
Computer for CS GO. The system on which the COP does not slow down. What system requirements of the game CS: GO? Cheap computer for cop

CS Go Today you can safely call the most popular multiplayer game among shooters. Guys and girls of any age play in her, on this discipline competitions in the leagues of cyberports are held, any gamer dreams of cases from Counter Strike with new weapons! But to always and everywhere to break off their opponents, you first need to buy PK for CS GO, the technical characteristics of which is enough for online battles.

Secret success - reliable "iron"

The FPS levels are not always so important in games focused on the passage of companies and the lags as for online battles. The slightest delay in the network game makes it possible to defeat the enemy and record another kill on your own expense. But sometimes the wine for losing is not on the player, but on the "iron". So it happens if the gamer acquires a computer capable of pulling a favorite game only on minimal.

CS GO developers claim that you can run the game with 2 GB of RAM and 1 GB video card. But before the optimal configuration, these numbers are very far away. And already when playing with 3-5 opponents, you will feel that the speed and accuracy of guidance have become an order of magnitude lower.

Absolutely new level of game

We offer our customers to switch to a completely new level of Internet battles. Having bought a real game PC for CS GO, you can quickly improve your skills in shooting, and you will never worry that you will be killed at the moment of lag.

The CS GO computer is assembled on the basis of the I7 processor and the top motherboard with the Z390 chipset. It is equipped with a powerful GEFORCE RTX 2060 Gaming video card with 6 GB, 16 GB of RAM and a high-speed SSD disk. You no longer have to limit yourself in the chart - the configuration will pull most of the modern games at maximum resolution.

Many of our customers are perfectly disassembled in the system unit, for such sophisticated users, we offer to assemble our unique game PCs in our online configurator With the compatibility of components. In our designer, you can fully implement all your desires to collect the top and unique system. Crush opponents on the battles.

1. Introduction

In the game, experienced players necessarily choose the settings so that the gameplay is as comfortable as possible. Settings are indicated by the main game menu and console. In this article we will talk about how to make a detailed setup of PC and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. My goal is to help you get knowledge about how to improve your game. Develop each setup in parts. Full guide to configure (beginners and moderate players). Let's start ...

2. Setting up Windows optimization

Now I will show in screenshots how to configure PC performance optimization and how to disable unnecessary services and visualizations of Windows, and then write and explain in the text version.

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Control Panel Start

1. B. System Properties In the left side of the window choose Additional system parameters.
2. B. Additional system parameters in the subsection Speed You need to click the button Parameters.
3. B. Speed \u200b\u200bparameters Select item Provide the best speed, Zhmem. OK.
4. B. System Properties Go from tab Additionally to the tab System protection.
5. Select the hard disk on which the protection is turned on (left click), and click the button Tune in the submenu Setting the recovery parameters.
6. In the dialog box System Protection for Local Disc (C :) Select item Disable system protection, then click OK.

After we have applied the changes, close all the open windows and proceed to the next section of optimization.

3. Optimization of Windows Pad File

File Podchock - This is a kind of addition to RAM (which is engaged in temporary storage of data for rapid delivery to processor processing) of your computer.

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Control Panel can be selected from the context menu that appears if you press the right mouse button on the button Startlocated on the desktop.

Example 1:
512 MB RAM - Optimal Switching File Size 2048 - 2048 MB
1024 MB RAM - Optimal Switching File Size 1412 - 1412 MB
2048 MB RAM - Optimal Switch File Size 1024 - 1024 MB
4024 MB RAM - Optimal Switching File Size 768 - 768 MB
6 GB (or above) RAM - without paging file (i.e. 0 MB, i.e, it is turned off)

Example 2:
512 MB of RAM - the optimal size of the paging file of 2560 MB
1 GB RAM - the optimal size of the paging file 1536 MB
2 GB RAM - the optimal size of the paging file 1312 MB
4 GB RAM - the optimal size of the paging file 768 MB
6 GB RAM - without paging file (i.e. 0 MB, i.e, it is turned off)

In fact, the more RAM you have, the less you need a paging file and the faster the system will work at all without it.

