
Strange sounds in headphones what to do. Causes of hissing and hoarse in headphones. Sound source itself does not work correctly

When connecting any peripheral device to a personal computer, special attention should be taken and caution. The harder the peripheral device, the harder the procedure for connecting it will flow. Microphones, headphones and columns are often connected to the speakers. These items today help us communicate on the Internet. Without them, it would be very problematic to imagine a modern user. On the one hand, the connection of headphones and microphone does not require anything special. However, in order to embody this idea into life, it is often necessary to carry out a long-term configuration of the components. In addition, devices can work with errors. Users are quite often interested in the question of how to get rid of noise in headphones when connected to a computer? Why does he ever arise? What is necessary in order to eliminate this problem? If you get answers to all the questions listed above, then work with sound on a personal computer will no longer give you problems.

Why occurs noise when working with headphones?

First of all, it is important to decide where in the headphones there is noise at all. Many users are confronted today with this problem. Sometimes such a problem is temporary, and in some cases noise in headphones may not disappear for a long time. In fact, the nature of the problem is quite diverse. Noise in headphones may occur for various reasons. Pretty problematic to predict exactly which alignment will help to correct the situation. For example, noise in headphones can be associated with shot down settings or hardware failures. Then you need to figure out how to get rid of noise on your computer.

Sound card

The first reason that can affect the sound quality in the operating system, these are problems with the sound card. It may be outdated or damaged. In this case, noise and cracks can appear in the headphones, the sound in the headphones "breaks". Fix this situation will help only the complete replacement or repair of a sound card will help. Only after that the headphones will disappear noise.


With this problem, users face quite rarely. It is about grounding the sockets to which the headset and headphones are generally connected. In this case, various kinds of noise may occur. If we are talking about working with a laptop, then the connection of the computer to the grounded outlet is unlikely to correct the problem. Laptop, as a rule, fees on the maternal card may not be grounded. In this case, you will have to replace them, or reconcile with this problem. Users in some cases prefer to abandon the use of a laptop.

USB devices

Suddenly there appeared noise in headphones connected to a personal computer? Sounds of various kinds may occur when a variety of devices are connected. They appear immediately, not some time later. For example, you can hear a monoton sound when connecting the mouse. If we are talking about the keyboard, then, most likely, when you press the keys, you will hear clicks. This happens for the following reasons:

- active information transfer to the computer. In this case, it can be recommended not to connect the devices to those or other ports. It is advisable to find other places to connect devices, or at all start using a wireless headset and other devices.

- Damage to the USB port. In this case, you can offer to repair the USB port. In practice, users often prefer to simply reconnect the devices to other ports. A similar problem, fortunately, in practice is not found too often. Modern laptops and personal computers are made in such a way that users can comfortably work for machines. It is unlikely that such alignment will meet in practice.


How else can you get rid of noise in headphones when connected to a computer? Here, much will depend on what model of the headset is used. The problem is that today all devices are divided into wired and wireless. This feature may be of great importance. Noise in columns and headphones is often encountered in models connected by cable. What is the main problem? A variety of noises may occur when the cable is damaged from headphones or microphone. This is due to the poor quality transmission of the sound card. Probably, the cable is simply damaged. In this case, you need to eliminate breakdown. There is another reception that you are advised to perform users with a wired headset: remove the cord from the socket and insert it to the computer again. This method often helps to correct the problem. If you are using wireless headphones for the computer, then such an alignment does not help.


The following source of the problem is relevant for all types of devices. But in practice, he is rare enough. A strong noise in the headphones when connecting to a personal computer can be associated with damage or lack of a device driver or audio card. In this case, it is necessary to simply reinstall or update the appropriate software for the normal operation of the operating system with the connected device. As a rule, with wireless headsets, all drivers are included with the device on a separate disk. In extreme cases, you can always find and download drivers from the manufacturer of the headset or sound card.

Sound at maximum

Often, background noise occurs in the headphones of any model with incorrectly displayed sound settings. It does not matter whether the microphone or not is connected to the computer. It does not depend on it in this formation. If the sound settings on your computer are set to maximum, you can face the appearance of wheezing and noise on your computer. Users usually suffer from such a problem who purchased cheap headphones and headset. You can simply correct this problem. To do this, give up the sound. You can do this using the mixer in the operating system. You just need to click on the image of the gramophone near the clock and the date, and then pull down the slider. As a result, the noise should disappear. How you yourself can make sure that there is nothing complicated in the performance of this action. It is for this reason that it is recommended to acquire headphones with an average cost. When using them, users rarely face a similar problem.
Microphone - harm or benefit?

