
Samsung's laptop is not loaded from the hard disk. Download the Samsung laptop from the disk. What could be the cause of this problem

If your laptop stopped downloading, you can start recovering the system to restore Windows loading.
To the laptop, you can use the recovery from the archive and the bootloader restoration.
If you are interested in the sequence of actions and possible recovery options, then let's go directly to solving the task.

Is it possible to prepare in advance to restore Windows on a laptop?

1. When you first start the laptop, the system will prompt the backup on the hard disk or external carrier. No need to refuse, especially since the creation wizard will access all the necessary actions.
2. Do not disable Windows Recovery Service, although it will take part of the hard disk.
3. You need to back up files using special programs included in OS:
Start / All Programs / Maintenance / Archiving and Recovery (for Windows 7),
Start / All Programs / Standard / Office / Archiving and Recovery (for XP).
A backup copy is not desirable to store on the hard disk of your laptop - to take advantage of the removable disk or DVD-R.

1. Return the system to factory settings.

Most self-respecting laptop manufacturers offer their products with an already installed operating system. At the same time, they create a special hidden section with software on the hard disk, allowing you to restore the system by returning to factory settings if necessary.
Briefly this way looks like this:
1.1. You need to connect the laptop to the network,
1.2. Turn it on and press it several times a definite key or key combination set by the default manufacturer (for example, Samsung is F4, Lenovo, LG and HP Pavilion - F11, Acer - Alt + F10),
1.3. In the window that appears, confirm the restoration of the system and wait until the program completes its work.

This option will allow you to restore the system, but will not save the data - the laptop will be in that condition, in which it was brought from the store.

2. If the laptop starts uploading, but gives an error message.

We restore the Windows system using additional download options.
It is necessary immediately after turning on the laptop several times press the F8 key.
As a result, the Black Window "Additional Download options" appears.

2.1. Select the option "Troubleshooting Computer" and get into the "System Recovery Settings" menu.

(Picture 1)

3. Restoring the operating system on a laptop using a distribution disk.

We undertake the following steps:
3.1. Turn on the laptop and press the DEL key. A hint should appear on the screen, with which keys you can go to the BIOS (usually F1 or F2),
3.2. In BIOS, set the priority of loading with CD-R or DVD-R.
3.3. Click F10, thereby saving changes in the BIOS settings.
3.4. Insert the distribution disk into the drive and press the Enter key.
3.5. The laptop is automatically rebooted, then the installation program from the distribution disk is started.
3.6. In the window that appears with a specific key (carefully read the prompts on the screen!) Select "Restore the selected copy of Windows".

(Figure 2)
3.7. We are waiting for the installation.

4. Recovery in the presence of a checkpoint

It is much easier to restore the Windows system on a laptop, which is still loaded, but already requires treatment.
We use the special service to restore the system, which suggests system rollback to an earlier state through the selection of the recovery control point.
4.1 Click - "Start / All Programs / Standard / Service / System Recovery".
4.2 The recovery wizard will propose to select a control point allocated in a special calendar with a bold font, will offer to close all programs used and perform the necessary actions.

Sometimes the system creates an insufficient number of recovery points. This is due to a disadvantage of a rigid disk allocated for these purposes. You should increase the size of the space available to restore the system: Control Panel / System and Security / System / Advanced System Settings / System Properties / System Protection Tab.

In special cases

What if an attempt to restore Windows failed, and the laptop still does not work?
You can try to save the necessary information by connecting the hard disk of the laptop through a special matching device to another computer. Since these actions require a laptop disassembly, it is better to entrust them to specialists.

Comments (6)

  1. Alexei 13.06.2013
  2. Tamara 13.08.2013
  3. admin. 13.08.2013
  4. svetlana 20.10.2013
  5. Ksenia 16.11.2013
  6. admin. 16.11.2013
  7. Fluz 29.12.2013
  8. admin. 30.12.2013
  9. valera 25.01.2014
  10. admin. 25.01.2014
  11. Hasil 10.03.2014
  12. admin. 10.03.2014
  13. Evgenia 16.04.2014
  14. admin. 16.04.2014
  15. Sergey 27.04.2014
  16. admin. 28.04.2014
  17. Sergey 28.04.2014
  18. admin. 29.04.2014
  19. Sergey 29.04.2014
  20. admin. 29.04.2014
  21. admin. 29.04.2014
  22. Sergey 29.04.2014
  23. Sergey 01.05.2014
  24. admin. 03.05.2014
  25. Maria 20.05.2014
  26. admin. 20.05.2014
  27. Maria 20.05.2014
  28. admin. 20.05.2014
  29. Sergey 14.06.2014
  30. admin. 14.06.2014
  31. Sergey 15.06.2014
  32. admin. 15.06.2014
  33. sari. 28.06.2014
  34. admin. 28.06.2014
  35. Igor 29.07.2014
  36. admin. 29.07.2014
  37. admin. 01.08.2014

Great Admins, to you a question: how is it going? I read your article "", there is explained, how to get into the boot menu of laptops of various manufacturers. As for the Samsung laptop, you need to press the ESC or F10 key immediately after turning on the laptop and the boot menu will appear in which I can select a laptop drive, press ENTER and that's it. I do everything as you wrote, but in the boot menu you can select only the hard disk of the laptop. Entered the BIOS laptop, in the boot parameter, then boot device priority (devices loading priority) and there again only the Winchester laptop. Why so, explain.

