
What is a browser magazine. View history in all Internet Explorer browsers. Where history is stored

We continue to consider the use, settings and cleansing of history views in popular modern browsers. In this article, let's talk about using a magazine in the browser Internet Explorer. . In other parts of the article, read about the history of visits to Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

How to open and see history in Internet Explorer

By tradition, the first question is how to open and view visits magazine.

As usual, you can do this in several ways.

1 way. You can open the history log with help hot keys: Ctrl + SHIFT + H .

2 way - through the menu. On the menu panel in the left upper corner Press .

3 way. In the browser command line click Service - Browser Panel - Magazine .

Note. If you do not display the Menu panel and the command line, you should click on the right mouse button at the top of the browser and check with checkboxes Link menu and Command line .

1 way. On the menu panel in the upper left corner click View - Browser Panel - Magazine .

2 way. In the browser command line click Service - Explorer panels - Magazine .

3 way. On the Favorites panel click Favorites then go to the tab Magazine .

Note. If you do not display the Menu panel, the command line or the Favorites panel, you should right-click on the top of the browser and select Link menu , Command line or Panel Favorites .

Or open a magazine with a combination hot keys: Ctrl + SHIFT + H .

Any of the listed ways will open the next window on the left side of the browser.

Search and sort history in Internet Explorer

By default, history history is sorted by date (more precisely by periods of visits: day, week, month). To view which sites were visited Today, press accordingly today and open the list. To view the visited pages, click on the desired site.

The visiting log can be sorted not only by date, but also on the site (by the node in Internet Explorer 8), by attendance and in order of visiting.

For the transition to K. search on the history of visits Choose Search log (Search in the journal In Internet Explorer 8). Here in the search field you can enter either elements of the address of the site, or the names (and in Russian, and in English).

Deleting visits log (history) in Internet Explorer full and partial

Note 2.. As usual I remind you that if using private mode (inprivat in Internet Explorer), then clean history Then there will be no need.

How to restore the last session

You can also restore the latest session in the Internet Explorer browser in several ways.

1. Open a new tab and click Re-open the last session . To open one of the recently closed tabs, Press Re-open closed tabs And choose the desired from the list.

2. Press on the menu bar .

3. On the command prompt click Service - re-open the last viewing session .

That's all that concerns works with the logbook (history) in the Internet Explorer browser. Good luck!

Despite the low popularity of the regular browser from Microsoft, he has a permanent audience. Users get used to the peculiarities of a product: appearance, functionality, settings. But for full-fledged work With the program you need to know all the basic tools. Therefore, let's look at how to look and clean the story in Internet Explorer.

How to see history?

If there are suspicions that someone without permission used your computer or simply some time ago was closed tab with important information - The journal of visits comes to the rescue.

For its discovery you need:

Cleaning history

To preserve privacy or just for liberation disk space Log view You need to clean regularly.


There is nothing complicated in this. Follow these steps:

Attention! When cleaning passwords, all the data stored in the browser to enter the sites will be deleted! Make sure that you will not lose important information.

Using CCleaner

The easiest I. effective methodwhich will allow one feather in just clear history in Internet Explorer, but will be able to repeat similar manipulation for other browsers. In addition, the application clears Windows from the system garbage, which will free up memory hard disk and increase computer performance.

For this you need:

Also in CCleaner can be cleaned by the history of visits to other browsers. For this.

In this lesson, I will show you how to see history in Internet Explorer. We will also learn how to search for the necessary sites and delete them.

How to see history in Explorer

In the browser, the Internet Explorer saves all the pages that you open on the computer. They are stored in a place called "History". There you can see where you came yesterday or even a week ago.

A window will appear, where there will be three tabs: "Favorites", "Web Channels" and "Journal". Here in the "magazine" and are all visited sites.

Note: You can also see the history of IE through the Ctrl + H key combination. To do this, press the Ctrl key on the keyboard and without releasing it, the H button (Russian P).

Search by history

The log entries can be sorted by date, attendance or order of visiting. It is done through the drop-down list at the top of the tab.

And using the search log, you can find a page in keyword history.

In order to delete one web site from the log, click on it right-click and select "Delete" from the menu. In the same way, you can erase all day.

And if you need to clean the history of visits to sites for all the time, it is better to go to the settings (), select "Security" and "Delete browser magazine ...".

A window will appear, in which you need to put the bird to the item "Magazine".

And you can make it so that the pages are not at all falling into history. To do this, enable incognito mode in the browser.

Instead of imprisonment

The Internet Explorer program (IE) always comes with Windows. It is originally built into the system.

With the exception of Windows 10: Another browser is installed there - Microsoft EDGE.

In the distant 1995, when the Internet was still in its infancy, the explorer was not very bad. But since then a lot has changed and now it is one of the worst browsers in the world.

Internet Explorer often slows down, incorrectly displays sites. In addition, there are many system vulnerabilities in it. Because of them, viruses may penetrate into the computer.