Now you should be clear how you can remove the noise in the headphones on the computer. But this is still not all techniques that allow you to correct the problem. What if the above events listed earlier did not fit? In this case, the presence of a microphone on a personal computer is important. It is he who often becomes the main reason for the appearance of noise in headphones. How to be? It is certainly not necessary to abandon the use of the microphone. Instead, it is proposed to perform a small volume setting and device sensitivity. In this case, you will be able to get rid of unnecessary noise. How can I do this?

We offer you to use the following instructions:

- download the computer;

- connect the headset with the microphone;

- Press the right mouse button on the mixer on the right side of the screen;

- In the menu that appears, click on the "Sound Recording Device ..."

- find the connected microphone in the list;

- click twice in the appropriate line;

- go to the "Levels" tab;

- by moving the slider to adjust the volume and sensitivity of the microphone;

- if there is a PCBEEP, turn off it, shifting to zero volume mark;

- put in the section "Improvements" a check mark opposite item "Reduce Noise";

- You can also note the item "Deleting a constant component".

These actions will help you easily and quickly get rid of noise in the headset.

How to correctly set the settings for the microphone? This issue is solved individually for each user. You can choose the option that best for you is suitable.


It is absolutely no matter which headset is connected to a personal computer, wired or wireless. The bulk of the problems occurs on any models of devices. Most often, wireless headphones for a computer with a microphone are connected and used without much difficulty. The main reason for noise in the headset is the high sensitivity of the microphone. Another possible reason can be a loud atmosphere around the user. How to get rid of noise in headphones? All techniques described above will help to correct the problem. If you use a wireless headset, then with constant noise in headphones, you can recommend changing the USB socket used as a receiver. Otherwise, all the above recommendations will remain the same. Sometimes extraneous noise in headphones may occur due to the activity of viruses. However, after the treatment of the PC, the headset starts working regularly. Fortunately, such problems arise not so often. The basic methods of correction of the problem are to reduce the volume of the sound, setting the microphone and reinstall the driver. Now it should be more or less understandable how to get rid of noise in headphones on a computer.

When you install the connection of peripheral devices with a PC, carefulness and attention should be done, because the complexity of the headset complicates the connection process. The same speakers are very often connected by sound recording and headphones. These components are extremely comfortable for communication on the Internet. Without these devices, it is difficult to imagine a modern user. In fact, the connection is not so difficult to carry out if there will be no problems during it. The same users very often ask the forums Question: Noise in headphones on a computer - how to remove? In order to facilitate life, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the detailed information on this topic.

Where does noise come from?

First you need to understand where this noise comes from at all, because many "users" are familiar with this problem. Often this problem occurs only for a while, but some will not get rid of it for a very long time. We will open the secret that the nature of this problem may have a different start. Noise can appear for a variety of reasons, so it is very difficult to predict exactly which measures will be returned. Problems can be caused by settings or technical malfunctions.

How to remove noise in headphones? To eliminate this problem, you need to designate the roots of the problem.

Sound fee

Start, perhaps, it follows from the components within a stationary personal computer or laptop. A sound processing card may be simply damaged or new equipment does not want to work with it. In the headphones "indignation" can manifest itself in the form of noise and cod.

Fit all this can only be corrected using a complete replacement or repair of the card in the service center. Perhaps it is after these measures the noise will disappear.


This reason is difficult to call common, but it should not be excluded from the list. Speech here is exactly what we feed our headset. In this case, extraneous sounds may also occur.

Important! If you work with a laptop, then it is not a fact that the components on the motherboard have grounding. In the case of its absence, it is necessary to think about replacing parts or simply accept unpleasant consequences.

Why do the fountain speakers on the computer and how to remove this background? It may be not only in those devices that everyone thinks.

Third party equipment

Sound output devices can even be hiped due to connected devices. There are no malfunctions in this case. In other words, you can sharply appear monotonous noise during the mouse connection.

Important! Also, this problem may occur when the keyboard is connected.

Noise is due to the following reasons:

  • During the conjugation, active data transmission on the PC occurs. It is recommended to avoid the operation of the USB ports, with which you have problems. It is best to use other interfaces for connecting or think about repairs.
  • USB port is damaged. Here it is also perfect for repair, but in practice, users simply begin to use other ports. The problem is not of great relevance, because it arises not very often.

