
How to enable a connected computer with HDMI. How to connect a computer to a TV? Wired and wireless ways. Connecting a cable from a TV to a computer with HDMI

I welcome everyone! The "seven" has many of their "branded" problems, to deal with who are not always under the power of ordinary users. But we will help you in this! So, the topic of today's lesson is the HDMI cable setting.

  • We will look at how to connect the cable;

  • What settings in windows need to be activated;

  • At the end of the article detailed video instruction.

After you connect the HDMI cable to a laptop / computer and a TV, on the "Desktop" with the right mouse button and select the screen "screen resolution" in the drop-down menu. By the way: at that moment, when you were connected to the cable - you will see the window in which the "Screen Settings" field and a circle divided into two parts, with digital designations 1 and 2. Test settings in the desired fields, somehow: "Screen "," Resolution "and so on. Next, in the "Multiple Screens" field, set the "Duplicate these Screens" feature. Now click on the button "Apply" and "OK". Thus, you activate all the necessary settings for an adequate image.

Go to the sound settings on the TV: These settings are made on the computer! Click on the "Start" - "Control Panel". In the system settings window that opens, select "Equipment and Sound". Click on it and select the "Sound" options - "Sound Device Management". By clicking on it, you get a separate "sound" window. In this window you must see the icon connected to the TV computer, such as "Samsung". Just below in the same window you will see the "Dynamics" option. We bring the cursor to the TV icon (it is the TV, and not on the speaker) and click right-click. A menu will fall out, in which you select the default line. ATTENTION: If everything is done correctly, the green "bird" should appear in the window near the TV. If you want to turn off the sound, then the shutdown is made in the "Speakers" window: by clicking the right button, select the default line and click on it. Here is such a strange pattern. Nevertheless, everything works so. Click "Apply" and "OK". By the way, it is probably no secret for you that the GPS navigator can not be bought if you have a phone on Android, just enough

Today we will solve the task of connecting the TV to the computer, whether it will be a stationary PC or laptop - there is no special difference. Options, or rather, there are several connection methods, we will use the most modern interface - HDMI. It is with his help, using only one cable, we will hand out to a large screen and an image, and sound.

Moreover, the output will be carried out with a maximum resolution to which the TV is capable and which can provide a computer. Some time ago, we told. Now let's go to the big screen.

Before connecting

Before we start responding to the question, how to connect the TV to a computer via HDMI, you need to make sure that some conditions are met, namely:

Your computer should have an HDMI output.

On TV must be HDMI input. All modern TV shows at least one such connector, but have, but, as a rule, several are set them. It will take any free.

You must purchase a HDMI cable. The length of the manufacturer, the cable model, select yourself based on the physical remoteness of devices from each other, your preferences, financial capabilities. It is desirable that the cable corresponds to the version of the interface 1.3, and better - not lower than 1.4.

- It is extremely desirable to stand on your PC fresh versions of video card driver. It can help get around possible problems.
If all these items are executed, the presence of connectors is set, the cable is present, you can proceed directly to the connection.

Let's say that switching Different devices (and a computer and TV so far in any way, in addition to the electrical network, are not connected) it is recommended to perform when their power off. Or, at least, turning off one of them. This is not a mandatory requirement, but its execution can save from possible malfunctions, such as: failure of the HDMI interface of the video card, TV, problems with the motherboard, etc. Repair may be very expensive.

Warn in advance more about one possible submarine stone. The TV supports permission, at a minimum, HD (1280 × 720), but most likely, FullHD (1920 × 1080). What is not always possible to say about the resolution of the computer monitor, and even more the laptop. In this case, in the "Duplication of Screens" mode, the "picture" will be displayed on the second device, similar to the parameters displayed by a computer monitor. This will be mentioned below.

Connect and configure

So, all preparatory actions are made, proof. As already mentioned, to avoid possible problems, turn off the TV and, desirable, PC. After that, you can connect the HDMI cable to the corresponding connectors of both devices.

Modern televisions, in most cases, are equipped with several HDMI inputs, which use is a matter of taste. Use one to which it is easier to reach, just do not forget view number HDMI entrance.

Now you can turn on devices. Here it should be said about one subtleness that can manifest itself. It happens that the TV connected to the running computer "does not see". Therefore, it is desirable to observe such a sequence of inclusion: first the TV, then the computer.

The console of any television receptionist is usually equipped with a signal source selection button. By clicking this button, the list of available inputs will be displayed. Their number, titles depend on the manufacturer of the TV book, but the HDMI inputs have all (usually they call HDMI1, HDMI2, etc.) Choose the one to which the cable just connected.

