
How to install DLL files: a few simple methods. How to install DLL files on Windows? How to insert a dll file

There have already been many articles on the topic of errors related to DLLs. All these errors can be fixed in the only way - by installing this very dll file on the computer. In this article I will write how to do this.

Downloading and Installing DLL Files

When an error occurs, the name of the DLL file that is missing is usually indicated. You need to enter the name of this file in the search engine and download. For example, we need to download the d3dx9_27.dll file. We enter this name in Yandex or Google and download it from some site. The safest and most popular site from which I myself download DLL files is There is a field where you can enter the name of the file.

Now you need to figure out where to throw this dll file. The location of these files is different on different systems, so I'll start with early OSes:

  • Windows 95/98- put the file in the C: \ Windows \ System folder;
  • Windows NT or 2000- put the file in the C: \ WINNT \ System32 folder;
  • Windows XP, 7, 8, 10- put the file in a folder (for 32's bit systems in C: \ Windows \ System32, and for 64th bits in C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64).

Sometimes, when you try to place a file in the desired folder, a message may appear that the file is already there. Then why does the error appear? It is possible that the file is damaged, or it is some kind of virus, so you can replace it with a new file.

As soon as you have thrown all the missing libraries, you need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect, and then start those applications that did not work.

But what if you put all the files you need in a folder, but the program or game still won't start? Then you can try to register the library in the system, now I will show you how to do it.

How to register a DLL in Windows

Registering DLLs in Windows is very simple and fast. You can do this if you have Windows 7, 8 or 10. I also want to note that you must have administrator rights. In this section I will show you 3 ways to register dynamic libraries.

The first way

It is the most popular and used by users.

Open the "Run" window using the keys Win + R and enter the command regsvr32.exe file_name there.

In other words, the command may look like this (I will show it using the d3dx9_27.dll file as an example):

regsvr32.exe d3dx9_27.dll

If the method did not work, then you need to specify the full path to this file, that is, the path to the folder where you placed the DLL. For example, it might look like this:

regsvr32.exe C: /Windows/system32/d3dx9_27.dll

Upon successful registration, you should see a positive response, or an error message that module loaded ... But I will talk about this a little later.

Second way

Here we will use the command line, but you need to open it as an administrator, I hope you know how to do this.

regsvr32.exe path_to_dll_file

That is, we are doing the same thing, only on the command line.

The message that the library is registered or an error should appear again.

The third way

The method is rarely used by anyone, but also working. Take your dll file and right-click on it, in the context menu that appears, select the item "To open with" and go to the folder Windows / System32, and look for the regsvr32.exe program there, through which we will open the library.

Error registering DLL files

When you try to register a DLL, no matter what method, you can get an error that the module of such and such DLL is incompatible with the Windows version, or is loaded. What to do?

Such errors can occur for the following reasons:

  • The library does not need to be registered because it does not support this function, or it is already registered in the system;
  • The file you downloaded is broken or completely unrelated to libraries.

How to solve the problem?

  • Advanced users can use regasm.exe;
  • Try to download the same file on the Internet, only from a different source. Or see what file it is and use the special installers for the DLL files. Some libraries come with some software like DirectX.
  • When downloading an application, the antivirus could delete during the installation process important DLLs that were in the installer, so you need to download the game from another source, or temporarily disable the antivirus and reinstall the application.

At this point, I will finish describing the installation of DLL libraries and henceforth I will try to return to this topic as rarely as possible. If you still have any questions, then I will try to answer them in the comments.

You can often face a situation when a program or game requires the installation of various additional DLL files. This problem can be solved quite easily, it does not require special knowledge or skills.

There are various ways to install the library on the system. There are special programs for performing this operation, and you can also do it manually. Simply put, this article will answer the question - "Where to throw dll files?" after downloading them. Let's consider each option separately.

Method 1: DLL Suite

DLL Suite is a program that can itself find the file you need on the Internet and install it on the system.

To do this, you need to do the following:

Everything, in case of successful download, the program will mark the downloaded file with a green mark.

Method 2: Client Client is very similar to the above program, but with some differences.

To install the library, you need to do the following:

That's it, your DLL is copied to the system.

The program has an additional advanced view - this is a mode in which you can select different versions of the DLL to install. If a game or program requires a specific version of a file, you can find it by including that view in the Client.

