
Installing and configuring mini-PBX. Virtual PBX "Telfin.Ofis platform for personal account Virtual PBX

Telephone communication is a tool for building the interaction of company employees and a means of communication with customers. Excellent performance shows a virtual PBX for business.

Virtual PBX for Business Under it should be understood to telephony organized via the Internet. With minimal investments and continued costs, it provides an extensive package of basic and additional functions that contribute to improving the performance of organizations.

Such a system is characterized by advanced functionality, but it does not need to purchase and install expensive equipment. As a result, it is easy to organize a highly productive call center that is fully suitable for specific requests.

To order modern telephony, it is proposed to apply to the help of real professionals - in CANMOS. There is an excellent base for high-quality and stable service provision, which is proved by a large number of satisfied customers.

Virtual PBX for business - communication service allows you to organize telephone communications in the company. Even if the organization has several sites in various cities and even countries. They can be combined into a single telephone network of the company using the Internet.

A single telephone network based on a virtual PBX for business allows you to talk on the phone to employees among themselves to a short number for free, which greatly contributes to saving funds.

Virtual PBX for Businessit has a functionality of an office PBX and allows you to receive communication services from the provider in full. Telephony CanMos makes many bold desires possible.

The huge features of modern IP telephony today are actively implemented: free telephone conversations with subscribers, calls from the site to the office without telephone, telephone calls using the Call Back function.

PBX price for business

To order a telephone connection for business, decide on the choice of PBX and call the phone indicated on the site, or fill out the feedback form.

Advantages of the choice of virtual PBX for small businesses

Virtual PBX for small businesses becomes the right choice due to its advantages:

  • excellent quality - achieved using optical cable and high-tech equipment;
  • multichannel - the number of channels and numbers has no restrictions;
  • mobility - there is no binding to a certain place, so the office change is no longer a problem;
  • statistics - detailed reports on calls and challenges with the possibility of their further analysis;
  • video conferencing - time saving and maximum convenience during negotiations;
  • easy control - Easy administration, carried out remote using an understandable interface;
  • integration - Association with the Site in order to further attract customers and sales growth. Calls carried out via the Internet will be free for both sides;
  • dialing - telemarketing is carried out automatically, it provides for a call to the voice menu;
  • security - effective protection, preventing the action of attackers and the safety of information;
  • customer service - is carried out automatically due to the use of a clear voice menu, redirecting the subscriber to the employee you need. No less useful becoming receiving faxes. It is performed on the specified email address. Possible to send them.

Choosing a virtual PBX for small businesses, it opens the possibility to really save on the negotiations. Inside the network they will be free. Such benefits will be interested in organizations that are just starting their activities without have enough free funds. Each employee receives its short and easily memorable number. No additional costs for communicating between individual branches located in different cities are not required.

Connecting a virtual PBX for small businesses directly in practice is carried out very quickly. For this, it is not necessary to acquire expensive equipment, which contributes to the weighty savings of money. Provider specialists cope with all stages in short time. Subsequently, it does not arise in the process of using the system. It is easily configured using an understandable interface. If necessary, you can always contact the support staff working around the clock. They are ready to advise on all issues, to quickly solve the questions that have arisen for stable and correct work.

Easy connection of virtual PBX

In "Canmos" appreciate each client. For the maximum convenience of customers, an understandable scheme of cooperation is envisaged. An application for connection can be left on the site. All that is required for this is to fill a small form by specifying your coordinates. After that, employees are promptly associated with additional clarifications.

The subsequent stages involve the selection of the optimal package that suits parameters and cost. Then it is connected and configured for specific tasks. Having access to the personal account, you can proceed to using the system.

Provider working for a long time on the market, managed to earn a good reputation, providing high-quality services. Achievement of such a result helps a high level of professionalism, the use of high-tech equipment. All the latest advances in telephony are tracked for further use in practice to offer customers only the best.

Selection is offered several types of PBX. The conditions for each package remain profitable. The telecom operator is relatively different from its competitors, offering excellent quality for a reasonable price.

Appeal to CANMOS is a convenient way to create a functional telephone network, having achieved excellent results without applying special efforts with minimal financial costs!

Connect the virtual PBX for business - highly efficient, convenient and economical tool for its development!

Quick Connection Virtual PBX for Business

Book a PBX

Virtual PBX can be used to create and upgrade the corporate communication network. It is easy to build and optimize all communication processes for business.

Based on virtual or mini-PBX, you can reduce all communications channels to one: from ordinary calls and notifications about clients and partners in messengers before creating automatic tasks in an integrated CRM or ERP system.

The advantages that IP telephony provides for office:

    availability of the line for receiving and making calls;

    the ability to freely connect an unlimited number of internal numbers for employees;

    ability to use for connecting subscribers to connect both by a regular telephone network and on the basis of the IP network;

    high quality and stability of communication without disconnections, noise, interference and other defects that may interfere with comfortable communication;

    advanced virtual IP-PBX functionality, especially when using virtual telephony integration with customer relationship management systems (CRM and ERP), not to mention traditional tasks (receiving and transferring fax, save conversations and call forwarding);

    no binding to the location of the office;

    ability to connect dynamic collegrag to track the efficiency of advertising.

* - The uninterrupted job of communication is guaranteed when routing calls only through the networks of our company (without transitions to / from the network of partners) and for force majeures.

