
Alexander Stepanovich Popov Russian scientist. Inventor Radio Alexander Popov. Live

He died in St. Petersburg in 1905, December 31. Popov Alexander Stepanovich is one of the most famous Russian electrical engineering and physicists. From 1899, he became an honorary electrician engineer, and from the 1901st Stat advisor.

Brief biography of popov Alexander Stepanovich

In addition to him, the family had another six children. At 10, Alexander Popov was sent to the Dolmatov School. In this school, the older brother teach him Latin. In 1871, Popov was transferred to the Ekaterinburg Spiritual School, in the 3rd class, and by 1873 he released after the end of the total coup on the 1st, the highest category. In the same year he entered the spiritual seminary in Perm. In 1877, Alexander Popov passed successfully at the University of St. Petersburg at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty. Years of study for the future scientific figure were not easy. He was forced to earn up, since the funds lacked. During his work, in parallel with study, its final scientific views were formed. In particular, he began to attract the issues of electrical engineering and the newest physics. In 1882, Alexander Popov graduated from a university with a degree of candidate. He was asked to stay at the university to prepare for professorial work on the Department of Physics. In the same year he defended his thesis "According to the principles of dynamo and magnetoelectric machines with a constant current."

Start of scientific activity

A young specialist was very attracted experimental studies in the field of electricity - he entered the mine class in Kronstadt by the teacher of electrical engineering, mathematics and physics. There was a well-equipped Cabinet Physics. In 1890, Alexander Popov receives an invitation to teach science in a technical school from the maritime department in Kronstadt. In parallel with this from 1889 to 1898, he was heading on the main power plant of the Fair of Nizhny Novgorod. All free time Popov gave experimental activities. The main question, the study of which he was engaged, were the properties of electromagnetic oscillations.

Activities from 1901 to 1905

As mentioned above, from the 1899, Alexander Popov had the title of an honorary electrician engineer and a member of the Russian Center. Since 1901, he became a professor of physicists in the Electrotechnical Institute under the Emperor In the same year, Popov was assigned Statsky (civil) rank of fifth grade - Stat adviser. In 1905, shortly before death, Popov by decision of the Academic Council of the Institute was elected a rector. In the same year, the scientist acquired a cottage nearby from Art. Udoml. Here his family lived after his death. A scientist died, as evidenced by historical references, from stroke. From 1921 to the decision of the SNK RSFSR, the scholar family was raised to the "Lifetime Assistance". Such is the brief biography of Popov Alexander Stepanovich.

Experimental studies

What was the main achievement, which was famous for Popov Alexander Stepanovich? It became the result of many years of research scientist. The physicist conducted his experiments on the radio telegrapher on Baltflot ships from 1897. During his stay in Switzerland, the academic assistants accidentally noted that with an insufficient excitation signal, the coherer begins to convert a high-frequency amplitude-modulated signal to the low-frequency.

As a result, it becomes possible to take it on rumor. Given this, Alexander Popov modified the receiver, setting his phone tubes in return for a sensitive relay. As a result, in 1901 he received a Russian privilege with a priority for a new type of telegraph receiver. The first device Popova was a somewhat modified tutorial of the installation to illustrate the experiments of Hertz. In early 1895, the Russian physicist became interested in the experiments of the lodge, which improved the coherer and constructed a receiver, thanks to which the signals could be obtained at a distance of forty-meters. Popov tried to reproduce the reception by creating its own modification of the lodge device.

Features of the addition of Popov

The coherer of the lodge was presented in the form of a glass tube, which was filled with metal sawdust capable of sharply - a few hundred times - to change its conductivity under the influence of the radio signal. To bring the device to the original position, it was necessary to shake the sawdusts - the contact between them was disturbed. In the coherers of the lodge, an automatic drummer was provided, which was constantly on the tube. Popov introduced a reverse automatic connection to the scheme. As a result, the relay was triggered from the radio signal and included the call. At the same time, the drummer started at the same time, which beat on the tube with sawdust. When conducting its experiments, Popov used invented by Tesla in 1893, a mast headed antenna.

Use of the device

For the first time, Popov introduced his device in 1895, on April 25, as part of a lecture "On the relation of metal powder for electrical oscillation". The physicist in the description of the modified device published by him noted its undoubted benefits, primarily for registering perturbations, which occurred in the atmosphere and for lecture purposes. The scientist expressed the hope that its device can be used to transmit signals at a distance using a quick electrical oscillation, as soon as the source of these waves is detected. Later (since 1945), the date of Popov's speech began to be celebrated as a day of radio. The physicist joined its device with the Writing coil of the BR. Richard, thus obtaining a device registering electromagnetic atmospheric oscillations. Subsequently, this modification was used by Lachinov who had established a "gross point" on its meteorological station. Unfortunately, the activities in the maritime department impose certain restrictions on Popov. In this regard, by observing the abiding obligations on non-disclosure of information, the physicist's scientist did not publish new results of his work, as they constituted secret information at that time.

Born on March 16 (March 4) of 1859 in the Turkish mines of the Verkhotur district of the Perm Province (now Krasnoturinsk Sverdlovsk region) in the family of the priest. In the family, except Alexander, there were still six children. Alexandra Popova was given to learn first to the primary spiritual school, and then in 1873 to the spiritual seminary, where the clergy children were trained for free. In a seminary with great passion and interest, he was engaged in mathematics and physics, although there were few hours in the workshop in the seminar program. After the end of the general education classes of the Permological seminary in 1877, Popov successfully passed the entrance exams for the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University.

Soon Alexander Popov paid attention to teachers. In the fourth year, he began to fulfill the duties of the assistant at physics lectures - a rare case in the classroom of the university. He also participated in the work of student scientific circles, seeking to expand and replenish knowledge of mathematical physics and electromagnetism.

In 1881, Popov began to work in the Society "Electrical Engineering" and participated in the installation of arc electric lighting (mostly differential lamps of Vladimir Chikolava) on Nevsky Prospect, in gardens and public institutions, at train stations and factories, was carried out by the installation of power plants, worked as a monter at one of the first Power plants of St. Petersburg installed on the barge near the bridge through the sink on Nevsky Prospect.

After the end of the University of St. Petersburg in 1882, Alexander Popov defended his thesis. His thesis "On the principles of magneto- and dynamoelectric Machines of DC" was highly appreciated, and the Council of St. Petersburg University on November 29, 1882 awarded him the degree of candidate. Popov was left at the university to prepare for the professorship.

