
Tele 2 super plus. Tariff "Super Plus" from tele2. Disconnection options and selection of a new plan

The major mobile tele2 operator continues to develop a network of its coverage in large regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. In this regard, the company conducted a number of global changes in the tariff line of the network. For example, for clients of the Republic of Kazakhstan, several starting packages are offered for profitable communication between the national and regional format.

Tariff conditions "Super Plus" from tele2 for Kazakhstan

The updated national package of services is offered on the following conditions:

  • Free calls by operator subscribers within unlimited;
  • The maximum duration of the free conversation is 60 minutes;
  • Free 9000 SMS messages to operator numbers per month;
  • Free 90 minutes of conversation with subscribers of third-party operators and on city phones of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Free monthly package of high-speed Internet traffic up to 5 GB;
  • The size of the monthly subscription fee is 880 tenge;
  • Outgoing SMS messages to subscribers of third-party operators of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 8 tenge;
  • Outgoing SMS messages to the numbers of foreign operators for 15 tenge;
  • Outgoing MMS for any RK numbers 15 tenge;
  • 100 MB of mobile Internet for 12 tenge;
  • Video call to the subscribers of the operator's network for 11 tenge per minute;
  • Calls to the CIS subscriber numbers are charged at 95 tenge per minute;
  • The cost of a conversation with subscribers of European countries is 145 tenge;
  • A minute of conversation with foreign abroad subscribers is charged at 210 tenge;
  • In case of an insufficient amount of funds on the subscriber's balance sheet for removing the monthly subscription fee, calls to tele2 numbers are charged by 11 tenge per minute, SMS messages - 8 tenge, and 1 MB of Internet traffic - 25 tenge;
  • After the monthly service package is exhausted, the calls of the operator's subscribers are charged at 11 tenge per minute, SMS messages - 8 tenge, and 1 MB of Internet traffic - 3 tenge;
  • To clarify detailed information on the current balance of batch services on the room and the date of removal of the subscription fee, you must type request * 123 * 1 *
  • To clarify detailed information on the current balance of batch services on the room and the date of removal of the subscription fee, you must type request * 123 * 1 * 3 #.

How to connect the tariff "Super Plus" from tele2 in Kazakhstan

The use of this tariff package of services is available to all operator network subscribers in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  • To change the current subscriber package to this tariff plan, it is recommended to use a combination * 122 * 1 * 1 #;
  • For the early transition to the specified tariff, you should use the * 122 * 1 * 0 # command;
  • The first change in the tariff plan for the subscribers's milestones is free, the following are charged at 99 tenge;
  • The early connection of the tariff is charged taking into account the commission payment for reconnecting in the amount of 99 tenge and the monthly subscription fee for a package of 880 tenge.

How to turn off the tariff "Super Plus" from the tele2 in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The tariff proposal is in open access for all clients of the RK network as to activate it and for its removal:

  1. To deactivate this tariff proposal, the subscriber must be changed to any other.
  2. To change the starting service package, you must use one of the convenient ways:
  • Free set of commands to go to another customer selected tariff (information can be clarified on the operator's website, by phone of the contact service or in the company's office);
  • Using the Personal Online Cabinet of the Subscriber in the Self-Service section on the official website of the company (it is necessary to undergo a mandatory authorization procedure in the system);
  • Using a mobile application from tele2;
  • Free call around the clock phone or;
  • Personal visits to the operator's office;

If you are very often using the Internet, make a large number of calls inside the network and love to chat with friends, then you must try one of the most interesting and favorable tariffs from the tele2 from the line "Simply". We have already told about the package of services "", but there is an even more advantageous offer - the tariff is "just super"!

Great benefit, the ability to transfer residues for the next month, no pitfalls, transparent conditions! Interested? Then look next ...

The cost of subscriber payment per month is 1590 tenge, regardless of the region in which you are. There is a service in the territory of all regions of Kazakhstan.

For a month, the Subscriber will have the following packages of services, which are already incorporated in the rate of the tariff:

  • Unlimited calls to the numbers of tele2 operators within the country;
  • 120 minutes to the rooms of other cellular operators;
  • 15 GB of traffic;
  • 600 messages to tele2 subscribers numbers.

