
Business work from A to Z. Work with incoming correspondence. Changing the location to save sent email messages. Organization of document management in the company being created.

Let's deal with why android does not save call history in the call log. There are several reasons why the phone gives such failures. Let's try to figure out.

We are not responsible for your actions. We recommend contacting the service center for solving the problem.

  • Probably, you could pull out the battery from the phone, or did a complete reset of the settings, thereby knocking down the date and time. Your android "thinks" that these calls are made in the "future", so it does not displays them.

The solution to this problem is the following actions:

  1. You need to open the "Settings" menu;
  2. Then we find the item "Date and Time";
  3. We change the date on the current;
  4. After the changes, you should restart the phone;

Other possible reasons

You may have changed settings in the calls themselves.

To do this, go to the call log. Go to the settings, then open the "Functions" deposit and then click "Show Hidden Calls". This option is not on all firmware.

What does "throw to the factory settings" mean and why do you need it?

Another possible option is an elementary "lag": Relieve the phone to the factory settings, then check the date and time. Hard Reset (Reset files and your data from android) - forced removal of absolutely all data from a smartphone or other devices, with the goal to return your software and system, directly to the original view. Contact information, downloads, photos, applications, configure your mail. After resetting these settings, your phone will return to the status in which you bought it.

Before resetting the settings, you should save all the files important for you, as you cannot restore deleted files. From the phone's memory, such files will be deleted as: SMS messages, mail, which was loaded through applications and the like. Files that will not affect the reset of your data: photos, music and video.

How to do it?

The first way to make it possible to reset the settings through the menu of your phone.

  1. Go to your phone menu.
  2. Next locate the "Settings" item
  3. Then "General Settings" or "User and Archiving".
  4. After that, "Archiving and Reset", it may also be called, as just "reset", or "confidentiality".
  5. Next, find and select "Data Reset" or "Reset Device".
  6. Then "Delete everything".
  7. Your device will then restart and the data will be deleted.

If for some reason you do not have a reset to factory settings, there is a second way how can this be done.

  1. Hold the power button and turn off your android.
  2. Hold three buttons at once. These are the "power" buttons, "home (the button located in the center)", "top volume button".
  3. If your smartphone does not have such a button as "home", then clamp and hold the "power" plus the "top volume button".
  4. The download icon will soon appear on the screen of your phone, after that you can release the buttons.
  5. After that, a menu will appear in which you will need to select subparagraph using the volume buttons of your phone, called "Wipe Data / Factory Reset", after which you need to confirm with the "Home" button. If you do not have this button, you must click the button that is responsible for turning on the device.
  6. Next will appear called "Yes Delete All User Data", click on it. Behind these step-by-step actions will be deleted, after which they select "Reboot System Now". Soon your android will be included.
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When creating a company and its further work will form a large number of incoming documents. And over time it will only grow. In order not to drown in this stream, it is necessary to maintain a clear order at all stages of the life of documents.

When creating a company and its further work will form a large number of incoming documents. And over time it will only grow. In order not to drown in this stream, it is necessary to maintain a clear order at all stages of the life of documents.

Organization of workflow in the company being created

Responsibilities of incoming documents are assigned to a special structural unit (DOU service) or secretarial service. The procedure for passing documents and operations produced with them in the Company are governed by the instructions for office work, regulations on structural divisions and job descriptions of employees. These are local (intra-emergency) regulatory documents must be developed, approved and communicated to the company's employees. Clear fulfillment of the requirements of the instructions, the provisions makes it possible to organize rational document management of the company - the movement of documents from the moment they are created or received before completing execution or departure.

The basic principles of the organization of rational document management are:

  • centralized (in the DOU service) Registration, reception, sending documents;
  • movement of documents on the shortest path with minimal time and labor costs;
  • eliminating the return of documents, without the relevant business necessity;
  • exception of unreasonable approvals, parallel coordination of document projects;
  • organization of movement of groups of documents having the same route.

Delivery and sending documents to the company is carried out by means of postal, courier, Feldgererskaya and telecommunications (telegraph, telephone, email). Documents can be delivered by employees of the company who received them in other organizations and companies and visitors.

Reception, processing and passing incoming (incoming) documents

Consider the highlights that need to pay attention to employees of the Dow service when receiving, processing and passing the incoming documents to the company.

All documents entering the company (including telegrams, faxesographs) are primary processing, preliminary consideration, registration, management consideration and are transferred to the company's employee.