In most cases, when downloading a computer on the second screen, you will immediately see the desktop image. Naturally, with parameters corresponding to the capabilities of the monitor of your PC.

If such an image is, it can be said that almost all work is done. Little remains: check the transmission of sound from a computer to TV and, possibly change the mode of operation, if it is necessary that different screens show different information. For example, a computer monitor is used to work, and the big screen broadcast the movie.

To see and, if necessary, change the operation parameters of the second screen, you need to right-click on the desktop, select the Select item " Screen resolution».

Let's start with work modes. There may be several(Further options from the "Screen Resolution" menu:

- Duplication of screens. In this case, both display devices work synchronously, showing an identical "picture", i.e., the desktop of your computer, and all your actions will be visible.

- Expansion of screens. A more interesting mode that allows not only to "stretch" the desktop on 2 different display devices, but also to get different display dimensions. For example, a laptop monitor often has a screen resolution of 1366x768, and the TV is a complete fullHD.

- Displays the desktop on the 1st or 2nd screen. If, when the second display device is connected, it is necessary that the image is only on one of them, then these modes are intended for this.
In addition, you can change the numbering of devices, change the orientation (with the landscape to portrait), change the resolution.

Now let's start at the big screen some movie, a concert or any program. Of course, written in FullHD format, otherwise, why did we sit down the whole garden. Upload your favorite media player, move it to the second monitor, we choose the film of interest, turn on the playback, translate into full screen mode. Not only an image should appear, but also sound. Most likely it will. For example, it took the author only a few minutes to, not rush, bring the Judas Priest concert to the large screen by connecting your laptop with a rather closed Windows 7 to its TV.

If everything went smoothly - enjoy the result. Everything is done correctly, works correctly, pleasure delivers the appropriate.

Possible problems

Among the most common problems are the "invisibility" of the connected TV, the lack of image and / or sound. Methods helping to avoid them in advance were listed at the beginning of the article. Now briefly list the main ways to solve.

Make sure the performance of the used HDMI cable.
If the images on the TV are not at all - check whether the selected HDMI input matches the one to which the cable is connected.
Try changing the monitor image size, display mode.

- if the sound is not transmittedYou should check which device is used to transfer it. To do this, you need to open the "Control Panel", select the "Equipment and Sound" section, then "sound".

The TV not only should be in the list that appears, but also marked as the default device. If it is not so - right-click on the playback device corresponding to the connected TV, then assign it as the default used. If it is not in the list of devices, then in the same window, right-click on a free place and mark the checkbox "Show connected devices". The TV should appear in the list.

If it is still not there, then you should check which versions of the sound device drivers you have installed, and update them.

It happens that everything is done correctly, the cable worker, the driver - the newer does not happen, and how it does not work. Most likely, the case is in the operating system. In the most started case, it may happen that you have to reinstall the system.

Typically, no connection problems do not happen. If something does not work like this, then you should look for the cause, rather, in the "software" part. Select drivers, and not just update them, but, it is desirable to completely remove the old and only then install new ones.

Owners of old versions of OS from Microsoft, for example, XP, may encounter a situation that everything is configured as it should, but does not work. You will have to configure using utilities that make up the video system driver. As a rule, after short experiments, it is necessary to work everything as it turns out.

Successful to you connections.

P.S. If nevertheless, something did not work, write in the comments, help!

Many people having a large plasma or liquid crystal TV at a certain point are thinking about connecting it to your computer or laptop. The opportunity to watch movies on the big screen for many users is of great interest.
First, you will review with possible ways to connect these devices, then we will deal with the settings of the video card, and in the end we will look at how the sound can be displayed via HDMI. For the simplest connection of the above-mentioned devices, you must have only HDMI cable, at the ends of which there are identical connectors.

Anyone is suitable, even the most inexpensive cable, however, consider if you are going to use 3D mode, the cable version must be HDMI 1.4 or higher.
Locate the HDMI slot on the computer case, as well as on the back of your TV. This is the nest on the rear wall of the TV:

And this is an image of the slot on the side wall:

But such a socket should be signed on the rear surface of the computer's system unit:

There is such a socket, directly, on the video card, next to the connector for connecting the DVI or VGA monitor. If the discrete video card in your system unit is not installed, the socket will be located on the motherboard, near USB ports.

Laptops are easier, the HDMI nest in them looks always the same, just in various models can be from different sides:

In portable computer devices (tablets, netbooks, cameras, etc.), MINI-HDMI connectors are installed, which are three times less than a conventional connector, so they need mini-HDMI cable.

