
Programs and components to them for 7. How to enable or disable Windows components and other operations on them. Management of Windows Components

Each version of Windows carries a specific set of installed programs, functions and applications, while the user can disable (delete) unnecessary features, or add those that are needed, but not installed by default. Removing unnecessary functions, programs or applications, it is possible to release quite a lot of disk space, which is especially relevant for 100-dollar tablets, which have recently flooded the market.

In this manual, we will show how to add or remove components in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

All the necessary actions we will produce in the window called "Windows Components".

How to open "Windows Components" in Windows 7

The Windows Components window can be opened from the Delete or Change Program section (which is also known as "programs and components"). The easiest way to open the "Windows components" is to use the Start menu. To do this, you need to open the menu, enter "Enable components" in the search string and click on the appropriate item in the search results (see Screenshot below).

How to open "Windows Components" in Windows 8 and 8.1

On the desktop, press the Win + S key combination, enter "Enable components", and then in the search results, click on "Enable or disable Windows components".

In addition, there is another way that also works in Windows 7. Open the "Control Panel" and in the "Programs" section, click on the "Delete Program" link.

As a result, you will see the Windows Components window.

How to remove Windows components

Windows Components Window is a list of all functions, programs and applications available for a specific version of Windows. Components that are marked with a flag are already installed and available on your computer. To view additional information about the component, it is enough just to bring the mouse cursor.

To remove a component or program, simply remove the check box. You can delete several components at once. After that, click "OK".

When you remove the checkbox, you will see a warning that the function shutdown may affect other components, programs or settings. To learn more, you can click on the link "Details on the Internet" at the bottom of the warning. If you agree with the consequences of your choice, click "Yes." Otherwise, click "No" and the removal process (disconnection) will be canceled.

Windows requires time to make the necessary changes. Some functions can be deleted or disabled without having to restart the system. If in the case of the function you chose, everything is the case, you will be informed that Windows has completed the requested changes.

After deleting some components, Windows can inform you that in order to apply the changes, you need to restart the computer. Click "Restart Now" and wait for the process to complete. Keep in mind, the reboot will take longer than usual, since the operating system will be required to spend extra time for setting up itself according to your instructions.

How to add Windows Components

Adding components in Windows consists of the same actions as their removal. The only difference is that instead of removing the flags, they need to be installed.

During the installation process, depending on what you have chosen to install, Windows can request permission to download some files from Windows Update. Let the operating system do this to successfully complete the installation. And in some cases, Windows may even ask the installation disk of the operating system.


Is there any sense to remove some unused components and programs if you do not have enough disk space? The answer is yes!

For example, if you, being a user of Windows 7, do not use gadgets, Windows Media Center, DVD studio, "Internet games", "Other games", as well as a fax and scanner, the removal of these components will allow you to free a total of 0.24 GB (245 MB). This is a decent savings when free disk space is a real problem.

Excellent day!

When installing the operating system, the default is a whole package of standard Windows software, which is not known to the simple user. Part of the standard programs can be found in the menu. Start - All programs. Further open sections: Service, Standardand further Service, Special abilities. Part of the programs are intended for specialists and access to these programs can only be implemented through the command line or through the command " Perform».

With the help of the " PerformYou can quickly run programs, open files and folders, as well as go to websites if the computer is connected to the Internet.

To start the command " Perform"You can apply one of the ways:

It remains to enter the name of the program to start it.

Now let's start directly to the description of those programs that are of interest from the point of view of their use, not only by experts, but also a simple user.

appwiz.cpl - Programs and components. The program can be deleted if it is no longer needed or it is necessary to release a hard disk space. To remove programs or change their configuration by adding and deleting certain components, you can use the " Programs and components».

control - Control Panel. Used to change Windows settings. These parameters almost fully determine the appearance and operation of Windows and allow you to configure Windows most suitable for a user

cipher.exe. - EFS service utility (encrypted file system (EFS) is a Windows component that allows you to save the hard disk information in an encrypted format. Encryption is the strongest protection provided by Windows to protect data). Also, using this utility, you can delete the file, folder or data from the disk without the possibility of recovery.

cleanmgr. - Cleaning the disc. To reduce the number of unused files on the hard disk to exemplate disk space and enhance computer speed. It deletes temporary files, cleans the basket and deletes many system files and other unused items. additional information

control Folders. - Folders settings. Using the folder parameters component, you can change the methods of working with files and folders, as well as displaying items on your computer.

