
Passive antenna 4G. External LTE antenna. MIMO antenna for LTE. Normal and MIMO-amplifiers

The site contains antennas that have the same or similar characteristics, but characterized by execution: broadband, with an output resistance of 50 ohms and 75 ohms, MIMO 2x2 with two outputs and simple with one output, panel and wave channel (Yagi), with Hermbox and without it . A number of cables, connectors and adapters for connecting modems and routers are also available.

All this variety creates certain difficulties when choosing a specific model of en-tennas, as well as cables, connectors, adapters and other equipment. The article gives recommendations, how to make specific choicesuitable for your conditions. What is the co-worth of its advantages and disadvantages that you acquire and what we lose, making this or that choice of equipment and the connection scheme.

It is assumed that you have already been determined with the basic parameters - the operation range (3G / 4G), the enhancement of the antenna, the height of its installation, the direction on basic station. Need to choose specific models Antennas, modem / router, cables, adapter adapter, etc.

Equipment connection scheme

Let's start with the analysis of your Internet needs - what equipment available from you must have access to the Internet.

If you need internet access only for a computer / laptop and pairs of mobile phones, then the connection diagram can be the easiest: antenna - a modem - computer. One or two smartphones can have an Internet access through a computer that can be standard tools. operating system turned into a WiFi-point access for mobile phones. The varieties of this circuit - the modem can be connected directly to the USB connector of the computer / laptop and is connected to the antenna using one or two cable assemblies of the desired length, including adapters, and can be enclosed in the HERMOBC installed on the antenna and connected to the computer when USB extension aid.

If you have several devices (computer, laptop, television, media player, tablet, etc.), which you need access to the Internet at the same time, then without a router you can not do. Connection diagram will be more complex. Here, there may also be a variety of sub-showing scheme - a modem in the HERMOBOX, a modem separately from the router and is connected with cable collections or through an antenna adapter.

Thus, we see a wide variety of combinations of various options for choosing equipment to achieve the same goal - connecting to mobile Internet. This manifold can be represented as a generalized scheme:

Antenna - Fider Line - Modem / Router

The term "feeder line" or just feeder denotes a set of all cables, connectors, adapters, adapters, etc., which connects the antenna with a modem or router (if the modem is built into the router). This term is introduced here for simplicity of further presentation.

When choosing equipment is guided usually by two alternative criteria:

(1) achievement better quality internet (reception speeds / transmission) with reasonable limitations for the total cost or

(2) Obtaining acceptable reception quality at the lowest coupling costs, i.e. on equipment.

Consider the choice of elements based on these criteria.

Select antenna

Thus, we defined three models of the antenna. We will make the final choice after we define with internal resistance. To do this, consider the choice of feeder line elements.

Fidera selection

Our feeder line consists of a cable with connectors and adapters for connecting to the modem. With adapters, everything is clear - you need an adapter for connecting to a 4G modem. Since the AH-3000 adapter has elevated losses (1-5 dB), it is advisable to select a modem in two connecting jacks external antenna, i.e. pigteels.

Now about cable. At our disposal to choose from several cable brands (see Comparative table) .

We estimate the loss when choosing the two most popular cable brands at a frequency of 2600 MHz.

As you can see, saving on the feeder when choosing SAT-703 is approximately 300 rubles with almost the same losses. Small losses (about 1 dB) may occur on the modem when choosing a 75-ohm cable.

To select the final option, we will reduce our results in a table:

So, we chose three options for antenna and feeders, which possess almost the same qualitative characteristics from the point of view of strengthening and losses, but give the spread at a cost of 1200 rubles. The optimal choice in terms of prices can be considered option 1 - 75 ohm irradiator with a plate of 0.55 supral and SAT-703 cable. Note that the antenna setting with the emission will not higher setting The panel antenna, since with a diameter of a plate of 0.55 m. The width of the radiation pattern is 13 degrees, which makes it possible to bring an antenna to the BS even inexperienced.

Coefficient standing wave (CWS)This coefficient showing which proportion of the power of the beneficial signal was reflected in the transmission line from some load (antenna, modem, adapter, connector, pigtail, etc.). High-frequency energy moves along the line not as d.C.It can be reflected from the load if the load or cable have different resistance. The CWS shows the quality of energy transmission from the receiver to the antenna and back, the less KSV, the better the radio station with the feeder and the antenna agrees. CWS cannot be less than 1. In the field of communication, it is usually considered that if the value of the CWS \u003d 2 is satisfactory, the CWS<1,5 - хорошее, КСВ<1.2 - отличное.