The wire

How to remove noise in headphones in other ways? Perhaps the problem lies in the model of the headset used. Absolutely all headphones are divided into:

  1. Wired devices. The connection is based on the cable.
  2. . The connection is based on a wireless communication module.


This factor is key to all computer devices without exception. In practice, of course, such cases are found not so often, but it is better to check everything from all sides. Foreign sounds during operation may arise due to the irrelevance of sound drivers or their absence at all. To exit such a position, you will need to reinstall the software to ensure the normal health of the headset.

Maximum volume level

The background may interfere with the wrong sound settings. It does not matter at all, you use the microphone or not.

Important! Use tips from our post to.

If all the parameters are set on the maximum values, that is, the risk to hear the screens and wheels. You can correct the situation only when the volume level is reduced. This action does not cover anything complicated.

Modern people often use devices such as headphones and microphone. They facilitate communication on the Internet, allowing not only to hear, but also to respond to another user. Connect all the necessary devices to the computer will not be difficult, the main thing is not to forget to spend all the necessary settings. However, despite the friendliness of the interface, sometimes there are strange malfunctions. How to remove noise and hissing on your headphones occurring in them when connected to a computer? Information about this will be useful to know everyone.

Why are the headphones hiss? Information about their internal device will help us answer this question. Clicks in headphones, as the incomprehensible hiss occur quite often. This phenomenon can be temporary or permanent. There may be several reasons for such behavior. The definition source determination may become a real problem for an unprepared person. For example, headphones can hiss due to invalid connection settingsBut it can also be caused by the failed contacts. Consider the most frequent sources of noise and ways to eliminate them.

One of the main reasons to influence the quality of the playable sound can be a sound card. The operating system cannot correctly transmit signals, with the result that the sound starts to jump, break, hiss and crack. Make in this situation you can only one - replace the faulty parts computer. Only this will make rid of unpleasant sounds.

Earth faults

This problem is less likely to other users. Talking is O. grounding socketsused to powered devices from the electrical network. Because of this, various noises, clicks and cracks may occur in headphones.

It does not concern only laptops, since their boards are often ground.

Foreign noises in this case are provoked by the internal breakdowns of the device. The owner will have to contact the service center or not pay attention to malfunctions. For other people, the problem will be grounding the socket.

The wire

What other reasons can cause such an unpleasant effect when connected to a computer? Much on this issue will depend on the manufacturer's company, which made a specific model of headphones. Today there are two main types: wireless and wired headsets, this separation is of great importance. Outsided sounds, mainly occur in cable devices connected using a plug. What is the problem of malfunction? Damage or stretching copper cable veins can provoke noise and sound jumps.

Cable malfunctions often occur in the headphones on the iPhone, since their wire decompose and is easy to break.

The damaged wire transmits distorted signals by sound card, which affects the sound. What if you are hoarse headphones? Eliminate breakdown with help remove the damaged fragment of the wire Or buy new headphones.

USB devices

Strange sounds may appear after connecting additional devices to the USB connector. So, a source of problems can be a mouse or even a keyboard. In this case, you will be heard clicks every time pressing the key. This happens due to the following reasons.

When transferring information. Fix the position can switch the plug to the adjacent port. You can find a suitable splitter, repair the old connectors for connecting or go to wireless devices.
  • Hors de combatUSB-Lone. As mentioned above, you can call the wizard to repair the worn items. In real life, users operate ports until only one will remain in working condition, after that a splitter is bought, and all the necessary equipment is connected to it. In addition, modern devices are designed for high loads, manufacturers take into account all subtleties, and ports are created as reliable as possible.

  • USB splitter

    Sound source problem

    Headphones often fail due to violations of the operating rules. However, problems can be hidden in the main sound source. For example, quite rare, but still happens driver error. Software damage or failures of the operating system generate noise and trust problems. You can identify the problem with connecting different sets, if all of them will issue the same result - an unpleasant hum or hiss, it means that it is in the device driver. Carefully contact your devices and follow the rules of operation.

    Almost all home computers and laptops are used to work, participate in a variety of gaming processes, traveling on social networks and other sites and, of course, do not do without playing audio and video records.

    For this reason, users have connected special columns or headphones to most of the devices. These elements help improve the sound and increase its volume. In some cases, both of these components are used.

    But when using columns, not only the necessary, but also extraneous sounds may occur. It can be a variety of noises. Quite often, users encounter this kind of difficulties. But since it prevents enjoying watching the film or the sound of your favorite musical composition, then you need to try to figure it out in this matter and eliminate it.