However, the working conditions at the university were not satisfied with Alexander Popov, and in 1883 he accepted the proposal to take the position of assistant in the mine officer's officer in Kronstadt, the only educational institution in Russia, in which the prominent place was engaged in electrical engineering and work on the practical use of electricity (in the naval ). Beautifully equipped mine school laboratories provided favorable conditions for scientific work. In Kronstadt, the scientist lived 18 years old, all the basic inventions and work on the equipment of the Russian fleet of radio communications are connected with this period of his life. From 1890 to 1900, Popov also taught in the Sea Engineering School in Kronstadt. From 1889 to 1899 in the summer, Alexander Popov was headed by an electric station of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.

Alexander Popov's activity preceding the opening of the radio is research in the field of electrical engineering, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. Proceedings in this area led a scientist to the conclusion that electromagnetic waves can be used for wireless communications. He expressed this thought in public reports and speeches back in 1889. On May 7, 1895, at a meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, Alexander Popov made a report and a demonstration of the world's first radio receiver created by him. Popov finished his message in the following words: "In conclusion, I can express hope that my device can be applied to the transmission of signals to the distance with the help of fast electrical oscillations as soon as the source of such oscillations with sufficient energy is found. This day entered the history of world science and technology as the birthday of the radio. After 10 months, on March 24, 1896, Popov at a meeting of the same Russian physicochemical society conveyed the world's first radiogram for a distance of 250 meters. In the summer of the next year, the range of wireless communications was increased to five kilometers.

In 1899, Popov designed the receiver to receive rumor signals using a handset. This made it possible to simplify the reception scheme and increase the range of radio communications.

In 1900, the scientist communicated in the Baltic Sea at a distance of more than 45 kilometers between the islands of Gogland and Cutalo, not far from the city of Kotka. This world's first practical line of wireless communications served a rescue expedition to remove the Drawn-Admiral APRAXIN with stones, which served on the stones from the southern bank of Goblanda.

The successful use of this line was the impetus for the introduction of a wireless telegraph in combat vessels, as the main means of communication, "so read the corresponding order in the marine ministry. Work on the introduction of radio communications in the Russian navy was made with the participation of the inventor of the radio and his associate and assistant Peter Nikolayevich Rybkin.

In 1901, Alexander Popov became a professor of Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute, AV October 1905 was its first-bred director. Care associated with the fulfillment of the responsible duties of the director, Popova's health was discussed, and he died suddenly on January 13, 1906 from hemorrhage to the brain.

Two days before the death of Alexander Popov elected the chairman of the physical branch of the Russian physico-chemical society.

Alexander Stepanovich Popov not only invented the world's first radio and implemented the world's first broadcast, but also formulated the most important principles of radio communications. He developed the idea of \u200b\u200bgaining weak signals using a relay, invented the receiving antenna and ground; Created the first hiking army and civil radio stations and successfully carried out work, which proved the possibility of using radio in the ground forces and in aeronautics.

The work of Alexander Popov was highly appreciated both in Russia and abroad: Popov receiver was awarded a large gold medal at the World Exhibition in 1900 in Paris. A special recognition of the merit of Popov was a resolution of the USSR Council, adopted in 1945, which was established by the Radio Day (May 7) and the Gold Medal was established. A.S. Popov, awarded to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR for outstanding works and inventions in the field of radio (since 1995, awarded RAS).

Alexander Stepanovich Popov (1859-1906) - Great Russian scientist, the inventor of the radio.

Activities A. S. Popova, preceding the opening of the radio, are research in the field of electrical engineering, magnetism and electromagnetic waves.

On May 7, 1895, at a meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, Popov made a report and a demonstration of the world's first radio receiver created by him. Popov finished his message in the following words: "In conclusion, I can express hope that my device can be applied to the transmission of signals to the distance with the help of fast electrical oscillations as soon as the source of such oscillations with sufficient energy is found.

This day entered the history of world science and technology as the birthday of the radio.

In 1899, he constructed a receiver to receive rumor signals using a handset. This made it possible to simplify the reception scheme and increase the range of radio communications.

The first radiogram transmitted by A. S. Popov to Gogland Island on February 6, 1900, contained the order of the Yermak icebreaker to come to the rescue fishermen in the ice floe in the sea. The icebreaker fulfilled the order, and 27 fishermen were saved.

Popov carried out the world's first radio line on the sea, created the first hiking army and civil radio stations and successfully carried out work, which proved the possibility of using radio in the ground forces and in aeronautics.

The invention of radio in our country was no accident. Popov was one of the most educated people of his time, outstanding physicist and the largest electrical engineering.

Two days before sustainable death, A. S. Popova was elected by the Chairman of the Physical Department of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society. By this election, Russian scientists emphasized the huge merit of A. S. Popov in front of the domestic science.

Did you ever imagine a great Russian scientist that someday people will listen

Compatriot - Alexander Stepanovich Popova.

He was born in March 1859, in the Urals. Since childhood, it was clear that the boy was talented. In 1883, he finished university brilliantly. At the end of study, he was called to teach in a mine officer class that in Kronstadt.

It was the only educational institution in the Russian Empire, which trained and produced electricians. In addition to this option, he had other, more tempting proposals, but he still chose Kronstadt.

Such a choice was made due to the fact that in this institution there was a modern physical laboratory and an excellent library.

The contemporary of Alexander Stepanovich, Heinrich Herzen opened the existence of electromagnetic waves, as well as substantiated their relationship with light. Popova greatly interested this discovery.

The Russian scientist took up a detailed study of these phenomena. Achievement of Alexander Stepanovich is that he saw practical importance in these electromagnetic waves. He told on his lectures that a person cannot accept and feel electromagnetic waves.

You should invent such a device that could do it, and with the help of it to transmit information at a distance. Soon he invented such a device.

In the course of research and experiments, Popov also managed to create an antenna and grounding. On May 7, 1895, at a meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, Alexander Stepanovich presented his creation to the world - Radio. On May 7, it is still celebrated in our country, and is considered the "day of creating a radio."

The inventor continued to work on his child. A year later, the scientist managed to collect a complex for wireless signal transmission at a distance of about 250 meters.

In the spring of 1897, Alexander Popov began experiments on the development of the transfer of the wireless signal on the fleet. He created a good level of communication between two ships at a distance of 5 kilometers. During experiments on the sea, they were made discovery: electromagnetic waves were reflected from the ships. In consequence, the discovery of this, formed the basis for the development of radar.

