
In the BIOS is not displayed from the flash drive. Install the USB boot from BIOS that does not have USB support. Exhibit download from a flash drive in bios

There are sometimes quite unpleasant situations when the operating system "flies". And for recovery requires an original disk. If there is no such available, you can burn the image and on the usual USB flash drive. But here is the problem - what to do when not in the BIOS boot from the flash drive? Many users simply do not know what to do and lose on this issue. Let's try to place all the points above I.

How to enable in Bios the simplest method?

To set these parameters, you must first decide how to enter the BIOS input. The most common way is to use the Del, F2, F12, etc. keys.

However, on the same Sony VAIO laptops, access is made using a special Assist button rendered on the keyboard panel. On some laptops, access to the BIOS can be obtained exclusively through the call of the primary load menu using the ESC key.

How to set the download from the flash drive in the BIOS? Yes, very simple. After calling the I / O system, you need to go to the boot section (BOOT). Here you need to find a loading priority string that may have disseminated names, depending on the developer and manufacturer BIOS (Boot Device Priority, Boot Sequence, etc.). In any case, something in this spirit will be present. But the essence is not.

What if not in the BIOS boot from the flash drive?

It also happens that the loading flash drive of the primary input / output system is not recognized. With what it can be connected? The reasons for this, as a rule, several:

  • incorrectly recorded image or installation distribution;
  • damage to the usb carrier itself.

To make sure that all the steps to download from the flash drive are made correctly, you need to take several steps. As long as the question is, how to turn on the download from the flash drive in the BIOS, will leave on the second plan, but will go to urgent problems.

Check in "Device Manager"

Let's start from the last item. When checking the device itself, there may be two options for its functionality: either it is defective in itself, or there is no or incorrectly an accompanying driver that is responsible for recognition of the flash drive operating system.

With malfunctions, everything is clear. The device will have to be replaced. But what to do when it is in working condition (at least, is defined on another computer or laptop)? You need to check its functionality. And for this, in the simplest version, you should simply insert it into the appropriate USB port 2.0 / 3.0, and then call the standard "Device Manager" through the "Control Panel" or use the command DevmGMT in the Run menu bar (Win + R).

Suppose that after inserting to the port in the manager, it can either be either displayed, or displayed with a yellow icon, which is present in the second case everything is simple: you need to install or re-install the driver. It may very much that the system itself does not find the appropriate driver, although it should do it automatically. But this mostly concerns non-standard devices. Flashki like Transcend is usually recognized immediately.

If the device is not displayed in the corresponding dispatcher, there can also be two reasons: either the corresponding driver of the universal USB controller is not installed, or the port itself is defective. Again, you should install the driver (the controller is indicated by yellow or missing in the manager at all), or try to turn on the flash drive to another port. It should be noted that if the device is calculated exclusively for data transfer only with USB 3.0 support, when connected to a standard port 2.0, it will not be determined.

Formatting USB Devices

The question of how to make the download from the flash drive in the BIOS, while we leave aside, but we turn to the procedures without which even the image recording to install the system on the device may be in vain.

First of all, if the device has problems in the work or it cannot be made with it, it should be formatted for a start. At the same time, it is undesirable to make a quick cleaning of the table of contents, and it is better to fully format. Only in this case the file system contained on it will ensure correct data transfer and their reading.

This operation is performed in the standard "conductor". On the device you just need to make the right click, and from the menu select the corresponding string. In a new window, it is necessary to remove the "bird" from the rapid formatting string, and then activate the beginning of the process. Depending on the total volume it may take a long time.

Creating a boot distribution

If you consider the question of how in the BIOS, set the download from the flash drive is even wider, it is impossible to bypass the side and the question of creating a boot image and its transfer to the drive. You can do this with the Ultraiso utility or similar to it.

However, the original Windows installation disk must use as a source. Actually, it is not so difficult, so there is no particular sense to stop at this in detail. And if not in the BIOS of loading from the flash drive, in the future everything comes down to correctly transfer the image or unpacked distribution files to the drive. Here you have to tinker a little.

