
External wired interfaces. Wireless interfaces What is a wired interface

Since microelectronics is now applied almost everywhere, and its development occurs in a large pace, a situation arose when many standards and data transfer interfaces are simultaneously used. Along with more modern interfaces, such as RS-485, in the go and quite old, for example, RS-232. Consider the features, advantages and disadvantages of several most popular ones.


(Recommended Standard) is still used in a variety of computer and digital equipment devices, but modern equipment is usually issued with support for newer interfaces, since RS-232 does not always respond to current requirements. The maximum data transfer rate is only 115 kbps, and the range is 15 meters. In practice, these values \u200b\u200boften constitute even less values. Data transmission is completely duplex, carried out by comparing the nominal value in the cable with the potential of the Earth. Connection Type: point-point. The main advantage of RS-232 is its simplicity and low cost.


It can be used to organize communication lines at a distance of up to 1200 meters (sometimes even more). This fully duplex interface is most often used to connect two devices over long distances, since only one device can be in networks based on it. Up to 10 receivers can be connected to each transmitter. The maximum data transfer rate reaches 10 Mbps. As a conductor, a twisted pair is usually used, the transmission of information is carried out by a differential method, i.e. With the help of measuring the potential difference between the wires of the twisted pair. This ensures fairly high protection against external interference and independence on the potential of the Earth.


It is very similar in its characteristics to RS-422, however, it was much more common in all types of electrical engineering due to the fact that it is possible to build networks in which all devices can not only receive a signal, but also transmit it. This is achieved due to the fact that the RS-485 - the half-duplex interface and devices are not smarted among themselves. It also features a high maximum data transfer rate - 10 Mbps - and communication range - up to 1200 m. The network may contain 32 devices with standard resistance indicators. If equipment is used with less resistance, it is possible to combine one network to 256 subscribers.


The CAN interface is a half-duplex interface with a maximum data rate of 1 Mbps. As in the RS-485 and RS-422, a differential pair is used to transmit a signal. CAN has a very high channel noise resistance and a multi-level error check, so that the probability of occurrence is almost equal to zero. Used to organize networks, where primarily requires reliability. As in RS-485, CAN can have several transmitters. The USB interface is characterized by a very high data transfer rate, especially in the latest versions (USB 2.0 - 480 Mbps, USB 3.0 - 4.8 Gb / s). But too small range limits its widespread use (about 5 meters). When using USB, you can create a network type: point-point.

Other types of interface types also apply. It is impossible to definitely say which interface is the best. In each situation, the most appropriate can be the use of different types of connectivity.

And now we will consider the inside of computer interfaces for data transmission.

Both laptops and stationary computers are equipped with a huge number of connectors. It is not always easy to understand them a newcomer. The attached manuals usually do not contain complete information about the purpose of all slots. We offer you an extensive article with visual illustrations in order to disassemble the problem of connectors once and for all.

For example, I want to note that connecting the device into the wrong connector is very difficult. All of them are different not only for their intended purpose, but also in form, so the erroneous connection of the periphery is practically excluded. Connect the device at random is still not worth it. Each PC user must have at least elementary knowledge about connectors in its computer.

All interfaces in their location are divided into two types:

- external;

- internal.

Pay attention to the internal interfaces that are directly in the PC housing.

Internal interfaces

1. SATA.

This is an enhanced version of the outdated ATA. With SATA, drives drives, such as hard disk to the motherboard. As a rule, this is an internal interface, but sometimes it is derived out.

2. ATA / 133 (Parallel ATA, ULTRADMA / 133 or E-IDE).

This is a parallel bus. It is needed to transmit a signal from / to hard and removable discs. In the wire there are forty contacts. Using it, you can connect up to two drives simultaneously working in "Slave" and "Master" modes. The cable on one side has a small protrusion, thanks to which it is simply impossible to connect it. However, the old wires of such a protrusion may not be, therefore, so as not to be mistaken, remember the rule. A colored strip applied on one side of the wire must coincide with contact number 1 on the motherboard.

3. AGP.

A special tire with which the video card is connected. AGP is considered an obsolete version, a PCIE has been replaced. However, this interface is quite common, as a huge number of platforms was issued under it. The interface has several versions, the last of which is AGP 8x - has a bandwidth of 2.1 GB / s.

4. PCI and PCI-X.

Standard parallel tires with which network and sound cards, modems, video capture boards are connected. The highest demand among users is the PCI 2.1 tire with a bandwidth up to 133 Mbps. In PCI-X, this ability is much higher, so it is used on the motherboards of workstations and servers.

5. PCIE.

With the tires described in the fifth point, it also binds a similar name. This is not a parallel, but a serial interface. With it, you can connect graphic and other types of cards. PCIE provides bandwidths two times higher than AGP. This is the latest among tires for graphic cards.

6. Power connectors for AMD are as follows: socket 462, Socket 754, Socket 939.

Connectors for Intel: Socket 370, Socket 423, Socket 478, Socket 775. In all, except the last, the power standard ATX12V 1.3 and higher. Socket 775 - ATX12V 2.01 or higher.

Go to external interfaces.

External interfaces

1. USB connector.

Using the Universal Serial Bus connector, you can connect many additional devices: keyboard, mouse, camera, printer. The interface is three species:

A) "Type A" (located in PC);

B) "type B" (located on a removable device);

C) mini-USB (digital cameras, external hard drives, etc.).

2. "Tulip" (CINCH / RCA).

These connectors have different color coding depending on the type of signal (sound, video, brightness, etc.).

3. PS / 2.

Connectors that are used in fixed computers for connecting the mouse and keyboard. They are characterized by the following coding: green - mouse, purple - keyboard. If they confuse them, nothing terrible will happen, simply connected devices will not work. To correct the situation, it is enough just to change the plugs in places.

4. DVI.

Monitor slot transmitting digital signals.

5. VGA.

The monitor is connected to the Video Graphics Array connector. It is designed to transmit information blue, green and red colors.

6. RJ45 for LAN and ISDN.

Network port used to connect to Ethernet.

7. RJ11.

The port that serves to connect the modem. Looks like RJ45, but with fewer contacts.

8. HDMI.

This is a multimedia digital connector that is designed for HDTV signals with a maximum resolution of 1920x1080. It is built in copyright protection mechanism (DRM). Interestingly, the length of the HDMI cable cannot exceed fifteen meters.


This is a combined connector that combines such signals: RGB, S-Video and analog stereo.

10. S-VIDEO.

Fork with 4 contacts takes color and brightness signals.

With a dozen years ago, a question "How to connect to a computer [insert a name of any device at your discretion]" You could answer "connect to the appropriate connector". And indeed, before printers worked via LPT, mice through COM, keyboard via COM or PS / 2, the monitor cable approached exactly to D-sub and only the columns could be connected to one of three (sometimes four) the same in the form and size of the connectors .

