
Advanced work with word pdf tables. Introduction to the specialty. Step by step execution of work

Working with spreadsheets in Word Office can be difficult for the first time on a PC. Tables in texts, and especially in scientific articles, occupy an important place, since the information contained in the table is more visual than simply in the form of text.

So how do you insert a table into text? In different versions of the editor, the methods of introducing a table into the text differ slightly, which is usually due to a change in the appearance of the toolbar. Here we will look at how to insert a table into text in the 2007 version of the program.

Insert table

To do this, create a new Word document or insert a table into an existing text. In the 2007 Word version, in the main menu bar, press the "insert" button and go to the "table" menu:

As you can see, this menu provides several ways to insert a table, all these methods are quite simple and convenient.

Firstly, here is a field of many squares, by hovering the mouse cursor over this field, we can select a table of the size we need, i.e. choose the number of columns and rows.

Secondly, in this menu, we can click on the button to insert a table, and in the window that opens, enter the table parameters we need from the keyboard (the number of columns and rows, the width of the columns).

Thirdly, the Word invites us to simply draw the table we need, for this we press the "draw table" button and instead of the mouse cursor a virtual pencil appears in the form of an arrow, with which we can draw horizontal and vertical lines.

This method of inserting tables into text is useful when you need a table with a non-standard shape.

Modifying a Word table

The Word editor allows you not only to create a table of the desired configuration, but also to modify an already created table. To do this, put the cursor in the place of the table that we want to change and press the right mouse button, the table editing menu will open in front of us:

In the window that appears, we find what relates to changing tables, this is "insert", "delete cells", "split cells" and "table properties".

To add new columns, rows and cells to the table, you need to click on the "insert" button and select the appropriate value in the window that appears.

In the same way, you can delete columns, rows and cells by clicking on the "delete" button. Sometimes it is required to split some columns or cells into several small ones, the button “split cells” will help to do this, if you select several cells, then the button “combine cells” will appear instead of “split cells”.

Cell Alignment allows you to align text within a cell to the right, left, width, or center.

"AutoFit" allows you to adjust the width of the columns: after clicking the "fit to content" button, the column size will change depending on the filling of the cell. AutoFit aligns the table with the size of the Word window, and the columns within the table become equal in width. By clicking on the "fixed column width" button, you can set the exact dimensions of the table from the keyboard.

Thus, you can insert tables into the text, change them at your discretion, select convenient tools for this, i.e. the text editor Word presents great opportunities for this, and it is not necessary to master the spreadsheet editor to insert tables into the text.


  • learn how to perform operations for creating and formatting tables in a document; operations for processing table data: sorting, calculation;
  • learn how to create a tabular model based on a text description and implement it in a text editor environment.

Required software: installing and setting the required software parameters Windows, MS Office.

Exercise 1.

  1. Create a table with the specified formatting in a new document (see Table 1).
  2. Save the document under your name, including the practice work number. For example, Ivanov_work3.

Table 1

Quest Key:

1. Insert a table using the command Insert-Table, having previously determined the number of columns - 6, rows - 9.
2. Set the width of the columns: 1-4.5 cm, 2-5-1.8 cm, 6-2.4 cm.
To do this, use the command Table properties from the context menu selected column. Another way to set the width of the columns is to drag the border of the column with the LMB while holding down the ALT key. In this case, the ruler displays the width of the table columns in centimeters.

3. Frame the table using the command Borders and shading from the context menu, after selecting the entire table (see Figure 1).

Picture 1

Having done the above operations, we got a table:

Picture 2

4. Circle in pairs cells 2-3, 4-5, 1 and 7, 6 and 12. To do this, select a couple of cells and run the command Merge cells from the context menu.
5. Enter the text for the table.
6. Format the text in the table as in Table 1. For the table header cells (rows 1-2), align to the center and the middle of the cell. To do this, run the context menu command Cell alignment(Figure 3).

Figure 3

7. Compare the table you received with the sample Table 1.

Task 2. Sort the table by ordering the rows by country area in ascending order.

Quest Key:

To perform sorting, you must:

Figure 4

Note that the rows in the table are rearranged according to the sorting parameter.

Task 3. Create a table and evaluate the expressions according to the algorithm below.