Preparation of carrier

In the case of using own systems of the system, even after formatting with a USB device, you need to make another number of additional actions (it is assumed that the image has already been created from the original disk using the same Ultraiso program or even 7-zip, and the flash drive is in working condition and is connected to a computer or laptop).

First, call the command line (CMD in the "Run" menu, be sure to name the system administrator. In the console appeared, we enter and click the input button.

After that, apply the List Disk command, again, followed by pressing the ENTER key, after which we view the existing discs and remember the USB device number. To accurately check the USB drive number, you can use the DiskMGMT.msc command entering the "Run" menu.

Now in the console, you need to enter the Select Disk command and specify the number of the desired disk via the gap. Next, the device should be cleaned of the contents of the Clean command.

The next step will be the creation of the primary boot partition. This is done using the Create Partition Primary command, followed by entering. After confirmation of a successful operation appears on the screen, we use the Select Partition 1 command, then Active (To activate the selected partition) and finally - Format FS \u003d NTFS Quick to format the selection If you want to create a FAT32 file system, a similar Format FS team is used \u003d FAT32 Quick.

Further step - assigning a name device using the ASSIGN command (name will be assigned automatically). Finally enter EXIT and complete the work. The boot USB device is ready to work. It remains only to correctly transfer the distribution files to it.

Data transfer to USB

At this stage, you will no longer need to configure. BIOS for download from the flash drive should not be needed yet, but the 7-ZIP program will need. In the simplest embodiment, it is possible to correctly copy the installation files to the media (roughly speaking, remove them from the image).

We start the ZIP File Manager utility from the standard "Explorer", then select the installation distribution device previously created or loaded from the Internet, specify a USB flash drive as a destination and confirm the action by pressing the OK button. At the end of the process, the carrier will be fully ready for work.

Starting download

But now we go to the question of how to install in the BIOS download from the flash drive, directly. We overload the system and at the initial stage, press the key or the key combination to enter the BIOS settings. This is usually Del, F2, F12 (for ASUS laptops BIOS-loading from a flash drive is carried out exactly as), but they can use other keys or combinations described above. Depending on the manufacturer of the equipment, you may first call the main menu. This situation is characteristic of laptops like HP - loading from the flash drive (BIOS) is set somewhat differently, although the operation itself is very similar.

In the download section (boot), we are looking for a boot device priority and look at the 1-St Boot Device string. By pressing the PGDN key, select the desired device, after which you exercise with saving parameters (as a rule, it is done using the F10 key). Next should be rebooted, and the installation starts automatically.

However, it is a little known how to choose the download from the flash drive in the BIOS. It is important to remember that calling the settings of the primary I / O system follows only when the USB device is connected before starting the computer or laptop. Otherwise, the flash drive simply will not be determined.

How to fix problems?

Now let's look at the situation when the device seems to work and should work, because all the actions described above are presumably fulfilled correctly, but in fact it's still not in the BIOS of loading from the flash drive. What to do in this case?

We use the same command line. Suppose that the USB device in the system is denoted by the letter F, and the optical drive is E. Now you need to register the command E: \\ boot \\ bootsect.exe / nt60 f: (F - in our case, the flash drive, and E is the drive).

Alternative method

If this does not work, alternately enter the following:

F: \\ Boot \\ Bootsect.exe / NT60 F:

After that, everything will accurately earn as it should be.

Compatibility issues

If none of the above methods helps, to begin with, pay attention to the status of the drivers. In the most optimal option, you can use programs like Driver Booster, which are able to update the drivers automatically.

If everything is in order with them, the reason may consist that the user tries to install a 32-bit system over 64-bit. In addition, the file system on the USB carrier and the installation distribution may also differ from the bit. Actually, the flash drive itself may not support USB 3.0 ports in which it turns on. Here you need to be very attentive.

