
Formatting NTFS or FAT32. File systems. Difference FAT32 from NTFS. What is FAT file system

We will analyze the types of file system for a flash drive, what is the better one. One user sent me a photo with an error "The file is too large for the final file system" and decided to write an article in what cases you need to use the FAT32, NTFS and EXFAT systems. It moved a file with a size of more than 4 GB per flash drive of 8 GB. The fact is that the FAT32 system cannot process more than 4 GB information if you have a 32 GB flash drive and the FAT32 file system, then you cannot burn a file of more than 4 GB to it. Consider all three file systems in Windows, we will analyze their cons and pluses.


Old file system mode, which is usually used when buying a flash drive from the store and the reason for compatibility. Compatibility is that FAT32 can be used on any computer running Mac, Windows, Linux, old PC. The biggest restriction is that it has limitations on the file size of 4 GB, which today has problems with such formats as 4k-video, Blu-ray. In short, if you are going to work with files, the size of which is less than 4 GB and the USB flash drive is used on different computers, with different operating systems, the FAT32 file system is very suitable.


The updated file system created by Microsoft to replace FAT32. Beginning to be used in Windows Vista SP1 and has the maximum file size 16 exbayte (EB), which is 1 eb \u003d 1018 bytes. Compatible with Mac OS and Windows is a very good system for sharing big files.


  • It has no journaling functionality in which all changes to the disk files are marked in the log before they are actually executed.
  • Not supported by Time Machine in Apple. In a word, you will not be able to backup from Apple using Time Machine software.
  • Very complex structure that requires more computing power.


  • Overwrites less than one and the same sector, which is important for flash drives, extending the life of memory cells. As you know, the flash drives have N-number of overwriting, then fail.
  • Large limit on the size of the file 16 exbayte.
  • 32 megabyte cluster size.
  • Improved distribution of free space, which reduces disk defragmentation.


The newest file system created by Microsoft and is a modern structure of today for almost any modern inner hard disk, flash drive or SSD disk. NTFS New File System Technology. Windows system can only be installed on NTFS. It is default for disks with the operating system, due to multifunctionality. It has all Microsoft technologies: logging, not a single file size limit, support compression files, long names, access control file for server admins and much more. At home this is the best use of this system on disks and flash drives. There is one snag when you insert a USB flash drive in Mac OS, you can copy information from a flash drive, but change-no.


For USB flash drives you must use exFat.If you are constantly in the Mac OS environment, Windows, rearring a flash drive from one operating system to another. If you use only Windows, then NTSF. perfect solution.

Each of us at least once in life formatted a USB flash drive, an SD card, an external or inner hard disk and probably remembers that before the formatting of any of the above devices, the Windows operating system always sets the question - to which file system you want to format your device: FAT32 , NTFS or EXFAT?

Of course, most users do not know the difference between them, and usually choose the option that is set by default. And all because Windows, asking this question, does not explain the difference between them. We are in this article we will try to explain it to you and tell you what the FAT32 file system differs from NTFS and EXFAT.

FAT32. It is the oldest of the file systems under consideration and is most often used on portable flash drives - flash drives or SD cards.

NTFS Windows is used as the main file system for the disk on which this operating system is installed, and it is also great for other built-in disks and partitions of the computer's hard disk running Windows.

exFat. It is a more modern analogue of the outdated FAT32 system and it maintains more devices than NTFS, but still not so much as "classic" FAT32.

Now let's look at each of these file systems.

FAT32 file system

FAT32. It is the oldest file system from those considered in this article. She began to actively be used starting with Windows 95 and came to replace an even more obsolete system - FAT16.

A large age of this file system has its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits in this case include the fact that FAT32 has become a kind of standard and is still used in all interchangeable media by default. If you buy a flash drive today or an SD card - "From the factory", the FAT32 file system will be installed on it. This is done first of all so that your replaceable carrier could maintain not only modern computers and gadgets, but also old devices and game consoles that have a USB port and know how to work only with FAT32 file system.

However, due to the age of this system, it has some drawbacks, the main of which is the limit on the size of the file and the entire volume. Each individual file in this file system cannot have a size of more than 4 gigabytes, and the entire partition with FAT32 file system cannot be more than 8 terabytes.

And if with the second minus it is still quite possible to terms (so far, few people use more than 8TB drives), then the limit on the file size is quite a major minus - most of the video in high quality are no longer stacked in size 4GB, especially if they are in modern format 4k.