To configure the parameters of the paging file, go to Computer properties (Right click on the icon My computer - properties), then in the list on the left select System protection. Faster way to do the same - press keys Win + R. on the keyboard and enter the command sysdm.cpl(Suitable for Windows 7. and 8/8.1/10 ).

After you installed the paging file you need to reboot (however, you will warn you about this).

4. Disable file indexing

Disabling indexing files To speed up Windows.
If you rarely use file search on your computer, then you can add speed to your operating system by turning off the file indexing.
Although it will slow down the search slightly, it will free up processor time and virtual system memory.

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Control Panel can be selected from the context menu that appears if you press the right mouse button on the button Startlocated on the desktop.

1. Open the Control PanelAdministration And launch Services (WIN. +
2. Click twice in the Service Windows Search..
3. Set the startup type to the value Disabled and click OK.
4. In the menu Start Right-click on the folder A computer and press Open.
5. Right-click on the hard disk and select Properties.
6. Remove the checkbox Allow index the contents of files on this disk in addition to the file properties. and click OK..
7. Set the switch to the value TO disk X.: and to all subfolders and files ( X.: - Letter of your hard disk) and click OK.
8. If the window pops up Access denied click Proceedif the window pops up Error changing attributes, then select Skip everything.
9. Restart the computer.

PS:You should also not forget to defragment local disks, clean the registry and delete unnecessary files.

5. Disable background applications

Many applications themselves install such parameters to automatically start with each computer inclusion. Some processes must be launched along with the system, however, for the normal operation of most of them it is not required.

Text version:

IN Windows Perform Start Win + R.

1. We write there msconfig.
3. Go to the tab Services.
4. And put a tick on Do not display Microsoft services
5. Remove the checkboxes from the services that are not related to GPU, mouse and antivirus software (if any).
PS:Personally, I left in the tab Services Programs such as ESET, NVIDIA and Steam.

1. Go to the tab there click Open Task Manager.
2. We go to the tab and Disconnect Not necessary for programs not related to GPU, mouse and antivirus software (if any).
PS:Personally, I left the Process Processes in the tab. Realtek. - Sound I. ESET.- Antivirus.

6. Windows disk defragmentation

Disk Defragmenter - This is the process of combining fragmented volume data (for example, on a hard disk or storage device) to ensure more efficient operation.

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Perform You can choose from the context menu that appears if you click on the right mouse button on the button Startlocated on the desktop. and click Win + R..

1. We write there dfrgui..
2. Then at the bottom, click on the button OK.
3. Next, select the disk and click Analyze
4. Upon completion of the analysis, click Optimize And so with each disc.
PS.. Why is it needed? Briefly and clear: it harms on the disk, speeds up the disk operation.

7. Setting up Windows Settings

Now I will show in screenshots how to configure the power supply and how to speed up the boot of Windows, and I will write and explain in the text version.

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Control Panel You can choose from the context menu that appears if you click on the right mouse button on the button Startlocated on the desktop.

1. Go to B. Control Panel. Press on Category We choose there Small badges.
2. Behind, we find Power Supply.
3. Power Supply and click by High performance.
4. Power SupplySetting the transition to sleep modeChange additional power optionsPCI EXPRESS.Communication State ManagementValue: Off.

8. Disable system services

Disabling unnecessary system services that consume computer resources will increase productivity Windows. The usual user does not need 50% of the default system services. Naturally, it arises quite an explanatory desire to disable them.

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Control Panel can be selected from the context menu that appears if you press the right mouse button on the button Startlocated on the desktop.

1. Go to B. Control Panel → Administration → Services
2. And exhibit as shown in the screenshots. Many services may not be with you, we leave as it is.

For those who are important to the system recovery service, I strongly recommend not to disconnect:
Shadow copying Toma
Software Copy Software (Microsoft).

Do not forget that some system services depend on other services, so observe caution when changing standard settings. If some service is disabled, the services that depend on it cannot be launched. But remember also that if you have disabled the service, you can turn it on and on it.
Take a sheet of paper and write down all operations performed, since in the window under consideration there is no button to set the default button, and if you have the necessary records, it will be possible to return to the place.