If you need to copy a file to a folder other than the default, you click on the button "Choose a version" and you get into the setup options window for an advanced user. Here you do the following:

  1. Specify the path where the installation will be performed.
  2. Press the button Install Now.

The program will copy the file to the specified folder.

Method 3: System Tools

You can install the library manually. To do this, you will need to download the DLL file itself and then simply copy or move it to the folder at:

C: \ Windows \ System32

In conclusion, I must say that in most cases, DLL files are installed along the path:

C: \ Windows \ System32

But if you are dealing with Windows 95/98 / Me operating systems, then the installation path will be as follows:

C: \ Windows \ System

For Windows NT / 2000:

C: \ WINNT \ System32

64-bit systems may require their own installation path.

Very often, for the correct operation of various kinds of software, it is necessary to download additional dynamic DLLs from the Internet, which are not executable components in themselves, but during the operation of applications are loaded into RAM. Their absence can lead to serious errors. This also applies to programs installed by the user himself and to system components. Every more or less literate person should know how to install DLL files. As the most frequently used solutions, three main methods can be proposed, which will be further considered in as much detail as possible.

Where to install DLL files?

Let's start with what the so-called installation process actually is. It includes two main stages: copying the dynamic library to a special location on the system disk and then registering the file so that the operating system can recognize it and perform further operations to load or unload it into RAM after a particular application ends. Please note right away that not all libraries downloaded from the Internet need registration. Sometimes it's enough just to copy them to the right place. But what time? It all depends on the bitness of the installed operating system.

In 32-bit Windows OS, the System32 directory is used for this, and for 64-bit systems - SysWOW64 (both folders are located in the Windows root directory on the C drive). You can find out the bitness of the installed OS quite simply through the properties of the computer.

How to install a DLL file on Windows 7 or any other version using the simplest method?

Now let's go directly to the installation. For its execution in Windows, a special system component regsvr32.exe is provided - a program that installs DLL files by registering them. By the way, it can be used for other types of objects with which there are problems associated with the appearance of system notifications that they are not registered in the system. But how do you install DLL files on Windows? To do this, you can use the well-known Run menu for launching programs. It simply prescribes the registration command with the name of the file with the extension. If this method does not work, and the system issues an error, after specifying the main tool, the full path to the file is entered.

For example, you have the msvcp110.dll library. in the first case, the registration command looks like this: "regsvr32.exe msvcp110.dll", in the second - "regsvr32.exe with: /Windows/System32/msvcp110.dll" for 32-bit systems or "regsvr32.exe with: / Windows / SysWOW64 / msvcp110.dll "for 64-bit systems. (all commands are entered without quotes).

Registering at the command line

Talking about how to install DLL files, another method can be used on Windows systems, which consists in using the same registration component, but launched through the command line. Actually, the result is the same.

The difference, as already clear, is only that the command console is called first (with administrator rights), in which the same combinations are written, but with the full path.

Opening a file through a program

Finally, when looking at how to install DLLs, you can generally go in a roundabout way.

To perform the necessary operation, first, through the PCM, you need to call the context menu, select the "Open with ..." item, and then, through the browse button or search for programs on the computer, enter the System32 directory and specify the regsvr32.exe application.

Note: when using all three proposed options, upon completion of the registration of dynamic libraries, a complete restart of the computer is imperative, since without it the system still does not recognize the registered object after the procedure is completed.

Typical registration errors

So, we figured out how to install DLL files. Now a few words about the most common errors that may appear after executing commands. Most often, such situations are associated with the fact that libraries do not need to be registered or are already registered in the system, or the downloaded files are broken, or they have absolutely nothing to do with dynamic components at all. The latter is associated with the penetration of viruses into the system, which can disguise themselves as system components. Also, original libraries downloaded from dubious sources may already be infected with viruses, as a result of which the antivirus program, when trying to copy them to the hard disk or save them during the download process, may delete them without warning.

A few final words

It remains to provide some good advice on how to conduct registration processes. First of all, pay attention to the bitness of the system. The downloaded file must have the same bitness. Accordingly, place the files in the above locations. Otherwise, registration of the result will not give. If you need to set administrator rights to perform an operation, agree without fail. If there is an update release for the libraries you download, download the most recent and up-to-date version of the file. This will save you from the appearance of all sorts of conflicts between the installed programs and their additionally installed components. Finally, if the files you are looking for were downloaded from a dubious resource, and they are copied to the system partition, for example, from a USB flash drive, first check them for viruses using the standard built-in antivirus commands in the Explorer PCM menu.