control Desktop. - Personalization. You can change individual parts of the topic (images, colors and sounds), and then save the modified topic for your own use or sharing with other users

comexp.msc. - Component services. With the help of snap " Component services»In the MMC console, you can customize the COM components, the COM + applications and the DTC distributed transaction coordinator, as well as administer them. Snap " Component services"Designed for both system administrators and application developers. For example, administrators can manage components, and developers can configure the required behavior of the component and application, such as participating in transactions and organization of the object pool

cOMPMGMT.MSC. - Computer management. Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Groups administration tools that are used to administer networks, computers, services and other system components.

credwiz - Saving user names and passwords. If user names and passwords are damaged or destroyed, you can use an archive copy to restore them.

charmap - Symbol table. Used to insert special characters into a document. Special characters are characters that are not on the keyboard. These characters include complex signs of mathematical operations, exponential representation of numbers, currency symbols and letters of other languages

certmgr.msc. - Certificates. First of all, certificates are used to identify users or devices, authentication of services or file encryption. Usually certificates are used unnoticed by the user. However, sometimes notifications appear that the certificate is invalid or its expiration date. In these cases, the instructions presented in the message should be performed.

taskschd.msc. - Task Scheduler. If a specific program is used regularly, then using the task scheduler wizard, you can create a task, thanks to which this program will start automatically in accordance with the scheduled schedule. To perform these actions, you must log in as an administrator. Otherwise, you can only change the parameters of the current user account.

devmgmt.msc. - Device Manager. Using the device manager, you can install and update hardware drivers, change the parameters of these devices and troubleshooting in their operation. The device driver is a software by which Windows can interact with a separate device. The device driver is installed to provide Windows with new equipment.

diskpart. - Console utility for managing partitions in hard disk volumes. The / add parameter is used to create a new partition, and / delete - to remove the existing one. Device variable is the name of the device for a new section (for example, \\ Device \\ HardDisk0). DRIVE variable is a letter assigned to a remote section (for example, D). Partition variable is a corresponding partition name naming rules (for example, \\ Device \\ HardDisk0 \\ Partition1); It can be used instead of a DRIVE variable. Size variable is used to indicate the size of the new section (in megabyte) the full list of commands utilities can be obtained by leading HELP

dxdiag - DIRECTX multimedia technology package is used by many Windows games. If the computer does not set the required version of the DirectX specified on the product packaging, the game can work incorrectly. If there are any problems when playing a game or a movie, the DirectX diagnostic tool will help find their reasons. DirectX is a set of technologies used in many Multimedia Windows OS programs

diskmgmt.msc. - Disc management. The disk management tool in this version of Windows is intended to perform such disk management tasks as creating and formatting sections and volumes and assigning disc letters. The hard disk control differs from the management of programs and stored on the disk of information. Some control operations lead to a change in hard disk, such as formatting or redistribution of sections. Under the hard disk information, it is implied to streamline files and folders to enhance the convenience of accessing information (or setting up their properties). In order to execute disk management tasks, together with other command-line programs, you can apply the DiskPart command.

eventvwr.msc. - View events. Program " View events"It is a Microsoft (MMC) control console snap-in and is designed to view and manage event logs. This is an indispensable tool for monitoring the performance of the system and eliminate the troubleshooting (for example, inappropriate launch of programs or updates loaded automatically).

eudcedit. - Editor of personal signs. Personal symbols editor allows you to create your own characters and insert them into documents using the character table.

fTP. - FTP protocol. FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL (FTP) is a protocol used to transfer files via the Internet. Usually, FTP is used to make files available to download by other users, but can also be used when sending web pages to form a website or to place digital photos on the site with shared access images.

firewall.cpl - Windows Firewall. The firewall is a software or hardware complex that checks the data included via the Internet or network, and, depending on the firewall settings, blocks them or allows them to go to the computer. Firewall will help prevent hackers or malicious software (such as worms) into your computer via the network or the Internet. Firewall also helps prevent malicious programs to other computers.

iExplore. - Internet Explorer. Microsoft Browser

intl.cpl - Language and regional standards. You can change the format used in Windows to display information (such as dates, time, currency and units of measure) so that it meets the standards of the selected language. For example, when working with documents written in two languages \u200b\u200b(French and English), you can change the format into French and use the euro as a currency, and the dates are displayed in the day / month / year format.

mMC. - Management Console (MMC). Place for storing and displaying administration tools created by Microsoft and other software providers. These tools are called snaps and serve to manage equipment, software and network components of Windows. Some funds located in the Administration folder of the control panel, such as "Computer Management", are equipped with the MMC console.