In this example, you want to sum the values ​​in the table. For convenience, add a row and a column for numbering. You will need to insert formulas into the blank cells of the last column (Column G) and the bottom row (row 6) to compute the row and column totals. In this case, column G will contain the sums of numbers for each month, and in line 6 - the sums for each of the regions.
In the lower right corner (cell G6), you need to insert a field that calculates the total quarterly result for all regions.

2 quarter

To calculate the total that sums numbers across multiple rows, insert a formula field that contains the sum function and one of four special cell references. In our example, we will need links LEFT and ABOVE ( reference to cells located to the left of the cell containing this formula and reference to cells located above the cell containing this formula) .

1. Place the insertion point in the last cell of the second row (cell G2) and enter "Totals by Month" as the heading for the last column of the table.
2. Go to cell G3.
3. Run the command Layout-Formula and enter the formula = SUM (LEFT).

Figure 5

After that, the table should look like this:

table 2

4. Go to cell G4 and set the formula = SUM (LEFT).
5. Enter the formulas in cell G5 in the same way.
6. Place the insertion point in the last cell of the second column (cell B6) and enter "Totals by Region" as the heading for this row.
7. In cell C6, enter the formula that summarizes the three months' results for this region. In our case, you need to use the expression = SUM (ABOVE).
8. Similarly, set the formulas for cells D6-F6.
9. In cell G6, you can insert either the expression = SUM (ABOVE), which calculates the sum of the monthly totals, or the expression = SUM (LEFT), which calculates the sum by region (the result will be the same). The finished table should look like this:

Table 3

Task 4.

The costs of planting 1 hectare of orchards and berry fields
in the central regions of Russia in 1980
Remuneration for planting gooseberries - 167 rubles.
Fuel, pesticides and herbicides for planting strawberries - 116 rubles.
Fertilizers for planting black currants - 585 rubles.
Material on the trellis when planting raspberries - 780 rubles.
Fuel, pesticides and herbicides for planting black currants - 90 rubles.
Planting material for planting strawberries - 1750 rubles.
Labor compensation for planting black currants - 150 rubles.
Fertilizers for planting raspberries - 532 rubles.
Fertilizers for planting gooseberries - 555 rubles.
Fuel, pesticides and herbicides for planting raspberries - 89 rubles.
Planting material for planting gooseberries - 594 rubles.
Other expenses for planting strawberries - 584 rubles.
Labor compensation for planting raspberries - 235 rubles.
Fuel, pesticides and herbicides for planting gooseberries - 92 rubles.
Fertilizers for planting strawberries -313 rubles.
Other costs for planting black currants - "260 rubles.
Planting material for planting raspberries - 1200 rubles.
Remuneration for planting strawberries - RUB 316
Other expenses for planting gooseberries - 388 rubles.
Planting material for planting black currants - 1100 rubles.
Other expenses for planting raspberries - 474 rubles.

Task 5. Perform calculations and sorting:

1. Using the "Planting Costs" table, calculate the total material costs for each crop
2. Based on the Planting Costs table, sort by the Total Costs column in ascending order of values.

Task 6. Create a table using the following information:

Production of the main types of ferrous metallurgy products in the Perm region

In 1960, 1283 thousand tons of coke were produced. In 1913, 285 thousand tons of steel were produced. In 1940, 124 thousand tons of pig iron were produced. In 1950, 772 thousand tons of rolled products were produced. In 1994, 494 thousand tons of pig iron were produced. In 1960, 1482 thousand tons of steel were produced. In 1940, 386 thousand tons of rolled products were produced. In 1992, 642 thousand tons of coke were produced. In 1950, 1,027 thousand tons of steel were produced. In 1980, 523 thousand tons of coke were produced. In 1940, 428 thousand tons of steel were produced. In 1960, 1259 thousand tons of rolled products were produced. In 1970, 716 thousand tons of pig iron were produced. In 1940, 149 thousand tons of coke were produced. In 1950, 360 thousand tons of pig iron were produced. In 1913, 203 thousand tons of rolled products were produced. In 1980, 1,771 thousand tons of steel were produced. In 1994, 368 thousand tons of coke were produced. In 1960, 502 thousand tons of pig iron were produced. In 1970, 1,658 thousand tons of steel were produced. In 1913, 155 thousand tons of pig iron were produced. In 1980, 1442 thousand tons of rolled products were produced. In 1992, 664 thousand tons of pig iron were produced. In 1970, 1161 thousand tons of coke were produced. In 1992, 1,371 thousand tons of rolled products were produced. In 1994, 615 thousand tons of steel were produced. In 1980, 913 thousand tons of pig iron were produced. In 1970, 1,358 thousand tons of rolled products were produced. In 1992, 1,037 thousand tons of steel were produced.

