
Why do I need to develop mobile applications. Why do you need your business mobile application? How to determine if your mobile application needs your business

Before we start responding to the question voiced in the title, look around. How many devices are on your table or an elongated arm? Surely, this is a desktop or laptop, a tablet and, of course, a smartphone. Today, a person himself creates a personal electronic ecosystem around him with the help of mobile technology. It replaces the mass of other things that actively used five, ten, twenty years ago. Diary, alarm clock, calculator, voice recorder, camera - Mobile electronics effectively performs functions of these and many other things.

Each user of such a gadget is your potential customer. In restaurants, bars, fitness clubs, stores, everywhere people actively use mobile electronics for a variety of purposes. Due to this, entrepreneurs of the XXI century appeared a unique opportunity to be in touch with the consumer 24 hours a day. If earlier for receiving reviews had to study a plaintive book and carry out expensive polls, today it is enough to get into the client's gadget.

Developing a mobile application - the case is much more complex than creating websites. The three most common operating systems (Android, iOS and Windows Phone), hundreds of devices with various displays and technical characteristics, contact management and gestures - all imposes very high qualification requirements and experienced developers of mobile applications. The staff of Creabox Studios can for your business, taking into account all its features. An individual approach to the development of each mobile application allows us to create really efficient and interesting products products.

But before ordering the development of a mobile application, you need to clearly understand why it needs to be required to your project or enterprise.

It is believed that the mobile application is an additional sales channel. However, it is rather a myth. In fact, this product is an image tool that allows companies to keep existing customers and promote their re-visits to establish or using services.

This example is a mobile application of the American network of coffee shops Starbucks. Its main feature is a multi Starbucks Rewards Loyalty Program. Users accumulated in the "Stars" application can spend on receiving free products. This approach to doing business provided the company in fame in the United States and the whole world. And the number of purchases carried out using a mobile phone, in the coffee shop is constantly growing.

Thus, through this campaign, Starbucks managed not only to increase the number of re-visits in the coffee shop, but at the same time and increase loyalty to the institution and make recommend to his acquaintances. Therefore, you should not count on the fact that the mobile app will bring you quick money. His development and support - a long marathon, which, with the right approach, will bring tangible benefits.

So, we figured out what mobile application needs business owner. And why do you need to customers yourself? Its main purpose is the operational solution to the problem of the user. Saving time when ordering, receiving discounts, the ability to quickly get an answer to any question about the company - your customers are likely to do without this. However, if you are able to give them these advantages, they will be immensely grateful to you, especially if competitors can not boast such a service.

The target audience of mobile applications has tens of millions of people across the country. Of course, if your business works only within one city, the number of potential users will be somewhat smaller. And in many ways the target audience of the application depends on the business scope. So, it is safe to say that the applications of restaurants, bars and fitness clubs are very in demand, that is, institutions that visit people are modern and mostly wealthy. In order for the creation of an application for a mobile device to pay off for several months enough to return and re-purchase at least 5-10% of customer users.

You still have doubts about whether it is worth ordering the development of a mobile application for your business?

However, before ordering an application, it is worth a small analysis of your business:

  • Read what phones or other mobile devices are your customers. This will determine which of the platforms to pay more attention and which proportion of customers is potential users of the application;
  • Think what kind of business performance indicators are you planning to improve by running a mobile application;
  • Apply the main KPI to solving relevant problems for customers. After all, the mobile application, first of all, is created for consumers;
  • Watch for the work of already implemented applications for identical business sphere in Russia and abroad. Try to take the best from them, but at the same time add something your own.

The correct approach to the development of a mobile application is the key to the fact that users will download and install it on their devices. Use this opportunity to competently, as if you fail to attract people to the service from the first time, they will treat your further products in doubt.

Recently, the company has increasingly turn their attention to such a business tool as a mobile application. To date, there are practically no companies left for their own website for online business positioning. And what future is mobile applications waiting? Will they become the same indispensable elements of building a company image, like websites?

Why do you need a mobile application?

The main difference between the mobile application from the site for business lies in the fact that the application does not attract customers directly. And if someone is trying to convince you that people today are looking for applications in the AppStore instead of looking for a product or service to Yandex or Google, then he, at a minimum, lucavit. Mobile applications are not primarily created for new ones, but for already existing company clients and can bring up to 10% turnover. The mobile application allows you to interact more effectively with an existing loyal audience and sell more often.

Why does the mobile application sell more often than the site?

