
What is a factor format. How to convert video and audio - Format Factory. What to work on

- A program that, although it is not the best in its category, still remains one of the most famous and popular. Format Factory in Russian is actively used to cross multimedia files, converting audio, video and images with it. At the same time, almost all popular formats are available for conversion.
Easy use and intuitive interface are the main advantages of this program. It is for it that numerous elementary users love her. But professionals give her preference because of the ability to restore files that were damaged.
There is a Format Factory latest version Another excellent function that is not all knowing about for some reason - editing images. With it, you can change the size of the picture, put a personal signature, reduce the quality and, accordingly, the size of the file.
It is worth saying that such ignorance of most users is a consequence of flaws from the authors who did not even provide a brief instruction on the use of utilities or descriptions of its capabilities.
Nevertheless, Format Factory for Windows 7.8.10 has a lot of strengths and advantages:

  1. support for a huge number of different formats (MP3, WAV, MP4, MPG, AVI, JPG, PNG and many others);
  2. the application is perfectly combined with any devices, including iPhone and iPod;
  3. with it, you can convert discs from DVD format to AVI;
  4. spoiled multimedia files can be tried to restore;
  5. file sizes can be installed independently;
  6. it is possible to edit pictures by turning them and inserting signatures;
  7. audio and video files can be trimmed;
  8. it is very convenient to work with multiple files at the same time;
  9. the application interface is multitolen.

Of course, the program has the disadvantages that do not allow it to become the best editor. For example, you have to deal with a certain distortion by sound when working with some formats of audio.
And yet, despite this, Format Factory download for free very often. All because the application is still quite a lot of positive characteristics, which are more than on blocking some shortcomings. And this means that we can confidently recommend the factor format for converting and editing a different kind of multimedia files to your users.
It should be noted that in order to successfully begin and ended the conversion of files, it is necessary that all the corresponding pCs are installed on the PC.
Recommended from the site Format Factory free download In Russian for PC, from the official site, without registration and SMS, for a direct link.

Hello everyone today we will talk about such a program as Format Factory, well, or a factor format, there already someone like it. This program is such a free video and audio converter, as well as pictures. Almost all formats understand, can prepare a file for use on a mobile device. What does this mean? Well, that is, if you have an interesting movie and you want to look at the smartphone, then the program Format Factory will help you prepare it for a smartphone: will reduce the resolution and quality, thanks to which the weight of the film will decrease and it can be easily downloaded into the smartphone. Yes, and the easier the film, the easier it is to lose his smartphone, well, it's already as if in theory. The same and music can be done with pictures ...

In general, the guys are such a converter of formats, as far as he is good, then I do not know, but today I will deal with this question. I just say that, I personally do not use the converters at all, somehow there is no need, the maximum that I used it by the converter that is in the player AIMP, it seems that all. I am still pleased that the Factor Format Program supports Russian and completely free

Well, let's guys get acquainted with her? So download the program Format Factor can be from an official site (by the way, here it is\u003dRU), what I did, now, well, now I will be this program. I downloaded such a file, well, with the name ffinstonline.exe, here it is at the bottom of the chrome browser, I pressed the right button there and chose the item Open:

Then I had such a window, this is such a Windows security, here I clicked on to run (you can not be this window):

And then the guys were a small joke, the fact is that it turns out I downloaded not just an installer, but a web installer! Well, when I launched it, I started downloading the program itself from the Internet, I was told by the built-in Bradmauer built in Windows, he issued such a message:

Well, as you already understood, I clicked on allowing the program to be able to die calmly .. the prog itself then swing like this:

That is, there was such a window, there was a strip, where it is shown how much already downloaded, and it was still like 1 seeds, I'm certainly not sure, but what do you think it means? The fact is that the first thing I got to mind is that it is a torrent ... and it's strange somehow, I have a very fast Internet, but I would not say so quickly .. So I think it may really downloaded it so To say torrent technology? It is very similar however ... Well, in general, when everything was downloaded, I started the installer of the program, here you can change the installation folder, but it's better not to do this, in general, I press the Install button here:

