
What is a hashtag and how to write it. What is a hashtag and what is it for? How to make and write a hashtag? What is a hashtag and how does it work?

Read in the article what hashtags are and why they are needed.

A few years ago, no one had heard of hashtags, but now they are actively used on Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte or Instagram. Many people know what tags are and what they are for. But what hashtags are, some people only have to guess. You will find answers to this and other questions in this article.

What are hashtags - a hash sign in front of a word, and what are they for?

What are hashtags - a hash sign in front of a word, and what are they for?

Tags are necessary in order to structure content around specific topics. Hashtags are added to posts to briefly describe it. But what are hashtags - a hash sign in front of a word, and what are they for? Here are some definitions:

  • hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the "#" symbol.
  • Such a designation with a label in the form of a single word or even a phrase is needed to group messages by topic.
  • Hashtags allow you to create information channels. A person signs his post and at the same time contributes it to a specific channel. When a word or phrase is published, it turns into clickable links. If the user clicks on such a link, he will see messages from social network users who were marked with such a hashtag.
  • All content managers use hash phrases to increase the number of users on a particular social media page, increase brand awareness and draw attention to a specific event or trend.

For this to really work, you need to be able to use hashtags correctly. There are some subtleties in putting down such labels. Read about it below, but everything is in order.

In Russian, the foreign word " hashtag"is found in two versions: hashtag and hashtag. But how to write correctly: hashtag or hashtag? It is correct to write in both versions, it will not be a mistake. In general, the writing of this word is not assigned a big role, so you can write as you like or as convenient.

This character is not easy to type on the keyboard. It is rarely used, so keyboard developers have hidden it. But how do you still write a hashtag sign before a word on the keyboard? There are several ways:

  1. In English layout: Switch the keyboard layout to English using the Alt+Shift keys and press Shift and the # sign. It is located on the number 3, but not on the small keyboard, which is on the right, but on top - above the letters.
  2. You can copy this sign in any text, and then paste it into your post.
  3. Any character can be put using the Alt key. Press this key and type the number 35 in any layout, but only on the right small keyboard.

Choose any of these options and use it to put the pound sign in hashtags.

Hashtags gained popularity back in 2010. But despite this, many people do not know how to use such tags in their posts on social networks. So how do you use hashtags? Writing rules - a guide for beginners:

  • Tags are inserted into the message, anywhere or at the very end.
  • If the hashtag needs to be composed of several words, then group them into one single phrase.
  • If you want words to stand out, then write them in capital letters.#Let's get acquainted. It will be the same as #let's get acquainted.
  • You can put numbers in these labels.(#Vacation2017), but punctuation marks in hashtags are not allowed.
  • You can not put different additional characters in the labels, symbols.
  • You can see the @ sign on Twitter. Users write such a symbol before the name, and it means that the post is intended for this particular person. A phrase with these signs will not be considered a hashtag.
  • There is no special label list. You can come up with a hashtag yourself: put a hash sign in front of the tag in the form of a word or a continuous phrase that reflects the meaning of the message. This post will be seen not only by subscribers, but also by other strangers. Thus, using the hashtag, you can get new subscribers to your account.
  • If you're using a tag to join a specific community, use hashtags that are relevant to the topic. If you're talking about cinema, then use #FilmEquilibrium rather than #Equilibrium for more good #cinema. Several semantic statements are ineffective in this case.
  • The label must be simple, otherwise it will look like spam. In addition, on Twitter and Facebook, there should be a maximum of three hashtags in a post, but on Instagram you can use 10 and 20 hashtags. Do not use the same word in the tag twice: #FilmEquilibrium! Everyone watch #Equilibrium.
  • Must be specific. If you wrote an anecdote or a joke in the post, then put the tag #Humor or #Funny.

Your readers need to understand what your message is about, and then the post will be popular.

How to put a hashtag on Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki?

