
Use information and communication technologies in professional activities. Information and communication technologies in the professional activity of a teacher obzh. Development of information and communication technologies

Kornoukhova Antonina Viktorovna

Mathematics teacher of the highest category

Department of Education of the city of Moscow GBPOU of the city of Moscow

“Technical school of service and tourism No. 29”



Target : to analyze the possibilities of using ICT in the work of a mathematics teacher.


1) Define the concept of ICT in education.

2) List the types of ICT that can be used in a technical school.

3) Give examples of the use of ICT in the classroom.

Information Technology

ICT in education - these are information processes and methods of working with information, its presentation using ICT tools for the purpose of learning.

The amount of information that a teacher has to work with is growing every year. All this information is aimed at solving the whole variety of professional tasks, among which a special place is occupied by the student's motivation for educational activities, the development of his educational independence, creative, search activity. And in this, teachers are effectively helped by all the variety of information and communication technologies. In the modern world, the need to use information and communication technologies in education is extremely relevant and undeniable. The ability to use ICT is one of the criteria for assessing the experience and professional skills of a teacher.

Obvious advantages of using ICT in the educational process:

Visibility, entertainment, expressiveness - a feature of the structural design of programs, which makes it possible to expand and deepen the understanding of the material under consideration, about the relationships;

Compactness - the ability to accumulate information on electronic media without the accumulation of significant volumes of folders with information material on paper;

Profitability (reduction of material and time resources);

The possibility of creative development of students and teachers through participation in online olympiads, competitions, publication of their works and projects in the Internet space;

Organization of continuous monitoring of independent work of students, their current progress.

Thus, information and communication technologies in the professional activity of a teacher are, on the one hand, a means of teaching and a means of providing knowledge, and on the other hand, the use of various information tools, automation of the process of processing educational materials.

The use of information and communication technologies allows full use of color and multimedia design.

At the same time, information and communication technologies are available to every teacher.

One of these technologies, which has found wide application in the educational process, is the work in distance learning systems.

Among the main advantages of distance education are:

  • Manufacturability- training using modern software and hardware makes e-education more effective. New technologies make it possible to make visual information bright and dynamic, to build the education process itself, taking into account the active interaction of the student with the learning system.
  • Freedom and flexibility, access to quality education.The development of Internet networks, the use of multimedia technologies makes distance learning courses valuable and interesting.
  • Accessibility and openness of education- the opportunity to study remotely from the place of study, without leaving your home, which is especially important for people with disabilities. Learning at any time in any place allows students not only to stay in their familiar environment and maintain their usual rhythm of life, but also to develop an individual learning schedule. Distance educational technologies make it possible to study in selected specialties, choosing an educational institution, highly professional teachers, despite the geographical remoteness of the student's place of residence;
  • Individuality of distance learning systems. Experience shows that a remote learner becomes more independent, mobile and responsible; creative approach to learning.

Despite many advantages, this method also has its drawbacks:

  • The lack (and sometimes lack) of direct face-to-face communication between the student and the teacher. As a rule, students feel the lack of practical training. There is no constant control over students, which is a powerful incentive for the student.
  • High labor intensity of developing electronic educational and methodological content.
  • High requirements for setting a task for training, administration of the process, the complexity of motivating students. It is necessary to have a number of individual psychological conditions. Distance learning requires strict self-discipline, and its result directly depends on the independence and consciousness of the student.
  • The need for high-quality technical equipment (a modern personal computer and high-speed Internet access).

A distance learning portal using the Moodle virtual learning environment has been created at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Technical School of Service and Tourism No. 29", which provides teachers with ample opportunities to use the electronic educational and methodological materials developed by them in the educational process.

The distance learning portal is a whole range of opportunities for all participants in the educational process:

  • for teachers:
  • educational and methodological support of discipline in a structured form;
  • a convenient tool for recording and monitoring the work of students;
  • setting deadlines for completing tasks;
  • the use of audio and video materials: the demonstration of educational videos can significantly increase the interest of students in the material being studied, visually and comprehensively give an idea of ​​the subject of education, etc.;
  • ease of adjustment of educational and methodological materials of the discipline;
  • a rich toolkit for creating funds of assessment tools - test materials for monitoring students' knowledge using various types of questions.
  • an automated system for evaluating students' work: the possibility of objective, independent and, importantly, automatic evaluation saves a teacher's time to control knowledge.
  • for students:
  • logically structured educational and methodological material;
  • means of self-control;
  • objective assessment of knowledge;
  • remote mastery of educational material;
  • for college:
  • modern, complete educational and methodological support of disciplines;
  • unified information educational environment;
  • the possibility of operational control of the educational process.