Well, then I went to go installed, like this it will happen:

Further, after about a few seconds, the installation will end, there will be a check mark one, it needs after installing the prog factor format, in general, I do not remove this tick, but I press close it in the window:

Well, that guys, that's all, we installed the program, now she started and, that's how it looks like:

But is it a program? No this is a program, it would be so to say the starting window, here you still want to install such a prog as Picosmos Tools, it is a program for processing pictures, well, a graphic editor. But I personally could not make friends with him, but other users say that the program is very good. Well, the guys, in this window, below there is a tick just about installing Picosmos Tools, if you don't need this program, then remove this tick, as you can see, I took it

In general, I clicked OK, and ... something flashed and everything .. as if the prog was started and immediately closed. Maybe a glitch, and maybe not, I don't know .. I then manually launched a program with the Format Factory label on the desktop, after which this window has already appeared:

Well, guys, I can tell you here, I immediately liked the appearance of the program, he seems to say that the prog is not buggy and without jambs and in one word of Godnota! But is it? I will now try at least to figure out a little ... it means that we see here, at the top of the program there are buttons to say the main. Well, here, there is a finite folder button, it is necessary to open the folder where the result of the program will be placed, well, you understood. Here I pressed this button and it seemed to me this window:

Well, it is clear that there is empty, I have not yet done anything in the prog. That is, again, the FIND folder button is only to open the folder where the result of the work of the program and that! By the way, and the program with signs of intelligence, in short, it was put on the default system disk, but the final folder it placed on the disk D, the folder itself is called like ffoutput, these are guys

Then the setting button goes, well, I think that you and it is clear, it can be customized here. I pressed this button and then it appeared such a window:

Well, here without words! What am I talking about? And about the fact that everything is done so stylish and so, well, damn somehow it is convenient that, somehow competently, well, you hope you understand what I mean. The settings tab at the window immediately opened, well, that is, the very first tab, here you can change the final folder folder, well, that is, the folder where the result will be placed so. You can put a tick so that the result is immediately in the source folder. You can still put a tick so that the file name is more informative, well, there is a video resolution, format .. Here are these ticks, see:

Below on this tab, there is still a tick to check the new version, well, I don't know how I am, and I don't like to make the program to climb to the network so that only you do not have a new version ... If you also do not like, then take this tick

So, now I opened the font tab, well, what I can say here, here you can change the font, it would be possible to say to yourself to say, you can still change the font and frames. But what kind of frame, then I do not really understand, well, in general, here are these settings, see:

Now we go to the Advanced tab, honestly, I don't know what's here for the option, and here they are quite a bit, so I will miss this tab, I think that nothing needs to be changed. Well, just in case I will show how it looks like, here, see:

So, then there is a photo tab. So what is here at all, there are some two sliders, and the quality is written there, so what is it? Well, so guys, what exactly these sliders, then I do not quite understand. But I think that the quality of pictures when conversion is exhibited. In any case, if that, there is nothing complicated here, here is this tab:

Here, as you can see there are two sliders, namely the JPG quality and WebP quality. Well, for the second I can't say anything, but the first, then I know that this is a JPEG format, a very popular format, probably the most popular format of pictures. Well, here, here you ask the quality, you have already understood, but how much do you ask? I do not know how in this program the quality is set, but in my program, which I use, well, this is also a graphic editor, so there I have the quality JPEG equal to 80, as for me, then this is the perfect quality and size ratio. Well, these pies

So, I do not show you the rest of the tabs, and not because I do not want, no, there are no progress itself there, but video formats. That is, on the other tabs, you can customize the formats under your own demands to say the requirements, I honestly really don't figure it, well, because I have already written, rarely when I converted something .. A couple of times it was just that, I'm no longer I remember why I did it .. here, look, what are the settings there, well, or rather what formats can be configured:

