
Fix ssl connections and what the error means. SSL error in Opera: ways to fix ssl problems

If SSL is installed on the site, the page opens in a secure https protocol:

The green color in the address bar signals to users: personal data (bank card number, mail account, password) will not be stolen here.

It's a shame when the green traffic light turns red at the wrong time. It is doubly annoying if instead of a secure connection you suddenly see on the site - SSL protocol error... Why it happened and how to fix and remove the SSL connection error, read below:

Check in advance

Make sure you don't confuse the SSL connection error with other problems. If your website stops opening in the browser, first check:

    Is the redirect from http to https configured for /;

    Which domain is the SSL certificate installed on. An SSL certificate is registered for a specific domain. That is, if the certificate is installed on a domain, and you went through the address shop. then an SSL error will be displayed.

If you have a free SSL certificate installed, it only applies to the domain itself and the “www” subdomain: and www.... It doesn't work for the rest of the subdomains. If you need an SSL certificate for a subdomain, order a separate certificate for the subdomain:

If this is not a problem, continue reading the article.

Why SSL Error Occurs

  • the system clock or calendar settings are out of order;
  • your antivirus program scans data transmitted over the HTTPS protocol and may block some traffic;
  • the settings of the browser itself have changed;
  • a malicious script is triggered.

SSL protocol error, what should I do?

Below there are 4 drop-down blocks. Each contains the answer to the question of how to correct the error, depending on the reason.

System clock and calendar settings

If the time settings on the computer are lost, the browser will warn you:

In Google Chrome

In Mozilla Firefox

The solution is simple: set the correct date. To prevent the error from repeating, enable synchronization with a time server on the Internet (system settings Dates and Times).

Antivirus settings

If the watch is okay and the SSL error is still there, check your antivirus settings. Most likely it includes "Https protocol check"... Check if it is enabled, the program will not accept or a certificate protected Let "s Encrypt... Try to disable the function and visit the site again.

If the SSL error persists, disable your antivirus software and open the site. Did this solve the problem? Changing the utility will help.

If that doesn't work, don't forget to turn on your antivirus software and look for a solution below.

Browser settings

  1. Open the site in another browser;
  2. Check if you are using the latest browser. If not, update it to the latest one and reopen the site;
  3. This is probably a browser crash. In this case, restart your browser and try to visit the site again;
  4. If the problem persists, disable Web Antivirus Components under Extensions.

The radical way is to reset the settings to the original ones. Use it as a last resort.

Also you can change your browser to Intenet Explorer until the problem is resolved. There is no SSL error in this browser.

Sometimes an SSL error signals a real threat: the browser protects you from online scammers. Probably, a clone site opens in the browser, which redirects you to.

If you suspect hostile interference, scan your computer with an antivirus program and remove any existing viruses.

If the problem remains after the listed options, contact a specialist who will diagnose a specific case, identify what the ssl connection error means and fix it.

HTTPS is a secure internet connection protocol that uses an encryption system to prevent data theft and decryption. A secure connection in Yandex browser is based on an SSL socket, which implies asymmetric cryptographic authentication for the exchange of information between the server and the client. In practice, the presence of SSL is a guarantee of the user's security on a particular site, but not all resources provide protection due to the difficulty of obtaining a certificate.

Without special knowledge in security technologies, the user would not be able to determine the security of using the resource, and with SSL, it is easy to find out whether it is possible to enter confidential data or it is better to abstain. Yandex browser displays the presence of an SSL connection with a gray lock in the "Smart line", it is easy to visually determine the type of connection by the state of the icon.

Important! In fact, the SSL standard is already outdated and is practically not used, back in 2014 in the United States they announced the vulnerability of the system and obliged the resources to switch to a modern secure communication protocol - TLS. It is also released by Netscape and is a sequel to SSL. TLS is still conventionally referred to as "CCL".

