
What is information communication technology. ICT tools. Stage distribution

Brief description of some pedagogical technologies. What is ICT technology. Opportunities for the teacher to use modern Internet computer technologies in the preparation and conduct of a lesson, in the development of students' abilities.




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Modern pedagogical technologies. Speech by the teacher of mathematics Repp Galina Rafailovna Scientific - theoretical seminar on the topic:

What is "pedagogical technology"? the concept of "pedagogical technology" is correlated in domestic pedagogy with the processes of teaching and upbringing, a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, methods of teaching, educational means; organizational and methodological tools of the pedagogical process. (B.T. Likhachev) the system set and the order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals (M.V. Klarin)

a) conceptual framework; b) the content of the training: learning objectives - general and specific; content of educational material; c) procedural part - technological process: organization of the educational process; methods and forms of educational activity of schoolchildren; methods and forms of teacher's work; teacher's activity in managing the process of mastering the material; diagnostics of the educational process. The main structural components of pedagogical technology:

Classification of educational technologies

Any pedagogical technology is information technology, since the basis of the technological learning process is the receipt and transformation of information. Computer (new information) teaching technologies are the process of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of which is a computer. Information and communication technologies

teachers: a source of educational information; visual material; training apparatus; diagnostic and monitoring tool. working tool: means of preparation of texts, their storage; graphics editor; a means of preparing speeches; a computer of great potential. The computer performs the following functions:

individualization of training; intensification of students' independent work; an increase in the volume of tasks completed in the lesson; expansion of information flows when using the Internet. increasing motivation and cognitive activity due to a variety of forms of work. Benefits of using ICT

1. There is no home computer for many students and teachers. 2. Teachers do not have enough time to prepare for a lesson that uses computers. 3. Insufficient computer literacy of the teacher. 4. There is no time in the teachers' work schedule for exploring the possibilities of the Internet. 5. It is difficult to integrate a computer into the lesson structure of lessons. 6. Not enough computer time at all. 7. With insufficient motivation to work, students are often distracted by games, music, checking PC performance, etc. 8. There is a possibility that, being carried away by the use of ICT in the classroom, the teacher will move from developmental teaching to visual-illustrative methods. Existing disadvantages and problems of ICT application

A combination of traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies can help the teacher in solving this difficult task. It is necessary to teach a child to master, transform and use huge amounts of information in practice. It is very important to organize the learning process so that the child actively, with interest and enthusiasm works in the lesson, sees the fruits of his labor and can evaluate them.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Modern pedagogical technologies of teaching the Russian language in school. The use of modern pedagogical technologies in

The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the lessons of the Russian language. The material is based on the lectures of Olga Ivanovna Gorbich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor ...

Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching a foreign language - as a path to the success of a modern specialist in the service sector.

In the modern service sector, the role played by the importance of the English language is becoming evident. Every year our country is visited by millions of tourists who, first of all, are faced with ...

Theme of the pedagogical project: "The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the formation of positive motivation for the study of mathematics"

Along with preparing students who will become professional users of mathematics in the future, the most important task of teaching is to provide some guaranteed level of mathematics ...

Pedagogical project "" The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the formation of positive motivation to study biology "

As a result of the accumulation of their own pedagogical experience, training in advanced training courses, acquaintance with the experience of fellow teachers, reading and understanding modern pedagogical and natural ...

Nowadays, whether we like it or not, we all live in an information society. At the same time, the opportunities that are now opening up are used very poorly. Our task is to "deploy" the information society towards the needs that people who live in our country have. First of all, among young people receiving education, scientists, researchers, teachers, educators. We must teach people from childhood and at all stages of the educational process not to be afraid of this information, teach how to use it, work with it and properly dispose of it.

Informatization of education and science is part of a global process. Information and communication technologies are recognized all over the world as key technologies of the 21st century, which for the coming decades will be the key to the economic growth of the state and the main engine of scientific and technological progress.

In early 2009, the Kremlin hosted the first meeting of the Council for the Development of the Information Society under the President of Russia. The decree on its creation was signed in November 2008. Opening the meeting, Dmitry Medvedev emphasized that no progress and modernization are possible without IT: “this applies to the scientific and technical sphere, and the actual governance issues and even the issues of strengthening democracy in the country”. Speaking about the development of information technologies in the social sphere, Medvedev D.A. emphasized his own: “... it is very important to learn how to use all new technologies. This is the number one task not only for students, but also for teachers - all retraining should be focused on the use of modern technologies. "

What ICT-based projects can be

  • Distance learning;
  • Virtual communication;
  • Networked Economy and Education;
  • Ample opportunities for self-education;
  • A large amount of easily accessible information.

The Russian education system faces a number of important problems, among which should be highlighted:

  • the need to improve the quality and ensure equal opportunities for access to educational resources and services for all categories of citizens, regardless of their place of residence, ethnicity and religious beliefs;
  • creation of an information environment that meets the needs of all strata of society in obtaining a wide range of educational services, as well as the formation of mechanisms and necessary conditions for the implementation of the achievements of information technology in everyday educational and scientific practice;
  • massive introduction of ICT in education and science, the use of new educational content and new education technologies, including distance education technologies.

The prerequisites for the development and implementation of information and communication technologies in the field of education and science are:

  • Federal target program "Development of a unified educational information environment", the most important result of which was a breakthrough in equipping educational institutions with computers, as well as the launch and development of regional programs for informatization of education;
  • The project "Informatization of the education system", the main goal of which was to create conditions to support the systemic implementation and active use of information and communication technologies in the work of educational institutions;
  • The priority national project "Education", the implementation of the activities of which was aimed at ensuring accessibility, creating equal conditions for obtaining education, including by providing all schools with access to global information resources located on the Internet;
  • On the basis of the priority directions of development of the educational system of the Russian Federation in 2006, the implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010 (FTSPRO) began, which is a complex of interrelated resources and timing of activities covering changes in the structure, content and technologies of education, including including the large-scale use in the Russian Federation of information and communication technologies for all levels of education. Within the framework of the program, new electronic educational content was developed, and the specialized Federal Center for Information Educational Resources (FCIOR) was put into commercial operation.

More than 10 thousand new generation EORs can be downloaded on the website of the Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources.

COR - digital educational resource

Digital educational resources (CDR) means any information of an educational nature stored on digital media.

CRCs are divided into two groups:

  • information sources, which are understood as all the many different materials in digital format used in educational work - texts, static and dynamic images, animation models, etc.
  • information tools that provide work with information sources.

Functional focus:

  • illustrative function;
  • research function;
  • training function;
  • control function.

EORs are a self-sufficient educational product, they are able to teach the student themselves. It is no longer just a collection of pictures or audio recordings that need a teacher's explanation. In EORs, there is also a voice-over, but he explains the sequence of actions and, most importantly, indicates the mistakes made during the task.

Teaching materials of a new generation, developed in the project "Informatization of the education system"

Within the framework of the project "Informatization of the education system", implemented by the National Training Foundation by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, educational materials of a new generation are being developed.