Sea ranks did not perceive the discoveries of Popov seriously, did not see a special practical meaning in this. But to help a scientist, in his recognition, his majesty came the case.

So, in 1899, the armadapole "General Admiral Apraksin" went out into the world swimming. Having passed a little from the harbor, he got into a strong storm and, having gotten from the course, was on the pitfalls near the island of Gobind. Moroza came, armadioles to the stones, it was very difficult to remove it.

An expedition to save the armadiole was necessary to have a permanent connection with the headquarters. Here in the maritime ministry and remembered about Alexander Popova.

The task was set before scientists: to establish a connection between the rescue group and the headquarters. The distance between them was more than 40 kilometers. Previously, it was possible to transfer signals by only 30 kilometers. But, despite the difficulties, he with brilliance coped with his task, and the connection was established.

A little later, thanks to the timely radiogram, fishermen were saved, were saved in the sea on the ice. This case was widely published in the Russian and overseas press. Foreign states tried to replace Alexander Stepanovich to themselves, promising golden mountains, but the scientist did not agree.

Alexander Popov continued to devote himself to science to death. Not became the talented Russian scientist on January 13, 1906.

Alexander Stepanovich Popov (1859 - 1906) - Russian physicist and electrician, professor. From 1905 to 1906 was the director of the St. Petersburg Imperial Electrical Institute of Alexander III (now SPbGET "LETI")

April 25 (May 7) 1895 - at a meeting of the physical branch of the FNO, held in the physical audience of the University of A.S. Popov read the report "On the relation of metal powders to electrical fluctuations." During the report using assistant P.N. Rybkina Popov demonstrated equipment in action for the wireless transmission of electrical signals of various durations.

May 7, 1945 SNK Union SSR decided: Given the most important role of radio in the cultural and political life of the population and for the defense of the country, in order to popularize the achievements of domestic science and technology in the field of radio and promotion of amateur among wide segments of the population, establish May 7 Annual "Radio Day".

Creation and public demonstration of Alexander Stepanovich Popov Radiocommunication Systems May 7, 1895 gave impetus to the emergence and development of many completely new scientific directions, creative ideas. The first ten years from 1896 to 1906. Radio engineering in Russia developed under the direction of A.S. Popova and in his active participation. The invention of radio communications has become the significant step, due to which it, a teacher of physics, higher mathematics and electrical engineering of the mine officer (IOC) of the maritime department, became a world-famous scientist. The first serial radio device by the system A.S. Popova for the courts of Russian and French fleets has been produced since 1899 by the French company DUKRET. In 1900 A.S. Popov most actively participated in the creation of the Kronstadt radiomashean - the first enterprise of the domestic radio industry. Since 1904, he actively worked with the firms "JSC Russian Electrical Plants" Siemens and Galsk "and the German Society of Wireless Telegraph Telefunken, who recognized the importance of his ideas and organized the department of" Wireless Telegraph on the Professor Popov and Society of Wireless Telegraph "in their enterprises Telefunken "".

Radio engineering as a field of knowledge and practical activity of a person was born at the very end of the nineteenth century and for a hundred years old for its development passed a huge way - from the first system of wireless signaling of signals to modern terrestrial and space radio systems.

Popov A.S. - short biography

Born on March 16, 1859 (all the dates are indicated by the new style) in the Northern Urals, in the miner village of Trician mines, in the family of the priest, the rector of the Maksimov Church of Stepan Petrovich Popova (1827-1897) and his wife Anna Stepanovna (1830-1903), Middle of seven children. The family was very friendly. Elders - Brother Rafail (1849-1913) and sisters Catherine (1850-1903) and Maria (1852-1871) always helped younger. Alexander, in turn, took care of the younger sisters - Anna (1860-1930), August (1863-1941) and Capitoline (1870-1942). In addition to the main service S.P. Popov almost all life did free "Teaching children by diploma and the law of God" in mining and Factory School and at home school for girls, which contained at his own expense. For his zealous and useful service, he was awarded many thanks, Bronze (1857) and golden-in-art crosses (1877) and the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree (1986). Anna Stepanovna also trained schoolgirl girls with needlework for free, for which he received gratitude to spiritual consistory.

The manifestation of the interest of Alexander to the technique was facilitated by the fact that there were many engineers, graduates of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in the circle of familiar family. He visited the mines and workshops with interest, he himself tried to make a variety of mechanisms. All life Popov was grateful to her husband of sister Ekaterina V.P. Slovedov (1844 - 1934), priest, like his father who taught him a joiner, plumbing and turning. In primary education, Alexander received in Dalmatovsky (1869-1871) and Ekaterinburg (1871-1873) of spiritual colleges. In 1873, Popov entered the Permian spiritual seminary. In these educational institutions, training for the children of spiritual estate was free that for a large family of Popova was essential. Religious education instilled in Alexander Popov high moral qualities, repeatedly marked by those who knew him.

Secondary classes of the seminary, which gave knowledge in the volume of classical gymnasium with the right of entering the university, Popov graduated with honors in 1877

In September 1877, Alexander Popov entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University. In St. Petersburg, where at this time Rafail, ending the historical and philological department of the St. Petersburg University, he came with the sisters Anna and Augustus. (Anna received an average medical education, and August graduated from the Academy of Arts.) Alexander Popov received a scholarship in the first and third courses and his financial problems solved the tutoring.

Among teachers-professors Popov these years were mathematicians P.L. Chebyshev and A.N. Korkin, Physics F.F. Petrushevsky, p.p. Fan der Flit, I.I. Borgman and OD Shvolson, Chemists A.M. Butlers and D.I. Mendeleev. From Lectures Borgman Popov found out about the electrodynamic theory of English physics D.K. Maxwell, whose fundamental work "Treatise on electricity and magnetism" was published in 1873

In 1880, VI (electrotechnical) department was created in Russian Technical Society. At the end of March 1880, the first electrical exhibition opened in the Salt Town on the shores of Fontanka. Student A. Popov was invited to work at the exhibition "explanant", thanks to which he studied everything that concerned the development and state of electrical engineering of the time. Large interest in the public caused a demonstration of communications (telegraph devices of shillings and Jacobi, Morse, Siemens and Whitstone, Bella, Golubitsky and Ohorechi phones). In the exhibition, almost all types of dynamo machines and alternator were presented in the exposition. Here Popov met leading scientists-electrical engineering D.A. Lachinov, A.N. Lododygina, V.N. Chichev, P.N. Apple, listened to their public lectures. In May 1880, the first issue of the magazine "Electricity" was published. In the same year, a partnership "Electrical Engineering" was organized, which carried out work on electrical lighting of streets, gardens and public institutions of St. Petersburg. Popov worked in a monter partnership. At the 4th year, he helped Professor of Physicians as an assistant. Thus, by the end of training at the University of Popov, he took possession of not only very extensive fundamental theoretical knowledge, but also acquired a solid practical experience.

