
Local network Internet access. Local networks. Routing parameters and launch OpenVPN server

Local networks For a long time, no longer is unusual as it was at the dawn of their creation. The advantages of such networks are obvious. Users of computers combined into a single local network will access common files and folders and can completely easily share the necessary information, edit documents, play games that use command modes, etc. However, this concerns only computers that are connected to each other. Using wires and quite a large number of "iron" equipment. And what to do when computers are pretty far from each other? Here, software products come to the rescue to create virtual local networks. Among them are quite often completely free programs. Download free programs for creating local networks and install on a computer now is not a problem. As they say, there would be a desire. Among the free rogue for local networks of such applications, two main types can be distinguished. The first type allows you to create a virtual private network in such a way that one of the computers will play the role of the server. And here you can attribute programs that use computers alternately as the main server. Data exchange in this case is carried out using P2P (Peer-to-Peer) technologies, that is, by the Universal BitTorrent protocol. The second type includes programs where the role of the central server is executed by the remote software manufacturer server. Here only registration is needed on the manufacturer's website. If we talk about free programs of this kind, then, in comparison with paid counterparts, they allow you to create networks with a connection of the order of one and a half dozens of computers or accounts. It is clear that paid analogs can create networks with a connection of even several hundred computers. However, for home use or for small offices, 15-20 users are quite enough. It must be said that the networks created using such applications possess all the capabilities of conventional wired networks. Yes, and the setting, in most cases, is very similar. The difference in such programs may also be that sometimes the binding of one computer is performed only to one specific IP address. In some other cases, the IP address can be assigned automatically. To work in such a network, only the program installed on the computer will be required. Some free programs for creating private virtual networks allow you to use even registration data for multiple Internet pagers, for example, Jabber accounts. However, the possibilities of such programs are quite similar to each other. Some additional functions may differ, for example, the presence of built-in chats or the capabilities of sharing short text messages. It seems today, the virtual networks are still preferable, since it allows you to combine computers into a single network that are even in different parts of the globe. On our site you can download the most modern programs for creating local networks.

Updated - 2017-02-14

Local network with internet access. If you have several computers and all your households are constantly working for them, and only one of them has access to the Internet, then you have probably asked for more than once: - How to connect all these computers to the high-speed ADSL Internet via one modem?

Local network with internet access

Here we will talk about this now. And not necessarily all desktop computers. This can be done with laptops. All settings I will describe for Windows XP. Although the same can be done for other systems. Difference only access to the settings of the network card. In all operating systems, the network card settings are hidden in different ways.

The difference is only on the way to them, because Different systems have different control panels. Whatever the new operating systems (Vista and Windows 7), but I prefer Windows XP. Its settings (especially for the local network) are the flexible and simple.

I have three computers at home, and everyone is constantly busy. And for a long time the Internet access was only on one computer, which is very uncomfortable. But the moment came when we understood - it's time to do something. Collected a small home council, and decided to create their own small local network with common access to the Internet.

What we need to build a local network with internet access

We bought a switcher for five ports,

and three network cables: one - 3 meter and 2 meters10 meters.

Network cards In all three computers embedded in the motherboard, so we bought only one - to connect the modem.

We already had a modem.

In general, everything was "low blood" - a little more than 700 rubles.

Connecting equipment for the local network

With internet access

  • Installed a new network card in PCI-Sot Computer, who has direct Internet access. This computer will have a server. The system immediately detected it and itself installed the necessary driver (if the system could not install the driver, then install it from the disk that is sold with the network card).
  • Connected modem to this network card.
  • In the second network card of the same computer, we connect the cable, which will be connected to the second end to the switch.
  • Connected network cables to network cards of each computer.

  • The second ends of the cables were connected to the switch and turned on it into the power grid. LEDs flashed and on monitors screens, messages appeared that the network cable is connected.

Setting up a local network

With internet access

Then they took up the setting of the local network.