But despite this, many users still work with him. Someone in habit, others - by ignorance. There are, of course, those who simply have no choice: they have to use IE at work or on the educational computer.

I recommend installing another program: Google Chrome, Yandex or Opera. All of them are free.

Of the advantages worth noting:

  • Convenience;
  • Fast work;
  • Reliability;
  • Correct site display.

Of the minuses: the first time may be a little unusual.

On the new program Optional to go immediately. After all, when installing any of them, IE will continue to be on the computer. Just another browser will simply.

Note: For relatively new computers (up to 7 years), I recommend installing either Google Chrome or Yandex. And for older computers (weaken), Opera will suit more - it works a little faster and does not load the system so much.

Hello! Agree, useful thing. You can see history of views of any user, if, of course, it was no longer possible to delete and there are appropriate access. Where is she in the browser?

Many have already noticed that in some other Internet browsers, you can open the menu and find item that is called - "History". In the case under consideration, the situation is somewhat different, but there is also nothing complicated.

Today I will tell you where the story is in Internet Explorer and how to remove it. An example further on the text will be based on its 11 versions.

View log in Internet Explorer

Honestly, I myself did not immediately find it. Then figured out. The solution was elementary. Show where it is stored a certain time. To do this, you will need to execute 3 simple action:

  • open a browser;
  • select a menu of favorites through an icon similar to an asterisk;
  • in the window that appears, go to the "Magazine" tab and see history.

For clarity prepared a screenshot for you.

The most interesting, before you prepare a picture, went to the Internet observer and found that there are no historical data. Guess why? In fact, I was at first surprised, but then I remembered that it was deleted when the program is closed. I'll show you on how to enable and disable this functionality.

Sequence of removal of history

Where she is stored we looked and now take a look, how to clean it. To do this, we need to open a window with the ability to remove the review history. I'll show two fast method do it.
To begin with, open the program parameters and on 2 options to choose from:

  • Select the "browser properties", then the "General" tab and click the Delete button.
  • Select "Security" and "Delete Browser Log".

See how it looks for the first case.

The arrow shows the very opportunity to spoke above - delete the magazine when exiting.

I like the second case more, since it seems faster. It is shown below.

After the service window appears one of the options.

Here, at the discretion of the user, you can choose one or more points. I usually choose everything and click "Delete".

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Announcements of materials that appear on a blog periodically add to social networks. Where exactly? The right column of the site has special icons for the transition. You can also subscribe to an e-mail for free update information. Up to communication.

The history of the web pages you visited can be viewed in any browser. It is not an exception to Internet Explorer. Moreover, the Internet browser allows not only to view the magazine, but also sort them by the date of visits, order and other features. First, consider how to see Internet Explorer.

Where is the journal of visits

View the history of the web pages on which the user visited is in several ways. To begin with, launch the browser. In versions from 8 and more, we need to choose the View menu section. It is located in the upper left corner of the Internet browser. In this section, you open the panel and click on the log that opens.

Another way is no less simple. In the right corner of the browser choose the service. It can also be marked as an asterisk. In the menu that appears, press the panel. After that, the user opens the history of visits to web resources. By default, they are listed by date when you browsed sites. You can open the log in Internet Explorer using hot keys Ctrl, SHIFT and H.Full list of hot keys with their functional destination you will find.

Search for visited sites

In the log, you can sort pages by date (it costs the default), by the node and in order of visiting. So, to see what resources you were today, click, respectively, today. Also by clicking on the links yesterday or last week, you will open a list of those sites that were viewed in these dates.

In order to search for search, first open the magazine. In it, go to view by date and open the search log. In Internet Explorer 8, this line may be as a log search. Now in the search field, you drive either full, or partial name of the site. We are waiting for a few seconds and results appear before us. You can go to the desired resource by clicking on its name.

Removing the magazine

Not every user wants to leave a list of those pages he visited in the browser. In this case, you will need to know how to delete the log of visits. This procedure Maximum simple in all versions of the Internet browser from Microsoft.

Remove the history can be partially for a certain period. In this case, you will need to open the log, allocate the period that you want to delete, for example, today and click the right mouse. In the list of actions that opens, click Delete. You can do the same if you need to remove only one resource. In this case, we allocate only its name.

You can fully clean the history in Internet Explorer by clicking Service. In it we find and click on the line to remove the browser log. The same action is done with command line. To do this, choose safety. In the Clip section, remove the browser log or browser. In addition, you can use the hot keys, for which you simultaneously press the CTRL, SHIFT and DEL combination. The window that appears will allow you to clear the entire story when you click on the removal button.

It should be noted that you can use the incognito mode when visiting sites, in this case, the removal of the visits log cannot be removed. In Internet Explorer, he is called private viewing. Also, the developers have provided the opportunity to restore the last session at the next time you start the last session. As you can see, there are quite a few features for the convenience of users in the browser, but if you still don't like it, you can always. Therefore, if you were on any site, but forgot his address, you can always refer to history in Internet Explorer. Moreover, it will be quite simple to find a resource if you use sorting on any principle.

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