In November 1882 A.S. Popov graduated from the university and after defending the thesis on the topic "On the principles of Dynamoelectric Machines of DC" (January 1883) received a diploma of the candidate. His first scientific article on the dissertation materials was published in the September issue of the magazine "Electricity" for 1883 by decision of the Academic Council A. Popov was left at the university for preparing for the professorship.

Petersburg scientific and physical school led by prof. F.F. Petrushevsky, brought up in students the desire to the practical application of the achievements of world science, the results of their own studies. Popov has always strived for serious scientific work, to occupy which the necessary conditions were the presence of an appropriate laboratory base and its own stable financial situation.

In the summer of 1883, he accepted an invitation to take the place of the teacher and the head of the physical office in the mine officer class in Kronstadt, who had a perfectly equipped physical office and a good library. The work of Popov began by free hiring with salary about 100 rubles. A month, led by practical classes on galvanism, lectured on higher mathematics. Working with the marine officers, Alexander Stepanovich realized that in the conditions of the rapid development of the fleet, the solution to the problem of information exchange was becoming more and more relevant.

November 18, 1883 in the Church of Moskov and Damian Life Guard of the Saper Battalion A.S. Popov married Rasa Alekseevna Bogdanova (1860-1932), a daughter of a jury of the attorney. He met her, preparing her to enter the higher women's medical courses under the Nikolaev military hospital. At the end of the courses (1886, the second edition), it became one of the first in Russia certified female doctors and was engaged in medical practice.

In July-August 1887 A.S. Popov participated in the RFO expedition in Krasnoyarsk to observe a complete solar eclipse. He developed a technique of photometric studies, designed and made a photometer for photographing the solar crown.

By tradition, teachers officers read public lectures on the latest achievements of science in the maritime officer meeting. Lectures A.S. Popova was distinguished by relevant content and excellent demonstration of physical experiments on the listeners an unforgettable impression.

Due to the high erudition in solving technical issues A.S. Popov soon became one of the leading specialists of the maritime department, a member of the Sea Technical Committee and was regularly attracted to solving complex practical issues.

From 1889 to 1898 in the summer months, free from classes in IOC, A.S. Popov headed the power plant serving the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. For the season, he received 2500 rubles - twice the annual rate of the IOC teacher. With his arrival, the station's work improved noticeably. Experience in the Nizhny Novgorod Power Plant gave Popov material and to compile a textbook on electric cars published in 1897 by the Maritime Agency.

At the opening of the XVI art and industrial exhibition (1896), held in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II, a festive illumination was produced on all present impression. A.S. Popov was a member of the jury of the electrical department of this exhibition, for which the gratitude of the Minister of Finance S.Yu was awarded. Witte. In addition, he himself was a member of the exhibition - his slope was noted by a diploma.

In December 1890, Popov began combining work in the IOC with the work of the staffing teacher of physics and electrical engineering in the technical department of the maritime department, located near the IOC. The position gave the right to good-produce and retired on the length of the years. When enrolling on the service in the school, he signed Obligationin other words, he accepted the oath "It's right and unlimited to serve and all sorts of entrusting secretly stored hard."

Start of work A.S. Popova in the field of wireless communication refers to 1889. In 1887, two articles were published by the German physics of the city of Hertz on the results of his experimental work confirmed by the justice of Maxwell theory. In 1890 A.S. Popov read the cycle of lectures on the spread of electromagnetic waves with demonstration of Hertz experiments, united by the overall name "the latest research on the relationship between light and electric phenomena."

The demonstration of experiments was so bright and convincing that the command instructed to read him a lecture in St. Petersburg in Admiralty for a wider range of listeners - maritime officers. According to memories of contemporaries, Popov has already spoken about the use of "hertz rays" or "electric power rays" for signaling at a distance without wires.

From May 2 to July 4, 1893, Alexander Stepanovich was in Chicago, where was sent to the World Exhibition dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the opening of America.

On the way, he stayed in Berlin, London and Paris. Entered into French physical society. In America, except for the exhibition and enterprises of Chicago, he visited New York and San Francisco, inspected the construction of a powerful power plant in Niagara Falls. At the exhibition, he personally saw the achievements of the American inventor of the Serbian origin of N. Tesla, whose experiments with a high-frequency transformer he brilliantly repeated on his lectures. Upon returning Popov, he acted with reports: in Kronstadt - about the electric department of the World Exhibition and in St. Petersburg - about the "teleautographer" I. Gray.

But the greatest interest for Popov at this time is the task of creating a signal transmission system without wires for the fleet. The source of high-frequency decaying electromagnetic oscillations - the transmitter - in the experiments of Popov served by the vibrator hertz modernized by it, powered by the Rumcord coil (high-frequency transformer). A special device - the interrupter - provided the flow to the coil of the current pulse sequence with the frequency required to generate the series of high-frequency decaying oscillations. Above the problem of creating a device capable of identifying the presence of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, many scientists operated in the world, including A.S. Popov.

In 1890, the French scientist Branley created a "radioconductor" - a device that was a tube with metal sawdust, the resistance of which was changed under the influence of high-frequency oscillations. The disadvantage of this appliance was the loss of sensitivity after one-time irradiation.

English Physicist O. Lodzh enhanced the device Branley (1894), connecting a mechanical device to it for a periodic shaking of sawdust, calling its coherer (from the word "cohesion" - grip).

However, these shakes were made out of any connection with the packages of electromagnetic radiation, so such a solution did not ensure the possibilities of reliable reception of the sequence of signals transmitted by electromagnetic waves.

Popov invented a new scheme of automatic restoration of the sensitivity of the coherer. The circuit with the coherer was included with the relay, which ensured the connection of the actuator - an electric call, the hammer of which beat along the tube, shaking the sawdust and restoring the coherers resistance after receiving each parcel of the decaying electromagnetic oscillations. Depending on the closure of the telegraph key of the interrupter, the parcel could be short or long. The task of providing the wireless communication was fundamentally solved.

In the spring of 1895 A.S. Popov and his assistant P.N. Rybkin (1868-1948) conducted experiments on the transmission and reception of signals for a distance of 30 seats (64 meters) in the Garden of IOC. A wire raised by balloons at a height of 2.5 meters was used as the receiver antenna.