Converting phrases or words into special tags makes online life easier. If a person writes a message about phones, then he puts an #iPhone, and it is easy for netizens to find his article. In social networks, such tags are used for commercial promotion of the brand or for advertising. Therefore, it is important to know how to put a hashtag on Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki. Detailed guide:

  • In contact with. If the user of this social network wants to facilitate the search, he enters #topic in the search box. To put your hashtag on VKontakte, you need to write the label #topic under the message, photo or video. For example, #funnypuppy. This grouping of words will lead to the development of discussion, and your topic will become popular.
  • Instagram. This social network is aimed at promoting pictures, photos and videos. Hashtags are very important here. Tags sort posts into groups and work as separate filters. The phrase must be precise and specific. You need to put it under the picture, photo or video content. You can add up to 30 hashtags on this social network.
  • Facebook. In this social network, it is important to choose a general category of phrases of interest, and put # in front. If you want to have a discussion about a brand, you can post the message “Fashionable, modern and stylish - #Adidas”. Do not include punctuation marks or additional characters after the hash mark. Page promotion is the main purpose of hashtags on Facebook.
  • Classmates. The search for the same topics in this social network is done using hashtags. After the post, type the pound sign on the keyboard and the query of interest, for example, #VacationSummer. With the help of such tags in Odnoklassniki, it is easy to achieve the promotion of one page or group.
  • Twitter. The label is placed right in the tweet creation window after the pound sign. When the tweet is published, the tag will be highlighted in a contrasting color.

Hashtags will help to tell the public about yourself, and, perhaps, everyone will talk about you tomorrow.

Hashtag - translation into Russian

From English, hashtag is translated into Russian as a "distribution label". This word in English was formed from hash - the sign "lattice", and teg - a label.

The use of hashtags provides the organizers with the opportunity to create "buzz" around an event and make it discussed in a specific online community and in reality. But in order for this used tool to work, you need to come up with a successful and unique label. There are several rules for creating perfect hashtags:

  • Make the label unique. The effectiveness of a hashtag depends on uniqueness. If you use only common words to create it, then the tag will be lost on the Internet and will not interest anyone.
  • Short hashtag - popular. A short label will be remembered, and the probability of shortening it in reposts is reduced to zero.
  • catchy hashtag is its effective use after an advertisement or event. But this does not mean that the label should only be interesting, cool or funny. Clarity, expressiveness and relevance to the theme of the event are important.
  • Consistency equals label usage efficiency. If you came up with a hashtag to advertise an event, then use it as constantly and often as possible - in any messages, reposts. Only in this way will the audience grab the idea and move it forward.

Labels cannot promote themselves, but users do. Effective implementation of the hashtag in all marketing elements will bring excellent results. Now you know how to come up with a hashtag. Accompany them with all your messages, articles and letters in electronic form, during the event and after it ends.

The abbreviation "tbt" literally stands for Throw Back Thursday - back to the past. What does the hashtag tbt mean? A tag with these three letters can be assigned when posting to your old photos or videos. For example, when publishing children's photos, you can put such a hashtag. It is worth noting that #tbt is a kind of catch phrase that is often used on social networks.

It is easy to write a label, but it is difficult to apply it correctly. You need to be able to analyze news posts on social networks and respond to them in a timely manner. The hashtag is convenient for marketers who are engaged in promotion, and the ability to compose it correctly will help to achieve success.

Video: What are hashtags and how to use them? 5 reasons to use the hashtag

Greetings friends! In this article, we will deal with hashtags on the social network Vkontakte. You've probably noticed on some of your friends' and groups' posts words in the form of links (highlighted in blue, which you can click on).

These words are usually preceded by a # sign. That's what hashtags are. But still, let me somehow collect all these thoughts together and give you a short term.

Hashtags are keywords for a specific post on a user or group page. With their help, we can search for posts by keywords, and thus promote publications in our group or the group or page itself.

If you click on any such word, then we will load a whole list of posts from different users who used the same keyword in their posts.

Who now does not understand what I am writing about, pay attention to the screenshot:

The example above shows a post on the wall of a user's page with a photo, and the tags are two words: spring and park, as well as the phrase good weather.