The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program from the Microsoft family is known to be a powerful tool for creating charts, graphs, simple and complex calculations. Today, representatives of almost all professions must be proficient in interactive technologies and know office programs, including the ability to work with spreadsheets and presentations.

Another ICT tool is Microsoft Power Point, a presentation program. With the help of this program, you can prepare high-quality educational material. This program provides the teacher with ample opportunities for organizing all types of students' educational work: creating diagrams, animations, hyperlinks, adding triggers, videos, sound, including their own comments, various design, their own drawing tools, recording work.



Cylinder is obtained by rotating a rectangle around one of its sides (Fig. 4).

Cone is obtained by rotating a right triangle around one of its legs (Fig. 5, a).

Frustum is obtained by rotating a trapezoid, one of the corners of which is right, around the side adjacent to this corner (Fig. 5, b).

Gryaznova Irina Sergeevna
SPOAU "Amur College of Construction and Housing and Communal Services"
Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region


Keywords: information and communication technologies, pedagogical innovations, informatization of education.

The current stage of the development of society poses a number of fundamentally new problems for the Russian education system due to political, socio-economic, philosophical and other factors, among which the need to improve the quality and accessibility of education, increase academic mobility, integration into the world scientific and educational space, creation of economically optimal educational systems, strengthening of links between different levels of education.

Pedagogical innovations contribute to the implementation of these priority requirements. Innovation in educational activities is the use of new knowledge, techniques, approaches, technologies to obtain a result in the form of educational services that are socially and market-demanded. The study of innovative experience shows that most innovations are devoted to the development of technologies.

One of the effective ways to solve these problems is the informatization of education. The improvement of technical means of communication has led to significant progress in information exchange. The emergence of new information technologies associated with the development of computer facilities and telecommunications networks made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as the basis for the development and improvement of the education system.

A feature of information and communication technologies (ICT) is their versatility, they are a tool that is used in all branches of knowledge: humanitarian, natural science, socio-economic. Consequently, the innovative nature of the development of ICT directly affects other branches of knowledge that form the worldview of a young specialist, improving the didactic and methodological presentation of knowledge, increasing the ability to perceive and generate knowledge, thereby introducing an innovative element into the comprehensive development of the individual.

The use of ICT makes it possible to significantly speed up the process of searching and transmitting information, transform the nature of mental activity, and automate human labor. It has been proven that the level of development and implementation of information and communication technologies in production activities determines the success of any organization.
The basis of ICT is information and telecommunication systems built on computer tools and representing information resources and hardware and software that provide storage, processing and transmission of information over a distance.

The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process leads to the informatization of students' consciousness and their understanding of the processes of informatization in modern society (in its professional aspect). Understanding the emerging trend in the process of informatization of education is essential. As a result, new information technologies appear in the methodological system, and graduates are prepared to master new ICTs in their future work. Application experience has shown:
a) the information environment significantly increases the motivation of students to study disciplines;
b) informatization of education is attractive to students in that the psychological stress of communication is removed by moving from the subjective relations "student-teacher" to the most objective relations "student-computer-teacher", the efficiency of student work increases, the share of creative works increases, the opportunity to receive additional education in the discipline within the walls of the college;
c) the informatization of teaching is attractive to the teacher in that it allows to increase the productivity of his work, improves the general information culture.

It should be noted that the individuality of learning, both in terms of the rate of perception of the material, solving problems, making decisions, and in terms of the way information is perceived, lies in the sphere of the intellectual development of the individual. In a computer program, it is possible to present the same material in different forms, including those other than printing - the inclusion of video clips, animation, sound. The individuality of learning is also manifested in the timely feedback "teacher-student". Computer technologies make it possible to automate the educational process, reducing the labor costs of the teacher and student, reducing the level of psychological stress and increasing the objectivity of knowledge assessment. The student sees the result of the work immediately after its completion, and not some time after the check, when he has already forgotten what he was doing. Timely information about the success of the task allows the teacher to build a plan for further work in a logical sequence, to see the gaps in the student's knowledge, and outline ways to solve them.
The main goal of vocational education is to prepare a qualified specialist capable of effective professional work in their specialty and competitive in the labor market.