    This question cannot be called simple, although at first glance it seems that the users take shape. In fact, the appearance of a cod, trembling, various other noises provoked by the most different causes.

    But considering all the reasons meaningless, since this process is incredibly long. So it is worth concentrating at the most frequent scenarios that provoke such a problem.

    But before it is worth checking the performance of directly columns, headphones and connectors, in which these items are connected. To do this, use the third-party apparatus. You will need to connect these components to it. To check the connectors, you will need to connect other columns and headphones in them. If this is all right, then it is worth considering other reasonable options.

    Check availability of necessary drivers

    Foreign sounds can manifest itself in a variety of options. But if they arose, then understand that this problem is not liquidated independently necessary. So proceed to the search for the reasons and the rapid troubleshooting.

    Because of the problems with the drivers can be anything. Very often, users may notice the incorrect functioning of the gadget, since it does not take out several drivers or they are outdated. The reason is a banal, but in this case, due to these components, the device can stop.

    If special drivers are not installed, the sound may not be played at all. Incorrectness in the work is also noted in cases where the drivers were installed at all. It is extremely important that only those elements that are suitable for all 100% are loaded on the device.

    Otherwise, a variety of programs will begin. A sound card will eventually not provide sound playback in the right mode. In general, the work of numerous elements is violated, which in the complex ensure the reliable functioning of the device.

    Therefore, in the end, and therefore various noises appear. Problems of this nature may be satellites process for reinstalling the operating system. That is, when the user has executed Windows loading or updated the system, then it is difficult for drivers.

    This user can learn from the relevant notification that will be shown on the PC screen. To check whether the work is performed correctly or not, you will need to go to the task dispatcher. To do this, activate this assistant.

    You can make it using multiple keys or when you go to the control panel, which is located in the main menu on the desktop. Next, go to the hardware and sound section. And after that, several sections will appear, among which you can find the task manager.

    After that, you will need to open a tab called "Audio inputs and audio outputs". Now you need to carefully look at whether the exclamation marks of yellow or red are specified opposite the devices. If such is not visible, the problem is not related to the drivers.

    But if they are suddenly present, the problem arose with these elements. In this case, it will be necessary to check for all the necessary components. If necessary, it remains only to download the missing objects. After that, there should be no difficulty with sound. But this is if the perpetrators were drivers.

    Difficulties with cable. Frequent cause of noise

    There are often cases when users have to face with a non-working properly cable. This is one of the most common reasons. As a result, extraneous sounds, noises, crackles and so on may appear.

    There is a problem in bad contact between the column and the sound card. Contact contact for a variety of reasons. Most often, this is due to the fact that the cable may be loose. At the same time, it can move to different positions, damaging.

    So the best way out is the attachment of the cable to the wall or object of furniture. In this case, it will be constantly in the same position and do not be damaged from people and animals.

    Also, there are also cases of occurrence of damage to not the entire cable, but its individual parts. It may not disappear sound not in two columns, but in one. To certify in this kind of damage, install headphones to another device. During testing, it will be possible to identify the true cause. So, it will be possible to eliminate its consequences.

    A bad contact can be revealed between the device's network card socket and headphones connected to it. Sometimes there may be some manipulation with a plug out of the situation. You can try to remove it, and then insert again.

    You can also try it a little and very carefully turn. In any direction we turn and check, the connection was ensured or not. In some cases, these simple actions are able to help.

    In any case, it is necessary to ensure that the cable is placed. It should always be attached to the floor or wall. In this position, it will be less damaged during use. Also, the cable should not move each time, rotate and perform other manipulations that can be harvested by its signals.

    Also, often difficulties arise for other reasons. If this item is too long, then you should not surprise outside sounds. This is due to the fact that the cable is often bent. In this position, it transmits a signal with damage. So it should be made of its optimal size and the problem will be eliminated.

    Adjusting sound parameters

    Often, difficulties arise precisely for this reason. It is difficult to even imagine that the correct setting of playback parameters is capable of improving sound quality. But if the user illiterately completed the setting, then noise and other sounds can appear.

    At the same time, the user may not even guess that he previously performed some actions incorrectly. Quite often all sorts of interference in sound can be observed due to the included PC Beer and linear input. Often, incorrect setting provokes changes in the frequency parameters.

    This is later displayed on sound quality. In this aspect, it is necessary to consider the features of the apparatus used, since for each device, the settings are made individually. Adjusting audio data is performed in the control panel.

    Users will need to go to the Sound and Equipment section. After opening a tab with the volume settings. Now it will seem the icon with the image of the speaker, along which you will need to click. In this case, the device properties will open, which are displayed as "speakers and headphones".

