
Instructions for using a mobile phone. Instructions for using the phone - guide, compulsory for reading. Here are the most effective of them.

The instruction manual is presented in good quality in Russian and other languages.

Phone Operating Instructions

If you decide to buy a mobile phone or smartphone, be sure to read the instructions for it. Only correctly and competently using the technique, it will last you a long time and will work perfectly well without breakdowns.

Today, it is difficult to submit your life without a mobile phone. We are accustomed to always have a means of communication so that you can have time to do and be in touch with any person. Even millions of kilometers do not prevent us from talking with whom we want.

In addition, a mobile phone is not only a connection, and also many such necessary applications as a calendar, alarm clock, timer, radio, calculator, camera, clock and more. Such a small device, and many functions. The manual of the smartphone will help you deal with all these features and applications.

Smartphone User Manual

The smartphone has more opportunities than the phone. You need to buy a smartphone if you need a full-fledged assistant to implement your everyday affairs. The smartphone model can be selected any, both with understandable buttons and modern with a large screen.

Smartphone user manual will help you quickly master its functionality, deal with all applications and capabilities. Instructions for smartphone, also downloaded very easily. By clicking on the PDF file, in a separate window you will see the ready-made manual on the smartphone in Russian and other languages.

Mobile phone instruction

Touch Phone, the instruction of which is also on our website, is very popular and the most common among users.

There are a lot of telephony manufacturers, the most popular among which, Nokia, Samsung, LG, etc. They all differ, to a greater extent, their design and some features.

A large number of phones, for today, have an android operating system. They are very popular and multifunctional. If necessary, have such an advanced and modern machine, you can buy an android phone (the instructions also have on our website).

Cell phones - Faithful, indispensable helpers for every person. Each chooses the best mobile phone for itself, with the required number of features and features.

Thus, you can buy a mobile phone for every taste. Do not forget that the application instructions are necessary for its correct use.

Pro stationary phones We did not remember, they have long moved to the background, but still have the right to exist.

On this site you will find any phone operating manual, both old models and modern, popular smartphones. We hope that the instruction towards the phone helped you in its use.

The phone's user manual makes it possible to quickly figure out and penetrate into its functionality, master all the necessary programs and applications. Do not forget to carefully read the instructions, and your device will last for a long time, and will bring maximum benefit to your owner.

Articles and Lifehaki

Means of communication every day are becoming more and more perfect, novelties of network technologies fill the market rather rapidly. By purchasing a new mobile, you can only guess all its charms. It will be the best guide in the world of "mobile communication", the truth is not to find information about, unfortunately.

What is the instruction manual for

Each manufacturer tries to submit its product in the best light, make it most comfortable and convenient for users. Applying instructions with splashes and step-by-step recommendations, firms earn their authority. It is unlikely that the buyer wants to reap the goods again with which it was difficult for him to figure out.

As for the phones, it is more than relevant here.:

Proper use takes place from premature breakdowns and prolongs the validity period;
- Trying to configure the device faster, you can skip a lot. The instruction manual of the phone contains all possible nuances of work;
- An overview of additional functions will help you quickly master the Internet and other applications;
- having studied the user manual, you can also directly eliminate the minor problems;
- with an unforeseen reset, there are always settings, where to spill and make a "tube" for yourself;
- In each instruction manual, there are safety tips. To avoid trouble, you should read well and remember all cautions.
- The user manual is drawn up on the basis of standard settings, but for each model there are certain items that determine its feature. Also, here you can find addresses for more information about different connected devices and programs.

Where to find instructions for the phone

In case of purchasing not a new product or loss of manual, it can always be found on the Internet pages. Many sites offer quickly and free download examples to all sorts of phone models.
The instruction manual for the phone is mainly outlined in PDF format. To use it, it is better to have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. There are also scanned options or in DOC format, for which Microsoft Word is quite enough.

If this option does not suit, then there are video clips with detailed actions for connecting and basic principles of work. However, it is worth noting that as in the instructions will not be written.

Each new phone model is diverse in its functions. The instruction will always help you master the novelties and use all the features of the device in full program.

Many users when moving from ordinary push-button phones to smartphones running the Android operating system may encounter problems in the use of devices. Of course, modern phones are largely different from their predecessors. Functionality has increased, the interface has changed. If children can quickly adapt to new smartphones, then the older people are usually not so easy to adapt to innovations. The instruction manual for the smartphone for beginners will quickly understand the use of the phone.

How does Android deserve world popularity?

To date, most of the tablet computers and smartphones operate on the Android system. According to statistics that the large analytical company IDC, the Android operating system is equipped with about 70% of the world devices.