The teaching materials of the new generation are designed to orient teachers to the use of modern teaching methods and educational technologies that fundamentally change the educational environment, to the active use of ICT in the educational process. A competency-based approach is the basis for the development of new teaching aids.

ICT technologies in teaching English

Second Life
(Second Life) - the world that you create yourself or your students, fill with seas, forests, cities and villages, real people (and contact them via Skype or email) or fictional. There you have homes and libraries, video rooms and restaurants, the ability to work and travel. Tempting, isn't it? Learn how to create and use it in your English teaching.


With this program, you can talk to millions of people around the world absolutely free! First download the latest version of Skype, then install it by selecting the Russian version in the settings. And that's it, learn English by talking to native speakers.


A blog is an online diary of one or more authors, consisting of entries in reverse chronological order, or in other words, it is a site in the form of a journal, sorted by dates.

The word comes from the English weblog - "web log".

Blogs are sites built on the principle of chronological diaries with simple and convenient administration tools that do not require special knowledge and are available to everyone.


A Wiki is a collection of related entries. (Ward Cunningham - the creator of the technology - called the application an environment for fast hypertext interaction.) WikiWiki implements a radical model of collective hypertext, when the ability to create and edit any record is presented to everyone in the network community ...

Hot Potatoes is a universal shell program that allows teachers to independently, without resorting to the help of programmers, create interactive training and control exercises in HTML format. The program is widely used all over the world to create assignments in various languages ​​in various disciplines.
Exercises are created using 5 blocks of the program (each block can be considered as an independent program):

  • JQuiz - Quiz - Multiple Choice Questions (4 types of tasks). The teacher has the opportunity to put comments in the exercise for all answer options.
  • JCloze - Filling in the blanks. Students can ask for a clue and see the first letters of the missing word. Automatic scoring is also carried out. You can "skip" certain words, but you can, for example, every fifth.
  • JMatch - Matching (3 types of jobs).
  • JCross - Crossword puzzle.
  • JMix - Sequence recovery.

New information technologies and

In recent years, universities around the world have paid attention to the possibility of using computer telecommunication technologies for organizing distance learning. Computer telecommunications provide effective feedback, which is provided both in the organization of the educational material and in communication with the teacher leading the given course. In recent years, such distance learning has received the name of distance learning, in contrast to the familiar distance learning.

This problem is especially relevant for Russia, with its vast territories and concentration of scientific centers in large cities. At present, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is concerned with the creation of a unified educational telecommunication network. The problem of lifelong education, professional reorientation is relevant today as never before, and its importance will increase over the years.

The Internet portal of the School of Distance Education of Moscow State University was created within the framework of the project Formation of the system of innovative education at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in 2007.

© The article was written specially for the "Remote Tutor" site

Information and communication technology means are software, software and hardware and technical means and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems for broadcasting information, information exchange, providing operations for collecting, producing, accumulating, storing, processing, transmission of information and the ability to access information resources of local and global computer networks.

The most frequently used ICT tools in the educational process include:

  • 1) electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated using a computer and a multimedia projector;
  • 2) electronic encyclopedias and reference books;
  • 3) simulators and testing programs;
  • 4) educational resources of the Internet;
  • 5) DVD and CD discs with pictures and illustrations;
  • 6) video and audio equipment;
  • 7) research works and projects;
  • 8) interactive whiteboard.

Methodologists identify several classifications of ICT tools. In accordance with the first classification, all ICT tools used in the education system can be divided into two types: hardware (computer, printer, scanner, camera, video camera, audio and video recorder) and software (electronic textbooks, simulators, test environments, information sites, Internet search engines, etc.).

The current breakthrough in the field of ICT forces us to reconsider the issues of organizing information support for cognitive activity. Thus, the second classification of ICT tools allows us to consider the possibilities of using information technologies in educational activities:

  • 1) to search for literature, on the Internet using browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc., various search engines and programs for working online (,,, etc.) and work with her (summarizing, note-taking, annotating, quoting, creating online slide presentations);
  • 2) to work with texts using the package of basic Microsoft Office applications: Microsoft Word allows you to create and edit texts with graphic design; Microsoft Power Point allows you to create presentation slides for a more colorful presentation of the material; Microsoft Excel allows you to perform calculations, analyze and visualize data, and work with lists in tables and on web pages; Microsoft Office Publisher lets you create and modify booklets, brochures, and more;
  • 3) for automatic translation of texts using translation programs (PROMTXT) and electronic dictionaries (AbbyLingvo7.0);
  • 4) for storage and accumulation of information (CD-, DVD-disks, Flash-disks);
  • 5) for communication (Internet, email, Skype, Hangout, etc.);
  • 6) for processing and reproducing graphics and sound (Microsoft Media Player, zplayer, programs for viewing images CorelDraw, PhotoShop), programs for creating diagrams, drawings and graphs (Visio, etc.).

The listed ICT tools create favorable opportunities in foreign language lessons for organizing students' independent work. They can use computer technology both for the study of certain topics and for self-control of the knowledge gained. Moreover, the computer is the most patient teacher, capable of repeating any tasks as much as necessary, achieving the correct answer and, ultimately, automating the skill being practiced.

Multimedia presentations are widely used by almost all teachers. They are convenient for both the teacher and the students. With basic computer literacy, you can create original teaching materials that captivate, motivate and focus students on successful results. The educational potential of multimedia presentations can be effectively used in foreign language classes to provide visual support for speech learning.

The benefits of multimedia presentations are as follows:

  • -combination of a variety of textual audio and video clarity;
  • - the possibility of using for presentation as an interactive, multimedia board, which allows you to more clearly semantize new lexical, grammatical and even phonetic material, as well as provide support in teaching all types of speech activity;
  • - the ability to use individual slides as handouts (supports, tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams);
  • - activation of the attention of the whole class;
  • - ensuring the effectiveness of perception and memorization of new educational material;
  • - control over the assimilation of new knowledge and systematization of the studied material;
  • - a combination of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students; saving study time;
  • - the formation of computer multimedia competence of both teachers and students, the development of their creative abilities in the organization of educational work.

The advantages of introducing Internet technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language are currently beyond doubt. There is no doubt also the positive influence of various forms of synchronous and asynchronous Internet communication (e-mail, chat, forums, web conferences) on the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students.

The resources of the network are an invaluable base for creating an information-subject environment, education and self-education of people, and meeting their personal and professional interests and needs. However, the availability of access to Internet resources in itself is not a guarantee of fast and high-quality language education. Methodologically illiterately constructed work of students with Internet resources can contribute to the formation of not only false stereotypes and generalizations about the culture of the country of the target language, but even racism and xenophobia.

Educational Internet - resources should be aimed at the integrated formation and development of:

  • - Aspects of foreign language communicative competence in all the variety of its components (linguistic, sociolinguistic, socio-cultural, strategic, discursive, educational and cognitive);
  • - Communicative and cognitive skills to search and select, generalize, classify, analyze and synthesize the information received;
  • - Communication skills to present and discuss the results of working with Internet resources;
  • - Ability to use Internet resources for self-education in order to get acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of various countries and peoples, as well as to act as a representative of the native culture, country, city;
  • - Ability to use network resources to meet their information and educational interests and needs.