Upon receipt of the document, an employee of the Dow service must check the integrity of the envelope, package or packaging, the correctness of the document is correct. When opening an envelope (package), the availability of documents, including applications, is checked. With lack of investments, damage to documents or applications, it is necessary to inform the sender in writing on the same day. Act is drawn up in 3 copies: the first remains in the DOU service, the second is attached to the document received, the third is sent to the sender of the document. An erroneously delivered correspondence is returned to the sender.

Envelopes are saved and attached to documents in cases where you can only set the address of the sender and the sending date, in other cases, the envelopes are destroyed.

The envelopes marked "personally" and the grinds "secretly", "commercial mystery", "confidentially" service workers do not open up. You need to put a stamp on the envelope about the arrival stamp and the date of receipt, after which the closed envelope with the documents to transfer to the unit responsible for working with limited access information, and with the "Personal" marker to send the addressee.

The adopted faxes (faxes) are registered, are considered and transferred to the leadership or directly to the executor of the company, which was addressed to the fax.

The reception and registration of documents in electronic form enrolled on the company's email address is carried out by the DOU service are transmitted by the company's information and telecommunication network to the management or direct contractor.

Documents requiring urgent review are transferred to registration immediately. The processing of the rest of the correspondence is carried out on the day of its receipt or on the first working day upon receipt of documents within the non-working time.

Documents addressed to structural divisions are transmitted to the division, bypassing the company's management.

Admitted telegrams are accepted for receipt of the date and time of reception. The text of the phone is recorded or printed by the recipient, registered and promptly transmitted to the head to which it is addressed.

If the company needs to establish other terms and to develop additional methods of processing and transmitting documents, then this information is included in the local regulatory act, regulating the company's office work and to be strictly implemented.

Preliminary consideration of the incoming documents is made on the basis of their assessment of their content, on the basis of the responsibilities established in the company's distribution. Documents that have completed preliminary consideration are subject to registration and only after that are transferred to the Company's management. Dowmons registered by the DOU service are transmitted to the management of the company on the day of their receipt.

The documents considered by the leadership with resolutions are returned to the DOU service, where the content of the resolution, the deadline for the execution of the commission, FI, is made in the registration journal, a card or database (RKF) and posts of executors of orders, only after that the document is transmitted to execution. If the performers are several structural units, the script is transmitted to the responsible performer, and the rest of the documents are transmitted.

The transfer of a document on execution from one unit to another is made only with the permission of the head, or by agreement between the heads of the divisions. The DOW service is notified about the transfer of a document during execution, which makes about this mark in the RKF.

Registration and accounting of incoming documents

All correspondence: incoming (incoming), sent (outgoing) or internal should be registered in the service of the Dow Company. Document registration - fixation of the fact of creating or entering a document with an empty of the registration number on it, with the subsequent record of information about the document in the RKF.

It's important to know, what:

  1. Documents are registered regardless of the method of their delivery, transmission or creation.
  2. The document should be registered only once: incoming - on the day of receipt, created - on the day of signing or approval.
  3. Registration of documents is made within the calendar year in the gross sequence, with the beginning of the new calendar year, the registration numbers begin with the numbers 1.

You should know what to eat types of documents that do not need registration:

  1. GOST, OSTA, TU.
  2. Graphs, outfits, applications, discharge.
  3. Correspondence addressed to employees of the organization with the mark "personally."
  4. Scientific reports.
  5. Norms and standards of consumption of materials.
  6. Printed publications (books, magazines, bulletins).
  7. Congratulatory telegrams, letters.
  8. Price lists.
  9. Invitation Tickets.
  10. Conference programs, meetings.
  11. Advertising materials (leaflets, programs, prospectuses, notifications).
  12. Forms and forms (except for shafts of strict accounting and reporting).
  13. Anonymous appeals and letters of citizens without reverse address.
  14. Statistical data.

There are two types of registration of documents: centralized and decentralized.

When centralized - the registration of documents is carried out only by the employees of the Dow service.

With a decentralized - registration of documents is carried out both by employees of the DOU service and those responsible for office work in structural units. In this case, in a local regulatory act, it should be clearly spelled out which types of documents companies should be registered in the DOU service and in the structural divisions and in what registration and accounting forms.

On the incoming (incoming) documents to be registered, a stamp is affixed on the first sheet of the document - a check mark indicates the date of receipt and the incoming registration number.