All these options are obtained immediately after connecting the tariff. But, if you spend the packages provided, another tariffing will be valid.

If the quota is over 120 minutes, the cost of calls to the numbers of other cellular operators in Kazakhstan will be assessed in 11 tenge in 1 minute. Sending messages over the limit will cost 8 tenge for each message. If the traffic has been completed, the cost of the Internet will end, then the cost of the limit will be 3 tenge for each megabyte.

Character design table

Name optionNumber of units per month
Calls between tele2 subscribers2Unlimited
Volume of Internet traffic per month15 GB.
Outgoing SMS to tele2 numbers600 SMS.
Calls to numbers of other operators120 minutes
Outgoing SMS to numbers of other operators8 tenge - 1 SMS
Outgoing SMS on overseas numbers15 tenge - 1 SMS
Outgoing MMS.15 tenge - 1 MMS
Internet traffic over limitNot provided (only a separate package option is connected)
WAP traffic12 tenge for 100 kb

The cost of the subscription fee at a tariff is just super is 1590 tenge per month.

How can I activate in your number?

To connect this service package, on your mobile, dial the * 122 * 18 # command and the call button. Within a few minutes from your account, you will write down the subscription fee in the amount of 1590 tenge and provide a complete list of options.

To check your tariff, you can enter the * 121 # command.

To check the remnant traffic, messages or calls, you can enter the * 123 * 1 * 3 # command, and the system will provide a full report for free.

It's important to know! If the subscriber connects this service pack for the first time, the connection commission is not charged. The next transitions will already be paid 99 tenge for each transition.

Other connection methods

  • Call to the operator. Call the short number 423 and follow the prompts of the system.
  • Using a USSD assistant. On your mobile phone, enter the * 123 # command and the call button. Next, in the menu that appears, select the Change Tariff tab, find the Tariff "Just Super" in the list and activate it.
  • Through your personal account. Go to the site, register, if not yet registered and log in. Select the "Tariffs" tab, find this tariff there and connect it there.
  • Through the application. The system, in fact, is similar to the previous point, only management is carried out not through the browser version, but a separate application that can download both Android and iOS. You also need a login and password to enter.


When spending a complete limit of the provided package, it is possible to reconnect "just super". To do this, enter the * 121 * 0 # command.

Note that at the same time the subscription fee spikes again.

Deactivation options

To disable any special commands. You just need to switch to another rate, after which the system will turn off the current. You can also use additional ways to shut down:

  • Call the operator to the short number 504 and ask it to turn off the tariff;
  • Go to your personal account and turn off the tariff yourself.

One of the features of this tariff plan is the possibility of transferring residues that you have not spent by the next month. But there are certain rules for the transfer that you must know about.

The transfer of unspent packages can only be carried out on the next calendar month ahead. If you do not use these options next month, they simply burn. Let us give an example. You used the tariff for a month in October, but you have several gigabytes of traffic and SMS. After writing off the subscription fee, the remaining packages of services will be added to what they accrued to the new month. As a result, instead of 15 GB, the subscriber gets more, also with SMS. Thus, the transfer of residues is possible only one month ahead. Did not have time and for this period spend - everything burns.

In case of early reconnect of the tariff, the remains of the packages will be charged for the next month. But here the conditions of the previous paragraph are observed.

If the subscriber is not enough to write off the subscription fee for the next month, all unspent options will be deactivated. The same situation and when moving to another tariff. All bonuses burn.

Ended online traffic? There are several ways to resume:

  • Reconnect the tariff and pay 1590 tenge again;
  • Take advantage of a separate option and connect the Internet package from ready-made options with different terms and volumes (day, week, month, year);
  • Pay each megabyte of the Internet 3 tenge.

Tele2 tariffs that are not currently available for activation are still to use thanks to favorable conditions and low prices for communication services. Tariff "Super Plus" from tele2 one of these. It attracts subscribers from any points of Kazakhstan, since everywhere has the same rules and cost of communication. In addition, it attracts constantly traveling users, since prices do not change in the republic.