  • Started S. server Settings which has direct access to the Internet. To do this, choose - StartSettingControl PanelNetwork connections .
  • At first, renamed the network card to connect the network to not be confused. Called it solid - " LAN " (local computing network).
  • Now we have a badge called " LAN "This is a network card in which we have a local network cable. Let's look at the settings of our network card for the local network. To do this, click the right mouse button on the icon LANProperties ».

  • Window opened " LAN - Properties " If you called your network card differently, then you will have another name, only the word property will not change. Roles, it does not play any, so you can not fill on it.

  • In this window on the tab " General "Click twice with the left mouse button" Internet protocol (TCP./ IP) "Or select this entry and press the button below. Properties ».
  • The following window opens TCP./ IP) ».

  • In it, we make an active (set the point) in front of the recording " Use the followingIP-address: ».
  • We assign our computer on which there will be an Internet connection directly through the modem IPPress: (If you never set up a network, then better write, too, that we have). The last digit must be 1 . The server must be first online.
  • Subnet mask: (It is not necessary to register points anywhere). Nothing else to write anywhere. Keep everything (press the button " OK “).
  • Put, check mark at the bottom « When connected to display an icon in the notification area "And" notify with limited or missing connection "What would be immediately visible if the cable was deployed or for some reason there is no network. And once again we save.
  • The entire network card of the first computer named "Server" we set up. Now go to setting up the network itself.
  • We highlight the icon " LAN ».
  • And click on the left in the network tasks on the house icon " Set home network or small office network ».

  • Window opens Wizard Setup Network " Click on the button " Further ».

  • In the next window, we click the button " Further ».

  • In the next window, put the point to write " Other "And press the button" Further ».

  • In this window, set the point on " This computer belongs to a network that does not have an Internet connection. "(It is easier to customize the network).
  • And again, press the button " Further " The next network setup window will open, where we will be asked to give a name and description.

Description You can not write, and the name must be clear for you. Better change it at this step. So that everything worked without problems, all names must be spelled out by English letters, and the values \u200b\u200bare not large or small.

We first called the computer Stella , so he writes the current name Stellaand now we rename it in Server . And again we click the button " Further ". In the next window, you must specify the working group.

You can leave the name of the Working Group as it is, and you can change the one that you like. This also does not affect anything. Click the button " Further “.

On this page it is better to leave everything as it is.

On the next page, you will see all the data that has been submitted to configure your network. If something does not suit you, you can come back on the button " Back "And change what you need. If everything suits, then click the button " Further ».

In this window, it is better to install a point on " Just complete the master».

Next, press the button " Ready "And the system will suggest you to reboot. Follow this advice. In the same way, we configured network cards on other two computers. The only difference is only in another name, and the name of the group in all should be one (i.e. the same).

On another computer, as you see, the name of the icon is not changed, since there are no other icons, and you will not confuse it with anything. Network card because one.

IN " Internet protocol (TCP./ IP) »For the second computer we prescribe:

IP -press:

Main Gateway:

PreferredDNS. SERVER:

AlternativeDNS. -server: do not write anything

IN " Internet protocol (TCP./ IP) »For the third computer we prescribe:

IP -press:

Subnet mask:

Main Gateway:

PreferredDNS. -server:

AlternativeDNS. -server: do not write anything

Everything is the same as on the second, only IP-press Last digit 3 .

The network is configured. Now configure the network card to which the modem is connected (if you are already connected to the modem and configured the Internet, then you can skip this part of the article).

We go again to the first computer, which was called " Server " Come in - StartControl PanelNetwork connections . Click right-click on the network card icon " the Internet "And in the drop-down menu choose" Properties ».

Window opens Internet - Properties " In it on the tab " General »We choose in a small window" Components used by this connection: »Record" Internet protocol (TCP./ IP) "And open it with either a double-click or button" Properties ».

In the new window that opens " Properties: Internet Protocol (TCP./ IP) "Install the point on the record" Use the followingIP-address: "And we prescribe:


Subnet mask:

Main Gateway:

(These figures you can have others. They can be found on the telecommunication telephone from your Internet provider).