Task 7. Perform calculations:

Using the table "Production of the main types of ferrous metallurgy products", find out how much coke, pig iron, steel and rolled products were produced in the years under review, the average amount of coke, pig iron, steel and rolled products produced.

Task 8. Create a table and format like Figure 6:

Figure 6

Quest Key:

To change the direction of the text, use the context menu command Text direction Figure 7.

Figure 7

Task 9. Create a table, format the table as shown in Figure 8, perform the necessary calculations:

Figure 8

Task 10. Create and format the table like this:

Figure 9

Figure 10

Task 11. Create a table, format the table as shown in Figure 11, perform the necessary calculations:

Figure 11

Task 12. Create a table using the following information:

Large reservoirs in Russia

The average depth of the Kama reservoir is 6.5 m. The area of ​​the Gorky reservoir is 1400 sq. M. km. The volume of the Rybinsk reservoir is 25 cubic meters. km. The head of the Tsimlyansk reservoir is 26 m. The area of ​​the Bratsk reservoir is 5300 sq. km. The average depth of the Kuibyshev reservoir is 10.4 m. The volume of the Tsimlyansk reservoir is 24 cubic meters. km. The area of ​​the Rybinsk reservoir is 4650 sq. km. The volume of the Bratsk reservoir is 180 cubic meters. km. The area of ​​the Kama reservoir is 1700 sq. km. The head of the Kuibyshev reservoir is 28 m. The average depth of the Tsimlyansk reservoir is 9.2 m. The head of the Kama reservoir is 21 m. The area of ​​the Kuibyshev reservoir is 5000 sq. km. The head of the Rybinsk reservoir is 25 m. The average depth of the Bratsk reservoir is 34 m. The volume of the Kuibyshev reservoir is 52 cubic meters. km. The head of the Gorky reservoir is 18 m. The average depth of the Rybinsk reservoir is 5.5 m. The volume of the Kama reservoir is II cubic meters. km. The head of the Bratsk reservoir is 104 m. The area of ​​the Tsimlyansk reservoir is 2,600 sq. km.

Task 13. Sort the task table 12 by reservoir area. Arrange the data in rows in ascending order of the area parameter.

Test your knowledge and skills:

Did you know:

  • Name of table elements?
  • Algorithm for creating a table?
  • Algorithm for selecting table elements?
  • How do I change the height and width of table elements?
  • What is table framing and the algorithm for creating it?
  • How are merge and split cell operations used?
  • Algorithm for performing an operation sorting data in a table?
  • Algorithm for entering a formula?

Do you know how:

  • Insert a table into a document?
  • Highlight table elements?
  • Change the height and width of cells?
  • Insert and delete table elements?
  • Copy table elements?
  • Framing the table?
  • Change the line type of the border?
  • Merge and split cells?
  • Sort a table?
  • Perform calculations in a table?

Quite often there is such a situation when it is necessary to insert a table into a document and arrange it beautifully. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

Creating a table

To start creating a table, go to the " Insert", And then click the" table»:

There are several options for creating a table:

Table layout

After placing the cursor in the table, a group of tabs will appear " Working with tables»: « Layout" and " Constructor". To work with the table layout, go to the tab of the same name.

Tool groups:

  • table
  • Rows and Columns
  • To combine
  • Alignment
  • Data


  • Select - quickly select a group of cells
  • Show Grid - Shows invisible table borders
  • Properties - go to the window " Table properties»

Rows and Columns

  • Delete - deletes cells, rows, columns and tables. You cannot delete a table by selecting it and pressing "Delete".
  • Insert Above / Bottom - Adds lines above / below.
  • Insert Left / Right - Add columns to the left / right

To combine

  • Merge Cells - merges the selected cells into one. Their contents will also be merged.
  • Split Cells - splits the selected cells into several. The content will remain in the first cell.
  • Split Table - Splits one table into two. The line under the cursor will become the heading of the second table.