9. Accelerate Windows Download

We accelerate the boot of Windows on the multi-core processor. We use all kernels when you turn on the computer

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Perform You can choose from the context menu that appears if you click on the right mouse button on the button Startlocated on the desktop. and click Win + R..

1. We write there msconfig.
2. Then at the bottom, click on the button OK.. Click button Additional parameters.
5. I exhibit a tick on " Number of processors"And choose the most largest number. In my case it 2 . And maybe 2, 4, 8 etc., it all depends on the model of your processor.
6. Then press the window at the bottom of the window. OK.
7. In the system configuration window, press Apply and OK.
8. Then agree to reboot the system in the low window that appears.

After restarting, you will notice how much the performance of the system has increased.

10. Setting up NVIDIA GeForce video cards

Now I will show how to configure the video card NVIDIA GeForce. and AMD Catalyst Control Center in screenshots, and below I will write and explain in the text version. Video is one of the main components on which it depends FPS..

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Control Panel You can choose from the context menu that appears if you click on the right mouse button on the button Startlocated on the desktop.

1. Go through StartControl PanelControl panel NVIDIA.
2. Open Adjusting desktop color parameters . Let the tick on Use NVIDIA settings.

Brightness + 60%
Contrast + 60%
Gamma + 0.99
Digital intensity + 100%

P.S. Make all settings to your taste. So for all different monitors.

3. Next, open control panel NVIDIA, and in the list Parameters 3D Select Image settings adjustment with viewing open and put the slider on Performance.
4. Next in the list Parameters 3D Select Parameters 3D management, Select in the list Half Life (HL.EXE) If it is not in the list, click Add then Overview and specify the path to (hl.exe)

Example: E: \\ Games \\ Steamlibrary \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ Half-Life.

Anizatrop filtering: OFF
Vertical sync pulse: OFF
Shading background lighting: OFF
Shader caching: Incl
Maximum number of pre-trained personnel: 1
Streaming optimization: OFF
Power control mode: Adaptive
Smoothing - Gamma Correction: OFF
Smoothing - Transparency: OFF
Smoothing - Mode: Management from the application
Triple buffering: OFF
Filtering textures - anosatrical sample optimization: OFF
Acceleration of multiple displays / mixed gp: One-color performance mode
Filtering Textures - Quality: High performance
Filtering textures - Negative deviation UD: Binding
Filtering textures - trilinear optimization: OFF

If there is no one or several items, we skip or put on the performance. All video cards are different models.

Adjusting Viccarts for Fans 4: 3, Black Stripes.
1. Conditions Control panel NVIDIADisplay tabItem Adjust the size and position of the desktop on the display.
2. Choose Scaling mode → "Image format"
3. Perform scaling to "GP"
4. We put a tick "Replace the scaling mode specified for games and programs".

11. Setting up AMD Radeon video cards

Customize map series AMD Radeon.We will need to take advantage of a special programmatic shell, named AMD Catalyst Control Center. You must have the last driver.

Text version:

In order to proceed with the settings of the video card AMD Radeon. , we have to.
1. Right-click anywhere in the desktop, in the window that appears, select AMD Catalyst Control Center.

2. Going to the tab AMD Catalyst Control Center → Games → 3D Application Settings.

Then specify these settings:

Smoothing mode:
Smoothed samples: Use application settings
Filter: Standard
Smoothing method: Multiple sample
Morphological filtering: OFF
Anisotropic filtering mode: Use application settings
The level of anisotropic filtering: Use application settings
Filter Quality Textures: Performance
Optimization of surface format: Incl
Always turned off
OpenGL Triple Bufferization: OFF
Tessellation mode: Optimized AMD
Maximum level: Optimized AMD

3. In the tray near the clock we find AMD Radeon. and press the right key on the mouse.
4. Then, we find (in my case it 1. AMD RADEON HD 5570) It seems like a monitor or video card.
5. Choose 3D graphics parameters.

Then specify these settings:

Smoothing: Managed by the application
Anisotropic filtering: Managed by the application
Tessellation: Optimized AMD
Catalyst AJ.:quacy Filtering Textures: 3D graphics parameters
The level of detail set. Displays: High performance
Wait for vertical update: Always turned off
Smoothing method: Multiple sample
OpenGL parameters: Triple buffering Off

Adjusting appears for fans 4: 3, black stripes.
1. On the desktop, press the right mouse button
2. Select from the list AMD Catalyst Control Center (AMD CCC) → Tab "My digital flat panels"→ Point "Properties (digital flat panel)"
Put a tick "Save the aspect ratio".