How to write hashtags

1. In order to make a hashtag out of an ordinary word in a post, simply put a # sign without a space before this word. In our case, it was #spring and #park.

2. If you look at the third #goodweather, then we can conclude that if you want to make a hashtag a phrase, and not just one word, then you need to write such a phrase together or through an underscore - #good_weather.

4. When writing keywords, you can use both Latin and Cyrillic characters.

Hashtag example

For example, let me show you how to create a hashtag post on your wall from scratch.

And so, in the beginning, you can write several keywords that will convey the meaning of the entire post (this does not have to be done right at the beginning). After that, we write the main text and we can add another photo by clicking on the camera icon. After that, you can click on the "Submit" button:

Let's see what happened:

How to search by hashtags

To do this, simply enter the keyword in the search field and press the "Enter" button. For example, I want to search for all recent entries with the keyword "work":

I am shown all the publications with the tag "work" for the last time. The search result there is formed according to the rule “from new to old”

Similarly, you can search for multiple hashtags. For example, if I wanted to look for a job in St. Petersburg, then I drive in a query consisting of two already keywords separated by a space (# job # peter):

At the end of this article, I would like to say that this function is quite actively used by people who develop their business through the social network Vkontakte. With proper use of keywords, you can attract new visitors and future customers to your group.

Also quite often this technique is used by young people to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Since the amount of information on the web began to explode, users have had the problem of searching for the given criteria, as a rule, this is a topic. During this period, the concept of a “tag” appears (in other cases it is called a “label” or “key”), the prototype of a hashtag.

Technically, a tag is a word or phrase that most accurately characterizes the text under which it is placed.

A tag is a key query (phrase, word) by which users must find the material marked by it. Several similar tags can be placed under the same publication.

Later, with the development of social networks, a prefix was added to the tag and it turned into a hashtag without losing its meaning. The hash is the pound symbol "#" (from the English hash). This prefix means that the keyword is preceded by a pound sign - nothing else.

What is the hash symbol for?

Everything is simple. When it comes to designing site pages and specifying tags for search engines, there are special sections in the code where tags are placed. These tags are invisible to the user, but search engines see them. The tagging system in Youtube and some other services works similarly - there are special fields for specifying keywords that characterize the content.

But there are services with a simple interface, where nothing extra is provided. They have only one common field for entering information - this is instagram, twitter, vkontakte and other, as a rule, social networks and instant messengers. In order to add tags when posting content to these systems, the main content is separated from the tags by a "#" sign. More precisely, a hash mark is placed in front of each label, and the main text is not highlighted in any way.

A hashtag is a word or phrase that characterizes the text, image or video under which it stands, with the hash symbol “#” substituted in front of it.

An example of using hashtags:

For the first time, a search system using hashtags was used by the developers of the Twitter microblogging service when they faced an avalanche-like increase in the number of users and their problems in finding congenial interlocutors. After that, the text with the bars began to spread across the network, infiltrating other social networks.

What is a hashtag and how does it work?

The only purpose of a hashtag is to search for information. If you put a hashtag under a photo on Instagram or a message on Twitter, the service automatically understands their content and in the future, when one of the users of this network indicates the corresponding word in the search, your picture will be offered to him as one of the options.

A hashtag is a tool for promoting content through social media searches.

An example of a hashtag search on Instagram:

If you keep your accounts not only for friends and relatives and want them to gain popularity, you need to put tags under each of your publications.

For any entrepreneur developing his business through the Internet using social services, the use of hashtags is mandatory, but there are benefits from them for ordinary users who do not promote anything.

Tags allow us to quickly find materials of interest through the search. We enter a request and get a complete list of materials on the desired topic published in this social network.

In addition, by carefully tagging your posts, you can easily sort materials by the hashtags that unite them in the future.

To summarize:

  • Hashtags help in promoting a business;
  • Hashtags help in finding the right information;
  • Hashtags allow you to group different posts around specific topics.