Download Laptop Samsung from disk

I fix my friends, I did not add a little article. If you bought a new Samsung laptop, the latest Windows 8 operating system is installed on it. BIOS in this laptop is a bit different, called Aptio Setup Utility, this is a hybrid, that is, the transitional option is between simple BIOS and shifting it to shift, a fundamentally new interface. UEFI. If you decide download Samsung Laptop from a boot disk Or, for example, you want to delete Windows 8 and install Windows 7 instead of it (in my vain), make some simple steps.

  • Note: If you need to download Samsung's laptop from a flash drive, to all that it is written in the article, you need to additionally enter the Advanced section and set the Fast Bios Mode parameter to the Disabled position.
Installing the operating system, on the new Samsung laptops, is prohibited from the BIOS using the "Secure Boot" option. The "Secure Boot" option is enabled by default, so the Samsung laptop is just not downloaded from the disk or from the flash drive. To download the Samsung laptop from the disk, you need to enter the BIOS (click F2 when booting) and put this option to the "Disabled" position, then an additional option "OS MODE SELECTION" will be set to "CMS OS" or "UEFI AND LEGACY OS ", click F10 (by this we save the settings made by us) and exit from the BIOS. The laptop restarts, click when the F10 is loaded, we get into the boot menu in which you select a laptop's drive, the Samsung laptop is loaded from the disk. Now everything is in detail and with exercises! To download Samsung's laptop from a disk or flash drive, turn on the laptop and immediately press the F2 key, we enter the BIOS. We go to the Boot section,

Here we find the option "Secure Boot", using the arrows on the keyboard allocate it

And click on "ENTER", choose "disabled"

And again, press "Enter" comes out a warning that the computer can boot with an error. We agree, click Enter on the keyboard.

Here, just below the option "OS MODE SELECTION" appears, highlight it and click "ENTER",

Select the position "CMS OS" or "UEFI AND LEGACY OS" and press "ENTER".

A warning appears again that the computer can boot with an error. We agree, click Enter.

A reboot occurs, immediately press the F10 and get into the boot menu, we select a laptop's drive in it, the Samsung laptop from the disk is loaded.

If suddenly, for some reason, you will not be able to get into the laptop boot menu, then change the priority of the boot device directly into the BIOS. We go to the BIOS, go to the Boot section, followed the option Boot Device Priority,

after our changes, the drive will appear here, set it the first boot device, then press F10 (save the changed settings)

And reboot. After rebooting, your Samsung laptop will boot from the disk.

Let us recall once again to download Samsung's laptop from a flash drive, log in to the Advanced section and set the Fast BIOS MODE parameter to the Disabled position, then F10 (save changes) and reboot.

Great Admins, to you a question: how is it going? I read your article "", there is explained, how to get into the boot menu of laptops of various manufacturers. As for the Samsung laptop, you need to press the ESC or F10 key immediately after turning on the laptop and the boot menu will appear in which I can select a laptop drive, press ENTER and that's it. I do everything as you wrote, but in the boot menu you can select only the hard disk of the laptop. Entered the BIOS laptop, in the boot parameter, then boot device priority (devices loading priority) and there again only the Winchester laptop. Why so, explain.

Download Laptop Samsung from disk

I fix my friends, I did not add a little article. If you bought a new Samsung laptop, the latest Windows 8 operating system is installed on it. BIOS in this laptop is a bit different, called Aptio Setup Utility, this is a hybrid, that is, the transitional option is between simple BIOS and shifting it to shift, a fundamentally new interface. UEFI. If you decide download Samsung Laptop from a boot disk Or, for example, you want to delete Windows 8 and install Windows 7 instead of it (in my vain), make some simple steps.

  • Note: If you need to download Samsung's laptop from a flash drive, to all that it is written in the article, you need to additionally enter the Advanced section and set the Fast Bios Mode parameter to the Disabled position.
Installing the operating system, on the new Samsung laptops, is prohibited from the BIOS using the "Secure Boot" option. The "Secure Boot" option is enabled by default, so the Samsung laptop is just not downloaded from the disk or from the flash drive. To download the Samsung laptop from the disk, you need to enter the BIOS (click F2 when booting) and put this option to the "Disabled" position, then an additional option "OS MODE SELECTION" will be set to "CMS OS" or "UEFI AND LEGACY OS ", click F10 (by this we save the settings made by us) and exit from the BIOS. The laptop restarts, click when the F10 is loaded, we get into the boot menu in which you select a laptop's drive, the Samsung laptop is loaded from the disk. Now everything is in detail and with exercises! To download Samsung's laptop from a disk or flash drive, turn on the laptop and immediately press the F2 key, we enter the BIOS. We go to the Boot section,

Here we find the option "Secure Boot", using the arrows on the keyboard allocate it

And click on "ENTER", choose "disabled"

And again, press "Enter" comes out a warning that the computer can boot with an error. We agree, click Enter on the keyboard.