In didactic terms, the Internet includes two main components: forms of telecommunications and information resources.

The most common forms of telecommunications (ie communication via Internet technologies) are e-mail, chat, forum, ICQ, video, web conferences, etc. Initially, they were created for real communication between people at a distance from each other , and now they are used for educational purposes in teaching a foreign language.

Information resources on the Internet contain text, audio and visual material on various topics in different languages. Educational Internet resources (IR) are created exclusively for educational purposes.

In the English-language literature, there are five types of educational Internet resources:

  • 1) hotlist;
  • 2) treasure hunt;
  • 3) subject sampler;
  • 4) multimedia scrapbook;
  • 5) webquest.

These terms are translated into Russian using transliteration. The structure and methodological content of each of these IRs is as follows:

Hotlist (list by topic) - a list of sites with text materials on the topic under study. To create one, you need to enter a keyword into a search engine.

Multimedia scrapbook (multimedia draft) a collection of multimedia resources, unlike a hotlist, in a scrapbook, in addition to links to text sites, there are also photographs, audio files and video clips, graphic information, animated virtual tours. These files can be easily downloaded by students and used as informative or illustrative material in the study of a particular topic.

Trezha Hunt (treasure hunt), in addition to links to various sites on the topic under study, also contains questions about the content of each site. With the help of these questions, the teacher guides the students' search and cognitive activity. In conclusion, students are asked one more general question for a holistic understanding of the topic (factual material). A detailed answer to it will include answers to more detailed questions for each of the sites.

Subjecting a sample is the next level of complexity compared to treasure hunt. Also contains links to text and multimedia materials on the Internet. After studying each aspect of the topic, students need to answer the questions posed, but the questions are not aimed at the actual study of the material, but at the discussion of discussion topics. Students need not only to familiarize themselves with the material, but also to express and argue their opinion on the discussed discussion issue.

Webquest (Internet project) is the most difficult type of educational Internet resources. This is a scenario for organizing project activities of students on any topic using the resources of the Internet. It includes all the components of the four materials listed above and involves a project with all students. One of the scenarios for organizing PD can be as follows. From the beginning, the whole class gets acquainted with the general information on the topic, then the students are divided into groups, each group gets a certain aspect of the topic. The teacher needs to select the necessary resources for each group in accordance with the aspect being studied. After studying, discussing and fully understanding a specific problem in each basic group, students are regrouped so that in each new group there is one representative of the basic group. During the discussion, all students learn from each other all aspects of the problem under discussion.

Each of the five types of educational Internet resources follows from the previous one, gradually becoming more complex and thereby allowing to solve more complex educational problems. The first two are aimed at searching, selecting and classifying information. The rest contain elements of problem learning and are aimed at enhancing the search and cognitive activity of students.

The possibilities of educational Internet resources are most fully manifested in profile training and elective courses, when it is the foreign language communicative competence, and not the knowledge of the language, that plays a leading role in the educational process.

The latest information and communication technologies are taking more and more place in the life of a modern person. Their use in foreign language lessons increases the motivation and cognitive activity of students, broadens their horizons and allows the use of a personality-oriented technology of interactive teaching of a foreign language, i.e. learning in interaction.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process helps to intensify and individualize learning, enhances interest in the subject, and makes it possible to avoid subjective assessment.

Using a computer and digital educational resources in teaching English helps students overcome the psychological barrier to using a foreign language as a means of communication.

Information and communication technologies are both a means of presenting material and a controlling means. They provide high quality presentation of material and use various communication channels (text, sound, graphic, touch, etc.). New technologies make it possible to individualize the learning process in terms of the pace and depth of the course. Such a differentiated approach gives a great positive result, since creates conditions for the successful activity of each student, evoking positive emotions in students, and, thus, affects their learning motivation.

Unlike traditional methods, when using interactive forms of teaching, the student himself becomes the main acting figure and himself opens the way to assimilating knowledge. The teacher acts as an active assistant in this situation, and his main function is to organize and stimulate the educational process.

The following digital educational resources are used in foreign language lessons: Power Point (PP) presentations, word processing, spreadsheets, tests, training programs on CD-ROM, electronic textbooks, educational Internet resources.

Multimedia presentations, e-learning programs and educational Internet resources have great educational potential.

Thanks to the use of new information technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language, new opportunities open up for creating conditions close to the conditions of real communication in the country of the target language: authentic, relevant, multimedia or text information to be mastered in a foreign language can be obtained at any time and at any time. anywhere. At the same time, it is quite easy to organize written or oral communication with native speakers or other learners of the given language. Thus, the integration of electronic media into the traditional lesson in a foreign language is taking place: textbooks are increasingly being supplemented with relevant, authentic texts or up-to-date audio, video, graphic material.

as amended on 03/11/2019

See also article"CWR 2018 - we apply without mistakes"

Often in public sector institutions, the question arises of attributing certain costs to the field of information and communication technologies, which in turn are payable at the expense of CWR 242. The procedure for attributing costs to CWR 242 or 244 will be considered in this article.

What is KVR 242 and 244?

Description of KVR 242 and 244 is contained in the Procedure, approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06/08/2018 No. 132n (hereinafter - Order No. 132n):

  • KVR 242 "Purchase of goods, works, services in the field of information and communication technologies" (clause clause 51 of Procedure No. 132n)

For this type of expenditure, the expenditures of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation for the implementation of measures for the creation, taking into account trial operation, development, modernization, operation of state information systems and information and communication infrastructure, as well as costs for the use of information and communication technologies are subject to reflection. in the activities of federal state bodies, including those under their jurisdiction of federal state treasury institutions, and governing bodies of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation.

Also, this type of expenditure reflects the expenditures of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the budget of the territorial state extra-budgetary fund, the local budget for the implementation of informatization measures, in terms of regional (municipal) information systems and information and communication infrastructure, in the event that a decision is made by the financial body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation ( municipal formation) on the application of the type of expenses 242 "Purchase of goods, works, services in the field of information and communication technologies."

  • 244 "Other procurement of goods, works and services" (clause clause 51 of Procedure No. 132n)

This CWR includes, in particular, the purchase of goods, works, services in the field of information and communication technologies for the needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipalities), management bodies of territorial state extra-budgetary funds, unless otherwise established by an act of the financial body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation ), as well as the costs of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions for similar purchases.

What are the ICT costs?

I. Efremov

In practice, all technologies that use special technical information means (computers, audio, cinema, video) are called information technologies of teaching.

When computers began to be widely used in education, the term "new information technology of education" appeared.

Computer technologies develop the ideas of programmed teaching, open up completely new, not yet investigated technological options for teaching, associated with the unique capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications. Computer (new information) teaching technologies are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of which is a computer.

The use of information technology increases the effectiveness of the lesson by developing motivation for learning, which makes the learning process more successful.