To smoke well in these formats, it is better to play with the settings of the formats, and it would be better to say to understand what is best for you. The joke is that all users have the concept of quality different, for example, I am quite comfortable to watch the video on YouTube as 1080, and someone is in no way, for the quality is simply no .. here's such a joke

Well, everything, with the settings it seems to have figured out, now we go to the program itself. So that's what I still understood here, you have a part of you, where the tabs go, here you can choose what exactly you want to do. Well, look, I chose the photo tab here and here it seemed to me the functions:

Still, as I see, you can work with ISO files here, well, that is, with disk images. Impressive of course, especially if you consider that the prog is free completely. At the bottom there is a Utilities tab, useful tools are collected here, see what:

It means that you still have to show, well, in terms of the program of the program Format Factor, look, at the top there is a task button if you click, then this menu will appear:

As you can see, there are all sorts of buttons, you can start a task, finish, download well and save. Tasks, it's kind of as a project, well, or am I mistaken? Maybe .. By the way, there is another item to turn to the tray, maybe someone will be comfortable. Regarding the third, by the way, there is an option in the settings, but the window will be curl in the tray, then you need to press it on the cross, but to the usual button to roll! By the way, the icon itself looks like this:

So I chose the dark decoration here, see how the program looks like in such a design:

Well, guys, with the appearance of the program, the factorh format seems to have figured out, the prog is normal, not buggy and all that. Well, now let's try to make the most important thing, it is to convert video. I have a trailer for one kin, an interesting movie about UFO, but now it's not about him, let's try to convert it to another format. So I chose the left tab video, now here I have buttons, what are they for? I made a window on the whole screen, and see, there was even more buttons here:

Guys, I understood everything. It's just a tin how comfortable everything is done here! So, here's a step-by-step instruction how to convert video in the Format Factory program, using this instruction, you can in principle can understand how to use this program at all! So here kapets like everything is simple and comfortable! So, well, let's start? We have a movie trailer, right? That's right, now see, you chose a video tab, then you need to choose the type of format in which you want to convert your video. The format is selected using these buttons:

You can choose any format that you need, but I here will choose the first format, it's mobile, after which I have such a window:

Here you can still set up the format, choose the resolution, well, something else can be customized here, I don't even know what, but I think that you can easily figure it out, because it is done very comfortable here. In general, I looked, set up, now press the OK button. Then you will have such a window:

Here you can do what? First, add the file, to do this, click the Add file button, it is in the upper right corner, then select the file. I add a kin trailer, he is on my desktop, here I choose it:

After that, the selected file should appear with you here, see:

Now a little words about this window, but rather about the settings. So at the top you can click the Settings button, it is to configure the format again, well, if necessary. You can also add more files to the list to convert several at once. At the bottom there is another button to add a folder, well, it is probably in order to bring a folder immediately with video files, by the way, when I pressed this button, it appeared such a window:

That is, you can not just specify the folder here, but also turn on the entire tree option (it seems it is necessary that all subfolders are also captured), you can also specify the files of which format you want to add. Well, what can I say here, so at all? I am again convinced that the prog format format is just super, everything is done clearly, there are no shoals and everything is comfortable. Gentlemen, this is a suitable program. We return to the window, at the bottom there is still a check mark Add name, I put this tick:

Well, where is the ultimate folder there, then you can also choose where exactly the result will be saved to say so. Well, I do not change anything here, but by the way, when I pressed there, that's what menu it seemed:

Well, it seems to be everything .. but no, here's another, in this window, in the upper left side, then there are buttons to control the list of added video files, these buttons:

There you can delete the file or files, you can clear the list, you can lose and you can show the info about the file or files. As I understand it, for example, to apply some action to the file or files in the list, then you first need to be highlighted, well, you understand

In general, everything told, now if everyone looked here, set up, then press the OK button:

After that, you have the selected file for conversion will be added to the list of tasks, well, it seems this is exactly the name. Here are looking, I now have a type one task, here it is:

If you right-click on this job, there will be a menu:

Well, at the top, well, above the task, there are stop buttons and start, well, I think that you understand what they are? It is to launch a job to say to say. In general, I like everything you need already done, so I press the start button here:

Well, all the guys, here work and went, see:

And when it all ended, then such a message appeared in the lower right corner of the screen:

In the program itself, the factor format is what it was written:

You look attentively what a size was attentively, this is the one that is first, well, the one is 144 megov and what a size became, this is the one that at the end, and there we have 21 megs, that is, see how decently squeezed video prog format factor!