The lock icon will help you determine the type of connection:

Why do you need SSL in Yandex browser

The purpose of this security standard comes down to four areas:

  1. Authentication, provides identification of the user and the web server on the network. The function is important for improving the security of the site, users are able to prove their own identity and can verify the identity of the other party. Through the Internet, users from different parts of the world communicate, which makes identification difficult, in order to avoid deception, an HTTPS connection is used over an SSL socket.
  2. Data privacy guarantee... The cryptographic module provides a guarantee that the information will be received exclusively by the target audience (user or group, server, etc.). During data transmission, there is a risk of interception, but SSL will protect against such problems, although it does not protect 100%. The risk of interception is especially high in areas with public Wi-Fi.
  3. 128-bit encryption system... When all information is received by a third party, it will appear in encrypted form and will not be readable. The keys for decrypting data are available only on the sender and recipient sides. We cannot say that the data cannot be deciphered, since modern ASIC systems are able to sort out up to 50 billion combinations every second. Even with this kind of processing power, password cracking will take days, months, or even years.
  4. Create digital signatures... Allows you to guarantee the integrity of messages and their authorship. With an EDS, it is easy to prove the origin of any data, this is a convincing and reliable proof of the signing of the document, the authenticity of the element or the identification of the user. The function is especially important on commercial sites and resources that perform currency transactions.

How to enable SSL in Yandex browser

In the standard browser assembly, Protected Access is used on all sites that support it. If you previously changed the parameters yourself or installed a third-party assembly, the function may not work on the client side.

How to enable HTTPS / SSL support:

Not every site can be opened using an encryption system, as an SSL absence error appears. It is usually easy to fix the problem yourself.

How to remove SSL problems in Yandex browser

Often an error message appears ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Yandex browser, it is relatively easy to eliminate, but there is one difficulty - the message does not provide specifics. We will have to personally sort out the possible causes of the failure and the appearance of unprotected access.

What can provoke the problem:

  1. Damage to the system with malicious code. Viruses bring the most unexpected problems, including malfunctions when surfing the net. They will help you to restore your working capacity for free Dr. Web CureIt or Kaspersky Rescue Disc.
  2. Time or date failure. To load a protected resource, you will need to set the correct time and date. If there are significant differences between the server and the computer in these parameters, access will be interrupted. The only exception is differences in time zones, they do not interfere with the loading of the site. To restore work, we set the time correctly:
  3. Browser security is set too high. As practice shows, excessive safety can harm the comfort of surfing. We set the appropriate security level:
  4. Antivirus is blocking the connection. In some anti-virus programs, "HTTPS scan / check" is installed, which leads to periodic failures in working with protected sites. For example, in Eset NOD32 (eset internet security), the parameter is located under "Internet Security" - "Web Protocols". We turn off the function and check the elimination of the malfunction.

There is another useful way to restore access to sites - to clear the certificate store.

How to clear SSL in Yandex browser

In fact, there are three methods to help clear SSL in Yandex browser:

  1. From the network section. The fastest and easiest method to clear SSL in Yandex browser. Algorithm of actions:
  2. Manually through a browser window. The method is interesting in that it allows you to delete only individual certificates, and not the entire list of them.
  3. Manually through the system. The advantage of this procedure is that we can nullify certificates simultaneously in all browsers. What to do:

Resetting SSL storage in Yandex browser is useful when cluttering up a section or in case of errors that often disappear if you free the section and erase part or all of the SSL certificates. We recommend that you always keep the section up to date (periodically erasing data) and enable HTTPS in your browser to protect the content.

First, let's figure out what kind of connection it is. SSL is a cryptographic protocol that makes communication between the browser and the resource you need more secure. Sites that use this protocol are signed as https: //. You can absolutely stop worrying about information leaks if the certificate has been executed in the right form and its terms have not expired.

Method # 1 Checking the time and date settings

In the browser, you can get the message “ The server certificate is not yet valid.”, Which means that the time has not come for the certificate to work yet. In this case, sooner all the whole problem comes from you than from the site.

All you need to do is check the date and time on your PC. These settings get lost most often due to a dead battery on your motherboard. Just set the time you need and the SSL connection error will disappear.

Method # 2 Checking the Firewall and Antivirus settings

Sometimes the resource you go to decides that your protection utilities are spyware and blocks them. In order to check this problem, just turn off the check https: // in the antivirus.

Let's look at the example of antivirus Avast how to do it go this way: Settings -> Active Protection -> Web Screen Settings

Inside this tab is the option “ Enable HTTPS scanning”With which you need to uncheck the box.

