
The maximum number of luminaires per line. Various ways of connecting one, two or more lamps. Using ground wire

Situations where you need to connect two lamps to one power supply network using only one switch, there may be a set. Most often use single-color and two-lying switches, less often cross. If with the connection of one light bulb, as a rule, there is no difficulties, then the presence of 2 light sources causes homemade masters to think about their proper connection to the network. However, I would like to list all of the possible ways, based not only on the type of switch, but also on the types of light bulbs and methods of their connection. Next, we will tell you in detail how to connect two light bulbs to one switch, providing all the necessary installation schemes.

Types of lamps and switches

Before moving directly to the installation, it is necessary to clearly understand that there are several types of light bulbs that are connected to the network both directly and through the start-adjusting or rectifier-lowering equipment. In any case, each of them has its own working voltage and power, from which the current depends respectively.

Types of sources of artificial light, often used in everyday life:

  • Incandescent and halogen, the principle of work is the same only in one vacuum, and in other special halogen pairs that increase the service life.
  • Luminescent, as well as their variety, so-called housekeeping and sodium.
  • LED systems operating on LED systems and on the features of the semiconductor diode emit a light flux.

When the wiring in an apartment or house is already present and there is no need to connect additional sources of light, then the question is how to connect the lamp is not relevant. But how to fulfill this work when such a need appears. Here, without elementary knowledge of electrical engineering and ability to make a fundamental, it would seem that the elementary scheme is no longer done.

All light sources are luminescent (housekeeping), incandescent lamps, LED lamps can be connected, as in principle, all existing resistance in the electrical chain, in parallel, sequentially, mixed. Mixed connection is not used to connect the lamps, since it simply does not need it. But on a parallel and consistent connection, it is worth stopping your attention in more detail.

Sequential and parallel connection of two or more light sources

In order to connect the most simple incandescent bulb, as in principle, and any other, you need to connect it one contact to the phase, and the other to zero, the variable voltage of 220 volts in the household conditions.

The parallel connection of the lighting devices implies the connection of two or more sources of the light stream into the parallel, that is, some contacts of the lamps are connected only to phase, and all others only to zero, as shown in Figure 1.

Through each light bulb will pass the current that will depend on its power, as well as the brightness of the light flux emitted by them will also depend on the power of each lamp. Naturally, the current I will be equal to the sum of all three currents, so the diameter of the section of the main conductors should be chosen according to it. This connection is considered the most common and acceptable, since it will be possible, if necessary, to add light sources, and they will not affect the already installed.

With a sequential connection shown in the figure, the current flowing on one light bulb will depend on the power, each light source, and the voltage on them will be divided into the number of lamps and with this incoming voltage of 220 volts, will be 110 volts on each light source.

This connection must be performed with lamps that have equal power. It is possible to consider this on the example of two incandescent bulbs. Since if you connect one lamp of 20 watts, and another, for example, by 200 watts, then the lamp with a smaller power will immediately fail, since it will pass the current same as in the second lamp of 200 watts, and this 10 times more of her nominal. Such a connection can be used to increase the service life of incandescent bulbs, for example, in the entrances and on the staircases. By connecting two lamps by 220 volts and power, for example, 60 watts, they will burn random and serve for a very long time. It is necessary to take into account that this is possible only when the incandescent lamp is connected. The sequential connection of two and more LED lamps (lamps) and economical lamps are inappropriate, as they have a fairly large service life.

Connecting a lamp to one switch or several

How to connect the lamp through the switch? The main nuance when connected is that the zero power wire is directly connected to the network of 220 volts, and the phase is broken through the switch. This is done in order to be able to safely solve problems with the lighting instrument, disabling only the switch. If you connect two switches in sequentially, only when you press both keys, the lamp will light up. These types of lighting switches are very rarely used, only under certain individual conditions.

More interesting is the connection of the so-called passage switch.