Cloud PBX - Reliability and Innovation

Cloud telephony is a modern platform for companies with any staff, including remote employees (working outside the office). Enjoys great success in business in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

Virtual PBX is a full-featured telephony service, the technical base of which is based on the duplication of all infrastructure elements, which gives a guarantee of uninterrupted operation and save data, including call records. The optimal cost, the ability to integrate with other business tools and the expansion of the functional enable the innovative product every day.

You can use cloud PBX in the office at all without phones - sufficiently connected to the Internet of a computer or laptop: all resources are actually at the provider. The room will also be virtual, that is, without binding to the office. Connect and configure virtual PBXs can be completely remotely.

Connection for 3 hours

The selected number will be available for receiving calls immediately after the conclusion of the contract.

Lack of binding to the address

No wires, no difficulties with moving or opening new presence points

Favorable tariffs

Connecting numbers from 0 rub., Fee for the room from 250 rubles / month, minute of conversation from 0.42 rubles.

High reliability

UIS communication infrastructure guarantees stable operation - no more than 15 minutes of idle per month *

Simple connectivity

Easy to connect and disable the functionality and pay only tools used and features.

Technical support 24/7

And personal manager for convenient work with telephony, virtual PBX and other tools

Virtual PBX capabilities for business

Online shops

Automation processing automation

Call centers

Control of operators and challenges

Service companies

Tracking all client interaction stages

Financial organizations

This is a great solution for companies appreciated mobility. IP telephony can work from any corner of the world and does not require a change of phone number. Cloud telephony allows you to perform any settings up to the scenario of selecting a specific operator when performing the specified conditions in the Personal Account, which makes the virtual PBX of a very flexible tool adapting to any needs and tasks.

Connecting smart telephony from UIS allows you to use various tools: a call from the site (Sitephone), a lidogenerator and an online consultant. With their help, the company can provide customers with additional communication channels. Connecting virtual PBX - an important step to grow business.

Our company is developing dynamically. The divisions are growing, new, changing and optimized business processes.

With a cloud PBX from a digital-telecom, it is possible to quickly solve the commutation of the most different complexity, including integrating mobile phones with PBX, control the quality of communication with clients - functionality allows, the interface is intuitively understood.

Separately, I note the high quality of technical support.

Kudryaev Aleksey

Head of IT Department

By the nature of the activity, I spend a lot of negotiations on the phone with my partners located at a considerable distance: neighboring and far abroad, all regions of the Russian Federation, Moscow region. To reduce costs without losing the quality of communication, I apply IP telephony. A significant disadvantage of IP telephony compared to mobile communications was the need for presence in the office to carry out outgoing calls. It strongly limited me in communications or led to unjustified additional costs for mobile communications. This problem was fully solved by connecting the service "Mobile PBX". At the moment, I have the opportunity to call at the minimum rates from anywhere in Russia, where there is a cellular communication, and the technical support of the company "Digit-Telecom" organized the most convenient logic of the work of my virtual PBX.

Cooperation with the company "Digit-Telecom" allowed me:

1. Use the connection as convenient as possible, without any restrictions.

2. Do not go beyond the subscription fees on expenses

3. To be able to develop corporate communications (internal employee numbers, etc.) for the future

Muryshkin Dmitry.

Individual entrepreneur

"Our company" City Poster "has been cooperating with the company" Digit-Telecom "for three years. And we never regretted it.

In the digit-telecom operate real professionals who know and loving their business. At our first meeting, we simply voiced our wishes to our wishes and needs in the field of organizing telephone communications and got a quick, competent, understandable advice and practical assistance. As a result, they received high-quality inexpensive telephony in our office and a high level of service for three years. When we had some questions or wishes (change call forwarding, etc.), it was enough to contact by phone with employees of the company, and we always promptly provided assistance and technical support. Convenient, simple and reliable!

We recently opened the second, extra, office of our company. The question who will provide us to provide telephone services for us: Of course, "Digit-Telecom". They have proven themselves not only as excellent specialists, but also as good people with whom it is pleasant to deal with. Slogan of this company "Affordable and high-quality communication", and they fully justify it. "

Olga Antipova

Magna Art - "City Poster"

The services of the company "Digit-Telecom" we use 7 years.

Initially, we simply received advice on the work of our telephone system on Avaya equipment, with time, consultations went into a more extensive interaction, and what is very important for me, all our questions or problems, the company's specialists perceived as their own. All problems, problems, etc., were solved quickly and quickly, the departure of Digit-Telecom specialists, calls (by solving our tasks) almost at any time of the day, allowed us always in touch with customers. For both four years, as we switched to IP telephony based on virtual PBX from "Figure Telecom". All support, configuration and organization of the system assumed the specialists of this company. "Figure Telecom" is one of the few companies in the IT business, which does not just sell services and solutions, and perceives customers as friends, and it can not but rejoice. I am very glad that my company has a company "Figure Telecom" in partners.

Use SIP-phone, computer, smartphone, tablet, IP gateway with analog apparatus! Virtual PBX, virtual PBX - This is a service that replaces the physical, office station. The service is that the company receives in full use of the telephone station functionality physically placed at the provider, pays for the subscription fee for using the telephone connection.

« Virtual"Takes his value from the Latin word vir."Man". Virtus was used to designate the set of all the qualities of inherent in men: physical strength, valiant behavior, morality. The current meaning of the word, a certain state of the object at which there is no distinction between the real and imaginary. Virtual PBX Maybe there is anywhere on the Internet linking subscribers for voice communication. The CANMOS provider connects the phone via the Internet for free, allocates the resource, provides access to statistics! For negotiations need the station to which the subscriber will be connected, all negotiations will be carried out through it. In order to call the number that connects two phones using stations by creating a temporary channel for a conversation, after its end, the channel automatically disassembles control stations.