But still in what the "Android" secret? This is an open operating system. It allows you to simply adapt your smartphone to other devices. The telephone interface from this OS can be changed beyond recognition, it is also possible to disperse the smartphone to improve its functionality. Thanks to many services and applications, you can quickly and easily download your cloud storage files and see them from another smartphone after a few seconds. If you correctly configure your device, you can get an indispensable helper that will help in any field of activity. That is why the instruction manual for the smartphone for beginners will be needed to start comfortably using the phone. Let's look at it.

Instructions for use of a smartphone for beginners: basic functions


In smartphones, the user can create many desktops for a comfortable call for various applications and widgets. They are similar to the usual desktop of the computer, where labels of programs and games are also located. To manage the desktops, you must simultaneously touch the screen with two fingers and start to reduce them. In this menu, you can add a widget or change the wallpaper. If you need to add a new field, click on the "+" button. To click on it and hold, after a few seconds you can transfer it to the basket.

The user itself can configure the location of the icons of any applications and widgets on the desktop. To do this, click on the program or the game you need to transfer, and wait a few seconds until the label changes the color. Next, simply move the application with your finger to another place. To remove the program shortcut, you need to drag it to the very top of the working surface, where the inscription will "delete".

Many programs have widgets that work in the background and give some information without launching the utility itself. These are quite useful mini-applications. To add a widget, simply press and hold your finger on an empty screen location. After a few seconds, in a new window, click on the "Widget" button. We choose the desired, transfer to the desktop and configure it, performing steps that the application requires.

You can add your contacts to your desktop, for this you need to hold your finger in an empty screen location. In the window that appears, select the "Contact" point and choose the desired one. You can quickly navigate if you have a picture.

The instruction manual for the smartphone for beginners (LG, HTC, any other phone) is almost the same for any of them. These devices have an Android operating system, which makes them almost identical in management.


The instruction manual for the smartphone for beginners ("Samsung" in this regard is not an innovator) no longer provides for the possibility of using the menu. All necessary applications are contained on the desktop. But there are phones in which this function remains. The menu contains all installed applications. You can add them to your desktop or delete. To add a shortcut at a convenient place for you, just click on it and move after a few seconds to another.

Screen notifications

The notifications screen made basic functions that can be quickly enabled or disabled. The most common is Wi-Fi, sound, Bluetooth, GPS, screenwriter, "airplane" mode and others. The instruction manual for the smartphone for beginners ("Lenovo", Fly or Samsung - without a difference) shows us different functionality on the notifications panel. It depends on the version of the Android OS and the manufacturer.

Instructions for use of a smartphone for beginners: basic settings

the Internet

To use the Internet, you need to go to the notification screen and include either Wi-Fi or "Data Transfer". In the first days it is better to enable Wi-Fi, since all the setup of the smartphone is usually carried out via the Internet. Also, many installed applications can start updated, and this will spend a lot of traffic and time. To enable the Internet, you need to go to the settings and click on Wi-Fi. After that, we turn it on and select the appropriate network. It remains only to write a password and click on the Connect button. Before switching on the data transfer item, you must make sure that your tariff plan provides inexpensive use of the Internet. After that, you should come to an SMS with the Internet settings, save it.

Google Play Market.

Play MARKET is an application store. It offers all popular games and programs that are installed in several clicks. All applications that present "Play Market" have been checking for viruses and are completely safe. To use this service it is necessary to register. First go to the Play Market and click on the "Register" or "Login" button if you already have a Google account.

Transferring and saving information

  • Contacts. You can save the phone number on the smartphone in different ways: in the phone's memory, on the SIM card and the cloud. The last 2 ways suggest quickly transferring contacts to another smartphone.
  • Data. Music, video, photos and text files can be saved in the cloud. So you can quickly see the saved data from any other device. The second way is to use a memory card. So you will save internal memory and be able to quickly share information with other smartphones.

The considered instruction manual for the smartphone for beginners Fly, LG, Samsung and other brands will help the user quickly understand and start comfortably using their gadget. Today, all global companies are trying to provide users as much comfort as possible to use. For example, if a person has bad eyesight, you can put large icons. Therefore, people who have not previously used smartphones with Android OS will be able to quickly adapt to a new phone.

This article is intended for those users who first took the smart phone. Modern smartphones have long ceased to execute only the simplest voice communications and SMS messaging functions. Today, these devices have become reliable and loyal assistants of a person in everyday life. Learn the latest news - No problem, contact your friends and acquaintances who are at any point of the planet - no questions. Moreover, if earlier it was necessary to pay expensive international call, today, thanks to various messengers, you can organize a video conferencing only if you have an internet connection. And he absolutely does not matter where your interlocutor is located if it also has a modern gadget with a connection to the World Wide Web.

