
How to update the Yandex browser to the last stable version. New Yandex.Browser. Alpha browser version of the future download alpha version of Yandex browser version

Greetings, dear guests, readers and old-timers of the best mobile portal Treshboks.Ru. November 27, 2014, that is, today, the domestic IT-company Yandex conducted its own presentation, where the elite, journalists, as well as other media, officially presented the concept of the Yandex.Browser browser, which the company sees him in the future. Read a detailed editorial review under Kat..


Web browser Yandex.Browser from the Russian Technical Technological Company of the same name was officially presented in 2012. Based and based on a chromium open source browser, free WebKit engine and Opera Turbo data compression technology. As of September 2014, the number of users is more than 24 million. The latest topical version for Windows and OS X: 14.10 operating systems of October 29. Today we will look at the alpha version of the conceptual browser Yandex. Well, let's start.


After downloading the installation file and its further discovery for, actually, the installation, the process will last a few minutes - everything is as usual. One of the immediate first obvious amenities is to pick up the browser directly on the fly of all user information and data: bookmarks, history, cookies, and so on. Accordingly, the transition from, for example, Opera to the alpha version of Yandex.Bauser will be the most painless process - the most saved websites do not have to go through the account again.

When you first open the user, the start page meets. She looks simple, concise and beautiful. On this page, the user provides a search string, bookmarks the most frequently visited websites, the open tab panel, as well as rapid settings as needed. An interesting thing can be noted the background of the start page - they can serve as an image from the company Yandex and a full video from the same source. Since this is an alpha version, a clear thing for now all these buns are challenged in work.

Start page is configured. A separate button for opening the board settings (this is how Yandex calls this feature) is in a special place - you will learn about it a little later. There you can customize the tiles themselves (Favorite Websites), of course, and the background image. Total user is available 12 topics, some of which have a beautiful animation. If you do not need it, then the animation can be turned off - for this there is a special button with a pause logo.

The search string made in the corporate style of Yandex may be subject to configuration. You can configure the Yandex search system to any desired one - Google, or Wikipedia is provided to choose from. When entering a search query, the possible search results appear right under the line - here in general, nothing surprising and innovative.

According to the future browser developers, each site in the new conceptual Yandex.Browser opens as a full-fledged separate application, not a simple web page. After closing the program and re-open after a while, open tabs will remain on the spot - it is convenient or not to solve you, because some may consider such a solution to only excessive rates of RAM. The tab panel, as already mentioned earlier, moved down, and was removed to enter the URL to enter the URL at all - there is now an Omnibox at its place with already known to you available search engines.

Tabs that relate to one website are grouped, and they are assigned a single background color. Inactive tabs are grouped into one. In the released alpha version, the movement of the tab is not available, and the reason is not known.

The positive side of the alpha version of the future browser from Yandex is the opening of web pages in a holistic format - sites "climb" in the program window completely. By the way, for staining the top panel in the color of the open page, developers will provide application programming interfaces (API). By default, it is transparent. At first glance, I admit to you honestly, I did not notice her at all.

The main browser controls in the version of the Windows operating system are put into the upper right angle into a special button. By pressing the user can operate standard browser functions: to change the scale of the page, open the browser settings, view the history of visits, look at the downloaded content page, go to bookmarks, open add-ons, and enable synchronization and make a lot more by repeatedly pressing the "Advanced tab "

As in the case of a competitor in the face of Google Chrome, opening the site containing the material not in Russian, the future browser from Yandex will offer an automatic translation with the help of the Special Yandex. Transfer. Optionally, again, as in Google Chrome, the user, of course, can enable a constant automatic translation, disable it only on an open web page or disable at all.

Well, finally, it is worth saying that the icon has changed - you can see it above.


In general, the impressions of using the alpha version of the new Yandex.Bauser only positive. Web pages, open to full, relatively smooth and stable operation (and this is in the alpha version, which cannot but rejoice), a pleasant user interface and ease of operation is a brief description of what the future browser offers a domestic company. Summing up, I will say that Yandex really managed to create the concept of desired - after the transition from popular browsers, you certainly experience the difference and, perhaps, even see the flaws in them.

Download alpha version of the new Yandex.Baurizer for Windows and OS X can be on

In the article, consider what the alpha version differs from beta. How to update your browser where you download the old and new options for the latest browser modifications for Windows and for mobile devices. Briefly denote the creation history and give a list of all versions.

Yandex Browser - an application created on the Chromium browser, developed by Yandex.

For the first time, the presentation occurred on the first day of October 2012 at the Yet Another Conference conference and after half a year this development pulled a decent share of Runet traffic - a little more than 4%.