How to make a hashtag correctly

In general, we figured out the hashtags, but how to use them correctly so that there is a real benefit. I will give a few rules, among which there will be both technical and organizational ones.

1. How to write a hashtag

Remember that the pound sign and the words of the tag are written together and without spaces. Individual hashtags are separated by a space.

  • #May 9 - so right
  • # May 9 - here the label will be empty,
  • #9 May – only #9 will be a hashtag here.

If the key phrase is large (many words), then you can separate the words in it with an underscore, like this:

  • #9_may - so right.

The hashtag spellings without separators and with underscores are perceived by the search as one and the same.

2. What words to use

You can find lists of popular hashtags on many sites, but you should only use them if they are appropriate for your content. Putting a photo of a tractor and signing #love to it is at least strange. Use tags appropriate for your post, if the tags are not relevant, there will be no benefit.

The frequency in different topics differs by orders of magnitude, but, in any case, choose hashtags in your category with an average level of popularity. In too popular, your post will be lost, and rare hashtags will not bring visitors. In terms of length, it is optimal to use phrases of 2-3 words.

Hashtags can be divided into 3 groups according to their meaning:

  1. Event-news;
  2. branded;
  3. Informational.

Event-news words are popular for a certain period of time and have an abrupt strong demand, which subsides over time. The recent holiday of May 9 brought the request #May 9 to the peak of popularity. To get the maximum traffic for such hashtags, you need to seize the moment. The growth of some of these network trends can be predicted.

Brand queries are associated with well-known companies or trademarks. In some cases, you may use well-known names to promote your content. But, most often, the competition in such requests is great and your publications will be lost in the flow of information. Your best bet is to work on building your own brand and promoting the hashtags associated with it.

Informational hashtags are the most stable source of attracting traffic, as once they become popular, they have a stable demand for a long time. An example of such a hashtag would be #what is a hashtag. People will be interested in this topic as long as hashtags are used in our lives or until everyone knows about this term.

3. How many hashtags to put

On Instagram, you can add up to 30 hashtags, while Twitter is limited to a total post length of 140 characters. Other social networks have no restrictions. But you should focus not on the technical possibility, but on the optimal description of the publication.

In most cases, 3-5 hashtags are enough to characterize the content. It's not worth sucking the excess out of your finger.

4. Best hashtags

You can put hashtags anywhere in the publication (if we are talking about a text message), even at the beginning, even in the middle, even at the end. But when designing, look at the appearance and readability of the material. It is best to list the tags at the very end, as sidebars within phrases can make them difficult to read.

When publishing media content (pictures, videos), it is recommended to make a brief text description for it and put hashtags after it.

5. Which alphabet to use

Currently, all networks, including Instagram, Twitter, VKontakte, understand both Latin and Cyrillic. Use the alphabet that is convenient for you and your readers and subscribers, any hashtag will be understood and accepted.

That's all, today a new word has appeared in your dictionary and you can take it into service and benefit from the use of hashtags in your online activities.

hashtag is a label that is used to structure content on social networks. You pin your post to a topic, and because the audience in social networks is quite curious and willingly follows links within the network (especially if there is something relevant or trendy) - then we can receive free traffic, we only need choose the right hashtags and create quality content. I will share my experience 🙂

Just for starters, this is what the bundle looks like: correct and relevant hashtags + content that is interesting to your target audience:

An example of working with VK hashtags in my public

Let's start with what hashtags are for and why they are put. I have identified 5 reasons:

  1. Noticeable highlighting of keywords;
  2. Grouping posts by topic and by cycle (especially relevant for serious projects in social networks ala;
  3. Quick hashtag search and filtering;
  4. Increase reach and traffic;
  5. Protection from content parsers using branded tags.

I did not write about the fact that there are bots that monitor special tags and put likes, subscribe, leave comments, etc. because there is not much benefit from this. But for the visibility of activity, it is quite possible to use it 😉

How to put hashtags?