Information technologies not only open up opportunities for variability of educational activity, its individualization and differentiation, but also allow to organize the interaction of all subjects of learning in a new way, to build an educational system in which the student would be an active and equal participant in educational activity.

Information technologies significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information, involve students in the educational process, contributing to the broadest disclosure of their abilities, enhancing mental activity.



Information and communication technologies

Requirements for the level of training of participants in the educational process for the use of information and communication technologies.

ICT-based pedagogical lesson design.The main directions of using computer technology in the classroom

The power of reason is infinite.

I. Efremov

In practice, all technologies that use special technical information means (computers, audio, cinema, video) are called information technologies of teaching.

When computers began to be widely used in education, the term "new information technology of education" appeared.

Computer technologies develop the ideas of programmed teaching, open up completely new, not yet investigated technological options for teaching, associated with the unique capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications. Computer (new information) teaching technologies are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of which is a computer.

The use of information technology increases the effectiveness of the lesson by developing motivation for learning, which makes the learning process more successful.

Information technologies not only open up opportunities for variability of educational activity, its individualization and differentiation, but also allow to organize the interaction of all subjects of learning in a new way, to build an educational system in which the student would be an active and equal participant in educational activity.

Information technologies significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information, involve students in the educational process, contributing to the broadest disclosure of their abilities, enhancing mental activity.

Teachers of the Russian language and literature are especially cautious about the use of ICT in the classroom for obvious reasons.

The tasks facing the language teacher are in many ways different from the goals and objectives of other subject teachers. We more often than other subject teachers turn to questions of morality, we are more responsible for the formation and development of the child's inner world, more often we turn to the soul. By and large, our main goal is the formation of linguistic competence as the main means of socialization of a person, and at the same time the development of a creative person.

All this, of course, presupposes, first of all, work with text, with artistic words, with a book. Therefore, before a teacher - a language specialist who is going to use the capabilities of ICT in their lessons, the question always arises about the expediency of using them in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

Using ICT in your lessons, it is necessary, first of all, to be guided by the principle of expediency.

It is advisable to use ICT in the classroom, firstly, in order to solve special practical problems:

Secondly, it is advisable to use ICT for organizing students 'independent work on the formation of fundamental knowledge of the school course, for correcting and taking into account students' knowledge.

It is interesting for students to work with simulator programs, working out the topics studied in the lessons, with controlling programs, tests.

Each student works at an individual pace and with an individual program, here you can easily apply the principle of differentiation. A weak student can, if desired, repeat the material as many times as required, and he does this with a greater desire than in ordinary lessons on working on mistakes. Strong students receive more difficult assignments or counsel weak ones.

Test control and the formation of skills and abilities with the help of ICT presupposes the possibility of quicker and more objective, than with the traditional method, to identify the degree of assimilation of the material and the ability to apply it in practice. This method of organizing the educational process is convenient and easy to evaluate in a modern information processing system.

Thirdly, the use of information technology, in particular multimedia,allows you to enhance clarity. Let us recall the well-known phrase of KD Ushinsky: “Children's nature clearly requires clarity. Teach a child some five words unknown to him, and he will suffer for a long time and in vain over them; but associate twenty such words with the pictures - and the child will learn them on the fly. You explain to the child a very simple idea, and he does not understand you; you explain to the same child a complex picture, and he understands you quickly ... If you enter a class from which it is difficult to get a word (and we don’t look for such classes), start showing pictures, and the class will start talking, and most importantly, it will talk free…".

The use of ICT in the preparation and conduct of lessons allows to increase students' interest in the subject, academic performance and the quality of knowledge, save time for a survey, gives students the opportunity to study independently not only in the classroom, but also at home, and helps the teacher to improve their knowledge.

Another aspect should be touched upon: conducting the lesson itself using ICT. However well designed a lesson is, a lot depends on how the teacher prepares for it. The virtuoso conduct of such a lesson is akin to the work of a showman of some television show. The teacher must not only, and not so much (!), Confidently own a computer, know the content of the lesson, but lead it at a good pace, at ease, constantly involving students in the cognitive process. It is necessary to think over the change of rhythm, diversify the forms of educational activity, think about how to withstand a pause if necessary, how to ensure a positiveemotional background lesson.

Practice shows that, thanks to the use of ICT, the teacher saves up to 30% of class time than when working at the blackboard. He should not think that he will not have enough space on the blackboard, he should not worry about the quality of the chalk, whether everything written is clear. Saving time, the teacher can increase the density of the lesson, enrich it with new content.

Didactic materialpresented in a computer version solves several problems:

  • increases the productivity of teachers and students in the classroom;
  • increases the use of clarity in the lesson;
  • saves the teacher's time when preparing for the lesson.

It is extremely interesting to work with the use of PowerPoint programs. It has a number of positive effects:

  • enriches the lesson with clarity;
  • psychologically facilitates the process of assimilation;
  • arouses a keen interest in the subject of knowledge;
  • broadens the general outlook of students;
  • increases the productivity of teachers and students in the classroom.

An abundance of additional material on the net Internet allows you to create a bank of visual and didactic materials, tests, critical articles, abstracts, etc.

Listening to artisticelectronic literatureserves to demonstrate the professional performance of various kinds of literary works in order to demonstrate the beauty of the sounding word for instilling love for the native language and literature.

Electronic dictionaries and encyclopediasallow you to mobilely acquire additional knowledge and use it in the lesson.

Every teacher knows how to bring a lesson to lifeuse of video materials.

The use of ICT in literature lessons leads to a number of positive results:

  • creation by the teacher and students of a media library, which includes presentations on biographies and works of writers;
  • improves the quality of education;
  • increases educational motivation and motivation for success;
  • makes it possible to rationally distribute the lesson time;
  • helps to clearly explain the material, make it interesting.

The use of ICT is effective in preparing and conducting various forms of a lesson by a teacher: a multimedia school lecture, a lesson - observation, a lesson - a seminar, a lesson - a workshop, a lesson - a virtual excursion. The organization of such excursions is possible to nature, to a museum, to the writer's homeland.

The use of computer technology allows:

  • fill the lessons with new content;
  • develop a creative approach to the material being studied and the world around them, students' curiosity;
  • to form elements of information culture and information competence;
  • instill the skills of rational work with computer programs;
  • to maintain independence in the development of computer technologies.

Requirements for the level of training of participants in the educational process for the use of information and communication technologies

Knowledge of ICT greatly facilitates preparation for a lesson, makes lessons unconventional, memorable, interesting, more dynamic. The integration of ICT and modern pedagogical technologies can stimulate cognitive interest in the Russian language and literature, creating conditions for motivation to study these subjects. This is a rational way to improve the efficiency and intensification of learning and self-study, to improve the quality of education.

When using multimedia technologies, knowledge is acquired through different channels of perception (visual, auditory), therefore it is better assimilated and remembered for a longer period. K. Ushinsky also noted that knowledge will be the stronger and more complete, the greater the number of sense organs they are perceived.