But this is not all that can be done with a smartphone. Calculate the optimal route for a trip by car or cycling, keeping accounting for your physical activity, consumption / burning calories, assist in planning a family budget, find new friends and even a second half - all this is under the power of a small smart device. But that your smartphone becomes really smart and useful, you need to adjust it correctly. And our small instruction will give you the basics of how to use a novice smartphone.

Google Account

First of all, after the very first inclusion of a mobile device running the Android OS, the system will offer you to enter the Google account, or create a new one. You can not skip this step, without authorization in the Google account, you cannot use the smartphone in full-featured mode.

After authorization in the account, the user gets the ability to work with email Gmail, use Google search engine, view video on YouTube, etc. But the most important is the authorization provides access to the Play Market service from which you can download and install all kinds of useful applications and games. In addition, in the profile of your account, you can store your contacts, as well as enter accounts in other social networks and services.

Installing applications

The smartphone itself is just a hardware and operating system. All advantages of using a modern gadget can be estimated only by installing useful applications. Some programs you put, run once, and forget about them, others will be used almost daily. In any case, so as not to fill the integrated smartphone memory, the installed programs are better to transfer to the memory card. In particular, if we are talking about such volumetric applications as navigators - the map of the area for their work occupy an extremely much place, and are updated regularly.

To transfer the installed program to a memory card, go to the smartphone settings menu and locate the application management item. On the selected program, specify "transfer to an SD card". Note that not all applications can be moved to the memory card. And if there is no such option, then this program will have to be left on the built-in device memory.

Watch for mobile traffic

Sometimes there are situations when after installing a SIM card to a new smartphone, a user who has not previously had business with such devices, detects that cash from his accounts go in incomprehensible direction. If you used to use the usual mobile phone, before you use the smartphone, check the Cellular Operator to connect to the mobile data network. It may be better for you to change the tariff plan, or purchase another SIM card to connect to the Internet.

The fact is that from the first to turn on the smartphone and running the operating system, the device will start looking for the ability to connect to wireless data networks. And if you do not have an unlimited mobile Internet, and at the time you set the smartphone you are not in the Wi-Fi network zone, the connection to the network is best disconnected. Otherwise, you may be in a situation where all funds from your account will go to pay megabytes downloaded and transferred to a smartphone.

In fact, this is not a problem. Today, many cellular companies offer the most profitable tariff plans for modern gadgets. You just need to choose the most suitable tariff.

Energy saving

Surely you heard that one of the most acute problems of modern smartphones is the question of high energy consumption. If the device is used in active mode, the battery charge is not always enough for 24 hours. This is usually not a problem - the ability to charge the device at night is always. At the same time, you can take advantage of small tricks that will help increase the battery life of the gadget.

    The active mode of operation of the wireless communication modules requires high battery costs. Make sure that such modules like WiFi and Bluetooth are included only when you use them.

    The large bright screen of the smartphone is another active energy consumer. To reduce consumption, you can reduce the display brightness.

    Pay attention to applications running in the background. Their stop and closing will also help extend the service life of the device on one battery charge.

It is easiest to control the application of applications using the task manager.


For a person who first took the smartphone, at first it may seem unusual Android-keyboard. We only note that this is a very convenient way to enter text. In particular, it is worth paying attention to the SWYPE option, with which you can print words without taking your finger from the screen.

And if on the first day android keyboard seemed uncomfortable to you, then in just a couple of days of its use, you are so accustomed that you cannot refuse such a simple and convenient way to enter texts.

Useful applications

As we have noted, it is possible to estimate the functionality and all the possibilities of a modern smartphone can be only provided that the appropriate applications will be installed in the memory of the device. We will not stop in detail on the description of these programs. For this, there is little even separate article. On the Play Market service, their huge quantity, and every day becomes more and more. You can understand what you can find and get with the help of these programs, we will just focus on the most interesting categories for which programs are being developed.

You can find applications for communication via the Internet (messengers), games of various subjects, program for accounting for family budget, file managers, navigation and training programs, apps for playing video and music, photo editing, alternative keyboard, antiviruses, programs to maintain sports form And applications that will help make your smartphone interface as original as possible.