There is nothing easier than making a hashtag. You need to put up a sign # (pound), and then specify the desired word or phrase (not separated by spaces) and it will automatically be converted into a link. Example: , . Please note that the case of letters does not matter, i.e. #hashtag = #hashtag.

A very relevant hashtag in our time!

You can put hashtags both in the context of the post and after/before it (yes, even in the description of the photo), these are the subtleties of each specific social media. networks and below I will give some tips on how best to do it.

Let's summarize the correct spelling:

  • You can write in Latin and Cyrillic, even Latin Cyrillic; 🙂
  • The pound sign (#) and the word come without spaces;
  • Hashtags are separated by spaces (#seo #marketing #blog);
  • Words in labels go without spaces. The space can simply be thrown out or replaced with an underscore (#Search Engine Optimization #promotion_sites);
  • Do not use special characters: +, $, &, %, -, etc.;
  • Don't use overly long strings of words;
  • Use general and author's tags so that when they find you by general ones, they can additionally pull up author's tags.

The subtleties of work in individual social. networks

As I said, there are features of using tags in individual social networks, I will briefly go over them.

Hashtags on Twitter

This is the birthplace of hashtags. they came to the social networks from Twitter, as a convenient clusterer of tweets. Using hashtags greatly increases the reach of a post. I recommend using no more than 2-3 hashtags. 1-2 in context, the rest after the tweet. Don't spam! The effect worsens at times if people consider your note spam.

To find the right hashtags, use: and don't forget about the trends that are visible on the left.

The ranking is according to the selected group: Popular, Latest, People, Photos, Videos. It is best to hit the popular ones.

Vkontakte and Facebook hashtags

The Vkontakte team went further and improved the structuring algorithm. Vkontakte hashtags not only group posts, but can also structure posts within a particular community (ala tags on blogs). Example: # [email protected] _romanus, will display all posts with the "SEO" tag in my Vkontakte community.

They are not used to hashtags here and consider them something “foreign”, unlike Twitter or Instagram. Therefore, 1-3 tags in the post (in the context or after) and 5-7 insert in the description of the photo or video that goes to the post. In total, I do not recommend exceeding 10 marks.

Ranked in chronological order (or "interesting first" Vkontakte).

I didn’t find a service for searching hashtags and their coverage, I use a small life hack: I choose marker words (one-word and 2-word words) and parse all posts on them, then I separate only hashtags and count the number of mentions in this list. After additionally scab the number of posts for each unique tag, then all this is in Excel and I look at the popular options. It seems to work 🙂

Hashtags in classmates

Everything is the same as the "big brothers", but there are hints. When you enter a hashtag, classmates suggest popular options for you. Alya T9 on a smartphone 🙂

Instagram hashtags

Here, hashtags are the main content, because. this is 90% of the information in each entry. 🙂

Read your hashtag carefully and learn zen 🙂

We write up to 30 hashtags. We use actual, trending tags and coverage increases dramatically. Subscribers grow easily (often bots, if you use the “correct” tags 🙂), likes flow like water, etc. Participation in hashtag battles will give an even bigger explosion of popularity, for example #the worldshouldknowwhatwe.

Watch videos about hashtags

Frequently asked questions about hashtags

  • How to search by hashtags?- You can click on the label and social. the network will give you a selection on it, or just drive #NecessaryTag into the search line of the social network.
  • Why are hashtags not working or active?- Most likely, you made extra spaces or indicated forbidden special characters, because the label was not converted into a link.
  • How to come up with a hashtag?- You don’t need to invent it, you need to indicate relevant tags from existing ones (if you are not sure that your unique tag will fall into the trend), otherwise it will just be a grouping of your posts, without the ability to increase coverage.
  • How to create your hashtag?— Just come up with something unique or original (related to your brand/public, etc.), drive it into the search, if there is not more than 1 entry, consider that you have already created it. In VK and FB, it is more efficient to make hashtags linked to the public, for example: # [email protected] YourPublic.
  • Is it possible to use the same hashtags in all posts?- Yes, you can, but it is rational if you write posts on only 1 topic, a very narrow one. Otherwise, you simply limit yourself in reaching the audience.