On the one hand, it is fairly convenient to have on the back of the computer on a separate connector for the device - the risk of incorrect connection is reduced. But with other maternal manufacturers, you have to install chips for each of the interfaces, and at the same time place the appropriate settings in the BIOS Setup. Yes, these interfaces are required to maintain, develop. In addition, many of them have fairly large connectors, such as LPT.

The second output from the position is to connect all possible devices into the connectors of the same type and one standard. The error is also excluded - where does not connect everything right. And it is much easier for work for manufacturers of chipsets and motherboards. It is easier to place a few USB controllers in the south bridge than LPT, COM and PS / 2, and then display them to the back panel. Under the common comb, you can create a special version of the connector, which takes much less space.

One of the pioneers in this case was already mentioned USB. Today, all computer peripherals are connected through it. Nevertheless, due to the progress not standing at the site, new devices that demanded new speeds and new opportunities appeared. Thus was created incentive to update USB, and invent new interfaces.

Modern desktop computers can have from 2 to 10 USB ports, and with the help of special hubs, this number can be increased several times. Of course, this interface is suitable for a lot, but for some categories of equipment is not the best way. Outcome - If you look at the rear panel of modern computers, we will see there a practically no less variety of connectors than a few years ago: USB, Firewire, ESATA, RJ-45 (Ethernet), PS / 2, audio connectors (including S / PDIF). And if the board is equipped with a built-in graphics, then you can add D-sub, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort to the designated list, sometimes S-VIDEO (and two species). To different degrees, all these inputs and outputs are also presented on mobile computers.

In order not to get lost in the diversity of interfaces, and also understand why you again do so many ports and connectors, we prepared this material. Next, we will go through the history of the creation, current versions and future prospects of the most common interfaces today to connect external devices and computers: USB, Firewire, SATA / ESATA, Ethernet, HDMI, DisplayPort.


Let's start with our "pioneer" - USB. The USB abbreviation (Universal Serial Bus) can be decrypted and translated as a "universal sequential tire", from which it clearly follows that data transmission through this interface occurs sequentially. But before you go down in particular, work quickly go through its main periods of development and implementation.

USB leads its history from the first half of the 90s of the last century. The preliminary version of the standard was released back in 1994, that is, even before the release of Windows 95. Nevertheless, it was completed by the beginning of 1996 - January 1, the final specification of USB 1.0 was presented.

The development of the largest companies of the IT industry participated in the development (and participate). In particular, Intel has developed UHCI (Universal Host Controller Interface), Microsoft has provided software support for a new interface in Windows, and Philips made it possible to increase the number of USB connectors at the expense of hubs.

A truly massive implementation of USB began with the wide distribution of buildings and system boards of ATX form factor in about 1997-1998. I did not miss the chance to use the achievements of progress and Apple, which submitted on May 6, 1998 its first IMAC, also equipped with USB support.

As it is often the first USB version had some compatibility issues and contained several errors in the implementation. As a result, November 1998 littered with the release of USB 1.1 specifications. As in the case of C, this version has become the most common. Before the release of USB 2.0, of course.

The USB 2.0 specification was presented in April 2000. But before adopting it, more than a year has passed. After that, the mass introduction of the second version of the universal serial tire began. Its main advantage was a 40-fold increase in the data transfer rate. But besides, there were other innovations. So new types of Mini-B and Micro-USB connectors appeared, supported USB technology on-the-go (allows USB devices to exchange data exchange without using a USB host), it is possible to use a voltage supplied via USB for charging Connected devices, as well as some others.

Most recently announced the development. It is not difficult to guess that its main "chip" will be in the next increase in the rate of data exchange. It grows 10 times in comparison with USB 2.0.

Now more about how the USB bus works. It all starts with the so-called USB host. It converges data from connected devices and it also provides interaction with the computer. All devices are connected along the topology "Star". To increase the number of USB's active connectors, you can use USB hubs. Thus, an analogue of the logical structure "tree" will be an analogue. The "branches" of such a tree can be up to 127 pieces per host controller, and the nesting level of USB hubs should not exceed five. In addition, in one USB host there may be several host controllers, which proportionally increases the maximum number of connected devices.

Habs are two species. Some simply increase the number of USB connectors in one computer, while others allow you to connect multiple computers. The second option allows you to use the same devices to use several systems. For example, instead of buying an expensive network printer, you can purchase a common USB interface, connect it to such a special hub, after which it will be able to print all the PC connected to it. Depending on the hub, switching can be performed as manually and automatically.

One physical device connected via USB can logically divided into "under-devices" that perform certain specific functions. For example, today the photo printer can be equipped with a card reader. Thus, one sub-device prints, and the second - reads information from memory cards. Either the webcam can have built-in microphone - it turns out that it has two under-devices: to transmit audio and video.

Data transfer occurs through special logical channels. Each USB device can be highlighted up to 32 channels (16 on reception and 16 to transmission). Each channel connects to a conditionally called "end point". The end point can either receive data or transmit them, but it is not capable of doing it at the same time. A group of endpoints needed to work any function is called an interface. The exception is the "zero" endpoint intended for the device configuration.

When a new device is connected to the USB host, the identifier assignment to it begins. The first thing the device is sent a transition signal to its original state. At the same time, the determination of the speed with which data can be exchanged. After the configuration information from the device is read, and it is assigned a unique seven-bit address. If the device is supported by the host, then all the necessary drivers are loaded to work with it, after which the process is completed. A USB host restart always invokes to re-assign identifiers and addresses to all connected devices.

To deepen in the particular definition of the type of connected device, we will not become. Agree, because it is little worried. The main thing is to find a USB connector. And if there is such a thing, it means that there should be no problems with the connection. Let's describe the modes of operation of a universal serial tire. While their three, but there will be four soon.

  • Low Speed. Supported by standards version 1.1 and 2.0. Peak data transfer rate is 1.5 Mbps (187.5 KB / s). Most often used for HID devices (keyboards, mice, joysticks).
  • Full Speed.. Supported by standards version 1.1 and 2.0. Peak data transfer rate - 12 Mbps (1.5 MB / s). Before the release of USB 2.0 was the fastest mode of operation.
  • Hi-Speed.. Supported by the standard version 2.0 (in perspective and 3.0). Peak data transfer rate - 480 Mbps (60 MB / s).
  • SUPER-SPEED. Supported by the standard version 3.0. Peak data transfer rate - 4.8 Gb / s (600 MB / s).

Why do you need so high speeds for USB version 2.0 and especially 3.0? If you figure it out, a very limited number of devices can download such a wide channel, but they still have. First of all, these are modern hard drives. On average, the speed of reading the desktop 3.5-inch models is about 80-85 MB / s, and if you take some external RAID array from LACIE, then this value can be safely increased by 30-40%. But for hard disks, ESATA is invented, about which it comes next.

