
Type NFC Tags Not supported What to do. NFC technology in smartphones and its practical use. What is the fundamental difference between NFC from Bluetooth technology

NFC (Near Field Communication from English. "Communication from a close distance") is a technology that allows you to transmit files from one device to another at a very high speed by means of radio frequencies.

In fact, it is a more modern Bluetooth alternative, which has many advantages. However, unlike Bluetooth, the NFC radius is much smaller (up to 10 cm), which makes data transmission (especially payment) more secure. However, the data rate compared to everything with the same Bluetooth is much smaller. But the speed of connection of devices using NFC exceeds the all the Bluetooth tighter many times.

The possibilities of applying NFC in different situations amazing imagination. In this article we will tell about them.

Principle of operation NFC.

The exchange of information between the two devices occurs with the help of radio frequencies from close range. Therefore, devices must be located nearby when you pass files. Of course, both devices must support this technology, i.e. Be equipped with NFC chips.

Turn on NFC.

In order to find out if your gadget technology supports NFC, do the following:

  • Go to the smartphone settings section " Yet"

  • Here you should see such NFC and Android Beam items
  • If there are no - it means your gadget does not support this technology.
  • Activate NFC. Android beam It should start himself.

  • If this did not happen, then activate Android Beam forcibly.

Transfer the data

Turn on NFC on both devices and put them close to each other. After the gadgets "find" each other, you will hear alert signal.

  • Confirm the transfer of the desired file. Upon completion, you again hear a beep.

With NFC you can pass:

  • Links to applications in Google Play
  • Links to any web pages
  • Youtube Videos Links
  • Musical, graphic and other files of different formats
  • Contacts

NFC Tags

Another interesting feature of this technology is the programmed NFC tags. With their help, you can configure the parameters of your smartphone, which is called "one touch".

The NFC label itself represents a tiny chip that does not require nutrition, which can be built into any item: key chain, handle, business card, cover, etc. Such a microchip can store in itself, for example, a URL or any command that seems that your device will start its execution.

Using tags, you can program such parameters and commands as:

  • Phone call
  • Setting sound profiles
  • Brightness and other display options
  • Sending messages
  • Setting the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth parameters
  • Starting applications and much more

Payment with NFC

Separately, it is worth highlighting mobile payments that can be performed using this technology. The scope of their application is currently not too extensive, however, such services as

Many of the latest technologies before joining our lives, are a number of improvements and improvements that must deal with various problems in their functioning.

For example, at the moment, which remains quite innovative /, there is a number of labels, and the devices are not supported by all of them.

In this article, we will look at what is notified that the type of NFC label is not supported, and how to eliminate this problem.



What is NFC? This is a special technology of contact information from the phone with special devices.

Moreover, currently such a system is equipped with all mobile devices, but even if it is available, it can only work in conjunction with a special application for each technology utilization area.

This technology is common is not yet too wide, but its implementation is quite active.

Why do you need such a technology, and what problems does she help solve?

It is able to significantly speed up and simplify, many everyday processes, as they now pay for passages, read the passing data or pay for the purchases by one touch of the phone to a special sensor on the turnstile or payment terminal (if the function is activated in the phone).

While such turnstiles and terminals are not yet too wide, so it is not expected to substantially simplify the life of the user.

In order to start using, for example, travel in this form, you need to download a special application for the triple card (for travel in underground and overhead transport of Moscow), register your card in it, then attach it to the phone for reading, resulting in All of its data will be praised in the application.

After such actions, you can use the telephone actually instead of the card, applying it to the sensor on the turnstile, the map itself will be needed only to replenish the balance of cash at the box office.

Important! Similarly, the payment and payment by bank cards, which also need to be registered in the application, but for this and the card itself should be given such an opportunity.

The essence of the problem

Each device, whether the terminal or turnstile, capable of interacting with your phone, is equipped with a special NFC label.

It is with her that the same label interacts in your phone and the information is read (and cash).

Types of such labels are different, depending on which developer they designed.

And this is the main problem - if the types of tag in the reader and do not match your phone, then the function will not work, since one device does not recognize the other.

But such an error occurs only if the developers did not exchange licenses for devices in order to configure collaboration.

Some developers did it, others - no, because your device can work with several types of labels, but with some particular one - will not be able.