In December 2017, Instagram allowed users to follow hashtags. This gave a lot of opportunities to commercial pages: now the promotion of popular tags can quickly bring popularity to the profile. But is there any benefit to this? And how to work with hashtags in other social networks? Let's figure it out.

Social networks have a single rule for writing hashtags: after the # sign, you can write letters, numbers, and underscores. But each platform has its own restrictions on the use of tags: in length, number, and other factors.

In contact with

Restrictions: You can not use hashtags that consist only of numbers (#2018).

How does it work

There are three ways to work with hashtags on VKontakte:

What is the use

A hashtag with a mention of the page is the most effective way to ensure that the subscriber sees only your posts when they click through. Competitors are unlikely to use the hashtag with the name of your page.

But the first method for promotion does not work well, especially if it is a popular hashtag. Entries are updated too often and move you from the top positions. You will be able to advance in the general search only by narrow tags that are specific to your activity.

Trick: It is possible to work with such a hashtag, but it is difficult. It becomes too long to type it manually in the search bar.


Restrictions: No.

How does it work

Pinterest is a photo hosting in which users group images into thematic collections. When registering, you must select interesting categories - from them the primary feed is formed. In the future, you can subscribe to interesting profiles from other categories.

Hashtags can be used as much as you like: the transition is possible from a post or a search line.

What is the use

A feature of the platform is sorting by topics. You can create a company page and make multiple collections of photos, but within a collection, posts must contain one topic. Photos in the style of “helpful tips” work well - instructions, recipes, etc. Here you will not have a random audience - only a target one.

Trick: If the topics of your posts do not match any of the proposed starting categories, you will not be included in the primary feed and will not be noticed. Starting categories appear automatically for each new user and are highly dependent on gender.

Also, text descriptions are not shown in the search. You should be interested only in photography.


Restrictions: Posts with a lot of hashtags look like spam on Facebook. It is better not to use more than three tags in one message.

How does it work

Facebook sorts all content with the right hashtag into categories:

  • posts on public pages;
  • groups and pages (the word from the hashtag is in the title);
  • posts on personal pages (posts from your friends, what they commented on, liked and shared).

It is also possible to manually change the automatic issuance filter - there is a special block for this.

What is the use

You can use a keyword that characterizes your activity (SMM, SEO, marketing, etc.) in the name of a group or page, and use it as a tag in your posts. If a person searches for such a hashtag, you will be included in the search results in all categories at once.

Trick: Promoting popular hashtags on Facebook will not work because of the smart feed. And for a large number of tags, the social network can reduce the percentage of your posts shown in the user feed. It’s better to stop using hashtags on Facebook altogether, as BuzzSumo confirmed back in 2016.

Google Plus

Restrictions: You can not use hashtags only from numbers.

How does it work

You can navigate from a record or a search bar. At the same time, the platform prompts the user which hashtags with the same topic may be of interest to him. They are selected from popular labels.

What is the use

Posts with hashtags are more likely to appear in the feeds of users whose circles you are not yet a part of. Without tags, you will grow your subscriber base longer.

Especially popular in this social network are hashtags from the category of “useful tips” - use them to find your target audience.


Restrictions: The length of the post itself cannot exceed 280 characters for the web version and the updated mobile app. For older versions - 140 characters. There is no limit to the length of the hashtag.

How does it work

You can navigate from the tweet or use the search bar. Popular hashtags appear in a special block: in the column on the left (in the web version) and in the search section (in the mobile app).

Hashtags in this section appear for a reason - "Topical Topics" are formed based on the user's location and profiles to which he is subscribed. If earlier it looked like the TOP 10 popular hashtags, now both tags and topics in general get here.

The most popular hashtags on Twitter fall into "Topical Topics"

What is the use

Viral hashtags work well on Twitter. This allows you to generate UGC in large numbers. But the character limit will prevent users from telling long stories. But to draw attention to the brand - quite. Especially if the hashtag contains the name of the company or its identification mark.