Well, now, when I pressed the final folder button, well, that in the upper left corner, the folder opened and there was a result to say so, well, that is, a kin trailer file in a new format, well, look for yourself:

Well, that is, I think that you all clearly, you yourself see that everything works very clearly, without glitches, everything works quickly, there is no hangs, the buttons are conveniently located and all that. In short, the prog format factor is suitable that you can still say

Well, what guys seem to tell you all? Now I will write a little conclusions.

  1. The prog is free and at the same time really high quality and conveniently made, such prog is not so much today.
  2. The program interface, buttons, all menus is done very convenient. There is no nonsense, but I admit honestly, that's how I installed the program, I did not immediately understand what. But it was very easy to figure out!
  3. In the prog, a lot of settings, the settings themselves are not a lot, but if you want to convert something, then in the process you will see that there are many petty, but useful options.
  4. I do not even know what to say the guys, I didn't check all the functions of course, but I think that they all work there normally. This program can be inserted into the list of the best free programs, well, I think so.

Well, here are my conclusions about this program. And now it's time to show you how to remove it, well, it suddenly you will not really like it, everything happens in life .. it means that you will find the Win + R buttons, the window will appear, you will write there such a command:

Then the program window and components will open, it will have a list of all the established prog, you need to find the formatfactory (you can understand what another version can be), then you right-click on it and choose Delete:

Then you have such a window, well, it will ask you, do you really want to remove the factor format? If you did not change my mind, then click here yes:

After that, the window will appear, well, there will be shown that there is a removal, this window hung for two seconds, after which it was already disappeared

That's all the guys, here you have removed the prog format factor, and the prog is high-quality and standing, I think that I could show you. By the way, after deleting the FFOUTPUT folder on the disk d, I was left, well, it's just you note.

I already wanted to finish, but no, here one thing was drawn ... In short, I sometimes love to check whether the prog left some kind of garbage after I deleted it. Well, today I also checked it, opened the system disk C, where the search, well, the field in the upper right corner, then I wrote a Format Factory and began to wait. Soon I saw some temporary folder left after the program, here it is:

Well, yes guys, I agree that this is especially scary, well, one folder (by the way inside it was one file is ffsetuplateest.exe), you can clean the computer with cleaning CCleaner, well, I understand it all .. Just I am such a person that manually check again ... well, there is such a thing in me

I hope the guys that everything you were understood here, well, but if something is wrong, then you are sorry .. Good luck in life and that you have a good mood


Format Factory - program for converting images, audio and video recordings. Allows you to select a suitable format for iOS and Android devices, and at the same time and adjust the size of the files.

Unlike some also well-known analogues, this application does not imply the setting of a number of parameters before starting the conversion. The default is the best indicators, so you just need to choose the export format and run the conversion process.

You probably came across such formats like 3GP, MP4, FLV or OGG. It is not always comfortable to work with them, and not all players will open them. To always be able to change the format, you will need an application format format. With him you can convert photos, songs and video clips with any extension. For convenience in the menu you will find tabs with a suitable type of media.

The developers also provided a batch conversion - that is, you can add several files to the program at once with different extensions and a scope to overtake them into one format.

In addition, it is possible to take advantage of useful additional options - for example, glue two video files to one. Or create an ISO image. Or "Rip" DVD along with the audio.


  • transformation of pictures, audio tracks and video clips;
  • batch processing;
  • specific formats support for iPhone, BlackBerry, PSP;
  • connection of two and more files to one;
  • auto power off PC upon completion of work.