The only way of absolute solving this problem is to replace the NFC chip itself, but this is a notched procedure that is performed under the service.

Preparation of the device

Some users assure that it is possible to solve such a problem by reprogramming the device for working with other types of encodings, and, therefore, the labels.

Strictly speaking, so you are hacking your tag code. To implement reprogramming, you will need to first do the following for this:

1 Enter B. Device settings and find a point there reference or About the phone, Go to Information about PO, click on it;

2 Find the section Assembly number and press it several times until the inscription appears "You have become a developer" (in some cases it may be necessary to click on the item Assembly number and hold - it depends on the phone model);

3 Now you have become a developer - go to the section For developerswhich will appear in Settings And check the checkbox in Chekbox next to the item. "USB debugging".

Get root rights that will allow you to start reprogramming the device, you can only with the help of connecting the phone to the computer.

It is in order for you to make changes to the telephone operating system, working on a PC, and we needed all the above steps.

Obtaining root-rights

First download and, since it will allow you to get the root of rights.

To install, double click on the file, and then agree with the recommendations of the installer, clicking further and approx.

1 Now connect the phone enabled to the enabled computer using a USB cable;

2 Run the king-root program;

3 A large dialog box opens in the lower right corner of which is located a large blue button - click on it;

4 Wait for the end of the process and disconnect the phone from the computer.

After restarting the device, you can use functions available to superuser.


Now you got. Find the /System/csc/others.xml file in them.

Depending on the settings and features of the operating system, it can be located anywhere, therefore the easiest way to find it by searching by device.

Open this file. Find Tags and , add a new string between them and write it into it None .

The absolute guarantee that it will work, but it is still worth trying.

The range of use of this technology is very wide: you can transmit all sorts of content, paying services like a credit card, pay for travel and products, apply as a key card, etc. Using NFC will be considered on the example of android devices, because They are most actively equipped with a corresponding adapter.

Is there any NFC smartphone?

Make sure the NFC chip in your tablet or smartphone is very simple. For example, Samsung marks batteries of their devices with an appropriate inscription:

Sony puts the NFC logo directly to the builds of its devices, but it is best to check through the gadget menu. To do this, do the following.

First step. Open settings.

The second step. We go to the settings section of wireless networks, tapa "more ...".

Third step. If there is a NFC chip, you see the section of its settings.

Turn on NFC.

Does your device support NFC? Wonderful! It remains only to activate the function.

First step. The NFC settings menu (path indicated earlier) activate the "Allow data exchange during combining ...".

The second step. Click on Android Beam and tapa "Yes." We do it if Beam did not turn on alone.

Important! When Android Beam is disabled, the ability to interact with other NFC devices and labels will be limited.

Content Transmission Instructions via NFC

To pass through NFC content to another device, we work in the following order.

First step. Open the file (for example, a photo) to be conveyed.

The second step. We lean your smartphones / plates with rear caps to each other. Some removal is allowed (no more than 7-10 cm).

Third step. We wait until the devices find each other. Notification This will appear on the sender's device display. It looks like this:

Fourth step. Tabay on the screen. Content transmission starts.

As a rule, the system issues a sound notification at the time of the beginning of the information transfer and after its completion.

Can not be transferred:
Video broadcast from YouTube service;
Web pages.

When trying to transfer the listed content, the recipient will receive a link to it in the appropriate service.

Interaction with NFC labels

The range of use of NFC technology is not limited only to the transfer of user data. Using a device with such a chip, you can read and transfer information to special NFC labels and cards.

The NFC chip has an extremely modest size, which allows you to embed it in any place. For example, in the price tag, headphones, business card, etc. Such a chip may contain both information and commands that must perform the device when contacting the label (for example, turn off Wi-Fi, turn on the wireless headset, etc.).

To read the information from this label, or record your data into their chips, you need to install the appropriate application on your smartphone or tablet. For example, the Yandex program program will allow you to learn through the NFC, the remaining number of trips on the metro card. By installing the same NFC App Launcher, you can configure the Android gadget to perform a number of actions, programmed the NFC label accordingly.

Now many smartphones are equipped with an active NFC chip. It allows you to make the use of a device a little more convenient. Especially if the device owner has a set of NFC-labels.