The traditional training of specialists, focused on the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject area, is increasingly lagging behind modern requirements. The basis of education should be not so much academic disciplines as ways of thinking and acting. It is necessary not only to graduate a specialist who has received high-level training, but also to include him already at the training stage in the development of new technologies, adapt him to the conditions of a specific production environment, make him a conductor of new solutions, successfully performing the functions of a manager.

With the advent of information technology, a variety of computer, training, demonstration, modeling programs, electronic reference books and textbooks, simulators, etc. began to appear. But the use of such electronic aids in the educational process is extremely rare, the reasons are the poor material and technical equipment of classrooms, the significant high cost of software. Therefore, at best, the teacher uses electronic teaching aids to demonstrate an experiment, a film, prepare a report, print out any assignments. If a computer is used in the course of classes, then occasionally, by an innovator teacher who constantly improves his teaching skills.

In order to improve the quality of specialist training, enhance the cognitive activity of students, unlock creative potential, organize the educational process with a high level of independence, college teachers use a variety of educational technologies in their work: student-centered learning, problem-based learning, test forms of knowledge control, block-modular learning, project method, case method, collaborative learning, multi-level learning, information and communication technologies, etc.
The administration of the educational institution pays great attention to the introduction of ICT in the educational process. The training of the teaching staff and the equipment of the classrooms are of great importance for the use of information and communication technologies.

To create presentations for lessons, teaching materials, teachers learned how to navigate and search for information on the Internet, receive and save it for later use in the pedagogical process. Access to electronic libraries, databases, portals provides an effective search and prompt receipt of the necessary information. Of particular importance in the list of electronic educational resources are interactive training programs: multimedia courses, virtual laboratories and museums, animation models, training and testing systems, necessary elements in students' independent work. At this stage, the management of the college purchased interactive manuals on general educational and general professional disciplines.

Currently, many college teachers have created their own websites, their own information space, which hosts materials for the lesson, methodological developments, presentations, i.e. made open access to their educational and methodological materials.
Today, all college classrooms are equipped with modern computer and presentation equipment. Classrooms are equipped with software and hardware systems, which are a multimedia information environment that ensures maximum efficiency in the presentation and assimilation of educational material. The teacher has at his disposal a computer, audio and video equipment, peripheral devices: TVs, multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards, scanners, printers, etc., i.e. the most modern equipment for presenting information in any form (text, sound, graphics, video) and conducting classes with maximum presentation effect.

Over the past few years, the level of ICT literacy and ICT competence of our teachers has grown so that at present they are able to solve any tasks in the field of information and communication technologies that are set before them: they are able to understand any program, technical device, realize their original ideas using their own multimedia presentations, interactive whiteboards, other computer equipment. The implementation of the technical component was the first step in solving the problem of obtaining a competent teacher in the field of ICT.

Further growth in the ICT competence of teachers is inevitable, as the college administration sets new tasks for the development of information and communication technologies.
The possibilities of informatization of education are unlimited. College teachers, having become ICT-competent, strive to use innovative achievements and developments in the field of computer solutions and the latest technical discoveries in their work.

1. Ivanov D.A. What challenges of modern society are met by the use of the concepts of key competence and competence-based approach in education? / Competences and competency-based approach in modern education // Series "Assessment of the quality of education" / Ed. ed. Kurneshova L. E. M.: Mosk. center for education quality, 2008.
2. Khutorskoy A.V. Key competencies and educational standards//Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2002. - April 23. –
3. Khutorskoy A.V. Technology for designing key and subject competencies//Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2005. - December 12. –
4. Mattis V. Innovations - today, traditions - tomorrow.
5. Gorbacheva V.G. Fundamentals of innovative processes in educational activities: M.: Education, 2013
6. Berezhnova E.V. Fundamentals of teaching and research activities: Textbook. M.: Education, 2006.