The essence of such a scheme for connecting one lamp is that the inclusion and disconnection of the lamp can be produced from both the first and the second switch, regardless of which each of them. For example, it is convenient, let's say, in a long corridor, at the entrance to it, a person clicks on the key of the switch 2, and calmly goes along the illuminated room, reaching the end of the corridor, you do not need to be returned to turn off the light, and you can easily press the switch 1 installed at the end Corridor, deactivate this light source. With such a connection, the phase also passes through the switches.

Improving lighting by setting the motion sensor

The main function of installing the motion sensor and connect it to the lighting system, it is automatic lighting on the lighting key without pressing the light switch key. That is, the person visited the room or in the sensor's response zone and the light turned on, after the departure, the light independently (automatically) turned off. When choosing a motion sensor, it is necessary first of all to consider the maximum power of lighting lamps.

Connection diagram of the motion sensor either does not cause special difficulties. It can be installed both with a switch and without it. Just when the switch is turned on, the motion sensor is output from the lighting network, and the lighting device is turned on directly without a sensor.

In any case, working with voltage must comply with the safety requirements, and in particular:

  • check the presence and absence of voltage on the current-carrying elements to which a person is touched upon by mounting;
  • lighting machines must be under the lock;
  • works to produce a good tool.

Video about connecting lamps

Easy, it would seem, the operation is the installation of a new chandelier - an unfamiliar with an electrician of a person can put in a dead end: a bunch of wires and it is not clear what to connect with something. How to connect a chandelier with a different number of horns (and wires) to the switch and discuss.

Preparation: Correspondence and definition of phases on the ceiling

Those who at least a little icon with power grids do not need, the rest will be useful. A person who does not have any business with electricity can be focused difficult. In order not to confuse, tell everything in order: how to find in the wires on the ceiling phase (or phases) and zero, what to do with grounding. And then, as a whole bunch of wires on the chandelier, combine with those that stick out upstairs. As a result, the connection of the chandelier will be the simple task for you.

Ground wire

If the wiring is already done, two, three or four wires stick on the ceiling. One of them is accurately "zero", the remaining - phase, can still be grounding.

The ground wire is not always, only in the houses of the new construction or after overhaul with the replacement of electrical wiring. According to the standard, it has a yellow-green color and connects to the same wire on the chandelier. If it does not have it on your chandelier, the bare wire is carefully insulated and leave in this form. It is impossible to leave it beyond - you can accidentally navigate.

We are looking for phases and zero

With the rest of the wires you need to understand: where "phase" and where "zero". In the houses of the old building all the wires are usually the same color. Most often - black. In new buildings there can be black and blue, or brown and blue. Sometimes there is red. In order not to guess in colors, it is easier to call them.

If you have three wires on the ceiling, and on the wall a two-lying switch, you must have two "phases" - on each of the keys and one "zero" - a shared wire. You can ring a multimeter (tester) or an indicator screwdriver (this is a special screwdriver with a light bulb that lights up if there is a voltage). When you run to translate the switch key to the "Enabled" position (the input machine is on, also included). After the transvers, the switch keys are switched to "Off". If it is possible, it is better to cut out the machine on the shield and connect the chandelier with the power off.

Conducting wires on the ceiling by the tempter

How to ring and define wires with a tester shown in the photo. Turn the switch to the "Volta" position, select the scale (more than 220 V). Alternately concerns pair of pairs of wires (probe, keep the handles, do not touch with bare conductors). The two phases are not "called" each other - there will be no changes on the indicator. If you found such a pair, most likely, these are two phases. The third wire is most likely "zero". Now each of the alleged phases, connect with zero knob. On the indicator there should be 220 V. You found zero - in the international specification, it is indicated by the letter N - and two phases - denotes L. If all the wires of the same color somehow mark them: paint, color marker, piece of sticky tape. Phases are one color, zero to others.

It is easier to operate an indicator screwdriver: just touch it with an end to a bare conductor. Glows - phase, no - zero. Very simple.

If the wires stick out only two, then one of them is a phase, another - zero. At the same time on the switch one key. There are no other options.