Optical drives are still enough USB 2.0, although with an increase in the speeds of Blu-ray drives this situation may change. And the third type of high-speed devices - flash memory. While USB flash drives rarely operate at speeds above 30 MB / s, but this indicator is constantly growing. We also note that 60 MB / C is a theoretical peak value. In practice, the data transfer rate rarely exceeds 53-54 MB / s. In this light, USB 3.0 becomes quite reasonable.

An electrical characteristics of the USB interface are important. According to the specification, its operating voltage is 5 V ± 5%. In this case, the strength of the current can be from 2 to 500 mA. When the device is connected via a hub that supports power transmission, the current will be no more than 100 mA and no more than 400 mA per hub. Therefore, such hubs have no more than four connectors. So do not be surprised by the problems of the operation of a flash drive, or another device connected to a computer through a hub - to it (device) trite may not have enough electricity.


Recently, USB ON-The-Go and Battery Charging Specification were adopted. Repeat that the first allows you to exchange data between USB devices without the participation of the host controller, and the second provides batteries charging via USB bus. It is necessary for this requires additional energy. As a result, the most recent versions of controllers are able to provide current to 1.5 A.

But this is not the limit. For the most "harsh" users, there is an addition to PoweredUSB, also known as Retail USB, USB PlusPower and USB + Power. It provides current strength up to 6 A, and voltage can be 5, 12 or 24 V. In this case, the other, non-standard, version of the connector, allowing to transmit more energy. By the way, about connectors. We must figure it out with them.

There are five types of USB connectors:

  • micro USB. - used in the most miniature devices like players and mobile phones;
  • mini USB -it is also often found on the players, mobile phones, and at the same time on digital cameras, PDAs and similar devices;
  • B-Type -a full-size connector installed in printers, scanners and other devices where the size is not very fundamental;
  • A-Type(receiver) - the connector installed in computers (either on USB extensions) where the A-Type type connector is connected;
  • A-Type(plug) - connector connected directly to the computer to the appropriate connector.

And a little about cables (those that are long and from the wires, and not alive, hairy and constantly asshole). The maximum USB cable length can be 5 meters. This restriction is entered to reduce the response time of the device. The host controller expects data to be received limited time, and if they are delayed, the connection may be lost.

As the main material of the standard USB cable, a twisted pair is used to reduce interference. But to provide speeds of 4.8 Gbit / s, which we have promised with the arrival of USB 3.0, you will need to use special cables. In them, two pairs of wires will be used to transfer data, instead of one, and the maximum length will not be able to exceed 3 meters. Also, the standard provides support for fiber optic cables, which will allow to transfer information to a greater distance at the same speed, but due to higher cost they will definitely receive less distribution.

Well, at the end of the section a little about the deadlines for the introduction of a new generation of USB bus. The final specification of its third version must be presented in the second half of this year. The first devices with its support are expected in approximately the second quarter of next year.

Now we go to the main USB opponent - FireWire Standard (IEEE 1394 in Major).

FireWire (IEEE 1394)

The standard under the technical title of IEEE 1394 was officially presented in 1995. But his development began in the late 1980s of the last century. It started her unsolicited Apple. Then she planned to release an alternative to the SCSI interface. Moreover, an alternative focused on working with audio and video devices. Over time, the development was transferred to the IEEE Institute.

IEEE 1394 has several names. Firewire is the commercial name of Apple itself. Today it meets most often a couple with a technical name. Over time, the Japanese Sony, often running his own way, has become called this standard I.Link. Did not remain in debt and Panasonic, offering their name: DV.

Despite the fact that FireWire was originally focused on audio / video equipment (even adopted as a / V-standard organization with a ridiculous abbreviation HANA - HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO-Video Network Alliance). Storage devices appeared with its support. data like external hard drives and optical drives.

Let's figure out how IEEE 1394 works. Compared from USB there are many differences. First of all, FireWire works on the Point-to-PEER principle (peer-to-peer), and not "master slave" (master-slave). It turns out that each device connected via FireWire has the same rank. One of the advantages of this approach is the ability to exchange data between devices directly without the participation of the computer without spending its resources. Some readers may notice that USB on-the-Go provides the same functionality. But after all, in FireWire, it was originally, and in a universal consistent tire - just a couple of years as it appeared.

Just like USB FireWire supports the Plug and Play and Hot Swap system (the ability to connect devices without turning off the computer). Unlike USB devices, FireWire is not assigned a unique identifier when connecting to the system. Each of them will be sewn its own unique identifier corresponding to the IEEE EUI-64 standard. The latter is an extension for MAC addresses widely used among network devices.

FireWire tire topology is also a tree. If necessary, increase the number of ports you can connect special firewire-hubs. We did not find data about the depth of "nesting", so suppose that it can be quite large. But the maximum number of connected devices (it is necessary to assume one FireWire controller) is 63.

And a little about the adopted standards and versions of the FireWire tire. In total, we counted them five pieces.

FireWire 400 (IEEE 1394-1995).The first version of the standard adopted in 1995. Supports data transfer rate 100 (substanding S100), 200 (S200) and 400 (S400) Mbps. The cable length can be 4.5 meters. However, unlike USB, FireWire works on the principle of repeaters. Repeators (essentially signal amplifiers) can be independent, increasing the total length of the cable or embedded in the hubs and devices with FireWire support. Thus, the total wire length for the S400 standard can be up to 72 meters.

The main type of FireWire Connector is made in the form of a hexagon and has six contacts. According to its physical dimensions, it is somewhat thicker USB connector. But through it there can be much more energy. So the voltage can be from 24 to 30 V, and the strength of the current is 1.5 A.

IEEE 1394a-2000.This standard was adopted in 2000. He made some additions to the original FireWire specification. In particular, supporting asynchronous data transfer was added, faster recognition of connected devices, combining packets and energy-saving "sleep" mode. In addition, a small version of the connector was "legalized".

The reduced version of the connector works only with four contacts, but it can transmit significantly less power. Today it is this type that is most common and it is most often found in laptops (only Apple continues to set six-contact connectors). Connect a small connector and a large connector (or vice versa) through a special adapter cable.

FireWire 800 (IEEE 1394B-2002).In 2002, another addition to the FireWire standard was adopted. It was called IEEE 1394B (and the first version became referred to as IEEE 1394A) or FireWire 800. The number "800" directly indicates the maximum data transfer rate - 800 Mbps.

Connector Firewire 800.

Twice the highest speed required the connector of another type. Now it already uses 9 contacts. At the same time, reverse compatibility with FireWire 400 through the adapter cable was preserved. Of course, connecting old devices to a new port or, on the contrary, the speed will fall.

Note that 800 Mbps for IEEE 1394B is not the limit. In test mode, the transmission is maintained at a speed of up to 3200 Mbps, but this feature will be disclosed slightly later. It also became possible to use two types of cable: normal and optical. In the first case, the maximum length will be 5 meters, and in the second - up to 100 meters. The electrical characteristics of the updated standard have not changed.