Method # 3 Updating the browser and system

We know that the advice to complete an update is a rather overused topic, but it is still a useful advice in time. Update your browser and the entire system. It is possible that this will solve your connection problem. SLL.

Method # 4 Malicious utilities and viruses

In the modern world, such things have incredibly huge functionality. Let's take a look at some of the skills of these pests:

  • They can bypass anti-virus protection.
  • Make your PC invisible to other PCs on the network.
  • They block various sites.
  • They might just show you a whole bunch of ads.
  • They change your start page, and without your knowledge.
  • Blocks port 80, etc.

Check your PC using a special utility Anti-Malware Bytes... It will help you find various threats to it in the system. Even if you think you are keeping your PC perfectly clean, rest assured there is something.

SSL is the name of the cryptographic protocol, which ensures the security of the communication connection.

When an "SSL error" is issued while working on the Internet, it really can mean that someone is accidentally or deliberately trying to get the data you are sending to the Network. But you shouldn't always be afraid and try to fix an SSL error right away. Often, such an error can only mean incorrect browser settings, interception of connections by your own antivirus (antivirus is mistaken for an attacker, and you should not be afraid of the data it receives), or in general, the problem is not with you, but with the site you are trying to access.

If you still have the slightest doubt, it is better to reconnect to the Internet, go from another browser and check if an SSL connection error appears in this case.

Let's consider the possible options for fixing the SSL error in specific situations.

How to fix SSL error in Google Chrome and Yandex browser.

So, you can't go to this or that site - a problem with the security certificate "pops up". As already mentioned, don't worry - just reconnect and change your browser first. If the error continues to appear, then:

Check if the Date and Time are set correctly on the computer; Completely scan your computer for viruses; Check your antivirus settings carefully. It has already been said that it is the antivirus that a "frightened" browser can often mistake for an intruder, and rush to the owner for protection. Usually the point here is to check the https protocol, try to find it in your antivirus and disable it (if you don't know where - help and search the Internet for the name of your antivirus program to help). In general, disabling this check will have almost no effect on the functionality of the anti-virus software. If the ssl error continues to appear, try briefly disabling the antivirus altogether (if that did not help, then the problem is definitely not in it, if it helped to cure it, it may be worth changing the security program). Try to update your operating system and browser versions to the latest; Try to create a new user in your operating system and go to sites through it; Try to log in from a different IP address or even a computer; If you can't fix the SSL error, try combining several of the above methods at once.

If all this does not help to resolve the ssl error, you can disable SSL verification in the browser, but this may not be entirely secure. Better before that, study all the information about the suspicious site.

Troubleshooting an SSL error on a tablet is a much more pressing issue than on a computer.

The fact is that, starting with Android 2.3, encryption algorithms on tablets have become noticeably weaker and the likelihood of their decryption by hackers (i.e. gaining access to your data) is much higher. This leads to a not very favorable situation:

First, SSL errors can very easily occur where there is actually no danger; second, on the contrary, really experienced hackers can force the protocol to trust certificates where danger is present.

The main security measures and troubleshooting are given above and many of them are suitable for tablets, but if you value the security of certain data, for now it is better to refrain from entering them on tablets without much need on suspicious sites.

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For some reason, some HTTPS sites stopped opening for me (not all!). When you try to open such a site in the browser, a window appears with the error "This site cannot provide a secure connection." Sites are not displayed in Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser. Without HTTPS, some sites are opened, but not all, only those whose pages are accessible via both HTTPS and HTTP. In Google Chrome, an error when opening HTTPS the site looks like this:

This site cannot provide a secure connection.
The site is using an unsupported protocol.
The client and server support different versions of the SSL protocol and cipher suite. Most likely, the server is using RC4 cipher, which is considered insecure. "

In Opera and Yandex Browser, the error looks about the same. How do I open these sites?


As you probably already understood, the problem is related to problems with SSL communication between your computers and the HTTPS site. The reasons for this error can be quite different. In this article, I tried to collect all the methods for fixing the error "This site cannot provide a secure connection" (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR) in various browsers.