If necessary, hours and minutes of document arrival are noted.

The registration number of the document serves its accounting and search basis, so the company should develop a uniform and stable system for registration of documents. Composite parts of the registration number must have a permanent location in it.

The registration number of the incoming (incoming) document includes the sequence number of receipt within the calendar year. The order number of the document after consideration by the manager and the resolution may be complemented through the oblique line of the codes of the contractor (in accordance with the classifier adopted in the company), for example:

Wheat. № 114/03.where

Wheat. - it is indicated that the document is incoming;
114 - the sequence number of the receipt of the document within the calendar year;
03 - Structural Division Code

When registering documents in the information system, the registration number of the document is assigned automatically in accordance with the structure defined by software.

If information technologies are applied to the company to register and accounting documents, the document information is made to the database, while the composition of the document on the document and the structure of the registration number of the document is laid in the software developed on the technical assignment of the company.

There are many diverse solutions of "electronic document management systems" (s). Currently, it is already obvious that no organization, institution, the company can do without electronic document management. There are extensive opportunities in the SED, but it will be necessary to train staff to work in the EDS.

Note the main details of the registration and control form (RKF) and the rules of their fill.

Requisites Filling rules
1. Name of the type of document Filled in accordance with the name of the type of recorded document (for example: letters, faxes, telegrams, service and report notes, orders, orders, protocols, instructions, contracts, etc.)
2. Author (correspondent) of the document When registering incoming documents, the name of the organization, a structural unit or an official is recorded - the author of the document. When registering citizens' appeals, his surname, name, patronymic and address is introduced.
3. Date of document The RKF is transferred to the document assigned to the document by organizing the author of the document.
4. Document Registration Number The RKF is transferred to the registration number assigned by the organizing author. If there is no one, then the column indicates "b / n" (without a number).
5. Date of receipt It is transferred to RKF from the mark of document receipt (registration stamp).
6. Registration (incoming) document number The registration number assigned to the document upon admission to the organization is transferred to the RKF from the check-in document (registration stamp).
7. Title (summary) of the document Transferred from the document; In its absence, it is formed by the employee of the Dow service. Summary can be recorded by keywords.
8. Resolution The RKF is transferred from the resolution superimposed on the document by the head. The surname of the artist (performers), the content of the assignment, the author and date of the resolution is indicated.
9. Document execution time The date set by regulatory legal acts or the head and contained in the resolution is affixed.
10. Mark on the execution of the document The RCF is transferred to the registration number and date of the prepared document (answer), reference to its registration number and date of registration or a brief record of the issue of the issue on the merits.
11. Business Index The RKF is transferred to the case index in accordance with the nomenclature of the structural unit Affairs in which the executed document is placed.

Document information is entered in RKF such data as:

  • neck (marker) restrictions on document access;
  • internal forwarding of documents under the contractors;
  • keywords;
  • the number of sheets of the document;
  • the presence of applications and the number of sheets in it;
  • FULL NAME. and the position of the person who has staged a document on control;
  • interim limits of execution of orders;
  • transfer of execution timing;
  • storage time of the document;
  • document status (project, etc.);
  • method of obtaining or sending documents (Russian Post, express mail, fax, courier, etc.);
  • other data is needed.

T. V. Voytsekhovich,

Since we addressed our letter to ourselves, then after the next procedure for sending and receiving messages we will get it. By default, the incoming messages are placed in the folder. Incoming (INBOX). This section describes in detail about working with this folder and receiving messages.

Work with the message

As a rule, when a new message arrives, a notifying dialog box appears, offering opening a received message. Moreover, an audible signal and an icon in the form of an envelope on the system panel next to the message are notified.

In folder Incoming (INBOX) Open a double-click message sent by myself to myself (Fig. 9.30). As you can see, the message completely retained the format, attachment and other elements, connected with it, but about everything in order.

So, since our message contained additional parameters. Vote (Voting), Mark to execution (Follow Up) and Importance(Importance), at the top of the letter on the yellow informational lane, they are all listed. Moreover, as you can see, at the top of the message, the voting panel with buttons is displayed. The test passed and the test is not passed. We will talk about the answers and shipments a little later, and now, since you got acquainted with this message, you can complete the mark for execution. Click the same button on the toolbar Standard And check the box Completed (Complete). Under the name of the mark in the information bar, an additional message appears on completing the acquisition with the corresponding date.