  • § 3. Orthoepic and accentological norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • O rf o e p i c e n o r m s
  • Characteristics of stress in Russian
  • A c e n t o l o g i c h e n o rm s
  • Didactic material
  • § 4. Lexical and phraseological norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • Lexical and phraseological norms
  • Lexical errors
  • W o o d e s o f lex ical errors
  • Errors in the use of phrases:
  • Didactic material
  • 3. Correspondence between adjectives and nouns with which you can
  • 6. Mistakes in the use of paronyms were made in the sentences:
  • § 5. Morphological norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • M o r f o l o g i c h e n o rm s
  • Noun
  • II. Adjective
  • 2.1 Short adjectives
  • 3.2 Collective numbers both - both
  • IV. Pronoun.
  • V. Verb
  • 8.2. Prepositions in view of, instead of, like, due to, like, over, about,
  • 8.4. Be able to distinguish between prepositions and independent parts of speech
  • Didactic material
  • 1. Having met him by chance in the theater,
  • 2. Getting a job,
  • 3. Having lost by this time the value of a defensive structure,
  • 4. Starting to work on the abstract,
  • § 6. Syntactic norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • Syntax
  • 3. Choosing the correct case and preposition
  • 4. The use of adverbial phrases
  • 5. Homogeneous members of the proposal
  • 6. Coordination of the predicate with the subject
  • 7. Use of participial turnover
  • 8. Application matching
  • Didactic material
  • Glossary of concepts and terms
  • Topic 1.3. Speech etiquette. test questions
  • § 7. Speech etiquette. Norms and rules of business etiquette. Ethical standards of relationships with colleagues, partners, clients. Reference material
  • For m u l y r e c h e etiquette
  • Didactic material
  • Glossary of concepts and terms
  • Topic 1.4. The use of information and communication technologies in professional activities. test questions
  • § 8. The concept of information and communication technologies. The use of information and communication technologies in the preparation of a specialist. Reference material
  • Didactic material
  • Glossary of concepts and terms
  • Where to look for
  • Functional-semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning
  • Means of expressing logical connections.
  • Drawing up various types of plans
  • Drafting the introductory and concluding parts of the text of the speech. Rules for writing the introduction and conclusion of a speech.
  • Techniques used in the final part of the speech
  • Didactic material
  • § 10. Editing the text of the speech. Reference material
  • Some types of grammatical errors
  • Didactic material
  • Assignments to the text
  • § 11. Speech activity and its types. Reference material
  • Didactic material
  • § 12. Conditions for successful communication. Reference material
  • Reasons for communication failures
  • Didactic material
  • § 13. Oral colloquial speech. Conversation. Business conversation. Reference material
  • Genres of speech communication
  • Didactic material
  • § 14. The main qualities of speech. Features of sounding speech. Non-verbal means of communication. Reference material
  • Didactic material
  • Glossary of concepts and terms
  • Topic 2.2. practical style. test questions
  • § 15. The concept of practical style. Functional styles of speech. Reference material
  • The main varieties of language use
  • Therefore, the following styles of speech are distinguished:
  • Didactic material
  • § 16. Scientific style. Types of information processing of the text (compendium, thematic abstract, abstract). Reference material
  • Linguistic features of the scientific style
  • Features of the scientifically popular substyle
  • Types of information processing of the text
  • Abstract types
  • The procedure for preparing an abstract
  • Work on the thematic summary
  • How to write an abstract
  • Abstract structure
  • Didactic material
  • Language features of the official business style
  • Rules for the use of clericalism
  • V i d y d o u m e n t s
  • Forms of appeal, statements of requests, expressions of gratitude, methods of argumentation in production situations.
  • Methods of argumentation
  • Didactic material
  • § 18. Official business style of speech. Drafting of business documentation. Reference material
  • Administrative and organizational documents.
  • Information and reference documents.
  • Speech mistakes made when compiling documents
  • Some types of medical records
  • Didactic material
  • § 19. Journalistic style of speech. persuasive genres. Reference material
  • Linguistic features of journalistic style
  • Comparative characteristics of scientific and publicistic speeches
  • The main speech actions of the presenter
  • The main speech actions of the disputants
  • Question types
  • Performance analysis
  • Didactic material
  • § 20. Journalistic style of speech. Basic techniques and methods of communication with colleagues, partners, clients: rules of listening, conversation, persuasion, counseling. Reference material
  • Communication styles
  • General tips for communicating with colleagues, partners, clients
  • Rules for listening and speaking
  • Features of counseling
  • Basic counseling techniques
  • Conditions for successful counseling
  • Didactic material
  • § 21. Conversational style of speech. Forms and methods of communication with patients. Reference material
  • Some reasons for non-compliance with the treatment plan (medical prescriptions):
  • Didactic material
  • Product quality
  • § 22. Conversational style of speech. Ways to effectively communicate with colleagues, management, patients and their environment. Reference material
  • The main syntactic constructions used in the dialogue "health worker - patient":
  • Didactic material
  • Glossary of concepts and terms
  • List of recommended literature
  • Glossary of concepts and terms

    Speech etiquette- developed rules of speech behavior, a system of speech formulas of communication.