FireWire 800 Today, you can most often meet in workstations and Apple computers. On the usual motherboards, while it is installed, then FireWire 400. Yes, and while the market has relatively few devices with support for the faster FireWire specification. As a rule, it is external hard drives combined into a RAID array. And then, they most often support the transfer of 3-4 interfaces (USB 2.0, FireWire 400/800, ESATA).

FireWire S800T (IEEE 1394C-2006). The main innovation of this standard is to support the possibility of using a twisted pair of category 5e, at the end of which conventional RJ-45 connectors are divorced. The first innovation required the second - automatic determination of the connected cable. In addition, minor changes and corrections in IEEE 1394B were introduced.

FireWire S3200.Well, about the future. Announcement of plans to release USB 3.0 could not affect FireWire. The result - in December, it was announced the intentions to submit a standard specification capable of transmitting at speeds to 3.2 Gbit / s. And in this case, it will probably be easier than with USB. After all, the modern FireWire 800 can already be transmitted at such a speed. It remains only to debug technology and it is good to test it, and not seriously refining.

On this, the creators of FireWire are not going to stop. The next stage is standard at a transfer rate up to 6.4 Gb / s. True, if the S3200 may appear within a year or two, then the second is still unknown when the light sees. But it must be assumed to tighten with it will not be.

At the end of the story about FireWire, let's try to figure it out for all of its charms it number 2 after USB. The first argument is the lower speed (if you compare the most common FireWire 400 and USB 2.0). Nevertheless, we are talking about theoretical maximum bandwidth. It is achievable, but only under certain conditions, quite rarely performed in reality.

We did not test the speed ourselves (yet it is not an article "What to choose: USB or Firewire?"), But found quite a few reviews and notes on the Internet. So, in real situations, FireWire turns out to be almost always faster. The difference sometimes can be quite a lot - up to 30-70%. It is noted that USB 2.0 rarely exceeds 35 MB / s (with a theoretical peak of 60 MB / s), while FireWire quietly transmits data at speeds up to 49 MB / s.

And the possibility of supplying the IEEE 1394 is much better. When using a full-sized six-contact connector, the connection of an external power source is required much less frequently than in the case of USB. Yes, and devices would be charged much faster.

So why is 4-10 USB ports installed in each computer and well if one FireWire, and not the opposite? Therefore, why on 90% of PCs is still installed by Windows, and on Mac OS only 5%. At one time, Apple refused to start licensing its operating system to manufacturers of computers and as a result of Microsoft now the first.

On FireWire, there was no such categorical restrictions (such that they can be installed on the "apple" systems), but Apple as the owner of the patent for technology, it is quite legitimate wants to receive deductions. For computer manufacturers, a tax is installed $ 0.25, and for equipment manufacturers (cameras, external HDD, etc.) - $ 1-2.

USB initially open standard focused on a wide audiootor. That is, it is trite costly cheaper, so it was all preferred, even Apple itself does not happen to them at all (it is enough to remember, equipped with only one USB and deprived of traditional FireWire, as well as the translation of the iPod with FireWire to USB).

We will advise if possible to use FireWire, especially if you need to transmit large amounts of data. For example, when connecting an external hard disk. However, for the last type of devices already has its own standard - ESATA.


In general, the SATA interface (Serial ATA) is somewhat suitable for the topic of this article. This is the inner bus of the computer, and we are talking about external. However, in mid-2004, the ESATA standard was adopted, which allowed the external use of SATA. Today, it is increasingly installed on motherboards and laptops. But the explanation of the principles of ESATA's work is essentially reduced to the description of those from ordinary Serialata.

Work on SATA began to be conducted at the very end of the last century. This standard was called up to replace the common Parallel ATA (PATA), then successfully used to connect hard drives in computers. The speed of the last interface was then 100-133 MB / s, while the hard drives could provide an average of no more than 60-70 MB / s. The most modern models of this indicator rose to 120 MB / s, which even does not even cover the possibilities of UDMA133. So why then need SATA?

As it is not strange, but one of the main arguments in his favor is higher speed. The first version of the standard (also known as SATA 1.5 Gbit / S) allows you to transmit data at speeds up to 150 MB / s (some may have a question where 42 MB / s, 1.5 Gbit / s is 192 MB / s; We answer - SATA supports coding according to the 8B10B algorithm, which takes 20% of the channel). The remaining arguments are less significant: the smaller size of the connector, a thinner cable, the possibility of a hot connection (which is not always implemented, but on this below).

Literally a couple of years after the release of the first versions of Serialata began to talk about the preparation and implementation of SATA2 (also known as SATA II and SATA 3 Gbit / S). His main dignity ... Of course, halvening the rate of data transfer. Now it was 3 Gbps or 300 MB / s (if you take into account the costs of coding), close to UltraSI 320.

What do you think you need hard disks such a quick interface? The answer in our opinion is obvious. But SATA-IO (Serial Ata International Organization), engaged in the adoption of Serialata standards, added another very useful technology - NCQ (Native Command Queuing). The principle is borrowed from SCSI. When it initializes it, the SATA controller analyzes the requests to the hard disk and builds such a sequence of them so that the requested data is as close to each other. As the numerous tests showed sometimes the speed increase is very significant.

True, we note that the younger operating systems, as well as Mac OS X and Linux 2-3 years old, do not support Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI) without special drivers. Namely, AHCI provides NCQ and hot connection. Without this interface, hard drives work as ordinary IDE.

Another feature of SATA2 is backward compatibility with the first version of the Standard. Connecting a hard disk of an old type, the controller must determine which speed mode should be installed. Not all manufacturers coped with this autocognition. So the SATA controller in the southern bridges VIA VT8237 and VT8237R, as well as in the VIA VT6420 and VT6421L chips made it to put it mildly "badly". As a result, problems could arise with the connection of new SATA2-hard drives. The same ailion suffered the SIS760 chipset and the SIS964 south bridge. He was treated with manual setting of SATA 1.5 Gbit / S mode using jumpers.

Another new feature of Serialata II - support for connecting more than one device to one SATA port. It is done through special port expansion. And now let's count. What will happen if you connect to the four fastest HDDs to one SATA connector through the expander? That's right, they will need speed up to 450-480 MB / s, which is already outside the capabilities of SATA2.

The way out of this situation is obvious - preparation of a faster standard. The following plans are SATA 6 Gbit / S with a maximum data exchange rate of 600 MB / s. Of course, all this "happiness" in the usual home or office computer is nothing, but if you need to create a complex configuration of many HDDs, then such speeds will be quite by the way. The acceptance and implementation deadlines are still unknown, but 6 Gbps SAS version (interface designed to replace SCSI is based on SATA data transmission principles) should appear next year.

Now about connectors. A special 7-pin cable is used to connect devices. Four contacts transmit information, the rest are used for grounding. Maximum cable length - 1 meter. For Parallel ATA, this value was 45 cm, although some released 90 cm.