  • Buttons " Align to ...»- align the text in the selected cells. There are 9 alignment options.
  • Text Direction - The direction of the text in the selected cells. It can be vertical and horizontal.
  • Cell margins - sets the margins of the selected cells.


  • Sorting - automatic sorting of the table by text, numbers or date.
  • Repeat Header Rows - automatically inserts a table header on every page
  • Convert to Text, the inverse of Convert to Table, converts a table to delimited text.

Table Styles

To edit table styles, go to the " Constructor».

Ready styles

Tool groups:

  • Table style options
  • Table Styles

Table style options

  • Header line - the presence of a table header with a separate style
  • Totals line - having a trailing line with a separate style
  • Alternating lines - the lines will alternate in color
  • First column - having a start column with a separate style
  • Last column - having a trailing column with a separate style
  • Alternating Columns - the columns will alternate in color

Table Styles

Click the button, select the style you like and click on it to create a table with this style or apply it to a ready-made one.

Styling manually

  • Change the fill. Click the " Fill»And select the desired color. Select " Other colors ...»To display a wider palette of colors.
  • Change of boundaries. Click the " Borders»And select the appropriate option. You can also customize the color and type of borders by selecting the menu item " Borders» « Borders and shading ...».

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating tables.

1 way

To create simple tables of a small size, use the button Add table in the toolbar Standard... When you click on this button, a grid appears in which the required number of rows and columns are selected with the mouse pointer. A subsequent click will cause the table to be inserted into the document at the cursor position. The table created in this way is located across the entire width of the page - from the left to the right margin, regardless of the number of columns. In the future, the inserted table can be edited, added rows and columns, changed the width of columns, etc.

2 way To specify more precise initial parameters of the table, use the menu command table4 Add4 table... A dialog box opens (Fig. 9.1), in which the number of rows and columns, as well as the width of the columns, are set.

Rice. 9 .1. Dialog window Insert table

If, instead of a specific size of the column width, you leave the value Auto, then the table will be placed across the entire width of the page. Mode Autoselection allows you to flexibly format the table in accordance with its content. This mode is set by the corresponding switch: · constant width- the total width of the table is equal to the width of the page (from the left to the right margin), and the width of each column is constant and depends on the number of columns; · by content- the width of each column is proportional to the amount of data it contains; · by window width- a special mode for tables located on Web-pages (the final formatting occurs while viewing the table). For ordinary printed documents, this switch sets the mode equivalent to the first ( constant width). Button AutoFormat opens an additional dialog box in which you can select any of the proposed table formats. 3 way It is convenient to create tables of complex structure using the "drawing" method. To do this, you need to run the command table4 Draw table or click on the corresponding button in the toolbar Tables and borders... The mouse pointer on the stage changes to a pencil. Using the stretching method, it draws a rectangle whose width is equal to the width of the table. The height of the rectangle can be arbitrary - later it can be easily changed. The resulting rectangle is the outer border of the table. For other boundaries, it will be reference, i.e. all other lines must start and end at this boundary. Then vertical lines are drawn. These are internal boundaries, but for the horizontal lines that will rely on them, they function as reference.

The width of any column, as well as the width of the entire table, can be changed later.

Tool Eraser you can delete any of the drawn interior boundaries. Removal is done with one click.

External boundaries ( reference rectangle) cannot be deleted with the eraser.

Editing a table

When talking about editing a table, we will mean changing its structure. Editing of content is done with the usual text editing tools. Editing commands can be performed with:

· menu item table,

· toolbar buttons,

· the context menu of any cell or range of selected cells.

Selecting table cells

  • To highlight a separate cell you need to place the mouse pointer at the left border of the cell (it will take the form of a right pointing arrow) and click.
  • To highlight all strings you need to place the mouse pointer on the left margin of the page (opposite the highlighted line) and click.
  • To highlight multiple lines - drag the mouse pointer over the left margin of the page while holding down the left button.
  • To highlight column you need to place the mouse pointer over the top cell of the column (it will take the form of a black arrow) and click.
  • To select several columns - drag the mouse pointer over the table while holding down the left button.
  • To select a range of cells - drag the mouse pointer over the cells while holding down the left button.
  • To select the entire table, click on the table move handle.
  • Adding and removing rows (columns)

    To add a row inside the table, select the row before which a new row is inserted, right-click on it and select the command Add lines... Columns are added in the same way.