Here, just below the option "OS MODE SELECTION" appears, highlight it and click "ENTER",

Select the position "CMS OS" or "UEFI AND LEGACY OS" and press "ENTER".

A warning appears again that the computer can boot with an error. We agree, click Enter.

A reboot occurs, immediately press the F10 and get into the boot menu, we select a laptop's drive in it, the Samsung laptop from the disk is loaded.

If suddenly, for some reason, you will not be able to get into the laptop boot menu, then change the priority of the boot device directly into the BIOS. We go to the BIOS, go to the Boot section, followed the option Boot Device Priority,

after our changes, the drive will appear here, set it the first boot device, then press F10 (save the changed settings)

And reboot. After rebooting, your Samsung laptop will boot from the disk.

Let us recall once again to download Samsung's laptop from a flash drive, log in to the Advanced section and set the Fast BIOS MODE parameter to the Disabled position, then F10 (save changes) and reboot.

Your computer did not want to turn on and required the boot disk? And when you inserted it, he did not download it? If the computer requires a boot disk, then try resetting the BIOS settings for the factory state. You can do this in two in the following ways. "First, you can open a computer housing and 15 seconds to pull out the battery (if you have a laptop) and there will be a jumper that needs to be rearranged and back to the same position as it was.

What could be the cause of this problem:

  • Incorrect BIOS settings. You can reset them to the factory state, pulling out, and then inserting a BIOS battery after 15 minutes.
  • Errors in the operating system. Perhaps you really should insert a boot disk into the computer so that using a special utility to correct all errors in the operating system.

The second way to reset the BIOS settings is if the computer requires a boot disk, this is when you turn on the PC to press the Delete button and the Load Optimized Defaults window will appear, to confirm the changes to the Save Exit Setup item, after which the computer reboots and, most likely, the problem will be Eliminated. Our advice did not help you, and still the computer requires boot disk? Then you should contact the highly qualified specialists of our service center, which are perfectly dealt with your problem and produce

So, will continue the conversation about the return of laptops to the factory state. Today it will be about recovery to the initial type of laptops from Samsung. Traditionally, before describing the recovery procedure, I strongly recommend that you read the article if you have not done it earlier.

It must be said that the SAMSUNG laptop recovery mechanism is somewhat different from similar means used by most of the other manufacturers of mobile computers in which the hard disk is fully formatted, after which the data is loaded from the recovery partition.

In Samsung's laptops, everything happens almost the same, but there is a small difference.

When you first turn on the mobile computer manufactured by Samsung, we are offered to place a hard disk into two logical disks: C and D. This procedure is made only once. After restoring the system, it does not repeat. Therefore, strictly speaking, one hundred percent return to the factory state is not provided.

All recovery procedures are affected exclusively to the C drive. Disc d You can either format yourself or use it to store data from the C disc. After restoring the system, you can return them back.

Well, if the operating system is in such a state, which can no longer boot, use to save these recommendations of the article.

To start the system resuscitation procedure from the recovery section immediately after turning on the computer, you must start on the F4 button. In addition, on some models there may be a functional recovery button used in the pair with the FN key.

But the F4 method is universal and also requires pressing only one key, so it is simply more convenient. But I leave at your discretion. We are important to the end result.

If everything is done correctly, the SAMSUNG Recovery Solution utility will appear on the screen. Stop pressing the buttons and wait.

After a while, we will be offered to familiarize yourself with the text of the agreement. We read it and accept if we want to advance further.

We need to choose from a set of available actions. Select the item "Restore".

From the available parameters, select "Full Recovery".

A list of available backup systems will appear. If there are several of them, choose the earliest. It is automatically created by the system when the computer is first started. After that click "Next".

We will warn us that all the data will be destroyed. Since it is assumed that you have already saved all the necessary information, click "Yes."

Starts preparation for the full recovery operation of the laptop.

After that, the recovery procedure will start directly. It requires some time. Follow patience.

Upon completion, this message appears on the display:

Click OK. The computer will reboot and prepare for the first launch. Do not touch anything and do not press. If the laptop again starts to reboot, then it is necessary. Do not interfere with him. You need to wait until the following message appears on the display:

Its appearance means that the recovery procedure is completed and the operating system is in the first launch mode.

That's all. Now you know how to restore Samsung's laptops to the initial state.

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