The other day I had the opportunity to test the antennas 3G and 4G near Peter, which we decided to take advantage.

We are at our disposal a good mobile Internet signal, but only on the second floor of a private house, and since the office is located downstairs on the other side of the house, to use the mobile benefits was not very uncomfortable. Therefore, it was decided to investigate the possibilities of modern equipment, namely, check the capabilities of remote street antennas 3G / 4G bands in obtaining a better communication channel between the nearest base station and the USB modem, then transfer it to a Wi-Fi router for distribution, and on the cable Cabinet to the main computer.

From the equipment in the experiment participated:
- Outdoor antenna / room panel URSA 4G (2300-2700 MHz, 18 dB, 31 * 31 * 2.2 cm, N-Female);
- antenna Street parabolic Libra 3G (1920-2170 MHz, 21 dB, 90 * 60 cm, n-female);
- USB modem MegaFon M-150-1;
- 5D-FB 5-meter cable assembly with N-connector, Aileron 5M-5D-FB;
- Pigtail adapter for Aileron-CRC-9-N-FEMALE modem.

A lot of modem is written, a good model, we like the possibility of connecting MIMO antennas, but in our antenna test without MIMO capabilities.

For 4G bands, we will use the URSA 4G antenna, compact, neat, attached to the bracket in our case, there is a bracket under the mast. Photo:

For a 3G range, we use a huge parabolic Libra 3G antenna, reminds a military locator with width
Lattices 90 cm! Photo:

The technical exit to the facade / visor at home was possible only on the one hand, which limited our capabilities in terms of choosing the operator base station, but judging by open information from the resource, 4 km from the street antenna installation point there are several base stations of the megaphone operator -Sz. We set up this option completely, because the theoretical radius of the coating 3G / 4G signal is 8-10 km, then we are 100% in the zone of normal coating, below the map.

Also, you can use Findtower applications for iPhone or Internet resource

Main goal and idea of \u200b\u200ball named resources - Show users the location of mobile operators on the location map.

Before the start of our dancing with tambourines, I would like to say a few words about the mobile Internet. Few people aware of this, but mobile Internet traffic for cellular network operators is not a priority activity, moreover, in some cases, the transmission of digital data, the Internet or video is for them with zero income, and sometimes even unprofitable. The main source of income for them is voice connections, everything else is additional options, marketing moves and prestige positions. That is why, all its equipment operators are set up so that first and foremost to provide the needs of voice connections, and the residue can already be allowed on Internet traffic and so on, moreover, the operators record the traffic of their base stations and its consumers, so when you get access to the mobile The Internet, use it reasonably, because the operator can selectively limit you speed, or the number of digital channels in your sector of the base station and will be absolutely right, as its technical capabilities, costs and incomes he can count better than us with you.

So, before connecting the LiBra 3G remote parabolic antenna, we had the following picture with a connection and data rate:

Before connecting the URSA 4G panel antenna, we had:

Antenna's placement is a very important and responsible task, ideally you need to do with a manual spectrum analyzer to see the signal live, so to speak, identify your base station and tune in to the maximum level. If there is no analyzer of the Radio Spectrum, here without a tambourine, modem and cell phone can not do. We had a small removal from the base station, so we coped with the choice of angle and directions using the built-in utility in MegaFon software, this turned out to be sufficient. But if the signal level is weaker - look for the spectrum analyzer.

So, in the end, we obtained on the 3G range:

And 4G band:

The results we were pleased, especially taking into account the 4G antenna compactness and the resulting speed.

The high-speed Internet in the modern world is an integral part of human vital activity. It is known that the connection to the World Wide Web on the computer is by means of a modem, which is divided into stationary and wireless. If this cable equipment, here everything is quite simple and high speed. If you are using a portable modem (2G, 3G or 4G), it is not always possible to get a high-quality high-speed connection. And here the banal antenna can come to the rescue.

Instructions for the manufacture of antenna for 4G modem independently.

You should not immediately undermine and buy an industrially manufactured amplifier. It is quite expensive and is not suitable for each modem, since it requires a built-in connector or an additional adapter, which is comparable in terms of cost with the 3G or 4G router. And here, naturally, the question will arise how to make an antenna for a modem with your own hands, without having certain skills.