I would like to note right away that despite the fact that the browsers Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser are produced by different companies, in fact, all these browsers are based on the same engine - Chrome and the problem with errors when opening HTTPS sites is solved in them in the same way.

First of all, you need to make sure that the problem is not on the side of the HTTPS site itself. Try opening it from other devices (phone, tablet, home / work computer, etc.). Also check if it opens in other browsers like IE / Edge or Mozilla Firefox. In Firefox, a similar error was discussed in the article.

Clear browser cache and cookies, SSL cache

Browser caches and cookies can be a common cause of SSL certificate errors. We recommend that you first clear your browser cache and cookies. In Chrome, you need to press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Delete, select the time period ( All the time) and click the clear data button ( Delete data/ Clear Data).

To clear the SSL cache on Windows:

  1. Go to section Control Panel -> Browser properties;
  2. Click on the tab Content;
  3. Click on the button Clear SSL (Clear SSL State);
  4. The message “SSL cache cleared successfully” should appear;
  5. It remains to restart the browser and check if the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error remains.

Disable third-party browser extensions

We recommend disabling (removing) third-party browser extensions, especially all sorts of anonymizers, proxies, VPNs, antivirus extensions and other similar Addons that can interfere with the passage of traffic to the target site. You can view a list of included extensions in Chrome by going to Settings -> Additional tools -> Extensions, or by going to the page chrome: // extensions /... Disable any suspicious extensions.

Check your antivirus and firewall settings

If an anti-virus program or firewall is installed on your computer (often it is built into the anti-virus), it is possible that they are blocking access to the site. To understand whether antiviruses or firewalls restrict access to the site, try to suspend their work for a while.
In many modern antiviruses, by default, there is a module for checking SST / TLS site certificates. If the antivirus detects that the site is using an insufficiently secured (or) certificate or an outdated version of the SSL protocol (the same), the user's access to such a site may be limited. Try disabling scanning of HTTP / HTTPS traffic and SSL certificates. As you understand, it all depends on what antivirus and you are installed. For example:

Check your date and time settings

Incorrect date and time (s) on the computer can also cause errors when establishing secure connections to HTTPS sites. After all, when performing authentication, the system checks the creation date and expiration date of the site certificate and the superior certification authority.

Update Windows Root Certificates

If your computer is in an isolated segment, has not been updated for a long time, or the automatic updating service is completely disabled on it, your computer may be missing new root trusted certificates (TrustedRootCA). We recommend that you update the system: install the latest security updates, in the case of Windows 7 - be sure to install SP1 () and time zone updates ().

You can manually renew root certificates according to the article: (we also recommend that this will prevent the interception of your HTTPs traffic and a number of other problems).

Disable QUIC protocol support

Check if Chrome has protocol support enabled QUIC(Quick UDP Internet Connections). The QUIC protocol makes it much faster to open a connection and negotiate all TLS parameters (HTTPs) when connecting to a site. However, in some cases it can cause problems with SSL connections. Try disabling QUIC:

  1. Go to the page: chrome: // flags / # enable-quic;
  2. Find the option Experimental QUIC protocol;
  3. Change the value of the Default option to Disabled;
  4. Restart Chrome.

Enable TLS and SSL support

And the very last point - most likely, to solve the problem, you will only need to enable support for older versions of the TLS and SSL protocols. In most cases, it will be the most effective, but I deliberately moved it to the end of the article. Let me explain why.

Older versions of the TLS and SSL protocols were disabled not at a simple whim of the developers, but due to the presence of a large number of vulnerabilities that allow attackers to intercept your data in HTTPS traffic and even modify it. Thoughtlessly enabling old protocols significantly reduces your security on the Internet, so this method should be used as a last resort if all else has definitely not helped.

Modern browsers and operating systems have long abandoned support for the outdated and vulnerable SSL / TLS protocols (SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, and TLS 1.1). TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 are now considered standard

If the site uses a lower version of the SSL / TLS protocol than is supported by the client / browser, the user sees an error in establishing a secure connection.

To enable older versions of SSL / TLS protocols (again, this is not secure):

If all the above methods did not help to get rid of the error "This site cannot provide a secure connection" also try:

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