On May 7, 1895, at a meeting of the Physical Department of the RFO Popov made a report "On the relation of metal powders to electrical oscillations", in which the results of the studies conducted by him and demonstrated the ability of the device invented by them to take a sequence "Short and long signals", That is, essentially, to transfer the elements of the Morse alphabet.

In fact, the system created and tested in Action A.S. Popov, contained all the essential elements and their connections, which are inherent in the modern concept of "radio transmission radar".

Information about the report was published in the "Kronstadt Bulletin" newspaper on May 12, 1895, indicating the ultimate goal of the work:

"Dear teacher A.S. Popov ... combined a special portable device that responds to electrical oscillations by an ordinary electric call and sensitive to the Geretse waves outdoors at distances up to 30 seats ... about these experiments A.S. Popov last Tuesday was reported in the physical branch of Russian physicochemical society, which was met with great interest and sympathy. The reason for all these experiments is the theoretical possibility of alarm system at a distance without conductors, like an optical telegraph, but with the help of electric rays. "

The device of the receiver with details sufficient to play it is set out in the minutes of the RFGO meeting published in the August issue of the RFGO magazine (1895, vol. 27, vol. 8, p. 259-260).

During the first tests of the receiver, his susceptibility to atmospheric discharge was noticed. A.S. Popov constructed a special device, called later a concentrator, for round-the-clock reception of electromagnetic oscillations of natural origin with an automatic recording of them on a paper tape of a self-painting device. Since July 1895, the grinding agent was used practically: for meteorological observations - in the Forest Institute and to study atmospheric interference with Radio - in the Laboratory of IOC.

Thus, in the spring of 1895 A.S. Popov implemented almost both two types of radio communications, which still successfully develop: from person to person and from a natural object to man.

A full description of the world's first radio system was published in the January issue of the RFO magazine called "Device for detecting and registering electrical oscillations" (1896, T.28, vol. 1. C.1-14).

In winter, 1895-1896 Popov was engaged in improving radio equipment. In January, he spoke at a meeting of the Kronstadt branch of the ITO, demonstrating the operation of a portable receiver with a symmetric antenna, a similar transmitter antenna (according to him "To achieve resonance"). Representatives of the Maritime Office, which heard the report, it became clear that a fundamentally new means of communication was invented. Dissemination of information about this was undesirable. Equipment with reflex antennas of the directional action Popov used during the report on March 24, 1896 at the next meeting of the RFHO. That time between the buildings of the University of St. Petersburg, 250 meters were transferred to the ABC Morse and Words HEINRICH HERTZ. However, only one phrase on the demonstration of Popov was recorded in the minutes of the meeting. "Devices described earlier". April 14, the teacher of physics, V.V. The Topov's reflex equipment was shown in the action already in the walls of these. Now this equipment is exhibited in the A.S. Memorial Museum Popova in St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" them. IN AND. Ulyanova (Lenin) (SPBGEU).

As scientist-physics A.S. Popova was interested in scientific discoveries in all areas of electricity. By the beginning of 1896, it includes its work in the field of newly open X-rays. Already in February, it was made one of the first X-ray devices in Russia, snapshots of various objects were obtained, including a picture of a person's hand. With its support in the Kronstadt Naval Hospital in 1897, an X-ray office was equipped, subsequently some combat ships were equipped with X-ray devices. It is known that after the battle in the Tsushimsky Strait on the cruiser "Aurora", which had such a setup, was assisted by 40 wounded sailors.

In the second half of 1896 in Western, and then in Russian press, there were reports of demonstration in London experiments on wireless telegraphs of the Italian inventor of Marconi. The device designed to them was kept secret.

This information, of course, forced Popov more intensively to lead work on the development of equipment for wireless telegraphs. During 1896-1897 academic year, A.S. Popov was engaged in the preparation of broadcasting experiments without wires. In January 1897, in the newspaper Kotlin, he published an article "Telegraph without wires", and in March 1897 he read the lecture "On the possibility of telegraph without wires" in the Sea Collection of Kronstadt. The lecture was held with a large crossing of the public: "Admirals, generals and officers of all kinds of weapons, ladies, individuals and students" (The newspaper "Kotlin" dated April 13, 1897) In the spring of 1897, experiments began on signaling without wires in the Kronstadt harbor, where the range of 300 seedls was reached (about 600 m.). In the summer campaign of 1897, a number of research was performed. Between the ships of the Mine Detachment in the Finnish bay, a range of communication was obtained at distances up to 5 kilometers. In the course of the test, a reflection of radio filters with an extraneous metallic body was found (the cruiser "Lieutenant Ilyin"), which fell on the direct line between the ships, on which the transmitter was established (transport "Europe") and the receiver (Cruiser "Africa"). This property of radio waves studied by A.S. Popov back in 1890 in the laboratory, the scientist suggested using to determine the direction on a working transmitter for radio beacons and radio finders, to solve navigation problems.

On June 4, 1897, in London V. Pos, the Chief Engineer of Telegraphs Great Britain, made a report in which the technical device of the G. Marconi was revealed. The activities of Marconi had always a pronounced commercial orientation. A preliminary brief application for the invention called "improvements in the transmission of electrical pulses and signals and in the equipment for this" he filed on June 2, 1896. Since its arrival in England, he received very serious engineering support from the Specialists of the British Postal and Telegraph. According to the British patent law of the time that did not require the examination to the world novelty, Marconi received a patent, valid only in the UK. In the same year his company was founded. In Russia, France and Germany, he was refused patenting with reference to the publication A.S. Popova.

A.S. Popov did not dismount the performance of the pris and the publication of the Marconi Patent. In his articles in the Russian and English (ELECTRIAN magazine), he pointed out that the Marconi receiver does not have significant differences from its receiver and a slope, the device of which was published by 1.5 years earlier. At the same time, Popov gave tribute to the work of Marconi, which « the first had the courage to become practical soil and reached in his experiments of large distances. " Indeed, the energetic activities of Marconi had an accelerating effect on the development of radio engineering.

In the fall of 1897, Popov spoke with reports on wireless telegraph with a demonstration of the radio communication system to various audiences: in the Kronstadt Maritime Assembly (March), at the 4th advisory congress of railway electrical engineering in Odessa (September), in St. Petersburg - in Ito (September), In the Electrotechnical Institute (October), at the University of St. Petersburg (December).