Today, with the minimal equipment of classrooms, it is quite difficult to keep the constant interest of students. Often, the equipment in the lesson is texts, a textbook, a notebook, reproductions, which we clearly lack, and their appearance leaves much to be desired. ICT can provide a significant help in solving this problem, which make it possible to revive the lesson, arouse interest in subjects. And what is very important: lessons using multimedia technologies are a process of conscious assimilation of the material.

Practice shows that students today are ready for lessons in a variety of disciplines using information and communication technologies. For them, neither work with various editors (for example, with MS Word, MS Excel, Paint, MS Power Point), nor the use of Internet resources, nor computer testing is new and unknown. Most of the students have both an idea of ​​the capabilities of certain information and communication technologies, and specific practical skills. Consequently, the use of this knowledge and skills is advisable to ensure a unified approach to solving the problems presented to the school.

But for the implementation of a unified approach, it is necessary that the subject teacher be able to:

1.process text, digital, graphic and sound information for the preparation of didactic materials (options for assignments, tables, drawings, diagrams, pictures) in order to work with them in the lesson;

2. create slides on the given educational material using the MS Power Point presentation editor and demonstrate the presentation in the lesson;

3. use the available off-the-shelf software products in your discipline;

4. to use educational software (teaching, fixing, controlling);

5. search for the necessary information on the Internet in preparation for lessons and extracurricular activities;

6. organize work with students to find the necessary information on the Internet;

7. independently develop tests or use ready-made shell programs, conduct computer testing.

In the course of mastering information and communication technologies, the teacher raises his professional level and masters (sometimes simultaneously with the students) new tools for acquiring knowledge.

Based on the skills the children have, the teacher can and should gradually introduce the following forms of using ICT into their lessons:

Already starting from the 5th grade, it is possible to apply forms that do not require special knowledge of ICT from students, for example, computer forms of control (tests). During this period, the teacher can also conduct lessons based on presentations created by himself or by high school students.

Then you can practice working with multimedia textbooks on the subject at different stages of preparation and delivery of the lesson. During this period, ESM in subjects and electronic encyclopedias are perceived by students mainly as sources of information. It is advisable to use various kinds of ICT in preparation for tests and exams.

A lesson using computerized forms of control assumes the ability to test students' knowledge (at different stages of the lesson, for different purposes) in the form of testing using a computer program, which allows you to quickly and efficiently record the level of knowledge on a topic, objectively assessing their depth (the mark is set by the computer).

In the senior grades, an examination in a subject can already be carried out in the form of defense of design, research, and creative work with obligatory multimedia support.

Working with multimedia aids makes it possible to diversify the forms of work in the lesson through the simultaneous use of illustrative, statistical, methodological, as well as audio and video materials.

Such work can be carried out at different stages of the lesson:

As a form of homework check;

As a way to create a problem situation;

As a way to explain new material;

As a form of consolidation of what has been learned;

As a way to test knowledge during the lesson.

Lessons using a computer presentation are both lessons in explaining new material in an interactive mode, and a lesson-lecture, and a lesson-generalization, and a lesson-scientific conference, and a lesson-defense of projects, and an integrated lesson, and a lesson-presentation, and a lesson discussion in the mode of the Internet conference.

The lesson in the defense of design work is a unique way of realizing the creative potential of students, a way of creatively refracting their knowledge and skills in practice. The use of ICT in lessons of this type is one of the forms of material presentation, a way to activate listeners, and a reflection of the structure of a speech.

In all cases, ICTs perform the function of a "mediator", "which makes significant changes in the communication of a person with the outside world." As a result, the teacher and student not only master information technology, but also learn to select, evaluate and use the most valuable educational resources, as well as create their own media texts.

ICT-based pedagogical lesson design

In scientific and pedagogical literature and in specialized periodicals, articles and whole brochures about the use of multimedia technologies in the educational process appear more and more often. There are already hundreds of lists of electronic textbooks and other school aids. Their undeniable advantages are evident. Really,multimedia technologies are the practical implementation of the methodological and theoretical foundations of the formation of a teacher's information culture.It is more and more difficult for a modern teacher to see himself in the educational process without the help of a computer.

Most teachers prefer to use one computer and a multimedia projector in order to maximize the visualization of the teaching process. This path is in many ways more advantageous: the problem is solvedhealth savings(the large screen removes the problem of restricting the student's work in front of the monitor screen); using a projector also allows you to more effectively manage the educational process.

However, an analysis of a significant number of multimedia lessons-presentations, performed, as a rule, in PowerPoint, as well as fragments pulled from electronic teaching aids, show their extremely low teaching effect.The developers of these tutorials are not familiar with the featuresa completely new form of teaching.

Pedagogical design – the systematic use of knowledge (principles) about effective educational work (teaching and learning) in the design, development, evaluation and use of teaching materials.

Meanwhile, the lesson, as a direct tool for the implementation of the basic ideas of information and communication technologies, requires the most careful development. It is the lessons that are the litmus test that show the effectiveness of this or that development. This is both the final result and the last stage of design, implementation of ideas laid down by the developers of certain technologies.

Preparation of such lessons requires even more thorough preparation than usual. Concepts such as lesson script, direction lesson - in this case, not just newfangled terms, but an important part of preparing for a class. When designing a future multimedia lesson, the teacher must think over the sequence of technological operations, forms and methods of presenting information on the big screen. It is worth immediately thinking about how the teacher will manage the educational process, how pedagogical communication in the lesson will be ensured, constant feedback from students, and the developmental effect of learning.

Let's define a few more terms.

"Lesson with multimedia support"... It is quite obvious that this is the name of the lesson, wheremultimedia is used to enhance the teaching effect.

  • In such a lesson, the teacher remains one of the main participants in the educational process, often the main source of information, and
  • he uses multimedia technologies to enhance clarity, to simultaneously connect several channels for presenting information, for a more accessible explanation of educational material.
  • For example, the technology of VF Shatalov's basic abstracts acquires a completely new quality when fragments of the "support" appear on the screen in a given mode. At any time, the teacher can use hyperlinks to go to detailing the information, "animate" the studied material with animation, etc.

It is quite obvious that the degree and time of multimedia support for a lesson can be different: from a few minutes to a full cycle.

When designing a future multimedia lesson, the developer should think about what goals he pursues, what role this lesson plays in the system of lessons on the topic being studied or the entire training course. What the multimedia lesson is for:

  • to study new material, present new information;
  • to consolidate what has been passed, to develop educational skills and abilities;
  • for repetition, practical application of the acquired knowledge, skills;
  • for generalization, systematization of knowledge.

It should be immediately determined: thanks to which the teaching and upbringing effect of the lesson will be enhanced, so that the multimedia lesson does not become just a tribute to newfangled hobbies. Based on this, the teacher selects the necessaryforms and methods of conducting a lesson, educational technologies, methods of pedagogical technology.

A multimedia lesson can achieve maximum teaching effect if it is presented as a meaningful whole product, and not as a random set of slides. A certain list of oral, visual, textual information turns the slide into training episode ... The developer should strive to turn each of the episodes into an independentdidactic unit.

