
As using the NTLITE program, create your own Windows assembly. How using the NTLITE program to create your own Windows assembly to create an assembly of Windows 10 using the program

How to create your own reference assembly of Windows 10 - distribution with the settings of the system, embedded tweaks and the installed desktop software? This process in the details will be discussed below, but first let's talk about the features of your own assemblies of the system.

1. Pros and cons of Windows's own assemblies

What are the pros of our own Windows builds? Its assembly of the system is the saving time and effort when installing the system. For example, you can prepare the Windows 10 distribution with a standard set of programs for the circle of loved ones: browser, archiver, torrent rocking chair, a cleaner, a uninstaller and this kind of software for a wide audience will be installed with the system. Benefits compared to the usual distribution of Windows are obvious, and what will be obtained in opposition to other ways to deploy the system? Windows assembly, the reference image of which was created on the GPT disk, can later be deployed on the MBR-disk and vice versa. Whereas the transfer of the system using backup programs or disk space managers does not help when changing the style of disk sections. Unlike the latter, its own assembly on the installation media will not be tied to the backup file on the unwatching disc section of the disc or a removable device, as it will not be necessary to connect the hard disk for cloning Windows.

For its own Windows builds, three minuses. The first - distribution of its assembly will take more space than the clean Microsoft distribution. But this problem is solved by using a flash drive with a maximum of 8 GB. The second minus - the Windows installation process will last a little longer than usual, which is associated with the deployment of the added software. The third minus is a magician with the creation of assembly. Efforts expended are unlikely to be justified if the system is rarely reinstalled.

2. Algorithm of action

The process of creating its assembly of Windows 10 will be held in several main stages:

  • Creating a reference image image - prepared for the deployment of the ideal state of the system (with the settings and embedded software, without binding to the computer component);
  • Capture the reference image to the install.esd file;
  • The repacking of the original installation ISO image system with the submenu of the install.esd file.

3. Reference image of Windows 10

The reference image of Windows 10 can be prepared in different ways, it can be:

  • A surveyed system with remote binding to accessories using the SYSPREP utility (see Article 7);
  • New Windows 10 installed on another section of the disk;
  • New Windows 10 on board a virtual machine.

The battered system must be carefully cleaned - delete files in the folders of the user profile, clean the folder "temp" and the like. Otherwise, the distribution will succeed in gigantic sizes. With new systems, it's easier: first, the distribution on their base will occupy less space, secondly, in the process of their installation, the reference image of Windows 10 can be created from zero in audit mode - special mode of operation of the system without the participation of the user account. The audit mode is provided for by Microsoft for the introduction of corporate settings and software OEM suppliers and large organizations before delivery of computers, respectively, buyers and hired personnel. At the output, we obtain the desired system with the descript installed software, at the installation stage of which you can generate new accounts, set the regional parameters, disable Microsoft data sending options and the like. In this case, anywhere will not hang out the old account.

In our case, the reference image of Windows 10 will be created from zero in audit mode using Hyper-V. This hypervisor was chosen due to the convenience of working and simply transferring large amounts of data from a virtual machine to the main system. VHDX and VHD discs used in the work of Hyper-V virtual machines are mounted in the main system of the conductor. Supporters of other hypervisors - VMWare Workstation and VirtualBox - can use them. To simplify access to the virtual disk data from the main system and not messing with the additions of the guest OS, the virtual machines can be created based on VHD disks. And VMware Workstation, and VirtualBox work with VHD discs.

The decision to generate the reference image of Windows 10 on the second section of the actual computer disk to the future to help the instructions for the software and complete.

4. Nuances with activation

The concept of its own assembly of Windows needs to be distinguished from pirate assemblies of the system supplied by activated or with an activator on the desktop. The purpose of this article is to simplify the process of installing Windows, but not to solve the issue with its activation. The reference image of Windows 10 will be created using funds that do not contradict Microsoft policies - actually, its own tools. And their use does not guarantee the performance of activated system assemblies. Recall, Microsoft Requirements are as follows: Activation of each copy of Windows, from which distribution it is neither installed on each individual computer. If activated by Windows acts as a reference image, during the removal of binding to the components using the SYSPREP utility, it is necessary to reset the activation (see paragraph 7 of the Articles).