    Adding lines can be done using the menu table4 Add
    or using the dropdown button Add in the toolbar Tables and borders... In this case, you can choose to add rows above or below the selected row (columns - to the right or to the left).

    Comment ... When a row (column) is selected in the table, the button Add table in the toolbar Standard turns into a button Addstrings (columns).

    To insert several rows / columns at once, it is enough to select the required number of rows / columns and give the command to insert.
    To quickly enter a new line after the last one, just put the cursor in the last cell of the table and press the TAB key.

    The commands for deleting rows and columns are executed in the same way.

    To delete whole table , you need to select it and execute the command
    table4 Delete4 table.

    Attention! Keystroke when a table (or cell) is selected, delete only its contents.

    Merging and splitting cells

    To combine several table cells, select them and click the button Merge cells.

    The same command can be selected from the menu table or in the context menu of the selected cells.

    Cells can be merged both horizontally and vertically.

    To split a cell, you need to select it and click the button Break cells(you can use the menu table or cell context menu). When splitting, a request appears - how many columns (rows) you want to split this cell.

    Move through cells
    and formatting their content

    To place the cursor in any cell of the table, just click on it with the mouse. This changes ruler view document, - separate sections appear on it according to the number of columns in the table. ( The vertical ruler will show the structure of the lines.)

    Keystroke will move the cursor to the next cell in the table, + - to the previous cell. When the cursor is in the last cell, pressing will add a new row to the table.

    All teams formatting text refer to the selected item. The highlighted item can be cell, range of cells or whole table generally.

    Alignment of text in a cell (both horizontal and vertical) is performed using the context menu of the cell (command Cell alignment) or the drop-down button in the toolbar Tables and borders.

    Comment ... Only horizontal alignment of text in a cell can be done with the paragraph alignment buttons in the toolbar Formatting.

    To change the direction of text in cells (from horizontal to vertical and vice versa), use the corresponding button in the toolbar.

    You can sort the data in the table in ascending or descending order of the values ​​of the selected column using the buttons on the toolbar or in the dialog box table4 Sorting.

    Formatting table structure

    Formatting tables can be done in command or interactive mode.

    V interactive In this mode, the table is formatted using markers that appear when the mouse pointer is placed over the table or its elements.

    Table components

    In fig. 9.2 shows the view of the ruler and table markers when the mode of displaying non-printable characters is on.

    Rice. 9 .2. Table components

    The marker in the upper left corner of the table allows you to move it across the working area of ​​the document. The marker in the lower right corner allows you to control the overall dimensions of the table. Resizing handles that appear when you hover the mouse over the table borders (at the table borders, the mouse pointer becomes a double-headed arrow), allow you to resize columns and rows using the drag-and-drop method. Columns (rows) can be resized by dragging the separators on the coordinate rulers. If you hold down the Alt key at the same time, the exact values ​​of the column (row) sizes will appear on the ruler.

    Table properties

    V command mode to format the table use a dialog box Table properties opened from the menu table or from the context menu of the table. Window Propertiestables has several tabs, the elements of which allow you to perform various actions to design the table. In fig. 9.3 shows a tab table this dialog box.

    Rice. 9.3 Setting table properties

    · Width whole table set by checkbox Width in the tab table window Propertiestables... The width value can be specified in absolute units (centimeters) or as a percentage of the page width. By default, the width of the table is set from the left to the right page margin.

    · In the tab table you can ask alignment method tables relative to the document page.

    · Method interactions with text set on the tab table in field Wrapping... If the value is selected Around, then the button becomes available Accommodation, which opens a new dialog box in which you can refine the position of the table and set the distance of the table from the text.

    · Determine Option registration external and internal table frames , and you can also customize the appearance of cells (fill) on the tab table, - button Bordersand fill.

    · Button Parameters in the tab table will open a new dialog box in which to set the sizes of the inner margins of the cells and cell spacing tables.

    · Assign table row parameters can be on the tab Line... For each line, you can set the exact height value in centimeters or determine the height of the line by its content (value Minimum).