And press the button " OK ».

We get again in the window " Internet - Properties " Go to the tab " Additionally ».

Install in it a tick " Allow other user users use the connection to the Internet of this computer. " And remove the tick with "Allow other network users to manage common access to the Internet connection" Click the button " OK "And reboot all computers. That's all. Now we have a network with connecting all computers to the Internet.

  • Main condition: Server must be enabled and connected to the Internet even if no one works on it yet, otherwise other computers will not be able to enter the Internet.

On other computers (clients) you only need to run your browser (opera or what you have installed).

Here is a scheme for connecting our computers:

Be sure to install an antivirusman on all computers, the more it can be regularly updated. Enjoy the advantage of the local network.

Connecting two computers to the Internet

The settings are no different from the connection that we looked above. The only difference - This is the absence of a switch, because We simply connect one computer with another with one network cable.

By the way, from my experience I can say that the cable can take the same as for the local network, and not twisted a couple. For two computers it does not matter. But when connecting a twisted pair to the switch, you will not work.

So we reviewed questions:

  • setting up the LAN XP network,
  • connecting two computers to the Internet,
  • common access to the Internet,

We continue to consider home the low-voltage networks. In this article I want to touch on a very relevant topic to date - the local computer network of the house.

We are surrounded more and more devices that can be connected to a local computer network or global Internet. Let's look at how to organize connecting multiple computers or devices to the local network. How to organize Internet access on the local network so that you can have access to the global Internet. We will also consider how to create a Wi-Fi wireless local network.

Local network between computers

In order to combine several computers in the local network, a special device is applied - switch (Switch).

The switch has several connectors - ports to which with a special cable twisted para UTP-5E Computers are connected or other devices. Twisted steam from both sides is pressed by special RJ-45 connector. This technology of wired compounds is called Ethernet.

Internet connection via local network

There is a concept local computer network LANShe is inner, how to create it we looked higher. Also exists global WAN Global Network, she is more.

Let's look at how to connect devices combined into our local network to a global Internet. In order for each individual device of our (stationary computer, laptop, network media player, TV), we can have access through our Internet provider to the world Internet.

For this, a special device is used - router (router).

The router has a separate WAN port to which the twisted pair is connected from the Internet provider. Through this port is connected to our local network to the global Internet.

Also, depending on the model, the router has several LAN ports to connect the local network devices. Usually these are four or more ports.

In general, one router is enough to create a local network and organizing its access to the Internet. If the ports for connecting the LAN internal network devices are not enough, then you must additionally use the switch.

In the figure below, I just showed the option when part of the devices is connected via the router, and the part over the switch.

The cable from the Internet provider is connected to the WAN port of the router. Our router has four ports to connect four local network devices.

We want to connect:

Three computers; - NAS network drive; - TV with the ability to connect to the Internet; - Perhaps in the future something else.

We connect a computer-monoblock and network drive to the LAN ports of the router, one port is reserve a backup for the future, and the remaining free port connect the twisted pair with the free port of the switcher.

Stationary computer, laptop and tv plug in free switter ports.

If you need to connect a few more devices to the local network, and there are not enough free ports on the switch, add another switch and connect these devices to it. This option can be useful when organizing a local computer network in the cottage, when a separate switch can be installed on each floor.

I want to note that in our example you can purchase a router to a larger number of ports and all devices of the local network connect to it. Then the switch is not needed.

This configuration using the router will allow from each device connected to the local area network, access the Internet one by one channel from the Internet provider.

Wireless LAN on Wi-Fi

Above, we reviewed the topology of the construction of a wired local network. But today everything appears more and more devices, with the ability to connect to the Wi-Fi wireless technology. First of all, these are tablets and smartphones. How to create a local Wi-Fi network? To do this, you need to connect to the free port of our router or switcher using a compressed twisted pair Special device - wi-Fi Access Point.

It will allow you to share information between all devices connected to the local network both by the wired Ethernet technology and wireless Wi-Fi. In addition, we get the opportunity to enter the Internet from our tablets and smartphones.