Instead of the result

Here, in fact, all that concerns how in the BIOS to set the download from the flash drive. Of course, many users may have questions about the expediency of using their own systems for preliminary action, because automated programs make it much faster and easier. But here I would like to note that such knowledge is extremely important, and programs in access to the Internet are also not always at hand.

But a prerequisite, as already understandable, is a disk image, which is created based on the original or loaded from the Internet. Without him nowhere. It remains to add that attention should be focused on the charge of the system being installed, since the 32-bit version over 64-bit without formatting the system partition will not be installed. This is only due to the fact that for versions of the 32 bits, it is required for 64-bit modifications - minimum NTFS. And the corresponding FAT or NTFS file systems must be present on the flash drive itself, and not UDP, as it sometimes happens. As for the volume, the 4 GB will be quite enough for any system, including even gaining tenth modification.

How to reinstall Windows or take attempts to resuscitate the operating system using Live disks if the laptop is not loaded from the flash drive? There are no rare devices, in principle, not supporting the download from USB media, but modern laptops that provide for loading from a flash drive, but do not offer from the start of the well-known mechanism for setting up the load priority. By the example of one of the test models of ASUS below, we will deal with the specifics of the load from the plane laptops and consider the common reasons why problems may arise with this case.

1. Non-load priority in the hard disk selection menu

The lack of an option to place in the priority of the BIOS flash drives - the problem is not only laptops, but also a PC, and usually it is related to the fact that many programs for recording self-loaded carriers create a bootable flash drive on the principle of the hard disk arrangement. In such cases, the flash drive is not in the overall list of the priority of the download devices, it must be signed in a separate menu where the priority hard disk is determined. In this menu, the connected USB carriers are logged as hard drives along with internal laptop data storage devices - HDD or SSD. But even who have previously encountered with this nuance, users may not remember it, because they can mislead the fact that the BIOS UEFI flash drive is as a UEFI loading device (with UEFI in front). This is, but on the fact of loading a laptop from such a flash drive does not occur. If the boot flash drive is not a UEFI or the case we have with a laptop based on a regular BIOS, the flash drive must be set in the priority menu of hard drives. For example, in the test laptop ASUS, you need to go to the "BOOT" section, in the Boot Option # 1 column, install a hard disk.


Then go down below to the Hard Drive BBS Priorities column.


And choose a flash drive.


In the overall list of the loading devices, the flash drive will not be as a UEFI device, and it will be loaded from it.


But it will be done under the condition of the active compatibility regime with Legacy.

2. Enabling USB carrier support in BIOS mode Legacy

4. Switching flash drives to USB 2.0 port

Many modern laptops are equipped with a USB 3.0 port (with a blue tongue). This is a wonderful advantage, if it comes to working with USB devices inside Windows, but when downloading computers from flash drives, in which there are no USB 3.0 support drivers, problems may arise. Such distributions include official ISO images of installing Windows 7 (and versions below), as well as build some, as a rule, old Live disks. A difficult path to solve such a problem is the integration of USB 3.0 drivers to the ISO image distribution and repack. Simple and recommended - connecting flash drive to USB 2.0 port on a laptop. The value is only a USB port on a laptop; The fact that the flash drive itself supports USB 3.0, does not play any role. More information about the differences in USB 2.0 or 3.0 ports can be found.

Excellent day!

In this article we will talk about how to boot from a USB disk, and some issues related to this.

Attention! To configure the computer's BIOS to load from a flash drive, you must so that the flash drive is connected to the computer. Connect the USB flash drive to the USB port, restart the computer, and only then go to the BIOS or call Boot Menu.

When it takes

In most cases, boot from USB media required for:

  • installation of the operating system;
  • diagnosis of problems;
  • testing hardware;
  • removing viruses on a computer.

In order to boot from the flash drive, it is not necessary to enter the BIOS settings, change the parameters and save them. Often, it is enough to call a boot-menu while displaying the POST screen and select the download from USB.