  • changing the subject of the interface;
  • creating ISO images and CSO;
  • copy, audio-CD, Blu-ray, DVD;
  • displays the Format Factory interface in Russian.

What is worth working on:

  • running and processing takes a lot of time.

With this converter, you are unlikely to worry about whether to download video from the phone on YouTube or can you open your player film downloaded from torrent tracker. Now you do not need to adapt to the formats - make them adapt to you.

An understandable interface and minimum settings will help you quickly and without errors to convert photos, music and video. It is especially worth noting the possibility of batch conversion of files with different source formats.

And hello again, all-all and that's it.

Today, our dear readers, we will talk about a very similar and useful program (who would doubt), which would be good to be in the mediasenale of each seasoning user. In addition, recently, so to speak, they made a request to tell about something like that, and we could not leave these requests without attention.

We meet our main perpetrator of the celebration (drum fraction :-)) - a very powerful audio / video converter and, I would even say, a whole mediacombine, the name that is Format Factory.

Actually, what to pull .. go!

Format Factory. Acquaintance with opportunities and filling

I think you yourself know well what a media converter is (for which he needs) and that this is a very useful thing in any computer economy (especially with the advent of any difference, such as tablets, smartphones, and other, different file formats, media machinery). However, despite the fact that the demand for these from PC users is great (if not to say, huge) and, it would seem, to choose from what, but not there was something: in some - the functional lame (and on both legs: -)), Others - "incomprehensible curve" interface, thirdly, the saddest (in very many), also pay for all this disgrace. But we will not be about sad, because they come across. About one of these (from the FREE Time Developer Group), as mentioned above, under the code name Format Factory, we will talk.

As always, you first need to download this miracle of programmer idea from the official site. To do this, simply use the online installer, which will download the latest version) or go to the developer page (1) and click on the "Download" link (see image).

Please note that the requirement of the program is the presence of a Windows family. However, she calmly stood up on the 64-bit system and does not particularly capricious.

Further, if you used the transition to the developer site, then we are offered to select the three options for loading the distribution program: through the main (1), auxiliary (3) servers and-CLINT (2) (see image).

Please note that if you cannot start the program after downloading and installing, you need to additionally download a Patch with a VC10 distribution from Microsoft, passing by the corresponding link "VC10 Runtime - Download".

Now it's the time to get acquainted with the applications of the capabilities of the software or, in a simple way, to which it is suitable, which is able.


  • Converting all popular video, audio and imaging formats;
  • Restoration of damaged video and audio files;
  • Optimization of the size of multimedia files;
  • Support multimedia formats of mobile phones, Samsung, Iriver, Archos players, etc.;
  • Increase / decrease / rotation / signature;
  • Copy DVD disk to other formats;
  • Support 60 languages.

Basic conversion functions:

  • Video in format MP4 / 3GP / MPG / AVI / WMV / FLV / SWF / VOB;
  • Audio in mp3 / WMA / AMR / OGG / AAC / WAV / MMF / M4 A / M4 R / M4 A / M4 R / MP2 / FLAC;
  • Photo in format JPG / BMP / JPG / TIF / ICO / GIF / TGA / PCX;
  • DVD translation in video files, copying CD to audio files;
  • MP4 files for iPod / iPhone / PSP / BlackBerry formats;
  • Support RMVB.

Actually, the set of features from the discharge "all inclusive" and nothing superfluous.

However, the program is not so simple, as it may seem at first glance, and pays many more useful buns, for example:

  • Connection of different parts of the video;
  • Extracting audio tracks;
  • Overlay audio on video;
  • Functions for replacing the soundtrack of the video;
  • Video conversion to formats for mobile devices (for example, 3GP);
  • Issues detailed information about files (using the built-in Media-File Info utility);
  • Supports batch processing of files and disabling the computer after the end of the work.

In general, what to say, its name "Format Factory" (namely, the Format Factory translates) the program fully justifies. Also present is full (which simply cannot but rejoice) and there is support for the Russian language.