Another difference between the SATA from the PATA is the voltage required for data transmission. To reduce the noises and tips in wide PATA loops, a voltage is used 5. V. for SATA This figure is ten times less than - 0.5 V. From this it follows that the latter should consume less energy, but this is not quite so. SATA controllers require high speed to decode data, which overlaps the pluses of smaller voltage.

Changed and power connector. The SATA standard provides a special 15-pin connector instead of a four-pin Molex. Nine of fifteen contacts are used to sum up three stresses: 3.3 V, 5.0 V and 12.0 V. Each contact provides current to 1.5 A.

Modern power supplies are supplied with feeders for SATA devices. But there is an opportunity to connect and the usual Molex through a special adapter. Also, the first versions of Serial ATA hard disks were equipped with not only a new connector, but also Molex. The latter does not support 3.3 V voltage, which is used with hot connections. So if you connect your SATA HDD to Molex (directly or via an adapter), then you can only turn it off your computer.

Well, finally ESATA. The added "E" symbol to the name means "external", that is, "external". In essence, ESATA is the "outward" port of SATA. But, of course, there are a few differences. The standard had to modify a little taking into account some "external" features of the medium.

In particular, electrical requirements were increased, which made it possible to bring the maximum cable length to 2 meters. But in comparison with USB and FireWire lengths, ESATA can not. So far, anyway. The connector itself and the connector were also converted. They disappeared with a special "L" -Chelch, blocking the possibility of using ordinary SATA cables with ESATA ports. To prevent damage, the length of the contacts on the connector from 5.5 to 6.0 mm was increased. The cable itself was additionally shielded, and its connector is finalized - it supports up to 5,000 connections / shutdowns, while the usual is no more than 50.

Output ESATA connector can be independently. It is done through a passive extension cable connected to the SATA port on the motherboard. In the case of a laptop, it can be displayed through the PC Card or ExpressCard adapters. True, in this case, the maximum wire length is limited to 1 meter. Therefore, for full support, ESATA will have to several recycle existing controllers. In our article "" We saw the drivers for both the Intel SATA controller (which is integrated into the south bridge ICH8-M) and for the JMicron ESATA controller.

So why do I need ESATA when there are USB 2.0 and FireWire 400/800? Well, first of all, the point is in speed. The first provides data transmission up to 60 MB / s (and even then in theoretical peak), and the second - 50/100 MB / s. This is not enough for the fastest hard drives. And some manufacturers put two or more hard drives in one box, combining them sometimes in RAID arrays, which makes USB and FireWire even less suitable. Then USB and FireWire do not support the functions characteristic of hard disks. We are talking about such technologies like S.m.a.r.t. and NCQ. They just turn off. In the case of ESATA, they are fully operational.

But ESATA has one flaw. It is not able to transfer power through the cable, which requires an additional energy source for an external hard disk. This can be served both out of the socket and from a USB or FireWire under a separate cable. However, at the beginning of the year the SATA-IO organization announced the conduct of work on this problem. In the second half of this year, it is going to present the ESATA version, providing enough power for the devices connected to the connector.

Actually, this is all that we wanted to tell about SATA / ESATA. We believe that the latter has great prospects in the future. He will definitely be able to displace USB and Firewire from the external HDD market.


Ethernet is the oldest, most common and at the same time the most difficult standard of all those considered in this article. Although it is more correct, it is not even a standard - this is a family of network technologies and standards designed to provide data exchange between computers. It is between computers (that is, with equal participants, if we are talking about a peer-to-peer network), and not between the computer and the periphery. This is the most important difference between Ethernet from other external wired interfaces. The very name of Ethernet comes from the English word "Ether" - "Ether" (in terms of radio, and not an organic connection).

In general, the local networks write huge volumes of books, and also prepare various specialists in this area for years. So we will not give all the submitumed technology here. I do not even touch the topology, types of connectors, encryption methods, protocols and other aspects. But briefly affect the history of early development, the main current standards (for wired versions, wireless are described by us in the article "") and development prospects.

Traditionally, let's start with history. The development of Ethernet in 1973-1975 scientists were engaged in Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs (David Boggs) at the Xerox Parc Research Center. In general, a lot of promising developments have been created in this center, which includes a mouse and graphics operating systems.

The first description of the Ethernet concept was published in early 1974. In March 1974 R.Z. Bachrach got acquainted with her and noticed that there was nothing fundamentally new in technology, and also that it contains an error. The error did not pay attention, because everything worked with it. And only in 1994, the roasted rooster nailed in the "one place". An error called "Channel Capture Effect" (channel capture effect) caused conflicts when the packet queue is generated, which was solved by the revision of the service information sent in the packet headers. It was pretty quickly solved without major changes to the existing protocols.

In 1975, Xerox filed documents for a patent, and in 1976 it launched an experimental network on the territory of the Xerox PARC complex. The data transfer rate was about 3 Mbps, and all addresses were 8-bit. Later they made 16-bit.

Metcalf left Xerox in 1979 to promote the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal computers, as well as combining them into local networks. All developments were engaged in the company 3com. He convinced the company DEC, Intel and Xerox to start working on a single Ethernet standard. September 30, 1980 he was published. The data transfer rate was 10 Mbps with a 48-bit addressing support (now it is hidden under MAC addresses). At that time he performed by a competitor to ARCNET and TOKEN Ring. In the mid-80s, a new version of Ethernet was created, where in addition to the coaxial cable, a twisted pair was used to combine computers.

Networkmap Fast Ethernet

Now a little about modern Ethernet operating speeds. Nets with a speed of 10 Mbps already almost do not exist, but 10 years ago (plus-minus a few years) they were very common. 100 Mbps Standard version (also known as Fast Ethernet) Over the past decade, has become a huge distribution. Today it is the most popular Ethernet type to combine computers into a single network. And the popular one because in most cases it offers an acceptable speed and its deployment is cheaper than everything.

Networkmap Gigabit Ethernet

But progress does not stand still. The next step was the appearance of Gigabit Ethernet. This variant of the networks raised the maximum data transfer rate is still an order of magnitude - up to 1 Gbit / s. To transfer information, both twisted steam and fiber can be used. The last option is more expensive, but at the same time offers a more stable connection, more likely the ability to achieve maximum speed, and at the same time transmission of data over long distances.

Networkmap 10Gbit Ethernet

In 2002, the Standard was adopted, called IEEE 802.3ae, which enhancing the speed of Ethernet networks to 10 Gb / s. It involves the use of both fiber optic cables and a copper twisted pair. For a single computer, it will, of course, will not be as useful (since there are no devices that support recording and reading at such a speed), but it is sufficient to combine data centers and such tasks.

But perfection, as you know, there is no limit. In November 2006, it was decided to start developing a faster version of Ethernet - up to 100 Gbps, which is 1000 times faster, the most popular Fast Ethernet today.