Virtual PBX Connects the IP phone for a few minutes, controls MG / MN routes, collects statistics, writes conversations, creates a call plan for both outgoing and incoming, fax, answering machine, greeting. Functional: Automatically receive calls and call any numbers, listening to an answering machine via e-mail, apply a multichannel number, receiving call calls, multi-level voice menu, subscriber grouping, call distribution, challenge interception, black, white, and so on., Short numbering. Convenient and simple connection: software phones installed on a computer or smartphone, IP gateway with analog telephones, IP phones. A wide selection of a device or programs for calls from a large number of manufacturers. Most technological, simple, fast connection method, use the Internet. High-quality negotiations at a distance for business are provided with an optical cable or Q & Q technology. The transition to a new level for several weeks after the coordination is performed, the input of the optical cable to the CANMOS communication operator building. Optical lines can transmit a large amount of information at the speed of light, the dedicated channel provides high-quality signal transmission without interference from the provider to the subscriber.

The management and quality of negotiations on the phone becomes a business tool and an important element of the work of the enterprise, most of the modern legal entities pay serious attention to their development. Much depends on the quality of communications - from the efficiency of interaction with subscribers to an increase in the management level of the organization.

CANMOS communication will save a lot of funds, as well as get a great resource for the automation of many business processes. The signal transmission occurs with the station, which is located in the provider's server rack. In this case, the immediate installation of cumbersome equipment in your building is not required. This simplifies the connection process.

The leaders of enterprises, structural divisions, managers and individual entrepreneurs seek their organizations to go to a new level. Everyone is interested in increasing the number of clients, more efficiently by its company, reduce costs, in increasing sales, in successful promotion of goods or services. Using our technologies solves these tasks with a business to another level.

Innovative business involves the need to make a large number of calls, manage contacts with counterparties, plan meetings and tasks. Officers communicate with subordinates, employees communicate with each other to solve certain issues, operators or managers accept applications from subscribers. For this reason, the importance of such aspects as:

  • speed and quality of signal transmission;
  • uninterrupted work;
  • functionality;
  • the ability to connect a large number of rooms;
  • reducing telephony costs without losing its effectiveness.

Our connection is fully consistent with the criteria listed above! CRM, SBC performs the necessary functions for business. The signal transmission is carried out using encrypted channels on the Internet and optical cable, making quality, even in conditions of high load.

The use of the selected channel will protect against different interruptions caused by overload. The network is calmly withstands the necessary load, you can connect the desired number of rooms and lines, to quickly solve the tasks associated with your company's work.


Innovative telephony, which is carried out via the Internet. Connecting phones is carried out by an optical cable or via the Internet to the active station in the canmos server rack. Such a technology is ideal for medium-sized firms, small businesses, a number with 2-15 operators. Our company makes it possible to open a branch or count in Moscow without actual presence.

All the work of the new structural unit will be carried out through the VPN, which will connect a remote office and the actual location. Its connection will allow you to solve many tasks for optimization and business automation. The opening of the company or the new business always leads to additional costs. The use of modern technology will allow you to reduce costs to a minimum, use already available telephone sets, free (software). However, the quality of communication and its effectiveness will be at a higher level when using IP phones and optical cable between the provider and the subscriber.


Excellent functional resources. Among important functions can be allocated:

  • voice menu;
  • internet telephony;
  • the ability to record conversations;
  • forwarding to a mobile phone;
  • auto secretary;
  • filtration of exports;
  • adding new numbers.

Configuring specific functions depends on the tasks you are going to solve, as well as your personal preferences. You can manage all network subscribers and control phone calls. Work will be systematized in accordance with specific conditions.

Work with customers

Nowadays, the company leads an active "struggle for customers". Moreover, the one who uses the most effective tools, a bundle with CRM wins here. When any person wants to order your product or service, it is very important to keep this client. Modern technology will help you with this.

If the called buyer or the customer, hear the signal "busy" in the tube, will turn to your competitors. To avoid such a script, use call forwarding and database with all calls available for viewing in a convenient interface. With this approach, the incoming call will necessarily process someone from free operators. If the client called no time, contact him at the first opportunity.

The recording of conversations will allow the manager to follow the work of his subordinates, identify and analyze errors, make adjustments to the activities of operators and managers. So modern PBX becomes an excellent helper to improve the work of the enterprise.

Virtual PBX for free

Enterprises preferring to use modern technology use an approach in which quality and reliability is combined with minimal connection costs. An excellent solution will be connected to the phone to virtual PBX for free. You get a modern telephony working via the Internet. In this case, such a connection becomes the most favorable in terms of financial expenses.

You get a free interface that reflects all negotiations, numbers, call time, the most economical mg / mn route is selected. Connect for free and pay only for the costs of mg / mn and subscription fee, the functionality is able to replace the usual office telephone station, and its capabilities will be noticeably higher. Virtual technology has significant advantages, due to which it enjoys extremely popular today. Business owners, managers of enterprises and institutions willingly use such competitive advantages.

The functionality involves a large selection of settings, so that the company can connect additional functions depending on the needs of the company. Analog and other outdated equipment is moving into the past. Enterprises and organizations begin to use more efficient means.