12. Microphone setting in Windows

13. Setting up keyboard in Windows

The keyboard setting on a laptop and a personal computer is not different in principle and depends on the operating system: Windows XP., Windows Vista. or Windows 7 / 8/8.1 / 10. In fact, it differs only Waywhich is called the keyboard properties for further configuration.

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Control Panel can be selected from the context menu that appears if you press the right mouse button on the button Startlocated on the desktop.

1. Go to B. Control PanelKeyboardSpeed .
2. Delay before the start of the repeat put on 4 .
3. The flicker frequency of the cursor put on 12 .

Speed \u200b\u200bcan not configure anything - Only to those who are gaining a lot of texts by the nature of the activity, for example, writes manuals or edits configs, writes through the console, the commands in the game, it makes sense to set the minimum delay value before repeating symbols and the maximum speed of their repeat. Both of these parameters affect how speed symbols are entered when the key is pressed and holds down for a long time.

14. Setting the mouse in Windows

It is necessary to clean it in order for the speed of movement always the same. So you will control the mouse, thereby increasing the accuracy of shooting.

Text version:

IN Windows 10. Team Control Panel can be selected from the context menu that appears if you press the right mouse button on the button Startlocated on the desktop.

1. Go to B. Control Panel → Mouse → Pointer Parameters and remove a tick with Enable Increased Pointer Installation Accuracy.

Akseleration mouse - This is an acceleration of the cursor, the faster you will move the mouse, the greater the speed of the cursor.
There is another reason why we need to get rid of acceleration:
With the same mouse setting on different computers, the mouse speed will be different. If the acceleration is disabled, the cursors will move the same.

15. Start Parameters Steam

16. Configuring Counter-Strike GO

Programs for running games

In this article, consider the most necessary programs for running games, namely, components and applications, without updating which you may not start the game. I am confident that everyone has already encountered this problem and all difficulties and solutions have already been considered on our site. The program set does not guarantee the launch of the Games If your computer does not meet the system requirements (if it will not go to the car a triple cologne, right?). We list the programs for games, provide links to their download. All programs are free and you can download anyone who wants to play on your PC without dancing with a tambourine. Also, all drivers for devices (chipset, video card, sound card, etc.) must be installed on your computer.
So the Windows work is built on various components, applications, libraries and instructions that are needed both to run games and other programs.

Programs required to launch games

1. DirectX (Direct X) - This is a set of instructions designed to manage multimedia features, video, audio, graphics on computers with Windows operating system, most often applied in games. Now in your own words: DirectX is a kind of "Enseabl Conductor", in which people are your computer components (video card, sound card, processor, RAM and others). He, that is, the Direct X, indicates these components to output sound, video in one way or another.

2. MICROSOFT VISUAL C ++ Package It is the necessary component of the Windows operating system, so it must be mandatory by each user in order to avoid all the errors when starting programs and especially games. The package is absolutely free and downloaded free of charge.

3. Microsoft Net Framework (No Framvork) - A set of components and libraries of the Windows system required for the work of most programs. In other words, this platform on which almost all Windows applications are developed - its update is necessary for each user of Windows operating systems.

4. NVIDIA PhysX - This is a technology (driver) that gives realistic physics in new games for computers based on Windows operating systems and others. Physx is working as they move and interact objects in the game. Without Physx, the surroundings in modern games would be non-living, that is, the grass would not move, the walls would not be destroyed, the glasses did not beat, etc.

5. Games for Windows Live - Gaming service from Microsoft for Windows, although very gluchny, made for the network game. In addition, in the absence of Games for Windows Live, some games would even be launched, will not be saved. Most Popular Games GFWL: Batman: Arkham Asylum Batman: Arkham City, Battlestations: Pacific, Bioshock 2, Colin Mcrae: Dirt 2, Fable, Fallout 3, Fuel, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto V, Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Resident Evil 5, Section 8, Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes

6. Xna Microsoft. - what is it? Microsoft Xna Framework is a package of tools created by Microsoft to facilitate the development and management of computer games. The meaning of XNA will get rid of the repeating lines of the code for writing games. This is an additional tool for Microsoft Net Framework, which, as previously written, is created in order for Windows applications to be multiplatform and launched on all versions of "windows".