The ideas of Yandex are often echoing with Google news. Yandex In order to keep up with the search giant, it is necessary to closely follow his strokes. Therefore, many services in both companies are often quite similar. Also concerns the browser. Yandex started planning his browser immediately after the release of the official chrome browser release from Google.

The most relevant modification

The last version of the Yandex browser is the so-called "beta version". Previously, she was called "Alpha Version". About where to download it is written in the next point.

To find out your version, you need to select "Advanced" -\u003e "On the browser" in the settings. A page with information opens.


At the moment Yandex Browser can be downloaded by two links:


The first is the original development branch, the second - updated version. Which option to use is to solve you.

Bring your browser to relevant modification

You can update the browser without additional downloading programs. It is enough to open the list of settings and click on the "Update" item. This item appears with the release of the new version. If you use the original browser option (how to find out the version, described at the beginning of the article) and want to change it to a more recent "beta version" see the previous item of the article.

For iOS and Android

The mobile version of the browser saves all the features inherent in desktop versions for WINDWOS: TOO mode, scoreboard, gesture recognition.

Yandex offers browsers for the following types of devices:

  • Smartphones and Tablets (not lower than Android0)
  • iPhone and iPad (not lower iOS 6)

Use the help page in the choice of Yandex browser for mobile devices:

Alpha or Beta.

Alpha version was presented at the presentation in 2014. The main innovation touched upon the appearance, the idea really turned out to be a revolutionary one. What will come out of this - time will show. The new project was called the name of the French navigator-submariner "Kusto".

Now Alpha Version is already called beta version. Officially very little information about the development process. According to the table of versions presented in Wikipedia, the beta version is the last on the development list. If you decide to update the previous version on this version, you can download it at:

List of modifications

History of versions with a brief description of the change.

Version release date Change
1.0 01.10.12 First version
1.1 08.11.12 Implementation of the "Turbo" option
1.5 20.12.12 Smart string
1.7 14.05.13 Synchronization, background for scoreboard
13.10, 13.11, 13.12 24.10.12, 18.11.13, 20.12.13 Small modifications
14.2 13.02.14 Updated download manager, FastDNS, Fighting suspicious sites
14.4 17.04.14 Integration with social. Networks, new e-book formats, updated media player
14.5 21.06.14 Engine optimization
14.7 22.07.14 Fighting advertising media files
14.8 29.10.14 Opera Supplements, Internal Optimization
14.10 11.12.14 Optimization of video files, "antishok"
14.12 11.12.14 Security Optimization and Trubo mode, opportunities for visually impaired
15.2, 15.6 05.02.15, 09.06.15 Optimization
15.7 July 22, 2015. Authentication through "Yandex.Whell"
15.9 August 4, 2015. Interface "Calypso", security

All this is much more interesting for me from Yandex than from anyone. So far, only with the mail, we didn't make friends with the mail - I got used to the Meylovsky client, and then Googlovsky reached the normal state. But the browser is also actively used. No, as the main one - habit (see the story), but for different problem areas (where in the network without problems) I use Yandex. One of the main factors of this use is the address line (Omnibox) at the bottom of the screen, which allows you to make friends and small fingers at least a little, the rest of the browser and browser. But recently I updated ... I propose about this update and talk about this. Yandex.Browser Alfa..

Yes, version - Alpha, not even beta, not to mention release. You can download anyone wishing in the market.

The first thing that developers did were (perhaps the first in the world), "handed out Omnibox to the center of the screen! The decision is not obvious, but simply ingenious - now on the one hand, you do not need to stretch at the top of the screen, on the other - there is no need for complex folds in an attempt to tap at the bottom of the screen. Now the input field is smoothly at hand.

Along the way, the search string was abandoned quite and completely - and right - one field, what you want to, then drive, my softynka will understand what exactly to do it: whether to search, whether to go.

By the way, when entering any request, at least a remotely resembling address, the system immediately will offer this site in Omnibox. The trick, however, works in times, but the same alpha ...

Fast bookmarks (the so-called scoreboard) are above input fields. Think that here it is - now it's not to reach them! No - swipes down anywhere on the screen. We will put these bookmarks down. Of course, the most distant bookmarks will still remain at the top, but it is already more convenient.

Another innovation was the possibility of changing the background after a long tapa. While four presets are available, promise - any custom picture.

Well, the inscription "Yandex" is not just an inscription, but a whole reference to the start page of the Yandex aggregator.