In July 2007, the Commission responsible for adopting standards from the IEEE 802 group was sent to adopt IEEE 802.3ba. It involves supporting data transfer at speeds of up to 40 and 100 Gb / s. Distances from 10 meters (copper cable) and up to 40 km are maintained (by fiber). Data transfer mode is only Full-Duplex. On December 5, 2007, the Standard was adopted. In February 2008, first devices were already demonstrated, capable of transmitting at such speed.

So Ethernet. This family of standards and protocols is used by almost all and almost everywhere. Although the most popular version is still a cheap Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps), a faster Gigabit Ethernet has long metrates the consumer segment. The majority of network cards built into motherboards for desktops and laptops have already enlisted support for the latter. But because of the relatively high cost of routers and the absence of urgent need for a tenfold increase in speed, it is pretty sluggish.

The fastest Ethernet standards have reached 100 Gbps speeds, which can be useful when combining multiple large networks. Such wide channels will make sense only when they are used on highways, but it is very unlikely for a single computer. After all, the exchange of data at a speed of 12.5 GB / s (100 Gbps) inside the ordinary PC can be carried out only between the processor and the RAM (and even then, not in all cases), not to mention the hard drives for which the limit is still 120 MB / s. In any case, it does not face the stagnant here - there is definitely space for growth.


We have left to consider two more interfaces: HDMI and DisplayPort. Both of them have a similar purpose - the transfer of uncompressed video. But the first is more oriented to household electronics, while the second to connect monitors to computers. In this section we will focus on HDMI.

The HDMI abbreviation is decrypted as "High-Definition Multimedia Interface" or "High Resolution Multimedia Interface". Take a look at the rear panel of the modern DVD player or LCD TV. There, depending on the level of the device and its manufacturer, you will find connectors for coaxial and composite cables, as well as S-Video (these are more often found in the camcorder), SCART (there is almost every TV and video player), D-Sub (these come across the LCD LCDs and LCD panels) and some others. All this variety is called upon to replace HDMI.

The very first version of the specifications HDMI 1.0. was presented on December 9, 2002. She was developed by seven of the following companies: Hitachi, Matsushita, Philips, Silicon Image, Sony, Thomson and Toshiba. This interface provided the following features: at a frequency of 165 MHz, the maximum resolution of the transmitted video is 1080p (1920x1080) or WUXGA (1920x1200), which indicated the maximum data rate of 4.9 Gb / s. At the same time, the transfer of an eight-channel 24-bit uncompressed audio with a frequency of 192 kHz is supported, as well as any other compressed format - Dolby Digital or DTS.

HDMI "Height \u003d" 400 "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: DVI-\u003e HDMI adapter" width="320" border="0" style="WIDTH: 320px; HEIGHT: 400px" src="">!}

DVI-\u003e HDMI adapter

Not forgotten about compatibility with DVI (in particular DVI-I and DVI-D). Through the adapter to DVI, you can connect a device with HDMI support. It can be both the monitor and the LCD TV. True, some features inherent exclusively HDMI will not be supported. So the audio will have to withdraw on a separate cable.

HDMI 1.1 Presented in May 2004. The specification has added only DVD-AUDIO support. A year later, in August 2005, came out HDMI 1.2.. He allowed to transmit sound in ONE BIT AUDIO, used on Super Audio CDs (Sony Standard). It became possible to install HDMI connectors of type A (about the types of connectors just below) on computer video cards. To expand computers support, it is possible to transfer data to the standard RGB-palette for them, while the YCBCR CE palette remains as an option. In December 2005, a minor update was presented, adding several additional features - HDMI 1.2A..

Much more significant was the announcement HDMI 1.3June 22, 2006. First of all, the frequency of the interface is up to 340 MHz, increasing the data transfer rate to 10.2 Gb / s, and this in turn made it possible to deal with permissions up to 2560x1600. Additional support for several new palettes and new Dolby TrueHD audio formats and DTS-HD Master Audio, which are used on HD DVD and Blu-Ray disks. There is a new type C connector. In November 2006, there was an announcement HDMI 1.3Awhich made several adjustments to version 1.3. The same did the specification HDMI 1.3b.submitted on October 7, 2007.

Now about the types of HDMI connectors. At the moment there are three: HDMI Type A, Type B and Type C. The first is the first. It is installed both on laptops, video cards and on DVD players, TVs and even Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony Playstation 3 consoles. It has a width of 13.9 mm and a height of 4.45 mm, as well as 19 data contacts. The maximum speed for the HDMI version of 1.3 - 4.9 Gb / s, equal to 1.3 or older - 10.2 Gb / s. Back compatible with Single-Link DVI.

For higher permissions (up to WQSXGA - 3200x2048), a HDMI Type B connector was created. It has a width of 21.2 mm and 29 contacts. By its electrical parameters, it is compatible with Dual-Link DVI. In the case of using HDMI TYPE B, the interface speed is doubled.

HDMI Type A "Height \u003d" 142 "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: HDMI Type C Adapter -\u003e HDMI Type A" width="295" border="0" style="WIDTH: 295px; HEIGHT: 142px" src="">!}

Adapter HDMI TYPE C -\u003e HDMI TYPE A

Well, the newest HDMI Type C, which appeared with the standard version 1.3. This is a reduced version of type A having a size of 10.42 mm by 2.42 mm. Designed for installation on portable devices. Note that Type A and Type C can be connected through a special conductor cable, while Type B is not compatible with them.

As for the specifications of the cable itself, the standard does not establish a strict framework for manufacturers to use the materials of a particular type, as well as to the maximum length. Variating the first parameter wire can be made longer or shorter, but at the same time more or cheaper.

To avoid confusion (which nevertheless arose) HDMI version 1.3 identified two cable types: Category 1 and Category 2. The first must be able to transmit any of the HDTV formats (720p, 1080p and 1080i), while the second is even more caviar Video and audio formats. So the cable of the first category of 5 meters long will cost quite small. But if you need a big length and permission, you will have to pay attention to the second category, for which it can already be used as a twisted pair of categories 5 or 6, or even fiber. The price of the cheapest HDMI cables is about $ 15-25. We believe that longer and speed versions can cost much more than $ 100.

In conclusion, I would like to mention his wireless alternative -. But its specifications were accepted only in early 2008, so this standard has not received wide distribution. Yes, and the distance in most cases is limited to the limits of one room. But the wires are not necessary.

Meanwhile, go to DisplayPort.


Of all the above, DisplayPort interfaces are the youngest. His first version was presented in May 2006. On April 2, 2007, version 1.1 was approved. It is she who is supported today and supported by manufacturers of equipment. The main difference between DisplayPort from HDMI lies in a greater computer orientation of the first. It is designed to connect a PC with a monitor or home theater system (and not a DVD player and LCD panels, etc.). It was this standard that VESA was adopted (Video Electronics Standards Association) as a modern D-sub (VGA) and DVI receiver.