Before making ways to independently manufacturing an amplifier, the causes of a bad Internet connection should be aware of which the quality of communication is largely dependent.

  1. Normal overview network.
  2. Larged distance from the modem to the provider station.
  3. Finding 4G devices in a specific part of the house.
  4. Barriers between the router and the handout.

How can you increase the router signal

If you purchased a 4G modem, for example, a megaphone, to change the old router, and the stated speed remained the same, then the problem is most likely lies in the weak signal of this area. In this case, you can make a compact antenna with your own hands.

How to make your own antenna for modem

It is no secret that the main criterion for the efficient operation of the modern 4G-router, be it Beeline, MegaFon, MTS, etc. is not the number of percentage management program shown by the control program, decibels and wands on the Wi-Fi scale, but a real increase in speed. And the inconsistency of the parameters of the high-speed regime with natural indicators of the acquired modem is not yet a reason to abandon this or that provider of Internet services. If there is a signal, it is quite realistic to strengthen it, in addition, with the speed and quality, using an antenna made by your own hands.

Wire antenna

This is the easiest and most primitive version of the signal strengthening with your own hands. It is necessary to take an ordinary copper wire and one of it by the end of 3-4 turns to wind up the upper part of the 4G modem. Another end to raise up. This way of slightly strengthen the signal, but still can make a connection more stable.

Roast antenna

A very common idea that has long been "walking" among users of such routers and uses a certain success. But this method requires the skill to solder items, otherwise you can spoil the modem itself.

  • To begin, it is necessary to do at the bottom of the tin can (you can from under the coffee) a hole for the sleeve of tin, which will need to be soldered.
  • Then, in the center between the bottom and the upper part, make a cross section that coincides with the dimensions of the 4G modem.
  • After, in the hardwood, insert the router itself to the input to the outside and send the amplifier towards the operator's tower.
  • As a result, connect the device to a computer using a USB cable as a smaller length.

IMPORTANT. It is better to install such a construction under the ceiling so that nothing prevents the receipt of the signal.

This design is considered to be the most effective of all kinds of homemade fixtures and for this you need:

  • Take copper wire (3-4 mm) and bend it so that 2 identical rhombus (with an angle of 120 °) formed a small size (with a side of 53 mm).
  • In the junction of the rhombus solder the part for fastening the high-frequency cable.
  • To enhance the antenna, you can attach a metal plate to it (reflector).
  • If the 4G-modem has no connector for an external antenna, then you should wrap the central residential cable around it with 3-4 turns.

IMPORTANT. Between the antenna and the reflector should be a distance of at least 3 cm.

If there is a satellite plate, you can make a wonderful amplifier with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to attach the modem in the focus already installed antenna, connect it to a PC using a USB cable and configure to the desired station. But here there is your own nuance: how to configure the antenna yourself. A plate should be directed not up, like a television, and down, periodically rotating it and with the help of a special program to monitor changes in the Internet connection. After detection of the maximum value, the antenna must be fixed.

IMPORTANT. The Internet dish should not be associated with television. And to protect the 4G modem from precipitation, you can use a package or a plastic bottle, it will not affect the signal quality.

To achieve the desired result, you may have to try different options for self-made antennas. The main thing is that each of these methods really works and is able to actually help, even in the most hopeless situation.

Devices / 14.11.2017

External antenna for 4G LTE modem with your own hands

Never a Russian man if possible to save will not refuse it. If in the country or outside the city, in an apartment or cottage is a low Internet speed, why buy additional devices? Tell how the most simple and cheap external antenna for 4G LTE modem is done with your own hands.

Characteristics of external amplifiers for modem

Antennas are devices to enhance the signal. They are different types:

  • narrow-plated;
  • sector;
  • omnidirectional.

The simplest is omnidirectional. They can receive and transmit a signal into all directions with the same intensity. An example is the usual quarter-wave vibrator. If we say simplistic, this is a regular piece of wire having a quarter of the wave of the received signal.

Sectoral can limit radiation in a specific sector. For example, if you put the iron sheet for the omnidirectional antenna, the sector antenna with the 180 * sector is obtained. Such a sheet of iron is called the screen.

The most efficient is the directional antenna, which is a private sector case. Due to the selection (of course, the exact calculation in fact) screen curvatures can be obtained by a narrowly directed radiation radiation beam.