Smartphone for beginner

We shortly stopped on the basic rules so that you get the first idea of \u200b\u200bhow to use the smartphone. Tips for beginners at the same time will not be full, if we do not dwell on how you need to choose your first smartphone. It is very important that the device is powerful and productive. If you buy the simplest model, and even with an outdated hardware component, disappointment can not be avoided. At the same time, we understand that not everyone has a big budget for the purchase of the first smartphone.

For such buyers, we recommend paying attention to the products of young promising brands. Often their models are not inferior on the technical characteristics of gadgets of eminent companies, but the price is much more affordable and democratic. An excellent choice will be a smartphone from the model range of the British brand Wileyfox. This company first appeared on the market in October 2015, and practically immediately after the premiere of the devices with a pretty face chanterelle on the rear panel began to be in demand among buyers. Excellent characteristics of brand smartphones were marked by market experts.

Note that each model of the WileyFox family has the functions most popular in the market. This is working with two SIM cards and support for 4G LTE data transmission networks. The company's devices are technological, possess a bright modern design and powerful hardware filling. And most importantly, productive modern models are available to the available cost. Choosing your first smartphone, pay attention to the WileyFox Swift 2 model.

Wileyfox SWIFT 2.

This is a stylish, modern, productive and powerful apparatus. The model received a high-quality 5-inch IPS HD display with a slightly curved 2.5d edges. The high speed processing speed and the smooth switching between applications is provided by the 8-nuclear Snapdragon 430 MSM8937 processor and the presence of 2 GB of RAM. To install applications and storing important information, 16 GB of integrated memory is provided. In addition, hardware is supported by working with MicroSDXC memory cards by volume up to 64 GB.

Your photos made with Wileyfox Swift 2 will form the high quality and naturalness of the paints. This is possible due to an excellent 13 megapixel camera with a diode flash. The device supports the dactylconical method of user authorization and NFC technology. The smartphone has 2 slots for SIM cards, which allows you to leave the usual number and choose the best tariff for connecting to your mobile Internet from any operator.

To get acquainted with other characteristics of the model and order Wileyfox Swift 2 in just 9,490 rubles on the official website.


We shortly stopped at what you need to do first after buying your first smartphone. More detailed on each of the items to create a Google account, selecting and configuring applications, as well as about numerous secrets and capabilities that you provide smartphones running android, we will tell in other articles. Watch for updates, there will be a lot of useful and interesting information.

After buying a new phone, there is a very logical question of how to use a novice smartphone.

This is relevant for cases when a person has never used such devices and little knows about them. Of course, these remained quite a bit, but they are still.

Therefore, it makes sense to figure out what you need to know those who have just acquired a smartphone so that their new device worked as long as possible.

And let's start with the very beginning.

Here are some tips that you, as a newcomer, should be remembered throughout the life of the smartphone:

  • Read the instructions for your device. Surely, it will allow shed light into a lot of questions that may have in the course of use. For example, in the manual, you can often find information on how to enter the system menu, how to get around the lock and a lot more. And all this will be interesting and useful.
  • Immediately after switching on, you will definitely receive settings from the operator. They relate to the Internet, MMS and other functions that the SIM card provides. Otherwise, you can, for example, start using the Internet and spend a lot of money on it. When the settings are installed, you can safely use all the functions of the smartphone.
  • It is best to connect to Wi-Fi to download all the necessary applications and at the same time not to use the mobile Internet, which, as we talked above, can cost considerable money.
  • Immediately try to tested your new device. Try to take a picture of anything with it, remove the video, run games, and several pieces at the same time and so on. All this will make it clear how much your new phone is efficient. If something is wrong with him, it is better to immediately give it to the store. By law, this can be done within 14 days after the purchase without any reasons (due to the fact that I just did not like).
  • Close all applications when you do not use them. This means that you need not just press the "Back" button, and open the list of open applications and click on the "Close All" button. For example, on samsung it looks like shown in Figure No. 1.

2. Keep the battery charge

There are quite a lot of ways to save the battery charge as much as possible.

Here are the most effective of them:

  • Do not use wallpaper with 3D effects and HD. This is especially true if the resolution of your smartphone is not very high. Then the standard picture is suitable, not in HD. At least, do not at first use the new smartphone.
  • If you do not need it at the moment, turn off geolocation, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Also, if you do not need to constantly use Viber, Skype, other messengers and other programs for which you need a permanent Internet, disconnect the mobile network, that is, the Internet from the SIM card.
  • Do not use the maximum brightness. Again, at least, you should not do it first. Of course, in the store, any smartphone looks very effectively, because there is a maximum screen brightness. But, unfortunately, in everyday life it will not work it in the same way. It is worth remembering.

In addition, you, of course, want to play something. In this review you can see what games are the most common on Google Play.

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