
Configure BIOS on Samsung Laptop. BIOS system on Samsung laptop. Download Laptop Samsung from disk

Often, the new owners of laptops arises such a question: "How to go to BIOS on a laptop?" Such a procedure in this case is significantly different from conventional system units. In the latter case, for these purposes, the DEL key is used when loading the PC. On the laptop there are various options that depend not only from the manufacturer, and from the model itself. Therefore, if necessary, the adjustments of the BIOS settings have to be seriously sweat. Completes the situation even that for these purposes, both one key can be used and their combination. The most difficult situation with Samsung's mobile PCs. Not always on them there is an extended keyboard. That is, the set of them can end to the F10, and the F12 need to be logged. In this case, you have to use the layout switching key about it well know advanced users. And newbies with this problem. Another important point. Before conducting various manipulations in the basic settings, it is recommended to completely rewrite them on paper in a working condition. If you are incorrect inserts, your mobile PC can be stopped (for example, with an empty list of devices for downloading). In this case, with the help of entries, it will be easy and easy to return to its original state and restore the device's performance.

What is BIOS?

Before you go to BIOS on a laptop, we will deal with what it is and why it is necessary. Literally this abbreviation is translated as the "Basic I / O System". Physically, this is a microcircuit with energy-dependent memory, which is installed on the motherboard. To ensure its performance, you need a battery. This microcircuit stores the information required for testing and loading the PC. With the normal operation of the laptop, the user does not enter these settings, and there is no point in this. But when reinstalling the operating system or malfunction without "bios" it is difficult to do. One of its main partitions is the boot source menu (Boot Priority), which establishes their priority. Therefore, when performing such an operation without entering this section, it is simply not to do.

Main sections

Until recently, the structure of the "bios" menu consisted of a variety of items. An ordinary user to understand the purpose of each of them was problematic. Yes, the manufacturers also changed it at their discretion. But now the situation has changed dramatically. Everything is standardized, and it has significantly simplified the work process in the basic settings. Now even a beginner user can cope with the task. Currently, the composition of most points "bios" is as follows:

  • Main is the current date and time, the list of connected drives and their characteristics.
  • Advanced - Advanced system settings: PCI, CPU, SATA, etc.. (This section is recommended to adjust only well-prepared users who are confident that they will not harm the system.)
  • Power - voltage and temperature values \u200b\u200bat the moment.
  • Boot - Sets the order of download sources, is used when reinstalling operating systems.
  • Security - passwords for access to BIOSU and other resources of a personal computer. (If you installed a password here, it is better to write it on paper. It often does not need to go to the basic settings. Then you can forget it. And when it is necessary to go to BIOS, it will not work - password is not. Reset it on a laptop is much more complicated. than in a stationary system unit.)
  • EXIT - Output options from basic settings, in which changes can either be entered into volatile memory, or not recorded in it. (Also here is the ability to return all the values \u200b\u200bto the original state.)

The Advanced section is recommended to touch only experienced and well-prepared users. Incorrectly configure them can lead to the complete inability to the computer. A similar situation may occur if removed all sources of download in the Boot section. It is necessary to remember and take into account while working with the BIOS. Another problem item is the Security section. After installing the password, it is better not to rely on memory and write it on paper. When next time you need to enter the BIOS, it is almost impossible to do without it. The rest of the menu sections are not so critical, and each can work with them, including an inexperienced user who only begins his acquaintance with electronic computing equipment.


The answer to such a question is how to go to BIOS on a laptop depends on the manufacturer of the microcircuit. The main producers of such products currently is:

  • AWARD BIOS. (Until recently, it was this product. But now he has lost significantly position, and his other developer has been added)
  • AMI BIOS. (The main supplier of such chip current.)
  • Phoenix BIOS.

It is possible to meet the package of listed earlier manufacturers, mainly in stationary system blocks. But laptop manufacturers seek to optimize mobile computer management. As a result, each of the manufacturers develops its own order in BIOS along with the menu. Moreover, in some cases, even for one manufacturer, but on different models this procedure can differ significantly. In the download process, the first window appears in which there is an information you are interested in. We are looking for the text: Press ... to Setup. Instead of three points, there may be del, and f2, and f10, etc. For these purposes, not only any of the function keys can be used, as well as various combinations. In some cases, the information you are interested in may hide behind the device manufacturer logo. This option is installed just in BIOS. In order to remove it, you need to press ESC. It is important to remember one point: you can only log in when you start the download and testing equipment. With the operating system, it is impossible to make it.


