
MTS and MGTS: All about mobile operators. Mobile MGTS Customers MTS and MGTS Significant

Worse than MGTS Operator No! If you fell to them, then you got into mobile slavery! The second month is not allowed to go to another operator. At first, they could not correct their own errors in the client's data, and when they finally coped with this problem, refuse to transfer numbers because of the debt that does not exist! The lack of debt has repeatedly confirmed MGTS employees, explaining the refusal to translate the number by a technical error, but a refusal comes to another statement again. And it continues for the second month !!! The claim pre-trial me was already sent, I was informed that she was in work, but in translation numbers still refuse. Apparently, they will let me go only by court decision!

MGTS 22.03.2020 10:09.

Dear LMironovich!
Good day! Direct your post number [Email Protected]By specifying a link to the feedback. We will connect to solving the issue.

22.03.2020 0:11

Answer company

Answer company

Translated numbers from MTS to MGTS. These are subsidiaries. When transferring, they said that I can use Sims at once. I explained that I did not need to confirm that before using it, it was not charged before using it. However, the valiant MGTS managers need to be planned and they don't care what kind of your account. Activated cards for me. Charfation began 14 days before the real principle. I am afraid for a week. Yesterday they called themselves said that the complaint was recognized as reasonable and will recalculate, and today everyone returned back and the billing again exceeds real use by 14 days. Beware as the head company MTS is fraudsters!

Sergo72 14.03.2020 11:15

The question is solved. Thank you for this. However, the precipitate remained.

MGTS 14.03.2020 10:51

Good day! Send to mail [Email Protected] Your MGTS subscriber number, check.

14.03.2020 0:34

Answer company

Answer company

I was called and have been offered to connect Mobile MGTS on specials. Tariff for subscribers.

I finally decided to go through the whole family (3 SIM cards) by March 8 (a pleasant surprise!) And when I went to my personal. Cabinet saw in the account +99 rubles, and so I cry up to 20 numbers - i.e. For the second month I have new conditions.

By calling at MGTS, I learned that I was added the cost of renting a TV console (which I turned on 5-10 times in 3 years!) And which was included in the tariff! The operator said that there was information on the site! On which site (!?), it's a specialt. I replied. I went to check, "Oh, mistakenly" sent to recalculate and learning that I did not watch TV offered him to pick up the courier and asked for what day. I decided to take a pause (the surprise has already stopped being pleasant, rather unpleasant!) And they decided to drive up to translate 3 phones on MGTS on March 10.

Call back on March 10 in the morning at the expense of the arrival of the courier and the fence of the TV console, and then learned that the equipment should turn off from the optical router (GPON) and bring the entire set in 4 offices in Moscow, which are at the line on Kulichki (closest at 40 km from home! from m. Bratislavskaya - 3 hours need to spend!). Those. I have already become a MGTS courier?! I asked, and if I refuse the Internet, I would also turn off the optical Wi-Fi router myself and bring there, which installed MGTS specialist? Yes, they answered me.

The desire to move to specials. MGTS of all families, I have dropped, reading on this site, how people are trying to leave from three times from mobile MGTS with their number and do not work! MGTS can amaze and in full ... just "balls on the forehead" got out and almost stuck ...

Administrator of the portal 17.03.2020 18:33

Thanks for the feedback. Did you send the requested information?

MGTS 11.03.2020 11:31

Hello! Send to mail [Email Protected] The reference to the feedback and the number on which services were connected will check.

10.03.2020 14:28

Answer company

Answer company

For several years I have been using the Internet from MGTS. In general, the provider suits me, but noticed certain disadvantages.
1) The stated speed is observed, but only on the wire. On the old Wi-Fi router, only 2.4 GHz, and with the stability of communication on it is not very, it does not work, it is not even normal to call through mobile applications (as a rule, to someone I call, it becomes poorly audible, the sound is interrupted). There is even a mobile phone on the wire to connect to the computer, then the connection is good. I made repairs, put Ethernet sockets, so Wi-Fi is not very important for me, I don't even need a router replacement. I am writing that other users understand that on Wi-Fi the quality of communication is usually much worse, and it is pointless to complain about low speed and cliffs.

2) Communication stability is good, although users often complained about the failures in social networks, I did not come across at least lately. But annoying what Ipv6 is missing from the new year, and most users it works. I think that I will have to connect to the home Internet outside (there is an IPv6 outside), and it is expensive to take a static IP. And on some sites, check messages are pop up due to a large number of requests from one IP, which is not on IPv6.

