
Resetting the SMC MacBook Pro controller controller parameters. How to reset SMC on new Mac with Apple T2 chip Reset the SMC IMAC System Management Controller Parameters

Acquaintance with the article Material will help to figure out when (and how) need to reset SMC - settings for the controller controller of the McBook system built on the Intel processors. Meeting of the article will help to figure out when (and how) need to dump SMC - Macbook settings built on Intel processors .

Reset the McBook System Management Setup is reasonable only when any other device setup methods do not help eliminate malfunction.

If the changes in the device does not notice (defects are relevant), it remains only to reset SMC.

Sequence of action to SMC reset

  1. Use the combination of the "Command-Option-Escape" buttons to enforce the completion of the "dependent" application.
  2. Select the "Sleep" mode in the Apple menu and activate it. Wake out for a while (10-15 minutes), then bring MacBook from the "Sleep" mode.
  3. Reload the computer with the corresponding option of the main menu.
  4. Turn off the computer from the main menu.
  5. When you turn on MacBook 10 seconds, you do not release the power button.

Power Supply (Half-Voice Charger) and Battery

Perhaps removing the rechargeable battery MacBook for a short time will help to eliminate the problem

If in the process of using the computer arise due to defects of the power supply or battery:

  1. Disable power supply adapter from MacBook for some time (5 -15 minutes) and then connect again.
  2. Extract the battery from the installation compartment for a while and then insert again.
  3. Reload the computer in each case of a power outage case.

Only after the production of all these actions in the specified sequenceit is permissible to proceed to the SMC setpoint reset process, when none of the steps have led to correcting the problem.

System Reset Indicators

Not necessarily disassemble the computer case to reset SMC settings

Indicators showing that SMC needs to be reset
The following symptoms usually indicate the need to reset SMC:

  1. Cooling fans are spinning at high speed, but the loading parameters of the computer are kept at a minimum level and the processor does not require intensive cooling.
  2. There is an incorrect operation of the keyboard backlight system.
  3. The indications of the SIL status indicator are incorrect.
  4. Incorrect battery charging indicator.
  5. There is no display illumination to change the level of external lighting.
  6. There is no computer reaction after pressing the power button.
  7. Closing and opening the display panel do not give any effect.
  8. MacBook involuntarily goes into the "Sleep" mode either turns off for no reason.
  9. There is no sufficient charge of the battery.
  10. The power indicator of the adapter shows inaccurately.
  11. Computer work is extremely slow, despite the low load.
  12. There is a "jumping" effect of the desktop icons for a long time after the computer is launched.
  13. There is no launch of applications either there, but they do not fulfill their functions.
  14. The external display mode does not turn on, if it is supported. There is no activation of the illumination of I / O ports.

SMC settings in MacBooks

To reset system settings, it suffices to use a specific key combination

First, it is necessary to determine the battery installation configuration in the machine. There are two configuration options: the battery is removable and mounted into the case. If the battery disassembly is supported, then:

  1. Disable the charging module, remove the battery.
  2. Activate and hold 5 seconds Mcubuka's power key.
  3. Connect the battery and run the device.

If the battery is built into the housing

  1. Disable computer.
  2. Connect MacBook via MAGSAFE or via USB-C with an external power source.
  3. On the built-in keyboard (left), activate simultaneously and hold down the "SHIFT-Control-Option" button + the power button for at least 10 seconds.
  4. Enable MacBook with a standard method.

Reset on IMAC, Mac Pro, Mac Mini, XServe

Combinations of keys on MAS computers for different reset options

The system parameters of the marked computers to the default values \u200b\u200bshould be reset in the following sequence:

  1. Enable your computer through a standard power supply.
  2. After 3-5 minutes after switching on, pull the plug of the power board from the outlet.
  3. After 15-20 seconds, re-connect the BP cord for the supply network.
  4. Watched 5-10 seconds and enable MacBook in the usual way - button.

For XSERVE computers (CPU Intel): power off is activated by activating the power button and holding it for 5-7 seconds.

Information for thinking

User actions aimed at reset SMC do not change the contents of the PRAM (NVRAM) microcircuits of the MAC computer systems built under Intel microprocessors.

As for any other computers, MacBooks are also inherent on office keys.

Mac computer users will not even be remembered that the SMC (system control controller) provides the operation of the following low-level (and other) functions:

  • battery tank control
  • tracking temperature elements,
  • activation / deactivation of the position of the panel with the display,
  • tracking activation / deactivation of the power button,
  • controlling motion sensors,
  • enable / disable keyboard backlight,
  • control the operation of the external light sensor,
  • connecting an external display.