But the item "Bookmarks / History" frankly disappointed - it remained the same and all items are located at the top of the screen. They would like to somehow. And so no comments are not.

In history all by dates; If at the same time there were several visits to different sections of one site - then there will be a grouping and domain (the arrogant down this will be reported to us). Nothing fantastic, seen and more convenient, but generally absolutely changeable.

No bookmarks - a simple list. At least the daddy would have done or what group. Well, when one laying is everything is fine, and when there are tens of them? And, which is not happy at all, although it is familiar, there is no synchronization service with Yandex. Clamps. I had ten bookmarks there for ten years, but how to get to them, except as secret paths, it's not clear to me.

Traditional climbing is the synchronization of all browser customers on all devices that I absolutely do not use.

The application menu is dynamic and varies depending on our page. So, on the main screen, we can only report an error (this is alpha, yes?) Yes, set up settings.

The settings are not particularly much, and everyone is clear without unnecessary comments. I was pleased with the choice of a search service provider (nothing remarkable and unique, but there is available).

The privacy point is called up to replace anonymous view. Yandex traditionally believes that "hidden" browsing pages - the thing in the smartphone is absolutely excessive. Like, everyone sees everything, but to delete data from the already, usually protected by different pin-codes of the phone at all. At least for a particular site. Now, if you want to globally refuse to save stories and passwords - please.

The board in the curtain, in my opinion, heresy. It just does not scatter there and only the first four bookmarks are displayed. Uncomfortable. Now, if horizontally swayed, then - yes ...

The clause on the transfer of text, under normal conditions, is useful when scaling. But in the case of Alpha - not very, since there is a reading mode, which will tell later.

From security systems (although which security can be in Android browsers?) There is Yandex.Protect (in this case, "protect the connection when working in unsafe WiFi networks"). As far as he defines us, I do not know, according to developers - almost one hundred percent MagicResurrection, no phishgum and other malware do not break through. Yes, it is not necessary to confuse security with advertising - an advertisement is neither this technology nor any other from the built-in Yandex is not cleaned. For this, there are completely different programs, for example, classic adblockplus.

View pages also changed somewhat. From the old good, it remains extremely thickening adaptation of sites for viewing in normal mode. As if the mobile look should be turned on or, in its absence, some kind of modification of the page is a browser - we have the same phone, in the end. And shows as if a 15-inch tablet.

But the bottom panel has taught to hide and appear. Convenient - only the name of the site and that's it. Now, if it were generally a full screen ... Eh, dream dreams ...

The open page panel is already familiar to Yandex users. Close any tab you can simply shut it.

But our menu that is dynamic.

The full version of the site - works out of hand bad. Rather, given the already mentioned weak pages, we are almost always the full version of the site. But if we open not just a rubricator, and the article (by the way, the option to increase the page of the page on the tap from past versions is preserved), then the menu will appear "Read Mode".

So, in this very mode, some extremely cunning way, all unnecessary content is hidden: navigation elements, flash elements, all sorts of spoilers and other - only reformatted text with some pictures remains.

Scaling does not work, it is believed that everything is already allocated and so. In short, reading mode pleased. You can modify something on the content, but now it is quite useless. For comparison, the same page in the "normal mode" (Standard, Scale):

From the branded utilities in stock and Yandex.Thverbo. His role is to squeeze and speed up. I do not know how to speed up, but the pages are compressed quite efficiently. Thus, three tabs were opened and traffic was measured, after the history was cleaned, the traffic was reset, the same tabs were open and stopped again.

It turned out, when the option is enabled, our three pages consume one and a half megabytes against almost two as usual. Those. Practically 25% savings.

In conclusion, a couple of words about interesting, but useless Fitch - when viewing a media on the Internet, a notification appears in the curtain with the possibility of suspending playback. So, we look at the roller, suddenly we were notified by something, we immediately in the notification panel - suddenly what is important? And on the pause they forgot ... So, so that it is not to return, in the panel and there is this controller (doubtful such utility).


It is gratifying that the developers are trying to adapt to current conditions - the usual layout of the browser, suitable for 4-4.5-inch screens, turned out to be non-ergonomic for five-lumines and higher. Most of the soft booms are missed by this factor, and in the update include modules for the cleaning of RAM and removal of screenshots. In addition, only 25 years after the invention, it comes to understand that the Internet is not just a google links (or which numbers there are big), but, first of all, the source of information that should be convenient to consume, i.e. to read. The first steps are made - the transfer of text and scaling pictures is now proposed by a fundamentally different method - in fact, the reading mode turns our page into a journal, which is convenient to simply read without being distracted by the flakes of banners.