Single loading from flash drive

Depending on the manufacturer of the laptop or the stationary computer board, different keys can be responsible for the BOOT menu call. Most often that F8, F10, F11, F12 or ESC. Look for a tip on the screen when booting a computer. Usually it sounds like Boot Menu. or Press .. to Select Boot Device:

IN Boot Menu., Select USB-HDD.:

If you cannot boot from the flash drive, log in to the BIOS settings and set the following parameter values:

USB-HDD.: Enabled.
USB Floppy.: Enabled.
Legacy Support: Enabled.
External Device Boot: Enabled.
Secure Boot: Disabled.

In different bios, different manufacturers meet different parameters. Do not think that all these parameters will surely meet on one computer. We simply listed the names of all possible parameters that can affect the download from USB Flash.

Setting up the download from the flash drive in the BIOS parameters

This method will be useful if:

  • you often boot from USB or constantly working in OS loaded with USB:
  • you do not want to call the boot menu every time you need to boot from USB.

1. When the computer is loaded, press the BIOS entry key. Most often that Del, F2. or F10. If you can't enter the BIOS using these keys, read the manual to your computer or your motherboard and find out which key allows you to enter the settings.

2. If you have AMI BIOS, go to the section Boot \u003d\u003e Boot Device Priority And as the first boot device, select a USB flash drive.

If you have Award BIOS, enter the section Advanced Bios Features. And in the setting First Boot Device.choose USB-HDD..

Save the settings.

Hi friends! Today I will tell about how in BIOS Configure download from a flash drive, and what to do if this shortcut is not displayed in the BIOS settings. I already wrote an article about, but today I want to write more detail about how to boot from USB driveAfter configuring the BIOS.

What is it for? Well, if you read it, then I think you already know what it is for you. Well, if not, I will reveal the secret to you, you can create bootable flash drives and install operating systems from them or run other images of loading disks, for example. It is very convenient, flash drives are more resistant to mechanical damage compared to discs, and the amount of memory can be more.

Before you start writing the instructions, be sure to read the article, it is written in it how to enter the BIOS.

So, you have already created a bootable flash drive and ready to boot from it. First of all, we need to configure the system so that our flash drive stood in the first place, and the system started at first. There is one joke, through which type questions arise and the BIOS settings do not display a flash drive.

In BIOS no download from a flash drive?

Everything is very simple when the USB device is not connected to the computer, it will not be displayed in the download options.

Exhibit download from a flash drive in bios

We do this: We connect the USB flash drive, go to the BIOS (if you do not know how to read the article above, usually the DELETE or F2 keys). And go to the page with setting up the order of boot devices. I just show the screenshots. Remember, you can all look different, and menu items can be called otherwise. Look for the item with the word "boot".

If the flash drive is connected, we will see it in the list.

Now we need to install a flash drive on the first place in the download list. Click to this "Enter" and choose "".

We save all our changes by pressing the F10 and reboot the computer. If everything is done correctly and the USB drive is created correctly, the download and USB drive will begin. It may indeed be that the USB is not displayed in the setup, then most likely because you have an old computer and it does not support this feature.

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Updated: January 12, 2015 by the author: admin.

In previous articles, it was described in detail how to get into. But for what purpose do you need? In most situations, the BIOS entry is required to change the default boot disk. This text disassembles a method of booting from a disk or flash drive on several options for computers. On different devices there are the same principle. Moreover, its observance requires only a minimum of logic and attentiveness.

Two methods boot from disk or flash drive

In the first version it is proposed to put in Setup. (It is BIOS) The default device is required. In practice, it will look like this: if any inclusion, the computer will start from the specified equipment. If the device is unavailable or does not suit the download, the system will try to do this from the next list, which can also be designated. If it does not work, the computer will turn to the third device and so on.