Data transmission via DisplayPort is carried out through four channels, the bandwidth of each of which can be from 1.6 to 2.7 Gb / s. Thus, through this interface, you can "drive" up to 10.8 Gb / s. The number of channels manufacturer can also vary from 1 to 4. The color bit can be from 6 to 16 bits per color channel. There is a technical channel operating at speeds of up to 1 Mbps, transmitting technical data about the connected device, as well as intended for control and configuration.

So far, the maximum resolution for DisplayPort is 2560x1600, but this standard is designed in such a way that it is very easy to upgrade. There is also optional DPCP encryption support (DisplayPort Content Protection), developed by ATI (now AMD).

Conducts DisplayPort to transmit audio. Uncompressed, eight-channel with a frequency of 192 kHz, the discharge of up to 24 bits and the maximum bit rate of 6.144 Mbps. In this regard, DisplayPort is lagging behind HDMI, which supports many more compressed formats.

According to its signal and electrical parameters, DisplayPort is not compatible with HDMI and DVI. But if you use an active transient transmitter, it will be possible to connect the old monitor to the new video card and vice versa.

DisplayPort connector has 20 contacts. It exists only in one version, not as HDMI or DVI in three. The cable length is 3 meters for maximum resolution, or 15 meters for 1080p format. In the future, it is planned to introduce support for fiber-optic wires, which will significantly increase the maximum length.

At the moment, several manufacturers have already presented monitors based on DisplayPort. Among them were Dell, which released 24- and 30-inch models with the support of the newest interface.


Today we live on the threshold for introducing new high-speed communication standards of computer equipment. USB 2.0, FireWire 400, SATA II and Ethernet (in particular, Fast and Gigabit) have already firmly entered our lives and have almost reached its maximum speed limit. This process was needed for several years. Now organizations engaged in their development have already announced, and in a year they are ready to submit final specifications of faster versions. We believe, the first devices with support for USB 3.0 and FireWire 3200 will see the light next year.

The confirmation of the ESATA connector of modern systemics and laptops confirms the success of this interface. It is definitely better suited for external data warehouses than USB or FireWire, since it is almost no different from its internal analog SATA. So far, ESATA speed is 3 Gb / s. But in the near future, it can be increased by half to 6 Gb / s. Especially if manufacturers do not disdain the ability to connect several hard drives to one connector.

Ethernet development prospects for average consumers are not very interesting. The usual computer is enough of a speed of 1 Gbit / s, whereas is already ready the standard that allows you to exchange data 100 times faster. It will be more useful for large corporations that need to combine large data centers on the network.

HDMI and DisplayPort is our future in the field of multimedia. The first is already actively installed on laptops and gradually comes to video cards. We believe that in a year or two, he will finally be able to oust S-Video, SCART, coaxial and other analog connectors. DisplayPort is unlikely to take root in consumer electronics, but in the monitors it can very much. From the moment of its release, about two years passed, and the manufacturers of monitors already "stirred", anneaching support for a new type of connector. We believe, for a long time it will coexist with DVI, as this one in turn coexists with D-Sub.

Despite the rapid development of wireless communication standards (described in the appropriate), wired interfaces still remain more reliable and in perspective by more speeds. Therefore, in the next decade, they are unlikely to be fully ousted, especially from a conservative corporate segment, where in the first place has always been stability and reliability. And, as clearly from this article, progress in the "wires" is not going to stop.

To understand what the article is talking about, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the word "interface". This word means the possibilities, methods and methods of interaction between two systems. The interface of the router is his connection, communication with something.

In our case, the interface is two:

  1. One system is a person (user), the second system is a router itself. That is the user you need to go to the router settings and make some changes there to make it work under your requirements. This is the settings interface.
  2. One system is a computer network, the second system is again the router itself. That is, he must communicate with the computer network (in fact, for which it has been created), for this, the router must have a connection with the network or by wires (LAN, WAN ports, etc.), or by Wi-Fi. This is a connection interface.

Consider both interfaces in more detail, and start with the settings.

Routher settings interface

As we already understood to set up a router, we must join him in a dialogue. That is, we give him a team, he hears us, understands, and performs. The interface, that is, the intermediary between the user and the router will perform the most common web browser (IE, Firefox, Opera, etc.). It happens as follows.

We connect the router to a computer with a network wire patch cord, or via Wi-Fi, and run a web browser. Any router has a network IP address - enter it to the address bar of the browser. For example -

Log in to the router settings

The address of your router is not difficult to find out - either turn it over and read it on the label under the bottom or in the router setting instructions.

The IP address of the router on the label under the bottom

We press "ENTER", and the router will immediately ask - and who I have the honor to communicate with? That is, authorization is necessary. The username and password are also indicated by the bottom of the router and in the manual. We enter them into the appropriate fields and enter the settings menu.

Routher settings

After entering the settings, it starts directly communication with the router, its configuration. For convenience for a person (but not for a computer or router), the settings are made in a convenient menu, with points and sub-clauses.

Routher settings window

All this "clearer" and the "logical" menu is needed only to a person, and it really works - set up a router very easily and quickly even to the user with small experience. This speaks about a friendly interface.

For example, we need to configure Wi-Fi.

Setting up Wi-Fi router

Of course, we go to the "Wireless" menu item, which means a wireless network.

Wi-Fi Routher Setup

In the window that opens, we produce the Wi-Fi network setting, nothing else. Communication user and router, mutual understanding, interface.

Network interface

Consider the second case of the interface, already physical (previously dialogue). At least at first glance and there is nothing in common between them, but there is a common interface. Only in this case is already a network - there is a physical connection of the router to the computer network with wires with special connectors (ports), or a wireless connection, which is not important in this case.

Routher network interfaces on the rear panel

Input ports and physically connecting computer network wires. There are at least two kinds - "looking" into the outside world, that is, connecting to another network or provider (WAN port), and "looking" into their own internal network (LAN ports). The Linux operating system even assigned the names of these ports - WAN port has the designation "ETH0", and LAN port is "ETH1".

Wired interface

Wired connection will require a network wire. There are several varieties - twisted steam, coaxial cable and fiber optic.

Types of network cables

Each type has its own connector for connecting, that is, a coaxial cable cannot be connected to the port for twisted pair.

The most commonly used is the type of twisted pair - the golden middle between the price and the data rate. The cable connection is made to the corresponding port of the router (network interface of the router), and another end to the computer's network card (PC network interface).

Connect to computer

For different types of conductor, this connection procedure is no different, they are the same type.

Setting up WAN and LAN interfaces

By connecting the wires, we turn to the configuration of the router. With the entry procedure in the settings via the web interface, we got acquainted at the beginning of the article. Going into the settings, go to the Network tab.

Setting the wired network

Selecting the menu item will open the submenu containing separately the LAN and WAN port settings. Go to the corresponding subparagraphs and customize the way it usually. Specifically, the settings in this article are not considered.

After entering the changes, we must press "Save" to be preserved and activated.