The advantage of NFC technology is that it can be enclosed both in the active chip and in the passive label. For the latter, the latter does not require energy, you can forget about regular recharging. At the same time, NFC labels have minimal sizes, which allows them to be even in some keychain. In essence, each such label is a small antenna thick with a paper sheet. Its diameter is comparable with a 5-ruble coin. Data exchange takes 0.1 s. To do this, you need to apply a smartphone to the label so that the air gap does not exceed 5 cm. More precisely, the distance is measured between the chip and the label - the first is usually somewhere in the battery area of \u200b\u200bthe device.

The use of NFC labels may be in various purposes. Most often, they can be found in bank cards. In this case, the label is used for contactless payment - you only need to make sure that it supports the terminal. This significantly speeds up the payment process, because in most cases you will not require the input of the PIN code.

NFC labels are also sold in the form of individual accessories. They can put on the table, or hang to the key bundle. Such marks are used to manage a smart home. And with their help, you can force the smartphone to automatically go to a specific mode of operation. For example, the label can be on the car torpedo. In this case, the touch of a smartphone will turn on Bluetooth, after which the driver will communicate with the callers through a wireless headset. And only one action should be programmed. In addition to Bluetooth, a favorite radio station may turn on, as well as start the GPS navigator. In short, it all depends on the fantasy of the user!

Where to buy NFC labels?

If you are interested in labels in the form of stickers that use the easiest way, then for this you have to visit AliExpress. It is here that their choice is most. For example, you can purchase a set of ten different stickers NTAG213 - the cost of such a kit does not exceed 220 rubles.

You can safely buy NFC labels from different manufacturers. At their work it will not be affected, because they use one protocol. In fact, each other, such products differ only in the form and pictorial image.

If you have enough six labels, we suggest familiarizing yourself with a slightly truncated set of anynfc. However, its purchase will be even more expensive - it costs 312 rubles from six stickers. But these stickers are made on more dense paper, it is noticeable to damage them.

The above options have specific drawings. If you have been removed to program some unusual teams, you need stickers without any houses, airplanes and other images. For example, 6 multi-colored stickers sold by about 83 rubles (excluding delivery) are located only by the NFC wireless technology logo. When using such stickers, you will focus on their color and location.

There is an even more simplified version. You can buy 10 labels without drawings. These will be mentioned at the very beginning of the article thin antennas. Next, you can make any image with your own hands, applying it to the antenna, turning it into a full NFC label. The easiest way to use a printer and self-adhesive paper for this purpose.

But it does not always require a label in the form of a sticker. In some cases, it must be performed in the form of an accessory, which would be attached to a bundle with keys. Then the purchase of a set of NTAG215 key chains is necessary. The antennas in them are enclosed inside the plastic case. Keychain is mounted using a metal ring. On the housing you can stick any image you need.

How to write a nfc label?

Many users believe that the recording of NFC-labels is the lot of professionals. And without the relevant teams, such products are useless - touching them will not cause any actions. How to program a command using a smartphone based on Android? Is it really difficult? Having rushing you, everything is much easier than you think.

Record this or that action that will be performed by a smartphone after touching the NFC-label helps a special program. Similar applications are easily in Google Play. We recommend installing NFC Tools and NFC Tasks on your device. Their interface is performed in English. But even the basic knowledge of the language is enough to work with these programs. In extreme cases, you can use.

Work, for example, with NFC Tools is very simple. Just go to the tab " Tasks.", After which it remains only to choose the task that the smartphone will perform when it is subcame to a specific NFC-label. And do not forget to touch the sticker or keychain.

Similarly, almost all programs that serve to communicate with NFC labels are arranged. Some offer to choose simple commands. Others are more complex and composite. Do not forget that not all of them are free. However, and expensive such applications are not.


You can safely declare that NFC labels are very useful. They can automate the actions of the smartphone. Also, such tags can be praised for versatility - which commands will perform the device, depends only on you. In short, NFC labels make the use of the phone more convenient.

Modern technologies do not stand still, dynamically developing and improving. This also applies to the fundamentally new NFC technology, which literally flooded the whole world of mobile communications, providing a potential user even more opportunities at minimal costs.

NFS in Samsung phones - what is it?