The following method is supported by almost all modern laptops or stationary solutions. Enough during the computer start, enable the menu to select the download. Thus, the device is determined from which the system will start only once. This is a more convenient method in a situation if you want to download the system from the flash drive.

When using the first method, to select the download device in the BIOS, go to it and see the existing interface. If you are taking the blue windows, then in front of you - AwardSeriously different AMI, and the graphic of registration indicates UEFI. There are others. To decide, it is enough to simply learn screenshots and compare with your interface.

If you have award

Enter the setup, go to " Advanced Bios Features." Standardly, this item is placed the second-third, starting on top.

Next, maybe several options. In one case, you need to find a clause that is called similar to " BOOT SEQ & FLOPPY SETUP».

In another situation, the required sections can be seen immediately.

Now we will define the necessary items in the menu.

First Boot Device. Means the equipment from which the computer will first start starting.
Second Boot Device. Uses the system in that case, if the first device does not fit for download.
TO Third Boot Device. The computer will switch if with the second in the list of equipment there will also be problems.

Any item from the similar "X Boot Device" corresponds to a hard disk, a flash drive, a CD / DVD disc or a different boot device.

If none of the options approached and the Boot Other Device is ENABLED, the operating system will be searched for other drives.

When choosing opposite any "X Boot Device" Hard Drive, i.e. Hard disk, the Hard Disk Boot Priority item allows you to specify in more detail how specifically the disk is applied. This moment refers to flash drives, since this type of boot device is determined by the computer as a hard disk of an external type.

Consequently, for the start from the DVD disk or the CD is required in the "First Boot Device" item, assign ATAPI CD or "CDROM" and do not choose anything else. However, it takes not only to download from the flash drive not only to click on the "Hard Drive", but also go to the "Hard Disk Boot Priority" section. There, using the "Pageup" and "Pagedown" buttons or "+" and "-", moving the flash drive up to the very beginning of the list.

Taking into account! The flash drive connects to the computer before rebooting or inclusion. Otherwise, it is far from the fact that BIOS will see it.

The name of the flash drive may look different. It usually starts with "USB ...", "Generic USB ...", and sometimes "External Device". The result of all the actions produced must be saved. Just press the key F10"(To clarify, look down the screen on the prompts: there must be the words" Save "and" Exit ") or even return to the main menu and there already choose" Save and Exit Setup" In the "Y" button that appears, I agree with the "YES" and click "ENTER".

A reboot will begin. When starting from the disk, the inscription will appear for a couple of seconds. Press Any Key to Boot from CD or DVD ...».

Literal translation phrase: "Press any key to download CD or DVD ...". This means that you can click any button and the computer starts from the disks. If you do nothing, it will be loaded from the next in the list of equipment.

Download process in AMI BIOS

Such bios have a completely different appearance, compared with the Award option. To begin with, we get to SETUP and looking for the section " Boot»Button to the right. Here are the two necessary items, they are clearly visible in the screenshot.

To load a hard disk or flash drive need a tab Hard Disk Drives.. Choose it and in the line "First Drive" (sometimes called "1st drive") We will put our USB flash drive (USB device). After that, you should return to the previous section. Press the "ESC" button.

Then go to Boot Device Priority. Select 1st Boot Device and again from the list - USB flash drive.

Be careful, the selected devices must match! If a hard disk is assigned in the first step, then you need to install a flash drive in the list, but it.

When you need a download from the CD / DVD disk, select "CDROM" in the same menu (sometimes "ATAPI CD-ROM"). Moreover, in this case, the "Hard Disk Drives" section is no longer needed. Save the settings with the " F10"Or you can simply go to the item" Exit "and click" Exit Saving Changes.».

A request will appear, answer "OK".

On different models of laptops and computers, everything is pretty much like. For example, on the standard laptop from Lenovo, the "BOOT" section includes all the equipment immediately, which is very convenient to users. Confusion is excluded with additional subsections and priority. To exhibit the order of equipment loading, just use the keys " F5 / F6." Therefore, to perform the start from the flash drive, simply promote it to the top.