3) There are favorable tariffs with mobile communications (649 rubles per 200 Mbps Internet + 2 GB of mobile traffic + 350 minutes). There is a similar tariff with unlimited Internet. But annoying a strange subscription fee of 214 rubles for the home phone, which is rarely used. On the mobile subscription fee includes a package of minutes, and for some reason there is no. Mobile communications developed a fairly rapid pace, and the principle of formation of the tariff on the city telephone was frozen for decades, and the city phone became much more expensive than mobile. I think about turning off it, only this mother needs to go, the number on it is decorated. Or leave, as a backup channel of communication - your mobile connection is not very good, and the tariffs are cheaper now, and then they can eat. Although, on the other hand, MGTS works through MTS, and MTS mobile communications is better than other operators in that there are "buns", missing from other operators, for example, an application for calls with free calls inside the network - inside the operator's network, and not just Inside the application, or the same IPv6. And I use it a lot in the country, and there the quality of communication last year has become better. But in online / Rostelecom homemade telephone without a vaccommunication.

It would be better to include the home phone in the package with a discount, or turn on the package of minutes to the tariff with a minimum subscription rate, or in general this fee is removed. There must be some advantages at the home phone compared to mobile, especially since radio resources are more limited than optics.

N******* 16.03.2020 19:48.

MGTS 08.03.2020 9:55.

Dear N*******!
Good day! Thanks for the feedback!
On all tariff plans, the speed is declared precisely when wired connected.
The IPv6 protocol is provided in test mode, so it does not work for all subscribers.
Board 214 rubles / month is charged for the use of the line and its service.

Switched from MTS to MGTS. First, I overpaid for the transfer of the number 200r, because the application was processed from the third time. Money, naturally, no one reimbursed.

26.02.19 i finally transferred me from MTS. Hooray. He received an SMS from MTS and MGTS (attached to the review).

April, 4 I get SMS from MTS - you have a debt before MTS, extinguish, or the service will stop.

I look and do not see how this is what it is about. A month and a half ago I left MTS. Received confirmation SMS. With a negative balance, the number is impossible to move - I have repeatedly spoke in MTS, and in MGTS.

And now, after I am serviced in MGTS and regularly paying mobile services, MTS is going to disable me a connection. Mmm ... What?!

OK. I call in MGTS, I say you do there at all, everything is ok? Transfer to MTS. They say come to the office, cancel the requirement. I say I can not, the day after tomorrow I detect, there is no time at all. And what should I write some statements if you kinch? How could I translate me to MTS with a minus, if it is prohibited by your own rules? And in what kind of status I was - my simka immediately served in two operators?

Or what else could be the reason that MTS made me a bill for the period when I was already serviced in MGTS?

And why reported it only after a month and a half?

I call a raise again, offered to leave a request by phone so that you do not disable the connection and canceled the payment requirement. They say, call back in 2 days, learn the result. I say I can not, abroad will, you can send me sms or write to mail? No opportunity they say. The mobile operator has no opportunity to send SMS.

Hoping for prudence and adequacy, I think okay, not as they are inadequate to turn me off.

Aliluya, MGTS and MTS! How do you appreciate your work yourself?

I think this is 0. You're lost in two pines. And this is your separation without separation also does not cause confidence.

Plus, I will be without a connection abroad for another week.

In general, Atas!

Serving at MGTS a month and a half, I flew abroad, where MTS disabled a connection to me.

MTS. Disabled me Simka MGTS. After a month and a half after I became a MGTS subscriber.

That's all.

There is a familiar lawyer. I think that you can easily go to court. And if you spend time on the proceedings, why not immediately do it in court?

Despite the fact that companies have a similar name and logos, it is impossible to call them one and the same organization. MTS provides mobile communications and Internet, and MGTS - television and stationary telephony. What connects these organizations? MGTS and MTS - Is this one and the same or not?

MGTS is the Moscow City Telephone Network, which offers a mobile radiotelephone connection and has a largest high-end network in the capital, the length of which is almost 45 thousand km. The organization provides access to digital TV, home Internet, mobile communications and stationary telephony.

Mgts was founded in 1882, the first payphones were installed in 27 years. In 1986, the first fiber optic line was laid (about 8.7 km). Only after 16 after this event, the developer presented broadband access to the global network. In 2004, the analog numbers were replaced by digital. Development occurred slowly, but confident.