Many modern users have a liquid crystal TV hanging on the wall, which causes complexity with connecting to its back surface of the massive cable. For such cases, cables are provided, the plug in which is located at right angles. You can also, if you wish to purchase a special HDMI corner:

With the help of such a corner to the TV, you can connect from behind either side. Some adapters even support the ability to adjust the angle and bend in them are not direct, but in some side. Decide before buying, in which direction the cable will be released after connecting it through the corner. Keep in mind that different models of cables are oriented on various sides.

Connect without HDMI connectors You do not work out (True, if there is a DVI monitor connector, you can use an adapter DVI-HDMI).

So, to connect a computer to a TV through the HDMI connector, insert until you stop in both of the cable connector. Before the connection, do not forget to turn off both devices from the mains, if you do not want your HDMI port by chance to burn! Moreover, the coincidence of a number of negative factors can even lead to breakdown of the TV, computer or laptop!

If there are no free ports on the TV, you can purchase "Switcher" (Special HDMI Switch). It connects to one of the inputs on the TV and supports the connection of several sources at once, switch between which you can using the button or a separate console:

It is not necessary to buy in the online store an expensive switchman for $ 50-100 or more expensive, and ordinary Chinese models that do not need even in the external power supply. More expensive models are needed only to users who plan to watch movies in high resolution 1080p.

Setting up HDMI

If you have connected only one TV, the picture should appear immediately. Note: To the picture appeared on the TV screen, the monitor must be turned off from the system unit, and not just turn off!

After Windows is booted, select the appropriate screen resolution. To do this, right-click on an empty place on your desktop and then select the appropriate you " Screen resolution».

Here you can choose a suitable resolution. Higher resolution provides a clearer picture, but everything on the screen will have smaller dimensions. The default system selects the maximum resolution supported by the device. If everything is suitable, there is nothing to change. If you don't work with a similar resolution, you are not comfortable: the font is too small and difficulty, you can reduce the resolution, taking into account some nuances.

Some monitors and TVs are calculated to show a strictly defined number of pixels vertically, as well as horizontally. If you set a non-standard resolution, your TV will be forced to scale it to display it on its matrix, which is capable of climbing the picture and deteriorate image quality.

If your TV supports Full HD. Resolution (1920 × 1080), no less well it will reproduce 1280 × 720, but all fonts and parts will have a larger size. Real permission of TV HD Ready It is 1366 × 768, it makes no sense to set a resolution of 1920 × 1080.

On the Monitor tab located in " Additional parameters"You can set the desired screenshot frequency. You can put 60 Hz or more (if your TV supports it):

If video when viewing is not smooth smoothly or trembling, you can experiment with this parameter, changing its value. Color reproduction quality Set "True Color (32 bits)".

If you change the resolution, the color depth or frequency appears window in which you need to confirm the changes. If your device has not earned with new parameters, see this window and confirm your actions you can not. Do not worry, after fifteen seconds, the previous settings of the system of your computer device will be restored.

Features setting multiple displays

When connecting the TV and Windows 7/8 monitor simultaneously, it considers that several displays are connected to the computer. There are 2 modes of simultaneous operation of several displays: cloning (duplication), as well as expansion of the desktop. This parameter is selected in the same tab where you installed permission.

Duplicating screen

Cloning mode provides demonstration of the same desktop picture on both reproducing devices. To use this mode, it is desirable that the monitor and TV have the same permissions, otherwise one of the devices will have to work with inappropriate settings. At least, the devices must belong to one format (for example, both broadcases) in case the monitor is square (5: 4 or 4: 3), and the TV is widescreen (16: 9, etc.), on the right and left of Pictures on the screen will be located black stripes.

Expansion of the desktop

This mode makes it possible to have 2 desktops or more. That is, if both displays used are nearby, when moving, the mouse cursor will move from the TV to the monitor and back.

The system of each of the connected devices assigns its number displayed before its name. If you can not understand which device is under any number, click the "Determine" button, after which the figure with its number will be displayed on each display:

From above, you can see pictures of devices with numbers caused by them, denoting the location of these displays in space. By dragging these images by the mouse, you can change their sequence. With the appropriate checkbox, you can make any of the connected devices the main monitor.

For a computer and connected to it via HDMI TV, you can configure the frequency and screen resolution. In AMD (ATI), NVIDIA video card settings, etc. there are features associated with setting multiple displays. For example, when using the NVIDIA GeForce video card, right-click on the free place of desktop, after which it is possible to select a line " Control panel NVIDIA" You can configure your monitors in the "Display" section:

How to bring the sound via HDMI?