Description and cost of communication services

"Super Plus" is an archive offer from Tele2. It refers to the national tariffs of Kazakhstan. This is one of the most previously requested proposals. It is justified by its "plug-in" volumes of free packages and terms of use.

Monthly payment is 1,290 tenge. The funds are charged once for the estimated period, mainly from 12 o'clock at night to 7 in the morning.

The conditions of the plan begin to operate after writing off the subscription fee. If the removal means are not enough, the basic conditions are started, and mobile data transmission becomes inaccessible.

Under the conditions, the Subscriber is provided for the entire settlement month:

  • unlimited for intranet communities;
  • 90 minutes a month on all phone numbers of the Republic and Urban;
  • 600 not paid SMS messages TELE2 subscribers;
  • internet traffic on 10 GB.

Since the tariff is national, the "Super Plus" zone is the entire Kazakhstan. The conditions for its use and rates are the same for all regions of the republic, regardless of the activation entity.

Conversations with users united with you are free. Calls can be sent to any regions of the republic. To communicate with subscribers of other cellular operators and owners of urban phones, 90 free minutes are available per month. Starting from the 91st, the cost of conversations will be equal to 11 tenge per minute. The same cost has a video call to Tele2 phone numbers.

International challenges to the countries entering the Commonwealth will cost 95 tenge / min., European states - 145 tenge / minute. Calls to all other countries will cost 210 tenge.

Correspondence inside the tele2 is not charged for 600 messages. Over the package, one message is estimated at 8 tenge. Correspondence with the users of the Altel network and the rest of mobile communications will also cost 8 tenge per SMS. To send a message abroad, you need to pay 15 tenge. The same amount is charged for sending MMS.

As for the Internet, the 10 GB per month is included in the subscription fee. Over this volume, the cost of 1 MB of obtained or transmitted data will be 3 tenge. The WAP connection has a price of 12 tenge per 100 kb.

Other conditions apply if there are not enough funds to pay for a compulsory payment. In this case, the cost of all outgoing calls to any numbers will be 11 tenge, the price for one transmitted SMS is 8 tenge. Reception or transmission of 1 MB of traffic will be worth 25 tenge.

From April 27, 2017, some changes have been made to the rates. Now the cost of a conversation for late removal of the subscription fee is 14 tenge.

On trips to the republic, the rates do not change. To clarify the cost of communication services abroad, read the information in the Roaming tab on the official operator's website.

Tariffs are competitors

Anyway, all mobile operators have suggestions, very similar to the "Super Plus" tariff. Consider several of them and identify the advantages and disadvantages of the plan under consideration.

Name Subscription fee, tenge Packages
Minutes SMS inside the network Traffic
Smart "Altel" 1 390 Unlimited inside Altel, 120 - on other operators 1 000 10 GB from 00:00 to 08: 59.8 GB from 00:00 to 23:59
"All Inclusive 2: National" Beeline 1 590 Beeline is not charged, 160 - on the other numbers 400 10 GB during the day + 8 GB at night
"Prestige 2+" Kcell 2 590 Free on Kcell and Active, 300 - on other rooms 1 000 15
"Super Plus" Tele2 1 290 Not paid on the tele2.90 - on the other numbers 600 10

Among all the proposals submitted, the planned plan has the lowest monthly payment. He, like everyone else, makes it possible to communicate without paying an unlimited amount of time. Its disadvantages are the least traffic volume and a small package of free minutes beyond the TELE2.

Methods of activation

Since the tariff "Super Plus" tele2 is archive, it cannot be connected. Closed to activate it since November 2015. Earlier, subscribers could join the operator and connect this proposal using the USSD command * 121 * 1 * 1 #. You could also contact your city sales offices and acquire the tariff.

Subscribers who already use TELE2 services have been available to change the current TELE2 tariff on the "Super Plus" in the following ways:

  • call to short number 504;
  • activation in;
  • in the Personal Account on Telekz website.