However, so far this file system is still quite suitable for portable devices (like flash drives and SD cards that host a variety of small files), but it is no longer suitable for the hard disk of the computer. First of all, it lacks some security features that are available in a more modern NTFS file system, and in part, because of this, you can no longer be able to install the modern version of Windows to disk with the FAT32 system, you will need to reformat it in NTFS.

Compatibility FAT32.

FAT32 file system devices are the most universal and compatible with all versions of Windows operating systems, Mac OS, Linux, any game consoles and in general, almost to all that has a USB port.

Restrictions FAT32.

The main disadvantages of this file system are limitations on the file size and volume - the maximum file size cannot exceed 4 GB, and the maximum partition size is limited to 8 TB.

Application FAT32.

The main area of \u200b\u200busing this file system is external data storage devices, which are not supposed to store large files and which requires maximum compatibility with as many variety of diverse devices.

NTFS file system

NTFS - This is a more modern and technological file system, which even decoding the abbreviation of its name - " new Technology File System ". Most of all, it loves the Windows operating system, which is generally not surprising - after all, both developed by Microsoft.

Starting from the version of the Operating System from Microsoft called XP, in which the NTFS system for the first time and has become the standard, when installing Windows, the dialog box will surely ask you to format the system partition to this file system. At the moment it is believed that on the limitations of the NTFS file system, theoretically, there are no long-year worried.

In addition to the lack of serious limitations on the file size and section, NTFS has several additional advantages, such as: support for file access rights (to enhance data security), changes to logging (to restore the file structure in case of failure), encryption, disk quotas, rigid links , and other modern functions that make NTFS perfect for the system disk.

That is why the section of your disk to which the Windows operating system is installed must be in formatted in NTFS. If you are going to install programs on other sections of the same disk or other hard drives, they must also have the appropriate file system.

Unfortunately, NTFS is not compatible with most other operating systems, as it has been developed under Windows requirements. It perfectly work with it all versions of Microsoft operating system starting with XP and ending with the last Windows 10, but other OS has significant restrictions when working with it.

For example, Mac OS can only read the data from the disks with the NTFS file system, but cannot write on them. Some rare Linux distributions may be able to write on disks with NTFS, but most are still limited only to reading information. None of the PlayStation version can work with NTFS, as well as the Xbox 360 from Microsoft, and only a new Xbox One supports this file system.

NTFS compatibility

This file system works great with all the latest Windows operating systems starting with XP, has restrictions on the Mac OS and Linux, and does not work with most other devices, except except Xbox One.

NTFS restrictions

Restrictions on the size of the faers or sections in NTFS for a long time should not last to the framework, so we can say that there are currently no.

Application NTFS

The use of this file system is reasonable only on hard drives and SSDs on which the Windows operating system is installed, since only this format only discloses all its advantages.

EXFAT file system

exFat. It was first introduced in 2008 and is the most modern of the file systems under consideration in this article, its support has been added to Windows starting from the XP version using OS updates.

The exfat file system was created and optimized for use on external drives - flash drives, SD cards and external hard drives, and is designed to replace the outdated FAT32 system. It is the easiest and simple file system due to the lack of various specialized features inherent in NTFS, as well as the almost complete lack of limitations on the file size and partition that FAT32 has.

Also, EXFAT has better compatibility with various operating systems than NTFS, and devices are perfectly read and overwritten both on Windows and Mac OS and on Linux (subject to installing some software).

Since EXFAT is supported by the Mac OS operating system by default, it is likely it will be supported by most of the other modern devices with which Apple devices are running, for example, digital cameras.

Modern versions of game consoles, such as Xbox One and PlayStation 4, also support devices with the EXFAT file system, in contrast to their previous versions (Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3).

Exfat compatibility

exFat works great with all modern versions of Windows (starting with XP) and Mac OS. To work with Linux, you will need to install additional software. This file system supports much more than various devices than NTFS, but some of them (mostly old versions) can still work with FAT32.

Exfat restrictions

Also, as in the case of NTFS, realistic limitations on the file size or partition in the ExFat system so far.

Application ExFat.

This file system is excellent for use on various removable media, the size of the files on which may exceed 4 GB (external hard drives, large-volume flash drives). If all the devices with which you are working are modern, you may well refuse FAT32 on removable drives in favor of ExFat.

Summing up You can make the following conclusions: NTFS is excellent for a system hard disk with Windows, EXFAT is better to use on removable information media, and FAT32 should be used only if you want to maximize compatibility with all the variety of your devices.