Cooking Slide tutorial episodeand treating it asdidactic unit, the developer must be clear about

  • what educational tasks does he pursue in this episode,
  • by what means he will achieve their implementation.

One of the obvious advantages of a multimedia lesson isincreased visibility... Let us recall the well-known phrase of KD Ushinsky: “Childhood nature clearly requires clarity. Teach a child some five words unknown to him, and he will suffer for a long time and in vain over them; but associate twenty such words with the pictures - and the child will learn them on the fly. You explain to the child a very simple idea, and he does not understand you; you explain to the same child a difficult picture, and he understands you quickly ... If you enter a class from which it is difficult to get a word (and we don’t look for such classes), start showing pictures, and the class will start talking, and most importantly, will talk free…".

The use of clarity is all the more relevant because schools, as a rule, lack the necessary set of tables, diagrams, reproductions, illustrations. In such a case, the projector can be of invaluable help. However, the expected effect can be achieved if certain requirements for the presentation of clarity are met.

  1. Recognizability visibility, which must correspond to the presented written or oral information
  2. Dynamics presentation of clarity. Demonstration time should be optimal, and correspond to the educational information being studied at the moment. It is very important not to overdo it with effects.
  3. Thoughtful algorithm video sequence images. Let us recall the lessons where the teacher closed (turned over) prepared visual aids in order to present them at the necessary moment. It was extremely inconvenient, it took the teacher's time, the pace of the lesson was lost. Multimedia tools provide the teacher with the ability to present the desired image with an instantaneous precision. It is enough for the teacher to think over in detail the sequence of presentation of images on the screen so that the teaching effect is as large as possible.
  4. Optimal sizeclarity. Moreover, this applies not only to the minimum, but also to the maximum sizes, which can also have a negative impact on the educational process, contribute to faster fatigue of students. The teacher should be aware that the optimal image size on the monitor screen will never match the optimal image size on the large projector screen.
  5. Optimal amount presented by images on the screen. You should not get carried away with the number of slides, photos, etc., which distract students, do not allow them to focus on the main thing.

When preparing an educational episode, the teacher will certainly face the problem of presenting a printed text ... It is necessary to pay attention to the following requirements for the text:

  • structure;
  • volume;
  • format.

Screen text should act as a communication unit... He wears or

  • subordinate character, helping the teacher to strengthen the semantic load,
  • or is an independent unit of information that the teacher deliberately does not voice.
  • It is quite natural when definitions appear on the screen terms, key phrases ... Often on the screen we see a kind of thesis lesson plan. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, not to clutter up the screen with text.

It has long been obvious that a large amount of writing is poorly perceived from the screen. The teacher should strive to replace the printed text with clarity whenever possible. In fact, this is also a text, but presented in a different language. Recall the definition text in encyclopedic reference books assequence of graphic or sound linguistic signs limited to a single purpose(lat ... Textus - connection ...).

It is also important how the printed text will be presented from the screen. As well as clarity, the text should appear at a time previously thought out by the teacher. The teacher either comments on the presented text, or strengthens the oral information presented to him. It is very important that the teacher does not duplicate the text from the screen in any way. Then the students will not have the illusion of an extra link of incoming information.

Although there may be cases where the duplication of printed text by a teacher or studentdidactically justified... This technique is used in primary school, when the teacher achieves an integrated approach to teaching, connecting various channels of perception. The skills of reading, verbal counting, etc. are improved.

Duplication of printed text is also mandatory at any age when conducting multimedia didactic games. By this, the teacher achieves equal conditions for all students: both those who are easier to perceive oral information, and easier to assimilate information in printed text.

While preparing a multimedia lesson, the developer must have at least basic ideas about color, colors , which can successfully affect the designcolor scripttraining episode. You should not neglect the recommendations of psychologists, designers about the influence of color on the cognitive activity of students, about the combination of colors, the optimal number of colors on the screen, etc. You should also pay attention to the fact that the color perception on the monitor screen and on the big screen is significantly different, and a multimedia lesson must be prepared primarily with the expectation of a projector screen.

The use in the lesson is also important. sound ... Sound can play a role

  • noise effect;
  • sound illustration;
  • soundtrack.

As noise effectsound can be used to attract the attention of students, switch to another type of learning activity. The presence of the Microsoft Office multimedia collection of sound effects does not necessarily mean their use. The noise effect must be didactically justified. For example, in the case of a multimedia educational game, an abrupt noise effect can be a signal to start a discussion of the question posed, or, conversely, a signal to end the discussion and the need to provide an answer. It is very important that the students are accustomed to this so that the sound does not cause them undue arousal.

Plays an important rolesound illustrationas an additional channel of information. For example, a visual representation of animals or birds may be accompanied by their growling, singing, etc. A drawing or photograph of a historical figure may be accompanied by his recorded speech.

Finally, sound can act as an educationalsoundtrackvisual image, animation, video. In this case, the teacher should carefully weigh how efficiently the soundtrack will be used in the lesson. What will be the role of the teacher during the soundtrack? It would be more acceptable to use sound like educational text in the course of self-preparation for the lesson. At the lesson itself, it is recommended to keep the soundtrack to a minimum.

Modern technologies, as you know, make it possible to successfully use fragments of video films in a multimedia lesson.Use of video information and animationcan greatly enhance the teaching effect. It is the film, or rather a small educational fragment, that most contributes to the visualization of the educational process, the presentation of animation results, and the simulation of various processes in real-time training. Where a fixed illustration does not help in learning, a table, a multidimensional moving figure, animation, a frame plan, a video plot and much more can help. However, when using video information, one should not forget about saving pace lesson. The video clip should be as short as possible, and the teacher needs to take care of ensuring feedback with students. That is, the video information should be accompanied by a number of developmental questions that challenge the children to dialogue and comment on what is happening. In no case should you allow disciples to turn into passive contemplators. It is preferable to replace the soundtrack of the video fragment with the live speech of the teacher and students.

Another aspect should be touched upon: the conduct of the multimedia lesson itself. However the lesson is designed, a lot depends on how the teacher prepares for it. The virtuoso conduct of such a lesson is akin to the work of a showman of some television show. The teacher must not only, and not so much (!), Confidently own a computer, know the content of the lesson, but lead it at a good pace, at ease, constantly involving students in the cognitive process. It is necessary to think over the change of rhythm, diversify the forms of educational activity, think about how to withstand a pause if necessary, how to ensure a positiveemotional background lesson.

Practice shows that, thanks to the multimedia accompaniment of classes, the teacher saves up to 30% of the study time than when working at the blackboard. He should not think that he will not have enough space on the blackboard, he should not worry about the quality of the chalk, whether everything written is clear. Saving time, the teacher can increase the density of the lesson, enrich it with new content.

Another problem is being removed. When the teacher turns to the blackboard, he inadvertently loses contact with the class. Sometimes he even hears a noise behind his back. In the mode of multimedia support, the teacher has the opportunity to constantly “keep his finger on the pulse”, see the reaction of the students, and respond in time to the changing situation.