To begin with, we will deal with how to go to the "BIOS" of the HP laptop. Until recently, this company occupied the leading positions in this segment. But now, by the number of products sold, it pushed the Chinese Lenovo to the second place. But the quality of products of this brand is much better than that of the main competitor. The answer to how to go to BIOS laptop HP is the F10 function key. It is it that most of the devices of this manufacturer are used for these purposes. That is, when the download starts, press it and get access to BIOSU. But if you just need to change the priority of the boot order, you can click already F9 at the same time. The menu opens with a list of available devices. In it we are interested in the device and press "input". To quickly return to the main menu, ESC is used in the devices of this manufacturer.


At the next stage, we will deal with how to go to Lenovo laptop "BIOS". Products of this manufacturer are not as standardized as the previous one. Therefore, to give it an unequivocal answer is quite difficult. For these purposes, Del, F2 or F1 can be used. For each specific model, you can find out this information in the instruction manual (if available), when you start the download or on the Internet. In extreme cases, everything can be determined by the selection method at the testing stage of the mobile personal computer. But for each of the keys it will take separate download. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get an answer to how to go to Lenovo laptop "BIOS". You can quickly press each of them and access the settings you are interested in. But to say exactly what of them worked will be problematic. Well, do not forget that you can perform this operation only when you start or restart the PC. When working it is impossible to get here.


The most complicated by the one who has a Samsung laptop. Go to BIOS here in three ways - it can be keys F2, F4 or F12. If the first two problems do not occur - they are on the keyboard, then with the latter there may be problems. Not every mobile PC is equipped with a full-fledged keyboard. Some of them (for the purpose of minimization) go with the circumciphered. In this case, there is only F1 ... F10. But the last two of them - F11 and F12 are connected to F9 and F10, respectively. All this significantly complicates the process of entry into BIOS. On the Samsung laptop in such a design, you must press not one key, and the combination. At the same time in the displayed message when the download starts there is information only about one of them - F12. Advanced users without problems in such a situation should be navigated and press the second to switch the input mode. But for beginners, we note: To activate the F12 in this case, you need to press the FN function key and without releasing it, the second. It is usually located in the lower row of the keyboard next to Win. Its main purpose is to switch the keyboard layouts. In the pressed state, one version option works (its characters are in the upper right corner of each key), when you press the second (right angle or center). For ease of operation of the user Fn and the layout activated by it have the same color (most often it is blue or red). So, summarize how to go to the Samsung laptop on different models. When you turn on the laptop and the appearance of the screen with messages, press the key or the combination thereof, taking into account the previously set out of the comments, which is specified in the appropriate message or in the instruction manual for this device.


Not just to enter the basic settings on the devices of the Japanese company Sony. It all depends on how new you have a device. On old models, F2 is most often found, and on new - F3. One of them is the answer to how to go to the "BIOS" of the Sony laptop. Otherwise, the order is similar. At the system testing, press the desired key and enter the settings. If it is unknown, what of the keys you need to use, then we study the documentation or when booting, see the message: Press ... to Setup. Between the first and third word and the key of interest will be indicated. On some gadgets at this stage, the company's logo is displayed. To remove it and see the information you are interested in, press ESC. If you have time to click on it, let's go to the BIOS. Otherwise, we make a reboot of the system and when the manufacturer's logo appears, press the key to the input key, which has been clarified before that.


Now find out how to go to BIOS laptop Acer. This default manufacturer sets the option in the basic settings, which displays the manufacturer's logo. This complicates the task. Need to press ESC. It will remove the screensaver. Then you need to have time to notice the conditions of entry into the BIOS. It is most often either F2 (on new devices), or Ctrl + Alt in combination with ESC (old models). Not always from the first time it turns out to find out the combination and then press it. If you did not have time, nothing terrible happened. We carry out a reboot. When the device manufacturer logo appears, press the key or the combination of their combination, clarified earlier. After that, you should go to BIOS without problems.


Studying documentation is another way that allows you to go to BIOS. Windows 7 (and not only) allows you to work with electronic documents. Usually, complete with a mobile PC is a CD. In addition to drivers, it has a manual. It describes in detail the order of operation of the device, including the entry algorithm to the basic settings, which we are interested in, indicating the keys or combinations thereof. This information needs to be remembered or better to record for the future. Then reboot the device and when the download starts, we carry out the necessary actions that were previously set out.

the Internet

This method is the most universal. It allows you to go to the BIOS of the netbook and the laptop or stationary system unit. If it is impossible to find out the order of logging into these settings by all methods set out earlier, and the documentation together with the CD is lost, then you can go to the official website of the device manufacturer and download its electronic version from there. Opening it, you can easily go to BIOS. Windows 8, like other OS, requires additional installation for these purposes such a program as Adobe Reader, for example. Its installation version can be downloaded from the official website of the developer on the Internet. Next, install it. Only then download from the page in the global web documentation for mobile PC and open. We find the section of interest and study it. The most important points are best printed or written on paper. Then we close everything and reboot the PC. At the stage of testing devices, we carry out the necessary manipulations and go to BIOS.