Whatever the data carrier - whether it is a hard disk, SSD drive or flash drive (MicroSD, MicroSDXC, USB-Flash Drive, etc.) they all need a file system, in order to write and read the data from them.

File systems There are some quantity, but in this article we will look at the most popular and accordingly applied.

The presented information is very useful in situations when it is necessary to format the hard disk (SSD drive) or one of its sections, a flash drive, etc.

FAT16 file system, FAT32 - history and features

Let's start the story system FAT16. (it is also called simply Fat.) - It was created mainly for the MS DOS operating system, and its support was in Windows 95 and Windows 98. The limit on the maximum size of one file was 2 gigabytes. Exactly the same amount could be the maximum section size.

The FAT16 dominance lasted for a short time, soon it came to shift the FAT32 file system - it was regular for Windows 95 and Windows 98, although for compatibility purposes, as mentioned above, these operating systems were supported and FAT16.

In FAT32, the maximum file size was already 4 gigabytes. Those. The number of files can be any, but the size of any of them cannot exceed 4 gigabytes. And the maximum section size could be theoretical 8 terabytes, but in Windows it is artificially limited. For example, in Windows 98, the size of the section could not be more than 137 gigabytes.

You may have a natural question, why after so many years in this file system you can format flash drives and hard disks of a small volume. The answer to this question is lower.

  • Compatibility: FAT32 to this day is universally supported by the main operating systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux, various stand-alone devices (consoles, MP3 players, phones, smartphones, etc.) and embedded systems.
  • Restrictions: If you try to record a file, the size of which is more than 4 gigabytes, then you will not be able to make it and populate an error. There are solutions to this problem.

    Also, there are also limitations on the size of the partition - although FAT32 theoretically supports data carriers up to 8 terabytes, in Windows XP (and newer) you will not be able to format in FAT32 disk or partition, the size of which is more than 32 gigabytes. This limitation was introduced by Microsoft in order to save optimal performance when working with this file system.

  • To date, this file system is successfully used on flash drives and drives, in order to ensure maximum compatibility with the widest class of devices.

    Another advantage is the lack of redundant entry / reading "Technical Data" in the process of interaction with this file system. For flash drives that have a resource reading \\ records of memory cells is limited, this is undoubtedly good.

NTFS File System - Description, Application and Key Properties

File system NTFS Today it is relevant and widespread. For the first time debuting in Windows XP, it continues to be used in all modern versions of the OS from Microsoft, including the latest Windows 10.

Its developers tried to fame, having endowed this file system with many features that were dictated by modern realities. For example, due to the recording of technical information of all file operations, it was essential to raise the reliability of the data security in the event of a sharp de-energization of the media.

Also, NTFS has been added to install rights to files and folders, which significantly raises overall security when working in Windows. Do not forget about the possibility of creating shadow copies of files and data during the system of the system, which is actively used by Windows, in order to ensure high performance when reserving data, encryption and simply normal operation of the operating system.

Naturally, this is not a complete list of what the modern NTFS file system offers.

As mentioned above, this file system is standard for Windows XP and subsequent OS released from Microsoft. In the process of installing the operating system, you can not even select the file system - hard disk or SSD will be formatted strictly in NTFS.

Due to the substantial complication of the principles of the NTFS file system and some licensed moments, it has very limited support from other operating systems and devices.

For example, the MacOS operating system is capable only to read data from media on which NTFS is used, but cannot write data to media with this file system can no longer.

In Linux the situation is better. Although Linux can only read data from NTFS media, but to some Linux destinies and support for NTFS disks is added.

As for autonomous devices, game consoles (Sony PlayStation, Xbox 360), etc., in most cases NTFS is not supported by them.

  • Compatibility: Fully supported in all modern versions of the OS from Microsoft. In MacOS (MacOS), only reading is supported, and in Linux reading and in some finite distributions also recording. As for other devices - in most cases is not supported at all.
  • Restrictions: There are no restrictions on the number and size of files and folders.
  • Optimal scope of application: The file system was created with an eye to use for hard drives (and later SSD), mainly in the Windows environment.

EXFAT file system - what is the case for which it was created

ExFat. (also called it FAT64.) - The file system debuting in 2006, created for flash drives. When it is developed, all the best of FAT32 was taken and their inherent restrictions were eliminated. In ExFat there are no restrictions on the maximum file size that can be recorded on the media with this file system.