Despite the "alpha" in the title and version, the application is absolutely stable. Glitches and lags are not observed. Advertising, of course, no.

A convenient application that, I hope, will receive proper development under the wishes of users, but now, classic Yandex.Browser went to the basket, giving way to the Alpha ...

olegDN (Gordinsky Oleg)

Today, the first alpha version of the new Yandex.Bauser, which is radically different from the current version, was presented at the closed presentation. We tried to gather in our article all the most delicious details.

The main ideological abstracts that underlie:

  • The browser is a window, and the smaller his interface distracts attention from sites, the better.
  • Sites are web applications.
  • Search is one of the required elements not only the Internet, but also a browser.

In the screenshot above you see exactly Alpha. More precisely, the new tab on which the scoreboard and address string are present. There is no classic browser interface (you can only notice the main menu button in the corner itself). Those who look at the assembly live, and not on screenshots, immediately pay attention to the animated background. Now it is not static pictures, but video. We have several options to choose from. If you are a supporter of statics, then the animation can be simply disabled.

We start entering the address or query in the string. Search hints in this case occupy all available space. Here you can immediately show one of the features of the current alpha - the first rich answer. For example, you start entering [Aztec] and see in the prompt image, description and links to subpastes.

If you open several sites, you will see about such a picture.

And there are two important changes. First, instead of conventional browser panels, there is quite a thin and transparent containing the title of the page. Transparency is real - it is enough to springs the page and will noticeably like the page content goes under the panel and blurs the effect of matte glass. And for webmasters API is available to manage this transparency. You can change the color of the panel or disable it at all and make completely transparent. For example, we have a transparent panel for tabs on chromes. RF.

Secondly, the tab panel moved down. Moreover, different sites now have tabs of different colors (according to the same logic as the coloring of sites in the scoreboard). Plus, a grouping of domain tabs appeared. It is enough to get "beyond" site, as its pages turn into a group.

Go ahead. If you click on the title of the page, then you will get off. This is such a special mode in which you can edit the current address (search, enter a new one), open the site from the board, print the page, other, but the most important thing is that it is below. There we can find contextual answers, prompts and recommendations on an open site. For example, links to similar sites, map, prices for goods and similar.

If you lend a summary, then the alpha version of the future Yandex.Bauser is, of course, all the same Blink / Chromium in the foundation (no one intensives bicycles) and technology / development of Yandex next to them (all the features of the current version have not lost anywhere), But over all of these we see a completely different design, advanced integration with search engines and the desire to work with sites, as with applications. Alpha is Alpha, so now it is worth perceiving as a demonstration of ideas and design. Details should be estimated when it becomes at least in Betu.

15.09.2017 / Admin.

Surely most active users of smartphones face the problem of "heavy" applications. Progress does not stand still, and mobile technologies are developing especially quickly. Over time, applications developers add all new and new features to their creations, trying not to lag behind competitors, as a result of which the applications almost every update increase in the amount, consume more RAM, and in general can start working less productively, The earlier. All this is especially noticeable on low-power smartphones, on board which is not so much operational and permanent memory.

Many users are not going to chase the endless technical innovations, but prefer to use their gadget for a long time, so for them the performance and "lightness" of the installed programs are playing crucial. For them, the abundance of sometimes unnecessary functions, which are able to slow down the system and cause excess space on the disk drive. Apparently, the company Yandex thought about it and decided to submit the market a lightweight version of their popular browser - Yandex.Browser Light. Consider the novelty and define whether the application can really be useful for users.

Download a mini browser from Play Market. At the moment, the boot file weighs less than megabytes - it is really very little compared to other mobile browsers.

After installing, open the browser. At the top of the interface you see the scoreboard with bookmarks. To delete unnecessary links, you must click on them and hold, after which you confirm deletion. At first glance, change the contents of the board cannot be changed, but actually create a new link is quite easy - just add the desired page to bookmarks, and it will appear on the scoreboard.

Under the bookmarks there is a Yandex.Dzen tape, which can be disabled in the application settings. To do this, transfer the "Show Recommendations Tape" switch to an inactive position. Little browser settings: everything is at least at least, but it is not for nothing that the version is called "Light". After disabling the "Zen", the browser looks even minimal and easier, which is definitely a plus.

While the browser is still very young, but he has a good chance of becoming a popular product. Easy interface, small size (just a few megabytes, several times less than the main version of Yandex.Bauser), quick start - all this confirms that a novelty from Yandex deserves attention and may be useful for users of weak devices or simply wishing to have a spare "lightweight »Browser.

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