As part of this article, it was described how to go to BIOS on a laptop on the models of the most popular manufacturers. There is nothing difficult in this. With such a task, it can even easily cope a novice user. The main problem is the lack of unification. Each manufacturer has its own procedure for performing this operation. If you managed to do this once, then you need to write everything in detail and save. In the future, this information can still come in handy. Although it is not so often, and periodically you have to remember and break your head over this problem (especially when reinstalling the operating system without this, it's just not to do without it). Therefore, it is best to do this. The main thing is not to lose it. It will only be enough to find this entry - and you can access BIOS.

Now I'll show you in photos, how to go to the BIOS laptop Samsung NP350E7C and set up loading from a flash drive or drive.

This model model is already on the Windows 8 installed, but for Windows 8 raw or someone does not like, want to put Windows 7, but in this Samsung NP350E7C BIOS UEFI laptop and the GPT file system will not allow you to boot from any device in the standard settings.

And so bend.

To begin with, we need to enter the BIOS. To do this, press the power button and click on the "F10" key (the main thing is to have time before downloading OS).

Before us will appear such a window.

We are interested in "Enter Setup", we choose this item on this and press "ENTER".

And so we got into the BIOS. Here we see a brief description of the laptop.

And in the section "Secure Boot" we switch from "Enable" to "disabled".

And click on "Enter".

After clicking on the "Enter" key, a warning window will appear.

It is not interesting for us, but for the entry of the settings we need to restart the laptop. And then enter the BIOS and go to the BOOT tab.

There we will see the following changes.

Here we change in the "OS MODE SELECTION" item on "UEFI AND LEGACY OS". In general, as shown in the photos below.

P.S.: There are 3 regime choices, it is "UEFI AND LEGACY OS" you need, others do not fit, I tried them \u003d), let the UEFI abbreviation, let you do not scare them.

If you do not want to install a flash drive or drive on a permanent download, then you skip the item below, for you all the settings have already been made. And so the laptop has rebooted by pressing the "F10" key and we have all the devices from which we can produce.

P.S.: The flash drive is determined, but may not be listed, because She has a load priority lower than that of the hard disk.

There a new item appeared called "Boot Option Priority".

Here we can deliver a drive or USB drive and other devices.

If you need to put on a permanent load from a flash drive, then go to the "Hard Drive BBS Priorities" option.

We see two devices there - this is our flash drive and hard disk, choose a flash drive and press "ENTER". Click "F10", select "Yes" and again "Enter" a laptop reboots and loads from a flash drive or from the drive.

And so we disassembled how to configure the BIOS for permanent loading from a flash drive or drive.

So we configured the Samsung NP350E7C BIOS laptop based on UEFI with pre-installed Windows 8.

Of course, not all owners of computers and laptops have the need for the entrance to BIOS. However, more advanced users need to know how to launch BIOS. The laptop input is significantly different from the running system on ordinary computers. Moreover, the process depends on the Device model. On some procedures, it does not represent a special difficulty, and some will have to tinker. The latter also includes models of Samsung.

Combinations for input can consist of one, two or several keys. On the "Samsung" models, the layout is very often limited to the F10 button. This complicates the situation, since it often needs the F12 key to start "bios". In order to exit the position, it is necessary to switch the FN layout, and this is not for all. Today we will talk about how to get to BIOS on the Samsung laptop. But first, you need to learn more in more detail. Let's start with what BIOS is in general.

Operating system "BIOS"

Abbreviation "BIOS" is decrypted as a "basic input / output system". This is a microcircuit with memory that is installed on the device's motherboard. In order for the microcircuit to be able to function, the battery needs. In BIOS, there is information that causes the ability to test and load a computer.

If the laptop or computer works fine, loads and reboots, then it is not necessary to enter the system. However, if there are any problems, the reason may be in the failures of the functioning of the BIOS. It is also needed to reinstall the operating system. The main task of the BIOS is in the presence of the download menu (Boot Priority).

How to go to BIOS on the Samsung laptop?

Next, you can move to the main topic of our article. Follow our instructions and the entrance to BIOS does not take a lot of time and effort. Not everyone launched BIOS knows how and what to do next. We will tell about all this today and tell.

Note: On some models, the motherboard data is specified on a special sticker attached to the back of the laptop or to the battery compartment.