These are the most necessary programs for running games. We recommend downloading and install them on new, just purchased laptops and computers, also on computers with just installed by the Windows operating system. But install and forget them not enough! It is necessary to periodically follow the relevance of the versions of these components and update them in a timely manner. If these applications are installed on your computer, in 99% of cases you will start any game, once again repeat, provided that your PC meets the minimum system requirements of the game and all the most recent drivers are installed for the system unit components.
- The Clean Master application for the computer allows you to clean and optimize the Windows system, deleting unnecessary files, cache system applications and more than 500 popular programs.

The utility intended for defragmentation of hard drives. Developers say that Defragger does not look like other similar programs, as it is capable of defragment not only hard drives, but also separate files.

Scans and defines outdated drivers automatically, loads and installs updates with one click, saving your time. Moreover, it is specifically designed to configure drivers for better performance in games.

This is a comprehensive solution for automatic maintenance of a computer under Windows.
The program will prevent malfunctions, correct system errors, cleanse from digital "garbage", optimizes and protects the computer.
- Text editor, which accepted "to armared" not only programmers, VEBMASTER, modifiers, but also ordinary users, one way or another related to editing. The program extends freely, has an open source code, consumes the minimum of resources, quickly loads.

The program developed by Iobit in collaboration with Razer to improve the performance of the system and optimize the gameplay, due to disabling the processes and services. Apply for free.
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The config is temporarily not available.

All rights reserved. Copying the manual and its contents without my written consent is not allowed. © 2015 by dede.

One of the distinctive features Counter-Strike: Global Offensive It is its availability. CS: Go was released in 2012, and despite the fact that since then it is updated, the players do not need an extremely powerful computer for CS GO to start the game.

However, the rival game is a completely different story. Many professional gamers play in CS: GO at a speed of 144 frames per second and this requires a fairly powerful PC. So powerful that the usual, not updated PC cannot run CS: GO in the most optimal settings. Of course, you can play, but you can not compete with the best players.

What is the essence? You need a powerful "hardware". What buy computer For CS GO is best for the game in rivalry?

There are many computers that you can purchase for the game CS: GO at a high level. But there is only one setting of which it all depends - your frames per second.

Frames per second or FPS are key. If you want to plunge into the world of professional games, you must invest in a PC that can handle settings with high FPS. High-FPS means above 60 FPS, and for most professional players - above 144 fps.

More frames means greater control over your actions and a preferred possibility for accuracy. CS: GO cards and the ability to determine the best weapon for each scenario are crucial, but when it comes to a collision with your opponent during one of your best battles, the ability to accurately aim exactly what is needed very important.

Let's start with the minimum requirements for the CS: GO PC. The minimum GPU is 256 MB or more with DIRECTX 9 compatibility. The minimum processor is an Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X2 8750. The minimum memory is 2 GB.
These are officially the only specifications provided by the developer itself to start CS: GO.

GPU is the largest factor in CS: GO performance on PC. Any current graphics card can run the game without any problems, but pushing the frame rate to the levels of the pro-game. AMD or NVIDIA card is very good, but make sure that they are high enough.

It assumes that the GPU is the biggest factor when viewing the best game PCs on the market. What kind of PC is the best? Just make sure that it can work on 144 fps or higher, and you are in business.

On the other hand, Intel i7-7700K is a very durable processor for playing CS: GO. According to reviews, this processor can largely process all that you throw on it, from video game graphics (for example, CS: Go Pro Play), music, video editing and much more.

How does GPU affect CS: GO
CPU (CPU) is in some kind of PC brain. The graphics processor speeds up the capabilities of the computer in a wide variety of areas, but in the world CS: GO, it is used mainly to render graphics, as it implies its name.

The graphics processor and computer processor are directly related. GPU relies on the CPU, and vice versa.