The situation was also further improved with the elimination of an overhaul of technical reading / write operations, in order to ensure the maximum speed of the main file operations with a minimum of the impact on the memory cells, in order to prevent and to delay their wear.

If you talk about compatibility, then the situation is much better with it, if you compare with the same NTFS. MacOS has full support for reading operations / write, and support from Linux is available, provided that several packages from the repository are installed.

As for external devices, the EXFAT support situation is improving, but it is definitely impossible to guarantee support on all devices.

  • Compatibility: It has full support in Windows, starting with Windows XP, MacOS and Linux OS (perhaps, you will need to install a support package from the repository).

    On old standalone devices (MP3 players, cameras, etc.) may not be supported.

  • Restrictions: This file system does not have any restrictions on the maximum file size and quantity.
  • Optimal scope of application: Any flash drives and drives (MicroSD, MicroSDXC, USB flash drive, etc.), the size of which is more than 4 gigabytes. Flash Drive with this file system will demonstrate high speed indicators and will work longer than if it is used NTFS.

Short outcome

If you summarize the above, it turns out that the NTFS file system should be used for hard (HDD) and SSD discs, which are installed inside the computer, and EXFAT for external storage flash drives.
And FAT32 is optimal to use for flash drives of small size (up to 4 gigabytes), as well as flash drives that are used in old devices and do not understand EXFAT.

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Must be, you have repeatedly heard of such file systems as FAT32, NTFS and EXFAT. But what is the difference between them? Each type has its own set of advantages and minuses. That is why there is no single option. In this article, we will analyze the main differences between the three file systems.

Speaking about the Windows operating system, we know exactly that it is installed only on the logical section of the NTFS format. Removable drives and other storage devices based on the USB interface use the FAT32 type.

One of the formats that can be used to format flash drives is EXFAT - the successor of the old FAT32 file system.

Thus, we have three main storage formats are universally used both for Windows and for different types of information media.

What is file system

The file system is a set of rules defining how the documents stored on the device are stored and retrieved. It can be a hard drive, flash drive or SD card.

For greater understanding, we give as an example of the office of a regular company. Fragments of the established documents are stored in a certain place, for example, in the table box. And if you need to open them, the file system refers to the files in an attempt to consider information.

Suppose for a second that such a system has failed and immediately obtain a huge number of unidentified data, to study which there will be no possibility.

In fact, there are a large number of file systems, such as Flash File System, Tape File System and Disk File System, but we will only dwell on the main - FAT32., NTFS and exFat..

What is FAT32.

FAT32 file system is the oldest and experienced in computer technology. Her way began with the original 8-bit system FAT in 1977, which operated inside an autonomous disk Microsoft Standalone Disk Basic-80. It was launched specifically for Intel 8080 NCR 7200 In 1977/1978, working the data entry terminal with 8-inch flexible discs.

After discussions on the introduction of the system with the Founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, the code was written by the first employee of the company Mark McDonald.

The main task of the FAT file system was working with data in the Microsoft 8080 / Z80 operating system based on the MDOS / MIDAS platform, written by Mark McDonald.

In the future, FAT has undergone some changes, gradually moving from its initial species to FAT12, FAT16 and, finally, FAT32, the name of which is now closely associated with external drives.

The main differences between FAT32 from its predecessors is to overcome the limited volume available for storing information. 32-bit The system was released in August 1995 together with the release of Windows 95 and in its updated version allowed to increase the upper limits of file size and data warehouse up to 4 GB and 16 TB.

Thus, FAT32 is not intended to store large amounts of data and install heavy applications. It is for this reason that the file system is used on hard drives. NTFSwhich allows users to stop thinking about the downloadable amounts of information.

Summarizing, the FAT32 system is ideal for storing data, the volume of which does not exceed 4 GB, on any removable media. Its popularity is not limited to a computer sphere. It is used in gaming consoles, high-definition TVs, DVD players, Blu-ray players and any other USB port devices. FAT32 supports all versions of Windows, Linux and MacOS.

What is NTFS

In 1993, Microsoft introduced a new file system. NTFS (New Technology File System) In parallel with the appearance of the Windows NT 3.1 operating system.

The main feature of the NTFS system is the absence of any restrictions on the size of the downloaded files. Even in the case of attempting to exceed this limit, we would fail - so great.

The development began in the mid-1980s during the MICROSOFT and IBM cooperation period, the purpose of which was to create a new operating system, superior to previous graphic performance.