One of the most significant changes in the structure of education can be characterized as a shift in the center of gravity from education to teaching ... This is not an ordinary "training" of students, not an extensive increase in knowledge, but a creative approach to teaching all participants in the educational process, and, above all, its main traditional tandem: teacher - student ... Cooperation between trainees and trainers, their mutual understanding is the most important condition for education. You need to create an environment interactions and mutual responsibility. Only if there is a high motivation of all participants in educational interaction, a positive lesson result is possible.

Information and communication technologies in the lessons of the Russian language and literature

The main directions of using computer technology in the classroom

  • Visual information (illustrative, visual material)
  • Interactive demo material (exercises, reference diagrams, tables, concepts)
  • Training apparatus
  • Testing

Basically, all these areas are based on the use of the program MS Power Point. What does it allow you to achieve in the classroom?

  • Stimulating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, which is achieved by the child's participation in creating presentations on new material, preparing reports, independently studying additional material and making presentations - basic notes, while consolidating the material in the lesson;
  • Contributing to a deep understanding of the studied material through the modeling of basic educational situations;
  • Visualization of educational material;
  • Integration with related disciplines: history, world art culture, music
  • Increasing the motivation of schoolchildren's learning and consolidating interest in the subject under study;
  • A variety of forms of presentation of educational material, homework, assignments for independent work;
  • Stimulating the imagination of schoolchildren;
  • Fostering the development of a creative approach when completing educational assignments.

Opportunities of media resources at the stage of preparation for the lesson

Let's consider specific examples of using media resources on the lessons .

A modern literature lesson is impossible without comparing literary works with other types of art. This organic synthesis helps the teacher manage the flow of associations, awaken the students' imaginations, and stimulate their creative activity. The concrete-visual basis of the lesson makes it bright, spectacular and therefore memorable. In the methodological literature, a lot of experience has been accumulated in working with illustrations, reproductions, portraits and photographs, but the teacher is always faced with the problem of handouts.

Computer information technologies can help us solve this problem, which make it possible to prepare a presentation of illustrative and informational material (a set of slides-illustrations provided with the necessary comments for working in the lesson), create a website and thus generalize the material on the topic. Within the framework of this program, it is possible to organize at the lessons of literature, MHC, the development of speech, the comparison of illustrations, the comparison of works of different artists to the same work. Pupils for a lesson can not only get acquainted with portraits, photographs, illustrations, but also watch excerpts from films, listen to audio recordings, musical excerpts and even go on excursions to the museum.

Preparation for such a lesson becomes a creative process, and the staginess, brightness, novelty of the computer elements of the lesson, in combination with other methodological techniques, make the lesson unusual, exciting and memorable.

The computer, of course, cannot replace the living word of the teacher in the lesson, the study of a work of art, creative communication, but it can become a good helper.

Educational computer programs for the Russian language can solve a number of problems:

  • to increase the interest of students in the subject;
  • improve the performance and quality of knowledge of students;
  • save time on interviewing students;
  • give students the opportunity to study independently, not only in the classroom, but also at home;
  • help the teacher to improve their knowledge.

Possessing information and communication technologies, the teacher has the ability to create, replicate and store didactic materials for the lesson (test papers, handouts and illustrative material). Depending on the level of the class, the tasks assigned to the lesson, the once typed version of the tasks can be quickly modified (supplemented, compressed). In addition, printed didactic materials look more aesthetically pleasing.

Information and communication technologies significantly expand the range of search for additional information in preparation for the lesson. Through Internet search engines, you can find both fiction and literary texts, biographical materials, photographic documents, illustrations. Of course, many works require verification and editorial revision. We do not urge them to be used in full, but some fragments of articles can be useful in the development of didactic materials for the lesson, and suggest the form of the lesson.

The most effective form of work is working with a training presentation.

Presentation is a form of presentation of material in the form of slides, on which tables, diagrams, figures, illustrations, audio and video materials can be presented.

In order to create a presentation, it is necessary to formulate the topic and concept of the lesson; determine the place of the presentation in the lesson.

If the presentation becomes the basis of the lesson, its "skeleton", then it is necessary to highlight the stages of the lesson, clearly building the logic of reasoning from goal setting to conclusion. In accordance with the stages of the lesson, we determine the content of text and multimedia material (diagrams, tables, texts, illustrations, audio and video fragments). And only after that we create slides in accordance with the lesson plan. For greater clarity, you can enter the settings for the presentation of the presentation. You can also create slide notes, reflecting transitions, comments, questions and tasks to the slides and materials on them, i.e. methodological equipment of the presentation, "score" of the lesson.

If the presentation is only a part of the lesson, one of its stages, then it is necessary to clearly formulate the purpose of using the presentation and, already based on it, select, structure and design the material. In this case, you need to clearly limit the time for showing the presentation, think over options for working with the presentation in the lesson: questions and tasks for students

If the presentation is a creative work of a student or a group of students, then it is necessary to formulate the purpose of the work as accurately as possible, to determine the context of the work in the structure of the lesson, to discuss the content and form of the presentation, and the time to defend it. It is best if you familiarize yourself with the student-created presentation in advance, especially if it plays a conceptual role in the lesson.

Typology of Literature Lessons with Multimedia Support

The specificity of preparing a lesson using ICT is undoubtedly determined by the type of lesson. In our practice we use:


Information and communication technologies make the lecture more effective and energize the class. The presentation allows you to organize visual material, attract other types of art. On a large screen, you can show an illustration in fragments, highlighting the main thing, enlarging individual parts, introducing animation, color. The illustration can be accompanied by text, shown against the background of music. The child not only sees and perceives, he experiences emotions. L. S. Vygotsky, the founder of developmental education, wrote: “It is emotional reactions that should form the basis of the educational process. Before communicating this or that knowledge, the teacher must evoke the corresponding emotion of the student and

make sure that this emotion is associated with new knowledge. Only that knowledge can be instilled, which has passed through the feeling of the disciple. "

In the middle link, the presentation allows you to teach how to create support diagrams and notes in a more comfortable communicative mode (abstracts are drawn up on slides, there is a sample of creating support positions for a lecture for students). The problematic nature of a lecture may not be asked by the teacher himself (a problematic question), but the children are independently aware of them in the course of working with different materials: a portrait, a caricature, polar critical assessments, etc. The form of the presentation allows you to aesthetically arrange the material and accompany the teacher's words with clarity throughout the entire space of the lesson.

A presentation for a lesson-lecture can be created by the teacher himself or on the basis of small student presentations illustrating their reports and messages.

During such a lesson, the guys make sure to keep notes in their workbooks. That is, ICTs do not abolish the traditional method of preparing and conducting this type of lesson, but in a sense they facilitate and actualize (make practically significant for students) the technology of its creation.