At the same time, the French engineer and the owner of the workshop of physical instruments E. Duqrete (1844-1915), using published works by A.S. Popova, created the first equipment in France for telegraph without wires and demonstrated it at a meeting of the French physical society. A business cooperation has been established between Popov and Düste, which allowed the mass production of radio stations in 1898. In 1898-1905 Duchett constantly used written consultations A.S. Popova. In May 1899, during a foreign business trip, Popov visited Düret firm. The Russian authority of Russia gave an order for the supply of 50 ship's radio stations for five years.

In the summer of 1899, Popov was sent by the Maritime Office in England, France, Germany and Switzerland to familiarize themselves with the production of electrical education and the production of wireless telecommunication equipment. Tests of a set of equipment made in the workshop E.V. Kolbasyeva, in accordance with the methodological instructions, Popov was carried out by P.N. Rybkin and Head of Kronstadt Telegraph Captain D.S. Troitsky (1857-1920). They discovered the high sensitivity of the equipment when receiving signals to the headphones. From Zurich, the telegram was called by A.S. Popov, who studied the detected "detector effect" of the coherer.

As a result of a thorough study of this effect, it has developed an improved coherer (crystalline diode) based on the contact between the oxidized metals (steel needles) and electrodes (platinum or coal) and a diagram of a telephone detector receiver. The high sensitivity of the new receiver allowed us to increase the range of communication. Popov opened a new era in radio communications - receiving hearing. Patents at the Telephone Receiver Devechen A.S. Popov received in Russia (No. 6066 of July 14, 1899, issued on December 13, 1901). United Kingdom Patent A.S. Popova on an improved detector for telephone reception number 2797 was declared on February 12, 1900, issued on February 22, 1900. With the active participation of E. Duqrete Patents were obtained - in France (No. 296354 of January 22, 1900 and with an addition to this patent received October 26, 1900), in the USA (No. 722,139 of March 3, 1903). In Switzerland - Patent A.S. Popova on the "receiver for telegraph without wires" No. 21905 (issued on April 9, 1900). In the US, Patent A.S. Popova on the "self-adjusting coherers" No. 722139 declared on March 8, 1900, was issued on March 8, 1903; Spain Patent No. 25816 was issued on April 11, 1900.

In August 1899, Popov conducted radio communications experiences with a balloon in the airborne park near St. Petersburg.

In August-September 1899, Popov and Rybkin participated in the tests of radio stations manufactured by Duqrete, on the ships of the Black Sea squadron.

At the end of 1899, the Maritime Technical Committee was invited to use radio communication for the organization of work on the rescue of the Barny Defense Defense Defense "General-Admiral Apraksin", which Sort on the stones from about. Gogund in the Finnish bay as a result of a navigation error. And at the beginning of 1900 A.S. Popov and P.N. Rybkin participated in the construction and commissioning of the first practical radio line between O. Gogland and Finnish Kotka, who had a telegraph wired connection with St. Petersburg. Icebreaker "Ermak" provided operation. One radio station was built on about. Gogland, it turned it out. Rybkin. The other was established under the direction of A.S. Popova on a small island of Cutlery near Kotka. Both stations were built in the most severe conditions with severe frost and snowstorms.

On February 5, 1900, radio communications was established. The first radiogram sent by A.S. Popov from Kotka and adopted by P. N. Rybkina on Gobland, contained an order to commander the icebreaker "Ermak" to go out into the open sea to help fishermen carved on the ice. By evening, February 6, Ermak returned with 27 fishermen on board. Thus, the invention A.S. Popova already in its first practical application served as a humane goal - the salvation of people who fell into the trouble.

Due to the successful application of radio communications to A.S. Popova received congratulatory telegrams. Admiral S.O. Makarov telegraphed: " On behalf of all Kronstadt sailors, we warmly welcome you with the brilliant success of your invention. Opening a wireless message from Kotka to Goreland at a distance of 45 versts there is the largest scientific victory. "Responding to Admiral Makarov, Popov writes: "Thanks to" Ermaku "and a wireless telegraph was saved by several human lives. It is the best reward for all my works, and the impressions of these days will probably never forget. "

Radioline continued to work within 84 days before the end of rescue work. During these days, 440 radiograms were transferred (over 10,000 words). In April 1900, the armadiole was safely filmed with stones and went to repair.

An important consequence of the successful exploitation of the radio station was a decision on the adoption of the Navy of the Navy of Wireless Telecommunication Equipment. A.S. Popov was appointed responsible observing the equipment of the radio communications equipment. It became an obvious need to train specialists in wireless telegraph.

« According to the highest permission"Popov was issued a large amount of money reward at 33 thousand rubles" for work on the introduction of radio communications on fleet ships». Such a sum was determined and taking into account the break of the Pop, with the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.

In 1900, in Kronstadt, with the direct participation of Popov, a workshop on the manufacture and repair of radio equipment is opened - the first enterprise of the domestic radio industry.

In the summer of 1900, the World Industrial Exhibition took place in Paris, which demonstrated in the action of the threatening agener A.S. Popova, made in the Kronstadt workshop E.V. Kolbasyeva, and a ship station produced by the Parisian company Duqrete under the brand "Popov-Duqrete-Tisso". Popov as a participant of the exhibition was awarded a nominal gold medal and a diploma. On the left 18-25 August 1900, the IV International Electrical Congress, Alexander Stepanovich, could not be present. The report on the telephone receiver Deposta was read by Professor, these M.A. Schetel and caused great interest among delegates of the Congress.

In winter, 1900-1901 A.S. Popov seeks to expand the Kronstadt workshop for the repair and manufacture of radio equipment, and for the period 1901-1904. There were 54 ship radio stations here. In the fall of 1901, Popov and Rybkin were engaged in the construction of the first Russian commercial radio communications line in Rostov-on-Don, which provided shipping in the Don Girls.

During the years of intensive scientific and teaching activities A.S. Popov developed a number of original courses in physics and electrical engineering, some of which reached us in the form of lithographic publications. Alexander Stepanovich organized courses for the preparation of radio telegraphists and developed a lecture and practical training program for them. In May 1900, the IOC began teaching a radio telegrapher.

18 years of pedagogical activities in the mine officer class - the elite higher school of the maritime department - formed A.S. Popova as an experienced teacher and as an outstanding scientist-electrical engineering who had international recognition.