msconfig - System configuration. The system setup program is an additional tool intended to determine the problems that can prevent Windows startup launch. When you start Windows, you can disable regular services and automatically downloadable programs, and then turn them on one. If the problem does not occur when the service is disabled, but appears after its inclusion, then this service can be a source of problem. The system setup program is designed to search for troubleshooting, but not to manage the download.

mSInfo32. - Information about the system. Component " System Information"(Also called msinfo32.exe) displays detailed information on the configuration of the equipment, components and computer software, including drivers

msra. - Remote assistant. Sometimes to troubleshoot the problem most conveniently to show anyone to show how it is done. Remote Windows Assistant is a convenient way for someone who deserves confidence, such as a friend or technical support specialist, connect to a user's computer and help him find a solution to the problem, even if this specialist is not near

msdt. - Microsoft technical support tool. Used to collect information about the problems arising during the operation of the computer and the subsequent sending of these information via the Internet in Microsoft Technical Support.

mmsys.cpl - Sound. You can set to play sound sounds when specific events occur (event can be as an action performed by a user, such as logging to a computer and a computer that is executed, for example, an alert on receiving a new email message)


Optionalfeatures. - Windows components. Some programs and components as part of Windows, such as IIS, must be enabled before use. Some other functions are enabled by default, but they can be turned off if they are not used.

oSK. - Screen keyboard. Instead of a regular keyboard for printing and entering data, you can use the on-screen keyboard. The on-screen keyboard is displayed on the screen with all standard keys. You can select the keys with a mouse or other indicating device, or use a single key or group of keys to switch between the keys on the screen.

oDBCAD32. - ODBC data source administrator. ODBC is a technology that is used by programs to gain access to different databases (or data sources). For example, ODBC technology can be used to import data from the MySQL database to the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. To do this, it is necessary that the required ODBC driver is installed on the computer and the data source is specified.

perfmon. - Windows system monitor. You can use to analyze the impact of the performance of the computer performance of the computer both in real time and by collecting the log data for subsequent processing. Windows system monitor uses performance counters, event trace data and configuration information that can be combined into data collectors groups

pSR. - Conditions for recording actions to reproduce troubleshooting. ACCOUNTING ACTION ACTIONS ACTION ACTIONS You can use for recording actions performed on a computer, including a text description of the lockers of the click and screen images of the screen for each click (called screen pictures). Recorded actions can be saved to a file that can use a support service specialist or another person helps to eliminate the problem on the computer

powerCfg.cpl - Power supply. Power Management Scheme is a set of hardware and system parameters that control consumption and power saving computer. Power management schemes allow you to save energy, maximize the speed of the system or ensure the optimal ratio between them

rstrui. - System Restore.




{!LANG-29d7d290462de8bb2150c0a4233d3228!} - Archiving and recovery. The Windows archiving program allows you to create a system image that is the exact disk image. The system image also contains Windows and system parameters, programs and files. Restoring the system allows you to restore the status of computer system files to the previous time

secpol.msc. - Local security policy. Used to view and modify Group Policy Security Parameters

sFC. - Check the integrity of all protected system files and replacing incorrect versions correct. Starts on the command line with administrator rights. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator

sigverif - Check file signatures. The digital signature is the electronic security markup added to files. It allows you to check the file publisher and helps determine if the file has been changed after adding digital signature to it

taskmgr. - Windows Task Manager. Task Manager displays applications, processes and services that are currently running on the computer. With it, you can control computer performance or shut down applications that do not respond.

Tabletpc.cpl - Feather and touch devices. When working with a tablet PC or touch screen, you can make a tablet pen or movement with gestures, for quick navigation and action

verifier - Driver Check Manager. The driver is a program that ensures computer interaction with equipment and devices. Without drivers, a normal operation of the equipment connected to the PC, such as a video adapter or printer is impossible

lusrmgr.msc. - Local users and groups. Snap "Local Users and Groups" is used to create users and groups stored locally on the computer, and control them

wscui.cpl - Support Center. The support center lists important messages about the security and maintenance of the computer, which require the attention of the user. Red colors are marked with important messages indicating significant issues that need to be eliminated as quickly as possible.

fXscover - Editor of the title pages of faxes. The Windows Fax and Scan component included in this version of Windows contains four ready-made title pages. In this program, you can also create your own title pages.

If some standard program does not work or works with failures, you can try to reinstall it. Open Windows Components Entering Team Optionalfeatures. In Start - Run. Select a component that you want to reinstall, remove the checkbox from it (a warning appears when some components are disconnected) Click YES And after rebooting the computer, I will again celebrate the component that turned off. For changes to enter into force, you will have to reboot once again.