Wireless interface

The wires are currently going to the past, and is increasingly given to the development of wireless interfaces. These include bluetooth, infrared transmission and, of course, Wi-Fi. It is for Wi-Fi that future.

Through Wi Fi, computers and routers are combined through air through radio waves with a frequency of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz (in the development and 6 GHz). For communication, a radio module and antenna are needed.

Wi-Fi router

Turning on the router, it creates a wireless network that you want to detect a computer and connect to it. The wireless network has a name, and by the rules of good tone - a password for connecting to it.

All network found are displayed on the desktop of the computer in the lower right corner.

List of discovered Wi-Fi networks

By clicking on the mouse twice the name of the network, we will connect to it. But first you need to configure in the router settings. How to go to the Wi-Fi settings, it was described in the first part of the article.

For the late video lesson, how to set a password to the TP-LINK router interface:

Approximately three million users, the perfect image quality and availability is only part of the advantages of IPTV television - the services offered by Rostelecom. Meanwhile, specialists of technical support services are not rarely responsible for the question: why interactive television does not work on Rostelecom, despite the fact that there are no problems with the Internet connection. Despite the fact that RTK specialists constantly improve the quality of services, problems with IPTV happen, and this is not uncommon. If you have a situation like that when Rostelecom's television does not work, and the Internet works, do not fall into despair, since in most cases the problem is solved, even without the intervention of specialists.

What the quality of the services provided was not to be discussed, any technique can give failures and an eternal engine, unfortunately, also not yet invented. I would like to warn in advance: if you have a Rostelecom television, 50% can be corrected, rebooting the receiver. Having carried away by the variety of media content from IPTV, many users of IPTV prefix for months do not turn them off from the power source, only translating before bedtime to standby (stand-by). Given that the service is constantly being improved, and versions with a new firmware appear, your equipment tritely requires updating. To help in this case can turn off the router and the prefixes from the network.

Among possible problems, you can also select the connection of a TV tuner in the "wrong" slot LAN. Usually, to connect the TV console, the manufacturer dismisses certain LAN ports, and if you decide to connect it through another port, intended for the Internet connection, for example, nothing happens. If you did everything right, but Rostelecom does not show television, it is worth looking for a cause in another direction.

Important! If you are using ADSL, you need to use the LAN-4 port to connect, the same port is allocated when connecting through fiber. In the case of two or three consoles, LAN-3 and LAN-2 ports are activated, but never LAN-1 port for connecting the Internet.

You may encounter the fact that on the TV is displayed, saying that there is no signal from the console. This happens quite often, and users ask why television from Rostelecom does not work when the Internet runs if everything is done correctly and the receiver is connected by the rules. In most cases, this is because you did not specify the input to the device through which the prefix is \u200b\u200bconnected, and several outputs are provided in modern television receivers.

Error No IP Address

Among the most common causes of the absence of a signal, if Rostelecom shows a black screen, you should seek the reason in the Wi-Fi settings of the router, although this may happen because the port of the carrier port is incorrect. First of all, you must overload the router and the prefix, and if you did it, and television does not work, you can check the quality of the connection "twisted pair" - cable leading to the console. If the connections are dense, you need to try to connect with the help of another cable - it is possible that there is no signal that there is no signal, but that the cable is simply worn. Fix the fault error consoles from Rostelecom can change in the router settings, and you can do this at, or contacting the support service.

Infinitely running rabbit

The first inclusion of some IPTV-consoles models like the children very much, as a rabbit appears on the screen, and then the cartoon "about hares" is shown. In fact, this is a problem associated with the non-treatment of firmware from Rostelecom through a multicast. The reasons for this may be two:

  • Error configuring the router, and in this case the console can be assigned to the incorrect IP address. In this case, you can configure the port under the STB, and do not forget to make sure that IgMP Snooping has been enabled.
  • Problems related to error setting equipment from the service provider. This rarely happens, and only the staff of the technical service can cope with the problem.

Important! If you think that the prefix stopped working due to the problem associated with the router connection error (the port is not configured to connect the STB), change the LAN port on the WLAN port to the parallel.

Invalid login and password

Many hassle deliver problems associated with authorization on the IPTV server or on the authorization server. You can enter, for example, incorrect username or password. If you are sure that everyone has been entered correctly, and interactive TV Rostelecom does not work, you should contact the router or modem settings. Assist may, in particular, check the router configuration settings and reboot the receiver itself. In case IPTV from Rostelecom does not work, still, you should contact technical support, whose specialists will check data for authorization.

Lack of signal

If, after connecting the console, there is no signal on the TV, as evidenced by the absence of an image and sound, it is necessary to configure the TV feeder itself. The fact is that various devices can be connected to modern TVs, so it is very important that the connection port corresponds to the settings, since in automatic mode it has learned not all TV receivers. To begin with, you need to find the SOURCE button, which is responsible for the signal source. By clicking on this button, you will be taken to the menu in which you want to select the desired connection port. If you do everything correctly, the image of good quality and a signal from Rostelecom will appear immediately. The problem can also be in a loose contact of the contacts, and to fix it, just disconnect the cable and attach it again. If it is not possible to solve the problem independently, without the help of a specialist it will not work out.

loading error

Quite often, speaking that the TV is not working. Rostelecom's compiler does not work, mean the "server not found" inscription appearing on the screen. Below to this inscription, users recommend contacting customer support. In fact, if the server is not available and Rostelecom does not show channels due to server failure, it will not be possible to solve the problem independently. Assistance can only have specialists who will have to appeal.

IPTV-television users can watch the inscription warning about the problem of connecting to the server, while the system reports that the network interface is connected, and the IP address is obtained. This means that the Rostelecom server is unavailable due to the failure on the provider networks - the phenomenon is quite frequent. In this case, leave the console enabled and wait when the problem is solved on the server. In the event that the work of the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot restored, it must be overloaded. First, the prefix itself turns off, then the router, after turning on the router, should pass 5-7 minutes, after which the receiver can be turned on. The problem must be solved.

Image of quadraticles

If the image comes with freezes, or Rostelecom television is impossible to watch due to the appearance of a blurred picture by the "squares", while the sound does not disappear, but "stutter", it is necessary to overload the console again. If this measure did not help, or helped for a while, you can try to disconnect all devices from the router, with the exception of the TV tuner itself, try to disable Wi-Fi. Including all the devices, you define the channel loading source, and most often it happens on the ADSL lines, and especially in cases where the channel is busy loading from file sharing.

Wired interface is not available

If you have seen a message about the absence of a wired interface, remember that the problem is the fault of your internet line. Most likely, the standard procedure for rebooting the router and receiver can solve it can solve it. Do not also forget about possible mechanical damage to the cable. Check why the network interface is not connected, you can by connecting a new cable.

Service (login) blocked

If the Rostelecom channels do not show, it may also mean that the service (login) is blocked. Solve the problem can timely payment for the service of interactive television, and you can check the status of the account in the Personal Account on the Rostelecom website, in some cases helps the replacement of the console.

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