Free, convenient and practical

Modern technologies are distinguished by serious convenience. The user does not require its own station, since it is connected to the provider's cloud server. An employee is enough to have one of the technical set options:

  • IP phone
  • PC or tablet with Zoiper;
  • Smartphone with Zoiper;
  • Phones and gateway.

Connecting the equipment selected by the subscriber is made in 15 minutes over the Internet or using an optical cable, providing high quality communication without interference and without loss.

There is no need to geographical binding to your company's office. Employees can contact each other, being in different places. Heads are becoming much easier to control the work of subordinates using CRM. The effectiveness of interaction with customers, customers and partners increases. With such a telephony, many negotiations occur online and go beyond office walls.

CanMos makes it possible to combine all the structural units of your company into a single network. In this case, you use one multichannel number or several. It all depends on your personal preferences and tasks that need to be addressed. For communication users within the network there is a short numbering.

If you have taken the right solution to connect the free virtual PBX in return to the old effect will immediately! Such telephony will be the perfect option for calling calls from buyers and customers, with its help you can organize the work of the call-center.

Free and efficient

When connected, it remains the ability to save the current number using the FXO gateway. Some companies resort to such tactics to save old subscribers. Other enterprises prefer to use everything new, considering that they will not have any losses.

The possibilities of the virtual telephone network allow you to handle a larger number of calls. At the same time, even with a large workload, telephony works without any interruptions. It becomes another argument in favor of implementing such a decision. A poor-quality telephone connection leads to losses of an enterprise if the profit directly depends on the amount of applications taken. Virtual PBX is effective and reliable, thanks to which you are confident that the client will call you.

The technology used in such telephony allows you to withstand serious loads. The signal quality remains at a high level even at maximum network load. Telephony, carried out via the Internet, wins noticeably among the traditional.

Principle of free virtual PBX

Principle of connection to virtual PBX:

1. Free is not only the way to reduce costs.

2. The Moscow City Numbering with the required number of lines.

3. A plan for calls to internal lines.

4. Available the amount that can be maximally spent on the day. Protection from fool.

5. The quality of communication and the established rules is made.

Get a telephone network that is extremely easy to work. The subscriber makes a call that goes to your phones by the established rule. One room can simultaneously call up to hundreds of people. Call processing is carried out according to the selected settings.

In most cases, the ringing immediately falls on the free operator. The exceptions here are the moments when all operators are occupied. With this scenario, the resulting person is asked to wait - he receives a special voice message. When someone from the operators is released, there is a connection immediately.

The operator or manager can talk an unlimited amount of time. At the same time, the conversation is recorded, and the head receives information to analyze the activities of his employee.

Useful features and benefits

In general, the CANMOS policy is perfect for small and medium-sized businesses, pay the subscription fee for lines and outgoing calls in surprisingly low tariffs, the virtual PBX itself is absolutely free, regardless of the number of employees, functionality, and other things. All MG / MN calls are on the best routes, the quality of the calls is high, good prices, integration with CRM is the best price and quality.

Communication is highlighted by its advanced functionality with a variety of different elements. The following functions play a special role:

  • automatic call processing - allows you to redirect and receive calls for specified scenario settings;
  • the voice menu - helps the caller get the necessary information and better navigate;
  • collection of statistics - the history of incoming and outgoing calls is kept in the Personal Office;
  • black and white list simplifies call processing process;
  • callback from the site - improves interaction with a potential customer and buyer, increases the possibility of concluding a deal.

Such telephony provides additional features for the company, you can connect for free in 20 minutes. And you do not need to use any equipment. You are delivered from the need to acquire expensive stations, switches and so on.

You will significantly save on communications services, because Internet telephony costs much cheaper. It makes it easy to interact with employees who work remotely or are in another city. Telephony expands the capabilities of your company.

TLS and HTTPS protocols provide safe and reliable connections. Competitors and attackers do not get access to your information. Even if you have no Internet or disconnected the light, you can maintain contact with the client. This feature is available for the equipment of your provider.

Interaction with CANMOS.

CanMos connects to license and contract services. We produce telephony setting based on the tasks that you need to solve your organization. Thanks to modern handling technologies, your customers turn into sales.

PBX, working on the basis of cloud solutions, significantly improves the quality of service. You get rid of missed calls and hold potential customers, turning them into real. Your company becomes more mobile, which is achieved by automating and optimizing many processes.

Customers and partners become more loyal in relation to you. The level of trust increases, the organization's image is improved, cost optimization occurs. Cloud type telephony will help your organization to reach a new level.

To implement the advantages of such a PBX, interaction with the experienced provider is necessary. CanMOS will help you get a telephony aimed at developing your company and solving the tasks you need. Use innovative communications tools that will help your business.

Security and reliability

For innovative firms, the factor of information security plays a major role. It is extremely important that confidential information do not get to intruders. Some negotiations contain information that should not be available to third parties. Virtual type PBX is able to protect you from intercepting such information.

The signal transmission occurs on a special encrypted protocol, because the attackers will not be able to listen to such a conversation. You get safe and reliable telephony capable of protecting you from failures and intercept confidential information.


Of great importance is the company providing communication services, communication provider. It is better to cooperate with an experienced provider, well-proven in business. The possibilities of the virtual network can be fully implemented when you deal with professionals.