For more information on the Windows website. Visit Windows Web Site, which contains more information, download materials and ideas to the most efficient use of the computer running Windows 7

In this article, we consider ways to create a means of deleting and changing programs in Windows 7. Usually it is called "Programs and Components" and is in Control panels Windows. However, in the control panel there way view . And there is another way how to open "programs and components" - through the search string on the Start button. Any way to give a guaranteed result. ;)

In order to open a device for deleting and modifying programs in Windows through the search string by the "Start" button, you need to click on this button (it is usually in the lower left corner of the monitor screen) with the left mouse button. This will open the window at the very bottom of which there will be a field for entering text. Here in him and in the word of the program. Depending on the stamping of the computer's results, the search results will be mass. From this mass you need to pay attention to the section " Control Panel"And two results:" Programs and components"And" Removing the program" Click on any of these links will open a means of deleting and change programs.

In order to open "programs and components" from the "Windows control panel" in the category mode, you need to find category « Programs"And click on the link" Removing the program»:

As you can already pay attention, the "Programs and Components" icon in Windows is the same as at the beginning of this article. And this is not good \u003d D

Focusing on the name "Programs and Components" in the "Control Panel" in the "Large Icons" mode, you can also successfully find the desired link, click on which the desired window will open:

For fans to work in the "Control Panel" in the "Minor Icons" mode, the method is identical to the two described above. This is probably worth it to focus on the fact that references in the "control panel" in this mode are located in alphabetical order and you need to search for the letter P.;)

I hope that at least one of the described methods helped and happened! Window with a means of deletion and change programs opened!

Who did not work, try again. \u003d D.

It will look like this:

Services in Windows 7 are the basis of the operating system. These are programs run automatically or manually. One or more services can be part of individual components of Windows 7. Connecting each service loads the processor and the RAM used memory. This can significantly affect the stability of any computer and lead to a decrease in its performance. In order not to happen, you need to know which services are really extra, and from time to time to optimize the system through "Enabling and disable Windows components".

How to open management services


Click "Start", in the search bar, introduce the Services.msc below and click "Enter". Next, you need to click on the Services item, which will open to us access to the list of services.

Select Services

In the window that opens, you can edit the list of services. Find out what the service is responsible for which this or that service is simply - there is a brief description of each element.

In "Services" presented descriptions, status, type of launch and other data on all services

Through the "system configuration"

At the same time, press the Win keys (with the Windows icon) and R - the "Run" window will appear. In the field we enter msconfig and click "OK".

We recruit msconfig

"System Configuration" will open, where we need to go to the "Services" tab.

In the "Services" tab, you will find a list of services, manufacturers of each of them, as well as information on what state is the service

Removing a tick next to the service, you turn it off. Note that some Windows security services will not turn off - this is prohibited by the system.

Using the "Control Panel"

Go along the path "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administration" - "Services".

To change the settings, you should click on the right mouse button (PCM) in any service and select "Properties" using the left mouse button (LCM).

Select service start mode

The following launch types are built into the properties tab of each service:

  1. Disabled - Starting service is prohibited.
  2. Manually - can start the user manually or upon request of another service.
  3. Automatically - the service starts during Windows 7 boot.
  4. Automatically (deferred launch) - postponed time launch.

When entering the system, due to the simultaneous launch of a large number of service programs, a computer loading delay and even hangs it. Having settled on some time the launch of some services, you can significantly reduce the time of loading the system and in general to stabilize the work of Windows 7. Also in the properties window at any time you can stop or run the service by selecting the appropriate command.

Consider that before performing any actions related to the work of the services, you should keep the part of the registry that is responsible for it.

Conservation Registry Before Change

Need to do the following:

Read the same: How to raise and competently configure a VPN server on Windows 7

Enabling and disable service via the command line

You can enable and disable the services in Windows 7 using short NET and SC commands entered through the control console string. Net Start command is used to start the service<имя запускаемой службы> Or SC Start<имя запускаемой службы>. Net Stop command is required to stop<имя останавливаемой службы> or SC Stop.<имя останавливаемой службы>. The difference between NET and SC commands is only that the first functionality is worst, and the SC utility works exclusively with the services. You just need to open the console, pressing the Win and R keys, enter into the CMD text box, then click the "OK" button. Next, enter the desired command and press the ENTER key.

Running and stopping Windows 7 services via the command line

To use the ability to start or stop the services through the command line you need to know the names of these utilities.

If you need to change the launch mode of the selected service, the SC Config command is used.<Имя выбранной службы> Start \u003d.<тип запуска>.