It often happens that some program does not want to start, because a specific DLL file is missing on your computer. What to do in this case? You need to download and install this file. There are usually no problems with downloading a DLL file from the Internet, but how do you install it?

The first way is how to install a DLL file:
The easiest way is to simply place the dll file you downloaded in the folder with the program you are trying to run. This method is very simple, but it does not always work.

The second way is how to install the DLL file:
The second way is to place the downloaded dll file in the system folders of your operating system. First, you need to find out what operating system you have. To do this, right-click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop and go to "Properties". There the type of your operating system will be indicated:

If you have a 32-bit operating system, then:
  • Open "My Computer".
  • Go to the Windows folder.
  • Find the "System32" folder there and place the downloaded DLL file into it.
If you have a 64-bit operating system, then:
  • Open "My Computer".
  • Open the system drive (usually drive "C").
  • Go to the Windows folder.
  • Find the "SysWOW64" folder there and place the downloaded DLL file into it.
  • Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
The third way is how to install a DLL file:
The third method is used if you installed the dll file in the second way, but you still get an error. You need to manually tell the system that you have installed the dll file. For this:
  • Go to the start menu.
  • Enter "cmd" in the search bar. And open the found program.
  • In the window that opens, enter " regsvr32 dll_file_name.dll". (for example, like this:" regsvr32 test.dll ")
  • Reboot your computer.

A DLL file is a component of a dynamic link library, whose elements are used by almost all programs. The DLL files are located in the root folder of the system. The components must be all available, digitally signed, function correctly, and be up to date. If one of the requirements is not met, when starting the program, the user will receive an informational notification: DLL error. A malfunction indicates that a DLL file is missing, damaged or outdated.

How to install a DLL file

In order for programs, applications and games to start working again, you must manually install the missing library components. Just placing the files in a folder is not enough - you need to know how to register them.

Placing and registering library files

Before installing the DLL file on Windows 7,8,10, you need to download them, and exactly for the bitness of the system.

Let's determine what bit depth your system has (if you know for sure, you can skip this step)

Step 1... Right-click on "My Computer" and select "Properties"

Step 2. In the window that opens, we can read the properties of the computer, the version of the operating system and its bit depth 32 (x86) or 64 bits. In our case, there is a 64-bit Windows 10 operating system.


Step 3. After downloading the files, you need to place them in the root folder, register

for x32 (x86) systems, the component must be replaced or placed in the C: \ Windows \ System32 folder;

for x64, you must replace or move to the C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 folder;

Step 4. The file must be registered with the system.

This can be done by opening the command line with the combination "Win" + "R", or by pressing "Start" and "Run";

in the window that opens, enter the following separated by a space: regsvr32 file name.dll - where, “regsvr32” is the command for registration, and “file name.dll” is the full name of the inserted component;

or you can register the location of the file manually - regsvr32.exe + path to the file

Step 5. Click "OK" and restart your computer and the new settings will take effect.

I would like to note right away that errors may appear during registration. For example: "Failed to load module". They usually occur for 3 reasons.

  1. The path to the file is not spelled correctly, or the file was not moved to the System32 or SysWOW64 directory
  2. Not all DLL files need to be registered at all, sometimes you just need to copy them to the System32 or SysWOW64 directory or place them in the root of the problematic game or program.
  3. The files have already been registered before

Second registration method

Step 1. You can register the file using the command line, which must be run as administrator.

Step 2. We write the command regsvr32.exe + file path and press "Enter"

Step 3. A message will appear that "Everything went well", and just restart the computer

That's all, the file is registered, you can try to launch your game or program

Here are some tips you might find useful.

  • Place items only in the specified folder (it may be hidden by default). You need to uncheck the "Don't show hidden folders" checkbox in the display settings.
  • If administrator permission is required when replacing a file, confirm the action.
  • Select only the actual files at the time of download and save them to your computer separately. They may still be useful to you. If the problem reoccurs, you will quickly restore the system to operability.

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