A well-designed presentation allows you to implement an integrative approach to learning. When interpreting a literary text, a student can and should see a variety of interpretations of images and themes. The attraction of fragments of performances, films, operas, various illustrations, supplemented by excerpts from literary works, allows you to create a problem situation, which helps to solve joint work in the lesson. Problem-based research teaching becomes the leading one in such lessons. On the slides, not only additional material is placed, but also tasks are formulated, intermediate and final conclusions are recorded.

Unlike lessons-lectures, the presentation does not just accompany the teacher's word, but is in some way an interpretation of the literary text. Presentation visuals are essentially designed to develop the reader's co-creation. By comparing video or audio illustrations, the student is already analyzing the text (the technique of hidden text analysis).

The choice from a number of proposed illustrations that most adequately reflects the author's point of view is another technique aimed at developing the recreational imagination (both in the middle and in the senior level). Children's illustrations and traditional ways of working with them (title, comparison with the text, description by illustration, protection of illustrations) can be used in the presentation.

The presentation design for the text analysis lesson should be more careful.

It must be remembered that in the text analysis lesson, the main thing is always work with the text, and ICT only diversifies the methods, techniques and forms of work that develop different aspects of the student's personality, help to achieve the integrity of the consideration of the work in the unity of content and form, to see the meaningfulness, semantic significance of each element forms.

Generalizing lessons

With the help of the presentation, you can prepare and generalizing lessons. The task of this type of lesson is to collect all the observations made during the analysis into a single system of holistic perception of the work, but already at the level of deeper understanding; go beyond the already touched upon problems, emotionally embrace the whole work. ICT can solve these problems by creating a kind of visual metaphor of the work, combining the emotional, artistic and logical types of creative activity of students in the classroom. Diagrams, tables, thesis arrangement of the material can save time and, most importantly, get a deeper understanding of the work. In addition, conclusions and diagrams may appear gradually, after discussion or survey of students. The teacher, thanks to the presentation, can monitor the work of the class all the time.

In the listed types of lessons, the presentations are created by the teacher, however, as mentioned above, the student can also participate in the creation of the presentation.

In high school, the student himself can be the author of a presentation, which becomes his final work on a topic or course, a creative report on the results of research work.

Thus, students develop the key competencies required by the State Education Standards:

Ability to generalize, analyze, systematize information on a topic of interest;

Ability to work in a group;

Ability to find information in various sources;

Communicative competence;

Awareness of the usefulness of the acquired knowledge and skills.

In working with presentations, an individual approach to learning is carried out, the process of socialization, self-affirmation of the individual is more active, historical, scientific and natural thinking is developing.

Solving the problems of integrative and problem-based learning using information and communication technologies

In my practice, student presentations are used at one of the stages of the lesson. The preparation of such a lesson is based on the project method, which is based on the pedagogy of collaboration.

A literature lesson, organized in the mode of two technologies, requires a lot of preliminary preparation. The form of its organization is as follows: the class is divided into several groups of 4-5 people, each of them includes students of different levels of learning. With the same composition, a group can work from one lesson to several months. Groups are given specific assignments. Each student should, using various sources, prepare information-answer to his question. Representatives of the group prepare a presentation in order to visually, emotionally present their task in the lesson, using fiction and fantasy.

Of course, a lesson from the beginning of creation to its logical end is created under the guidance of a teacher who, if necessary, helps students to start working in groups, observes how cooperation between children goes on without interfering in the discussion, and at the end evaluates the work of students and cooperation in groups. It can be one "award" for all in the form of points, a certificate, a badge of distinction.

What, then, does collaborative learning for the learners themselves?

1. Awareness of personal participation and responsibility for the success of joint work.

2. Awareness of the creative interdependence of group members.

3. Ability to conduct a dialogue, compromise, respect the opinion of others.

4. Intense creative communication between students.

Regular discussion of the interim results of the work by the whole group increases its effectiveness.

And therefore, the methodology for creating design works is actively used in the practice of teaching literature.

This method allows students to achieve a high degree of independence in interpreting literary material: selection of facts, presentation form, method of presentation and protection. Design work is a good way of personal adaptation of the material. This technique can be used at different stages of the study of the material - both at the stage of obtaining information, and at the stage of consolidating and testing knowledge, abilities, skills, and can even be a form of exam.

ICT allows for an integrative approach to learning.

Often in the course of preparing a literature lesson, materials are found that contribute to the establishment of integrative ties.

All school disciplines have a kind of integration potential, but their ability to combine, the effectiveness of an integrative course depends on many conditions. Therefore, before creating an integration program, educators need to take into account a number of circumstances.

The deepest basis for unification takes place when teachers identify in the teaching of their subjects such fields of interaction that bring together promising learning goals.

Thanks to integration, a more objective and comprehensive picture of the world is formed in the minds of students, they begin to actively apply their knowledge in practice, because knowledge more easily reveals its applied nature. The teacher sees and reveals his subject in a new way, more clearly realizing its relationship with other sciences. The integration of academic subjects leads to a more interested, personally meaningful and meaningful perception of knowledge, which enhances motivation, allows more efficient use of study time by eliminating repetitions that are inevitable when teaching various subjects. The integration of literature with history is carried out most closely. This is due to the fact that literature is a written monument reflecting the main milestones in the historical development of society.

An integrative approach to teaching can further expand the boundaries of mutual cooperation between the subjects of the school course.

When such work also becomes a reason for the use of ICT - for the realization of the creative and intellectual potential of the participants in the educational process, for their introduction to modern methods of receiving and "processing" information, this contributes to greater mutual enrichment of the teacher and student.

Independent search, creative work of students

Computer technologies provide the widest opportunities for the development of the creative potential of schoolchildren. A teacher can teach a child to use a computer correctly, show that it is not only a toy and a means of communicating with friends. With the skillful mentoring of a teacher, a teenager learns to find the necessary information among the abundance of information on the Internet, learns to process this information, which is the most important task. We are all already faced with the fact that our students bring essays neatly copied from sites, thoughtlessly and completely effortlessly reprinted reports and abstracts. Is there any use in such "work"? Minimum: I still found what I was looking for and managed to get out of the problem. What can a teacher do to ensure that such work is still beneficial? Create the need to process the information found by transforming it, for example, in the form of a reference diagram, presentation, test items, questions on the topic, etc.

The most elementary use of a computer by children is editing texts, typing texts of their creative works, their poems, compiling collections, creating computer drawings. High school students draw up their reports, essays using a computer, make drawings and diagrams themselves, help to do tests, literature manuals, didactic material. It should be noted that the children like to perform tasks on the computer. This is the very case when the pleasant is combined with the useful. In addition, the use of computer and information technologies in our lessons allows us to integrate with informatics, to implement the skills acquired in this lesson in practical activities. This union is also pleasant for teachers of computer science and information technology.

Thus, the use of ICT in the classroom significantly increases not only the effectiveness of teaching, but also helps to create a more productive atmosphere in the lesson, the students' interest in the material being studied. In addition, owning and using ICT is a good way to keep up with the times and with your students.


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MBOU ASOSH them. A. N. Kosygina, Krasnogorsk District, Moscow Region

Galina Sergeevna Nikulina, teacher of Russian language and literature Page

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