To work correctly correctly, it is necessary to install it (for example, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack).

So, quite lyrics, let's go directly to the process itself.

Running, setup and work in the format factory converter

The installation is extremely simple, produced in two clicks, so it's simplicable to describe here. The only thing worth noting is - it is advisable to put the "Install Inside Codecs" checkbox (in the installed setup menu), in order for the program used its own codecs when performing conversion operations.

After starting the application, the main program window appears before us (see image).

Immediately start with the settings for yourself, your beloved.

The overall setting is made by the "Actions" menu -\u003e "Settings" (see image).

On the first tab of the "Settings" in the "End Folder" field (1), you can set the folder where the converted files will be placed, and apply the template in the output file name.

In chapter " After conversion " (2) You can determine which action will be executed after the conversion process is completed: Turn off the computer / open the folder with the result. The first can be useful when there is a conversion of bulk files (or large quantities) - you can run conversion, and to put the pillow to put the pillow (:-)) - after completing the conversion, the computer will be disconnected. The second can be useful if the files received must be copied or reproduced.

The section "Sounds" (3) is responsible for sounding actions in the program. The section "Miscellaneous" (4) - for the blood clotting of the program in the tray and its update.

Although the settings tabs are quite a lot (as many as 8 pieces), it's not so easy to understand with the go, but, in general, it is not critical to us, because the most difficult and important is already immediately configured under the usual User. If you are an unusual user (and among our readers, you can often find such copies :-)), then you can safely dig (in more detail) in the settings, well, let us know something valuable that we missed. We go further.

The general principle of working with Format Factory is extremely simple (straight as twice two :)) and fully disclosed in the following 5 points:

  1. In the left pane, the action is selected to be made with multimedia files;
  2. In the window that appears, the source files are selected and setting up. After which the "OK" button is pressed;
  3. In the main window of the program, the start button is pressed;
  4. We are waiting for the completion of the conversion process;
  5. Files are ready to view (and are located in the corresponding folder).

Now I will illustrate the process itself. Suppose you need to convert a video file from MP4 format to AVI and do it with the highest possible quality. Select the desired format "All in AVI" (1), set up the quality ("Configure" button on the opposite the "Quality" line), specify the location of the desired file (2) and press the OK button.

If you initially did not bother to dig in the program settings and did not specify the final folder for the converted file, it's not too late to do this. Click "Select" and decide on the constant habitat of your content.

Pay attention to such an element as a status bar (1), it displays that we actually try to do and what this attempt will then fall out in the form of a finished file.

After conversion, you can safely go to the final file processor, where, in fact, a converted file should appear. Run it and look, whether everything is satisfied with us.

The process of converting audio files / images to various formats is fully identical to the video conversion process. Experiment - and make sure that yourself.

What I would like to note by the process itself: first, the conversion occurs with minimal loss of quality (if any) are available at all), secondly, the time for which the program converts files depends on the size of the files themselves and the iron acuity of your computer friend. For the speed of Format Factory, in general, it is not inferior to paid analogues.

Actually, with its main task, the program coped, as they say, "with a bang," but we will not stop on the achieved and show some more .. EE .. "chips", which may be very useful to the ordinary user.

Format Factory. What else can you do?

Format Factory provides users with a number of additional functions (in addition to the process of audio / video conversion process), consider some of them.

Receive video information information
Some avid video philas are preserved on the quality of the pictures issued by their monitors. Agree, it's nice when you have a monitor as a screen in a movie theater (with FullHD picture quality), and you can fully enjoy the riot of paints and the action that unfolds on the other side of the blue screen. Why am I all ..

In addition to a high-quality monitor (about how to choose, you will soon be waiting for the most powerful iron review in our best traditions, do not miss) you also need a file of the appropriate format, bitrate, with the desired codec and other different. However, it is not always clear that the video file (with what parameters) is on the computer, especially if there is no worthy player, which can help in this. And here is not what FullHD, there is no-understand-what-hd file, what parameters it has and whether it will be played at all.