Trick: Hashtag search sorts the results around the world. Therefore, it will not work to move along popular tags - the audience is too wide.


Restrictions: You cannot write special characters.

How does it work

You can follow the hashtag in the message or use the search bar. Issue is formed in two categories:

  • channels that contain the word from the tag (even if you are not subscribed to them);
  • all incoming messages with a label (from channels, conferences and private conversations).

You can also start searching for a specific channel or conversation.

What is the use

Hashtags in Telegram are convenient to use as rubricators. At the same time, you don’t need to worry that someone will accidentally use your tag and get into the search results: when searching, the content of channels that the person is not subscribed to does not appear. Therefore, the probability of “random” publications in your rubric is small.

Trick: You won't be able to advance. You will not appear in searches for popular hashtags if they are not contained in the channel name.


Restrictions: It is better not to use more than 15 hashtags for one video.

How does it work

Tags are located in the description of the video. You can navigate from it or the search bar. The issue is formed in two categories: the best videos (by popularity) and new videos (in chronological order).

What is the use

On YouTube, people are looking for themed videos. Therefore, the topic of the tag is more important than popularity here. The audience of the site is wide: from children who are interested in cartoons to businessmen who watch webinars and other educational videos. Research which videos on your topic are popular and include the same tags in your content. So you reach a large audience that will be targeted.

Trick: You need to selectively promote commercial pages using popular hashtags on YouTube. People need a specific topic for which they came.


Restrictions: No.

How does it work

Hashtags appeared in Odnoklassniki at the end of 2016. Users use very general or very personal tags (#my #mycollages), in other words, these are rubricator tags.

You can navigate from a post or a search bar.

What is the use

Managing your community with hashtags will become easier if you have a lot of diverse content. But the tags must be thematic, otherwise you will get lost in the posts of users who publish their work on this social network.

Trick: According to the feed, which consists of random posts in popular groups, it is clear that hashtags are used a little - out of 10 posts, 2-3 will be with tags. This happens because OK users are not yet used to hashtags or do not know how to use them.


Restrictions: No more than 30 hashtags under one photo.

How does it work

If you search for a hashtag in the general search, then, in addition to the desired one, it will show similar tags. From 5 to 10 tags are in the visibility zone, depending on the screen size of the device.

Now each hashtag is designed as a separate page that you can subscribe to. New publications will begin to appear in the user's general feed.

What is the use

It’s real to follow popular hashtags on Instagram: it will bring a large number of likes and followers. But labels need to be segmented. If you sell shoes only in Yekaterinburg, then the general tags #shoes #sneakers and the like are unlikely to bring target customers - the audience is too wide. The hashtag #shoes will be much more accurate.

Instagram tags can have two useful functions:

  • Hashtag rubricator.

So subscribers will be able to sort your publications in the direction they need. For example, for a product. Don't forget that the category hashtag must be unique, otherwise other people's photos will get into it.

  • Hashtag generator.

Generating UGC with Instagram is easy if you motivate your audience. It can be a competition or a discount on a product. But don't force your followers to repost your posts. Such posts do not exist for long: they are deleted after the contest. In addition, this function is not built into Instagram, which creates additional inconvenience. Let people post their own content. So your mention will stay in their feed for a long time, and you will get ideas and material for your own publications.


To promote a commercial profile in most social networks, you can and should use a hashtag. And it has two main functions:

  1. Rubricator for the community. It is used so that subscribers can easily find posts with the topics they need.
  2. Free attraction of the target audience. Hashtags on social media work just like keywords on search engines. Even if they are not looking for your posts, you may be noticed because you are in the search results.

To attract a live audience that will grow into customers, use popular tags that are directly related to you. This is especially important for the B2C segment: the more specific the query, the better. It is unlikely that they will buy ballet shoes from you in Moscow if they are looking for #sandalsSPb.

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