If Wi-Fi coatings are not enough, you can expand it by adding another access point.

Recently, widespread in apartments and small offices received Wi-Fi routers,they combine a router and a wireless access point in one case. How to create a local Wi-Fi Router network. I considered in detail in the video, there also considered several more schemes for creating a local network that are not considered in this article.

Watch the video: Local network of home via the Internet

The following publications will be devoted to architecture (schemes and layout) of the apartment low-voltage shield, including a computer network. What is installed, which cables where it is stretched, what equipment is used. Therefore, I recommend subscribing to the newsletter, a lot of interesting things! Subscription form at the bottom of the article.

How to connect several computers between yourself and to the Internet, distributing the same speed to the Internet? Through such connections, you can not only use files located on another PC, Internet, but also printers that are connected to any link of this network. Let's try to consider all options for setting up the local network, from the simplest to complex.

We divide the sequence of actions conditionally into two stages.

To begin with, we will analyze and throw out the option when you only need to divide the Internet.

Connecting to the Internet 2 computers and more in one apartment without creating a local network

You can solve this issue in several ways:

  1. Installing the router (router) - allows you to have access to the Internet to each of the computers without inclusion in the second network. As the IP address (computer identification propumes on the network) is assigned directly to the router, then you will have one tariff for the provision of Internet services, and the Internet can be used at once with two computers.
  2. Wi-Fi technology - Wireless connection to the network. It is possible when using a special set of equipment and its settings.

1st stage. Setting up a local network

How to connect two computers to the network (network bridge)

One of the computers connects to the Internet, the second computer will be connected to the first. The main disadvantage in this case is that to enter the network of the second computer it is necessary that the first computer is also in the network. And also, if you have a connection to the Internet goes on a network card, you need an additional network card to connect the second computer to the first, because The built-in network card is already busy (it takes the Internet).

To connect two computers with each other and to the Internet via a network bridge, you will need:

1. Special cable (twisted pair) and, possibly, an additional network card.

You can get a vitu couple on the radio rolls or in specialized stores. It is made independently, with a special tool called "crimp" and based on the required length of the cable itself. The pinout can be found on the Internet. And you can get rid of clipping "vituhu" directly on the radio machine (tell me the seller that you need to clip for the type of connection "by network cards" or "comp-computer", there is still a "comp-swirder") or buy a ready-made cable (if any), but It may turn out to be short. The factory assembly of such a cable does not happen, there is only a "comp-swirder", you can buy it, but then one end is cut and crimped.

Twisted Pair (Twisted Pair) is a 8- "living" cable (for example UTP-5) with samples (connector) RJ-45. The ends of the cables are crimped special. The tool (special ticks) in the connectors in accordance with the colors of the ends. The procedure for crimping cable is as follows: Bo-O-Bz-C-BS-BK-K-K at both ends for connecting with a hub. To connect a computer with a computer on one of the sides, there must be: bz-b-c-bs-o-bk-k, where o-orange, z-green, s-blue, brown, bo-white and t . d. (Do not be particularly pleased, but give the cable to the cable to the knowledgeable people).

Twisted steam (2-2.5 $ - 3 m)

"Crimp" tool

So, with the help of "twisted pair" connect computers card-card (compound type "Comp-Comp")!

Network card (3-6 $)

2. After connecting 2 computers by cable, you need to configure them programmatically.

It is necessary that computers are in one workgroup in one address range and with different network names. Setting these parameters is shown in the graphic scheme:

It is also desirable to specify the IP addresses and the subnet mask manually (the subnet mask is formed automatically at a given IP address). IP addresses can be selected in the range of 192.168.0.Hhh. At the same time, on all computers of the local network, the IP address must begin with "192.168.0.Hhh", and the last three digits (XXX) must be different (otherwise there will be a conflict, because it is equivalent to the fact that two different homes have one and that same address), and be in the range 0 - 255. The setting of the IP address is shown in the graphic scheme:

2.2. Setting up with a wizard

To do this, go to the "Control Panel" -\u003e "Network Setup Wizard", and follow the instructions of the wizard.