Features and advantages:

  1. Using ADSL - technology that changed switched access and provided high connection speed.
  2. GPON is the construction technology of the fiber optic network for the transformation of the organization in a multiservice provider.
  3. Removing the tariff plans for the Internet connection at a speed of up to 500 Mbps.

Based on access to the Internet, high-quality video surveillance and security alarm service is provided. The operator offers a unique opportunity to connect automated access to the "Smart Home" option. Among the additional services should be allocated computer assistance and white Internet (blocking potentially unwanted content).

About enterprise MTS

MTS is a telecommunications company of the CIS and Russia, providing an uninterrupted service of high quality. The operator provides uninterrupted mobile communications (LTE, UTMS, GSM), wired telephony, mobile, satellite and cable TV, access to the global network. There are also related services, for example, the sale of content.

MTS was established in 1993, MGTS was one of the founders. Active growth fell for 1997.

The main advantages:

  • broadband access to the global network;
  • money transfers to bank cards;
  • the use of the billing system for internal reporting;
  • combining several segments of the telecommunications market;
  • after rebranding, the credit form of payment appeared.

MTS and MGTS is the same thing?

PJSC MTS has a lion's MGTS assets - about 95%. Companies do not compete with each other, but strive to create a monopoly. MTS is the leader of the mobile Internet, and MGTS provides inexpensive rates for calls, but is inferior as a compound with a worldwide web.

MGTS and MTS What's the difference?

So what is the difference between MTS from MGTS? Organizations together provide digital television services, ordering services in one company you can get the equipment with the logo of the other. It becomes clear that they cooperate among themselves. Business organizations are combined on digital TV. Mgts will pave fiber cable, and MTS will rent equipment. In essence, we are talking about the same organization, one and which is a subsidiary.

Mobile Tariff Comparison

To choose which company to give preference to MGTS or MTS, you should compare the current tariff plans:

Smart Mini.Challenges - 200 min. on all networks + 50 sms

Traffic - 1 GB

Subscription - 200 rubles / month

Challenges - 200 min. on all networks

Traffic - 1 GB

Subscription - 200 rubles / month

Smart.Calls - 500 minutes. on all networks

Traffic - 3 GB

Celebration - 300 rubles / month

Calls - 500 minutes. on all networks

Traffic - 3 GB

SETSPLE - 400 rubles / month

Smart Nonstop.Calls - 300 min. on all networks + 300 sms

Traffic - 10 GB, Night Unlimited

Subscription - 350 rubles / month

Calls - 500 minutes. on all networks +500 sms

Traffic - 20 GB

Subscription - 500 rubles / month

The tabletTraffic - 5 GB

Subscription - 600 rubles / month

Traffic - 10 GB

SETSPLE - 400 rubles / month

Call cost with MTS on MGTS

The difference in prices for outgoing calls:

What to choose MGTS or MTS?

Most subscribers believe that it is better to cooperate with MTS, despite the fact that MGTS provides tariff plans on more favorable terms. The quality of the Internet compound is much more important.

Moscow residents are increasingly connected to the Moscow City Telephone Network, which provides subscribers mobile services, Internet and television.

It is clear from the name that the company covers directly Moscow and the Moscow region, and this is approximately 45 km of the network.

Recently, more and more questions from customers arise with the connection and operation of Mobile MGTS.

Therefore, this article will have in detail these issues.

It is worth noting that the idea of \u200b\u200bintegrating MTS and MGTS has long walked for various shareholder assemblies of enterprises.

But still the idea has recently been redeemed by the new owner and eventually a developed new telephone network called MGTS.

Such a transformation happened very quickly, so in the media it is rarely to see the headlines on the reorganization of mobile communication packages.

But even without a big publicity, a new company is leading in Moscow. This is due to the fact that great money was invested in the work and development of communication MGTS.

Therefore, the connection offers users the latest developments.

MGTS compared to other operators has many advantages and advantages that can be learn about.

The integration of MTS in MGTS gave the opportunity to subscribers to get new and favorable tariffs, which are considered one of the valuable, in the Moscow region.

As already mentioned, the idea of \u200b\u200blaunching MGTS communication has long been on the papers, but it was not given a number of nuances, namely the collection of the necessary permits of certificates, licenses, and so on.

What are the features of MGTS?

It is worth noting After the integration of two network companies has occurred, all tariffs were converted, but still they were developed under the old customer needs, therefore it is not worth talking about cardinal changes.