There are a couple of obvious factors:

  • Mobility. The smartphone is always at hand, and thanks to the mobile Internet, a person can be online at any time and anywhere. If a person wants to order a pizza on the way home, through the application it is much more convenient.
  • Client loyalty. If the user enjoy the company's application, then the necessary product or service, it will look for exactly in the appendix.
  • Push notifications.You can constantly keep in touch with the client, reminding him of yourself with the help of newsletter, special offers and shares. The main thing here is to know the measure and not be too impressive.

And there are not obvious things, for example:

  • Individual approach.The application can track the interests of a particular user and offer him only the goods that are interesting to him.
  • Interactivity. Mobile applications are more technologically. For example, in an application with augmented reality, you can look at the product in 3D in real size. For example, if you choose the curtains, you can try on them to your window and see how they will look in life. After that, they are already becoming like relatives, and the likelihood of buying increases at times!
  • Intimacy. The smartphone is always next to the user, so it can be considered a very personal thing. Applications on the native phone user applies with great confidence than to sites, especially if they work without failures.

Home benefit from creating a mobile application

Applications help not only sell and increase user loyalty: one of the main tasks of the mobile application is the automation of the company's processes. For example, thanks to mobile applications, such a sphere, as a taxi, began to work much more efficiently. Applications help improve efficiency, reduce costs and cost, and at the same time increase profits.

How to determine if your mobile application needs your business?

Of course, now we are watching an active growth in popularity of mobile applications, but how to understand what will give the application specifically to your business? After all, it is important not just to remain "in the trend" using advanced promotion tools, you need to receive real profit from them. Business owners want to know whether to create a mobile application for the company, develop an adaptive website or not to invest time and effort into such a way of promotion.

We offer our customers five simple criteria that will help you decide on the choice:

  • If the company does not plan to actively use the functions of a smartphone as an accelerometer, GPS, user contacts or push notifications, most likely there is no need for mobile application yet.
  • If the company provides for the active use of smartphone capabilities, that is, it makes sense to create a mobile application. In the case of a limited budget, it is better to focus only on one platform.
  • In case the company wants to create the most comfortable conditions for the user, without using all the capabilities of the smartphone, it is worth thinking about creating an adaptive site, which will be equally well displayed on the mobile phone, and on the tablet, and on the computer.
  • When creating an adaptive site, it is necessary to pay a lot of time to analytics to research the audience in order to understand what devices most customers are used by the company. If not paying enough attention to this, the site may not be incorrectly displayed on different devices. It is worth it in mind.
  • The competent IT specialist will always help determine the choice, who will tell about all pitfalls and will not get confused in a large amount of information. Not depending on which promotion tool you will prefer, remember, the main thing is that it is performed qualitatively and caused a positive user experience. After making a decision to develop a business in the mobile sphere, it is very important to find a company that can create a high-quality application or an adaptive site with a modern design and taking into account all the necessary technical specifications.


Mobile applications are needed not every business. Than a large-scale business, the greater the effect you will receive from the introduction of a mobile application. By itself, the mobile application does not solve the problem of clushing clips, but it allows you to improve what is already working.

About 20% of traffic in RuNet falls on mobile operating systems. And this indicator continues to gain momentum. Is it a reason to think about whether to adapt your site to mobile traffic, because this is a completely different audience.

Adaptive design for various resolutions of the screens of electronic gadgets has long become a modern standard when developing sites. However, the percentage of such sites on the Internet is still not great. And sites with their mobile version are even less. So is it worth creating a separate version of the site for mobile phones or still just make the design adaptive?

Why site mobile version?

  1. To use the mobile version of the site from smartphones and mobile phones is much more convenient: there is no need for a horizontal scrolling, the whole functionality works correctly (on some unadapted sites even the goods can not be put in the basket!).
  2. In the mobile version you can develop additional features sent to this target group of visitors: to organize send SMS directly from the site, determine the location and distance to the nearest point of sale, etc.
  3. Navigating such sites is made adapted under the touchscreen (Touch Screen), which is also much more convenient.
  4. The mobile version of the site is easier, has a less surround code, so it is loaded faster, which reduces the user costs for its download when paying for mobile traffic.
  5. Search engines use mobile search for phones, so the mobile version of the site will be ranked in it above, and therefore the transitions to your site will be more.

Types of mobile version of the site

Mobile version can be identical to the main site: repeat the structure, content, design. Such an effect can be achieved even by special services without referring to developers.

Independent mobile version of the site. It already changes the structure and functionality here, only the style of compliance is repeated, partially elements and content so that the user knows that it is on the same site.

