of the game to achieve victory. What we need to win the smart team, the perishability and good performance of the game.

But you have CS: GO is very buggy in the menu, slows down and low FPS in the game? It's not a problem! We offer methods for improving the performance of the COP and an increase in FPS.

1. Setting up CS GO.

Settings graphics in the game.

The COP is quite a pleasant picture of almost any parameters of graphics.
Expose the minimum graphics settings in the game, except for the parameters affecting the gameplay and performance. Turn on shadows and multi-core processing. Permission put the maximum. Go to the "Sound Settings" menu → Type of speakers: 2 speakers.

Play start settings.

Noaafonts - Disables screen font smoothing.

Threads 4 - we use 4 processor streams. If you have a 4-core Intel processor with Hyper-Threading or AMD with SMT, then put 8. respectively: 6 nuclei - 12 flows, 8 cores - 16 threads, etc.

High - launching a high priority game, it is not recommended to put on weak CPUs.

FPS_MAX 300 - Maximum Threshold FPS. It only affects the speed of the card download.

Nod3d9ex1 - will allow you to quickly fold and deploy the game.

There should be approximately such launch options: -Console -novid -noaafonts -threads 4 + FPS_MAX 300 -NOD3D9EX1

We advise you to copy a special configuration file into a game folder that will be automatically used when you start the game and activate commands to optimize. To do this, go to the CFG (Counter-Strike Global OffensGoCFG) folder and copy the file "" with replacement, if so already exist.

2. Setting up the system.

Disable DVR.

You have Windows 10 and CS: GO slows down, hangs the menu, showing FPS lower than in rather demanding games? So you should turn off the technology Game DVR. In Annex Xbox. Game DVR is an alternative to Fraps and Bandicam and is designed for quick video gameplay and screen shots. But it has an unpleasant feature and strongly limits FPS. In CSGO to 30 frames per second and even below.

To disable the Game DVR option, download and run this registry file:
Console commands for viewing FPS: nET_GRAPH 1. and cl_Showfps 1.

Optimization of Windows 10.

We cut all the spy modules in the OS and turn off the Metro applications by downloading the system. Run the program, go to the Settings tab and turn on the professional mode. We specify the settings as in the screenshot, go to the Home tab and click the " Destroy Windows 10 Spying».

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