Book a service in Canmos, and you will get high-quality telephony for your organization. We configure the network, taking into account the needs of the client, without offering extra costs for additional functions. CANMOS specialists have extensive experience with customers of different levels. We will offer a network suitable for the needs of your business. Your tools you have chosen will solve the necessary business tasks. Network maintenance is carried out by employees of our company. You are delivered from the need to purchase any equipment, since the connection is carried out through the capacity of our company. Use our opportunities to develop your business.

Free connection!

Fast free connection. You can connect a virtual PBX for free for free. Configure integration through the API with CRM, without the departures of technical specialists.

Free connection connection with the ability to manage contacts via CRM, with all counterparties and monitor negotiations. Any business is large and small by the phone, modern realities of our life are a large number of negotiations, calls that we make themselves and call us. Call control of their systematization, allow you to more productively use your time.

Our decisions can very effectively manage all telephony company, as well as your personal connections. What is management? How can I configure the phone group to work in a single mode, submitting to one installed rules?

To answer this question, it is necessary to determine the priorities that you consider the most important in your work or personally for yourself in connection. Agree if the company is young and it is important not to lose any contact, client and call, you need to maximize any incoming call to distribute to a larger number of employees, leave all non-received calls in the (CRM) data.

But when the company has already developed a certain circle of clients for her, it is more important to work with the existing circle of clientele, calls from old customers should have a more significant priority.

CRM + server allows you to set up several telephone sets to one phone number, all calls in the company will take several people in turn or simultaneously. With this mode of operation of the multichannel phone number, provided that sufficient number of operators, all calls will be accepted. Call database maintenance Additional service quality control.

Intelligent telephone call system.

Sit at the table and wait for a call very difficult work, with a small traffic of phone calls, it is convenient to configure the queue from telephone calls with the possibility of fixing all phone numbers that called the company number. Make it easier than it seems! Day 24 hours of them at work We are 8 hours not counting lunch, there are weekends and holidays. Rules must differ during working hours and inoperative time. There are phone numbers included in the database as important clients, the bell from which should come to a specific manager or the manager.

The cloud PBX program allows you to consider: the caller's number, the call time, the presence of free operators. The application of the established rules will save time for the call processing, improve the quality of service. Use all the phones that are available: IP Phone, Analog Telephone, Smartphone, Laptop, Computer.

We solve 99% of all business tasks, combines the convenience of the mobile phone and the possibility of a single telephone number of the company.

Virtual PBX functionality

Virtual PBX CANMOS is a modern, effective solution for working with calls. Consider its basic functions and capabilities:

  • the creation of groups of users who perform similar or the same duties;
  • making calls from any numbers from any countries, and any cities;
  • providing group calls with the ability to redirection to external lines, mobile phones both automatically and in manual;
  • intelligent redirection depending on the caller's number and call time;
  • redirect calls to the necessary operators and managers;
  • automatic challenge distribution;
  • the use of multichannel numbers, one number may have up to 120 incoming lines;
  • sending notifications about missed calls received by unexpected time or with too high loading, creating a standby menu;
  • automatic informing the client about the attempted dialing while inoperative time, fixing the caller's number;
  • voice greetings and answering machines;
  • faxes through the IP gateway;
  • record and save conversations;
  • keeping statistics and analytics (who called when, from where, from what number, how much the conversation lasted, etc.);
  • maintaining the number even when changing the address of the company;
  • integration with other API programs, integration with CRM;
  • widgets on the site (call from the site, callback, chat).

Virtual PBX is connected free of charge, the subscription fee is also not charged for use. All our customers pay only a telephone connection. Virtual PBX Free Office Telephoneization solution. You do not need to buy expensive equipment and laying telephone lines, the network has already been created and is on the operator's server. You are connected to it via the Internet or optical cable laid between the operator and the client office.


Virtual PBX In addition to easy to use, has a number of important advantages. First of all, it is high quality digital telephony significantly exceeding analog channels and a cellular communication, where there is a dependence on the environment: walls, basement and sometimes weather conditions can affect. Very important for most users, an economic advantage. No Wires, expensive equipment, installation and technical support, free phone number in code 499, costs for a minute of conversation are also significantly lower than mg by 40%, MN to 80%. The choice of service provider is extremely important when it comes to telephone communication!

PBX, Automatic telephone station Name of a telephone controller elements. Modern relationship combines many different networks, programs and technologies, telephone and Internet are integrated into IP telephony.

Modern connection management is carried out by software products installed on universal computer equipment, modern PBX can be called a telephone server with full responsibility. A telephone server (TFTP) transmits phone codes to telephones: passwords, encryption codes and many other data for successful network work. In the modern telephony network, telephone traffic, alarm, data, video is transmitted. Software is a hardware complex for organizing a telephone connection, a modern solution. The modern automatic telephone exchange provides a telephone connection of all subscribers connected to it, both among themselves (internal network) and with telephones around the world. Our PBX allows you to connect phones using the Internet. You can install the phone to any computer to buy an IP phone - the connection to IP-PBX will take no more than 15 minutes. Telephone communication over the Internet has a number of advantages: quick connection, connecting IP phones from any point of the Internet network.

Advantages of telephony on optical cables: high reliability, the highest quality telephone conversations.

PBX can be divided into several intended and execution groups. By execution: hardware, software and hardware, software. For appointment and execution: Virtual, cloud, IP-PBX, mini-PBX, office, corporate, operator.

Virtual PBX allows you to connect to each subscriber to 100 IP phones for free, paying a monthly subscription fee and mg / mn. This method of telephone organization allows companies to save significant funds, organize high-quality telephony using optical cables and the Internet.