In March 1901 A.S. Popov received an invitation from the director these N.N. Kachalova to take the position of the ordinary professor of physics. He consensus, but with the condition of maintaining a service in the maritime department for work "On the organization of wireless telegraph on the ships of the Russian Fleet, which order, I consider my moral duty to bring to the end." In September, classes began in these, still in the old building - on Novo-Isaakiyevskaya Street, in the house number 18. One of the first documents of Professor Popov in these was the note "General areas of the course of physics and the nearest tasks of scientific papers in the physical laboratory of the Electrotechnical Institute". It contained not only the main provisions for the preparation of electrical engineers in physics, but also a program of research work, which determined the circle of problems under study for many years. The main task of the physics course defined by the Popov in this document: "Give the basis of the exercise on electricity in such a presentation so that deep views on the nature of electrical phenomena, which were created thanks to the works of M. Faraday and D.K. Maxwell, the experiments of Hertz, did not seem unavailable for ordinary mortals, and on the contrary, were the guidelines in the study of electrical engineering. ... This new area of \u200b\u200belectrical phenomena, which has given such striking practical results in the telegraph without wires, gives such many new facts, so quickly expands the horizon, which is difficult to even foresee the limits of its influence on the doctrine of electricity. Therefore, the study of this new type of electrical energy should take one of the main places in the course of physics ... A number of open, but not yet explained in this area of \u200b\u200belectricity exercises gives abundant material for more complex work for many years ... "

To solve the tasks of A.S. Popov developed a number of courses in physics, put 42 laboratory work: according to the total course of physics (23), for electricity and magnetism (19) - created a scientific laboratory.

At the beginning of 1902 A.S. Popov participated in the work of the II All-Russian Electrical Congress in Moscow in the building of the Polytechnic Museum, where he was elected his honorary member.

Back in 1900, in Paris, Popov met the works of Pierre and Maria Curi. On the physical congress, they made a report on the results of their research. In 1902, Alexander Stepanovich developed an original method and created a device for measuring " the voltage of the electric field of the atmosphere using the ionization of the salts for the sakei".

The possibilities of research expanded with the movement of these in new buildings at the Pharmaceutical Island: the educational building, equipped with the accounting of achievements in the field of electrical engineering, and a residential building, in one of the apartments of which the family of Professor Popova settled.

The list of research performed at this time testifies to the latitude of the scientific interests A.S. Popova. On January 4, 1904, in the building of the 3rd All-Russian Electrotechnical Congress of Popov and his graduate student S.Ya. Lifshits reported on the development of radio equipment to transmit human speech sounds with the help of fading electromagnetic oscillations. Communication range was provided at a distance of 2 km. Together with the graduate student D.A. The rozhansky studies have been studied by plugging electrical oscillations using the Braun oscillographic tube (1904-1905). An optical device for detecting floating mines and telemechanic control systems (1903-1904) was invented. The most serious attention was paid to the development of instruments and methods for measuring radio transmitter wavelengths (1905). In the period 1900-1905 He conducted experiments on the use of a resonance phenomenon to increase the sensitivity of receiving devices and improve their selectivity. During these years, the scientific and pedagogical school of A.S. Popova, represented by such names as A.A. Petrovsky, P.S. Osadchy, D.A. Rozhsky, N.A. Skritsky, S.I. Pokrovsky.

Staying a member of the Marine Technical Committee, Alexander Stepanovich continued to oversee the demands of the fleet of the equipment of wireless telegraph. He participated as a representative of the Maritime Department of Russia, in the Berlin Conference on International Radiocommunication Regulation (1903). Opening this conference, the German Minister of Post and Telegraphs R. Kretka stressed: " Popov we are obliged to the emergence of the first radiographic apparatus. "

In May 1904, JSC of Russian electrical plants "Siemens and Galsk" announced that the company was educated "A special branch for the device of wireless telegraph under the system of Professor Popova and the Society of Wireless Telegraph"Telefunken." in Berlin. This association having the worldwide value of the invention made in Russia by Professor A.S. Popov, his experience in applying a wireless telegraph in fact with the inventions and extensive practice of the Society of Wireless Telegraph makes it possible to apply instruments in Russia in all satisfying the latest requirements. "

Among the founders of the German Radio Technical Company Telefunken were well-known German scientists F. Brown, V. Siemens, A. Slaby and Arco. Under the conditions of the prisoner for five years (believed from January 1, 1904), working capital provided both firms, and the profits were divided into three counterparties - both firms and A.S. Popov. As you can see, German and Russian investors highly appreciated the intellectual property of the Russian scientist.

In connection with the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war and the preparation of the Second Pacific Squader to the Far East, Popov read special lectures on wireless telegraph for miners officers. But the preparation was clearly insufficient, the means of radio communications were practically not used. Popov deeply worried about Russia's defeat in this war.

In 1905, Alexander Stepanovich spoke with the cycle of lectures on wireless telegraph in the Military Artillery Academy in St. Petersburg. In the same year, he read public lectures to people's teachers in Pavlovsk in April-May 1905, conducted classes with these graduate engineers. Training was conducted on radio stations built in Sestroretsk, Oranienbaume and St. Petersburg (on the Cross Island). Some of the instrument of the educational telegraph station remained and is exhibited in the A.S. Memorial Museum Popova in SPbGET "LETI".

In the fall of 1905, a revolutionary wave rolled around the country, the highest school received autonomy, including the right to choose the director. The Council of these elected Popov with its director. On October 15, 1905, a meeting of the Council was held under his chairmanship with the participation of the entire pedagogical composition of the Institute, who supported the student requirements of democratic freedoms. The minutes of the meeting was the first to sign the chairman of the Council of A.S. Popov.

On October 20, a red flag appeared in the window of the student dormitory of the institute with the words: "Long live a democratic republic." Following a number of challenges to the Ministry of the Interior. After one of these conversations at the 47th year of life on January 13, 1906, Alexander Stepanovich Popov died suddenly from the hemorrhage into the brain. On the last Path "Brilliant electrical engineering of Russia" Keeping on the Volkovsky cemetery of St. Petersburg.

According to the operating charter of the RFO in the new 1906 A.S. Popov would have to take the place of the chairman of his physical office and the highest public scientific post of the President of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society.

In 1906, a premium named after the inventor radio A.S. was established. Popova for the best scientific work in the field of electrical engineering, its laureates until 1917 were: V.F. Mitkevich (1906), D.A. Rozhsky (1911) and V.I. Kovalenkov (1916).

In 1916, by decision of the Council, the preparation of engineers in the specialty of radio telegraduological stations was launched, and in 1917 the first department of radio engineering (N.A. Skritsky, I.G. Freiman) was organized in Russia.