    · Check box To repeathowheadingon every page for the selected line will declare this line hat tables. If the table spans several pages, then its header will automatically appear on each page.

    · Assign table column options can be on the tab Column window Table properties.

    · Parameters the current or dedicated cells tables are set in the tab Cell window Table properties... Here you can define the width of the cells and how the text is vertically aligned in the cell.

    · Equal size for selected rows (columns) is set using the buttons Align row heights (Alignwidthcolumns) in the toolbar Tablesand borders.

    Calculations in tables

    Word allows you to perform some computational operations on numeric data in tables. To do this, place the cursor in the cell where the calculation result should appear and execute the menu command table4 Formula... A dialog box will open Formula shown in Figure 9 .4.

    In field Formula the computed function is specified. If there is a column of numbers above the current cell, then in the field Formula the function of summing the elements of this column is automatically set. Formula entry must begin with an equal sign. The required function can be entered manually or selected from the drop-down list of the field Insert function.

    You can use standard arithmetic signs in formulas (+, -, *, /,%).

    Rice. 9 .4. Insert a formula into a table

    Formulas use cell references when referring to them addresses... The columns of the table are identified by Latin letters (A, B, C,…), and the rows are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3,…). The cell address is written in the form - letter-number, for example, A1, B5. A colon is used to denote a range of cells, for example, A2: C6.

    For example, if in cell C2 you want to get the product of numbers located in cells A2 and B2, then you need to place the cursor in cell C2, call the dialog box table4 Formula and in the field Formula write down: = A2 * B2.

    When you change the data in cells that have references in the formula, the result of the calculations does not change automatically. To update the result, select the cell with the formula and press the key , or in the context menu of the formula field in the cell, select the command Update field.

Adding tables to a MS Word document can be done in the following ways:

    Convert text to table

    Draw a table.

    Insert a table using the "Insert" tab:

    execute command Insert / Table / Insert Table;

    in the dialog box that appears, specify the required number of rows and columns (the maximum number of rows and columns required to build a table is indicated);

After executing the algorithm specified in paragraph 3, a table appears, the cells of which have the same sizes and formats.

Various commands are used to change the parameters of the table.

1. Select, add and delete cells, rows and columns.

To highlight cell it is necessary to move the mouse cursor to the lower left corner of the cell and after the mouse cursor turns into a black arrow directed to the right upwards 1LKM.

To highlight strings- move the mouse cursor over the selection line opposite the desired line and 1LKM.

To highlight column- move the mouse cursor to the upper border of the column, and the field to turn the cursor into a black arrow pointing down, 1LKM.

Comment... To select adjacent cells in rows and columns - hold LMB and drag in the required direction.

To highlight tables1LKM on the cross, which is in the upper right corner of the table.

Removing and adding cells, rows and columns is carried out using the context-sensitive menu, after selecting the desired table object.

2. Combining and splitting cells.

These operations are also performed using the context sensitive menu.

Merging cells:

      select the required number of cells;

      select operation Merge cells.

Splitting a cell:

      select a cell;

      call the context-sensitive menu;

      select item Split cells;

      in the dialog box that appears, specify the required number of rows and columns, OK.

Splitting the table:

      on the "Layout" tab, select the item Split table.

In order to undo splitting necessary:

      place the cursor at the place of the table splitting;

      press the key Delete.

3. Alignment in the table, resizing of table objects.

Cell alignment is carried out either using the buttons on the "Home" tab (Left, Width, Center, Right), or using the Align to Cells item of the context-sensitive menu.

Resizing cells, rows and columns.

      place the cursor on one of the object boundaries (the cursor will take the form of a double arrow);

      pull in the desired direction.

4. Borders and filling of table objects.

Framing table cells, rows, and columns.

      select the required table object;

      Borders and shading;

      in the tab The border choose the ones you need A type, Color and Width boundaries

      Apply to ... OK.

Comment. The selection of some borders is carried out with the help of the left mouse button - by clicking in the Sample item on the icon with the desired image.

Fill cells, rows and columns.

      select the required table object;

      call the context-sensitive menu and select the item Borders and shading;

      in the tab Fill choose the one you want Color;

      in the right part of this window in paragraph Apply to ... select the required operation from the drop-down list, OK.

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