Cloud PBX creates several virtual PBXs that can be controlled by different administrators. Cloud PBX has much greater performance, allows you to connect up to 5 thousand subscribers and manage one or more independent user groups.

IP-PBX is PBX (Asterisk, FreesWitch) installed on the server platform. Customizable under certain tasks - security, the passage rule. The disadvantage is the need to serve and contain a qualified system administrator.


Modern PBX, software and hardware complex consists of a program and a computer with specially selected equipment ( hardware.) High reliability. High quality PBXfrom a reliable telecom operator - the best solution for your business. We offer: Seven PBXs on your choice, telephony and CRM.

We discuss the installation of the corporate and operator telephone station with each client pre-individually. We buy equipment and prepare programs for the company's tasks.

A full-fledged telephone communication is an important condition for productive and profitable companies. Modern technologies will help provide it, differ simplicity of connection, multifunctionality and efficiency. To order modern communication, it is proposed to contact the proven company - "Canmos", where highly qualified specialists work, advanced technologies are used.

Automatic telephone exchange, it is designed to transmit a signal from one phone to another. This allows you to receive a challenge, conduct telephone negotiations.

Today, telephone systems are rapidly developing. For their work apply the huge features of the global network. This allows you to significantly reduce the general material costs and achieve greater functionality, having received extended settings, ease of management and ease of use.

When required modern communication In Moscow, you can choose the most suitable type for specific requests that arrange functionality and cost. The most popular species today are:

  • the virtual telephone system is based on the work of the application of IP telephony technology, which allows with small material costs to get a huge list of desired and useful options. All of them are sent to the prompt decision of business issues, improving the quality of service, allowing you to bring the organization to a new level of development, significantly improve many indicators;
  • cloud PBX allows you to create several virtual, which can be controlled independently. Cloud creates several groups of subscribers (phones) that work with different city phone numbers as telephone stations located on different equipment;
  • office - ideal for organizing communication in the office. With it, you can easily take a lot of calls, without losing a single buyer, creating all the conditions for rapid sales growth. Employees themselves, getting short numbers, will be able to immediately solve everyday issues, binding to each other. Unite workers not only workers in the same building, but also in other offices, offices. All this becomes real with the use of the Internet;
  • mini PBX is an economical option suitable for small firms. When it is elected with low costs, it is easy to solve the issue of high-quality communication, using the entire functionality to the maximum. The system will delight the flexibility of settings, controlling the team, as well as many options;
  • corporate - provides telephone conversations between different departments and within the network. Provides the use of the required list of additional services. High efficiency and easy-to-use intellectual abilities contribute;
  • IP-PBX creates a telephone network, supports communication with subscriber (connected) phones by IP protocol;
  • the operator is based on innovative technologies that allow with small investments to obtain a fully working system with a large set of options that demonstrates stable and correct operation.

Having become acquainted with the peculiarities and purpose of each type, you can decide. This will also help professional advice from experts. They are ready to answer all the questions. When working with clients, an individual approach is practiced. This means that all the wishes are taken into account. For specific tasks, appropriate options are offered.

Virtual stations were especially common today. Nothing amazing, because their undeniable advantages make such a choice fully justified. The management of them is carried out using a personal account. You can go on it on the official website of the provider provider. It indicates all information, and users can make appropriate adjustments, perform all required operations, set the required options, as well as solve many other questions. Management does not differ in high level of difficulty, does not take much time.

The automatic secretary shows perfectly in business. He successfully copes immediately with several issues. These include receiving calls. In the future, they are redirected according to specified scenarios. If necessary, you can leave information. The redirection function becomes very useful when the line is busy. Due to this, customers are not lost, they are answered to all issues that arise.

Modern server (TFTP) can significantly reduce the material costs required for negotiations. This is facilitated by free communication between office staff. They are invited to use internal numbers. They are short and easily remembered. Another plus is the organization of negotiations between departments located in different places. As a result of effective interaction, all issues will be solved with ease, without taking a lot of time subject to significant savings at the expense of low tariffs.

The only condition that is required is the presence of a permanent connection to the worldwide network. By the way, with this question in Canmos will also help, because the provider specializes in the provision of this category of services. Here you can choose the most appropriate package that suits the speed of the connection used by the technologies, as well as rates and other conditions.

Together with the station, an excellent internal and external connection is organized. Due to good power and wonderful characteristics, there are no problems with conversations. Subscribers can always get through. They are redirected to the employee you are interested in. Also, workers themselves communicate without problems.

To achieve such a result, it is necessary to competently make settings. So, employees are divided into certain groups. For them, the optimal number of lines is intended. Call sorting is carried out by specified settings. The subscriber system allocates free lines in automatic mode. Such a feature excludes failures and allows without delays to contact the desired subscriber without delay, without spending time on tedious waiting or numerous chimes.

IP telephony provides its characteristic features relating to the functioning and the basic principle of operation. The station itself is located on the server: on the server of the provider of specializing in the provision of this category of service, on the server on the Internet or on the server in the subscriber's office. Its setting is carried out with regard to specific customer requests. Special protocols are intended for information transfer, including multimedia and voice messages. Subject to the ATS directly on the operator's server, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment, and the connection is carried out very easily and quickly, demanding only to make the appropriate settings.

Modern PBX

The systems used today become the adopted standard, without which it is not to do with companies. The most popular view of the steel IP stations. They are indispensable for small, medium and large business. In each case, the optimal package of services is selected, functionality that allows you to solve the full amount of tasks.