Looking for a way to transfer activated Windows to other computers.

5. Creating a virtual machine HYPER-V

So, to prepare the reference image of Windows 10, create a virtual machine. Conditions for working with Hyper-V, activation of the hypervisor, as well as the process of creating a virtual machine in details are described in the article article. Only, in contrast to the example considered in paragraph 5 of this article, the choice of generation of virtual machines is not principled, you can create a 1 generation machine. If you do not plan to implement the resource-intensive software type software, we can limit the volume of the VHDX hard disk of 50-60 GB. Well, the beaten advice for the SSD owners - the storage path of the virtual machine and the VHDX disk files must be specified on the HDD section. At the last stage of creating a virtual machine, you specify the ISO image, turn on the machine and run the process of installing the system. The latter will differ from how this happens is usually.

6. Installing and configuring Windows 10 in audit mode

We pass the installation process of Windows 10 to the installation type selection step and select the second option.

We will need two partitions - one for Windows, another non-system, where the Install.esd file will later be saved. We form a section with from 30-40 GB.

The remaining place is given to another section.

Install Windows.

Upon completion of the file copying step, the installation ISO image is not removed from the virtual machine, it will still be needed. At the installation stage, where you need to set the first settings, do not touch anything, just click the Ctrl + Shift + F3 keys.


Enter the audit mode with connecting the hidden administrator account.

At the entrance to the system in audit mode, the SYSPREP utility window is encountered. The utility will wait for its fate to delete the binding of the configured system from the components. You can start setting up the system. One nuance: Microsoft Edge does not work in the audit mode, you need to run Internet Explorer to access the Internet.


With regard to the limits of interference in the system, in audit mode we can work with everything that does not apply to user accounts. We can install desktop software, change system settings, apply tweaks, leave folders or files on the desktop. But the universal applications from the Windows Store cannot be installed. Like Microsoft EDGE, the store does not work in audit mode. It will not happen even if the system is activated, change the topic of registration or other personalization parameters. To install universal applications and applying personalization settings, you need a custom account, not a hidden administrator.

If you need to restart the system, for example, it is required to set any programs, this process must be carried out using the SYSPREP window: you need to set the "Go to Audit mode" and "Reboot". Then click "OK".

In parallel with the system setting, it is necessary to make an important thing - format the non-system disk section.

7. Removing binding to accessories (SYSPREP)

So, the reference image of the system is ready. Now we can proceed to the process of removing binding to the components. Apply the window of the open SYSPREP utility or run it by pressing the Win + R keys and input:

The opened folder will contain an exe-file of the startup utility.

In the SYSPREP window, set the action "Go to the Greeting Window (Oobe)". We put a tick "Preparation for use" to reset activation. In the completion parameters, specify "shutdown". And click "OK".

We wait for the end of the SYSPREP and turn off the virtual machine.

8. Creating an Install.esd file

We check whether it is worth running a virtual machine with the ISO image of installing Windows 10, and boot from it. Installation disk Using to access the command prompt. If the reference image of Windows 10 was created on the second section of the Real Computer disk, simply go to the main operating system and open the command line there.

At the first stage of the system setting the SHIFT + F10 key.

Using the DISM utility, capture the reference image image and save it to the Install.esd file. But first, let's see, under what letters there are two necessary partitions - the system and the destination section where install.esd will be saved. We introduce:

In our case, the system disk is as d, and non-systemic - as E. Therefore, the system capture capture team will be like this:

DISM / Capture-image /MesD / Capturedir: D: \\ / Name: Windows

In this team, respectively, in each case, it is necessary to replace the letters E and D to their own.


When the operation is completed, turn off the virtual machine. She will no longer need it.

9. Mounting a virtual machine disk in the main system

In order for the virtual machine disc to be displayed in the main system, where further actions will occur, open the VHDX disk file in the conductor (or VHD) in the conductor. In the context menu, click "Connect".