Wires on the chandelier

Connect the chandelier with 2 wires is simple: one of them is screwed to the phase, the other to zero. What - no matter where. If the phases on the ceiling are two, and the switches on the wall is two-block, there are options:

On the extrietary chandeliers of wires exactly more than two. With the appointment of yellow-green we decided. This is grounding. If the same wire is on the ceiling, connect with it. With the rest, too, you need to understand.

The chandelier with 3 wires is constantly increasing. If one of them is grounding (yellow-green) it can be:

  • ignore - if the wires of this color (or similar) are not on the ceiling,
  • connect to the same color.

Actually, there are no other options. Three wires are mainly at the lamps with one light bulb. With two - this is an outdated design, with three - more modern, corresponding to current recommendations.

Connect to double switch

Connect five-, four-, three-bit chandeliers to a two-block switch according to one principle. From each of the horns there are two multicolored wires. Most often it is blue and brown wires, but there are other variations. To connect to a double switch, all of them must be divided into three groups: two phases and one zero.

First, all the blue wires are combined between themselves and coolerly twist. It is zero. In principle, you can take the wires of another color - it does not matter for the lighting devices. But according to the standard in blue, it is "zero". It is only important that the conductors painted into another color in the twist. In the photo below you can see that all the blue conductors are combined into one group. This is "zero".

Now the remaining break into two groups. Breakdown arbitrary. One group of bulbs will turn on from one key, the second - from the other. In a five-rose chandelier, usually combine 2 + 3, but 1 + 4 can be 1 + 4. In the four-sided two variants - 2 + 2 or 1 + 3. But with three light bulbs without options: 1 + 2. Split wires twist among themselves. Received two groups that connect to the "phases" on the ceiling.

How to connect a chandelier to a single switch

If the wires on the ceiling are only two, and on the chandelier - a lot, but only two colors, everything is simple. All conductors of the same color twist with bare parts and connect with one of the wires on the ceiling (no matter what). Collect one harness all the second color conductors and attach to the second ceiling. Connection diagram The chandelier in this case is shown in the figure below.

With this inclusion, all light bulbs will light up at the same time.

Rules for connecting wires

When working with electricity, it does not happen. Therefore, the connection of wires in the chandelier do in all the rules. When combining into one group, they are not enough to simply twist and screw the protective cap.

Connect the wires from the chandelier and switch in the terminal box

Such a twist will oxidize sooner or later and starts to warm up. It is very desirable to suck such connections. If you can handle a soldering iron and tin, be sure to do it. So the normal contact will be guaranteed and the connection will not be warmed.

Now about how to connect the wires from the chandelier with wires from the switch (which on the ceiling). According to the latest rules, the twist is not allowed. It is necessary to use terminal boxes. Most modern chandeliers are equipped with them. If not, buy in any construction store or selling lighting devices.

When using such a terminal box, a problem arises: a twist from a large number of wires into the hole simply does not climb. Output: the connection is soldered to the compound (copper, single-core or stranded, cross section of at least 0.5 mm 2). This connection is well inlated, and insert the free end of the solder conductor into the terminal box (the long one is not needed - cm 10 more than enough).

Inserting all the wires from the chandelier into the terminal bar from the chandelier and tightening the screws, the entire design is raised under the ceiling. There, it is pre-fixed, after which the wires are connected to the terminal bar in the desired order. At the same time, it is important one opposite another establish "Nari". Phases to phases are connected in an arbitrary order.

As the wires are separated on the chandelier, as the conductor and chandelier are attached to the terminal bar - all this is in the video.

Connecting a Chinese chandelier

Most of the inexpensive chandeliers in the market of China. What they are good, it is a big range, but there are problems with the quality of electrical assembly. Therefore, before connecting the chandelier, you need to check its electrical characteristics.

First check the integrity of isolation. They can be collected in one harness and snatch on the body. The tester should not show anything. If some testimony, you have two options: search and replace the damaged wire or attributed to exchange.

The second stage of verification is the check of each horn. Two wires go from the horn. They are in the cartridge solder to two contacts. Each wire is ringing with the corresponding contact. The device must show the KZ (short circuit or infinity sign depending on the model).

After checking, start grouping the wires as described above.