So, the best game PC for CS: GO players in 2018
IT BLOK Maximum I7 7700 F - One of the best on the market, since it is equipped with a very welcome Intel Core i7-7700 processor, which is key to the required power to start CS: GO at a speed of 144 frames per second. This is one of the best options for computer assemblies you find on the market, and, like all previously equipped game computers, there is no need for complex configuration and construction. All is ready.

Computer for Streamplay CS GO with ShadowPlay technology allows you to conduct online broadcasts on Twitch, YouTube and Facebook Live without loss of gaming power. The recording in the 4K resolution and stream are performed at the hardware level without limiting the duration. The built-in SHADOWPLAY Highlights feature will automatically save all key points, and the GeForce Experience will help quickly start broadcast. Choose your weapon and start the game!

Full Arsenal in Hyperpc

The site contains configurations for beginner gamers, experienced players and enthusiastic enthusiasts. Each finished PC for Counter Strike is being developed, going and is tested by an experienced engineer. The framework parameters and the specification are given in the descriptions of the models. PC assembly is possible for the COP to order. Pickup components will help the configurator and Hyperpc specialists. Developed fans of the legendary shooter can order a housing with a symbols of the game - an engraved or applied method of airbrushing.

Updated 05.10.2017. The article is relevant for the whole of 2017.

Hello everybody! If you want to buy a computer for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, then you are at. In this article, we will look at the system at different prices so that each of you could choose something.
In fact, I all have long collected and constantly update articles. You only need to estimate your budget and go through the desired link:

Now I will add a little about each of these assemblies.

System for 15 thousand

There is no video card here. If there are 2-3 thousand unnecessary - buy the most simple card, it will give a noticeable productivity gain. But even on the system from the article CS GO will go well. With a resolution of 1920 on 1080 and the minimum settings you will receive about 50 FPS. If you lower permission, it will be noticeably better.

Pros assembly

  • Extremely low price.
  • The possibility of upgrade. Discover the cheap video card and get a reasonable system.
  • It gives the opportunity to play CS GO, albeit with a small FPS.
  • In addition to games, it will be useful for anything: watching movies in Full HD, work with documents, the Internet.

Cons build

  • Low performance.
  • There is no video card.

Computer for 25 thousand

It will allow you to play 1080p and medium settings with FPS about 90. If you reduce the settings to a minimum, and the resolution is left as the value will be exceeded for 100, which is quite comfortable for the game. If you want 150 FPS and higher, you will have to lower permission.

  • Still low price.
  • CS GO is already quite confident.
  • Easily solves any everyday tasks.
  • The average performance in CS GO, but for other modern games is still weak.
  • The opportunity of the upgrade is already a bit difficult, since when buying a new detail - the old one will have to go somewhere.

System for 35 thousand

It is easily suitable for the game in the COP go with FullHD (1920 × 1080) resolution on the maximum settings. There will be about 120-150 FPS. Reduce the settings for medium and get 200 FPS.

  • Affordable price.
  • Enough power to record video and their processing.
  • Easy pulls CS GO and even modern games at least in medium settings.
  • For modern games, the assembly is weak.
  • To upgrade to the next level, you need to change the processor and the video card.

Configuration cost 45 thousand rubles

Without problems, pulls even better. 1080p resolution and maximum settings, including smoothing and so on, will produce an average of 180 FPS. If you put the average values \u200b\u200bor slightly lower, you will get a stable 300 FPS.

  • You can safely play any modern games.
  • Record video and process it.
  • Allows you to fight CS GO.
  • For upgrade to the next level, you need to change everything from the motherboard.

All other builds, starting from 55,000 rubles And more expensive, allow you to roll in Counter Strike Global Offensive to maxima with FPS above 200. But, usually professional players do not put such high settings so that extra details are not distracted from the game. Of course, the shadows are needed to fill the enemy on the approach, smoothing to distinguish, for example, head behind the drawer from the details of the card, etc. And if you confuse the game with the mind and catch the balance between the high settings that you really need and low, so as not to be distracted, then the stable 300 FPS are provided to you.

Now you know what computer for CS GO is better to buy, so I can only wish you good players in the team and good luck!

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