Nevertheless, the Union of the two companies was not a crimson and, without completing a common project, they decided to terminate cooperation. Subsequently, Microsoft and IBM focused on the production of their own file systems.

For computer technologies, 1989 was marked by the creation of HPFS from IBM, which was used for the OS / 2 operating system. A few years later, in 1993, Microsoft launched NTFS V1.0.which has become the official file system for Windows NT 3.1.

The theoretical size of the NTFS file is 16 eb - 1 KB, which is 18 446 744 073 709,550,502 bytes. The team of developers included Tom Miller, Harry Kimuruur, Brian Andrew, David Gebel.

The next version of the file system has become NTFS v3.1running specifically for Microsoft Windows XP. In the future, she did not undergo special changes, although many different additions were made to it. For example, it has the ability to compress logical partitions, recovery and symbolic references NTFS. In addition, the initial capacitance of the file system was only 256 MB from the colossal 16 EB - 1 KB in new versions running with Windows 8 output.

Speaking of useful features embedded in NTFS v3.1, you can mark the extension of supported file formats, disk use quotas, file encryption and the creation of re-processing points. Noteworthy is the fact that new versions of NTFS are fully compatible with previous ones.

The NTFS file system has an important feature when it comes to its recovery, due to any damage. It contains a specific data structure that tracks any changes in the system and with which you can always return the functionality of NTFS.

This file system is supported by all versions of Windows, starting with Windows XP. Unfortunately, MacOS does not share the desire for compatibility, promoted Microsoft. Apple left for users the ability to read data from NTFS disks, but it will not be written to write. Support for this file system from Linux is limited only by several of its versions.

What is EXFAT.

ExFat. (Extended Fat) is a new, advanced file system from Microsoft, which successfully replaces its predecessor on the field when it comes to large amounts of information.

As you probably know, most of the modern digital cameras use the EXFAT system, since it is significantly easier than NTFS, but at the same time, it allows you to save files of more than 4 GB, unlike FAT32.

Thus, copying an EXFAT file system to Flash-drive with a 6 GB file system, you will not encounter negative consequences that can be observed using the previous version of the system.

ExFat format is gaining increasingly popular and is used primarily with high-intensive SDXC memory cards. The main reason for this is the small size of the file system and, as previously described, the ability to maintain documents with a volume of more than 4 GB.

Interesting will be the fact that Microsoft stores US patent 8321439, allowing you to quickly find a file using a hash name. Thanks to this function, any document can be found at times faster.

It is worth noting that for the EXFAT file system, all available additions in shared access was not released. To purchase them, suppliers are required to acquire a limited license from Microsoft.

This action was taken to ensure that the suppliers do not try to monetize the Microsoft product, noting themselves as part of the company, since they would have the source code of the file system.

Since Microsoft is unchanged in their stubbornness, many users engaged in creating their own modifications of EXFAT, one of which has become eXFAT-FUSE.. It provides read and write operations for Linux distributions, including FreeBSD.

Established in 2006 the EXFAT file system, which has a common limit of the amount of information as NTFS, is easier because it does not contain all kinds of additions as the second.

EXFAT supports reading, writing and compatible with Mac, Android and Windows operating systems. For Linux you will need auxiliary software.

File System Comparison


  • Compatibility: Windows, MacOS, Linux, gaming consoles and devices with a USB port.
  • Pros: Cross-platform compatibility, light file system.
  • Minuses: Restrictions in file sizes (documents are available up to 4 GB) and partition dimensions up to 16 TB.
  • Purpose: Removable drives. Used to format Flash drives, however, EXFAT is preferable.


  • Compatibility: Windows, MacOS (read only), Linux (read only for some distributions), Xbox One.
  • Pros: No restrictions on file size and sections.
  • Minuses: Limited interceptor compatibility.
  • Purpose: Well suited for internal hard drives, because it allows you to store the information of a large volume, to cope with which other file systems will not be able to.


  • Compatibility: Windows XP and later versions, MacOS 10.6.5 and above, Linux (using FUSE), Android.
  • Pros: It has common positive effects from FAT32 and NTFS, which include the ability to store files, over 4 GB.
  • Minuses: Microsoft limit the license use.
  • Purpose: Allows you to exclude the limitations on the size of files for removable drives. Much preferable than its predecessor FAT32.

If necessary, restore the logical partition with an unknown, damaged or remote file system - you will help the Starus Recovery tools.