Modern PBX It has a clear principle of operation. It includes a server, a specific number of phones, as well as gateways required to connect to networks. Appeal to the service provider allows you to quickly resolve the issue with a connection without resorting to the performance of complex works and not acquiring expensive equipment. Such attractive features contribute to weighty savings.

The main advantages of choice should include:

  • scalability - the extension does not arise any problems, which makes it possible to easily add new phones and maintain a large number of subscribers;
  • extended functionality - In addition to the main options, it is proposed to use a large number of optional. As a result, even more questions are solved. In practice, the forwarding functions, voice menu, call recording and much more are useful.
  • easy control is provided by an easy interface, in which you can easily perform all the required actions;
  • setup - is carried out in many parameters. The desired characteristics are set to use the system with maximum benefit;
  • efficiency - connection and subsequent use costs cheaply;
  • connection efficiency - all settings are carried out in short time;
  • quality - negotiations become as comfortable at the expense of stable quality;
  • safety - the use of modern technologies provides a high level of security.

A distinctive feature modern PBX Assistant auto attendant. With it, the process of receiving calls is taken. It provides for use with corporate goals, becoming indispensable for different organizations, characterized by sizes, specialization and activities. In each case, with its help, the fulfillment of many tasks is significantly accelerated, and the quality of service goes to a new level.

The need to use the automatic secretary is associated with the need to reduce the load provided to employees, as well as a decrease in their total amount, which makes significantly less permanent costs. The work is carried out on the intellectual level, according to the predefined settings, without requiring the use of expensive equipment.

For many organizations in order to develop business, it is important to solve two main issues:

  • increase the effectiveness of employees;
  • improve service quality.

This will help modern PBXHaving all the technical parameters required for this and functionality. Thanks to the convenient connection between employees, they will be able to quickly solve all the business issues that appear every day. The system combines different branches, workers who workers remotely located on a business trip. All this significantly increases the performance of their performance.

Another question is a quality connection with buyers, which acts as a significant condition for organizing a high level of service. Potential buyers will easily call the company. The telephone line allows you to simultaneously take a large number of calls, so no one will be ignored. Contact the desired department will help a clear voice menu, where there are appropriate tips. A pleasant greeting and musical accompaniment allows you to fold a good impression of the organization itself from the first moments of appeal to it.

Our advantages

    Telephony Provider

    Each client

    Individual approach

    work experience

    Over 15 years

    Office in Cao.

    All services


    WEBRTC, Call Back

    The best prices

    PBX protection

    Deep Packet Inspection.


    Innovate experience

    Telephone communications

    Optics, TLS.

PBX Moscow

In the capital there is an active business life. There are many companies employed in different fields of activity. All of them is important to overcome a high level of competition, to reach a new level, increase profitability. To achieve such results, a competent approach to the organization of business will be required. A significant condition is a highly efficient communication system, providing quality service and constant interaction of the entire team.

For all the tasks listed above, a multifunctional and correctly configured PBX Moscow. You can order it with a proven provider offering high-quality and stable services at a reasonable value.

System connection required for many questions:

  • reducing the constant costs of negotiations, including calls to other cities and countries - conversations are much cheaper thanks to the proposal of attractive tariffs;
  • combining the entire team - the system contributes to the effective interaction between individual employees, as well as by various branches, offices, regardless of their location;
  • mobility - at any point you can contact the desired employee to perform everyday tasks. There is no problems and when changing office space, because the move will not require thinking about communication, it will remain unchanged.

The list of options characteristic of systems is incredibly extensive. Most often in practice apply:

  • "Smart" call processing - reception and further redirection is carried out on the intellectual level, taking into account the specified parameters;
  • auto attendant - in automatic mode accepts calls, quickly processes them, not attracting a large number of employees;
  • the voice menu - following simple and understandable prompts, you can easily reach the employee who needs him who will advise on emerging issues;
  • recording - telephone negotiations are recorded. Subsequently saved information becomes very useful. Its careful study creates conditions for resolving conflict situations, assessing employees, service quality;
  • reports - on the negotiations are provided with statistics and other information.

This is only a small share of huge opportunities opening with the use of the system. All of them directly in practice were able to appreciate CANMOS clients. Already immediately after the introduction of the system, its benefits are felt by improving many indicators. The control is carried out with ease, does not imply any difficulties, and the connection does not take much time.

The flexibility of the settings allows you to make all the required values \u200b\u200bfor the basic parameters, successfully cope with the entire amount of tasks. In the future, the choice of such an option will allow you to feel more and significant savings, because negotiations will be made an order of magnitude cheaper under the condition of excellent quality and steadily work. Customers of the telecom operator receive a combination of basic advantages - excellent quality at a reasonable price, which makes cooperation beneficial from all sides.

Order efficient and multifunctional PBX Moscow With phone numbers in codes 499 and 495!

PBX functionality

Intellectual PBX

Distribution by telephone sets of incoming calls is given by the administrator in the PBX interface (Dialplan).


Deep Packet Inspection, HTTPS, control from specified IP addresses.

New technologies in PBX

Webrtc telephony, Call Back.

Separate control

Each administrator manages its group of users.

Greeting when calling

Install any voice file for each subscriber.

Statistics, reporting

The administrator can receive any reporting on the received and perfect calls to his group of users.


You can create groups for conferences with more than 3 subscribers.

Video calls

PBX allows you to connect video telephones.

Integration with CRM.

Integration with various database management systems.