It is a technology universal data exchange solution between devices. In fact, Samsung NFC positions as a non-contact network of a small radius, which operates at a distance between mobile devices within 10 centimeters. What is noteworthy, despite the possibility at such a distance of working with open data, the network is most secure as possible. Information can not be lost, as well as data are not obtained by third-party persons. In fact, the Samsung NFC network is much safer and complies with high standards of protectedness than a similar Bluetooth, which was relevant over the age of one and a half decades.

All Galaxy Smartphones with Contactless Technology

Currently, mobile device manufacturers are trying to implement the specified technology in their developments, providing an incredible level of quality of the work of the aggregates. Samsung NFC is not lagging behind, the models of which today are presented in the following names and modifications:

  • Galaxy S8 - is a flagship model that works directly on the Android version 7.0 operating system. Supports simultaneously the operation of two SIM cards, despite the fact that in the mobile phone there is one communication module. The size of the device screen is 5.8 inches, resolution in the range of 2960x1440 pixels. The device chamber has a resolution of 12 megapixels, autofocus is provided;
  • Galaxy A5 - the device of the budget segment, the main emphasis in which is made exclusively on the camera resolution. As the elder modification works on the operating system Android, version 6 and higher (depending on the sale set at the time). Supports the simultaneous operation of two SIM cards, between which it is necessary to switch during the use of the phone. The screen has a diagonal within 5.2 inches, the resolution is 1920x1080 pixels. The advantage of the unit is its chamber, which has a resolution within 16 megapixels, with the best quality of the shooting of autofocus;
  • Galaxy S7 - The technology was actively used by the manufacturer and earlier, which resulted in creating a whole series of devices supporting a fundamentally new standard of wireless data transmission. Smartphones operate on the Android operating system, version 7.0, provide for the possibility of connecting two SIM cards. The mobile phone screen is made standard for its market segment, has a diagonal in the range of 5.1 inches, the resolution is at the level of 2560x1440 pixels. You can select a high-quality chamber, the resolution of which is 12 meters, additionally is available and the autofocus option.

Galaxy S8 on Yandex Market

Galaxy A5 on Yandex Market

Galaxy S7 on Yandex Market

Do Android Pay on Samsung Phones

The question of the compatibility of Android Pay functions is quite problematic, which are actively introduced into new mobile phones models. Problems is that each manufacturer tries to develop its own standards.

It is worth noting, by its structure, Android, Eilel and Samsung services are fundamentally similar, which allows them to be used in parallel with each other and ensure that all declared payment requirements are fulfilled. According to users of gadgets in responses, sometimes there are failures in the work of the payment system from android on devices of various modifications of Galaxy S7, which is not surprising, taking to attention the fact that the smartphone is actually the first from Samsung, which uses this technology in full.

Difference Samsung Pay from Android Pay

What is Samsung Pay technology on Samsung's mobile phones? The company not only tried to use the adopted NFC wireless standard, but also made it possible to use not only with separate names of the terminals that support the possibility of contactless payment of perfect purchases. In its solution, the technology of their own development, which made the name MST (which is translated as "magnetic secure transmission") is actively used.

Thanks to the unique features of the new technology, the user will burn without any problems to pay the purchase made by them almost on any type of terminal, which provides for the use of a bank card as a payment instrument. To do this, it will be necessary to have only a device compatible with the Samsung payment service, which supports this "magnetic" technology. Through the use of MST, the creation of a magnetic field is ensured, according to its criteria, completely identical to the one that has a signal of a magnetic strip emanating from the bank card. As practice shows, even the sellers themselves in stores do not know about such a possibility of mobile devices and are surprised that it really works in practice.

How to use NFC on samsung

There is nothing easier for the user than learning how to use NFC technology on Samsung. To ensure data transfer, you just need to activate the program chip (provided if the mobile phone has it in its design).

In the settings, it is transferred to the "Advanced" submenu, where the "NFC is turned on" is provided, after which the option is activated. After that, the Android Beam technology is activated automatically, if it did not happen, you can easily perform the operation in manual mode by clicking in the same settings menu to "Enable". For full-fledged work, you will need to activate both technologies, it is important that none of the devices are locked or disabled. When a vibrational signal was received - this is the first sign that both devices have found each other and data transmission can be launched within the network. While the data exchange will not be completed, it is prohibited to divide your devices, this will lead to the fact that the information will be lost and will have to be fulfilled.

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