Some users use detailed decoding.
  • USB HDD means an external hard disk or flash drive.
  • As ATAPI CD is defined by CD or DVD-ROM.
  • HDD (Sometimes ATA HDD) is a hard disk.
  • USB FDD is an external diskette device.
  • USB CD - drive for external disks.
  • PCI LAN denotes the load on the local network.
On models from Lenovo related to the G500 ruler, press the Onekey Recovery button when the laptop is turned off.

Below is clearly visible BIOS EFI (UEFI), which differs not only by the graphical interface, but also the working mouse. If you have a computer with EFI, then when you enter the BIOS, such an image will be met.

At the bottom of the screen hosted the menu Boot Priority.. Here you can directly with the way dragging to make the required loading order. In addition, by pressing the "EXIT / ADVANCED MODE" button, which is in the top of the right, you can go to the extended version. To do this, in the emerging window you need to select Advanced Mode. Then find the "BOOT" section and in the Boot Option Priorities tab on the "Boot Option # 1" field, put the desired boot device: DVD-ROM, USB flash drive, hard disk or other equipment available.

But computer owners Hewlett-Packard. Usually the next picture is waiting for the transition to the bios.

In the "Storage -\u003e Boot Order" menu section, find the required device and press "ENTER". Move it up and when it will be at the beginning, also press "ENTER". To save the settings, select "File -\u003e Save and Exit".

Methods of loading from disk or flash drive without entering bios

It has already been mentioned above that almost any modern laptops and computers are designed for a one-time load from the desired device and no need to contact the BIOS. It follows only when you start your computer to press a specific button. For example, in this bios Award it is proposed to choose " F12."And call the boot menu.

Typically, something like "Press F12 Boot Menu" is written. This means: press "F12" to select boot equipment. We do it and see the image, as in the screenshot below.

The list features found devices. Select the CD / DVD disc, USB flash drive or something else and press "ENTER". However, other options are possible in AMI BIOS.

The inscription "Press F8 for BBS Popup" requires pressing "F8" to appear the menu with the choice. On laptops, you sometimes need the "F12" button. Looks like a boot menu as a screenshot.

It is enough to choose the desired and wait for the boot from the CD or flash drive.

Possible difficulties in case of download from USB devices

Problems sometimes arise and the computer does not load. Let us dwell on common difficulties. To begin with, make sure that the USB controller in the BIOS is not disabled. In Award, this information is checked in the Integrated Peripherals Point or Advanced Chipset Features. You need to see the "USB Controller" function and "USB Controller 2" status of them must be "enabled".

In the case of AMI, you need to find "USB 2.0 Controller" in the Advanced menu. The position should be "enabled". The "USB 2.0 Controller Mode" options, "Hispeed" status is required.

In addition, the reason may be in sockets placed in front of the system unit panel. It is worth trying to connect the flash drive to the rear inputs of the computer.

If your setup reminds this photo, then in the "Startup" section, the UEFI / Legacy Boot parameter changes to the "Legacy Only" position.

In addition, the problem is possible in a disk or flash drive. Wanted exactly loading! You can check it on another computer running.

For fairly old computers at all. If there is no more new version of the bios, the PLOP solution can help. Download the last option, unpack the archive. You will see files from them plpbt.iso is a way for a CD disk, and plpbt.img for a floppy disk.

It is clear that if there is a floppy disk, then the corresponding image is written to it, and the CD-R / RW disk places an image for a disk. Just record the file on the media fail: there are special software for the image. This topic was described in the instructions for installing the OS. Then you start from the CD disk either the floppy disk, select the device in the window. The way helps to boot from flash drives on the most ancient computers.


You have learned a detailed manual for downloading from a disk or flash drives in a wide variety. If this is just once, it is better to use a menu that does not require the transition to the BIOS. With constant loading or if this selection menu is simply no, it's just good to adjust the BIOS. Do not forget everything to return it.

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