The two main characteristics of any receiving-transmitting device are sensitivity and gain coefficient. Sensitivity affects the quality of the received signal, the gain is transmitted. These parameters are measured in DBI. Sensitivity is measured by a negative number, the gain is positive. The greater the modules of these numbers - the better, the better your device. For example, the sensitivity in -75DBI is worse than -83dbi. 11DBi amplification ratio is better than 6DBI. The higher these parameters, the greater the range of the connection.

Simple external 4G antenna do it yourself

The usual collecting focusing external amplifier for a modem is sold in the store and costs money.

If you have a body from an old PC (and they usually regret throw away and take it to the cottage - suddenly it will be useful), then you can make the outer directional 4G antenna with your own hands. You will need the entire body, the scissors by iron and have to buy a USB cable for an external amplifier.

You will not describe steps, they can be seen from the drawing.

And here is the result.

You can simplify the design.

If there is no piece of metal, take a tight cardboard and plunder it with foil.

If laziness shook, look in the kitchen among the dishes. You can make this antenna for 4G modem with your own hands.

Thanks to the user of the school, who has not been lazy.

4G panel antenna do it yourself

For the manufacture of an external homemade antenna for the 4G LTE modem, you will need it:

  • Galvanized iron sheet for a panel size of 334mm * 290mm and for four patches, each of which has a size of 118mm * 70.5mm.
  • Motor copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm.
  • A piece of copper foil for cutting with a patch with a diameter of 21 mm.
  • Patches Patches.
  • Glue for gluing patches to foam.

All sizes of the external device are indicated in the drawing.

Make a drawing of an external amplifier on paper in full size, spread patches. Then beate the wire and solder it to the patches. Remove the cable plug hole at the base and solder the plug. Then cut the circles from the foam, stick them to the base of the patches. Glue the design on top.

To use such an external antenna to enhance the 3G / 4G signal with your own modem, you must have a cable connector.

Antenna Kharchenko for 4G modem with your own hands

Named the device named the engineer, who first came up with it. This is a powerful external antenna for USB modem 4G is made with your own hands, the scheme of the desired option can be found on the Internet. We will give the easiest.

All parameters are calculated depending on the frequency of receiving the modem.

It will take copper wire, a leaf of aluminum 2mm thick. First you need to bend the wire in such a way that in the middle of it it does not touch. And solder ends.

In the center of the plate drills the hole under the cable.

Then the wire is attached on platinum. It should not touch the reflector.

Distance 3.6 cm.

If the modem has an amplifier connector, it remains only to connect. If not, it should also be prepared with your own hands. Need a copper foil for printed circuit boards. Victim the modem on 2/3. Solder cable. Make a second layer. And fasten.

Already pretty firmly entered our life. To use the amenities provided by LTE-technologies, in our time, residents of not only large megacities, but also small cities can in Russia. There are such towers also in many villages and even villages. However, the quality of the 4G-Internet in remote settlements still, unfortunately, usually leaves much to be desired. Too - Mountains, Hills, Forest Maces, etc. Repair the situation and speed up 3-4G Internet in the village or, for example, in the country, by installing the external LTE antenna. Design similar devices may have different.

Views of antennas

All similar devices are primarily classified on:

  • ordinary;
  • augmented MIMO amplifier.

Simple LTE antennas provide data transfer rate within 50 Mbps. For MIMO devices, this indicator is 100 Mbps.

Also, the antennas of this type are classified on:

  • directed;
  • sector;
  • omnidirectional.

By design, such devices are divided into:

  • parabolic;
  • "Yagi";
  • panel.

According to the received signal, 4G antenna are classified onto wide and narrowband.

What is Mimo LTE and how it differs from the usual

Devices of this species, as already mentioned, provide maximum data transfer rate. However, they are more expensive than ordinary LTE-structures. In fact, such models are at the same time two antennas placed in one case, but at some distance from each other. Take a signal the latter independently of each other, it is transmitted on the modem simultaneously.

The advantages of the MIMO LTE antennas in comparison with ordinary are thus obvious. The speed of the Internet when used can be almost twice as high.

Directional models

Take the LTE device signals, depending on the design, can from one or several of several steps. The directional models are usually mounted on the roof of the house and are heading towards the nearest station. The advantages of such antennas are primarily the fact that they practically do not catch interference. However, the installation and configuration of such devices is very complex. Mount the directional antennas LTE are usually only qualified specialists. Another disadvantage of this type of devices is unreliable transmission. After all, if the station for some reason suddenly stops working, the signal in the house will immediately disappear.