Implementing an automatic dialing to subscribers with subsequent call routing.

Fax server.

Receiving faxes on e-mail. Sending from a computer.

Connecting PBX, Provider

To resolve the issue with the organization of effective telephone communication, the PBX is connected. In this case, it is originally to decide on a provider providing services. Today there are many organizations on the market, each of which offers its own terms of cooperation, a certain list of services provided and rates. In practice, it is important to get high-quality communication with small material costs. Such advantages are provided to everyone who chose CANMOS telephony provider.

The provider works in its sphere for many years. For this temporary segment, the organization perfectly showed itself, responsibly approaching its work, providing high-quality services. This contributes to:

  • the use of advanced technologies, including cloud;
  • use of modern equipment with excellent characteristics and extended functionality;
  • attracting highly qualified specialists with extensive experience responsibly related to the fulfillment of professional duties;
  • a 24-hour support service, promptly decisive all the questions that arise.

When working with customers, an individual approach is practiced. The company perfectly understand that each of them has its own wishes and requests. For this reason, various packages of services are offered to choose from, characterized by conditions and rates. In an individual package, optimal packages are selected to obtain the required list of options in appear in the scheduled amount.

The main selection criteria are:

  • the number of external and internal ports;
  • used equipment and technologies;
  • list of options and additional services;
  • cost.

Everyone who plans to connect PBX, familiarize themselves with the list of services provided, the proposed packages will be convenient on the site. A lot of relevant information has been published here, including the main activities of the company, current prices and so on.

When issues occur when additional clarifications are required, you can contact employees. For this, convenient ways are offered. For example, you can order a callback on the site by filling out a small form. According to the specified contact numbers, managers are promptly calling back to answer all questions. Also on the site it is easy to leave a request to order services. All that is required for this is to fill out a small form, specifying the requested information in it.

PBX is connected in short time time, it is rated in the case very soon. Cooperation is carried out on a simple and understandable scheme. It includes several basic steps:

  • application - report an intention to order a service through the site or by calling the company for the specified contact phone numbers;
  • discussion of details with the manager - informing about the available wishes;
  • the selection of the tariff is the choice of a package that suits in all parameters and functionality;
  • providing access to a personal account - making all the required settings and start work.

Just a few simple actions - and the customer receives a modern, multifunctional, consistently working system that allows you to successfully solve everyday working issues. Improve the quality of service, as well as actively develop the business as a whole.


SBC. (S.ession. B.order C.oNTROLLER - Border Controller Sessions) The equipment of the operator class (software or hardware) ensures the safety of operator NGN networks.

Automatic telephone station

When a high-quality, functional, but inexpensive connection is required, the best solution will be automatic telephone station. They may relate to different types, but virtual became the most popular. Their popularity is related to the main advantages that are distinguished by this type from others:

  • quick connection without acquiring expensive equipment, cable laying;
  • configuration flexibility for specific issues;
  • many basic and additional options for highly efficient use;
  • efficiency when connected and further operation.

The choice becomes economically justified. Together with her, negotiations within the network between employees will be free. Each of them is given to its short number. Calls to other cities and countries will become much cheaper. Savings on them will be up to 80%. Such a figure indicates a significant economic benefit that all customers of the provider receive. In addition, in the presented large number of packages, it is easy to choose optimal views for a specific budget and tasks. Professional consultation will help in this, ready to help with the choice of everything.

Weight advantage of the virtual system is its advanced functionality:

  • intellectual qualities;
  • easy control with division into separate user groups;
  • Call Back;
  • wEBRTC technology;
  • understandable voice menu;
  • greeting;
  • detailed reports and the provision of statistical information;
  • union with CRM;
  • distribution of incoming calls for specified settings;
  • holding conferences;
  • connecting video telephones;
  • faxes;
  • telemarketing.

Communication organized with the help of new technologies and the Internet is characterized by high quality and safety. At the same time, it does not require large financial costs, which contributes to the weighty savings of the company. The decision becomes justified that optimizing the permanent waste of the company, creating all the conditions for its rapid development, improving the main indicators, the productivity of the team.

No less important result achieved in practice concerns improving the quality of service. This in turn contributes to the expansion of the client base, the holding of permanent buyers, as well as improved profitability, which advocates the ultimate goal for entrepreneurs.

On the base automatic telephone exchange A full-fledged call center is organized, allowing to communicate with specialists from different units, as well as at the same time take a large number of calls. Together with him, soon you can estimate remarkable results, folded a good impression of the organization itself.

The station improves the company's activity due to the provision of basic statistical information. In particular, this concerns the number of negotiations, their duration and other information. No less useful is the record of negotiations, thanks to which it is easy to control the work of the collective, to evaluate the quality of service, to make the required changes in the activity if necessary.

To get all the advantages listed above, it is important to contact the help of a proven provider, responsibly suitable for its work, clearly fulfilling all obligations to each of the clients.

"CANMOS" is a company, ready to offer such benefits to all that is proved by many positive feedback and good reputation. Here, each of the customers is waiting for an extensive list of services provided with consistently high quality at acceptable tariffs, attentive and 24-hour support service, professional advice on all issues. This makes it possible to add exclusively the most pleasant impressions of cooperation, reach excellent results directly in practice.

Connect a multifunction PBX in a reliable provider on attractive conditions for the development of your business! Leave your application today to get a ready-made decision soon!

Quickly connect PBX

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The manager will call and will help with the choice

Provide PBX, start work

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