Reset the non-volatile RAM on Mac

The non-volatile memory microcircuit (NVRAM) is present in the diagrams of many laptop models. Memory chip is intended to save the so-called quick access settings. For example, the area of \u200b\u200bthe NVRAM chip standard stores:

  • installed sound volume level,
  • information about the boot disk,
  • screen resolution parameters,
  • nuclear error data.

A complete list of settings stored in NVRAM depends on the system configuration, as well as from the number of devices connected to the external modules to the MacBook.

The appearance of such messages on the McBook screen may indicate the presence of firmware errors

NVRAM memory reset is usually preceded by a short-term appearance on the screen "?" When running a computer. If such a sign appears, it means there are all prerequisites to reset the NVRAM memory settings.

Reset NVRAM McBook

Pre-turn off the working computer. Then re-enable the machine with the start button and hold down the Option + Command + P + R + R keys simultaneously.

Pressed combination is held within 20-25 seconds - until two computer sounds sound. After that, the keys should be released. The device must go into reboot mode.

After rebooting Mac, you should open the system settings panel using the user menu and set the settings dropped "to default" to a personal discretion.

p.S. If a password is previously installed on the NVRAM chip firmware file, you need to turn off the password.

How to disable firmware password

  1. After starting the MacBook, hold the combination of the "Command + R" keys before the "Apple" logo appears and the system utility window.
  2. In the Select Firmware Password utility
  3. Activate the "Disconnect Firmware Password" option.
  4. Specify an existing password in the appropriate field and activate the "Disable Password" option.
  5. Reload Mac.

Methods of resetting Macbuk system settings visually


Reset Personal Settings of the Apple Laptop or Monoblock in many cases. If your system starts to load for a long time, to slow down during the work, the programs you need stopped opening and much more, then, in this case, the reset is simply necessary. To disassemble how to reset MacBook to factory settings, read our instructions.

Possible methods

First you need to determine the degree of the problem that you have arose. There are two ways to reset the system:

  1. full;
  2. reset system parameters to factory.

In many cases (for example, system freezing or program) is sufficient. Before resetting MacBook Air, Pro or IMAC to factory settings using reinstall, make a backup of all important files and programs, since this method involves cleaning the hard disk.

The second option is simpler and loyal - to reset only system parameters, but it is untouched by all information on the disk. Consider both options step by step.

How to restore MacBook Air, Pro, IMAC to factory settings?

This method is suitable if the problem with the computer is non-serious and non-critical. For example, a long inclusion, defective work of any program, etc. In any case, we recommend that you first use this method before switching to reinstalling. To reset the factory settings, follow next steps:

  • turn off the macbuck in any convenient way. You can also read about them in the next section of our site;
  • check the Command + Option + P + R + Option + P + R + key button;
  • wait around when the inclusion sound is played twice, then release the keys;
  • after turning on, the computer will be reset to factory parameters. In this way, you can configure McBuck as new.

How to restore MacBook Air, Pro, IMAC to factory settings: Reinstall OS

Before this process, you need to perform the following actions:

  • connect the Internet to the computer;
  • copy all valuable information on an external drive;

  • connect the device to the power supply so that it does not turn off during the installation of the OS;
  • We now turn to the installation process:
  • restart MacBook in a convenient way;
  • during the download, click Command + R combination;

  • wait until the computer starts the recovery mode;
  • in the window that opens, select "Disk Utility";
  • select the boot disk;
  • go to the "Erase" section;
  • select the installed OS and click the "Erase" button;

  • next, go back from the menu with a choice of recovery programs;
  • click the "Reinstall OS" button;
  • after that, the computer connects to the Internet and start downloading the distribution.

Restore MacBook Air, Pro or IMAC to factory settings this way will not work without a connected Internet.

After the download is completed, the device unpacks all files and reboots. Next will appear the main screen with the settings. Log in from Apple ID account, select the system language and so on.

If you do not have the ability to connect to the Internet, then you will need a loading flash drive with a distribution. However, without downloaded from the network installer OS anyway, nothing will happen. Now you know how to reset the settings on McBook two in different ways and can apply them in practice.

Apple T2 chip is successfully used in Apple computers for a couple of years. For the first time, this coprocessor appeared in IMAC Pro, and then the latest MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and Mac Mini were equipped with similar chips. Private users may not notice a big difference, but it is - in some moments. For example, for new Mac, the SMC parameter reset procedure has changed. What actions now need to do? Today we will tell.

The system management controller (SMC) is responsible for most low-level functions on Mac computers - lighting operation and various sensors, processor power management and much more.