At the same time, the first tariffs were produced by MGTS with significant discounts, even up to 40, but it did not save sales, since the cost of the tariff did not cover the low traffic of the Internet.

But a feature and new step in the development of the Joint MGTS company was the use of GPON technology.

This technology allowed to increase the speed to very large indicators.

As a result, MGTS's mobile network for today has become one of the most popular in Moscow and the Moscow region.

How to connect to MGTS mobile?

In order to get all the benefits of using MGTS services, you will need to get a SIM card.

This can be done as follows:

1. Visit the office from the MGTS company, which work separately for individuals and legal entities.

Before you go to the office of the company, you must ensure the passport with you; er

The application will need to specify an additional technological number, IFO, passport details, home phone.

3. After filling out the application, the user will be issued a temporary sim card with a new temporary number.

After a certain use of the services, it will become both basic if the subscriber does not want to change it.

5. After 8 days, the temporary card will be activated and all calls and SMS messages will begin to come on it.

6. After that, a person is officially becoming subscriber MGTS.

Attention! The service transfer service with temporarily sim cards for 8 days paid. The subscriber will need to pay 100 rubles, which will be included in the Unified Account (comes for utility services for using cell phone).

What tariffs is MGTS for the phone?

MGTS provides subscribers two tariffs for connecting mobile Internet and calls:

This package is submitted to subscribers for a monthly fee of 300 rubles / month. Also, the user will be provided 2 GB of the Internet and at the same time traffic without limit on speed.

As for calls, this tariff grants 350 minutes to all networks of the Russian Federation and such a number of SMS.

On the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, subscribers are provided without limit calls, also without limit calls will be on the MTS operator.

In order to go to this tariff, you need to enter such a command to go: * 111 * 530 # and call.

This tariff allows users to use up to 0 GB of the Internet for only 500 rubles per month.

Subscribers in the cost of the package are provided with 500 minutes on all networks in the Russian Federation.

Also in Moscow and the Moscow region all calls will be without limit. Also without limit is installed on the MTS operator.

Subscribers can send up to 500 SMS, at the rate (0.50 rubles) throughout the Russian Federation.

In order to go to this tariff plan, you need to type such a command: * 111 * 5300 #. Then you need to dial to call.

What you need to know?

In order to manage your tariffs, as well as learn connected services. The subscriber can always go to the personal account, which can be found on the main page of the MGTS company.

Also on the main page you can view all subscribers who have signed a contract with MGTS.

In a personal account, customers can take the details of their number at the same time without any disorders.

Attention! Separately, it is worth considering the fact that some tariffs from MGTs on mobile communications can be converted quite regularly, so you need to periodically view information on the official MGTS page.

Also, an SMS notification should come about the change of tariff parameters.

In order to find out information about this or another tariff subscribers can always call the technical support line.

Where operators are free and around the clock helps customers solve their problems.

You can call the operator by number: 8 495 636-0-636. Also ask a question directly during the purchase of a SIM card or on the main page of the company.

Reviews of subscribers

Reviews of MGTS Mobile Operator You can find a variety of. But mostly most subscribers leave positive comments.

Mostly users note such criteria as an affordable cost of tariffs, a quick connection, a stable operation of the signal and so on.

It is worth noting, That the subscriber is left and negative reviews. These are mainly related service quality.

So, there are some complaints about the timeout of the operator, his work and other nuances of service.

The main positive feedback aimed at the pricing policy of the Company to provide integrated Internet connection to the mobile phone, computer and TV and only through one cell phone.

At the same time, a comprehensive package is provided to customers with a good signal, which is important for obtaining a positive recall from customers.

But in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the popularity of MGTS mobile operator.

This is due to the same service that plays a very large role for the subscriber.

So, many subscribers argue that when contacting the centers of the company, they openly Hamyat and do not want to help in solving emerging issues.

This eventually pushes many citizens from connecting to this mobile operator.

It is worth noting, That the company's administration is clearly not interested in raising the level of customer service and it plays a very negative role.

Thus, as it can be seen from this article, working with MGTS company is quite easy and simple.

At the same time, the convenience of work is that the client can immediately connect not only the mobile operator with the Internet, and the additionally the Internet on the PC, and television.

At the same time, payment does not occur separately, but immediately for all services from the MGTS company obtained to the house.

But before connecting to the mobile operator, you need to carefully examine all the feedback and conditions of the company's tariffs, since they are not suitable for all users.

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