Throughout the active creative life, the scientist accompanied the definition of "first". This is the first coherel radio telegraph receiver and the first spark radio telegraph system (April 1895); The first device for registering electromagnetic radiation of atmospheric origin is a grope tip (July 1895); the first detector radio with the reception of telegraph signals for hearing (September 1899); First crystal point diode (June 1900); The first radiotelephone system (December 1903).

In 1945, the Government Decree of the Radiocommunication Day was announced on May 7, the annual public holiday was announced. Gold medal named A.S. Popov Russian Academy of Sciences (previously of the USSR Academy of Sciences) "For outstanding services in the field of radio. A.S. Popov ", an" Honorary Radiist "lane was introduced, elected scholarships for students and graduate students on the profile of radio engineering and telecommunications.

The memory of the scientist is adequately immortalized in numerous monuments, monuments, memorial places in a number of cities where he lived and worked.

Name A.S. Popova awarded to scientific institutions, educational institutions, industrial enterprises, radio stations, museums, scientific and technical societies, ships; His name is called the streets of cities. In 1945, the Russian Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications (NTORES) named after A.S. Popova. In the solar system there is a small planet "Popov" (No. 3074), on the reverse side of the moon, the crater is called it. On the life and activities of the scientist films were removed. In 1959, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Popova On the Kamennoyostrovsky Prospect of St. Petersburg, he was built a monument (sculptor - People's Artist RSFSR V.Ya. Bogolyubov and Architect - People's Artist of the USSR N.V. Baranov). Monuments A.S. Popov also opened on the Alley of scientists at the Sparrow Mountains, in Yekaterinburg, Krasnoturinsk, Kotka (Finland); His busts are installed in Kronstadt, in Petrodvorets, on the island of Gogland, in St. Petersburg on the Litage Mosts of the Volkovsky cemetery.

The main stages of the life and activities of A.S. Popova adequately presented in the museums of Russia. First exhibition created by A.S. Popov devices were opened on April 24, 1906. In the walls of the IOC, where the Memorial Cabinet Museum is now located. Popova. It was here that radio communications equipment was invented. The exposition presents devices manufactured by the scientists themselves to demonstrate physical experiments, instruments from the physical cabinet of the IOC, radio equipment.

In the Central Communications Museum named after A.S. Popov (CMS) in St. Petersburg Collection of devices A.S. Popova began to form in 1926-1927. Currently, a significant part of the hardening heritage of A.S. is concentrated here. Popova, first instances of the radio and a grope, as well as instruments related to the stage of the invention of the wireless telegraph, is decorated special hall dedicated to the inventor of the radio. In the archive of the museum highlighted a special documentary fund A.S. Popova.

Memorial Museum A.S. Popova "LETI" was opened on June 27, 1948. He unites the memorial museum-laboratory professor of physics in the university's educational building and the memorial apartment in the residential building. The museum contains collections of genuine documents and photographs made by the Popov itself - a beautiful photographer, personal belongings of family members, a genuine furnishings of the apartment. The Laboratory Museum presents the physical instruments preserved at the Institute, with which A.S. Popov, laboratory equipment, experimental equipment for wireless telegraph production of Kronstadt workshops and equipment of serial ship radio stations E. Dyucrete. The museum archive stores documents confirming the priority of the Russian scientist in the invention of the radio.

In the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, engineering troops and communication troops, one of the first test samples of the coherer receiver A.S. are stored Popova, using the experiments in Kronstadt.

Museums are open and in the Urals, Motherland A.S. Popova, in Krasnoturinsk. The memorial museum is open in the house where Popnaya-Slot family lived (1959, modern exposition March 16, 1984), in Yekaterinburg. Museum of communication named after A.S. Popova from January 31, 1986 is located in the house, where during his studies in the spiritual school Sasha Popov lived with his older sister Mary.

"The scientific feat of Alexander Stepanovich Popova is immortal, inexhaustible heritage left to them to humanity" - so appreciated the activity of A.S. Popova Academician Academy of Sciences of the USSR Laureate of the Golden Medal named after A.S. Popova S.A. Veinsky. Years will be held, these words will not lose their deep meaning, name A.S. Popova will forever remain in a number of outstanding representatives of national and world science. Foresons A.S. Popov was justified quite. The XXI century became a century of telecommunications and informatization.

According to the decision of UNESCO, the entire world community in 1995 was solemnly marked the 100th anniversary of the radio.

On a dedicated 110th anniversary of the invention Radio A.S. Popov and held in St. Petersburg International Scientific Conference "Radio Time communication " (May 2005) , the bronze memorable board was solemnly opened in honor of the first public demonstration of the radio system on May 7, 1895. The decision to give the day on May 7, 1895. The status of "Milestone in the history of electrical engineering" was taken as part of the program on the history of electrical engineering " Milestones »Historic Center for the International Organization of Electrical Engineering Engineers and Electronics (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE).The board was installed near the entrance to the Memorial Laboratory of the Memorial Museum A.S. Popova SPBGEU "LETI", in which the inventor Radio worked since 1903

Pedagogical activity A.S. Popova, the pupil of the University of St. Petersburg, left a bright trace in the process of becoming a domestic electrical and radio engineering school of training both military and civilian specialists. In 1901, he headed the Department of Physics at the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute of Emperor Alexander III (these). In September 1905, after the entry into force of the royal decree on the autonomy of universities, the Council elected A.S. Popova Director of the Institute.

Merit A.S. Popova were marked by both the state and scientific and public organizations. Alexander Stepanovich had a high rank of Stat adviser (since 1901), was awarded the orders of St. Anne 3 and 2nd degrees (1895, 1902), St. Stanislav 2nd degree (1897), a silver medal in the memory of the reign Alexandra III on the ribbon of the Order of Alexander Nevsky (1896), received a premium of the Imperial Russian Technical Society (ITO) "For the receiver for electrical oscillations and devices for telegraphs at a distance without wires" (1898). He was also awarded the title of an honorary electrician engineer (1899) and received "on the highest enrollment" a remuneration in the amount of 33 thousand rubles "For the work on the use of telegraph without wires on the Fleet ships" (1900). The Jury of the World Exhibition in Paris dedicated to the change of centuries awarded him a large gold medal and a diploma for radio equipment of his system, demonstrated in action.

In 1902 A.S. Popov was elected an honorary member of the Imperial Russian Technical Society (IRTO), and in 1905 - Chairman of the Physical Department and President of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society (RFO), the posts that he had to take from January 1, 1906

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