All sections of the virtual disk are displayed in the conductor as separate discs. In our case, select the last disk M, it is there that the install.esd file is stored. After the ISO image is rugged, the virtual disk will need to be unmounted, this is done using the "Extract" option in the context menu of any of the added virtual disk partitions.


The newly created Install.esd file will be replaced by the original as part of the official Windows 10 distribution.

10. Overpaid ISO-image of the Windows 10 distribution

Replace some files to other in the bootable ISO image can many programs, in our case, the Ultraiso program is selected for the repack. Run it. Click the "File" menu, then "Open" and in the Explorer, specify the path to the ISO image from which Windows 10 is installed on the virtual machine.


The contents of the ISO image will be displayed at the top of the Ultraiso window. Here you open the "Sources" folder and delete the Install.esd source file in it. In our case, he weighed 3.7 GB. The bottom part of the Ultraiso window is a system conductor, here you open a type of disk (or the desired section of the real disk), which stores the new installer installer. In our case, it weighs 4.09 GB. The new file is either dragged into the upper part of the window - where the source file was, or add using the context menu.


We check: in the "Sources" folder, the disk image must not be the original Install.esd with a weight of 3.7 GB, but a new-minted install.esd with a weight of 4.09 GB.


We are waiting for the completion of the progress of the operation.


Now it remains only to test your Windows 10 assembly on a new virtual machine.

Excellent day!

Two basic methods are available to create its own modified Windows assembly. You can either start from scratch and change the ISO-image of Windows 10 directly, or make changes to the already installed Windows 10 system. The MSMG Toolkit utility belongs to the first category, since it allows you to change the source image, and not the current system.

Note: It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your system partition before starting the program. To create your own image, you will need to use the ISO image of Windows 10 or Windows 10 DVD as a source.

Unpack the 7Z archive with the program (you may need 7-zip) and run the script. The program displays the user agreement to be taken to continue. The document reports that the author of the program is not responsible for possible damage or other problems. The application is a command line script.

After making a MSGM Toolkit agreement, launch several checks, for example, to determine the version of the operating system and to analyze all available tools.

The main screen will then appear. First of all, you need to select a source or folder. You can copy the Windows 10 or DVDs setting folder to the subfolder DVD MSGM Toolkit main folder.


Note: In some cases (depending on the Windows distribution and the way it is loaded) you need to convert the install.esd file in install.wim so that you can proceed to assembly changes.

After selecting the source, you can start the assembly change process. For this you will need three main operations: (3, Integrate) Integration, (4, Remove) Delete and (5, Customize) Setting


Action "Integration" Allows you to add language packs, driver, features, updates and separate features to Windows 10 image:

  • Language Packs - This option allows you to add language packets to the Windows 10 installation disk.
  • Drivers - This option allows you to add separate drivers to the Windows 10 installation disk, for example, for devices that are not supported by Windows 10 by default.
  • Windows Features - This option allows you to add separate Windows components (Microsoft Games, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Sidebar, etc.). The option allows you to restore the functions that were previously deleted.
  • Updates - Windows update integration so that they are installed during Windows installation, and not after it.
  • Windows Custom Features is adding additional system files, Uxtheme Patch or Alternative Windows Recovery Environment.


You can use the Remove (Remove) to get rid of unnecessary Windows 10 components:

  • Remove Default Metro Apps - option Displays a list of all applications and allows you to delete separate Windows 10 applications with the exception of Windows Application Store, as well as online applications.
  • Remove Default Metro Apps Associations - allows you to delete File Associations of Metro Universal Applications. They will not start when opening the relevant files.
  • Remove Windows Components - option allows you to delete individual Windows components (Cortana, telemetry service, "home group", parental control, xbox, etc.). An extended removal feature is available in order to get rid of Microsoft Edge, Adobe Flash, Windows Defender Defender and Windows Recovery Systems.
  • Remove Windows Components Using Package List


Customize operation allows you to import and export Metro applications in XML files.

After finishing

When you finish making changes, you need to use a separate Apply menu to apply changes to the selected source.