If there are some problems in Mac, first of all it is recommended to reset the SMC. In most cases, it helps to eliminate all problems with the computer (if there is no hardware problem).

The procedure for resetting the data controller controller data is somewhat different on computers with Apple T2 chip.

How to reset SMC on desktop Mac with chip T2

Method 1.

  • After turning off the Mac, press and hold the power button for 10 seconds;
  • Turn on the computer.

Method 2.

There is a second way - in case the first has not worked.

  • Go to the Apple menu and select "Turn off";
  • After turning off the computer, disconnect the power cable and wait for 15 seconds;
  • We re-connect the power cable;
  • We are waiting for 5 seconds and turn on the computer.

How to reset SMC in MacBook with chip T2

Method 1.

  • Go to the Apple menu and select "Turn off";
  • After turning off the MacBook, press and hold the power button for 10 seconds;
  • We release the power button and wait a few seconds;
  • Turn on the computer.

Method 2.

If the problem is not solved, there is another way.

  • Go to the Apple menu and select "Turn off";
  • After turning off the MacBook, press and hold for 7 seconds by right-key SHIFT, left Option and left Control. Without releasing them, add the power button and hold it for 7 seconds.
  • Let's release all the keys and the power button and wait a few seconds.
  • Turn on MacBook.

Quite often, the reset fails the first time. Therefore, for reliability, the SMC reset procedure must be repeated several times.

This article will be discussed about a simple algorithm, with which you can quickly identify and correct the problems in the MacOS system.

Existing opportunities

Suppose you have some kind of problem that you need to eliminate. First of all, you need to turn off the computer and reset the system SMC. and NVRAM. Next we will work on a simple algorithm.

Reset SMC and NVRAM parameters, information is taken from Apple official website:

Reset SMC Parameters on Mac Laptops

If the battery is non-removable
- Turn off the MAC computer.
- Press keys SHIFT-CONTROL-OPTION On the left side of the built-in keyboard simultaneously with the power button. Hold the keys and the power button pressed for 10 seconds.
On MacBook Pro models, equipped with Touch ID, the Touch ID button is also a power button.
- Release all keys.

If the battery is removable
- Turn off the MAC computer.
- Remove the battery.
- Press and hold the power button for five seconds.
- Press the power button to turn on the MAC computer.

Reset SMC Parameters on Mac Desktop Computers

The following instructions apply to IMAC, Mac Mini, Mac Pro and XSERVE computers.
- Turn off the MAC computer.
- Disconnect the power cord.
- Wait 15 seconds.
- Connect the power cord back.
- Wait 5 seconds, and then press the power button to turn on the MAC computer.
- If the XSERVE computer with the Intel processor does not respond, it can be turned off locally or using the remote access commands. Also, to turn off the computer, press and hold the power button for five seconds.

Reset NVRAM memory

Turn off the MAC computer, then turn it on by pressing and holding the following four keys at the same time: Option, Command., P. and R.. Hold these keys by clicking about 20 seconds during which it may seem that the MAC computer has been restarted. (If your Mac computer reproduces the start of the start, the keys should be released after the second start signal.)

Step one

If you drop these systems and faults disappeared - it means that the problem was precisely in this.
If the problem remains, then go to the next step.

Step two

Next step: Creating a new "clean" user and test in it.

How to create this user:

  • click "Apple" in the upper left corner and select "Settings";

  • go to "Users and Groups";
  • click on the "lock" and enter the password of the administrator account for making changes to the section;
  • next, click on the "+" sign to add a user, select the type of account (standard or administrator);

In this case, it does not matter what type of new user will be, the main thing is not to choose options for parental control or shared access.

  • - enter a name, password, click "Create User";
  • next, we click on the "Apple" again, select "Complete Session" to exit the current user and go to the new, but even better will restart the computer.

After the computer is loaded on behalf of the new user, you need to check the existing malfunctions. If there are no more, it means that there is some kind of problem in the settings of your user.
If in a new user there is still a problem, then you need to spend a test on the external original clean system. You need to boot into this system and check the existing problem in it. If the problem disappeared - fine, the malfunction was in the original system. This means that it must be reinstalled.

However, in most cases, if you reinstall the system over the old, problems and "sores" remain. I recommend to make backup in this case and reinstall the system completely.

Small retreat

In Mac OS, there are three folders with libraries:

  1. one is used for the system;
  2. the second is designed to store the general data of all users;
  3. the third is for each user separately.