Fig. 9.30.

Moreover, as it was assumed, a dialog box appeared offering to confirm receipt and reading this message. If you want confirmation to be sent automatically, check the check box. Do not ask again about sending confirmations And click Yes.


This dialog box could not appear, in this case the answer to the delivery request and reading will be sent automatically (see section 9.10.1 "Message Processing").

Next goes fields From (From), KOM (That) Copy (Ss), Posted (SENT) and Subject (Subject). These fields are read only for reading and copying, with the exception of the field. From (From) Displays the name and email address of the sender. If you do not have this sender in the contact list, you can implement the addition procedure without leaving the form Message (Message). Move the mouse pointer to the field From (FROM) and right-click. Select the command in the context menu Add to contacts (Add to contacts). Form will appear Contact (Contact) with automatically filled fields Full name (Full Name) and El. post office (E-mail address). Add additional information if necessary and save the contact (See chapter 4 "Contacts").

The following large field displays the information sent by the sender. Note that this field is not available for input, although it shows the formatting parameters of the existing text. But the user can copy the text of the message, as well as save it background or built-in pictures.

Example 9.22. Saving the message background

File Name: \u003d< Им I am file\u003e

The only formatting procedure available in this case to the recipient is an increase or decrease in the font size. Changing the font size is performed by pressing the button of the same name on the toolbar Standard.

Sometimes the sending message does not identify the text. At the same time you see not the Russian text, but an incomprehensible set of characters. One of the problems arising in this case is the wrong definition of the encoding of the coming message. You can manually try to change the encoding by selecting the appropriate value from the list\u003e View\u003e Encoding.

The last field under consideration here is The attachment ATTACHMENTS). To save or open an attachment, follow the following example.

Example 9.23. Saving attached files

In principle, there is another more convenient and fast way to save investments. You can simply double-click the attached file icon. A dialog box appears Opening of investment Opening Mail Attachments) notifying the possibility of a virus content in the attached file (Fig. 9.31). Since this file is attached to us, you can be almost one hundred percent sure that it does not contain viruses, and feel free to press the button. Save attachment (Save it to Disk). In the dialog box that appears, select the file storage folder. Otherwise, if the message with the attached file does not inspire the proper trust, - just remove it.

Sometimes the attachment contains a file, the editor of which is known to Windows, such as drawings or audio attachment. Thus, in the absence of protection of the opening of attachment, double-clicking on the file icon will cause its opening and, accordingly, the possible infection of the virus. With the safe operation of Outlook, the warning will be issued and offered two options: open or Save on disk. I advise you not to open such files from Outlook, but first save them on the disk, after which it is necessary to check for viruses. And only after these procedures open the file. Of course, these actions slightly slow down the message processing process, but in the case of a computer infection with a virus, this process may stop at all.

Fig. 9.31. Dialog window Opening of investment

As you can see, viewing and processing the received message is fairly simple. Sometimes, when more than one message comes, it is convenient to use special buttons Next (Next) or Back (Back) To go to the next or previous message, without leaving an open form.

In addition to working with the message, opening it out, you can work with it directly in one of the folder views Incoming which will be discussed in the next section.

Presentations of the folder Incoming

As mentioned above, the received messages can be seen in the folder. Incoming (INBOX) sent - in the folder Posted (SENT), unsent - in the folder Cherniviki. (DRAFT). For all these folders, Microsoft Outlook offers several standard ideas. We will consider presentations on the example of the folder Incoming. In tab. 9.6 A description of the standard representations of the folder Incoming.

Representation Displayed items
Messages (Messages)List of all posts. Displayed fields: importance, icon, mark, attachment, from, topic, received
Messages with autopreview (Messages with autopreview)List of all posts with three first lines of text for not yet open letters
By marking "to execution" (by Following-Up Flag)List of all messages grouped by a set of a specific execution date
For last seven days (Last Seven Days)Messages received in the last seven days
Marked for the next seven days (Flagged for next seven days)Messages assigned to the next seven days
By subjects (by Conversation Topic)List of all posts grouped by field Subject
By Sender)List of all posts grouped by field from
Unread Messages (Unwead Messages)Messages marked as non-tried
By recipient (Send To)Messages grouped by the field to whom
Message Timeline (Message Timeline)All messages are displayed in the timeline on the timeline.

Table 9.6. Presentations of the folder Incoming

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