Disconnection and selection of a new plan

If the stated volumes began not to be enough or you are not satisfied with any other tariff conditions, you can always turn it off. This happens by changing the current proposal for a new one. Go to new conditions, using the above services. Tele2 offers a lot of other favorable sentences that are available for connecting. Some of them are discussed below.

Rate Subscription fee, tenge per month Free packages Advantages and disadvantages
1 190 5 GB, ∞ on Tele2 Republic, 80 minutes to all local numbers, 600 sms on tele2 Benefits
  • prices on trips - as in the home region;
  • calls within the network;
  • many messages.


  • small packages of minutes and the Internet;
  • free messages only inside
1 590 10 GB + 5 GB for connected until the end of 2017, calls for free inside, 120 - on the other phones, 600 sms on Tele2 Benefits:
  • coverage area - the whole republic of Kazakhstan;
  • additional traffic;
  • volume packs of minutes and SMS.

The European telephone operator always offered its subscribers the best mobile conditions. In 2014, a new "Super" tariff was presented, allowing all the conversations for free. The tariff combines the best service and low prices. In addition to absolute freedom in terms of mobile communication, the tariff has a mass of indisputable advantages, to consider which is proposed below.

Features of the tariff

The "Super" rate became the best offer of the tele2 for 2014, which confirm millions of subscribers using free communications. "Super" has a subscription fee, thanks to which users can communicate with each other without any restrictions within the network. In addition, the operator highlights a free time for conversations with friends and colleagues serviced from other mobile operators.

This tariff is great for subscribers who need unlimited communication during the day. For example, you are an employee of the company, and your responsibilities include informing customers about new products or services. In order to notify the client base on topical sentences, you will need a regular account replenishment or the choice of the competent tariff without restrictions, which is "super".

The tariff plan allows you to make calls without not thinking about the number of calls and the duration of the conversation. "Super" makes it possible for limitless communication, both on working moments and on the personal initiative of the user. Tele2 completed the tariff free SMS messages, thanks to which communication between users can take any forms.


As already mentioned, the subscribers do not pay for the connection and duration of the conversation, since the tariff is developed on the basis of a subscription fee that allows you to communicate without restrictions. The monthly chamber is 3200 rubles or 990 tenge (the tariff for the most part is designed for residents of Kazakhstan). If you go from one Tel Parif to "Super", the connection is free. Otherwise, the cost of the transition is 99 tenge.

Thus, tele2 subscribers can communicate unlimited. The "Super" tariff users can contact the numbers that are serviced by other mobile operators, free of charge 90 minutes a day, which is more than enough for full-fledged communication on any issue.

If the subscriber exceeds the free minute provided by the operator to communicate with subscribers of other cellular telecom operators, then the cost of a conversation will be 2 tenge. This billing is relevant for calls to urban numbers.

Additional Tariffication:

  • SMS messages are also free within the network;
  • if the subscriber wants to send a message to other operators, the cost of sending will be 8 tenge;
  • if the message goes to the number of the foreign operator, the cost of sending increases to 15 tenge;
  • in case of exceeding the specified internet traffic for a month, each subsequent MB will cost 25 tenge.

Additional bonuses

The "Super" tariff is known for the fact that it combines all the necessary options for the user's mobile communication. In addition to unlimited communication within the network, Tel2 offers subscribers free mobile Internet. Subscribers receive enough impressive traffic of 5 GB for a month.

Such an Internet will allow you to embody not only modest options in life (visiting social networks, view mail), thanks to the "Super" tariff you will be able to fully pursue the expanses of the World Wide Web, looking through the video, visiting the sites of interest and even download the files.

In addition to this TV2 offers night Internet freedom, since, together with the "Super" tariff, the free option "Night Drive" automatically connects. It allows users to use the worldwide network absolutely free without speed limit after 12 nights.

Thus, tele2 subscribers can use the worldwide network for complete power. All sites, tabs and files are loaded lightning, making up a serious competition with a wired Internet. It is worth noting that the 3G Internet speed from tele2 is one of the highest, which confirm independent tests.