Great Admins, to you a question: how is it going? I read your article "", there is explained, how to get into the boot menu of laptops of various manufacturers. As for the Samsung laptop, you need to press the ESC or F10 key immediately after turning on the laptop and the boot menu will appear in which I can select a laptop drive, press ENTER and that's it. I do everything as you wrote, but in the boot menu you can select only the hard disk of the laptop. Entered the BIOS laptop, in the boot parameter, then boot device priority (devices loading priority) and there again only the Winchester laptop. Why so, explain.

Download Laptop Samsung from disk

I fix my friends, I did not add a little article. If you bought a new Samsung laptop, the latest Windows 8 operating system is installed on it. BIOS in this laptop is a bit different, called Aptio Setup Utility, this is a hybrid, that is, the transitional option is between simple BIOS and shifting it to shift, a fundamentally new interface. UEFI. If you decide download Samsung Laptop from a boot disk Or, for example, you want to delete Windows 8 and install Windows 7 instead of it (in my vain), make some simple steps.

  • Note: If you need to download Samsung's laptop from a flash drive, to all that it is written in the article, you need to additionally enter the Advanced section and set the Fast Bios Mode parameter to the Disabled position.
Installing the operating system, on the new Samsung laptops, is prohibited from the BIOS using the "Secure Boot" option. The "Secure Boot" option is enabled by default, so the Samsung laptop is just not downloaded from the disk or from the flash drive. To download the Samsung laptop from the disk, you need to enter the BIOS (click F2 when booting) and put this option to the "Disabled" position, then an additional option "OS MODE SELECTION" will be set to "CMS OS" or "UEFI AND LEGACY OS ", click F10 (by this we save the settings made by us) and exit from the BIOS. The laptop restarts, click when the F10 is loaded, we get into the boot menu in which you select a laptop's drive, the Samsung laptop is loaded from the disk. Now everything is in detail and with exercises! To download Samsung's laptop from a disk or flash drive, turn on the laptop and immediately press the F2 key, we enter the BIOS. We go to the Boot section,

Here we find the option "Secure Boot", using the arrows on the keyboard allocate it

And click on "ENTER", choose "disabled"

And again, press "Enter" comes out a warning that the computer can boot with an error. We agree, click Enter on the keyboard.

Here, just below the option "OS MODE SELECTION" appears, highlight it and click "ENTER",

Select the position "CMS OS" or "UEFI AND LEGACY OS" and press "ENTER".

A warning appears again that the computer can boot with an error. We agree, click Enter.

A reboot occurs, immediately press the F10 and get into the boot menu, we select a laptop's drive in it, the Samsung laptop from the disk is loaded.

If suddenly, for some reason, you will not be able to get into the laptop boot menu, then change the priority of the boot device directly into the BIOS. We go to the BIOS, go to the Boot section, followed the option Boot Device Priority,

after our changes, the drive will appear here, set it the first boot device, then press F10 (save the changed settings)

And reboot. After rebooting, your Samsung laptop will boot from the disk.

Let us recall once again to download Samsung's laptop from a flash drive, log in to the Advanced section and set the Fast BIOS MODE parameter to the Disabled position, then F10 (save changes) and reboot.

How to enter the Samsung BIOS laptop?

Master's answer:

Even one manufacturer of laptops inputs in the BIOS are completely different. This happens for the reason that they have different patterns of motherboards.

When you turn on the laptop, click Pause in order to view text on the screen. It is worth paying attention to the inscription Press F2 to ENTER SETUR. Of course, instead of F2 there can be almost any key or even a combination of keys. The most widely used of them are F1, F2, F8, ESC, F10, F11, F12, etc. You can also use the selection method. To exit the pause mode, press ENTER.

Find out on the Internet all possible information about the motherboard model. And you can find out the markings by opening the properties of the computer by pressing the right mouse button on the Start menu item. Open the "Equipment" tab in the window that opens. Then open the Device Manager, find your motherboard in the configuration list. Record its name and make a query on it in the browser, do not forget to add to ENTER SETUR / BIOS in the search string.

Some old models have information about the system board of this computer on the sticker on which the laptop model is written, also check for such information the rear wall of the computer. Check also the battery compartment, pulling the battery pre-battery.

To go through the menu items in the BIOS program, use the arrow keys. To change any value of the parameter, usually use minus buttons and plus, but it depends on the model of the motherboard.

I bring any changes to the BIOS parameters, be very attentive, because this program is responsible for all the work of the laptop. If, after the changes made, problems with the work of the laptop began, then you can restore the initial value by using the BIOS system window prescribed at thenime.

More useful advice to you: Do not change the parameters of the BIOS if you do not have the idea what consequences will be.

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