What is necessarily for the mobile version of the site?

  • Design. Perhaps the most important component. The latest design trends for mobile sites are the maximum ease and simplicity.
  • Compatibility. The site must be correctly displayed on the most popular screens resolutions (240x320, 480x320 and some others). On such sites, it is better not to use or use the minimum JavaScript, to apply XHTML.
  • Content optimization. This is especially true for pictures: they should be light both in dimensions and kilobytes.
  • Usability.Good navigation - the key to a successful mobile site!

Mobile version or adaptive design?

You will not find an accurate answer to this question. There are different points of view that rely on the minuses of both one and the second option.

To the main disadvantages of adaptive design The "weight" of the site remains great, which means the site will still be loaded for a long time. In the development of adaptive design, it's easier to mobile version, however, it cannot be turned off on the mobile screen, while if the user does not like the mobile version, it will always be able to go to the standard version of the site.

What sites do you need a mobile version?

Studies show that it is advisable to create a mobile version of the site for the following types of sites:

  • Reference Site
  • Social Networks and Services
  • Web services
  • Online shops

If you have already thought about, you need your site version for mobile or not, analyze traffic to the site over the past year through analytics systems. If the share of mobile traffic is 15% and higher, the answer is obvious!


You have not decided yet? Then think of this statistic:

  1. Mobile phones use 87% of the total population. Apparently they are not only in young children!
  2. The growth of mobile commerce on forecasts will increase in 99 times in the next 5 years!
  3. Only 21% of sites are adapted to work with mobile devices. You still have a chance to get your share of traffic!

Useful statistics are given below in infographics (clickable).

Now any company wants a mobile app. When we began to develop an iPhone and Android apps to order, we began to receive a huge number of requests from customers. At first, we were very happy about this fact, but soon it became us to upset. Because most customers are actually not aware of what you need mobile applications, how people use them and how they can help in business. In this article I decided to write about typical customer requests, and why we often have to upset them. And also about what is all the same to do with all this.

Mobile application - Business card

The client says:
- We want to make an app about our company.
- What functions would you like to see in it?
- Well, information about our company, contacts, the form of order is required, news, reviews.
- Okay, and how many visitors on your site?
- I do not know, maybe 50
- Are there those who come re-?
- It is unlikely that mostly people fall on our site from the search.

To the question "And why then people will set the program to the phone?" Customers can not answer.

In fact, everything is very simple. The application is a tool for solving some kind of task. Here are three main tasks that people solve using mobile applications:
- pass the time;
- get access to the Internet in the absence of other methods;
- urgently get the necessary information;

If the application does not solve any of these tasks, it is most likely not necessary for people. Better sweep money for a good mobile version of the site, and you will be happy! And if you see that people regularly Go to your site, most likely the site allows them to solve them some kind of task. Relaxing it in a mobile application, you will most likely get satisfied customers!

Mobile application for online store

The client says:
- We want to make an application with which you can view the catalog of our products and make an order.
- Okay, and what goals do you pursue?
- We would like people to find our app in the AppStore and Android Market and made purchases.

In fact, the mobile application is done for already existing standing customers. If people regularly make orders in a specific store, the mobile application for them can be a more convenient tool to make an order. But you know a lot of online stores? Most people are looking for a product in Yandex, then enter the right online store, makes an order once And go. Do they really become sake of a single order download the application? Mobile version of the site will be suitable for the mobile version of the site for which people seeking goods from mobile devices will come.

In this case, customers often lead to the example of Tanukka and Pizza Empire, whose applications have become very popular. But do not forget that people and so regularly ordered food in these institutions. The application made it possible to do it more conveniently and from anywhere. Of course, users were happy! In addition, these institutions were among the first in Russia, which made a mobile application, and now this is no longer surprised.

But iPhones and iipeda are so fashionable. Can we still make some app?

Sure you may! But it is first necessary to think more thorough, why people will use it regularly. If there is no direct apparent application, come up with an additional, which will force people to regularly open the application. These are simple examples, how to make the usual application about the company necessary for permanent use.

An app of the fitness club, also containing a training diary and a collection of exercises
- An app of the retail network, also includes a convenient shopping list
- Restaurant application, also includes dishes recipes
- Beauty salon app with makeup advice for every day

So far, still relatively few Russian companies have their own mobile applications, so it is not so difficult to stand out in this market. The main thing is not to get involved too much, and do not try to insert an analogue of Angry Birds to one of the investment company applications.

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