If the faults are no longer due to the transition to a clean user, 90% the problem lies in this folder.
This folder is invisible, but it is not very difficult to open it.
Open the home user folder (Icon "Domit"). There is no "library" directory in the folder, since it is hidden by default. And in order to open access to it, you need to press Alt, then click "Transition". The "Library" subparagraph appears in the menu. By clicking on it, you will go to the library folder.

In this folder there are various program settings. By making changes to this folder, you need to be very attentive, since any actions can affect the operation of the applications and the system as a whole.
To do not dig yourself and not to look for malfunctions, you can use applications AppCleaner. And it is better to completely remove the programs that, in your opinion, may " bug».

If nothing helps

If, after that, the problem still exists, it means that with a greater share of probability - it is a hardware. As an option - make the equipment test with standard means.

Using the Apple Function Test Program, information is taken from Apple official website:

  • Disconnect all external devices except keyboard, mouse, monitor, Ethernet connections (if applicable) and connect to AC power. If not all other devices are disabled, the Apple Function Test Program can display an error message.
  • Make sure the MAC computer is on a tight, smooth, stable, well ventilated surface.
  • Turn off the MAC computer.
  • Turn on the MAC computer, then immediately press and hold the D key on the keyboard. Do not release the d key until you see the Apple Function Test program icon.
  • Select the desired language and click the right arrow. If the mouse is not used, select a language using the up and down arrows, and then press the RETURN key.
  • To start testing, press the "Test" button, the T key or the RETURN key. Before starting the test, you can check the "Run Advanced Test" checkbox. In this case, a more detailed test will be completed.
  • When the test is completed, view the results at the right side of the window.
  • To close the Apple Function Test Program, click "Restart" or "Turn off" at the bottom of the window.

Additional Information

  • Some MAC computers supplied with OS X Lion V10.7 or later, start from AHT via the Internet, if the boot disk does not contain AHT or if you start to hold down the OPTION-D keys. This requires an Internet connection via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
  • If when using OS X Lion v10.7 or an earlier version, you cannot start AHT, check for the presence of the second OS X installation disk (Applications Install Disc 2). Insert this disk into the built-in Optical Disk Drive or Apple SuperDrive External Drive before performing the above steps. If you are using a MacBook Air (end 2010), connect to the USB port of the MacBook Air Software Reinstall Drive to the USB port.

When identifying a problem in this way, self-treatment will not help, it is better to contact the service center.

Sometimes there are situations on Mac computers when some failure and MacBook or IMAC occurs, or peripherals connected to it, do not work properly. In such cases, the first to do is to reset the NVRAM and PRAM settings, as well as the SMC system controller parameters. Quite often, the possible problem will disappear immediately after reset.

Reset NVRAM and PRAM

If you have any problems with the work of the system or devices connected to Mac, one of the ways to solve the problem is to reset the computer memory data (NVRAM and PRAM), which is stored on the hard disk and is not erased when it is turned off. Settings such as the loading disk data, virtual memory, monitor and speaker settings, system fonts and other settings are stored in this memory. In order to make a reset NVRAM and PRAM:

Step 1 Turn down and turn on the Mac computer again

Step 2 Click on the keyboard Keys ⌥Option (Alt) + ⌘Cmd + P + R and hold them

Step 3 For some time, the image on the computer screen will go out and you may seem that Mac restarted

  • For MAC computers, which are released until mid-2016, you will again hear the start signal, after which you can release the keys
  • For MAC computers models, which are released since the end of 2016, the keys can be released after a few seconds after rebooting

Note! If the firmware password is installed on your Mac computer, then when using hot keys, the reset will not be executed and the computer may start in MacOS recovery mode. To reset the NVRAM memory settings, you will need to first remove the firmware password.

After loading Mac, make a setup setting: sound volume, screen resolution, boot disk, if you have multiple systems or disks installed, it is also possible to set the time zone.

Reset SMC Controller Settings

If you notice the problems that are connected to the power supply of the computer, input and output from sleep mode, charging the battery and the MacBook temperature or other malfunctions for power, as well as the operation of the illumination sensor and the keyboard illumination, then in this case the solution will reset the parameters and controller settings. SMC.

MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro

Step 1 Turn off the laptop and connect it to the network using the MAGSAFE or USB-C power adapter

Step 2 Hold the ⇧Shift + ^ctrl + ⌥Option (Alt) keys and, without releasing them, press the power button.

Step 3 Release the keys and press the power button again to turn on the laptop

iMAC, Mac Mini, Mac Pro

Step 1 Turn off the MAC computer and disconnect the power cord

Step 2 Wait 15 seconds and back Power Cable

Step 3 Wait 5 seconds, and then press the power button to turn on the computer

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