Note: To reduce the size of the image, after all changes, run: Apply - Apply Changes to Source Images - Re-Build Source Images

After that, you can use the Target menu to create a new installation media, for example, to create your own ISO image of Windows 10, write an ISO image to a USB media or DVD.

Creating your own customized Windows 10 distribution. Or the perfect Windows transfer method on SSD solid state drive.

You can say with confidence that such a distribution is an ideal backup, which unfolds to a computer (and not only on your own) by simple and all familiar to install the operating system. I personally see this method ideal for transferring Windows from the usual HDD to SSD Solid State Drive.

Laptop disc control with Windows 10 installed.

Laptop hard disk is divided into two sections (C :) and (D :). We will need to create a Windows 10 file (disk (C :) and arrange it on the disk (D :)
On the disk (C :), after installing all the programs you need, employs 13 GB of disk space.

Creating a loading flash drive Live CD Aomei PE Builder

First of all, create a Live CD Aomei PE Builder bootable USB flash drive. This Live CD is based on Windows 8.1 Enterprise.

Download Live CD Aomei PE Builder and create a bootable flash drive from it (GConent) Download Live CD Aomei PE Builder (/ GContent)

Download and run the WinSetupFromusB-1-6 utility, it is she will create a bootable flash drive to us.

In the main window, WinsetupFromusB is chosen the name of our flash drive.

We put a tick on the AUTO Format IT WITH FBINST point and check the FAT32 point checkbox,

We celebrate the checkbox Vista / 7/8 / Server 2008/2012 Based ISO And click on the button that opens the conductor window.

A conductor opens, find an ISO computer image Live CD Aomei PE Builder and highlight it with the left mouse, click "Open".

Hmm "go".

Begins to create a loading flash drive Live CD Aomei PE Builder.

The loading flash drive is ready.

We download the laptop from the Live CD Aomei PE BUILDER boot flash drive. Our universal flash drive, you can download the laptop with the UEFI interface, as well as with the usual BIOS.

Click "Enter" on the keyboard.

The desktop Live CD Aomei PE Builder is loaded, which represents the usual Live CD based on Windows 8.1.

Click on the Windows Disk Management button.

We see two sections of the hard disk (C :) and (D :). Windows 10 is on the disk (C :), create its full image and save on the section (D :).

To create a backup image of Windows 10, we use the maintenance and deployment of the images of operating systems - DISM. This command line tool is designed by Microsoft specifically to create and subsequent deployment of Windows operating systems.

Run the command line.

and enter the team:

DISM / Capture-image /ImageFile:D:\\Install.wim / Capturedir: C: \\ / Name: Windows

install.wim: - This is the name of the WIM image of the disk (C :) with Windows 10.

C: \\ - Section with installed Windows 10.

D: \\ - the location of the WIM image.

Progress operation 100%. The image image is created.

The image of Windows 10 is in the install.wim file on the disk (D :) and has a volume of 4.80 GB.


Reboot your computer and enter Windows 10.

Download the Microsoft website of Microsoft distribution Windows 10 and save it on the section (D :).

Create on a section (D :) folder and call it 10.

Copy to this folder all Windows 10 distribution files

After the files are copied, go to the D: \\ 10 \\ Sources folder and delete the Install.esd file in it.

Copy instead of the install.wim file, located on the section (D :)

The install.wim file is copied and located in the D: \\ 10 \\ Sources folder

Note: Attentive user can ask why we delete the install.esd file and copy the install.wim file instead, because the files are different, will there be any conflict?

Friends, the fact is that starting with Windows 8.1 (DISM 6.3) for Windows Installer and DISM extension ESD andWim, this is the same, ESD \u003d WIM and WIM \u003d ESD.


Download and run the WinToolkit 1.5 program.

If NET Framework 3.5 is installed on your computer, then the program will ask you to install it.

In the main window of the program, click on the Basic button, and then on ISO Maker.

In the next window, the program asks us to open the folder into which we copied the Windows 10 distribution files, in our case D: \\ 10

Click on Browse.