After that, the problem with the output of the sound via HDMI to the TV should be solved. You can only restart the programs used or completely restart the computer.

In the case when Wi-Fi Direct is not configured, Miracast is not supported, there are no flash drives with a large volume, and I really want movies in good quality, we remember about the HDMI connector - a wonderful way to duplicate the image to another device without loss of quality. Therefore, the question appears: how to connect the TV to a computer via HDMI in Windows 10 and what will required for this? The answer is located below.

What is needed to connect?

To connect, we need:

  • laptop or desktop PC with HDMI output;
  • tV with HDMI entrance;
  • bilateral HDMI cable.

Attention! To get a high-quality image with an audio track, do not use the adapters with HDMI on DVI and VGA, otherwise you will watch movies and photos only negative emotions.

How to connect a computer to tv

So, to transmit image on TV, we need to connect two devices using a cable:

Most likely, you will not see the laptop screen projection on the TV.

For this TV and PCs need to be configured:

But if this did not happen, the transmission of an external signal is disabled on a laptop or PC.

To turn it on:

The optimal way is the option "Only the second screen", in which the image from your machine will be copied to the TV screen, and the computer itself will be turned off. Selecting another connection will lead to simultaneous operation of two monitors, which has a distracting effect.

In case your panel has a high resolution of the display, the transmitted image can be blurred or grainy.

For the full use of the TV screen resources you need:

Tip! If you have no cable television, and IPTV hits the wallet, you can watch the TV through the computer: enable online broadcast or sprocket on the PC and broadcast the image on TV.

HIGH-DEFINITION MULTIMEDIA INTERFACE is needed to transfer the highest quality digital signal. It is used for video and sound-broadcast. So, HDMI, how to set it up? First a little preface. It must be said that almost all personal computers are equipped with video cards with such an output as HDMI, in addition, HDMI is quite common even on those models of laptops, where the standard built-in video card is used. Let's, first, we will try to explore the possibilities of your video adapter. If there is no HDMI output on your video card, you can use the DVI or VGA channel. Applying a special adapter, which is also called the DVI-HDMI connector. The peculiarity of such adapters is the ability to transmit the beep.

How to set up a TV via HDMI? To configure the HDMI, you will need an instruction from the TV to which the connection will be performed where specifications will be written. Be sure to make sure that the HDMI input is designed to receive a beep. To connect to the TV, you will need only a HDMI-HDMI type cable, one end of which you need to insert into the computer video card, and the second will need to be inserted into the TV connector. If you need the monitor and TV to work at the same time, you will need to include such a function as the synchronous operation of these devices.

Synchronous operation of devices

You will need to open the "Start" menu for this and go to the control panel (you can go there and any way convenient for you). Next, you will need to select "Screen" and go to the "Screen Resolution Settings" item. In the dialog that appears, you will need to activate such a function as "duplicate the screen". From the present moment, the computer will transmit the same image to all devices connected to the video card. If you have a need for both displays to work separately from each other, you will need to activate the "Expand Screen" mode. In this case, you will need to first assign the display with the main device of the computer.

How to configure sound via HDMI? To configure the HDMI, you will need to adjust the transmission of the audio signal. To perform this action, open the "control panel" and click on the item "Equipment and Sound". Then you need to select "Sound Device Management". A dialog box will be displayed on the screen in which the audio control tab will be needed. Well, here you will need "HDMI OUTPUT". Press on your icon with the left mouse button, put the "default".

Now you need to click on the "Apply" button and close the "sound devices" dialog box. Next, as a check, you must run any video and make sure that the output and the HDMI cable work correctly. It is worth noting that if you turn off the HDMI cable, then the standard audio port will turn on automatically. How to configure HDMI cable? As you could make sure the HDMI output is quite easy to configure, and for this you will not need any special knowledge. I almost forgot to tell you about what HDMI cable is better and what is worth choosing for further long use.

Types of cables

HDMI cables are of two types: with high-resolution support, as well as with HDTV permission support. It is also worth touched upon the theme of the length of the wires and take into account in advance that the length can vary from 1 to 10 meters; But do not forget that the longer the cable, the greater the likelihood that there will be a signal loss. In this regard, some manufacturers that offer so-called "active" HDMI cables with various technologies that can be used to transmit data to very long distances. When you buy a cable, be sure to pay your wire, as well as on its connectors.

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