You can also combine the manual network configuration and the setting using the wizard, for example, after setting up the network using the wizard, specify the IP address.

After all this, you can enable any folders in the folder folders in the "Access" tab. Smashing folders can be seen by going to "My Computer" and in the "Typical Task list" select "Network Surroundings". Or through Total Commander to enter the "Network and Plugins" (extreme right of the disk button) -\u003e "All Network" -\u003e Microsoft Windows Network.

3. Setting up the printer.

3.1. Providing general access to the printer on the local network
To do this, go to the Start - Control Panel - Printers and Faxes. We find the printer connected to this PC, click on it with the right mouse and select "Sharing ..." in the context menu. After that, this printer will automatically decide on other PCs connected to this local network.

3.2. Using a printer that is generally available on the local network
On other PCs go to the start - the control panel - printers and faxes. Click to "Installing the Printer", then following the instructions of the printer installation wizard.

I. Select a "network printer or printer connected to another computer"
Go to the next stage.

II. Put the choice of "Printer Review"
We make a review of printers on the local network.

III. If you plan to frequent or continuous use of this printer, put in the default printer? " - "Yes".

This completes the setting.

Connect 3 PCs via network cards by type network bridge

It is not necessary to have a router or a switch to connect 3 PCs, it is enough to buy another network card.
This option is cheaper than switches, because Speed \u200b\u200b3 times more expensive network card. To connect 3 computers, you need to choose one of them and make it the lead, two other slaves. On the mainstream computer you need to put 2 network cards. Then connect with 2 other twisted pair and create a network bridge. Then split the Internet and local folders, while the slave computer must be constantly enabled and connected to the Internet.

Connect 3 computers and more (up to 20 pcs) through an external hub (switter or network hub)

How to connect 3 computers and more with each other and to the Internet, provided that you need to distribute to each identical speed?

The easiest solution is to buy a switch (HAB), on 5 or more ports, N cables (taking into account the distance of each of the presumptive location of the Svish position to each computer) with a compospeck compatinet (already mentioned above), where N is the number computers. After purchasing the necessary, you need to connect computers with a swive. After that, configure computers as well as connecting between two computers.

Connect 3 computers and more (up to 6 pcs) through an internal hub (HUB)

Create LAN with an internal 5 port 100 Mbb

This option is perfect for the organization of the network for a home and a small office (up to 6 computers) using a hub (or, as they say, a hub), for example, Genius GF4050C. The advantage of this PCI hub is that it is placed inside the computer as a regular extension fee. And for very little money ($ 45) you will receive a 100 megabit high-speed network in your office. But it should be noted that when the server is turned off (PC, where the hub is installed) the network will not work. However, the hub does not require an extra power outlet and does not take place on the table.

Inner habit

We connect 5-20 and more PC through the central PC server

Create a network with a central computer server that serves as a switches.
This option is intended for large offices and corporate organizations. You can connect with each other more than 20 PCs. As a hub serves a central computer server with an OS server installed on it, for example, FreeBSD + Svish.

After exceeding the number of computers in the locator, more than 20, you need to abandon the SVICH (hub) and put the central server, because With such a number of PCs, data transmission will lead to braking of the computer. This is due to the excess load on the processor when transmitting / receiving data, since it has to process a lot, for example, when the movie is downloaded (resources go to the creation of packages from where data is read, and packet analysis, where data receives). All this leads to the braking of the performance of both computers: the one who reads and the most of the time is read. If there is a price. Server, it is engaged in this case, and not computers clients. That is why they put the central server. The switch takes on some part of the processing, but this is not enough with a large number of PC covered to the network.

But it is better, of course, to use the server and with a smaller number of computers, and in this case there will be no braking, but in this case, you must additionally spend on the server, i.e. For another PC. In addition, the server must be serviced by someone, for this, there is such a position as a "system administrator". In general, if there is no money for an additional computer, you can allow up to 20 computers through the switches.