So, to help us in a hurry to the format factory, which can show enough accurate and detailed information about video files, for example: format, duration used codec, bitrate, number of frames per second, frame size horizontally and vertical, etc.

In order to get this information, you need to select the "Advanced" tab in the left pane, in it the last item - "media-fileinfo", then specify the file that we want to be analyzed (by pressing the "Select" button), and - Voila! - At the same second, we get a fairly impressive list of technical information about the file (see image).

Technical information about audio files and graphic files are obtained in the same way (described above).

How to glue flippers video files
To glue 2 or more video files, you need to go to the tab "Extended" tab and select the item " Combine video"After that, in the window that appears, you need to select the final format from the list (1) and add the video files to be glued down. Before running the gluing, you need to make sure that the source video files are located in the order in which it should be in the final roller. If this Not so, you can move them using the "up" and "down" buttons (see image).

Pay attention to the "List of File List", which allows you to produce various operations with added video phrases, whether: delete, clean the list, play and obtain technical information. You can also combine not only a few fragments of video files, but also to raise the converter with a whole folder with all the digital content there.

Before gluing files, you can view source fragments and configure some codec parameters ("Settings" button on the "File List" panel, see image).

  • "Use Multi-Threads" (Use multiple thread processing) - set by prosthanizing the check mark in the corresponding field;
  • « High priority"- set in the context menu of the file by clicking the right mouse button and change the priority to higher (see image).

Upon completion of the process, you should have a certain Solyanka of two (or more) fragments of videos walking on each other. The process of gluing audio files is similar to the above, so you yourself easily master it, but how to impose audio on video, we perhaps will look.

How to impose audio on video
A very useful feature that will have to do novice video edges and not only.

Suppose you recorded the video and want to impose a simple musical background on it. To do this, you must select "MUX" from the list on the left. Further in the corresponding fields, you must specify the name of the video file (1): it will be taken from it (attention!) Only video streams.

In the bottom field (2), you should specify the audio file from which the audio flow will be taken and is imposed on the above video.

Do not forget to set the desired format of the destination file and configure the required quality (item "Configure" tabs MUX).

As a result of all the manipulations made (indicated in the image), I got a pretty funny roller, which demonstrates the game process of the Assassins video game with the Creed 3, where the main character is worn under the sounds of Rammstein :).

Let's see what happens to you!

How to extract audio from video
I will immediately say that the direct function of extraction as such in the format factory is not, but there is a "indirect", which also copes well with its duties.

In order to "pull out" the sound from the video, you should use item "All to Mp3" (Audio Tab). Then specify a video file from which you need to extract the audio track, and start the operation ("Start" button on the panel). Well, and .. Everything, after a few seconds you will enjoy a separate audio track, without a "annoying" video :).

How to make gif animation from video
It's easier now! To do this, you need to use the conversion point in the GIF "All in GIF" (the command is in the section "Video"), and specify the desired video file as the source file as the source file). In addition, you can easily configure the parameters of the animation file, passing the "Configure" button (see image).

It should be noted the following: Video converting to GIF -Inimation is smart and the final file is very miniature, from minuses - a problem with flowers (characteristic of the GIF format), the lack of audio (this is a graphic format as-in any way). Therefore, consider it and use only under your tasks.

Please note that the "All GIF" command is still present in the "Photo" section, but in the latter case it is intended only for converting images, so there will be no animation.

Now go to the tab " ROM device / DVD / CD / ISO"And we begin to disclose its utility.

How to convert a DVD to AVI
To do it, you need to select "DVD in video" (ROM Tab CD / DVD) In \u200b\u200bthe settings window that opens, you need to specify a DVD-signal or folder on the hard disk in which the DVD -Video is stored. Then select the end format / quality and run the conversion (see image).

Of course, the process of converting video is unprecedented, so you can safely drive away .. for tea :).