Sector antennas

The models of this species can receive a signal from several stations immediately. In this case, such devices are automatically configured and operate on the rapid "wave". If the signal suddenly disappears from the main tower, the antenna immediately switches to another. Internet in this case will be worse, but still

There are practically no shortcomings in sector antennas. The only minus is, perhaps, the high cost.

Omnidirectional models

The principle of work LTE antennas of this kind of variety is almost the same as in sector devices. However, such an antenna is capable of catching a signal for as many as 360 degrees. The main advantage of devices of this type is that they provide stable transmission. However, at the same time, the very speed of the Internet omnidirectional models increase not too much.

Use the antennas of this type is usually in the event that there are many obstacles on the signal path. Most often these are multi-storey buildings in cities.

Antennas "Yagi"

Such an interesting name is well acquainted by many devices with a horizontally reflector-rod resembling a "ladder". Most often, such models are painted in blue.

The main advantages of the Antennas "Yagi" is low cost. The signal they take worse than other varieties.

Panel antennas

The devices of this type receive the signal quite well. In the houses above one floor it is allowed to mount not even on the mast, but simply to the wall - on special brackets. These LTE antennas obtained their name for the characteristic form of the reflector resembling the panel.

Parabolic models

Antennas of this type catch a signal better than "Yagi" and panel. But they are much more expensive. Such models with a net reflector of parabolic shape are supplied.

Acceptable signal

In addition, the antenna of this type, as already mentioned, can be classified into narrowly and broadband. The tower of mobile operators usually transmit a signal immediately at several frequencies. The advantage of broadband LTE antennas is that they can catch any of them. For example, if for any reason the 4G signal disappears, the model will automatically switch to 3G or 2G.

A narrowband antenna with the disappearance of 4G its functions will simply stop. The only advantage of such models is their low cost.

4G and 3G.

LTE antennas are called the devices intended for receiving the 4G signal. However, if necessary, such models can easily switch to 3G mode. They represent in the overwhelming majority of cases one of the varieties of MIMO antennas.

The 3G models are usually simple devices without an amplifier. But sometimes used for such antennas.

The difference between 3G and 4G models is primarily in the fact that the first type of devices catches the signal at 2100 Hz or 900 Hz, and the second is 2600 Hz, 800 Hz or 1800 Hz.

Mobile devices

All external LTE antennas - stationary designs. They are installed on the mast, wall or roof of the house. The signal is in most cases they enhance well. However, there are such devices, even simple "yagi", quite expensive. In some cases, it is possible to provide a decent Internet speed, and without spending especially big money.

In addition to stationary in the market there are also mobile LTE antennas. The devices of this type are connected to the computer, the router or laptop and are installed in the house - on the windowsill or in the highest point in the room. It is advisable to use such models instead of expensive external antennas, for example, in suburban villages or on the streets of villages, partially closed from the nearest steps of a small hill. That is, where the signal from the station is caught and without an antenna, but the Internet speed is not too large or it is somewhat unstable.

Yota LTE-antenna

Yota is a relatively new operator on the Russian market. However, the zone of its coverage is already available in the outback of Russia. Catch the modems of this operator the signal is mostly not bad. However, the Yota coverage area is still less (for 2017 g) less than old operators - Bilayna, MegaFon and MTS.

Yota modem sellers, persuade buyers from settlements or villages to purchase their products, usually calm them because the signal from this operator is well caught in the same places where it is stable from MegaFon. However, this, unfortunately, does not always correspond to reality. Therefore, it is precisely with LTE antennas that you have to use LTE antennas, including external, most often.

For the Yota modem, you can, in principle, apply an antenna and from third-party manufacturers. But you can buy the model of the Yota brand. Moreover, the modems from this operator are often followed with an antenna.

Instead of imprisonment

The varieties of external antennas LTE, therefore, there are several in the modern market. When choosing the most suitable model, it is worth navigating first of all by the number of highways in the surrounding area, their location, distance. It should also be taken into account and the peculiarities of the terrain on which the antenna will be used. In any case, before buying, it is necessary to consult with specialists. Either at least negotiate with the seller about the return of the antenna after the sample in the event that she suddenly turns out to be useless.

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