Connecting a halogen chandelier (with a remote control and without)

Halogen luminaires do not work from 220 V, and from 12 V or 24 V. Therefore, in each of them decreased transformers and the entire scheme is collected and ready to install. Only two conductors remain free, which must be connected to the wires sticking on the ceiling. Connects in an arbitrary order, "phase" and "zero" - do not matter.

If the chandelier is equipped with a remote control, the control unit is added to transformers. Connection is similar: there are two conductors that need to be connected with those that are on the ceiling. On the other hand, the third conductor (it is thin) is an antenna, with which the remote and control unit "communicate". This conductor remains inside the glass in this form, in which it is.

How to connect a chandelier with a remote control in the next video.

After the plan for the location of point lamps on the ceiling, in the illumination of the cabinet, have to think about their electrical connections. How to connect point lamps, which schemes, what wires and cables are about all this further.

Connect point lights can be sequentially, although this is not the best output. Despite the fact that this type of connection requires a minimum amount of wires, it is practically not used in everyday life. All because it has two essential drawbacks:

It is for these reasons that such a type of connection is used exclusively in the christmas garlands, where a large number of low-power light sources are collected. You can, of course, use the first drawback: Connect to the network 220 to the light bulb at 12 V in an amount of 18 or 19 pieces. In sum, they will give 220 V (at 18 pieces 216 V, at 19 - 228 V). In this case, the transformer is not needed and this is a plus. But when one of them (or even a deterioration of contact), seek to seek a long time. And this is a big minus, which negates all positive moments.

If you decide to connect point lamps sequentially, it's easy to do it: the phase is bypassed all the lamps one by one, zero is fed to the second contact of the last light bulb in the chain.

If we talk about actual implementation, the phase from the junction box is fed to the switch, from there - to the first point lamp, from the second contact its next .... And so until the end of the chain. A zero wire (neutral) is connected to the second contact of the last luminaire.

This scheme has one practical application - in the entrances of houses. You can in parallel to connect two incandescent bulbs to the usual network of 220 V. They will shine on the floor of the heat, but they will be extremely rare.

Parallel connection

In most cases, a parallel diagram of connecting point luminaires (lamps) is used. Even despite the fact that a large number of wires are required. But the voltage for all lighting appliances is supplied the same, it does not work alone, all others are in operation. Accordingly, there are no problems with the location of the breakdown.

How to connect point lights parallel

There are two ways of parallel connections:


The radiation connection scheme is more reliable - if problems happen, it does not burn only this light bulb. There are two minuses. The first is a big cable consumption. It can be completed with him, as the post is made once and for a long time, but the reliability of such an implementation is high. The second minus - a large number of wires converges at one point. Their qualitative connection is not an easy task, but solved.

You can connect a large amount of wires using a conventional terminal block. In this case, on the one hand, the phase is supplied, with the help of jumpers, it is divorced by the desired number of contacts. From the opposite side, the wires going to the light bulbs are connected.

Almost you can also use Vago terminals to the corresponding number of contacts. You need to select a model for a parallel connection. Better - so that they are filled with pasta preventing oxidation. This method is good - easy to perform (clean the wires, insert into the nests and all), but a lot of low-quality fakes, and the originals are expensive (and it is not the fact that you will be sold original). Therefore, many prefer to use the usual terminal block. By the way, they have several species, but more reliable is considered carbolite with a protective screen (in the figure above they are black).

And the last acceptable way is the twist of all conductors with subsequent welding (the soldering here will not go here, since the wires are too much, it is very difficult to ensure reliable contact). The minus is that the connection is extinct. In the case of which, you will have to remove the welded part, therefore, the "strategic" stock of the wires is needed.

To reduce the cable consumption at the radiation method of the connection, the line is pulled from the switch to the middle of the ceiling, it is fixed there, and it is bred by the wires to each lamp. If you need to do two groups, you put a two-block (two-position) switch, from each key pulls a separate line, then they are painted

Purchase connection

The loop compound is used when the lamps are very much and pull to each individual highway is very invited. The problem with this method of implementation is that with the problem of compound in one place, all the others also turn out to be inoperable. But the localization of damage is simple: after a working lamp normally.