Tool Starus Partition Recovery., or its analogues, Starus Fat Recovery, Starus NTFS Recovery, are designed to work with specific file systems - FAT and NTFS. The main software is able to interact with both. Download and test programs to restore FAT32 and NTFS file systems can be completely free!

To date, Flash drives practically dispensed all other portable media, such as CD, DVD and magnetic floppy disks. On the side of the flash drives, indisputable convenience in the form of a small size and large amounts of information they can accommodate. The latter, however, depends on the file system in which the drive is formatted.

What is a file system? Roughly speaking, this is the method of organizing information that understands the OS, with the division into the usual users and directories. The main types of file systems for today there are 3: FAT32, NTFS and EXFAT. EXT4 and HFS systems (options for Linux and Mac OS, respectively) we will not consider due to low compatibility.

By importance, the characteristics of a file system can be divided into such criteria: system requirements, influence on the wear of memory chips and limit on file sizes and directories. Consider each criterion for all 3 systems.

Compatibility and system requirements

Perhaps the most important of the criteria, especially if the flash drive is planned to be used to connect to a large number of devices on different systems.

FAT32 - the oldest of the still actual system of organizing documents and folders, originally developed under MS-DOS. It has the highest compatibility of all - if the flash drive is formatted in FAT32, then most likely the most devices recognize it, regardless of the operating system. In addition, it does not require a large number of RAM and processor power to work with FAT32.

The default Windows file system from the time of transition of this OPERATION to the NT architecture. Tools for working with this system are present both in Windows and in Linux, Mac OS. However, there are certain difficulties with the connection of drives formatted into NTFS to car radio or players, especially from the brands of the second echelon, as well as to Android and iOS through OTG. In addition, it has increased, relatively with the FAT32 required for operation the amount of RAM and the frequency of the CPU.

The official name is decrypted as "Extended Fat", which corresponds to the essence - exfapp and there is a more extended and improved fated32. Developed by Microsoft specifically for flash drives, this system is the least compatible: such flash drives can only be connected to computers running Windows (not lower than XP SP2), as well as Android and iOS smartphones. Accordingly, the amount of RAM and the speed of the processor increased and the required system.

As we see, by the compatibility criterion and the system requirements FAT32 the undisputed leader.

Influence on the wear of memory chips

Technically, flash memory has a limited period of work, which depends on the number of cycles of rewriting sectors, in turn, depending on the quality of the chip itself installed in the flash drive. The file system, depending on its own characteristics, can either extend the life of the memory, or reduce it.

According to the criterion of influence on wear, this system loses to everyone else: due to the characteristics of the organization, it works well with small and medium-sized files, but significantly fragments recorded data. This leads to a more frequent handling of the operating system to different sectors and, as a result, an increase in the number of READ-WRITE cycles. Therefore, the flash drive, formatted in FAT32, will last less.

With this system, the situation is already better. NTFS is less dependent on fragmentation of files and, in addition, it has already implemented a more flexible indexing of the contents, which positively affects the durability of the drive. However, the relative slowness of this file system partially levels the obtained advantage, and the features of data logging are forced more often to access the same memory sites and use caching, which also negatively affects durability.

Since the exfatis was designed specifically for use on flash drives, it is precisely a decrease in the number of cycles of rewriting developers paid the greatest attention. Due to the characteristics of the organization and storage of the data, significantly reduces the number of overwriting cycles, especially if you compare with FAT32 - in EXFAT, a bitmap of an accessible place has been added, which reduces fragmentation, which is the main factor in reducing the service life of the flash drive.

Due to the foregoing, it can be concluded - the least for the wear of memory is influenced by EXFAT.

Restrictions on file sizes and directories

This parameter is becoming more important every year: the volumes of stored information, as well as the storage capacity, are steadily growing.

So we reached the main minus of this file system - in it the maximum volume occupied by one file is limited 4 GB. In the time of MS-DOS, it would probably be considered an astronomical value, but today such a restriction creates inconvenience. In addition, there is a limit and the number of files in the root directory - no more than 512. On the other hand, in non-corrosive file folders can be any.

The main difference between NTFS from previously used FAT32 is a practically unlimited volume that one or another file may occupy. Of course, there is a technical limitation, but in the foreseeable future it will be achieved soon. In the same way, the amount of data in the directory is almost unlimited, although the excess of a certain threshold is fraught with a strong drop in performance (NTFS feature). It should also be noted that in this file system there is a symbol limit in the directory name.

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