Find in the opened conductor disk (D :) and on it folder 10, we highlight it with the left mouse and click the choice of folder.

In the next window, we need to choose the place of saving the future ISO image of Windows 10.

Click on Browse.

The conductor window opens. I saved the ISO image of Windows 10 on the disk (D :). The image and call Windows 10.

Click on the Create ISO button

and the process of creating a customized Windows 10 distribution begins.

ISO-image is ready.

The ISO image of Windows 10 turned out to be 5 GB.

Windows 10 installation process

The process of installing Windows 10 from the distribution prepared by us can be called express installation.

Upload our computer from the flash drive, the download menu comes out, in which you can select Live CD Aomei PE Builder or Windows 10, select Windows 10.


If you do not have a license key, then click the button "I do not have a product key".

We accept license terms.

Selective: Only installing Windows.

If you want, create partitions on a hard disk, and I will install the operating system on the unallocated space of the solid-state drive.

There is a process of installation.

Windows 10 is loaded.

The system is fully operational, all programs work.


If you install Win 10 from such a distribution to your computer, then there should be no problems with installing and further work in the operating system. You can also install such an assembly and another computer, with an eye different from your computer, in this case you have to install the driver to the device on the device, that is, to do everything that is usually done after installing the system, the only thing you do not need to install programs, Since they are already in your assembly.

Note: If you create such an assembly on a computer built on the Intel platform (processor from Intel) and then unfold the system to a computer with an AMD processor (or vice versa AMD -\u003e Intel), in some cases problems may occur during installation (conflict Alien iron and installed driver of the motherboard chipset), that is why many system administrators are used when creating their own distribution to the "sysprep" utility, which produces a "dislocation" of the installed system from the iron of the computer, deletes unique system parameters and drivers, in this case you have a collected Confined Windows 10 distribution, which can be deployed to any other computer with iron, different from yours. But again, the minus, when installing the system to your computer, you will have to install drivers on the device.

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In this section, you will definitely find something interesting, fascinating and informative. Perhaps even someday you can be one of the first to learn about the discovery that will not just change the world, but will turn your consciousness.

It is no secret that most of the Windows distributions are from those that are laid out on torrent trackers are user assemblies. All these assemblies, albeit conditionally, can be divided into two types. The first type includes assemblies with saved source system components and third-party software integrated into them, to the second type include the so-called lightweight assemblies, of which the good half of the components are cut.

It is not a secret and what exactly such light builds deliver users most of all problems.

Initially, Windows lays more capabilities than it may be needed to be the average user, the system, if so to speak, is given to the increase. And so, if a certain user wants to fasten something to its system, previously unused components will be even very much by the way. Now imagine that this user itself has a lightweight assembly. It is interesting to know who he will miss the unkind word, the creator of this assembly or himself, such a short-sighted, managed to be promised ease and performance Lite.- Systems.

So how can I use only official assemblies? Optionally, especially if you have a low-power computer, just sometimes it is better to do everything yourself, that is, to collect the image of Windows yourself, taking into account your needs. How to do this, just be stated in this article. We offer assembly using the program. She is paid, the price of the home version is 40 dollars who do not want to pay may search the internet let and not the newest but "Cured" and quite working versions.

What is ntlite

Program - This is a powerful tool for creating modified Windows assemblies. With it, you can delete everything from the distribution system that it will seem to be externally or on the contrary, add something to it in it initially. Allows you to delete system components from images, disable services, set the settings, integrate third-party software, registry keys, driver and updates.

Does Ntlite require from a collector of some knowledge? Yes. It is necessary to at least know which objectives are those or other components, otherwise you can get a buggy system at the output. But this, if you are going to facilitate the assembly. The integration of third-party components is much less risky.

Creating your own assembly of Windows

The assembly design takes place in three stages. On the first one is unpacking the image of Windows, on the second - its configuration in the program The third stage is performed by packing files to the installation image. First, unpacking the installation archiver ISO. -I like Windows into a separate folder. Let it be called data. .