Encoding Start Types for Input to the Command Line:

  • auto - automatically;
  • delayed-AUTO - automatically (deferred launch);
  • demand - manually;
  • disabled - disabled.

What services can be deleted: Table

Service description Service name
Remote Registry - Remote users have the opportunity to work with your system registry. When you disconnect the service, only direct users of the computer have access to the registry.Remoteregistry
Offline files - service cache of offline files. Control of user login events into the system and exit from it. Implementing API properties related to offline files. In most cases, supporting offline files is not required.CSCService.
Tablet PC input service is needed for the functioning of the pen and the possibility of handwriting input on tablet personal computers.TabletlnPutService.
Windows Error Registration Service - sends error reports in the computer and installed programs. Controls the management of error logs of diagnostic and rehabilitation services.Wersvc.
IPsec keys modules to exchange keys on the Internet and IP protocol with authentication - is used for additional protection of corporate networks.Ikeext
Customer tracking changed links - tracking movements within the system and network NTFS files.TRKWKS.
Windows Search) - resource indexing to speed up file search. If there is no need to constantly search for the necessary files, then the service can be turned off.WSearch.
PARENTAL CONTROL (Parental Control) - in Windows 7, the role of a plug and does not bear any functionality.ParentalControl
IPsec Policy Agent - The service is practically not used on home computers, and its shutdown on the laptop will save the battery charge and work much longer offline.PolicyAgent.
KTMRM for distributed transaction coordinator - transaction coordination between their core and MS DTC.KTMRM.
Support service IP - Tunnel connection using appropriate technologies for IPv6 protocol.iphlpsvc.
Print Manager - If there is no conventional or network printer, the service can be turned off immediately. If you have availability, you can try to use the start manually, and if it is not possible to use the automatic startup type.Spooler.
Secondary login - work processes are launched on behalf of a third-party user.sECLOGON.
Fax - sending and receiving faxes through a computer and network resources.Fax
Windows Defender - computer protection against spy software. You can safely delete if alternative protection is installed in the system.Windefend.
Windows Firewall - can be disabled if there is an alternative firewall installed in the system.MPSSVC.
Smart Card Delete Policy - If you do not plan to use this technology when accessing to a computer, then the service can be turned off.SCPOLICYSVC.
ISCSI Microsoft Initiator Service - In the absence of devices with the ISCSI interface (Internet SCSI), this service will not need.Msiscsi.
SSDP detection is used to detect network devices and services using the SSDP protocol.SSDPSRV.
Adaptive brightness adjustment - adjustment of the brightness of the monitor depending on the lighting. If there is no installed light sensor on the computer, then the service can be turned off.Sensrsvc.
Access to HID devices - the service is turned off only if you have a USB keyboard or mouse on your computer, as well as a wireless mouse or keyboard.hidserv.
The main services of the trusted platform module - the service is used only if the computer is installed on the computer and / or BitLocker chips.TBS.
Server - If the computer is not used as a server, for example, to organize hosting, and there is no need to access files and printers, this service is not required.LanmanServer.
Bluetooth Support Service - the service is necessary only to connect devices via Bluetooth.bthserv.

That it is impossible to disable: table

Service description Service name
Windows Audio - management of all system sound resources.Audiosrv
Windows Driver Foundation - Drivers Management.wudfsvc.
Multimedia Class Planner - Setpoint Priority Prioritizes for any multimedia applications.MMCSS.
Plug and Play - Using the simplified installation technology and automatic configuration of devices connected to the system.Plugplay
Superfetch - provides an increase in system performance, allowing the ability to run frequently used programs by loading them into memory in advance.Sysmain.
Task Scheduler - With this service, many system tasks are performed, including switching keyboard layouts.Schedule.
Remote Calling Procedures (RPC) - monitors the work of most system services.RPCSS.
Desktop Desktop Dispatcher Session Manager - The service provides the AERO interface.UXSMS.
Topics - ensuring the work of the desktop and the AERO interface.Themes.
Windows installer - service is used when installing applications on a computer.msisserver

Adding components

To add or delete components in Windows 7, you must select "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Programs" - "Enable or Disable Windows Components". The component management program window opens. Further everything is simple. The installed component should be marked with a check mark, and the removable remains empty. There are some nuances. Part of the components are composite. In order to note them, you need to press LKM on the corresponding icon with the "+" sign.

Installing and removing components in Windows 7

If the component control window does not open or only an empty list is visible on the monitor, then the SFC / SCANNOW check should be launched from the administrator via the command line. The utility will check the system and restore damaged files.

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