How to connect

For tele2 subscribers, the following tariff activation methods are available:

  • the most simple connection method is sending a request * 122 * 1 * 1 # call;
  • call for 630 - Using the user's voice menu, selects the necessary menu in which the tariff is connected to the objective. In addition, here you can learn about other Tel Paris and their key features;
  • changing the tariff in the Personal Account - to connect "Super" you need to go to the "My Number" section, after which the subscriber opens all the operator's tariff plans. You can select "Super" by clicking on it with a mouse button and following further connection instructions;
  • the call to the operator to the number 611 - by contacting the telephone operator, the subscriber can express its desire to connect the tariff. The operator will ask you to specify certain information to identify the personality, after which the application for the transition will be framed;
  • visit the center of customer support.

Tariff "Super Black" - the informal name of the new offer from tele2. In fact, the new tariff plan is called "very black". This is the perfect option for people who want to always stay in touch and spend at least cash.


The "very black" tariff is part of the new line of "black" proposals from tele2. It is intended for those who are important to always stay in touch and have quick access to the Internet.

  • The monthly subscription fee depends on the region. For Moscow and the Moscow region, it is 399 rubles. But in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, you can connect to the new tariff for only 250 rubles.
  • The subscription fee includes free calls throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. The tariff plan for Moscow and the region includes 500 free minutes. For users from the Leningrad Region, Tele2 provides 300 free minutes on all phones of Russia.
  • In addition to free calls, the subscription fee includes free SMS messages to all numbers of the Russian operators. The amount of SMS depends on the region. For example, for subscribers of the Moscow Region, tele2 provides 500 messages, and the Leningrad region is 300 SMS. The essential advantage of the tariff is that SMS is free both within the network and the rooms of other operators of the Russian Federation.
  • The tariff "Very black" from the tele2 operator is the perfect option for those who want to always stay up to date with events. When connecting a new tariff plan, the user receives a certain amount of Internet traffic. For subscribers from the Moscow region, 10 GB of mobile Internet is available, and for residents of the Leningrad region - 15 GB.

"Very black" in the Moscow region is available only for mobile devices that support 3G and 4G networks.

The essential advantage of this option is the relatively low cost of calls and SMS to other countries. For example, the call from St. Petersburg to Kiev (and other cities of the CIS countries) will cost the user 25 rubles per minute. At the same time, the cost of calls from St. Petersburg to Europe and the Baltic countries will be 45 rubles per minute. But in order to send an SMS message to any corner of the world, the user is enough to have 5 rubles 50 kopecks to his account.

The tariff "Very Black" is suitable for business people and those who make a large number of calls throughout Russia (including the numbers of other operators). In addition, if you used all free minutes, SMS and Internet traffic, tele2 provides sufficiently favorable conditions for further use. Calls to all tele2 rooms on the territory of all Russia remain free. But calls beyond the limits of the network will be carried out for a fee (1 ruble 50 kopecks within the region, 3 rubles to other regions).

After using all Internet traffic, access to the network closes. To resume it is necessary to connect special service "Add speed" (a detailed description of the option - on the company's website). It involves the purchase of additional traffic (100 MB, 1 GB or 3 GB) for permanent Internet access.

Shared USSD command to check the residues by packages - * 155 * 0 #.

How to connect?

Go to the new tariff plan from tele2 is very simple. To do this, you need to use one of the following methods.

Method 1. You can change the tariff using the self-service system. To do this, go to the official website of the operator (RU.TELE2.RU). Next, go to the "Personal Account" and enter your data for registration (phone number and password). Then go to the "Change Tariff" page and from the provided options, select "Very Black".

Method 2. Go to the new tariff plan by using voice service. To do this, dial the number 630 and follow the autoinstructor recommendation. In this way, you connect the desired package in a few minutes.
Method 3.. Another quick way to connect a new package of services is using a USSD command. To do this, dial the combination * 630 * 2 # and the call button. After that, you will instantly come an SMS message with detailed instructions for connecting the desired package.

The tariff "very black" is a profitable combination of wide opportunities and low cost. If you want to always stay on touch - boldly choose "color" offers from the telephone operator2.

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