    Users should slightly reduce the signal level, as well as produce some other adjustments regarding the PC Beer section. You must view the data that is listed in the CD parameters, as well as in the Line Input tab.

    Once the work is completed, then it is mandatory to preserve the information made. In some cases, after this kind of manipulation, the reproducible sound becomes much "cleaner" and more beautiful. So do not neglect the setting.

    Bad quality equipment

    Some users prefer to buy inexpensive goods, but at the same time require high quality from them. But it is extremely rare. Often, users notice a decrease in the quality of the sound playable.

    But the thing is that when creating inexpensive columns and headphones it is impossible to use expensive parts. Therefore, it is not necessary to demand something supernatural from such components. Inexpensive models will not be able to provide excellent sound. It is not particularly worth doing the volume level to the maximum, since in this case there will be especially interference.

    You should always adjust the volume level not only directly on the speakers, but also on the computer used. Only if harmony is achieved, you can achieve good quality sound. In general, it should not be saved if the goal is excellent sound.

    Causes of other nature: Grounding and power supply

    This problem may appear if the columns are passed through themselves electrical signals. They also pass through the case of a personal computer. That is why it is not to be surprised that there are various third-party noises, which, in theory, should not be.

    To exclude this problem, it will be necessary to apply incredibly simple in the implementation of the reception. It consists in ensuring the connection of the device with the battery. All this is performed using a conventional cable or cord. Eliminate interference is possible in this way if the reason was directly related to the ground.

    But also difficulties may occur due to power supply. Since such a problem concerns only laptops, it does not threaten the users of stationary devices. So laptop users can try to check the sound card for food. If it is not enough, it provokes the appearance of third-party noise.

    You can check this in the power supply tab. You can detect it in the main menu. Click on the "Start" button, after which there will be many sections, among which the control panel will also appear. Next, we find a section with a system and security.

    Now it remains only to enter a power supply tab. It needs to specify the level of productivity that is needed. Select the maximum value. In the tab with additional parameters, specify the desired value. Often, this section is hidden. So it does not need to be frightened.

    Immediately after the manipulations produced, we try to connect the gadget to the power supply network. Only after that you can try again check the sound quality. If everything is in order, the problem concerned exactly the lack of food.

    There is also another kind of noise that may be infrequent. It manifests itself in the fact that when scrolling the mouse, this sound can be clearly heard in headphones or in columns if they are connected. Maybe some this is not very annoying, but a separate group of users is very tightened from it.

    Therefore, it is necessary to consider this error option. Causes can also wear a variety of character. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to establish a real "culprit". So it is worth trying to perform several manipulations that will really help.

    You can also be resorted to the implementation of the mouse connection with another port or use a completely different mouse. You can also purchase a wireless wireless version. This can help in some situations. So the problems with the mouse can also provoke the occurrence of atypical noise.

    Whatever the reason, it can be revealed, and then attach all the necessary efforts to eliminate its consequences. This instruction will certainly help.

    Probably, everyone came across such a problem - people are sleeping around you, and you want to listen to you sitting at the computer. Or just a video with sound view. It seems to be a high-quality audio system for this not required, stuck headphones in the front connector of the computer - and enjoy. Yes, it was not there. Greetings to you, dear friends. My story began with the fact that I changed my body a personal computer. The victim of my adventures was AirTone MC-6010. Long time he looked at him, big, beautiful, high quality ...

    Spat and bought. How much is your soul to ride, then you can? And the bear satisfied home honey shake home ... But the bear was rejoiced not long. There was a spoon of tar. Our bear on our ear has come. I connect the headphones to the front (frontal) panel connector, and I hear the screaming in them. Sheer Mouse - Fake Changes. Scroll through the pages - also changes. And so this sound strains that it was decided to change something.

    The first thing I climbed to look for information on the Internet. From the tips to update the BIOS refused, and realized that the manual therapy here could not do. Apparently something namurried with the wiring of the Earth. We will open. Deciding with this thoughts, threw it for long long time. Just to climb everything did not want to go. But the will of the case recently took to check the motherboard with his friend, and crumbled everything that was in his system desk. Well, I decided to deal with the company.