Run Click the button "Add" and specify the path to the folder with a unpacked manner ISO. . At the same time in the program window, you will see the structure of the image in which, by the way, there may be several editions. We will work with the editors Windows 10 Pro.. Click on Neh. PKM. and choose the option "Download". If the program prompts to confirm the image conversion Wim in ESD. , I confirm the operation. Transformation procedure (Downloads) Wim or ESD. The image will take some time. Upon completion of the procedure on the left side of the program window, you will see a panel with multiple tabs. Fuck them quickly.

Delete and disable components and services

In chapter "Components" The Windows modules that can be turned off by removing checkboxes from them. This includes pre-installed universal applications with a defender, hardware components of some peripheral devices and their drivers, multimedia modules - themes, sounds, wallpapers, etc., network services and applications, such as payments manager NFC. , system components - Hyper-V. Subsystem Linux , symbol editor, shadow copying and much more. Some components are blocked by compatibility, it means that they cannot be deleted, but can be disabled in the section "Functions". When removing the components, caution should be taken carefully to get acquainted with descriptions, good, they are given in Russian.

In chapter "Functions" Unavailable to remove components, for example, Net Framework. . Among the modules are available for disconnection - Office games, gadgets, working folder clients, indexation and search, subsystem Linux , WMC. Services IIS. , PowerShell 2.0 , PDF. -Printer I. Internet Explorer. , disable which, by the way, is not recommended because it can lead to incorrect operation of other programs..

Section "Settings" responsible for enable / Disable Different settings operating for all users of the system, section "Services" - per enable / Disable system services. Here as in "Components" You need to be careful not to disable the important service, without which Windows cannot even start. This is especially true of the services in the tab. "Additional Services".

Integration of updates, drivers and registry twists

The following three tabs contain tools for integrating to distribute updates, drivers and registry twists. If you need to add, say, a new security update or language package, click the button "Add" and specify the path to the file Cab. , MSU. or EXE . The same section displays already installed packages. With drivers, everything is similar, only the driver must be unpacked because It will be needed configuration inf. -file. In the same way, the registry tweaks integrate in the system: click the button "Add" and specify the path to the files REG .

Personal settings and installation of third-party programs

If the assembly is created for yourself, it will not be superfluous to look into the section "Automatic". Personal user settings are set here: computer name, localization, time zone, network settings, shell options, compression, licensing parameters (set key, etc.) Setting up Winpe .

If you want to integrate into the image of the third-party software, it can be done in the section "After installation" Using a function POST-INSTALL. There is also nothing complicated in this. Just press the already familiar button. "Add" And specify the path to executable application files. The procedure for their installation will be started alternately at the Early Installation Stage of Windows Assembly. Advanced installation with parameters - in the field "Parameters" The desired keys are prescribed, for example, for a quiet installation.

Saving settings and packaging assembly in image

By and large, it's all, it remains only to apply the specified settings and pack the modified assembly files into the installation image. Switch to the tab "Apply" and determine the image parameters. When creating assembly Windows 7. everything can be left by default if it is a build Windows 8.1. or 10 need to select the image format "High compression"in which Wim -Food is converted to B. ESD. . After that, celebrate the checkbox checkbox "Create ISO".

Almost everything is ready, you can start packaging. Advanced the assembly suitable name, click the button "Treatment". If the defender is included in your system, Asked him to turn off, so it will go faster. The time to create the assembly will depend on the number of specified operations, and most of the time will take conversion Wim in ESD. (in Windows 8.1 and 10) On average, the whole procedure takes from 40 minutes to an hour or more. Upon completion, you will receive a ready-made installation image that can be recorded on a USB flash drive or an optical disk.

Hurry up to install the resulting assembly on your computer, and even more so outlaw it on a torrent or other resource, however, it is not worth it. First, you need to make sure that the build is worked out for which it is necessary to test it on the virtual machine. However, you can do without a virtual machine. If you have a free computer, with You can modify Windows installed on it by selecting in the main window "Live installation" And having done everything the same thing that was mentioned above. True, save to a separate image ISO. or ESD. "Live" The system will not work, it will be possible to test it immediately on a physical machine, detecting the most appropriate modification options.

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