How to save audio CD in mp3
On the same tab, go to the "Audio CD to files" section, then in the window that appears, select the CD drive, the final format, configure the quality and run the conversion.

How to create an ISO / CSO image from DVD / CD
To implement this, you need to go to the "DVD / CD in ISO / CSO" section, select the name of the drive drive (from which the image will be created) and the desired image format.

Compression image "ISO<–> CSO "
For some, it may be a very useful image compression function in order to reduce the volume occupied by him.

For Format Factory, this is also no difficulty, just go to the "ISO" section<->CSO ", specify the compression ratio (" Configure "button) and proceed to the process itself by pressing the entire" Start "button.

Well, the last (so to speak, on sweet :)), what would I want to mention, that's ..

Mass image conversion feature
The function is quite useful, for situations that forced to resort to it, grabs: let's say, you need to save many drawings in another format or turn scanned pages, or add a watermark, etc. Such batch processing of images is easy and quickly carried out with the help Factory format».

To do this, go to the "Photo" section, select the final graphic format, select the source files to be massacled, or a whole folder, set additional parameters: turn, own size, watermark and proceed to batch processing ("Start" button, cm . image).

After conversion, you will receive all files in a new format, and besides with "watermarks" (if they are pre-in the settings).

Actually, the program is deposited! Our small visor approached the end, which means that the moment came to say goodbye;).


As you can see, FF capabilities really inspire respect, and the quality of implementation and simplicity of the program itself causes genuine interest from users. And correctly causes, because only using this program, you can solve the widest range of tasks, without resorting to the use of other highly specialized software. However, the choice, of course, is always yours, dear readers!

For the sim all, up to communication. You know where to find us.

P.S. If you are using Format Factory also for other purposes (which are not described here) or you know some secret pieces of the program, share them on health in the comments to this article;)
P.P.S. For the existence of this article Thanks to the team member 25 frame

If you were looking for a free multimedia converter with a large feature of functions, get a Format Factory. Download free This software can be on any version of Windows - 7, 8 or XP. The program works with all popular formats: AVI, MP4, WMV, FLV, 3GP, SWF, MP3, WMA, JPG, PNG, BMP (and this is not the entire list).

With this development, you will no longer portray emoticons-sad, downloading (coping) a movie, a song or a picture in the "uncomfortable" format. The converter in two accounts converts the file to the format you specified without loss of quality. Moreover, using additional options, you can restore a damaged video and apply interesting effects.


  • conversion of formats:

Video: AVI, FLV, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MPG, SWF;

Audio: MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, AMR, M4A, MMF;


  • extensions support for iPod, iPhone, BlackBerry, PSP;
  • preview clips and listening to compositions;
  • breakdown of video and audio files;
  • batch conversion (multiple files directly or a whole folder);
  • setup (quality, bitrate, size);
  • restore damaged files;
  • built-in Bluray, audio CD and DVD Ripper (Copying Disc);
  • creating CD / DVD images in ISO and CSO;
  • processing of pictures (scaling, turns, signature);
  • overlaying audio tracks on video flow.

Principle of operation:

the main menu of the program consists of sections "Video", "Photo" and "Audio". In each of them you will find a list of supported formats, as well as useful additions. So, using the option "Video Setup", you can set the quality: "low", "mean" or "high".

To synchronize video and audio, Multistream mode is provided. With it, you can combine the video stream and sound track in one file. If you are dealing with a file broken into parts, the program can combine them into one one-piece as if it was so initially, without any pause on docking points.


  • fast format conversion;
  • recovery function CASHD-DRECOVERY (in case of failure);
  • original interface design;
  • you can download the factor format in Russian.


  • some menu items are not Russified.

We join thousands of users who consider the format factory with an excellent program. It really quickly and qualitatively converts all the stated formats. And if you decide to convert a movie, a song or a photo, perhaps the best solution will be Format Factory. Download free Such a useful software will be interested to users who often download torrents, as well as those who record video and sound to mobile devices, and then throws off to the computer.

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