The server of the local network (Fig. 1.1) is a server that provides services to users of an intranet network (Intranet). He confuse "Intranet" from the Internet. The Intranet Network is an internal corporate network, as a rule, without accessing the Internet.

Imagine a small office network. If you have developed imagination, you can even imagine a large local network placed in a multi-storey building. In such a network, the server can perform a wide variety of functions, for example, to be a print server or file server. Usually in internal networks servers only perform these functions. Depending on the type of activity of the organization in which the server is installed, quite often it is used as a database server.

For the database server and the file server, it is generally desirable to highlight over one computer, because if the load on the database server is quite large, and this is in most cases this way, it will reduce the performance of the file server, and vice versa. If the server performance is low, then, as always, the user suffers. In turn, the "suffering" of users will be praised by any other, except on you - the administrator.

Fig. 1.1. LAN Server

In fig. 1.1 depicted a small local network without accessing the Internet. All workstations and server itself are connected to the central device of the network - the hub. Instead of a hub, you can use (and preferably using) Switch (Switch). Unlike the switch, the hub "does not know" a port is connected to any computer and when one of the computers transmits a data packet, the hub repeats it to all its ports. Each computer network receives this package and checks the presence of your IP address in its title. If the assignment IP address does not match the computer's IP address, which accepted this package, the package is simply ignored. The switch sends a package only to the port to which the addressee is connected. Due to this, in addition to improving security, the load on the network is reduced. So the data packets are delivered from the source to the destination.

In addition to the hub or switch, in most cases there is no other network equipment, except for network cards. In the case of a large length of the network, repeaters are used, which, passing the signal, strengthen it. In essence, the repeater is the simplest hub. The concentrator, minus some service functions, is a multi-port repeater.

On the selection of a network adapter and a friend of "hardware" for the server is written in paragraph 7.6 "Multiple words before setting up the server." Here you need to say a few words about choosing a switch. Previously, the main stumbling block for the use of switches was their high cost. Now you can buy quite productive switches for relatively small money. For a home or small office, you can recommend the Lucent Cajun P115G switch. It has 24 ports 10/100 Mbps, as well as 1 fiber optic port 100FX. According to the latest data, its value is about 230 US dollars.

More expensive and more productive option for 48 ports 10/100 MBIT LUCENT-CAJUN P334T. This switch has an inner tire by 8 Gbps, as well as a modular design, which allows you to install additional modules. The cost of the model P334T is about $ 900. When installing additional fiber optic ports 100FX, the cost will increase by about $ 150 ... 250, depending on the number of ports.


Start creating such a network from selecting a computer server. It must have sufficient power to handle information flows passing through it to other computers or laptops. Another important requirement is the presence of a second network adapter.

Connect the Internet connection cable to the selected computer. Adjust access to the Internet for this device.

Purchase a network hub (switch). It is necessary in order to ensure the connection of other computers or laptops with a computer server.

Now you need to configure the managing computer. In the "Control Panel" open the "Network and Connections to internet" Right-click on the "external adapter" icon icon, call the drop-down menu. Choose the option "Properties" and go to the "Advanced" tab. Check the check box "Allow Other Use Connection ...". If you consider it necessary, allow other users to manage common access by checking the corresponding item. Click OK.

Answer "Yes" to a warning about changing IP-Press. "Internal" network adapter that connects the managing computer with netyu, a static network address will be assigned If within the network, one of the computers play the role of the FTP or Web server, in the section "Sharing", activate the "Parameters" button. In the list of services, mark the protocols that will be used within the network.

If you want to create your own service, click "Add". In a new window, enter the service description, the IP address or the name of the computer on which it will be running, port numbers and the type of protocol to be used by the service.

The DCHP protocol running on the control computer automatically assigns network addresses to computers on the local network. Inconvenience will become that net It will be inoperable when the server is turned off. To avoid this, you can assign static IP addresses manually to computers. Go to the Control Panel and open the Network Connection Pictograph. Click to call the context menu by the "Connection over Local Network" icon with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" option.