    So, we have the first task. Disassemble the case and get to the front of the front connectors panel. OK, proceed. After breaking the half of the housing, removing the door opening mechanism and much more, I once again made sure that somewhere I did not notice some fastener. So it turned out. So, our panel with connectors is fixed: self-sufficiency in front, access to which through a rectangular slot in the metal is below. Two self-pressing in the middle. And attention (!!!) Another self-tapping screw for the long-latch under the harness of the wires. It is this wiring harness that does not give him to see. After that, we move hands 3 latches and pull the top panel up and on yourself. It will resist a little, as there are 2 more latches of non-fixed type in front of the front. Under our Natíb, they also carefully come out of their seats without any harm.

    Hooray, the most difficult behind! I hope ... our appearance opens a neatly made body, in which everything is attached. We take a screwdriver and unscrew two bolts on the sides, which keep it ...

    The first thought - wow, how much is there ... but your hands are already climbing) I must say that I liked the implementation. Made everything neatly, everything is disconnected for the convenience of work. Well, let's continue. So, we are looking for land. To do this, we need a scheme for the pinout of the HD Audio connector and the tester. The first is easily on the Internet, the second is home. Well, or if not at all lucky, then in any radio store. Here is the first of the list:

    Having found the wire we needed the tester. I didn't even have to do this, the color marking of the wires was performed very carefully, and I easily found the return contact on the block connection to the panel. In the figure below it is highlighted in red.

    Well, of course, you can immediately see the reason for all problems. I merge the screwdriver and the USB / E-SATA ports and ports of the USB / E-SATA. I turn over - and we are convinced - the Earth is divided into different wiring harness. Of course, our USB ports give strong interference that increase the resulting earth loop. So you need to cut. Scalpel, please! How not? Well ... then a paper knife! (if it is not available to usually use it, but it will be slightly less convenient). Draw! Stop. And what exactly will we cut? Well, again, in a hurry. Plug in an audio connector with an empty plug, and find where the earth is divorced from it. In the figure above, I marked it in blue.

    How to better do? Cut and connect directly with wire? Then the panel will not be all. And what if ... Feeling the sizes, I came to the conclusion that there are more places in this building than enough. Then carefully insulating these pins from the total earthyal polygon, and connect them with a piece of wire with each other. Now cut!

    Each pin pad with a shared polygon connects four thin jumpers in the corners. Carefully cut them, for reliability, calling the tester for the absence of contact. Ready! Now it is necessary to connect them with the main earthy pin. Than? You can use any suitable wire suitable for your aesthetic needs. Preferably, of course, without extremes. I, for some reason, immediately seems to be a thin liner of the engraved pattern on the insulation surface ... AT! We continue! Well, so I did not find the wires immediately. From computer power supplies - fat, from twisted pair - thin and brittle. Not, something more civil hunting. Running in the bins, I found this work more, probably, Soviet times. The next generation will not understand where he is from. Himself barely caught

    This is an audio cable that has connected an optical drive with a motherboard in old computers. Just right! Sut the wiring of black color. We look. Strong, tinned copper. As it is impossible by the way. Excellent! Take a soldering iron, tin cover, and proceed to work. Separate the required PIN from the other three, with which it will turn the shift. To the knife to complete the case, cut the contact strips going to the common earth. In this place, be careful, there is a track from Pina on the left, which does not have any relationship with our disassembly. You must be careful to damage it. Tester check the work done, and gently solder two jumpers from the lured wire.

    Having rejoicing the completion of work, collect the entire case and turn on the computer. Hooray! Noise in headphones no longer! True, there is no sound too ... I collected how. But everything did it carefully, it seems to be mistaken! Running in the driver settings, found out that not everything is so bad. The panel is running, just does not define that the device was connected to it. If you turn off the definition function - the sound into the headphones is. Again the Internet? Are looking for!

    It turns out that I became the panel not HD Audio, but simply AC 97. After reading the information, I learned that this is exactly what they differ. The ability to determine that the device was connected. Not good. Topping a bunch of forums, never found information on which algorithm is determined. But the diagram of the pinout is, with both standards. So I climb look. We again disassemble the case, this time only removing the top panel.

    By the way, the self-spinner, which I twisted through a rectangular slot in the metal, I managed to plant not in my place, traces remained on the board. Be careful not to repeat my mistakes.

    After reaching the board again and armed with a tester starting to nick it. ... well, of course! How I did not immediately notice! One of the four-combined pins together also goes into the same wiring harness and refers to HD Audio. As they say in the pinout - this is some "-acz_det." So it becomes clear what kind of contact. It is responsible for determining the type of connected panel. Take a soldering iron, tin cover and knife again. Also separate it from the rest of the pins, insulating from the earthen polygon and combine with the land contact HD Audio.

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