    Speech etiquette formulas- these are typical ready-made constructions that are regularly used with correct communication.

    Etiquette- this is a set of good manners rules adopted in a given society and establishing norms for the behavior of people in certain situations.

    iatrogeny- adverse changes in the mental state and psychogenic reactions that contribute to the emergence of neuroses that appear as a result of incorrect (unskilled) actions of a medical worker who inadvertently inspires the patient (for example, due to careless statements about the severity of the disease, poor prognosis of the disease; imprudent references to the poor outcome of similar diseases in other people, etc.).

    Topic 1.4. The use of information and communication technologies in professional activities. test questions

      General concept of information and communication technologies (ICT).

      ICT tasks.

      Classification of ICT facilities.

      Psychological and pedagogical features of the use of ICT.

      Forms of using information and communication technologies in the preparation of a specialist.

    § 8. The concept of information and communication technologies. The use of information and communication technologies in the preparation of a specialist. Reference material

    The creation and development of the information society in the modern world involves the widespread use information and communication technologies (ICT) in professional activity, which is determined by a number of factors:

    ● The introduction of ICT significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated social experience of mankind not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.

    ● modern ICT, by improving the quality of training and education, allow a person to more successfully adapt to the ongoing social changes.

    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)- a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information in the interests of its users.

    The use of ICT used in the field of education aims to implement the following tasks, such as:

    Support and development of systematic thinking;

    Support for all types of cognitive activity in the acquisition of knowledge, development and consolidation of skills and abilities;

    Implementation of the principle of individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity.

    Educational ICT tools can be classified according to a number of parameters:

    1. According to the pedagogical tasks to be solved:

    Means that provide basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    Practical training tools (problem books, workshops, virtual constructors, simulation programs, simulators);

    Auxiliary means (encyclopedias, dictionaries, anthologies, developing computer games, multimedia training sessions);

    Complex means (distance learning courses).

    2. By functions in the organization of the educational process:

    Information and training (electronic libraries, electronic books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, educational computer programs, information systems);

    Interactive (e-mail, electronic teleconferences);

    Search engines (catalogues, search engines).

    3. By type of information:

    Electronic and information resources with textual information (textbooks, teaching aids, problem books, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, program and educational materials);

    Electronic and information resources with visual information (collections: photographs, portraits, illustrations, video fragments of processes and phenomena, demonstrations of experiments, video tours; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: diagrams, diagrams);

    Electronic and information resources with audio information (sound recordings of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of living and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

    Electronic and information resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of animate and inanimate nature, subject excursions);

    Electronic and information resources with combined information (textbooks, teaching aids, primary sources, anthologies, problem books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, periodicals).

    with combined information (textbooks, teaching aids, primary sources, anthologies, problem books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, periodicals).

    The possibilities of ICT can be used:

    When building interactive tables, posters and other digital educational resources on certain topics and sections of the academic discipline,

    To create individual test mini-lessons;

    To create interactive homework and simulators for independent work of students.

    Educational and methodological aspect . Electronic and information resources can be used as educational and methodological support of the educational process. The teacher can use various educational ICT tools in preparation for the lesson; directly when explaining new material, to consolidate the acquired knowledge, in the process of controlling the quality of knowledge; for the organization of independent study by students of additional material, etc. Computer tests and test tasks can be used to implement various types of control and assessment of knowledge.

    The development of human activity is determined by a change in one or another of its structural components: the subject, goal, content of the activity, the system of actions that ensure the achievement of the goal, the means of performing these actions. At the same time, the change does not occur in any single link, but in the entire structure of activity. As a result, traditional forms of human activity are transformed and new forms of human activity arise in the sphere of labor, knowledge and communication. Modern ICT tools have become a new tool, an instrument of human activity.