In the "Components" section, check the "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" item and activate the "Properties". If you decide to set the IP addresses manually, select "Use the following IP address". You can use the address range - The address must be unique for each network computer. Subnet mask value Assign In the "Main Gateway" field, specify the server's network address

Enter for the "Use the following DNS addresses" item. Click "Advanced" and go to the DNS tab. In the "DNS Suffix Connection" field, enter Check the check box "Register addresses of this connection".

Run the Internet Explorer browser and go to the "Service" menu. Choose the Observer Properties item and go to the "Connections" tab. Click "Set", then, to continue the work, "Next". Check "Connect to the Internet" and press "Next". Choose "Install Manual Connection" and command "Next" to continue work. Specify "Connect through a constant high-speed connection", click "Next" and the next screen "Ready".


  • connect the Internet via the network

Local net - This is one of the varieties of computer networks bounded by a certain territorial zone. Usually under Local netyu implies a set of devices in certain limits (building, room, etc.).


There are local computing networks that are distributed to kilometer squares. Despite the wide range of coating, they also belong to local due to a certain scheme of their construction. Most local networks are built using Wi-Fi and Ethernet technologies. Use fiber optic cables within the local network is inappropriate, because the usual twisted pair provides a very impressive data transfer rate at short distances.

To create modern local networks, the most different equipment is used: network hubs, switches, routers, wireless access points and so on. Usually the classification of types of local networks is carried out according to the method of their administration. The choice of network type depends on how it is managed and which scheme was used to build it.

If routing is used on the local network, its level is usually very primitive. This is due to the fact that private local networks for the most part consist of a small amount of computers. A person who controls the work of the local network and corrects errors in it, is called a network administrator.

Usually within the local network uses certain ranges of IP addresses. Internal addresses are used to communicate computers among themselves within a single local network. They are not available to connect from external computers. To prevent the occurrence of conflicts of IP addresses, the DHCP protocol is used. It allows a device connecting several computers to local net, Each PC is a unique IP address.

Small administration

As already mentioned in a brief description, it will be a speech in this article about creating a local network via the Internet using the Hamachi utility.

If you create a local network via this utility via the Internet, you can play with friends, share files and use various utilities to work with the local network. For the programs and Windows itself, the Hamachi network will be the most ordinary local network. All the information translated on the Internet is encrypted by a 256-bit key along the AES algorithm (Internet, despite the fact that the Internet is usually depicted in the form of a white cloud, in fact it is a pretty gloomy forest with a bunch of dangers. So encryption here is very by the way)

Setting up Hamachi.

First of all, this utility needs to download (download / download / site) and install. For our purposes, a free version with a restriction in 16 computers on the network will be quite suitable. This is more than enough.

After installation, run this utility and press the button. Enable:

To create a network via the Internet click CREATE A NEW NETWORK:

We enter the identifier (network name) and password to connect to it:

Click on the button Create:

That's all. We created the network.

Now consider how to connect other computers to this network. To begin with, you also need to install and run this utility.

In the main window you need to click on the button Enable:

Specify the client's name (it should differ from the previously entered. The client is different):

To connect to the network, click on Join An Existing Network:

We enter the name and password of the network previously created:

Click to connect:

That's all. We connected to the network. Green circle means that the connection was managed. Yellow - error with connection. Flashing bezel means data transfer.

In the system on both computers that are connected via the Hamachi network, an additional network connection appears:

Setting this network is completely similar to local. It is described in these materials: and in other articles on this site

Additional features and settings

Hamachi utility allows you to manage the network via the web interface. To do this, you must first register, enter the account name in the program settings (link join):

and go to the Hamachi website.

This utility also allows you to exchange messages between network users. To do this, click right-click on the user, which is connected to the network and select item Chat

In the Writing messages window to others:

This utility also allows you to adjust traffic compression and encryption:

That's all. All questions on computer networks please express the forum in this topic :. On issues of organizing joint games on the network, please contact topics in.