In this case, you can also divide the lamps into two or more groups. In this case, you need a switch with the corresponding number of keys. The connection scheme in this case does not look very difficult - add another branch.

Actually, the scheme is valid for both ways to implement a parallel connection. If necessary, you can make three groups. Such - three-position - switches too. If you need four groups - you will have to install two two-position.

Connecting built-in ceiling lights with LED lamps by 12 V

Point lamps can work and from a reduced voltage of 12 V. in them then they put LED light bulbs. They will connect along the parallel scheme, the power is supplied from the transformer (voltage converter). It is postponed after the switch, from its outputs supply voltage to lamps.

In this case, the transformer power is found as the total power of the load connected to it, with a reserve of 20-30%. For example, it is necessary to establish 8 lighting points of 6 watts (this is the power of the LED light bulbs). The total load is 48 W, the reserve take 30% (in order for the trans does not work at the limit of possibilities and served longer). It turns out you need to look for a power voltage converter not lower than 62.4 W.

If you want to smash the light sources into several groups, you will need several transformers - one for each group. You also need a multi-position switch (or several ordinary).

Both of these schemes have one drawback - at the failure of the adapter, a group of lames does not work or even everything. If you wish, you can connect point lamps by 12 volts to increase the reliability of their work. To do this, the transformer is installed on each light source.

Connecting point luminaires by 12 V with a personal transformer

From the point of view of operation, almost the ideal scheme for connecting the luminaires by 12 volts - with a transformer to each lighting element.

In this case, transformers are connected in parallel, and the luminaires themselves are connected. This method is more costly. But when the transformer fails, only one lamp and no problems with identifying the damage site are not lit.

Selecting a cross section of wires

When the low voltage is submitted, the luminaires are large and loss in length will be significant. Therefore, to connect point lights to 12 to it is important to choose the correct cable cross section. The easiest way to do is on the table, focusing on the length of the cable, laid down to each lamp and consumed current.

Current can be treated: split power to voltage. For example, we connect four point lamps with LED lamps of 7 watts. Voltage - 12 V. Total power - 4 * 7 \u003d 28 W. Current - 28 W / 12 V \u003d 2.3 A. The table takes the nearest value of the current strength. In this case, it is 4 A. with a line length of up to 8.5 meters, you can take a copper cable with a cross section of 0.75 mm 2. Such a small section is obtained exclusively due to the low power of the LED lamps. When using housekeeping, halogen or incandescent lamps, the cross section will be much larger, since the currents increase significantly.

This method of calculating the cable cross section is suitable for a plug-in type of parallel connection with one transformer. Upon radiation, the same actions have to produce for each lamp.


Mount point lamps are usually in suspended or stretch flows. Another option is the backlight of the cabinets. In any case, according to Pue, the gasket is hidden, and it is recommended to use a cable in a non-combustible shell. The most popular option is to connect point dot lamps with cable. Optionally, you can choose an even safer version - LS WGG, which distinguishes few smoke during a fire.

The use of cables or wires that do not contain the letter NG letters are only for your fear and risk. Since the operation of the lighting is highlighted heat, which can lead to ignition.

If point lights are mounted in the suspended ceiling, the cable can be laid in transverse profiles to which the plasterboard is not attached. It is not worth it for the longitudinal putty, as it is high a chance to damage the self-insulation when installing plasterboard sheets. Another option is to mount the cables on the side of the side by attracting them with plastic screeds.

In this case, first collect the frame, then stretch the wires, leaving the ends at 20-30 cm for the convenience of mounting. When using luminaires by 12 V transformers are located in close proximity to one of the holes. If you are damaged or needed to maintain it, you can get to pull out the lamp.

If a stretch ceiling is planned, the cables are fixed primarily, directly to the ceiling. In this case, they are often stacked in the corrugated board - to enhance fire safety. You can use any suitable - screed, dowel-tie, clips of suitable size, wire trays, etc.

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