    The use of ICT tools as a tool means the emergence of new forms of mental, mnemonic, creative activity, which can be considered as the historical development of human mental processes and continue to develop the principles of the historical development of activity in relation to the conditions of transition to a post-industrial society. Assimilation of knowledge involves mastering the system of generalizations that make up the main content of knowledge.

    The nature of ICT tools quite definitely influences the formation and development of human mental structures, including thinking. Printed text, which until recently was the main source of information, is based on the principle of abstracting content from reality and is organized as a sequence of phrases in reading order from left to right, which forms the skills of mental activity that has a structure similar to the structure of printed text, which is characterized by such features as linearity. , sequence, analyticity, hierarchy.

    Other mass media - photography, film, radio, television - have a structure that differs significantly from that of print. Images and sounds do not direct the train of thought of the listener or viewer from one object to another with intermediate conclusions, as in the perception of printed information. Instead, they create models of recognition that are addressed to the sensual side of the subject.

    Just as printed materials and technical means of mass communication have led to a gigantic expansion of the possibilities of human cognition, fixation and transfer of experience, the computer increases the potential of human thinking, causes certain changes in the structure of mental activity. The main processes are the organization and interpretation of information. It can be encoded and presented on the display screen in the form of mathematical symbols, tables, graphs and diagrams, images of processes, supplemented by sound, color images, etc.

    The learning environment forms such characteristics of thinking as a tendency to experiment, flexibility, coherence, structure. These characteristics correspond to the cognitive processes associated with creative activity and problem solving. Thus, understanding the essence of phenomena and tactics for solving problems are described as the ability to perceive seemingly obvious facts in a new way, to find a way to connect seemingly unrelated things, to establish original connections between new and old information.

    ICT tools contribute to the development of the student's thinking, orient him to the search for obvious and non-obvious systemic connections and patterns. The computer is a powerful tool for helping to understand many phenomena and patterns, however, it must be remembered that it inevitably enslaves the mind, which as a result has only a set of memorized facts and skills. A simple communication of knowledge, mastery of a programming language, the very ability to program are only the first step towards realizing its capabilities. Only training can be considered really effective, in which the skills of thinking are instilled, and thinking of a new type, in a certain way different from thinking, formed on the basis of operating with printed information, using mass media.

    Thus, in connection with the use of information and communication technologies, ideas are being revised not only about thinking, but also about other mental functions: perception, memory, ideas, emotions, etc.

    The inclusion of ICT helps to improve and diversify the traditional forms of transmission and assimilation of educational material.

    Forms of ICT:

    Electronic textbooks and various manuals, designed as digital educational resources, expand the possibilities of working with text and create the prerequisites for a deep mastery of the material.

    A didactic game supported by ICT acquires, in addition to simulation of the studied systems, phenomena, processes, visibility in the design of the solution and the results of the game itself and the actions of the team.

    The use of multimedia tools in the training of specialists provides an opportunity to combine the necessary information in different forms (text, sound, video, etc.).

    ICT in teaching aims students at the development of certain skills and abilities of independent activity, provides a transition to self-education. How the cognitive interests of students are activated in the classical lecture-seminar system of education using ICT can be considered when analyzing traditional forms of classes.

    1. Computer programs should not be used for entertainment purposes and for the sole purpose of increasing interest in a subject by displaying visual objects. In the language development of a student, it is important to use multimedia tools (ICT) not only as illustrative material, but also as a basis for structuring and systematizing information, creative application of acquired knowledge, those. illustrations should reinforce cognitive activity, and not replace it .

    2. When using ICT, it is important intensify work with the text, increase the volume of communicative exercises, intensify cognitive activity students by reducing the time spent on other types of work, such as various kinds of cheating.

    3. Required create problem situations, develop the creative potential of students; do not overload educational material with the use of ICT(excessive enthusiasm for the computer can be harmful, reduce performance).

    4. For the development of communicative competence, it is necessary to think over the interaction of students in a group, so atit is important when using ICT to plan group tasks. Thanks to the discussion and design of the educational process, its participants, as they gain experience in discussions, acquire many useful skills and properties: to highlight and state their position and perceive someone else's; obey the general rules and develop on this basis ways of self-regulation and adequate self-esteem, etc.

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