I ask all questions to express on the forum

Why should it be needed to merge into the local network through the Internet computers located in different places and significantly remote from each other? Causes can be different. Someone wants to play with friends on the local network, someone is required to work. For example, we have already considered, and there discussed the question of the need for a "white" static IP address.

In this article we will talk about how to combine remote computers in the network in the absence of the possibility of obtaining static IP and. This can be done with the help of various specialized programs. Consider this task on the example of Logmein Hamachi.

Installing Logmein Hamachi

Logmein Hamachi is a simple small program for creating private virtual networks.

2. Run the installation file

3. Select the installation language, click Next once again Further On the next screen

4. We accept the terms of the license agreement

5. Select the settings of the installation. I will leave the installation path and the default menu group and check with a check mark Create a shortcut on the desktop . Press Set .

6. We are waiting for the end of the installation. Leave a tick Run Hamachi. and click Ready .

7. If not filmed a tick in the last point, the program is automatically started. When you first start the program will automatically check the need to update and install them if necessary.

8. Click on the power button

9. After some time the window will appear with the question, to which type of network you attribute Hamachi networks: home, working or public. I will choose public.

10. The Hamachi Registration window opens. If you are already registered, then specify your data. If not - then go to the tab check in, Enter your email address and come up with a password. And press Create an account (Sometimes this inscription is not completely visible).

When registering in the program, a profile on the Logmein Hamachi website is automatically created. Later it can be used to manage your networks.

The program is installed.

Creating a virtual local network via Hamachi

1. To create a network in Hamachi click on the button. Create a new network ... or through the menu Net - Create a new network ...

2. In the window that appears Creating a network We enter the network identifier (must be unique), set the password to connect to the network and confirm it. Press Create .

3. Our network has appeared in the main window of the program. While there is no one in it. To someone else could connect to this network, you need to tell the network ID (I have SPVComp1) and password.

Connect to an existing network

1. To connect to an existing network, click on the menu Net - Connect to an existing network ...

2. In the window that opens Connecting to the network We enter the identifier and password of the network to which we want to join, and click Connect .

3. The new network appeared in the list of our networks. It displays a computer that is also attached to this network. The green icon opposite the computer name says that the connection is established with it.

Advanced Logmein Hamachi Settings

Consider some of the Logmein Hamachi program settings.

1. Press the menu System - Parameters .

2. On the tab Status You can see how the program is tied to any email address, as well as change Name . By default, the name of your computer is prescribed in the name. You can install any. Under this name will be seen in all Hamachi networks.

3. On the tab Safety You can mark check box Block new default network members If you do not want your network to join anyone else.

4. On the tab Parameters You can configure screen saver when you start the program, display chat, automatic update, encryption and compression settings. And also proceed to additional settings.

5. Advanced settings open quite wide program options. Let's not describe all the parameters. The appointment of many of them is clear from the name. In most cases, the program will work stably and without the need to produce deep settings. I will only note that with a slow connection between network participants, you can try to disable the use of the proxy server, as shown in the figure.

6. After making all changes, do not forget to click OK At the bottom of the window.

Using Hamachi network to access a remote desktop or other connection

After your computer is combined with other in one network via Hamachi, you can contact these computers as if they are in one local network with you.

If you have configured sharing options for files and folders, you will see common folders of other computers on the network in your network environment.

In other cases, you can access other computers on IP addresses that the Hamachi program has appointed.

Other computers can access your IP address.

If you combined computers to the network in order to connect all to one of them through a remote desktop, you will not need a static IP address and. You can connect immediately on the IP address of this computer in Hamachi.

Note. In Hamachi, there is a limit on the maximum number of computers on the network (5 computers). However, you can create as many such networks.

If your goal was to merge computers to connect to a remote desktop, then the main computer should consist in each network in this case. For example, there is a server and 6 client machines. Create two networks, in each of which the server includes 3 client machines (or 4 and 2, or in any other ratio).

That's all. Thanks for attention.

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